The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, May 13, 1936, Image 6

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anna, ee E

Local Real Estate |
Picked Fr om Deeds Are Recorded E actory an
Card Basket . . oo ones 4 Dwellings
to Llovd G. Weidman, farm in Mt.
Crm res Fev for $100 Ar e Burned
Saturday at Philadelphia Joseph G. Heisey and wife to ROLL BUTTER 1 |
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ebersole, | Jacob S. Rutt, tract in West Don- | (From page 1) Rh! b. C
$35 (Deed
Trimmer’ s 5& 10c to $1.00 Store |

Marietta and New Haven treets, | egal township, for { ted |
” vond repair by the blaze included |
spent Sunday with Mm and Mrs. | made Jan. 17, 1874 ye d pa
— —
! Sunda) a double dwelling, owned and oc- |
Christian Zook near Salunga. John L. Rutt and wife to Will- dpe ling o |
phat St ss we S| CREA
Mr. anc talph Kretzing and | jam H. Brehm, tract in West Don- : : Leib. the | 4 Ib. Cc
| |
hil n. South Bari . [ sister, Miss Emma and
children, South Barbara street, visit- | egal township, for $6,500 : Tot The |
: family of Raymond Weicksel. The
ed with M: Kretzing's mother 1
’ Jacob G. Habecker and wife to [house was located on Charlotte st.
Mrs. Hall in Perry County on Sun- : ny ‘
dav : : 0 Martin N. Swarr, lot in Landis- just north of the factory. | IC CR M asst.
To ville, for $4,500 : E ; a |
: Another double house, across thc iH flavors qu rt C


Mrs. Robert R. Lauer, Mrs. Lou Daniel M. Heiser nd: wile to R :
Snyder and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald EV Tat ey ws : \ |gtreet from the factory which was —
Fesmyer and daughter Meddow. all Leroy Garman, lot in East Hemp- | occupied by William Hammer and | |
of visited in town = field towr ship, for $50. his family and Mrs. Timothy Smith []]| LEBANO BOLOGNA 1
Thursday. H. N. Nissly, trustee in bank- |,nd her daughter Mrs. Fink, was |} b. Cc
M?. Paul Stoner and. family at- ruptcy of Philip H. ‘Ruhl to Union |,155 completely damaged. 1 - men i
tended the coronation of the May National Mount Joy. Bank, prop- Other homes damaged by ne T. N
queen at the May fete held at Mil- arty in Mount Joy township, for flames were those of Mrs. Charles | S AP cakes 1 0
lersville State Teachers’ College $2,500. : |Knier and family, Emmanuel Ne w- |] LAUNDRY TI
Anna M. Heisey and husband to | comer and family, Harry Miller | Hore
in f
Saturday evening.
Mummau, Lancaster, and Mrs. Al- | Numerous other homes in
bert Mummau of town spent Sun- : : vicinity were slightly damaged
erty in Mount Joy township, for i
5 SEA | when sparks, carried around the
Es 8. Reed to Mae C. Pye | neighborhood by a northeast wind, | Pretzel Sticks
’ [ ignited roofs.
: Tat § ago. ; / the
Ib. 1 &he Many. LIT customers havesaid thatto / he
us. It makes us want to ay this to you:
Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Myers, Harry G. and Ruth Hn Heisey, and family and Monroe Miller and | og i x . -
Newtown; Mr. and Mrs. Howard | FTCPEIYY 1 Rheems, for $3,200. family. | F kh 4 X sk i’ “If I'had known what a pL CLL Mou
ed ooo | 3-4 og ¢ LR ORL at 1

day in Perry County.
and Mrs. Leroy Bates and
and Mr. and Mrs. Cobaugh
wo ante 1 1 1 Io
and family, of Elizabethtown, spent two tracts in Mount Joy and West : a :
Donegal: townships, for $3125. The fire had gotten a good head-
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Martin = Fic tis Shelly’ discov { ;
Corbet SA C. P. administrator to | Woy, when Claude Shelly discov. |1f +Before you buy any car at any price,
zerber on New Haven street. A in IZ. and Elizabeth B. Heis- | ered the flames. He summoned |}! ES 1b. c | : find 5 Ei 4 No.
| fin CLE Ford V-8 for 1936: E FORDOR SEDAN’ OR


