Don’t Fail To Honor Your Mother Sunday, Mothers Day~You Owe It To Her Good Mechanics and Modern Machinery at Your Service. _ ce The Mount J crt VOL. XXXV NO. 49 Boro Council To Apply For WPA Funds In Mt. Joy $23,000 Available Here There was a one hundred percent. attendance of Councilmen at regular May meeting Monday even- ing. A communication was read from Mrs. H. S. Newcomer relative to a condition existing at adjoining property. No action. Mr. Brubaker through a com- munication, asked Council to pro- hibit the unloading of coal any hour of the night. The subject was dis- cussed and the Ordinance commit- tec was instructed prepare an ordinance covering the subject. Jac. S. Kuhn, the Legion, asked Council for an ap- propriation of $100 toward defray- ing the expense of our Memorial Day demonstration. Same was granted with the understanding that a parade is held as heretofore. The report of a recent boiler in- spection was read. The steam boil- erat the pumping station will carry 140 pounds pressure with safety. Tax Collector James Metzler re- ported the property valuation in the boro was $1,445220.00 and the tax duplicate $10,818.04. Acting Burgess S. H. Miller re- follows: Li- $100, total an to of American ported collections as cense fees, $6.50, $106.50 for April. Mr. Hendrix, of the fines Street com- the Boro Council In Brief May pass ordinance prohibit- ing unloading of coal at night. Gave American Legion $100 toward Memorial Day Parade. Property valuation in the Boro today is $1,445,220.00. Boro used 6,355,000 gallons of water during April. Bought two cars of oil at 6c per gallon. Divided stone contract J. N. Stauffer & Bro. and Penn Lime Stone and Cement Co., Rheems. Will erect two stone pillars at Boro Park entrance. Ordinance opening North High street passed first reading. Bought our “Cop” a new mo- torcycle. Will apply for WPA funds. mittee, reported all ashes and rub- bish hauled. Mr. Krall, of the Water commit- tee reported the subside cleaned. Mr. Gilbert, of the Finance com- mittee, reported all bills amounting to $828.22 approved and same were (Turn to page six) Local Folks Injured At Philadelphia A SMASH-UP ON THE SATURDAY NO QUITE MARIETTA PIKE NIGHT— FORTUNATELY ONE WAS INJURED There was another bad smash- up on the Marietta pike Saturday the third three weeks, fortunately was night, in and jured. A Chevrolet and an going in opposite directions, passed two close, near the farm of Mr. Hostetter, tenanted by Mr. Neff. As a result there was a damaged fender and running board on one which turned into the Neff no one in- Auburn, car lane. Mr. Shireman, Marietta garage man was called, responded and just as he turned off the highway into the lane his towing truck was struck broadside by a Dodge driven by James Strickler, who resides west of Florin. The Shireman truck was upset but no one was injured. Sedan Upset Sunday while Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Hendrix, of town, Mr. and Mrs. Longenecker, of Elizabethtown and Miss Brown of Lancaster, were returning home from Camden, N. J, they met with an accident in Philadelphia. At the corner of Sixth and Race streets, the Hen- drix car was going west ‘on Race. Another car coming down Sixth street passed a trolley and smashed into the side of the Hendrix car, upsetting it. All the occupants were slightly cut and bruised. They returned home Monday afternoon and their Pontiac was brought to Hassinger & Risser’s garage at El- izabethtown. The driver of the car that struck them was held under $500 bail for a hearing. DB II WON PRIZES AT ETOWN Among the prize winners at the card party held last Wednesday, at Elizabethtown, by the Women of the Moose for the benefit of the Red Cross, were: Miss Myrtle Roth, North Market Street and Mr. Wil- liam Hendrix, Jtount Joy Street. They played pinoehle. SEEKING L V. C. SCHOLARSHIP Miss Jeanne E. Schock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. Franck