WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27th, 1935 | SAGE TWO THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, a JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. AME BOARD PAY John F. Weaver, West Lam- MOUNT JOY BULLETIN Maytown | ems on Meeting Of 5 i is =n MAYTOWN BAINBRIDGE QP] ESTABLISHED JUNE 1901 Y er, West Ee The latter two d Mrs. Hod Berd ublished Every Wednesday at sv. Ph ission- | 7 re-elections. ! New Fi trae Was Mr. and Mrs. iu son Bartles en- Published Every Wednesday at Mount Joy, Pa. Fetes New The bead ot Be an | Supervisors Three A elected to attend eee aye ferlained Bt a birthday party. on TE ers has paid to counties and town- : Saturday ht for th n INo. E. SCHROLL, Editor and Publisher ships in the State in lieu of taxes the state convention are: Isaac Lea- | Saturday Tight ior their son Kroes! who celebrated his 11th birthday i 3 n Eli t Forr West | . during the past year $2321135 | Association man, Elizabeth; C. ee orry, wo The Maytown fire engine was anniversary. The guests were: Fre. | wl ts ap Tam ° * = Subs n Price £1.50 Per Annun x ss 1 ce er Amnum 4 | Donegal; and H. S cker, i Et aan |a Months onts sl] Sbies 2 fixed charges on State Game Lands. 2h Sos { commissioned with a parade at 3.30 |" el 5 ik Months. ........... 7 gona Single Copies............ 3 Cents : m—— Lampeter. The alternates chosen are est Bartles, Bobby Higgins, Ro Thre Months 40 Cents & Je Copies State property is not taxable, but pe alterna {P. M. Saturday the master of cere- 5% d : 32 : A ree Months...........40 Cents Sample Copies.............. FREE fhe law provides that in lieu of (From page 1) C. C. Greider, West Hempfield, Wil- | oa fiers 0 Shoe and Raber, Jimmie Bryan, Harold Libh- : i i 1onies was ermar , nue ar 5 he The subscription lists of three other newspapers, the Mount Joy Star (from page 1) taxes the counties and townships Act be paid direct to the townships | liam Eater, East Donegal; and J. M. |, = ogram included: Invocations hart, Wallace Kramer, Billy Leib The pa WE Bi 3 : Avanti 5 oir] 2 Per . the pr ym We TY ECE se} Je ir of ga: nd News, tt I and the Florin News were merged with i gine that was mounted on a nine- [shall be reimbursed at the rate of of Pennsylvania was unanimously Berrier, Mount Joy. Rev. Kirby Yiengst; presentation, Russel Keck, Bernard O'C in ti ga bd 's circulation practically double that | year-old automobile. two cents per acre for roads, two {adopted at the closing session. The The resolutions commitiee for be GA acceptance, Jack Margaret Kech, Orpha Lynn, Kath- e! Sug ‘ y \ i - < = rT. . a3, arter; e ince, dcx : - . ye 5 | | Fuhrman Act, which replaced the [1936 was appointed by the new : a lef: addr Paul | T¥yn Leib, Geraldine Wright, Kath- bia. e i Frank, fire chief; address, Pau The Maytown company traces its jcents for schools in the townships | storv back over more than half |in which the lands are located and | i Fone : Si oe a century. From 1880 to 1916 it cane cent for county purposes. 1935, carries an appropriation of leen Wright, Dorothy Hoffman, Ed- Rohrerstov arkinson measure on January 1, | president at the end of the session. |, . 1 Parkinson > 2 : p wiih Knier, county fire marshal; Paul Benedict _ na Sweigart, Jeannette Sweigari I I lie Esh Walters Lefever, secretary, county asso E D I T oO R I A L | rg hard fighting bucket brigade | The county with the largest area 159,000,000 for the 1930-37 biennium tion, and Harry S. Miller, Mariette Helen Bae ser he 0) Ferrich ¢ ich | is spent by ris Bartles a sretta Bartles i pany. In 1910 Maytown held joi game lands and the one which snd sto = Spent BY the fire chief: doxolozy, Rev. W , Doris Bartles anc retta B 5 Br backer } a ou Home Week celebration and rceeived the largest amount of Highway department on Gephart All old vegetation and we nd baked bean supper the ladies auxiliary. | the garden mount : fixe is : which | roads. The association is se mount of money left fxcd charges is Elk county Dorstler .. = song to the act givi the 1 scram was at an iid. has a total area of 45,649 acres of amendment to the act giving the should be cleaned ry SOUNDS LIKE BUNK later. ! declared in favor of hole rule as | were made in the equip- : i: = | opposed to centralized govern t time to time and re- a Cc { Sh. io ali { {and expressed opposition to all | an : - Newspapers and people tell about the depression and relief | used to help buy game lands. Sullivan county is cal supervisors the Sho and burned. The winter quarters Totals Folk and how men shiver on street corners and wrap them- ft fighting equipment | with 38,909 acres. oe Pr the work Ea BE ee of Printing. (any- | of many harmful diseases and in- mM Joy Tre » i In a second reso the group sects will be destroyed in this way, Hogentogle i selves in newspapers in Central Park. New York, but just the same last Saturday one million dollars, all told, was spent on | foot ball game., F. Good.. Anderson Herr: ..... M. Good.. Derr ...... The hye : ; is 3 munity and com- | hat may ave been common enough back in the good old |, decided a new apparatus was | but nothing like that has happened in a long time. ; moves toward centralizati Museum hat I} = "gfe > 12 ful and uneconomical. FONE % » tC) Shiué vres | sen rman O. Shue, president of Officers : Are Elected 5 t Maytown company, presided. | 1 5 ] i } Totals GOOD OLD SANTA CLAUS | . Kirby Yiengst gave the S O bo DEF «3 and the Rev. William Columbi = Some literal minded folks think that parents make a mis- | fie dexology gs ’ c. Kline take when they tell the children the pretty old fable about 2 Mille; (Continued from page 1) : 5 ml S. Miller, of Mar deta, 1 5 ; i bv Mrs ml Honor Santa Claus. When the little ones find out that it is all just Cloisters Were gathered by Mr — Spence a*myth, it is claimed, they lose faith in the veracity of their hairran of Danner Suring Bs SSIS and | Jones .... ents : hirano since his death have been kept in- ® Whether you or PP a parents. Mrs. Jack tact at Manheim. whether vou are you I fan y H. Kline.. can use our confidentiafigredit plan to equip your car. 3 fits every pocketbook and yolggre assured of courteous, - sonal service. GOODRICH TIRES RE BATTERIES © AUTO RADYS Zig Sl ater Schneider Derr Mr. Danner died eighteen years| ago. He left a will providing for home for aged Children, however, are not literal. They live in a world of | imaginings. They constantly read about magic carpets Totals .. M Joy Tra Hogentogle: Good ..... elves the erection of a men and women of ature. They have to learn when the world is telling fables : ans . : ili Sane A JT NJ ill and when it is talking seriously. R O W E N N A Te provided | €rected as soon as $ and gnomes, but that does not lead them to distrust all liter- The Santa Claus story had it that the genial old citizen of were made available for i the North Pole brougl struction and maintenance. Itdes- | literally false, but essentialiv true. We have learned that if ignated that the buildings be erect- | people are good and kind and helpful. gifts come to them ed at South Char : Ferdinand streets John W. Gish and M. a pia the trustees. had the right to pose of the museum if they it his gifts “to good children.” It was ® First-quality, guaranteed prod — reasonable easiest credit terms. We handle all of our of accounts and fit our plan to your r@ quirements. Regardiess of past ex-4 periences see us before you buy. NO DELAYS NO RED TAPE QUICK SERVICE eo Totals far more wonderful than any that old Santa brought with his reindeer. RK) Spuds R. Schneid Geiss the money was needed to carry out the plans for the Arte r Engr Several efforts were OUR TIME 352 YEARS OLD to re- | Persons who rave and rant against Daylight Saving Time The Allied tain the collection for Manheim | had their prototype 52 