The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, February 05, 1936, Image 4

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mg oS EI 2 WEI
Charming Dress . i y . a
n | Automotive News | : Don’t Get Up Nights I
A [
{ — { | A MAKE THIS 25¢ TEST
i 3 3 § 3 “se Juniper oil B 1 leaves, etc,
£2 ON Chevrolet Motor Cempany Will bh pecia announce a en Ba ex ; =8 ae ha A
Cand Intreduce 1936 Trucks In dof Ra Jo IT ion Eliz
| E . aking ), freque de-
> ° Columbia This Week | . . . . anty flow, burning and back- §
3 FIN We Are Running a Special Delivery a Get Juniper oil, Buchu jeaves,
8 8 8 - / ey mn ittle green called
il a New Chevrolet trucks for 1936, From 4 to 6 P. Mk Daily Except Sunday ba Mes ey tukets, the bladder laxative, Tn four Twe
: dad a wa | f 0) days if not pleased go back amd get
nacht comprising a wide range of stand Regardless Who Serves You With Milk wi 73 Xs 77 aise, your 2Ge. Get your regular sleep and at the
22d body BIS Moun nee Call 14-M and Have Delivered a NL ra of pep”, EW. GARBER house
on the ton and 1 1-2-ton chassis, which u Re, Fw j rags Nir
oveh fire. carry numerous advances in engin- pe :
of seven cering and improvements in opera- | on Iu
yd fort} tion, are announced by Chevrolet BELYWOOD MARTIN | Eg Ex oi
+h Motor 2 f introducti ~ SEAT | 9
0100 DOT Ih N. Barbara, MOUNT JOY H | the E
this week in Columbia. |B | i Is The Time To Have Your Frida
os | Design changes, including aresty- | § — | o i Mr.
ling of the sheet metal and the | | sgn hl | PLOW SHEARS Ei
| adoption of a coupe type cab with -| Nowadays a woman's pee | Der
: = = ii E — |
1 | solid steel top, have enhanced the la live wir You! k 181 eo :
. ! a live wire. ou’ ave on to 3 Mis:
BY [ . Vv in { appearance of the 1936 models. d ar uriaced 8
o ras
A WIS SE 0 W [ |v : the | | In changing to hydraulic brakes touch i to bg hy a spt he | Ny
oh that ate on both chassis models, Chevrolet display of fireworks. og. { | a
2 [put to 1 to | has adopted this principle of brake | felis ad ded ! A
“Jim” Beamesderfer remarked: 1 ) + actuation to its own design of i...)
“Gitls are like snow balls, the har- | sor brake hani ithin the brak ry | 1 U
=. | : A i Tr ht | rake mechanism within the brake FYRES iiss
der you squeeze them the laste: drums. A hydraulic cylinder with oY E di
euler Title wirl could; Bi i 5 yors EXAMINED os | nies
they melt.”.... How does he rlioumr ttl SEE al double opposed pistons is used to = re IL iene street,
wait until her mother | : ®) + GLASSES © The
Sr—— rad Diets her in her soft bed with | FoPeS of pearls are twisted into | actuate each pair of articulated wn) > prime] | e ® HERR @ ho
No matter how hard silence falls, | would | CY In Tor 30% hee 1... | the draped neckline of this charm- rbrake shoes. The master cylinder Fn ee one
it never breaks. jihe now 80 to Seo ng dress of black crepe. The cun- |is mounted on the frame in the DR. HUBER | ELIZABETHTOWN | High
Im Kly, 1 r tonight you Know the | ning hat with the stiffened veil is | 1 1-2 ton model, and on the clutch | 220 N DUKE ST. "LANCASTER, ¥ PA. bs called
When one of the y 3 lady vio- nacht Kuechli will and | black antelope. in wo of the half-ton | i toAprillst: 6 Lea
a a i, RE "pop de for 11 ti 1 | S * 1 | Fr 2 - x re d
linists in our High School Orch- |! ko) . . i Major i y ts have bee was
al 5 MAY EAT MEAT | ajor improvements have n |
estra was asked: “Why do you|n SRR En : Ir made in the Chevrolet cooling sys- 1, B, i For Clean, Well-Graded | glee |
have that bridge on your violin?” ' d it i ts 3k tof Dated. Eat mis) © lower engine ion. i a NOTARY J | | Dn
She very coyly expl th wii food for | peratures, and to attain important Be Na Biles, Livmser 1) Crushed Stone i Ba