Schock, Frank Street is one of the nine Lancaster city and county students among the contestants for $5,600 in schoarships that will be awarded by Lebanon Valley College, at Ann- ville, to ranking students in the competitive scholarship examina- tions which were held on the col- lege campus, Monday. Approximately 115 students took part in the examinations and were then guests of the college at their annual May Day Pageant staged on the campus Monday afternoon. R. Hostetter Was Elected As Teacher PROF. NITRAUER ANNOUNCES MR. W. W. WOOD, OF NEW YORK CITY, WILL DELIVER ADDRESS AT OUR COMMEN- CEMENT EXERCISES The regular monthly meeting of the School Board was held Mon- day evening with all members pres- ent except Mr. Kline. Prof. Nitrauer reported the total enrollment for the year was 714. The Board elected Robert Hos- tetter now a teacher in the public schools at Lewistown, a teacher here. He will conduct the man- ual training course for boys in that portion of the High school now under construction. Mr. Hostetter is a son of council- man Fli B. Hostetter, a graduate of our High school class of ’31 and a graduate of Millersville State Tea- chers College. Prof. Nitrauer announced that W. W. Wood of New York City was engaged commencement speaker here. The treasurer reported a balance of $1,171.66. Tax collector Metzler reported collections to the amount of $274.70 for the month of April. ————————— BROUGHT A SUIT First National Bank and Trust Co., Mt. Joy, succeeding trustee for Anna G. Buohl in the estate of John H. Buohl, deceased, vs. Far- mers Trust Co. Lancaster, sum- mens in assumpsit. as EE —— ulletin Money Spent in News- paper Advertising Is A Good Investment. MOUNT JOY, PENNA. WEDNESDAY, MAY 6th, 1936 $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE LOCAL FOLKS ATTENDED HENSEL'S BIRTHDAY PARTY Mount Joy was represented by a large group of friends who attended George W. Hensel's 70th birthday party at the Lancaster county no- table’s homestead Quarryville, Saturday May 2. Included the Mount Joy citizens who attended the birthday party were: Postmaster and Mrs. Charles Bennett, J. S. McCauley, Oscar M. Donaven, Harry Walters, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hipple, Mrs. John Rollman, Shando Teleky and Witmer Eberle. Mrs. Rollman presented a very beautiful bouquet of flowers to Mr. Hensel in behalf of the Quarryville merchant's “Mount Joy Friends.” ee Schools To Present The Last Concert ONLY GRADE SCHOOL PUPILS EXCLUDING THREE LOWER GRADES, WILL PARTICIPATE —NO ADMISSION SILVER OFFERING in among The Mount Joy Public Schools present their last public concert for the current year this Friday even- ing at 8:00 o'clock when the Grade School pupils will present their Spring concert. A program of about one hour in length will be given in which the Grade School Choir will be fea- tured. This choir, which repre- | sents the entire Grade School with | the exception of the three lower | grades, will do several outstanding numbers including the well known | colo and chorus “O Turn Ye” from the oratorio Gallia by Gounod and “Starry Night” from the opera Faust also by Gounod. Their part of the program consists numbers in a lighter vein. A group of students from the Sixth grade will make their first appearance and will do a group of a capella numbers. This group | will feature a selection from the oratorio “Elijah” entitled “Lift Thine Eyes.” The Grade School Orchestra will conclude - the program with several selections. It is believed that the program will be quite novel in that only grade school children will take part and they will endeavor to in- terpret very difficult numbers in a mature fashion. There will be no admission charge but a silver offering will be taken to help defray the expenses involved in produeing such a program. No school children, except those par- ticipating in the program, will be admitted unless accompanied by their parents. A