The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, June 17, 1936, Image 5

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|A WEDDING RECEPTION and Mr Wickenheiser, all
Veil ancaster | TAXPAYERS CAN CAN UNDERSTAND Weddings In FOR MR. AND MRS. DETWILER | town. Many beautiful gifts were
oF Fl i
received by the couple.
| ———————
| The reception for Mr a Ra
S k M k The fnaza of rine detail ( ) I li ty | The wedding reception for Mr.
foe ar cid ke a ur oca 1 and Mrs. Miles Detwiler was held There is no bel'er way to | | i Ro OR. 7:R:2
which surround the construction of Yi
» ¢

§ JUST how much happiness flowers can
bring to sick and crippled children is dem-
onstrated by Little Jane Withers, a star of
ith Century-Fox's “Little Miss Nobody.”
Here Jane shows how hundreds of t}
ands of shut-ins throughout No
will be made happy by flow
day, June 14, when the lox
[at the home of the bride at Elza- | your business than by local news-

{ mor ster power dams by the use of | | ett Sud
| federal money for the avowed Miss Ruth L . Stehman, East setiitown on Sunday,
: a | Among se present were: Mrs. |
of improving navigation Petersburg and Clarence M. Lan- Rong those prose it were: Mrs,
3 Carrie Detwiler, Miss Martha Anna j
[ Detwiler, Mr. Joe Detwiler, Mt. BR
Joy; Mr. and Mrs, Park Eberly and }

THE BULLETIN and for the control of floods, with dis, Manheim, R. 1, were marrie
paper advertising.

|the generating of electric energy Thursday.

I. —
—— Delivery Association will as a side line, have, for the most . RY |
stage its fourth annual The liberal run of local fed aller coming. to . ESHELMAN—FRY¥ ! children, Mt, Joy; Mr. and Mrs. |
Jap FS Miss Florence Fry daughter of Ammon Hoffer and children, Mt. |
steers here Friday sold at prices
10 to 25 lower than last Monday.
Lightweights and low cost steers
show the least decline, all big
weights regard'.ss of quality, also : all

International Flower
i the average citizen. How these pr. wr a Tho J Eo
Shut-in Day Mrs. Minnie Fry, 440 Manor street, | joy; Mys. Clayton Risser, |
lams are suppost impound wa- :
a d to impou a V4= Columbia, and Robert Eshelman, Newtown; Dorothy, Helen, Bobbie
s the wet seasons ¢ re- :
3 the we ason x) ke son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eshel- | potwiler, A. Joy; Miss Alta Shonk,
during the Vv : : 4%
s during ihe Gry ,,,n this place. were united in a Af tle
: Manheir ps." Charleston,
sounded reasonable en-