just to get the music
i xpectation : our little folks do on re not considered good | ere To
Christmas eve. Next morning, as Mothers Whose Sian a ° Sg Sa hy OF MOD RN Marietta St. and 8 A was fi
A man discovered after marriag the custom, le ones a fondness for this| temperature and of cylinder bloc I ) 25 Be Main St. ME JOY, PA. || t a-Low Price wl
were | have evinced vel % vod ion. F
3 a and valve push rod expansion. For- CALL
that his wife wrote poetry; of food should be relieved to LT
1g? |
1 | 4 y un for their gif f S | 3
anvthing about it then. | 1achts. that child nutrition experts | Merl, only the ig past oe | . 1 frst
Ny hig . . Vine cylinders was water jacketed. In |
He had taken her for better or for | Housewives : iid Bae for | ow peliave fied) shou’ Wo : ; i COULD NOT PO HER | John A. Hipple The

couldn’t do anything abot
he new engines, the water jacket-





















vores 1g se- | in the child's diet after reaching | iy ; ap the 1 | Wome
Forse. | ++. {ing extends far below the lower- { |
le } 4 WwW rea ag vever ria | 5 1 5 | .
mar { fore, each one trying h vo years of age. However, Miriam | int vouched bv the oad of H 0 bg $ EW 0 KH [4] Mt Joy 86 or E’town G6R4 Hotel
I ate; | 3 owenbere. child dietician at Iowa] most point reache y the head o ik ot .
A Donegal Street lady excitedly her, to 1 I owenberg, child dietician at lowd line pifton, newly to the lower Real Bargains for early shoppers! Don’t | 7THEN every- | | sep, 11-tf at wh
> 1 1 T Jtate c go. OF ions - ne | d tiie 3s nla ae Sis > x - 13 =
rushed up to her next door ne her neigl 1 tate college, cautions that meat for | edie of the Histon skirt at the bol miss this chance to buy a modern General Elec- W thing you at | hmmm man,
bor and asked: “Have you dren are tucked hildren should be roasted, Bred | of the siroke. tric, Westinghouse or Electrolux Automatic Re- § tempt is a burden | vocal
ore wer served Fr . 1 ery a . . ~ . ES x |
the gossip about your wife?” icht ev r stewed and never served fried or | frigerator at a greatly reduced price. Smaller you fare The
Er = 1 wa dinky. Crist bacon Tie fuel tank in the 1 1-2-ton or g Sh nervous and irti- | WE HA VE a
Rat 3c $7” he She h 1 a rich gravy. Crisp bacon maj : appliances, too, have also been attractively 4 | e000 Christ
what is it models with cabs is now mounted ? table—at ‘your |
wered: “She's separated from m 1S ( The o be used. A moist meat is best : s priced for this sale. wit’s end—try | 3 sent tl
us Just another quad- | however if cooked until dry meats are | the sc 3, with on gonnedtion Shop early while tl assortment is ¢ this medicine, It | bi [7 i ary N
ust ad] i Ure aod tor the edt [to the chassis frame. A flexible 10p early while the assortment is com- may be just what / y [271]
angle. | tae! [ae gd | metallic tube connects with the plete. For your convenience, our regular Time . younced for extra | even
lar 2 i in > 1 3 AS ae irae ic gale ad mus of churcl
en 5 « i CONS WERE GALD {fuel line leading to the fuel pum. Payment Plan will be in effect during this sale. energy. Mes Charles L. Ca us of Mb
When a chorus girl orders oy- | “laced, tte ! disks NAV A . ; . Trenton, New Jersey, says, | The
1 hell] 1 1 is who would Nike to) The filler cap extends from the doing just a little work I had to lie | ball
sters, some poor fish has to shell 1 1 th he Id i t 5 . | seat riser, so that it is not neces- dows. My a. - ay
1er clean cloth, a | ave a few gold coins to jingle in : : gets npoun riday
sat ‘i | ket would likely be disap. | S19, to raise the seat cushion or PENNSYLVANIA DO es “now.” | oh
| heir pocket would like be disap- |. : seecaw i mate
Wt 53 Ia; if th 1d y 0 *. for the driver to leave the cab when gn i Bi BAT we
Cat r night : youth | "ruse or attic in | »inted i cy could have their ; RETR By 3 abetht
Saturday night a the tank is to be filled : LR
Te gl: "Me 7 Hiss] = theil y. GM vats, ta: conform to) to poses FOWER & LIGHT COMPANY : dito) | ww
. ase kiss vou?—Sav. | “eir baskets sent laws, would contain only Far
rou?—May I please kiss you?—Sav. | Fr} ent laws, woulc ta ly | SPOT arn
you?—M a aa {adil Mornine eame o 13441 he old of those Tetived ron THE SPOT EE DP. ARERR £11 PE BR TM Mei sass xmas wees ESHA rs ee 5 Ves! Main St A It. Joy a
are vou deaf? H rl discustedls Tornin® came au i | e gold of those retired from rip 1 4 tile & on Sa
Bre: you cer. lr 3 is 4 | ol ti A Wife—Henry, you must have the =
By Ares A CENT, re TOL aral- 1 exX( She 1€ | ule on. A Tes ¢ procla- | . ——— ———————————————————— -— TTT TTT = oP,
answered: No. Are you par ' a oT bt Sh andlord come and see for himself ana EE 2 hoop
ized?” 1e sheer bow on her apron an” | nation as of January 31, 1834 0 CEL SE LL FFI E CAME” "0 : iri i Crushed | include
i e damage e .rains hav 7 H. AT 2B |
mrered down stairs in s of | 1thority of an Act of Conoress: ne Saal 4 LI Inter-nat’l Cartoon Co. K.¥.— -33 B. 1.111 52 5 | Shoop,
: Lil wl rains 9.10 fine. | 10 our ceilings, so the leaks can | I ATA RAR WEE - eR + ug jo hg & 3 2
Ned Heilig knows a girl wno has bask grains 9-10 fine, be. fixed | B22 : Ae oom rl TIMING LF 84 | Choop;
va oi : +1 Vii: ym 1 IA has oye . 3 . WERE os oo iain wma - — 5
a 3 cise akes one | here were in the house! Ti 10 er cent weight of the hy 7] = Mrs.
a seven day kiss—It makes . re ta the top of os : 1 of the * | Henry—I don't dare to. If we! 4 Zl TY i Sof 1 i i I i,
SC eve chai he top « ers 15 5-21 of the amoun : ; : / ng re p 3 your order elsewhere nie Es
weax. vil 8 " dollar ay once let him in he'd see all the c'mon! wry Dont | oe 2 % oe a Soe i | be 3
S beneath Y dard collar which 5 e : an y ee us. Als na aciurers oi
d : the hid the. won bh O58 1H 5 no | damaze the children have done to GET A WIGGLE ON! ‘ Viv TELL THE THEYRE SO I ou BUGS {| ne
vi rease—fricd oysters. he lid of he WOO" tained 25.8 grains. owever, no 3 A 1 | "AES ji 2 z towr
isles in geass Tried oye {on vile. inlace. re being minted now by he Test of the house and he'd WI WE'VE on Gov Ses Wize WOLD THEYRE CROOKED || SRNR i CONCRETE BLOCKS Gu
a ¢ v n~le place w s are being minted now by | ¥ c hie | > their
