The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 27, 1935, Image 3

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— = — a
D G E MT. JOY JRS. TO PLAY ETOWN ° ° FORD DEVELOPS ENTIRELY mercially feasible, These new al- [545,705 DOGS NOW i
SPI] HIGH TURKEY DAY MORNING e 1g10US eceaiewor NEW METALS FOR V-8 CAR loys possess strength and tough- LICENSED IN STATE
. ’ ness for superior to the “cast iron” ts
en- Thursday morning, Nov. 28, 1935, News in’ his Guild S Annual Experimental work of the Ford and “cast steels” of a decade or| The latest report from the Bu- |
y party on the Mt. Joy Juniors (this year’s Company on which millions more ago. rey of Fini Industry, Penn-
r son Ernest Lancaster Ch : : o of dollars have been spentis being Ford casting f tals | Sylvania Department of Agricul-
: y ampions) will ; pe g castings are of new metals
th birthday travel to Elizabethtown to engage Onn ‘unity ga ermg reflected in the development of that are really new, and are no ture, shows 545705 dogs licensed
; were: Ern- TRAVELERS WIN PAIR the Elizabethtown High School Grid new and better materials for the more like what has been used be- |in the Commonwealth. This num-
iggins, Roy machine, which promises to be a The Mount Joy Branch Ford V-8 fore than day is like night. New ber is 255% more than for the
; ¥ y Branch of the : y : ay
Harold Lib- sensational fray. The Juniors hope EVs PERTANING TO ALL THE Needlework Guild of Americamet| If there is a trend in the Ford mixtures of metals, new alloys or [corresponding period in 1934. There
Billy Leib The Mount Joy Travelers won a 10 we large crowd from Wb. Joy CHURCHES IN MT. JOY AND on Thursday, November 21, 1985, | XPerimental work, itistoward the different quantities of alloying met- [are 725 kennels licensed which is
1 O'Conne Deir of he pest few days, at the game. Following are the om ke SURROUNDING in the America Legion Home, to |™C™ ¢xlensive use of cast metals als ame being developed, and these | forty-two more than a year ago. PRESTIGE!
Lynn, Kath- Roherstown and Colum- probable lineup: IMUNITY the. garments donated iby wherever they can be evolved of are melted, poured, cooled and| Over 18800 uncontrolled dogs i.
right, Kath- Dla. Scores: N . -— ; | suitable quality and characteristics. heat-treated in ne In fact, | Were killed by police officials dur-
5 Mt. Jo E’t High : the members. A business meeting n new ways. In act, :
loffman, Ed- Rohrerstown Ist 2nd 3rd Tis re y LE i Donegal Presbyterian Church followed the A tia) The cast alloy steel crankshaft, the it can be said in truth that Ford |ing the first ten months this year
Swe Benedict ........ 173 180 333 Ve........ | Rev, C, B. Segelken, D. D. Pastor of 1350 garments were received and loy iron valve lifters and theal- is creating new and better mater- and 1896 dog owners have been i
Eshle Walters ......... 157 190 347|R. Maser. REET? PR Wittle | Church School at 9:00. D. C. distributed a follows: loy iron camshaft of the Ford V-8 ials for the Ford V-8—materials | ordered prosecuted. YOUR business is often
tia Ferrich«.......... 135 187 322 | E. Mateer...... L G...... Robinson | Witmer, superintendent. JH : 3 engine are notable examples. These which have never been used in| The number of damage claims is judged by the kind of printed
Habecker ..161 180 151 493(7. Barnhart...... C..... Gochnauer | Moming Worship and Sermon! To the needy inourcommunity— | co. Ford developments are automobiles before approximately the same as last
Gephart ..148 175 186 509 |Rice.......... R G........ Bobbish | at 10:00 A. M. 963 garments ‘n use on more than a million In addition to thes new mater- | Year. milter you send through fhe
Dorstler......... 43 173 135 454 Tags T... 1 erent Commi Nee earners vehicles, and are giving better re- ials, Ford has developed new ways mails. We're experts in Job