TRUCK DRIVER FINED $50 AND COSTS HERE also of | also On Wednesday Officers Ries and Zerphey prosecuted Henry R. Eber- sole, Lancaster R. D. 1, for operat- ing an overloaded truck. He was summoned to appear before S. H. Miller, burgess, and was discharged upon the payment of $50 fine and $2.40 costs. During the past week there was only one speeding arrest by chief | Zerphey. Newell E. Coxen, of Phil- adelphia. A RUMMAGE SALE The Young Ladies Bible Class of the Church of God will hold a Rummage Sale at 26 South Duke Street, Lancaster, Pa., Friday ev- ening and Saturday May 8th and 9th. Anyone wishing to purchase some of the articles on sale may do so by calling at the Church of | God parsonage, West Donegal St., not later than Thursday May 7, 1936. Ecc ne. | { | and | VESTRY CAUGHT 8 TROUT Mrs. Aaron Rye and son James | visited in Juniata Co. from Friday | to Sunday. While there James caught eight fine trout the largest | of which was 12 inches long. FLITTING Ted Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Klinger have | gone to housekeeping in the Her- shey Apartment on Marietta Street. Bird Masque At Phila. On Sat., May 23 MISS CAROLINE T. FOUNDER OF PARK BIRD SANCTUARY, GUEST OF MRS. JOHN A. BACHMAN HERE RECENTLY Visiting Mrs. John A. Bachman, 22 Donegal Springs Road, Saturday, April 25th, were Miss Caroline T. Moffett, Miss Edith Scott, Miss Mar- guerite E. Weaver, and Miss Helen L. Rippey all Jermantown, Philadelphia. Miss Moffett is- the Principal of the Charles W. Henry School, Ger- Every years the pupils of her school, under her di- a Bird Masque. This Park Miss MOFFETT, FAIRMOUNT from mantown., two rection present Fairmount of founder. is the date set at. 4:15 p. time. If stormy, is given in the Bird Sanctuary Moffett the This year, May 23, for the Daylight Saturday which is Masque m., Saving June 6. The program will include: ensemble dancing and music will be furnished by the Philadel- (Turn to page 2) er AQ Gere APPOINTS NEW COMMITTEES At the regular monthly meeting of the Vestry of St. Luke's Epis- copal Church following Com- mittees were appointed by the Rec- tor, the Albert K. Hayward: I. Building and Grounds, Chair- Jacob Zeller, Mr. Wil- and Mr. Benjamin W. the ev. man—Mr. liam Ellis Brown. II. Finance, Chairman—MTr. old Brown, Mr. Elmer Brown Mr. J. A. Hipple. III. Administration, Chairman— Mr. Thomas J. B. Brown, Mr. Wil- liam Ellis and Mr. J. A. Hipple. IV. Membership and Publicity, Chairman—Mr. Ross McGann, Mr. Elmer E. Brown and Mr. Elwood Gillums. The Rector appointed Mr. Ben- jamin Brown Senior Warden. The Vestry Mr. Elmer Brown as Accounting Warden and Mr. Thomas J. B. Sec- retary. Hama News of The Day From The Dailies BUSY FOLKS CAN KEEP POST- ED BY GLANCING AT THIS COLUMN OF CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS Har- and as elected Brown as 35 radios were stolen from park- ed autos at Camden, N. J. The 1937 of the Ev- angelical congregational church will be held at Allentown. Because he underpaid farmers for milk, the license of Hoak’s Mod- ern Dairy Penbrook, voked. 42 people are sick from drinking chocolate milk in the cafeteria of the consolidated school at Kennett Square. Dr. J. W. Smith, pre- acher, delivered his final sermon at Ephrata Sunday as a pastor. He retired. A small frame farm of Clayton Johns, near Brunn- erville, was destroyed by fire. The loss is $1,500. When the garage house of Samuel Christiana, was struck by lightning, 200 chickens burned. epee STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL Don’t forget the Strawberry Festival to be held on the lawn of St. Lukes Episcopal Church, Sat- urday, May 23rd. Menu: Chicken Corn Soup, Potato Salad, Sand- wiches, Strawberries, Ice Cream, Cake and Coffee. Qn HOME FROM DETROIT Mr. M. K. Enterline, dealer of Rheems, returned home {rom De- troit, Michigan, with a new Deodge pleazure car and truck. conference at was re- Lutheran is house on the and chicken