. Falls avin dav 2
4 best grades, show the most decline : | marriage Saturday, June 6, atHa- | ppp ‘Mrs. Miles Detweiler, Mr.
4 cuzh, at first glance. | arvian : abo |}
lfor the week. At the reduced val- gerstown, Maryland, in the Presby- |
NN ues, buyers bought the steers and , since a number of en- {erian church parsonage, by Rev.
Sip eers oF sts i 5 Q 8
at the close Friday, yards had a |BPEers Of co side rable St nding W. 8S. Hess.
good clearance. Cows of all grades and prominence in the gi HOSTETTER—WATTS The....
5 3 i Calling | profession, have been explaining
Si # due to light receipts, are selling fat a : coh Miss Helen Hostetter of Blain
iil. LOSE 2 stand. o what they consider as th 1con-
at prices. just about steady com- |™ of od wat endin and Ralph Watts, son of Mr. and | ILDING & LOAN
: : . | sistency 5od control engin- ;
pared with week ago. Bulls in ancy st oom oi Mrs. Charles Watts, of Elizabeth-
. ering vit { ous ower pro-
fair demand; fat grades also bol- |S Ine y : ® i hei town R. D. and grandson of Mr. i A RN
: luction and explaining it in lang-
ognas show no change in values ay 4 i > > and Mrs. Samuel Eshleman, of
runs what is 76 |uage which the layman can un- : : .
wy we Ia 5 for the week. 3 town, were united in marriage by A .
L as a palace © erstand, a tremendous amount of is Is An Economical
. He can make Several cars of stock bulls are |. terest is. bel drred up, TH the Rev. Musser, a former pastor Wav Of
- i interest is being stirred up. ea ay
even the reported for Monday's market. : of Maytown Reformed Church, at =
ble person as God + ho} lit tab result is that the taxpayers are Morice. Somérest coaht © Sat Fi 2
i i oO cnoice uotapie i Aonroe, sSomerse 20 or at- * Y
en doing this 0 o a y 9 | becoming mu and more skeptical . rs Y, on we Mag cing our F ome
for 14 years. He has at from 6.50 to 7.25; fair to good | Jf the actus] merits of the entite urday, June 6th. A
»d 70 pounds since ho SiR id i ! +1} Tes. OF this Associa
at 6:50 and plain to fair | : rs ii . ne Sores of this Associatio
started to make 2,000,000 i 5:09. to 0:50 Dn d | New Deal giant power, navigation BRUBAKER—BERRIER as ear oh 61° or 3
a- : aries 3 annum ang
| people laugh who have fon 3 to om Bop 4 hig and flood contre! program. | Miss Helen R. Berrier, daughter] each bower is a shareholder
| ed his palace. : ther has slowe up the stock s | Statements by engineers, citing of John L. Berrier, of Mount Joy therefore Whe borrower shares
A ng trade, prices for the week arelod | acts ual experiences, are readily un- township, and Titus H. Brubaker, alike in cy respect with the
of | | mon= borrows shareholder.
5 lower mand for feed- | . : . ; 1% mbaker.
to 25 lower. No dema ° | derstood. Such, for instance, as Jr, son of Titus Brubaker,

5 | i i
ers. lone to the effect that the settling Rohrerstown, were married Satur- The incree earnings of these
Calf market in light receipts, | ¢ gilt ‘above the dams not only day morning at 10 o'clock by shares materiffly reduce the rate
of interest pain the loan.
closing prices are steady. Good to |ijrenten to fill the dams up and, Rev. George A. Kercher, of this
choice selling 10:50 to 11:00 with thereby, lessen their efficiency for place. They were attended by Come In X or Rore



selects held higher. ficod protection but, also, will act- Charles Bender and Betty Bru- Informiati
Hog market closing at prices | kill aquatic plant and fish baker. The bride wore powder 10m
S——— showing no change in valdes for |yifa_ turning the streams, as one blue crepe with a corsage of blue The systematic monthly install-
[5 week. Choice trucked ins sel- |. it into biolog- and white violets and Miss Bru- only will mean ertain wi a : 21g
ha RE RT ot rp wv | much more rapid reduction of . LEAF
| baker wore pale pink crepe. They principal. Pay youlf@rent to your- Add this watchful, full-time health of eT 10) your fam-
[ling 10:75 to 11:00; choice westerns |;..] de

11:25 to 11:50. With increasing curiosity on the lare residing at 602 West Orange || self and thereby
i || own home.

for your ily circle—the Automatic Water Heat

Lambs in light run of local | part of the taxpayers aroused by |street, Lancaster.
unfailing supply of hot water will help %