int met ee «paren theses oer Salunga Methodist Church = Army garmen sults than the conventional for- of fabricating them. These new y Printing and can assure you
Totals ..780 855 822 2457 F. Schneider.....Q. B....Eshleman | pe Robert H. Comly, Minister General Hospital—38 garments | gin 00 they replaced, service methods enable the parts of the nN
M Joy Travelers Ist 2nd 3rd Tis|Miller........R. H B....... Bricker 9:30 Sunday School. St. Joseph's Hospital —38 garments | of the company show. V-8 to be made with great ac- that you'll got quality af mods
Hogentogler .....146 157 178 487Pennell.......L H B....... Ulrich | 645 Epworth League. Messiah Orphanage—21 garments | The Ford Motor Company has curacy, maintaining even greater 4 erate prices,
F. Good..........134 181 177 492 Bailey..... reves F. Be... Faltz | 73) Evangelistic Services Rosner Sanitarjum—19 gar- | pon pioneering in a new field, the uniformity than the Ford Motor
Anderson ....... 169 180 223 552| The Juniors will practice Satur- | Friday 6:45 Catechetical & Lead- en Necdlowork @ald io i of iron alloys heretofore Company every previously attained,
Herr. ... 170 213 323 | day morning at 10:00 o’clock sharp , ership Classes. NE 0 Jud IS the ot used or even thought com- and that’s no mean statement. ~
M Good......... 173 178 “35! |on the High School field. All play- | only National organization which kas A dig BU ¥ LETIN
Derr 165 174 519 | ers are requested to be there at this | Mount Joy Methodist Church brings to everyone the opportunity 3 ded
le ee time. Rev. Robert H. Comly, Minister of helping those less fortunate than MOUNT JOY
Totals ..T67 842 969 2598 re 9:30 Sunday School. themselves. The annual contribu-
DEFEAT COLUMBIA 1030 Thanksgiving Services. tion of two or more garments, or You man Phone 41)
Columbia 1# 2nd 3rd Th oca 7.30 Wednesday evening, Devo- houschold linen, or if preferred, a
C. Kline..........173 149 171 490 | tions! Hour. donation in money,
Honor ........... 172 170 191 533 — pete? Yer, women 2 Once upon a tiga young man |
Spence .......... 156 149 305 Trinity Lutheran Church ghtdren, may become . I fain that in soils ord Us was very much iriiiye. BUT the
JOBE 163 173 urors Rev. il A Kercher, Pastor |SMPIy by giving to one of the @ Perit: 1) jo Fijian tht Mn egies of Jrd times and object of his said he
P. Bransby.......169 158 235 562 Bible School 930 A. M. Dison Bsted ey. ott are depression. wasn't romantic § eh. What
H Rinse... . 180 139 208 527 j Nn : : : e Directors of the Mount Joy dic ise s Ald ii to do! at to’ I! Here's
iid 9 | raw Sore 10:45 A NM Branch of the Needlework Guild De Jy no. % Fe security is probably lo secret atall what he did. He hed down rder cisewhete
CR » I : : : Although earning but@goderate incomes, ms: 1 age our o
Totals ......... 850 735 953 2583 The annual Thanksgiving matin of America are: My ld Staulf. | : 2 d shad s 1 dn YY benpis manays Io LESTER Ri RTS see us. A anufacturers of
M Joy Travelers 1st 2nd 3rd TI (Continued from page 1) sorvins will Be held ks 1h Mrs. Clarence Schock, Mrs. | achieve and maintain gncial preparedness by saving a little as ts de
Ss I | service wi ¢ld in Trinity Lu Losier Roberts. Mis. M.S, Potten and bought her 1936 Sie BLOCKS
Hogentogler ..164 183 162 566 C. B. Risser, farmer, Manheim !eran Church on Thanksgiving morn- Mr ‘si 4 Ni lev. Mr H R » 1 they go along. Atwater Kent Set. CONCRE a
hod ln... 149 189 318 No. 3. ling at 6:30 o’clock. The choir will ole Anon > 4 Se 3 a nail Now she listens to Crosby SILLS and
173 173! Monroe H. Ebersole, supervisor, | girs as special numbers, “Thou i Y, Ws: FiJoyNissly, Ms 1 d and thinks about he r friend.
Meteor .......... 155 209 186 550 Mt Joy No. 2. | Crownest The Year” by Maker and | Mrs. Clarence Theyre going to