Mrs. Oliver Greenawalt and tonhetim: y i rn cal
daughters Ida and Virginia, Mariet- tand, tract of land in Mount Joy [hes im oe me tr cal |
rgmia, varie le {ed 1 it Joy, Eas stersburg ar x { ; i
ta Street and Mrs. C. N. Nissly, township, for $430. : 2 oun gos : ; Ze sien Sie it oriti Ae : f. 0. b. Detroit. Fo
BBs Sst visited Mv. Cio. C. P. Fshelman’s administrator to | Lititz for aid, = on e pec to |}| i hed 1 ically. rive it. orget tandard accessory play
ence Greenawalt at Chester on Sun- Paul P. and Susan W. Heisey, Bi» fhe Nee Sherhood. 5 A Excell Soda Crackers bs | | 0-H [0F-1 the sameyardstick in judg- day
day tract in Mount Joy township, Lan- | early reports, it was apparent that | ’ i 8 TRY tire, extra.)
M 1 Mrs. H Nissl aster county, and South London- | living in the four homes |} ing the Ford VA: that the HL Motor 3 Wgughout at no SINC
Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Nissly of De- toUhl), « = ONG One hist were w parka 15 nd hs i’ SERRE KORE Soa EB def
troit, Michigan, spent several days derry township, Lebanon county, which were later partially destroy il 2 ; tall { Company uses in 81080: 88 Ve it — the Te defe:
Ah po yspent 5 or 2005 | ed, were .able to save only a few Gibb S or eans for C | A) q a HE Tie A eel low as $25 month New eco- 2-6
z Lois ca si friends Ww ie Th a | pieces of their clothing and house- | | can Ne tl CECE fine-car EEL BLE A Lo
here they called on Mr. and Mrs. furnishings | y Fae 4 ;
Howard Longenecker, East Main MOTHERS’ DAY PROGRAM La, fale | | NEE ; 3 : 5
Street, Mrs. C. O. Brandt, South RENDERED AT OHQUES | 2 a 4d et | FIG BA | yy
Market Street and Dr. and Mrs. O. Susie homes 8 tie See ts ‘1 Ibs 9 h
G. Longenecker, Marietta street. A Mothers’ Day program was | the fire. | d R AR AGE ’
. 8 bo . 4 Sli : | mm 3 1
Mr. Nissly is affiliated with the presented at the Chicques church ee re : 2
Chrysler Motor Corporaticn in De- of the Bretiwen on Sunday ever-,| NEARLY RIGHT ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. ; :
ing. | A lad was trying to explain the

The program included Scripture | meaning of “Loss. ” He said: “Loss |
| reading, Mrs. John Shank; prayer, | is what you have when you don’t






