936 pow wy Ve PN mt oh ve ll emp - ow Sem’ The 16ers, Former Soldiers’ Orphans, Will Hold Their ET ——— es Se Good Mechanics and Modern Machinery at Your Service. (Pgh lug og 44 yw tg 4 IR AAI pg Lp i Ee "The Mount Joy Bulletin Money Spent in News- paper Advertising Is A Good Investment. MOUNT JOY, PENNA., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17th, 1936 $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE VOL. XXXVI NO. 3 Local Cases Heard In the Co. Courts LIGHTNER, ROBERT E'TOWN, ACQUITTED-ELMER McKAIN NOT Guido WILLIAM C. HARRIS, N¥GERO, WAS CON- VICTED The county courts made the fol- lowing disposition of local during the past week's term: cases Driver Convicted William C. etta, Harris, negro, Mari- convicted of drunken driving by a jury which returned a sealed verdict to Judge Schaeffer The talesmen Walter Fry- berger, Marietta was the prosecutor. was Thursday morning. recommended mercy. Elmer McKain Acquitted Elmer McKain, Marietta, charged seriously by Clyde Woodward, Marietta, in behalf of his nine-year- old daughter, Betrie, was found not guilty by a jury before Judge At- lee Thursday afternoon. The jury ordered the defendant and prosecu- tor to divide payment of the costs. Jury Frees Lightner After deliberating for eighteen hours, a jury acquitted Robert E. Lightner, forty-seven, Elizabeth- town R. D. 1, of operating a motor vehicle while under the influence liquor, in a verdict returned before Judge Atlee Thursday morning. The jurors ordered Lightner to pay the costs. Prosecution was preferred by J. Q. Murphy, former state highway patrolman, who said Light- ner was driving his automobile in a zig-zag on the Harris- burg pike, west of Florin, on May 23 23. manner ——— Children’s Day In The E.C. Church A PROGRAM COMPRISING REC- ITATIONS, EXERCISES, MON- OLOGUES, SONGS, DRILLS, ETC. WILL BE RENDERED BY THE SUNDAY SCHOOL An excellent Children’s Day pro- gram has been arranged for rendi- tion in the Evangelical tional Church here Sunday, 21, to which ail are invited. The program follows: Piano Prelude. Song by school, “Let Us Be Joy- fol” Scripture Reading, Velma Horst. Prayer, James Piersol. Congrega- June Recitation, “Welcome,” Doris Jane Kaylor. Recitation, “My Part,” Beverly Ann Myers. Recitation, “Present,” Margaret Kramer. Exercise, “Sharing Children’s Day.” Recitation, “Who Am 1,” Florence (From page 535) — JOHN E. DIRK. MOUNTVILLE HANGED HIMSELF IN SHED A six-hour cearch for John E. Dirk, sixty-six, of Mountville, en- ded at 4 p. m. Thursday when a grcup of neighbors found his life- body hanging from a rafter on the third floor of the tobacco warehouse of Joseph Froelich in Mountville. less vestigation in which he was assis- ville. r— ERI CHARGED WITH SUPPORT Roy Good, of 206 Mt. Joy street, this boro, charged with desertion | and non-support by his wife Elsie, also of town. Arrested by stable George Peffer and committed to jail for court by Alderman Frank B. Bradycamp. ————————— BRIDGE FIRE Lost Wednesda; Pvening, Friend- ship Fire Compak¥, was called to extinguish a fire at the Comfort Ave. bridge. Miss Elizabeth F. Brinton Kirkwood, Pa. LANCASTER CO. LADY WINS A SCHOLARSHIP A Pennsylvania high school girl— Miss Elizabeth F. Brinton of Kirk- wood, has just been announced as district champion of eleven eastern states in the 13th national meat story contest and winner of a uni- versity scholarship by a committee of prominent home economists meeting in Chicago. Landisville Carnival Attractions AMUSEMENT COMPANY WILL OPEN THERE SATURDAY NIGHT JUNE 27—OPPORTUNI- TY CONTEST WHICH WILL BE OPEN TO EVERYBODY First-class entertainment pro- grams will be inaugurated on the Speedway grounds at Landisville starting Saturday, June 27. Some of the best carnival attractions ap- pearing before the public have been engaged. Slim and Hank with their Geor- gia Crackers will