The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 20, 1935, Image 6

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. J
N church at 10 o'clock. Interment Youthful Thieves . Street. bethtown, Rheems, Bainbridge, 1 M
CL ASSIF IF A ) M ortu ary was made in the adjoining ceme- C { Our / leartiest Nov, 25 M A Y T O W N Joy, Marietta and Maytown, will
tery. oniess C ] Mrs. Anna Brubaker. participate, C. C. Keise: will he m=
: John B. Hays, R. D2 nn Mav: 7 Fir mpanv rill his avehal Po entire te
1 R eco) For DR. STEHMAN S. BECKER | min Waltz, son of Abram Waltz, on ongralu ations ov 57 The Mayiown Fite compe yal Joint Rs hou Go
19 } lig Dr, Stehman S. Becker, fifty-four, | West Donegal street, were “picked reese Nov. 26 commission. ns new of > oe Pranks, engineer of
Joy, Pa. : nov.6-4t- died suddenly at his home, at Man- | up” by Officer Elmer Zerphey and Nov. 19 Mrs. Roy Ament, N. Market St. | 490 gallons capacity with special | [the Maytown rire company, will ern
: 7 : 5 a ie Nov. 27 follow at which time the
heim, Wednesday morning of a | questioned. Geraldine Heisey : Saturday, November 23. | I S
FOR SALE-—A Heywo 4 attack Bb N ta sey. Mrs. Isaiah Sumpman on E. Main | will be officially placed in service cy
Se Rood AS Gr eart attack. He was born No- The theft of a bicycle, personal Nov. 20 Street The exercises will feature a par- [4 whe the Ladies’ A We,
11 Fact M. vember 25, 1880 and was a veter- | property stolen from cars of Henry Mr TY rg fi a : hic 1 start at 3:30 | Cs Eh re Rr us ——
ik . : ! : Mr. John Funk, Florin. Arthur Zerphy. ade which will start at 3:30 0'- will serve an oyster and
(from page or page 1 inarian since 1900. G. Carpenter and Miss Louise | : he : 4 : Be
is vived 1 hi rife ; : i Nov. 2 Richard Heisey, on New Haven Fire companies from Eliza- | baked ham supper in the Hall.
he was a member of the He is survive oy his wile, | Schock, were in question. Nov. 21 Street
Episcopal church and Fanny Longenecker Becker and the Both boys confessed, promised to Mr. Walter Zerphey. i M : Aar Metzler Ww — - s —- rr — . VOI
lito] of Bainb ridge, and | | following sisters: Mrs. William C.|hehave and were left go under those | Miriam Nolt, near Mount Joy. os St Jon gestern, a ost ig
dee in the primary depart- | Miller and Mrs. Oliver Reed, both | conditions. They are about 12 years tosa Longenecker, of Landisville. foi Street. be 1
: : [of Lititz. A niece, Elizabeth Reed f age. No charges will be brougl Mrs. Hettie Royer, near town.
the Sunday School and | I eed, | of age. No charges will be brought A ) When in need of Printing. (any-
member of Ladies’ Aid So- | ititz also survives. against them at present. Nov. 22 : . 5
ember of Lac 4 © held Saturday ir : thing) kindly remember the Bulletin
Services were he aturday irom Clder Thieves Too Mr. Alvin Pennell and son, Al-

the church. in Manhei
it 2 p.m the home. Interment in Manheim [ yo. add that older thieves | vin Jr, of Lancaster, both former-
es were held at 2 p. m. |r si : ght ad : 1d es -
\ Sean | Fairview cemetery. 3d x : Iv of ;
at the home in Bainbridge | 8 too neted watching here. Some time [ly of town. i ie S Us
Mild Florin.
nent in the Fairview ago a man from Florin came here, Mildred Hostetter, of
Vrightsville. JOHN E. GARBER bought his supply of meats and| Marlin Frey, son of Mr. and ».
John E. Garber, seventy-eight, | groceries, placed them in his car [| Mrs. Oscar Frey, on Columbia Ave. gai ut Cl S