Our Hea rliest Rev. S. S. Eeselman: selection, Mrs. | have as much as if you had just | Mrs. Raymond Swartz, of
" {Ralph Gibkle, Mrs. Samuel Eshle- | nothing.” Wrightsville, was about to remove
. Iman, Mrs. Abner Hollinger, Mrs. | 0 | what she believed was her hus- I !
n I { Harry Saylor, Ralph Gibble, Sam-! A STRAWBERRY FESTIVAI | band’s tobacco nouch from the top THE
uel Ginder, John S. Shenk, Her-| The Ladies’ Guild of St. Luke's of a refrigerator in her kitchen | ER
We want to congratulate each man Kreiner; reading, Mrs. Samuel | | Episcopal Church will hold a { when to her surprise she discovered { AT
of the following for having reached Sind “Bitte Examples,” Mrs. | strawberry festival on the Church it to be a snake coiled in such a roy BI(
another birthday: arl Eshleman; poem, Grace Hack- lawn Saturday, May 23rd. | me inner as to resemble the pouch. | ;
cid man; talk, Rev. B. G. Stauffer. | Ty Yr | ’ Th
May 10 | The program was followed with| When in need of Printing. (any- | Stimulate your business by adver- | Daug
Twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. the regular church service. } thing) kindly remember the Bulletin ! tising in the Bulletin. was
Corian Heri. 1c od reer ‘NEATLY LAUNDERED AND PRESSED | na
May 13 a _- 5 | : of th
Mrs. Samuel Ober, West Main Re hund
street. ; tende
May 15 i & The
Bishop C. N. Hostetter. 1 - Miss
Brosey, of near ys f [EasthMain Street Mount Joy § Sine
Church. iy { Miss
May 16 | | | | Miss
Mrs. Eli Hostetter, on North Bar- | | invee
bara street. 5%c¢. h Saturday Last Day | $3.95 colo,
May 17 | { 3 ke : on pi
Catherine E. Barrich, on Colum- | a | Summer SE Se ; po kr : Howa
Bayon | \ SPRING oN is
rs si ver-alls = Overalls
Morris Gretzing, South Barbara Slips I Silk er a Ss era %
street. a o JY FOR MEN hall sizes Smashing Low Prices PIGS
Robert Frey, Delta street. | A E A R A N C E resses OVERALLS Whi
Miss Jeanne Schock, Frank street. | ~~ v te
Mrs. Chas. Zeller. | Tea Rose A | now Blue or St bie + es COVER-ALLS | Al
Wi White Flesh new
Winfield Espenshade, East Main ES > 88 4 hal
street. 4 > 9 pigs 1
bert Peifer, Mt. Joy street. |
BR er op | Act now while vou have 3 days to share bers
May 20 |: : Prints and
: NN Dasha: lin these M: bar- Mr.
Mrs. Clinton Eby, Sr. N. Barbara { : 2 ' gs. Many more bar i
3 | gains added. pen for Friday evening. Pastel Shades ll J ff q t of hi
: : 2 oe : 0
Cyrus Leiby. | = all sizes 1 y ul S memb
May 21 { v i
{ . . 4 i ~lude:
June. Peifer, on Mount Joy street. | 100 Pair Silk’ $F NEW Fo Ul Se I'S © @ a
Mrs. Lloyd Kline, W. Donegal St. | Chiff ; For Kiddies Nis
Mrs. Isaac Morris, Jacob street. iron 3 Summer Regular $1.65 79¢ VA L UES Pe John
| H and $1.95 $ Grace
Sale Register SANDALS | ||| vatues now ... OC Nowomy ..... PPC ci
= - | =
{ «oe = L ’ }
If you want a it of your sale 5 1 00 Delicious Fresh ros ed | Just say fot yellow Mosemann’s Ne
| All newest sum- . Brubaker | bags dnd g best P & a n 1 t B uu t t ©
inserted in this register weekly from
now until day of sale. ABSOLUTE-
LY FREE, send or phone us your
| mer shades and
| sizes.
White, Blue : F X B A R S | Special | arin of cof Vou 15¢ ib. jar Al
o § .. Abr
Maize Coffee |
every lasted% ing in

sale date and when you are ready A \
: Anklets 15¢ 5 |
let us print your bills. That's the : ; A a i 9 : 1
cheapest advertising you can get. A riot of colors. : Red and White Ibs. 23c o 5. or i Ax ER [| Rh Eira 1a Sh po vol
rge urfine the U
ts [only 2610.4 8
Every Wednesday evening — At MM ii Pit . af a | = 8
their place of business near town, oO y 1 [ SLACKS id ney B e a ns pis,
The c:
baby chix, fruit, merchandise, etc. iL ;
er. voi | We Haven't | Summer Dresses and ety BUSAKER'S 23: 16. | Ngee 10c in
auct. . in kL.
Forgotten the 88 1 Trousers CALIFORNIA PEACHES Beech-Nut
Sen Sr ge e BRUBAKER'S 1 @ 1s. || Ch 3
: ) Men HOMESTEAD 19c!b- se Wafers dors
Jarge lot of household goods by PRINTS, VOILES, SHEERS 1 8 2 large cans 29c ,
. ® Every Pound Tastes Betler Extra ClBisp 15¢ Box —
Mrs. F. H. Baker, Vogle, auct. All sizes to 46
Q M. T. C. S 4 Kool Klever hite 5 Oo N N Y B Oo Y B R E A D Large Fluffy White 5c
The Misses Pauline and Elizabeth 9"7 c Summer Dresses OXFORDS LAR GE E JAR 5 HURF Fl FIN E P RESERVES \ 190¢

Heilig and Miss Mildred Zink, of


town, attended the Primary Club .
Banquet held Tuesday evening in 1 JOLID
the Main Dining Room. at Millers- | % LE T ER : : | go
ville State Teachers’ College. Striped, Figured of D. B. BRUB A ’ : in M

Children His ing | and Blister Sheer, Voiles, Dimities, Prints 5
wo fires in the cou iday, and plai of-10
at Terre Hill, the other at New- | Solid Colors plain shades. All Sizes 10.52. all styles MOUNT JOY, PENNA. gret
ville. Estimated loss $9,000. |