vears ago “when nvention of | co-chairman borough, but Mr. Danner made no i F. Good Standard Time stirred up more righteou nation and re- ion of a} sistance to change than “fast time" does ii en nd Ving Those who find life under Daylight Saving = Mummaw Kramer erable and sacrilegious either were not vember 18, 1883. or have forgotten the Schatz W. Good The money derived from the sale 1 3 +} seneral funds pia In the generaliuncas will sun” or “local time.” now Totals | High Sin Triple , R Standard Time with its one-] United States into four different tral. Mountain and Pacific—is Standard Time there were more assed in the United States and Canad Rud “railroad” time of te n were n } munity. Traveling by the watch was the next thing t HI POS [a = : nk Ww ul Es | SP Spuds R. Schneid Geiss ..... 414 Locust Street COLUMBIA Pi sible because almost no two «¢ Fi Good . Next to the calend: A ns — — = . ®st contribution in this f © Totals to see how this complex civil =) ! Camels out it. Rapid transpor 1 “"Mortuar Barnhart William Frederick Al SOE | Y Demmy iy J. Mateer ih 1H S “be Railways.” wa REALTY LISTINGS = Record For may arise f: Rev. A. E school boar proposed ne Several re: Miss Mary fsville High The next December 1! 2 and find rest. “Each cloud-capped mount is a holy An organ breathes in every grove: pd the full heart's a Psalfer., «Rich in deep hymn of gratitude and love.” to the Giver is here. It 1s nc is substitute teach ing Mr. Thome's © © G 3 : : made law on March 13. 1883, after : fion st Loui wd approved it. : S 8 4h * Oddly enough th T Ise P t W k = Triple, J. 1! rected against Standard S voters AT UNION as ec 9 Seren] Bgainel Daylight Sore ving Tie. : | SQUARE. ENTERTAIN GUESTS | ® Chesterfield IR ra roar ir ot som on pe you 8 HERE ARE A NUMBER OF PROPERTIES OL Hoe doned “time ball” or from the st ; © Vi onc “tm Swen © to be DISPOSED of at DEPRESSION PRICES DLS sie = Doe ...... OF GREAT CULTIVA [ION : e oy A mat Sith of sped ds and } @ @ Totals 2g thanks ft r the food that was ef re him. 1 S @® NT -— @ oud Golds Bo lic bread.» gam of milk a 11 soo | -'8 No. 459-10a Truck and Poultry Farm . $2500 9 5. the meagerly furnish e 4 sevens @ - — 2 Fela fous res 10 be tank Sr 6 No. 435-26a Farm, Rapho Twp. . . ... $2500 © wu" dou have to be th @ M. Reinhol = “Well.” said n. slowly. gazing - © 1 ~ $ Sear. = eyes = - of a ng ang ciean S No. 453-6 a, House, Garage, Etc. * ® $2500 9 in Sia ning. AL be § &J a paused. “I coule I a great many othe 1s @ NT —-— on : - ® High Triple Shot | believe that is enough.” = 8 No. 454—Corner Prop. & Lot, Mt. Joy . $3500 ¢ an he Trait of tl st flow . . &vilization. wledges tl n ¥ =r: . © wealth ao in wilh vison which 8 No. 457-3-Story Brick House, Mt. Joy . $4000 g m= not perm i S S vv &) ased it thus > | ® 1 — : | ; ® aud BR 1 a fruit of great cultivation: you de |= © No. 438-22%a Farm, electric. . .. . :: $4500 0 1% mr mong gross people ba J J throat speci Since the exper ier of iP = or . 3 . . 9 a talk on h ding has heen expecially observed by 1 : : No. 456— Corner Property Florin, all con. Right Q uses of the soil. those ho can bear wiines 2 fc brings forth bounty and | t Y : ® 28 Tope ine a it iy oh . 8 N 0. 460—Main St. Prope rty, Florin © we . $2600 2 ign @® © 2 ¢ season of Thanksgivin oniy for the material things that well affuned people JNO. E. SCHROLL, Realtor but for the fine living broideries and brocades. the {town el v y pd 3 3 .- = 2 ey 2 ia 8 i} mas musica Wndscape rather than the land, the visions more 1 ex 8 Printing. (any- MOU? NT JOY 2 PA. RE > . “3 - 3 oT I sight. That vision lays aside the night. the cloud and ; kindly remember the Bulletin There is 1 . i . . er. 2 3 ts A, he frosty bonds and envelopes of nature. to find a new rar, _ : Sita : your busine “ x - pe ss your business bry adver- of ‘expectation. Editor. in tising io = DARD } paper adver pe in, tising in the Bulletin | # : a