Choice Virginia lambs 11.50-12.00 ent.
Four winners in the we grades; choice of thesesel- | this sort of plain sounding lang- WILCOX—MEYERS
> a ing from 11: 11:30. An vhv en- eth NCL ae . WN v
heauty contest held at ¢! uo 1:000 to % as to why government en The marriage of Miss Gynieth (and all your family) ferm habits of clea
County Striped Bass Receipts: 348 cattle, 21 calves, |gincers are not recognizing such Wilcox, Deshler, Ohio, daughter of Y 0 fe
They are all telling stories to £42 hogs 82 she Sa a he. icon, U0, GANG ° more than any other one thing will keep
5 23, oc sheep. ols eT cation > < 1 1 . 2 i
the four striped | TCE a _ | facts, the indications are that there pr. nd Mrs. R. J. Wilcox to Rev. Fad
weighing 9 and 19 bo CLASSES, GRADES AND RANGE |; develop sufficient insistent pichard Meyers, of this place, was BUILDING & 4 OAN stranger.
won the striped bass pri OF PRICES | demand for same action as to call solommized at the home of
STEERS Vek hy Sade
Choic a halt upon the ¢ xpenditure of ad- parents, Monday evening, "ASSOCIATI N
G > an S50 ditional millions upon projects of June 8 at 6 o'clock. The single ENNSYLVANIA POWER & LIGHT COMPAN
SRST I in $ C 25-8. : ny vahie Tl ir
hi : a min a Medi 7550 [mets pracifent lying ceremony wen used by the] Under supervision of fie and YOUR LOCAL RETAILER
as: g edium & 9 . ate Ba ki o De UES JOURS AVAL AS
Hunt, screen star, sel Cc = pi Rev. and Mrs. Frank Turner. tate Banking Dept. 3
3 S54 on J ) iC . - . DO ..1
I brown felt model with a emma 5 2a to i Miss Geraldine Butler of Beh-
crown and a colorful quill w! HEIFERS f ; : :
is thrust boldly thr Chole 750-8.00 a le gist er - more, Ohio, acted as bridesmaid, 3 a
V side of the turned up br in. Good 6.50 7.00 | vith the brides’ brother, Mr. How- a os
GO 50
: a a Wilcox as best man. |
——— 2 —— | Medium 5.50-6. 00 | If vou want a notice of your sale : 5 fox [
Contin 4.00-5.00 y : ant 1.4 fo lv § A dinner was served to twenty-
—~ © ] T inserted in this register weekly irom, = -
il ’S, N OW BE S he COWS Tor of ale ABSOLUTE. hree guests, after which the cou- |
or Ci 1 now until day of sale. AD ple left for Mt. Joy, Pa where |
Choice 6.25-6.75 | 1,v FREE, send or phone us your |, : a sw ol
oe re is fn they are now visiting the groom’
Il Da The e| 3 Mi lion th Good 3.1 sale date and when you are ready rons 2
2S iy 4 Common and medium 5.2 i wont vour bills, Thats the Doers.
: 8 ord Low cutter and cutter 3.5 + prin) you 2 u can get. Those presen: were: Rev. and]
\ - kL € > . heapest advertising you can get. i = |
iy I © Cl h as 2 cheap Mrs. Frank Turner of Rising Sun; |
C BULLS [ bok Ae {
| Pav and Mrs au a |
k ure : Good and choice 675-750 | Friday, June 19—At their stock Bev. and Mrs. Paul Bauders and |
The 3 Toi TE Lr wv. andi
The 3,000,000th V-8 Ford came Cutter, common & medium 5.50-7.25 | yards, Mt. Joy, 37 head T. B. daughter of Belmore; Rev. and |
(From page 1) 5 the famous final assembly line VEALERS [Tested cows. One registered Hol- Myrl Gephart and Gi of
8) Kaylor, Marian Peifer, Phyllis Pic- @ the Rouge plant of the Ford |Good and choice 1058-1100 milk Sulew UF 92 he 3 iid ll iy
T 1 : M NADI fe Medium 8.50-9.50 Keller and Bro. thing of McComb; Miss Geraldine | ”
2 fer, Nancy Mumper Company this morning un- i k
ye a = Roraing Cull and common 5.50-7.50 Butler of Belmore; Mr. Karl] i CL
Recitation, “A Good Way,” George 1e eyes of Henry Ford : : ns = 0 oe Ir. Mar- A a
et LE y y ae y Ford and FEEDER & STOCKER CATTLE | Saturday, June 20—On tae prem- Schiwek of Decatur, IIL, Mr. Mar Eat i ¥y HU Ail
Weber Ford and a er f British jin Rissinver of Valley View, Pa.; vd YW ~ 8 Gi VE
: | ord ond 4 .groap of Bri Good and choice 7.00-8.00 in the boro of Elizabethtown, Vin hussiny 9) Van : tn J LY TH E F ORD
itation. “The First Children’s = , : is : and the i family e a
itation, “The First Children’s | cement manufacturers headed by |Common and medium 5.00-6.50 | ict of ground with improvements. and the immediate family of th ON EATU RES
Anna Cohen. T Gt Le cr 10 bride : YHE SE F
fj | count Wolmer. HOGS Also a tract of woodland with log . AK
os re 4 3 : X 8 a gr ANS
Monologue, “Grandma Reflects, I rhs which Rk th Good and choice 10.50-11.00 house by the First National Bank n CAFETY GLASS ALY pra
ATER sokele Lhe vic nagks another : i a Tn { JNE 2( : 3
Martha Heckle. / : A Br ¥ | Medium and good 8.00-9.00 and Trust Co. of Elizabethtown. TO WED JUN 0 i ENGINE PERFORMANCE Jno EXTRA CHARGE
. 3 _,, milestone in Ford production was To : : The marriage of Miss Ruth E. v-8 MY FL
E> Jesus Loves Me, diate iy SHEEP Aldinger, auct. See advertise- 5 fo i © WITH ECONO FEEL BODY STE
nediately driven to the Ford S Moser, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. gE 1% WELDED S Fe WELL AS SURF! ACE
Nancy Myers, Bruce Myers, Jean