Schneider ..149 158 196 503 | Chas. Ricedorf, farmer, Rheems. | the “Te Deurn” by Kotschmar. gomen Mig. War! Myers, Mos Ho soon and hope that e kind FFER& 0
Derr ..165 180 214 559 Enos L. Floyd, laborer, Rheems. eee win March, Me $e G: Longare friend will give them de luxe J.N.STAU '
—_— David H. Eby, retired, Mount Joy | Florin United Brethren in Christ | Mrs. John G. Longenecker, Atwater Kept metal ff} ens MOUNT JOY, PA.
Totals ..782 399 931 2612 No. 1 Church Mrs. Qeorge -Rerener, Mey, Clare sole for a wedding present.
er : Fun} i Mi : Miss
ieee lien ee H. ¥. Reiber. kab BE. P 2 ; Harnish, Miss Anna Hoffer, L TER
Te sets Bev. 3 vy Pastor Grace Henderson, Mrs. Grant Ger- ES ROB 8 WE HA VE caw
SPUDS—KOOLS | burg. Prayer meeting, Thurs., 7:30 P.M. berich. Mrs. Paul Getz. Miss Mari Telephone 22J
Spuds 1st 2nd 3rd Tls| Benton Hipple, Jr, salesman, Sunday School 9:30 A. M. G > od Paul Fr ok. Mre cl br 25 E. Main St. MT. JO A. /
R. Schneider .. 181 189 210 580 | Marietta. Communion Service 10:30 A. M. 2, Dt - “nin yes 1 )
Gels oo... 145 144 149 438! G. Walter Dulebohn, salesman, | 7:30 P. M. Womans’ Day services ig pe: ey IG Ne
008... iis 139 136 159 434 Elizabethtown. lin charge of the W. M. Al" a oa po A 7S
F Good... 169 170 139 474 Charles Keath, millworker, Man- | Special program will be given. Mr. Ne h wr gv So >
- = lo lu. heim, Musselman, Missionary from Africa | Ei are en ra
Totals ....... 634 639 657 1930 | Petit Jurors, Jan. 27 and former resident of Florin will a A ae : aay
Kools 1st 2nd 3rd Tle| Helen Lawrence, housewife, Mar- | speak. Pe 38 gre eu ’ “MEAT
Mummaw ..... 201 161 159 521 |ietta. Ri , ; KRAL MARKET
Kramer ........ 139 136 166 441| Paul R. Frey, clerk, Elizabeth- First Presbyterian Church Sindee ins by sdvens |
Schatz. 188 213 167 568 town. Rev. C. B. Segelken, D. D. Pastor Sting m Ye : West Main Lt, Mt. Joy
ER W. Good ...... 174 162 202 538 | Arthur Nelson, barber, Manheim, Church School at 9:30 EB — A
TE - = — {No.1 Evening Worship & Sermon 7:30 - . |
Totals 702 672 694 2005! Nelson E. Wambaugh, electrician, Union Thanksgiving Service in Ries
i High Single, Schatz 213. High Elizabethtown. the United Brethren Church |
J Triple , R. Schneider 580. | Amos B. Drace, painter, Eliza- | Thursday Morning at 10:00 o'clock. i ~ FAL GOOD
y | bethtown. The annual meetings of the Con- FOR R]
SPUDS—CAMELS Petit Jurors, March 2 gregation, the Corporation and the |
Spuds Ist 2nd 3rd Tls.! G. A. Raub, retired, Marietta. { Sunday School Association will be il y PRINT ING
R. Schneider .. 157 170 18 513 Brandt Eater, laborer, Marietta. held on Monday evening, December 7 1iowatt's
ess... 164 161 186 511 John E. Lebo, clerk, Elizabeth- | 2nd at 7:30. The purpose of these ist s Gif | ;
— fp Good ....... 191 159 159 509 : town. | meetings is to elect elders, trustees, | A 1stmas Gi t TRY
2 eB cr TE Aaron S. Hollinger, farmer, Eliz- | of the church and officers of the 1 | d Contest |
RYE | Tous 512 490 531 1533 | abethtown. | Sunday School. i i Tre BULLETIN
® Camels Ist 2nd 3rd Tls| Daniel M. Wolgemuth, feed and | [8078 807 SS I ow! |
@© Barmhart ...... 129 162 168 458 ' coal, Florin. St. Mark’s U. B. in Christ FORD VB CARS Z ; AND NOTE THE DIFFERENCE
~ @ Demmy ....... 172 127 116 415 Earl Derr, polisher, Mt. Joy. Rev. 0. L. Mease, S. T. D., Pastor GEST : / 300.000 Send self-addressed |
@ J. Mateer ...... 179 245 189 613! Henry O'Neil, clerk, Mt. Joy. Sunday School at 8:00 a ; } / 2 ; J aw]
B78 18 LETH > / ard today!
® — — — =| Irwin Brinser, retired, Bainbridge | Morning worship at 10:15. IN TEX MONTHS, 7 7 7 entry refgy card t y
; ® Totals, ....... 480 534 473 1487 | Samuel Lesey, merchant, Eliza- | Evening Worship at 7:30. / 890.000 res and. it)
High Single J. Mateer 245. High ! bethtown. Prayermeeting on Wednesday at : Think how grand it | N; 2
