1936 Moyer, Manheim, Pa. LAE a WEDNESDAY, MAY 6th, 1936 THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO. PA. . ° 66 . ’ . "I MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER Egg and Olive Sandwiches | tices of bread. R H EMS Religious Safety First Goodrich R a Pp h oO T aX FOR MRS. SPONSLER| Chop hard boiled eggs and Tw -— La stuffed olives, allowing six olives | You can get all the news of this Tradition For Years Hill A miscellaneous shower was giv one of . Church of the Brethren will hold N 1 h S 3 ] | i i ali 35 tha their semi-annual Lovefeast at the EWS mn 1S S 1 xX M 1 1 | S 3len in honor. of Mrs. Earl Sponsler to one Mix with salad dress- | locality for less than three cents a Green Tree chure / of» Manheim, at the home’ of Mr ing and spread between buttered | week through The Bulletin. reen Tree church on Wednesday . According to verified records The vv | iN MN, ry and Thursday, May 13 and 14th. y B. F. Goodrich Company of Akron, New ! eachers and’ W. Rice on Marietta | = Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Reinhold. Ohio, started. Americd's original street Saturday evening, Mrs. 3 f " 8 sler efore 3 rece ar Mrs. A. S. Lenhard, Mrs. Annie |Npws PERTAINING TO ALL THE | “Safety First” campaign in 1913 Tei Eponsler her recent mar. a eo eo Enterli Mrs. El : ge TW A hile the. : la: vie tn das (From page one) riage was Miss Anna Rice of this p ne, Mrs. Elmer Hoover, and CHURCHES IN MT. JOY AND |While the automobile was in its 3 ’ Miss Vernice Kaylor attended the THE ENTIRE SURROUNDING jinfancy, according to Mr, H. E. ion, at his home near Union Square. place. The bride received a large District Meeting of the Church of COMMUNITY Garber, Goodrich tire dealer at Mt. | The tax rate is same as last year, 6 nuntber of useful gifts. Refresh- : ) ABR Rp the Brethren on Thursday at Eph- Joy and Elizabethtown. mills and $2.00 per capita. ments were served to the follow- o rata. First Presbyterian Church This pioneer safety movement | Two bids for coal were received ng: Jens Sa Franses il ase 5 Gallons of Sin- . . THY x man 3 are Vs > © rs viae Miss Anna Wolgemuth entertain-| Rev. C. B. Segelken, D. D., Pastor called for the erection of signs a- from Mount Joy and Lititz dealers. iy 2 7 1 jie V ig 2 B ed at dinner on Sunday Rev. and| Church School 9:30. F. B. Walter, |long the nation’s highways to warn [The contract was. not awarded, | Pe: To gh iy asoline and uy Mrs. S. S. Shearer, Mr. and Mus. superintendent. motorists of dangerous curves, in- | pending investigation. Bore iv: ow % wri Poin, . arosh, Je: del, Harry Rohrer, son Harry, Jr. and| Morning Worship 10:30. tersectionz, and other death traps. The schools were assigned and v na “ a ee : : : oung, othy Imaster, Jane daughter Maybell and Mrs. Annie| Evening Worship 7:30. Many of these signs are still in |the following changes made: si ME Tam oe Ruhl the ir ; Rice, Margaret Mateer Mary Rice, uhl, Annual meeting of the adies’ | service. Miss Dorothy Bucher resigned re-| pails Breneman, Fannie Mateer Mr. and Mrs. Walter Keener and | Mite Society Friday evening, May | Other Goodrich contributions, | cently. Her vacancy was filled by Mrs. John Grosh.. Mrs Howard : 3 : NN Mr. and Mrs. Amos Eby motored to 8th at 7:30 at the home of Mrs. E. {which for 22 years have kept pace | Miss Ruth Longenecker, of Man- Sponsler, Lee Garber, James, Wil- A high grade oil » le Ni the Harrisonburg, Va., over the week- end tomobile industry are the Goodrich | Becker; Sporting Hill Prim., Mild- |, 1 : ~ . : . : 5 Summy, Draper Buch, Charles ; ’S aijor oil com- Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Swarr and Donegal Presbyterian Church Safety Tread, the first non-skid |red Longenecker; Mastersonville Miller Valter Schroll, Howard world's may ww ev. C. B. S , D. D,, Pastor tire: : rich: Balloon Tire wi «Mary te: Ling 2 ig ) Hi : iG «nies. This oil is daughter Betty of Mount Joy and Revi: fegolken D. Ca tire; the Goodrich Balloon Tire with | Sec., Mary Dourte; Lincoln Prim. | Edmonds, Charles Shank, Melvin penies. This oil is noted Masse Mes Moss Eshleman, of su WA : he i ain frend designed to make | Dorothy Seids ry and Ce Emerson Young, Mr, and Mrs. James Kee- for its low carbon content. called on Mr. and Mrs. |" a