al in entictoation of “e soverrmeht throw us out. | 1 FIFTEEN MORE HESE CARDS STCRY. THEY CANTY || F fi SILLS and RINTELS 3%
“Fgad, woman!” complained a hed in an ition | - 8 a | i ARE STERN HM-m-m- 7 EVEN Looby Li Par : . 3 Py
i “Whe ! me the Kuechlis.” 1 —_— te { : A + ES Re - Lo ie.
local husbar Why : i Ce 3A Brg iene ee Elmer—If I should squeeze you | }4 Ou ‘EM A UM-M-M MOVE OVER. A CARD IN \ i 1 Febru:
erummiest husband in th 1e world? til sudder POTATO “BOATS dv al? | 1 ) CoME ovT, ' THE FACE i i School
1 : been fon in would you squeal’ l / Nov La QUIT HiDIN = ~- ie | ar vii A - 20 | The
che lain u've beer ! Pir Wha 1 be / IB | > p
She y ext = Fagan! ate Sl © What do you take me RASCAL. 2 COME ou, pelo hn, | | | N.S 1 A \UF ‘FER&EBRO oe 2
eating crackers in bed a Rte ao in VIamins, jor? Do you think I'm a doll? AW THERE { LETS SEE You, / ft MOUNT JOY, PA. i
——— fring whi reet po- | HELLO! UM a i I | ulty.
1 bill collectors. | had cuddled ie H © BEHAVE ~ [ a | | Aa
Out on the first—bill collec dn SEEMS | here is no better way to boost ELLO = ’ : i 27 S37 | Ralp
os uring the n o the tempting ways! _ ie > he By 5 al BE - Ns CHIDP Hi 40W ARE YOUR SHOES? | the 1
Cr 1 NT ! your busine than by local news- CMP iH INT WAIT 7 |
Heard at an indoor swimming | to I may be paper advertising x i BON VAIT TOO LONG | dressec
1ear it. 8 : lar . paper advertising. y IT, STALLIN St
pool at Harrisburg. “Can you r lit k » table, one of which NUL ALLEN 9 NG THEM IN membe
» He: “No.” She: “You poor Ts Ida this was the very happie to scrub several ed po- P bh P > fi CITX SHOE | at the
Fastnacht Day she had ever know» | toes thorouzhly and halve them. rotection | aT afternc
nd the little newcomers we ad lace in a baki pan and spread Horrishwre. Jan. 30th. Penn i REPAIRT NG CO. tary.”
<4 * © 8 g, an. th—. - { a ary.
ired and cuddled a grea vo tablespoons sausage meat on | sylvanians, under the Solicitation | | 30 SOUTH QUEEN STREET Allen
1e the following days. ch. Bake in a mod e oven un- | Act of 1925, are being given the ? | | LANCASTER, PENNA. of Bah
Fastnacht Kuechli | the potatoes are tender. They | ulmost protection from unserup- i The
‘ it Fortier A he with & WED ulous organizations supposedly i
METTOr. pound melted butter, 4 eggs, y be served with a gravy made | soliciting funds for charitable J i [ie S beth H
ins up milk, 3 cup sugar and 1 tea y adding to two tablespoons pan | purposes. poster
Re-cently, when one of the PWA it all together we! t two tablespoons of flour and a Two hundred and forty or- ip Take Drastic Drugs hich s
11 1 ' sanizati : XV oP c hari gh s
fainters, at our local grade school, il have a doue up of stock or water. | zanizations how are authorized Your Kidneys contain 9 million tiny town
i a : f 5 i miei |] to solicit funds in Pennsylvania tubes or filters which may be endangered Yih
fell off the scaffold with a pot o 1 out one parta [| for welfare purposes. One cer- by neglect or drastic. Irritating drugs, Be The v
: . 1 4 : Priniivy x og phd areful. une a < ey
paint in each hand, he said: Well, | ‘hin, like paper. Cu When in need cf Printing. (any- | tificate was revoked last year disorders make you suffer from Getting hikited
I came down with flying colors, {fry in 1} pounds of Crisco till : no) kindly remember the Bulletin | and fourteen refused permission De a SLs Cis brary,
anyhow.” rear 1 color ke iw = em to seek funds from the general cles Onder Eyes, Neuralgia, Acidity, te
. os > 3 : sh Burning, Smarting or Itching, you don't caster
forks to remove n from the fa otect and defend their liberty. public | Moen Rag Clin ons Steyr
3 a 4 i Tes According to Mr. Schreiber, many Per s throughout the State | ! have the most modern advanced treat- exhibit
“What are vou thinking about? Drair anc sprin with a little 3b S +7 = el > a | ment for these troubles—a Doctor's pres- "
What are you think . ; ram SH Sp! oo urists frequent the hotels, Ball- are urged by the Deperiment of | | eription called Cystex (Siss-Tex). Works The
asked a Sonhmore girl of aFres ugar while hot. set until nex Ss By AD Welfare to demand seeing the || | fast—safe and sure. In 48 hours it must tie en
ass ae f wr bid SOPs. oto he Swiss goes int PE bs V7 bring new vitality and is guaranteed to pl A
men boy. He answered: “Thanks|iay oms, ete., but the Swiss goes into solicitors’ certificate authorizing | | you fees 10 rears younger In one nl
4 i . He i he country with “Mama and the | solicitation and to report to the |! | we ek or money bask on return 3 sony EY
for the compi'ment. .. « +120 - — iT 43h Aid: package. Cystex costs only 3c a dose a ing
Soh ink seh oF interesting holiday whicl | ids” and sit at a Beergarden and Department persons | druggists and the guarantee protects you. ne of
dently doesn’t think much ty the dancers. dance. | funds without permission of the | nh | : pensati
ability to think....What do. you ted by the Swiss people i- | ‘rink and watch the dancers, danc- | of +" over 1 | Ee
think? August, known as Inde- | ng on some rough platform. In the | yk Nok. Advertice In The Ballet, wo pe
nendence Day. This is similar to] \lps the music is usually provided | — 5, :
—— ; cents
to iting?” r July 4. On the first of Augus’ | oy means of the mouth organ and | Wr
What are you writing? ur Jul} : Yo N Y WHY soled
“4 joke” three small mountain counties freec | ccordion. At sunset the most im- | fg % an» it Ail Bapends Oa The Way It Sounds ? Brawn for lis rap by Fish Het .—
A joke. % a . £41 sv r= RT ordinar
3 : wards” ro 1 vranny of | ressive ceremony of the day is held er i
“Well, give her my regards. the tyranny © then th Niras > Liberty offs | whnT TO UM-A LL FOR SALE - < 4RAND WOODLANDS HOLD on A La 4 OSH. ats reading
Ever since then August 1s hen fhe Fires of aberty Te lect | SELL MY FARM ae FTE ret) EA PRIZE STOCK MISTER. TRE KIND OF FORM iq E
Sunday afternoon Joe Detweiler |’ en the national holiday. Ever | heir brightness from the highest | | DOWT HIKE WT ware) crook FET ee | he SVR ae, wih IE CEE F one.
> nl the Swiss are a mixed peo- | nountains. The glaciers, the snow, | NEAR (TY - Anta G2 WHATS (30 For riends