Henry Moser, of 13 Coral street,


Rotunda after it had been inspecte ; 1
Mumper, 5 4 a hi cted Choice local lambs 11.00-11.50 rie iT 1. BRAKES 8!
Recitation, “Jult Shite” Tovin y he hi and their i Common to me. limbs 750-35) Saturday, June 20—On the prem- Lancaster, and D. Merl Hoffer, fas CA ce RIDING COMFORT
Shalt Pe; ope i rere it will remai isplay : A te : Sot f S lizabe BY, f ENTER-PO! : -
Msote in on ispl WY | Ewes (all weights) 250-350 | ises on Main Street, in the village SOD of Mrs. Elizabeth Hoffer, of we CENTER PO
a few days after which it will - ll sami Antique farnitire by Jno. this place will take place on Sat-
cn. She 3156” Mao | 3 santa i 7 Antgu 1I'MItuUre y J4110. 3
x : reise, The fing, Mae he started overland to Dallas for WOMEN'S CLOTHES Geo. Voile, Aud, urday afternoon, June 20, at 2 o'-
Weidman, Alice hop, Barbara exhibition during the summer in NOT PRETTY : clock. The ceremony will be per-
Bates, Shirley Weber, Phyllis Pie- |{he Ford Exposition building at the Tus ; On the prem- formed by Dr. O. T. Ehrhart, pas-

ae SL pel BEER ae Ask any man what he thinks of |ices, the former F. H. Baker coal to! of Covenant United Brethren
Recitation, “Why I Go To Sunday The 3,000,000th V-8 unit was the | {he clothing women wear today and | yards, Mount Joy, frame sheds, church. The attendants will be
School,” Beity Zeager. one-millionth Ford to be built he will claim “beautiful,” “lovely Ee a Mrs. J. M. Lafferty, of Philadel-
since June 13, 1935, a year less | or something to that effect. Most r. trustee in bank- vhia, sister of the bride-to-be and
in 18 days its production was | women will agree with him and H Baker. Frank, Cloy Hoffer, brother of the bride-
»d by Ford executives as fur- add that they ws more than that— srcom-elect. Following a wedding
{rip they will be at home in Mt.
fer. s Centennial Exposition.
equipment, etc.

Recitatic “The Rainbow’ Ends,”
Richard Mumper.