Q Triple, J. Mateer 613. | Geo. F. Eater, garage, Marietta. | 7:30 o'clock. | would be give Mother one Why Get Up 1g ts!
en Vernon Good, bookkeeper, Eliza- { The morning worship period will { of the prize$ghown below on| sx. sLADDER LAXATIVE
®@ CHESTERFIELDS—OLD GOLDS | bethtown. be devoted to a missionary service 7 Christmas ning! FREE and
@ Chesterfields Ist 2nd 3rd Tis Milton H. Hottenstein, coal and | under the direction of the W. M. A. : :
® C. Herr ....... 197 165 162 524 feed, Manheim No. 1. and Otterbein Guild organization of 0 If you ‘en’t received
@ H. Greiner . 197 147 124 478 Petit Jurors, March 9 the church. The speaker will be vour entry ask for one
? J. Newcomer .. 171 154 150 475' G. Garfield Hershey, farmer, | Miss Ema Rife, returned missionary {at our nearestiffice.
= J. Anderson ... 166 160 169 495 Manheim, No. 1 from Africa. iE ; : :
Co) Toe... 144 140 142 426| Edw. S. Kline, farmer, Landis- There's a Prize, too, I any druggist
Soe .......... 171 147 148 486 | ville. The 2nd monthly Bible Confer- I) ‘or every comfleted entry | «iil ret E. W, GARBER,
® a H. H. Nissley, assessor, Elizabeth- | ence, will be held in the Evangel- | submitted. = : -
@ Totals ...... 1046 913 905 2834 | ‘num, cal Congregational Church, Mount eR :
= ts sav snter this
%) Old Golds 1st 2nd 3rd Tls| H F. Rubl, Jr, druggist, Man- Jo, Pa, Dec. 2nd, 3rd and 4th at |. Don't deiay ente this TIRED, WORN ouT,
} C. Miller ...... 144 147 142 433] heim. 30 P.M. contest now: Th¥glosing date KO LM BITION
7 M. Newcomer .. 171 157 157 480 | Wm. F. Decker, retired, Elizabeth- “The teacher will be Rev. John R. {is December 1
= ¥ Stein ...... 176 177 19% 547 | town. Waser, present pastor of this church. = ghee
= L. Hogentogler 208 206 220 634 | Elizabeth DeLong, housewife, Lit- | He will give the following studies just “wome: thet
j ......... 187 140 148 475 iz in the hook of Colossians. selves around, all
@ MM. Reinhold 178 166 154 498 Clayton O. Frey, farmer Eliza-| Monday, all the fullness, Chapter tired out with pedi,
~~ yo wy ws odic wea
©) = == = hothiown No.-3. 1:1-23. ain? They should
J @ Totals ....... 993 987 1010 3067 | Chas. K. Mease, restaurant, Lan- Christ in You, Chapter now that Lydia
PS High Single, Hogentogler 220. disville. 1:24 to 34. E. Pinkham’ s Tab-
= High Triple, Hogentogler 634. ilton Ulrich, painter, Manheim | Wednesday, Christ is all, Chapter 7 lets as
4 { No. 2. 3:5 to 418, comfort. Small size only 25 cents.
4 LANDISVILLE Harvey Engle, produce dealer,{ Everybody welcome: Bring your Oma ator of Deaville,
Illinois, says, “I bad no ambition
The second of a series of P. T. A.
meetings was held in the High
School auditorium Thursday even-
Dr. Roy Deck, ear, eye, nose and
throat specialist, of Lancaster, gave
a talk on health, Dr. Deck stressed
the seriousness of eye strain on the |
pre-school child and school child, |
and spoke of the various nervous
deceases caused by eye strain. He |
also spoke of sinus conditions that
may arise from a neglected cold.
Rev. A. E. Cooper, member of the
Several readings were given by
Miss Mary Evans a student at Nef-
fsville High School
The next meeting will be held
school board, spoke briefly on the |
proposed new high school building. |
Mount Joy.
Monroe Buch, retired, Manheim.
John H. Charles, laborer, Mariet-
| ta No. 1.
James Miles, clerk, Elizabethtown
Harry K. Landis, supt.,, Rheems.
Wm. L. Thome, teacher, Mt. Joy
No. 2.
Cora Erb, housewife, Marietta.
Harry W. Cover, farmer, Bain-
{ A male rineneck pheasant flew
| through a window at 219 East Chest-
| nut street, Lancaster, landing in H.
P. Lederer's bedroom. Next day
they ate him for dinner.
| Mrs. W. H Behney, of near Lam-
peter, heard a crash, investigated
and found a dead pheasant. It had
flown against a window.