i » tried their skil > THe
gnd John Brubaker tried thel for mile NET OFFERING 2 Ee ? 2091
. i Their efforts weren't so \d language, German. | he rocks all may be seen for miles | AY CATR ee TO Sev. “Aw MATTER! Ro rd
at ckiing. ei florts i 2 boo wes a? | wound in beauty resplendent. All| pir indy lily >
ful but we wit Tr lian, on day are al'| round in beauty resplendent. All| ~
successful but we wil x lian, e a 2 ; RE
yery - th + unusual somer- ind and spirit. Early in the | he neighboring nations come and | \ ste. a
seme ©O e most unusual som eT : 1 Ave. such oa $2
Its splits and unnameabls ne may hear the cannon | ee the Swiss who bave such i $200.00:
its, i a mnames v es 3 .
S= 5 rove ever had the » bells ring. hool chil- | spirit of liberty and freedom. Many lighting
w I ad E : : te ire inn heli
Taney t ready for es mrach- | ourists time their visits to Switzer- | traffic
: see. t read; es s nra tra
gitarce lo ‘ng and singing. They praise their | and in order to be there to see the | $150.00,
slory in their | ‘Bundesfeier” or Independence Day |
God for the | elebration. |
have enioved durine| Next week we shall give you some
Villa es and | very interesting Swiss recipes which
h brass bands | we know you will enjoy. Thanks to
a group | Mrs. Schreiber!