Sie A Meeting 10:30. A motoring more comfortable, econ Rohrer; Chiques, : Simon Lends; ner, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sponsler, For those who desire econ. Phiires Brandt last Sunday after- g Peoples g lui . omical and safer; the Goodrich Sunnyside, Mary Straley, Hossler’s {pyr and Mrs. H. G. Walters, Mr. Woon. M. Safety Silvertown with the Life- | Suie Snyder; Back Run, Ethel Mus- and Mrs. Leslie Rice and family; omy we recommend this Quartin your Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Heisey Reformed Me ite Church Saver Solder Ply, the first tre Sen Fin Tree, Cathy Mr. and Mrs. John Rice and fam- fine oil. tainer, plus lc tA teformed Mennonite ure cpecifically designed to combat the | Miriam Nissley; Garfield, Mrs. War-, 1. Wr = Nire CGoores Ring E. 50 only spent Saturday afternoon in Lan- isvill : ily; Mr. and Mrs. George Rice and y. der Landisville danger of high speed blow-outs. ren Heisey; Pleasant Place, Emily | family: Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth 7 : 4 Bios. Earl Wid od Christian S. Nolt, Pastor In addition to these revolutionary | Jane Kraybill; Midway, Jerome Neidig and son, Mr. Eugene Rice r. an rs. Ear ittle visite There will be Communion ser-|product developments Goodrich | Brubaker; Union Square, Arthur and “som: Mr and Mee Georoc with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Caslow of Mount Joy on Sunday evening. The Elmer Ebersole near this place are with the mumps. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mummau, of Hershey spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Gibble of this place. Mr. Abram Bernhard of near this place and Miss Pauline Hoffer of Elizabethtown, were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hoffer on Sunday evening. CLASSIFIED WANTED—To buy cheap. A girl's used bicycle. Must have good tires. Phone 41-J or leave address at the family of quarantined Bulletin. may-6-1t WANTED—Roomers. Apply 205 Mrs. Clara Geist- weit. Phone ay-6-2t FOR SALE—House of six large agus, bath room, summer kitchen, onveniences, up-to-date d 3% acres. Beauti- t improve- mo poultry ful home, wi ments. Apply Jacob ton Grove. VOTE OF THANKS—We wish thank our friends and neighbors who so Kindly assisted us during our late bereavement. Mr. and| Rev. O. L. Mease, S. T. D.; D. DB. |the term: Joyce Elaine Mrs. Daniel M. Moore, Newtown. Pastor Pauline Crow], Lois Erb, Roy For- may-6-1t-p Sunday School at 9:00 ney, Rhoda Hess, Louise Heisey, all conven- Morning Worship at 10:15 Paul Weiser and Wilbur Wolge- jen ee ; Main Street.| Evening Worship at 7:30 muth. These pupils have received I Last Mount Joy, The two young men that took Kenneth Leib’s wallet and wrist watch on Saturday night are known. If they don’t return them. They will be prosecuted. may-6-1t-p LOST—A Black Police Dog, about half grown. License No. 11522. Call E. V. Shelly, rear Mt. Joy Hall, Mt. Joy. Reward. may-6-1t-p SALE—Seed Corn Sure Cro} md Long's Champion va- rieties, carefilgg. selected and grad- ed $2.25 per Potatoes, good and drew Zercher. Phone 916 Joy. ~~ TAKE NOTICE x Rapho Township School ond has arranged a proposed budget for the coming school yo, and set the date for its ay 15, 1936, in the ene desiring to see pe by calling at the home of the se Onaga Thu ————————————————— for cooking and Apply 105 W. Main Street. apr.29- FOR SALE—One Period Walnut Dining Room Table. Purchas- ed new. Used very little. Call 86M Elizabethtown. mar.4-tf-pd CE—I wish to announce that I wil 4 homemade cand- jes at my home Haven Street. Mrs. G. A. Heckm Betty Grosh). ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate of John E. Garber, late of | Mount Joy Borough, deceased. dec. Letters of sgministration Siu fend Manheim firemen said a defec- i e be, : ste a indebted | tive chimney started the blaze, which was confined to the west thereto are requested to make im- mediate payment. and those having claims or demands against the same. |i, cisterns on the farm was used will present them without delay for settlement to the undersigned, re- idi at Maytown, Pa. siding at Nave RIS N. GARBER, Administrator | by insurance. fsaac R. Herr, Atty. april-1-6t | EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Estate of