Children’s Song, “Rainbow Fair-

ies. { ther public je tification of the new [that they are “charming,” “really oo
. 'wrinciples © notor 5 i a - Tov a1
Recitation, “An Early Start,” Pol- Principles of car engineer- | divine,” and so on and so on. But ¢ 27—On the prem- Joy after June 25.
intro 7 = 2 2 5
ly Archer. |ing intrcduced when the V-8 Ford | when we seriously consider wo- township,
vas first presented to the public | men’s clothes are they really beau- Fast Petersburd ANNOUNCE BETROTHAL

citation, “We Do Our Part,”
isa Baker.
Remarks by Pastor.
The offering.
“The Drill of the unbonnet Ba-
The engagement of Miss Mabel
daughter of Mr. and
Mre. Elmer Longenecker, of Rheems
to Kenneth B. Sheaffer, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel E. Sheaffer, El-
ethiown, was announced at a
rly held last Friday, at the Hotel |

four years ago. It added one more | tiful and charming? Of course |and 2 miles south of Manheim, en-
nil ro the more than 24,000,000 they have always been essentially | tire lot of household goods and a
ada: whio - A, 11d sine . : my a
Fords which have been built since | attractive, yet here is what Tobe, | few P. Stetler.
the Ford Motor Company was es- [the international style authority
hh \ 3 5 .
(tablished June 16, 1903. The 25,- | and fashion counselor to many of
{000,000th Ford will be built early {our leading department stores, has



license of Delmar E.