Joe has about decided that { ‘mall country, the
Olympic team missed somet ing
when they passed him up, bul
John has decided to take up knitt-
00; put
00; pu


to win 2

In our opinion they're both
lucky they had jobs for



2 3 Tre Ss nd-
Re a 1 8 th rifles, SUCH 2 RY John
thi sitting, or ey ¢ tn rifles, Ses
he : 2 off. 300% match. Every | 4 WIN TODAY 2, i rheun
have pad wo mle Ee ig — ~~ Mise
Switzerland is taught iS LIFE —_— Miss

jor ope

and aim straight!


sec] ove esa |
It looks like the groundhog wish- [how to | ital
Ss 1 [laces the romen and al a
ed some more winter on us so I| In the llages the women an You ARE Re
guess I'll keep on my woolies. =irls are bedecked in their sunday | @ § 3
: A WISE OWL best, a native costume of silk, vel- | Py Charles Sughroe GOOD / Adan
et vet and embroideri with silver | ERS day of
ht | :
Sponging rugs with hot water to chains, with a fe Edelweiss or | 100 ally gf and: 4a
which a little turpentine has been other Apline flower in their hair. | GOOD move t
faded will Grive out and keep ou’ |The morning is spent in hearing , — Hoflent
speeches’ and making resolutions to > Mrs.
5 | Mrs. (
i 3 : ia wo i : & ail J ( | i
pr pws - —— rr ey te pm ts a & i ey iat ee SRN. Ko mena AER a bas