Abram M. Kolp, late of i East Hempfield Township, deceased. | Letters testamentary on said es- oo 0 oth of Mount {ate having been granted to the un- dersigned, all persons indebted | thereto are requested to make im- | mediate payment. and those having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement to the undersigned, re- siding in Mount Joy, Pa. | AND TRUST CO. OF MT. JOY Executor Zimmermdl Myers & Kready, Attys april-22-6¢ A. March. vices in the Reformed Mennonite | church in Landisville next Sunday |i morning at 9:30 Standard Time. Kraybills Mennonite Church 9:00 Sunday School. gue. A common sense code of —— safe driving was written and it is Mt. Joy Mennonite Church claimed that this pledge has since 9:00 Sunday School. been signed by nearly two mil- 7:30 P. M. Preaching. lion motorists. St. Luke's Episcopal Church Rev. Albert K. Hayward, Rector May 10, '36 4th Sunday after Easter 7:30 A. M. Holy Communion. 9:15 Church School. 10:30 Morning Prayer & Sermon. 7:30 Evening Prayer and Mother's Day Program by the Young Peo- ple’s Service League. “Show reverence and respect for the best friend that God ever gave |Hospital and Miss Diebler, of Lan- you—mother.” Florin U. B. in Christ Church Rev. J. W. Funk, Pastor 7:30 P. M. servance of Mother’s Day. Special |readings, etc. The Rev. John program. Rev. Brinser, of Eliza-|Brinser will be present. bethtown will speak. The Flcrin Elementary School a ern closed: last Wednesday with the St. Mark's U. B. in Christ Church |f Prayer Meeting on Wed. at 7:30 |t m—— Church of God Rev. G. F. Broske, Minister Sunday School 9:30. ler, Jonas Brubaker, Robert Gerber, Preaching 10:30. Jean Kauffman, Lois Erb, Louise C. E. 6:30 Evening Worship 7:30 P. M. with the rapid growth of the au- terests of distance motoring. founded the Silvertown Safety Lea- Happenings Day will be held in the Florin U. Prayer Meeting Thursday evening |B. Church, on Sunday morning at 9:30 o'clock, when a Combined service at 9:30 in [gram will be rendered with music, Wilbur rich, Lehman Heisey, Rhoda Hess, Joyce Elaine pensored the Silver Fleet which in 929 drove 30,000 miles in the in- safe driving and long And in 1931 it In the Town Of Florin (from page 1) A combined service for Mothers special pro- attendance for Baker, following perfect he Palmer Method of handwriting wards: Roy Forney, Paul Weiser, Wolgemuth, Ging- Smith, Harold Bul- heim. Hollinger; Mt. Vernon, Grace Mil- ler; Chestnut Grove, Ruth Longen- | fa; ecker; McKinley, Daisy Kirchoff; | J. W. Rice. Fairview, Josephine Hunt. : Sporting Sec., Lillian |; : I Weddings In | Our Locality § NAUMAN—SHEARER Miss Florence G. Shearer, daugh- ter of Mrs. Reba Shearer, of Man- heim, R. D. 2, and Joseph Numan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Nau- man, of Manheim, R. D. 3, were married Saturday evening by Rev. C. H. Moyer a minister of the Brethren in Christ church, at hig home near Elizabethtown. caster were Monday evening guests They were attended by Miss of Mrs. H. B. Wittel. Amelia Shearer, a sister of the bride, and Raymond McGuallicher, of near Manheim. They will reside in Manheim. PUBLIC SALE | | bo At their place of busine near oi Mount Joy 4 Baby Chix, Fruit, Merchandie, Etc. fi Poy C. S. Frank & Hwo. Geo. Vogle, Auct. Baker, Pauline Crowl Jane Geesey, (ran Prayer Meeting Thursday even-|Jean Rensel, Dorothy Rider, Jean | = Ya ing 7:30 P. M. Rider and Flsie Myers. Teacher— 7 a | en Miss Anna Mae Eby. Iba | Trinity Lutheran Church Mr. John Martin transacted busi- | Fg 5 Rev. George A. Kercher, Pastor ness in Mount Joy on Saturday. | ‘ 1C x S Bible School 9:30 A. M. Morning Service 10:45 A. M. Vespers 7 P. M. Wednesday 7:45 P. M. Salunga Methodist Church Rev. Robert H. Comly, Minister 9:30 Sunday School. C 6:45 Epworth League. 