Anthem, “Remember Thy Creat- |, 1937 i it i 3
* Choir HY. 0 say about it: Dressler. 56 West Donegal Street %
or,” Choir. { Dressler, 56 st Donega et, | & RR how vaw slgcsifv'vy i
Pantomime. “In T! Gard = The First V-8 Ford was pro- “Women talk about clothes being | here. has been withdrawn | Brunswick. N° MATTER how you classify your It Yves you more miles per deliar bes
Yan ime, n 1e Yarden, ; , oF rbd THD A Wu» { . J
Mrs. Piefer’s Cl: |duced March 9, 1932. It was the | beautiful and lovely, but a little > expenditures for car up-keep— gives you all-round economy ——
a a | first motor car below the expen- | thought quickiy establishes the fact 7 Sa] MARRIAGE LICENSES ars : EY 2
Benediction, Pastor. jo 2 : 1 ght quickly Lie ae When in need of Printing. (any- | i | it’s your total expenditure that counts. low bi cost, low upkeep cost, low de
A {sive fine-car field to be powered | that women’s clothes are not beau- | thing) kindly remember the Bulletin Richard F. Hollinger, Rohrers- | : a a ;
CRIPPLED CHILDREN CI [with a V-type engine. The 1,000,- | tiful and probably never hove] town and Mary Kreider Newcomer, How much “dollar mileage” is your car preciatigh and long bi i= well as low
Iv . . N 1 a . 3 nn IT i oe . -
AT LANCASTER JULY 15 bs V-8 Ford was built June 19, been. If you look through the ad-| Advertise in The Builetin Mt. Joy. giving you? gasoline @hd oil consumption. All these
34 and driven that afternoon to | vertiscments of a news or | ard Ross Eshleman, Mount | Doll 1 fart) tn the Ford V.3 wre bio iol if ren
a : or | rs oo farther in the For are big leis 1 you ann {0 buy the mast
The Lancaster Cot Cg where it was at once | magazine of five or six years ago | ae | Joy, and Blanche Lillian Erisman, | ars do go iarther in i ord V-o fer a Ry
1e Lancaster County Society for : Lint : 2 i OH HORSE! la | Modern i ed . . :s 3
ren, Inc., will he old a placed on exhibition in the Ford|you laugh and io yourseh: OF horse. vou are a wonders J odern improved carburetion gives you economical
’ 3 3 orse, you are a ondaer- | v I
yuilding at the World's ; re ever ful | J : | eee Eee ha . . : a >
for Crippled Children at the position building at the World's How did we eve : 1] ous thing. No horns to honk, || re SA unusual gasoline mileage with brilliant FORD MBIOR COMPANY
General Hospital, July Fair lookings things” But at that past ; =a 2% : | MAKING PAINT STICK TO { ; i 5 J
a in gat The 2,000,000th V-8 Ford, manu- |time you described those same] bells to ring, no license buy- V-8 performance. Most owners of today’s =
i= 1, d - a C ATS OoC wal “1 3 ~S -
{ : : ing every year with plates to GLASS | F . 3 94 . ¥ £
Th Langs oo last June was driven to [things as beautiful and lovely, and 5 . mE ord chanee oil only every 2000 miles :
1e cr inic will be in charge of : ells in front and rear. No = .
ws he 3 Pes ic an > . the clothir si wa |
. Rugh, assisted by Dr. John San Diego where it was on dis- |latghed instead at the clothing © i] sparks to miss, no gears to grip, Most of us know that it is next to | and add none between changes. @ 4
av all summer at the Ford Ex-|the decade before. Five years i A : | : 3
| play al i t ore : befo A you start yourself. No clutch to impossible to make paint stick to And after the fret few il: 5 :
to be examined or pesition building at the California from now we shall do the same}} ie glass permanently. It chips off soon | And after the first few thousand miles = ! Fi
> se Sh ornation: ays aT} a cloi f todav.” ol D gos 3 Jou = pe : ee 3 ig
operated upon at this Clinic must Pacific International Exposition. concernir 1e clot of today. erv dav to steal the jovs of life || after its application and several | vou begin to undersiand what Ford V-8 UE h
Neri 4 io -| The 3.,000,000th V-8 Ford is a hu na : h ak ¢ 3 0
be registered at the office of the] The 3.000,000th r st “8a acess ei heii ei lags) coats are worse than one. To make | 5 . a a
cgistered at th ! } ; a lt Esa away; your inner tubes are all dollar mileage” really means. A COOD CAR AT PRICE
Visiting Nurse Association, . City door touring sedan, Auished in Mort “an co ra bull 0. K, a and thank the Lord they |! it stick, melt an ounce of clear rosin | w iil 0 he : a
Hall, Penn Square, any time prior the vy armory green and lettered More than 50 cooperative bul and, before it has cooled complete- | _ _ a
: Annies nA y qs ‘ . ye cual d VIN ro , of 7 V8 3 7
to Saturday, July 11th, as no regis- in yellow to set it off from the |asscciations are P, ly, dilute it with enough turpen- § a MON TH, a ru Syl on-payment, buys any model 1936 Ford V-8 cas from oid dealer
trations will be accepted after that {Pundreds of thousands of Ford Taey ide spark plugs never ‘miss of fuss. te to keep it in a liquid state. Al- | 1; our I dealer about the new Universal Credit Compa: i
date V-8's built this year. constructive, pr ; I} Your frame is good for many a || ter mixing the paint to be used,
. MT ree TD eee TOV x oorar a rp By 3a 3 A TF . |
Each person applying for regis- : 4 of { an Tage ant ) ‘}| mile; your body never changes [| POUr it into this solution and there |
dd Ee Se “fore - J o pe ag. (anv- our ounty agen can give = 3a rade 2 = x
tration who hak never before at 3 hen in need o Hime ny ; ot x > y I = give is style. Your wants are fey and | will be no trouble. The work takes | ry 9&3 a) RD A
tended these Clirics must present a j thing) kindly remember the Bulletin taile information on how to or-1 i vo have a lot on the || only a few moments and the re- | 8 op AR By
letter of recommendation from thei Bg sanize and operate such an asso- Gt ell { sulting job will be permanent.—L. !
Patronize Bulletin Advertisers. ciation, : H. Georger, Buffalo, N. Y. i - ELIZABETHTOWN PA
- ? .

family physician.