Slokom, near solo { LOCAL STUDENTS WHO COMPETED IN THE TESTS Local students from Mount Joy High School who competed Friday the State Scholarship examinations for pupils in the Lan- caster senatorial district given at East Junior High School, Lancaster, under the supervision of County Superintendent of Schools, Arthur P. Mylin were: Norman Fuhrman, Robert H. Garber, James A. Heilig, Mary Fletcher; Ellen Garber, Helen Musser, Martha Ber- nice Nissley, Jeanne Schock, Sarah Snyder, Marion Workman. Eighty- of morning in county two seniors or graduates nine- teen city and county high schools competed, one of the largest classes for several years. The winner, to be announced in July, will be awarded a four year scholarship of $100 a year to any University vania, whether private college or in Pennsyl- or state- owned. The tests which were self admin- stering, covered every high School subject. Happenings In the Town Of Florin Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Garber and daughter Esther and Paul Diffen- derfer, spent Sunday in Philadel- phia with Dr. and Mrs. Dale Gar- ber. Mrs. Omar Charles home from the hospital. Martin Wolgemuth moved to the property vacated by Miller Wolge- muth. Mr. Omar Kling and moved into the property vacated by Martin Wolgemuth. Theodore Buller moved the property recently purchased by J cob N. Hershey and moved into the Baymond property West Main St., Mt. Joy. Miss Coldren of the Lancaster General Hospital was the Sunday guest - of Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Wittel. Miss Brua returned family from on Martha Dohner and Miss of the Elizabethtown State (Turn *o page six) FREE COOKING SCHOOL IN MT. JOY HALL Due to the floods in March the school was postponed and will now be held next Wednesday and Thursday, May 13 and 14 at 1:30 o'clock and Friday evening May 15 at 7 P. M,, at the Mt. Joy Hall Miss Edna Mohr, well known Home will have charge. You store. Economist, have a real surprise in There will be door prizes each day and the special grand prize..... A modern gas range by Pennsylvania Power and Light Company. GAS STATION CHANGES “Don” Bishop and “Johnny” Charles, both of town, are the new attendants at Young's Tire Shop on East Main Street. They started their new duties this week. “Red” Felker, of Florin, who was shop assumed the Hassinger West Main formerly at the tire his new position at and Risser garage on street. rr rans HERE FROM FLORIDA Mrs. Harriet Barnhart, Miss Mary and Mr. A. L. Clay Sunday after at Crescent E. Newpher arrived in town spending the City, Florida. After a short time at their home on East Main street, they will mo- tor to Camp Rich, at Milton, Ver- mont, for the summer months. issn GAG AI mi SUNDAY AT CAMP MT. JOY Messrs. Daniel Brubaker, Boyd Bishop, Sr., John Brubaker, Oscar Frey, Paris Shelly and Harvey Engle, all of Mount Joy and vicinity spent Sunday at Camp Mount Joy in Perry County. RA BURGESS IS ABOUT We are greatly pleased to an- nounce that Burgess John Keener is about town calling on his friends. He is improving very nicely. mn Mp ms This section had a muth needed rain fall Sunday afternoon. winter McSparran Criticizes Our WPA CLAIMS IT IS RIDICULOUS TO HIRE AND PAY WORTHLESS MEN 50c AN HOUR WHEN ME- CHANICS ARE GETTING 40c. John A. McSparran, former State | Secretary of Agriculture, Friday criticized the 50-cents per hour minimum wage scale for WPA, effective May 1. “Farmers can't get the help they establishment of a It’s worse than war time. We don’t WPA southern Lancaster county told the WPA that. would be better off But it’s still here. As a result working need,” he said. need a in and We without it. we've men who have been on farms and have been satisfied with their wages are quitting to take WPA jobs. The farmers can’t afford to pay 50 cents They left without labor planting, for and summer an hour. are available harvest, season. In addition, the WPA is giving the fellows