be there on Sat- urday night, June 27th. An op- portunity contest open to all yode- lers, musicians and entertainers 18 years of age or over will be staged. The winning contestant will receive a chance at a possible radio job with Slim and Hank. This is a prize worth winning. All contestants must apply at the Speedway not later than 7:30 p.m, June 27th. On Sunday night, June 28 entirely new show will appear at e Speedway. It will include Aunt Kit and her Children’s Party and a number of other sensational an th acts. Meet Princess Speedway both nights. present, Palmetto at the She knows and future. Bulletin for your past, Watch next further details. weeks 3 Successful Fishing Parties At Bowers B. The following were on a fishing party at Bowers Beach, Del, Sat- urday June 13: Roscoe Hassinger, Jay Barnhart, Wm. Way, Jerry Leonard, Samuel Miller, jr., Elam Groff, dward Hoffmaster, Ray Engle, Earl Zink and Calvin Cramer. Con- | Bank and Trust Co. here since They enjoyed a catch of 269 fish, Deputy Coroner Fred [consisting of croakers, a few trout H. Koser, of Landisville, issued a |and one flounder. verdict of suicide following an in- | | experience when his line caught on ted by Dr. J. T. Herr, of Landis- |the rudder of the boat. Ihe had a drum fish because of the ipull on the line, he was quite sur- Roscoe Hassinger had quite an Thinking (Turn to page 6) THE VACATION CLERK M. Russel Hackman, of Lawn, is vacation clerk at the First National last Tuesday. He is a grandson of Director B. S. Stauffer, of Lawn. etl eee HOME FROM FLORIDA { Mr. Frank Young and family, . who have lived in Clearfield, Flor- ida the past two years, returned to Mt. Joy on Monday evening. Sixteeners In Annual Reunion Here MEETING WILL BE HELD AT AMERICAN LEGION HOME SATURDAY, JUNE 20—MEALS IN THE UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH The 49th annual reunion of the graduates of the old Orphan School, located in this boro, will be held here as usual, Saturday, June 20th. The headquarters will be located in the American Legion Hall and the ladies of the United Brethren church will again furnish dinner and sup- per. At the business meeting plans for the 50th anniversary, will be out- lined, which is expected to be a big time for those sixteeners, who have for the past attended these annual reunions. Those of our citizens who can still recall the boys and girls of the old school, can justly feel proud of the wonderful men and women these little orphans have turned out to be. The Sixteeners extend a cordial welcome to our citizens to them and recall some incidents re- lating to their personal connection with them as youngsters. The following is the program for the day: 10 A. M.—Registration. 1 P. M.—Dinner—Chicken Waffles. 2:30—Business Meeting. 6:00—Supper. 7:15—Social and Entertainment. Meals served at U. B. Church. Hostesses — Sadie Wyant and Grace Gearhart. Rheems F. C. To Present Super Show WGAL CHILDREN'S HOUR, LO- LOU-EEN MARIMBA QUAR- visit and TETTE AND JEAN AND JANE | om DEVERS SATURDAY, JUNE 27 | The Rheems Fire Company will open the Summer season of enter- tainment on Saturday, with a super entertainment when the following attractions will be presented: They will feature the super stars of WGAL Children’ Hour. Also Lo-Lou-Een Marimba Quar- tette with singing and dancing as you like it. Jean and Jane Devers will ap- pear in their inimitable human rubber doll act. : There will be refreshments and | : | amusement for all. Parking and children free. General admission | cnly 10 cents. Gate prizes will be awarded and a bicycle will also be given away at this carnival. The entertainment 7 p. m. standard time. reel Qe ABOUT 80 SOLDIERS HERE RECEIVED THEIR BONUS will start at Local World War veterans Mount Joy community re- and ceived their bonus from Uncle | for two months. 