7:30 Evening Worship. Mount Joy Methodist Church Rev. Robert H. Comly, Minister 10:30 Morning Worship. a Mid-week service this Wednesday evening at 7:30. ——— OE c HOUSE AT SPORTING HILL WAS DAMAGED BY FIRE A frame dwelling house on the farm cf Cyrus Good, near Sporting Hill, was damaged by fire at 7 a. m. Sunday. The property is ten- anted by John Graybill. side of the structure. Water from to prevent the flames from spread- ing throughout the building. The loss was estimated at $500, covered ———— 8 eee REVIVAL AT MT. PLEASANT Revival services began at the Mt. Pleasant Brethren in Christ Church, 2 Joy, on Monday evening. The Rev. Henry Hostetter of the Manor District is in charge of the services which will be continued indefinitely. A most cordial invitation is ex- eee nt Q Eres. Mr. Clayton Risser, of Newtown, is sporting a new Oldsmobile. Buffalo, costs H. B. Wittel for driving a truck on the left side of the highway, about one-half mile west of Florin. Elizabethtown tel’s. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Leedom and Doris and Mr. and Mrs. Miles Leedom were Sunday guests of Mr. 29:30 Sunday School. a Mrs. Emma Raffensperger, who is Kate M. Shaffer, Eizabethtown, Mrs. H. L. Firestone and D. S. Myers, Middletown, visit- ed their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Elias | M. Eshleman aud Miss Malinda G. Myers, West Main Mrs. Eshleman is ill and before de- parting, a short devotional service was led by Mr. Eshleman and Mr. Merrill Firestone, who accompanied the visitors. CONFERENCE OF MINISTERIUM i Lancaster Conference of the Min- isterium of Pennsylvania was held in the Ascenzion Lutheran Church, at Lancaster, Gerberich, of town, was nominated as a delegate to the United Luth- jare bought by the undersigned on eran the farms where they are raised. with Lancaster and Harrisburg. Trinity Lutheran Church here, gave THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK tended to everyone. a afternoon session. Mr. Lester C. Arnery, of New fined $10.00 and the Peace Pa., before was Justice of J Earl Royer and and Helen, of H. B. Wit- Mr. and Mrs. hildren Dorothy visited nd Mrs. Harvey Leedom and Mr. nd Mrs. Stell at Camp Hill. Mr. Fissel of Manheim is visiting onvalescing from an illness. On last Tuesday afternoen Mrs. College Avenue, Street, Florin. ——— OF PENNSYLVANIA The annual convention of the yesterday. Mr. Clyde along from Church Convention, seven other delegates Rev. G. A. Kercher, pastor of report on Home Missions at the rset ntl Eerste. Patrenize Bulletin Advertisers. rd 50,000 WEEKLY Every day of each See me befo Baby Ducklings ay 500 White Peking White J CKS 500 every my sale. Also big mag ery Thursday sharp. % G. K. WAGNER Write or phone 920R13 Route 2. may-6-4t | FRIDAY AFTERNOON #8 ! 1:25 P.M. SHARP S. T. Public Sale at Mt. Joy 8 FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1936 & 40C Head T. B. Tested COWS & BULLS § ot FRESH, SPRINGING and BACK-' |i WARD, Holsteins and Guernseys A FEW BULLS | More Butter Cows than usual, Two Hcisteins with 70 lb. milk records. B All from accredited areas. A test Ho chart with each animal. All cows JES Friday Afternoon. May Sth, 1936 125P. M.S. T Free Delivery J. B.KELLER & BRO. | We buy Beef, Bologna, Fresh and Springing cows, steers, hogs, shoals #8 Aldinger, auct.; Herr & Zeller, 8 {| Melhorn, M. | Fuller and children; Mr. and Mrs. refined by Nissley, Clarence Spensler and Mr. and Mrs. SOG MOUNT JOY'S EST PAINT DEPT. It is our sé for the compl i | PAINT NOW — PAY OUT OF (INCOME IN LOW MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS No down payment i® Low monthly instaliments ® Up to 18 months to pay THE LUCAS PAINT’ FINANCE PLAN! Have that painting job done right away—with the finest materials,by Master Painters. We will be glad to recom- mend one to you if you wish. Let us explain to you how simple this Plan is, how easy it is to use. Here are some of the unusual high-lights. OPENING SPECIAL—SATURDAY ONT LS REGULAR 20¢ CAN ONLY St Lucas Four Hour Ename ENAMEL TO MAKE AN OLD CHAIR OR TABLE LIKE NEWS DRIES TO SMOOTH GLOSS. 116 COLORS FREE DELIVERY Incorporated MOUNT JOY, PA. TIRES AND BATTERIES WEEKLY r Own Con- NO DELAY! NO RED TA IMMEDIATE SERE Tust select what? need, show us license identificatigl and tell us how you No pay. That’s All! NN 208 E. Main St. | MOUNT JOY, 232 S. Market St. Elizabethtown, The...... 3 ILDING & LOAN i PLAN Is An Economical Way Of Spares of this Association ng per annum and ower is a shareholder, B® the borrower shares cry respect with the king shareholder. psed earnings of these ally reduce the rate id on the loan. For More monthly install- a certain and a reduction of rent to your- ay for your R. U. TRIN : ELIZABETHTOWN, PA.