that aren't worth any- thing any place the same wages as the good workmen. Fellows who never than $25 a month in cash before in their lives (Turn to page 6) ———- BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Collins an- nounce the birth of a son on Tues- day morning. Mr. and Mrs. of near Milton the birth of a son at their home Thurs- day. Mr. Marietta, twin sons. They were born 31 hours for the busy earned more Roy Ginder, Grove, announce and Mrs. Claud Fahringer, of announce the birth of apart. Mr. Mrs. Harold Shatz, town, announce the birth of a last Wednesday at St. seph’s Hospital. Ap OE oe GETS ROAD CONTRACT J. Miller Eshleman, Landisville, was low bidder 3.39 of dual type highway in Lehigh and Berks counties bids opened by the State Department of Highways Friday. The bid $233,833.98 on the job. a Rapho Tax Six Mills; New Teachers ENTIRE TOWNSHIP TEACHING CORPS ELECTED AT A MEET- ING OF THE DIRECTORS LAST FRIDAY EVENING of son Jo- and night on miles when were local man The Rapho Township School P. R. R. WILL REBUILD KERBAUGH TRACKS Pennsylvania Railroad officials Wednesday began the work for re- the Ker- Susque- roadbed over the hanna river shore above Columbia. The the recent flood. R vlroad will not building baugh’s Lake, along roadbed was washed away by lake be restored, the new con- engineers said the struction providing only for the re- establishment of the destroyed road- bed and tracks. lake contractor that body of water A large and trucks the work which will require some time. The Affairs In General Briefly Told the name built the the small The original bore the roadbed of who formed of employed number men are now on INTERESTING H A PP ENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE COUN- TRY FOR THE BENEFIT OF THOSE WHO HAVE LITTLE TIME TO READ Next Sunday, May 10 is Mothers Day. Boro tax Council at Lititz fixed its rate for 1936 at three mills. Columbia will boiler plant that will employ 60 people. get a new The Lancaster Iris club will hold its annual show today and to- morrow. The of stores in Lancaster Co. average over $14,000 monthly. Over 600 friends helped George W. Hensel, of Quarryville, celebrate his 70th birthday 13,150 of cattle ceived sold at the Stock yards during April. Mr. S. Newcomer at his home on South Market street receipts the five liquor head were re- and Lancaster Clarence is ill suffering from a severe cold. Miss Sylvia chosen May Queen for the May Millersville S. Longenecker, Lititz, was Day TC Amos Martin, 58, of New Holland, rear of his home He died celebration at was found in the with a bullet in his head. at the hospital. Some one stole the concrete im- age in the center of the wading pool at Buchanan Park, Lancaster. It holding a fish weighs over 100 lbs. ps A Aer TWO SLIGHT FIRES SATURDAY al local fire is a concrete girl and Saturday afternoon our calls the of Columbia Ave. the company answered two fire The first was at residence Clifford Boyce While burning sparks ignited the roof lot on tree limbs, shed, of a in the rear of the The firemen quickly the fire and the Board met in regular sessicn at | Sporting Hill, on Friday evening. The treasurer reported receiving | State appropriation of $3,966.53, | $393.33, 1935 $10.00 Union | Square election rent. The total out- | standing tax is $5,000 Out- | standing rent at Elm Tree School | House, $12.00 from election last fall, | $10.00 from recent primary, a total | of $22.00. | Secretary reports the budget for | 1936-1937 term is ready for inspect- | (Turn to page 3) nt (Mn KELLER'S SALE FRIDAY i Friday afternoon at 1:25 J B. | Keller & Bro. will sell 40 head of T. B. tested cows and bulls at pub- A- i tax, over lic sale at their yards here. mong them are two Holsteins 70 1b milk This lot of cattle. rr AY AU SALE EVERY WEDNESDAY NITE | Tonight Wednesday evening, May 6 and Wednesday is records. | evening | every thereafter C. S. Frank and Bro. will |: hold a public