1 Sam on Monday. Approximately $40,000 was tributed in this locality. dis- Loren P. Somer, local box man- |r. ufacturer, received the first bonds in town and Roy B. Sheetz, under- taker, the second. Veterans who have been waiting 1918 for their ser- pleased since Nov. 11, compensation were vice that immediate certification began to convert them into cash. Tuesday, all veterans living on rural routes will receive their bonds. With all that cash coming to town business should boom. A AP PROPERTY WITHDRAWN The trustees of Jacob E. Bruba- ker Sr. offered his property on the Marietta pike near the Union School House at public sale Sat- urday. Same was withdrawn at $1800. C. S. Frank was the auc- tioneer. i tant June 27 | day | Donegal Township School Board to { complete the athletic field at May- | : {tewn, 1t The federal government origin- ally allocated $11,062 for building the field and the township con- tributed $2.021. Funds became ex- Fausted before the work was com- | pleted. The new allocation will maka from | | possible the employment of 34 men LOCAL FOLKS ON EXTENSIVE MOTOR TRIP OVER WEEK-END Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sheaffer of town accompanied by Mrs. Sheaffer's brother, Joe Miller of Salunga, West New York, New Jersey. where the East- motored to ern Olympic tryouts for weight lifting" were held and in which Joe Miller placed first in the 181 1b class, making him Eastern Champ- ion. July 4th he appears at Philadel- phia for the finals. Upon placing there, he will go to Germany for the Olympics. Miller lifted 770 pounds in a total of three lifts used. He stands a very gocd chance of placing at Philadelphia and we certainly wish him success. To have a championship brought so close to hoine with a possible Olympic entrant in the offing we should all feel proud that he is from this community. The best of luck Joe. ° A. Sprecher Was Host To Ush. League A HELPFUL ADDRESS BY REV. FRANKLIN P. WATTS, OF LAN- CASTER, AT MEETING HELD HERE LAST THURSDAY EV- ENING | The Ushers League of St. Marks U. B. Church held their monthly meeting last Thursday evening, Ar- thur Sprecher being their host. There was scripture reading by | George Rehrer; prayers by How- | ard Rehrer followed by singing of several selections. The speaker of the evening was the Rev. Franklin P. Watts, pastor of Faith Reformed Lancaster. His question (Turn to page three) BE HAROLD WOLF, OF FLORIN FINED $10 AND COSTS assis- church, Alderman John F. Burkhart, at Lancaster, gave a hearing to Harold Wolf, of Florin. He was charged with trespass by John Easton, a neighbor. Adjudged guilty and fined $10 and costs. Easton alleges that Wolf drove over his land, which was plainly marked against trespassing, and knocked down a post. He further alleges that when he went to fix the the following day Wolf drove his car over the hole and left it there. Wolf anounced that he would take an appeal to the decision of the alderman. $1418.00 APPROVED TO COMPLETE ATHLETIC FIELD post govern ment Thurs- $4,418 to East federal allocated The the was announced by WPA headquarters. HELD A BIRTHDAY PARTY Saturday evening at the home of and Mis. M. Metzler on East Main St. a birthday party Mr. Martin held in celebration of birthday. was Metzler's Those attending were: Miss Na- omi Brown ot Florin; Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Bishop and Martin J. Metzler. —————— SILK PLANT SOLD The 3-story brick building of the Duplan Silk Co., at Marietta, was sold at public sale Thursday ternoon to M. Levy & Son, agents af- of the General Cigar Co. of Philadelphia, for $10,000. —_—————————— KILLED BY AUTO Jcseph McMullen, 68, of Colum- bia, was killed by an auto on the Washington boro—Columbia pike early this morning. The car driven by Lloyd Herr. was | | this Our School Board Fills The Vacancy PAUL L. STONER ELECTED A DIRECTOR TO FILL THE