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
Rev. Albert K. Hayward,
Dec. 1, 1935 First Sunday in Advent
9:15 Church School.
10:30 Morning Prayer & Sermon.
6:30 Young People’s Service
League, Leader Mary Louise Long-
enecker, Subject: “Jesus Today and
7:30 Evening Prayer and Address.
Kalender for week of Nov. 24th
Wed. afternoon 3:30 Collection
and Distribution of Thanksgiving
Baskets by young People.
Wed. evening 6:30 Choir rehearsal.
Thursday, Thanksgiving Day
10:30 Union Thanksgiving Service in
the United Brethren Church, the
Rev. Dr. Segelken the preacher.

ON 31 of last year, Henry Ford
announced his intention to build a million
Ford V-8s in 1935. We are pleased to re-
port that this goal was reached in exactly
ten months instead of a full year.
One million cars and trucks is an im-
pressive total. But figures by themselves
mean nothing. It is what they represent
that counts. Selling a V-8 at a low price
has brought a new kind of automobile
within reach
has provided
of thousands o
associated ind
the people. Producing it
dy work for hundreds
n in the Ford plants, in
and on the farm.
These million For@V-8 cars and trucks
have helped to md
around. In the first ten of 1935 the
Ford Motor Company
United States alone, $
wages and $523,111,389.
things better all
d out, in the
119,326.00 in
zat ie
and was terribly nervous. Your Tab~
lets helped my periods and built me
up.” Try them next month.
0 Jf [3 pa

Penn Square. Lon. ster, Pa.
On All-Dental Wor
Daily. 9A. M. 106 P. ML
Mon, Wed., Fri, THI 3 P. M.

Re an
—_—— Wee
all the news of this
lity for less than three cents a
cek through The Bulletin.
TO BE SOLD—A nice home corn-

| er Marietta and Lumber streets, Mt:

December 19 when a special Christ- |
mas musical program will be given.
; —— ee
There is no better way to boost | we
your business than by local news- |
1 paper advertising. | Patronize Bulletin Advertisers.
Friday 11 A. M. Tryouts for
Christmas Pageant. All the Young
People are requested to come.
Phone No. 77 South Market St. ELIZABETHTO PA.
You can get
loca 7-room Frame House with all
| conveniences, Frame Stable, large
lot, possession almost any time.
ny Price according to the times. Call
or phone Jno. E. Schroll, Mt. Joy. tf
| Joy,
Power& Light Compl

When in need of Printing. (any-
thing) kindly remember the Bulletin

A 4