sale of cows, baby | chicks, fruit at | their place of business near town es A Mr merchandise, etc, FELL OFF PORCH | Maude Edward, thirty-five, of | town, lacerated her knee in a fall | from the porch at her home Mon- day marning. She was treated at St. Joseph's hospital. slight. The fire, near Benjamin Groff's Main firemen had retu They answered call and extinguished th met eee alarm rass patch n West before second Street, was reported 1 fr om the immediately SOCIETIES TO HOLD STRAWBERRY FESTIVALS The Ladies’ G Episcopal Church berry festival on t n Saturday, May The Needle Lutheran Church will berry festival ton Saturday. . FROM THE HOSPITAL de Goodlir returned to Pleasant pen HOME F y Host | twelve days. recovering Mr. an appendectomy Goodling is and will conva lescé at his home > ——— ANNIVERSARY Boyd Bishop, Sr. reet quietly celebrat- 31st WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. West Main St ed their thirty-first versary on Monday, May 4th Mr. Bishop is a business map, conducting a shoe store at his West Main Street address. wedding anni- local Mortuary Record For Past Week MANY OF OUR BEST KNOWN PEOPLE HAVE PASSED TO THAT GREAT BEYOND WITH- IN THE PAST WEEK 5, died at Columbia. Walker, wife of at Columbia. John Bower, Mrs. Margaret Neil Walker, died HARRY K. NISSLEY Harry K. Nissley, seventy-four, 24 E. Main st., this boro, died at 1 p. m. Wednesday in the Lancas- hospital of complica- He was a member of the Masonic Order, Knights Templer, and Otsego Tribe and the Friend- ship Fire Company, No. 1. He was the last member of his family and leaves no survivors. Services were held at 2:30 p. m. Saturday at the home with inter- in the Henry Eberle ceme- ter General tions. ment tery. HARRY H. MORTON Harry H. Morton, aged 69 years, died at his home, 153 New Haven Street, last evening. He was a son of Kathryn and Alpheus Mortain, end a member of the Evangelical Congregational Church, of which he was a trustee and secretary cf the Official Board. He was a class leader for many years, also a mem- ber of the Senior Mechanics and Foresters of America No. 288. De- ceased survived by onc son, Charles Morton, of this place, and one brother Ephriam Morton, of Columbia aand these sisters: Mrs. Samuel Seipher, of Columbia; Mrs. Bertha Shumaker, Florin and Mrs. Anna Frey of Palmyra. Funeral services will be held on 1:30 o'clock at is Saturday afternoon the and 2 o'clock in the Evangelical Congregational Church with interment in the Eberle cem- call on Friday to 9 P.M. house etr. Friends may evening between 7 HENRY L. KAUFFMAN Henry L. Kauffman, eighty-sev- died at Manheim, after a long illness. He member of the Mennonite church. He is survived his wife who was Lizzie Groff daughter, Mrs. and a Sport- en, was a by marriage, a of Manheim; Maria Brandt, before Ida Nissley, sister, Mrs. ing Hill. (Turn to page 6) ell Meee ge Picked From Community Card Basket Mr. A. M. Martin spent the week- Manheim calling on friends Martin Metzler and on end at Mr. and Mrs children Sunday. Henry Earhart, proprietor of the Press, Palmyra, visited his ts in this borough on Monday. . Maurice Freysinger of near visited with Mrs, Newtown on Tues=- Lancaster Palm n Bridge .] Moore at ol Highspire, f town, spent the week- [r. and Mrs. John Sprout Rahn Campbell, of Wayne, spent the weekend at the home of Mrs. Campbell's Mr. and Mrs. James Shoop. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ebersole on Haven street and Mrs. Amanda Good spent Sunday at Ed- win Eby's near Sharp's Corner. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Garber, and (Turn to page 6) eerie REV. WASER WILL GO TO ROYERSFORD Clinton parents, New At the annual conference of the Evangelical Congregational Chur- ches. held last week, Rev. John R. Waser, pastor local Evan- gelical Church, was transferred to Royersford in Montgomery County. Rev. Heckler, super-annuated. pastor, will come here from Mohn- of our ton, Pa.