VA- CANCY CAUSED BY LLOYD KLINE MOVING TO LANCAS- TER—SCHOOL SUPPLIES PUR- CHASED Joy Boro adjourned School session The Mount Board met in Monday evening with all members present, the chairman Clyde Ger- kerich presiding. The Board proceeded to fill the vacancy caused thru the removal of Mr. Lloyd Kline from the borough Mr. Paul L. Stoner unani- mously elected. President Ger- berich then administered the oath and Mr. Stoner then took school director. was cf office his seat Bids for supplies united and a number were received. They were opened and after care- ful consideration the Board award- ed the entire contract to L. B. Herr and Son, of Lancaster. The price was $1,133.00. This concluded the business and the Board adjourned. rr A AE LOCAL FOLKS INVITED Miss Alice Longenecker brother, Oliver Longenecker, Jr. of as a school were and place, received invitations to attend a Bowery Party at Oregon Manor, on Tuesday, June 23rd, in honor of a recent bride and sev- eral bride which will given by the Misses Mary Luetta and Frances Eshleman, of Lancas- elects, be fer. News of The Day From The Dailies BUSY FOLKS CAN KEEP POST- ED BY GLANCING AT THIS COLUMN OF CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS Mrs. Sarah Detwiler, 32, of High- spire, was arrested for distributing punch boards. Governor Earle was slightly in- jured yesterday while landing in his ’giro at Middletown. The auto of Horace Beck, Mount Hope, was destroyed by fire while being driven on the highway. The liquor stores slightly re- duced their prices and the state tax on ten percent tax at the same time. Rev. J. Lewis Fluck, 71, of Leb- enon, and Lottie S. Horst, 71, of Myerstown, have applied for a license to wed. Caterpillars are so numerous at that {rains were halted. were that the 0 many crushed Surkury c rails were too clhippery. A. McSparran, of Agriculture, John fcrmer Secretary of suffered a fractured knee when his auto struck a pole at Engleside. Ralph Souders, 33, Millersville, was electrocuted when he tried to fence thru which high flowing. formerly of climb a voltage current was Council Awards Insurance To Mr. O.K. Snyder Mount Joy Boro council held a special meeting Monday evening for the purpose of letting the insurance on horo property. The committee in ommended that insurance be taken as recommended by Mr. O. K. Sr his recent survey ordered for a charge rec- nyder and year period. Councilman Krall inquired asto what became of our WPA request as per same was five and intimated that some one was playing “politics.” Chairman Mil- ler replied that there was no re- cponse by those in charge. Monday was the last day to file requests for grants Presbyterian Church, Donegal Springs The Scene of the 28th Annual Reunion, Thursday, June 18 'The Affairs In General INTERESTING H A P P ENINGS | FROM ALL OVER THE COUN- TRY FOR THE BENEFIT OF THOSE WHO HAVE LITTLE TIME TO READ In a recent drive Elizabethtown raised $500 for its library. Ephrata increased its school tax four mills, jumping the rate from 12 to 16 mills Four people were hurt when two autos collided head-on on the Co- lumbia bridge. Furniss, | While hunting ground hogs in York co, Alex Stone, Columbia, shot six weasles. | Mrs. Anna Greenawalt, 51, of R. | 1, Manheim, an auto The annual Manheim Stiegel heirs were present. Earl Carver, Jr., Marietta, was arrested failure to li- Roses at Six Feast of was held Sunday. for have a cense while operating a car. Paris B. Stauffer, was held shot by a robber at his home, The tion at Paradise was held up and robbed of $16 at 3 a. m. Thursday. Three carpenters were hurt near near and Rev. Downingtown, up attendant at a service sta- Ephrata when scaffold which they were working collapsed. Paul Nissley, 12, Mr upon son of and Mrs. Landis Nissley of White Oak, had his leg crushed by a land roller. Four colored men got into a scrap at Lancaster and were required to close one man's wounds. Up to this time were 16 deaths by Co. We're 3 thus far. Benjamin F. Kauffm trucker, was fined $100 there year in Lancas- getting better—only ter and ordered to quit hauling until sion is approved Frank Engle, of Ephrata, was sued by the U S. Government misprison of felony—their saying failure to report a still on his premises. AP BANQUET TOMORROW NIGHT The Mount Joy Alumni tion will hold the banquet, Thurs- tbe High ass ycia- day evening, June 18th, in School Auditorium. A fine program ed and several class- has been arrang versaries es will celebrate their & so all members are there rr I Un REDUCE SCHOOL TAX At the regular meeting of school board of West He township Ephraim G. Bard, s reelected treasurer. The board de- cided to reduce the school tax one mill. A GETS HIGHWAY JOB Howard Zeamer, Kinderhook, has been named inspector in the Highway Department in Lancaster county at $1620 a year. He been working as a general foreman in WPA work. an had Briefly Told 30 stitches | I MASTERSONVILLE CLUB ADMITS FOUR MEMBERS “Preparing a Breakfast,” was the cutstanding feature at the Master- onville 4-H Food and Health Club on Wednesday at the home of Miss Theora Ginder. During the Miss Anne Forbes gave a talk on “Lea- | Week Club Week” which will be observed during the 10. business period dership and week of August The following new members were the club: Misses Thed Blanche Brubaker, added to Ruhl, K. The Reunion At Donegal Tomorrow ; ssn | TWO COLLEGE PRESIDENTS BE GUESTS AT THE CONCLAVE WILL TWENTY -EIGHTH TO BE HELD AT DONEGAL SPRINGS The 28th annual reunion of the “| Donegal Society will take place at Shelly, Bellemar Spangler, Anna Donegal Springs at the Presby- Mae and Ruth Miller. terian Church, tomorrow, Thursday Other members present were: |; ,,q 18, with Dr. John A. Schae- Misses Anne Forbes, Anna Risser, |g, president of Franklin and Ruth Brubaker, Deborah Singer, Marshall College, presiding. Norma Heflly, Ruth Roreman, Mary | Shaeffer, Theora Cordelia Singer, Martha Arlene Shelly and Arlene Shenk. re A A AU Ginder, Haldeman, “hester. The morning séssion to open at 11 o'clock will be addressed by the Rev. Harry E. Ulrich, pastor of the First C { Church, West invocation will be Rev. Dr. Harry B. Presbyterian The the was slightly hurt in A t bil given by accident. i u como 1 (Turn to page 3) tt AT A erm. A CC 1 d en t S THESE ARE THE NEW HOURS For a Week AT THE POSTOFFICE HERE According to orders from the Post 8) Office Department at Washington, James Knopp, 41, of Wyncote, | Postmaster Charles Bennett an- Pa. was injured Friday afternoon nounces the following hours for our near Elizabethtown, when his car local post office. ran off the highway and struck Week days the lobby will open pole. 6:30 a. m. to 6:45 p. m. hours from 7:30 a. m. TWO CARS COLLIDED AT THE EBERLE CEMETERY On Mond wl driving t El Ce ter I Mr Isaac G of tc | collided rith ed v | Fercy R. B r i Col I The | Cars MAYTOWN DEGRII A NATIVE OF GETS HONORARY i NOW SELLING INSURANCE the san as dur the lobby will be open ing the week. hours in- , stamp, regis- ! post are from 7:30 window and received i re Happenings cri I) the Town Of Florin spent Monday » Snyder Saturday in E: Sunday and family the Hilt property. \ Mrs. Joe stetter at- Conference at Hershey. celebrated her rthday on Sunday, June and Mrs. Lan- irsday at nd Mrs. N. E. Hershey Sunday at Hershey and Mid- Levi Musser re- the Brethren in irn to page 6) reat emer KELLER & BROS. SALE On Friday afternoon, June 19th, [at 1:25 o'clock, J. B: Keller and Mr. Herbert Tw: of this |Bro., will have public sale of 37 lace, le n the Lan- | head of T. B. tested cows. One ster h accepted a {registered Holstein with an 80 position with the Prudential Life | pound milk record. Don’t forget Insurance Company } the date.