GEORGE EMANUEL RHOADS 57 Donegal st, Mt. Joy, died at |and went into a business place to Nov. 23
vO 4 EMA! Y hi home p. m. Sunday of conti } a nr: a The only way your body can clean out
George Emanuel Rhoads, eleven, | US make another purchase. When he Miss Laura Sumpman, on East | Acids and poisonous wastes from your
1 If =e C Ley > . ys . ™ blood is thru Y million tiny, delicate Kid-
son of Dawson M. and Catherine | | plications. returned all his provisions were | Main Street. ney tubes or filters, but beware of cheap,
1 I Jaws M. a Hs iz survived by the follows . drastic, irritating drugs. If functional
IR th! Rhoads, Manheim, died atthe | ° S y gone. This, however, was not the Nov. 24 Kidney or Bladder Jisorders make You 3
aa { children: Stella, wife of Benjamin t of boy. : ! er To aE LD NE Looe
} f his parents Saturday morn- | Stell: Of theft of boys. Edith Shelly, Manheim Road. ness, Leg Pains, Backache, Circles Under SIMPLE §
: Gi Gaul; Barbara, wife of Allen Bru- a = , a Eyes, Dizziness, Rheumatic Pains, Acid- Q
a lication of diseases x Ali W. Hei d 1 of Miss Verna Brandt, of Rheems. its, Byroing, Smeriing or liching, don’t
aker: Alice sistand, a ) i Ev : - : i 3 ake chances. Ge 1e Doctor's guaran-
week's illness. He is sur- a ih Ie K oa n tiga TRAVELERS DEFEAT YORK Martin “Red” Metzler, East Main feed prescription called Cystex {Siss
ve z Co >. Eliza - . Tex). Works fast, safe and sure. In 48
by his parents, and two Mt. Joy; Edna Kepple, Elizabet Mt. Joy Travelering Bowling — | hours it must bring new vitality, and is
A guaranteed to fix you up in one week or

money back on return of empty package.
Cystex costs only 9c a day at druggists
and the guarantee protects you, [
town; Anna, wife of John Weaver, |, journed to York on Saturday
this city; Rhoda Garber, at home; evening and defeated the York
Paris Garber, Maytown and Jonas | Bowling team of that
Garber, Elizabethtown. The foll- place by 43 pins total. Anderson
Carl and Clair, at home. |
| His also survive, as
| follows: Mr. and Mrs. George H.



BE A a owing brothers and sisters also height scorer. Hk sa y
: han Be: Dog, Services. were held on Tuesday survive: The Rew. Simon Garber The Travelers will iravelio Lan. Bus to your favorite Theatre hock a Waning: pe How MANY
Mt. Jor 914R13 ss interment in Fairview cemetery. oun ah Nisstows “OV: | Joseph's Catholic Club where they —One Day Only— { Feit. Tif : JAN
— akin Services were held at the home will play Rohrerstown. | Biz Double-Feature Show Christmas Gift Contest toda) : OF
FOR at 1:30 p. m. today with further x Jolin Boles & oso ‘ :

and M

Butzer, wife of the
Butzer, of Rheems, died
® Dixie Lee in
This Second Feature!!
John Wayne in

3 iC. Ay

services at 2 p. m. at Bossler’s Advertise in The Bulletin
church, with interment in the ad-
joining cemetery. {
2:00 A. M. of a |
is survived by
Roa and one | Christin F. Walk, eighty-two,
I ~ | died at the home of his son Char- MANHEIM, PA.
Brubaker. Phone Mt. Jo

Nothing to sell or buy . . . 5 FS
to write! Just cut-outs, coloring nd
pasting! — 7 Thes
I :
The Centest is open to every boy an = I hon.


heart attack.

girl 18 years of age or younger, whose
home is served with Electricity by & Lh &3 Alla:








rrandde Merle Jean Detra. 3 ¥
y 11, 7 . a ET — One Day Only
Apartm The fol sa brothers aad sister: les Walk, at Washington Boro, of - LN ) ) { ants Powis & 1d Noirs ok Clay
Desir: able > oe ation. Toe Harry Aan od un n Es [8 complication of diseases. He is : Thurs., Nov. 20-21 | Ba Once upon a ti ) 2 | BY a hover Ligh Loman Rohrer
Joy. O ir = all at 67 . ot Philadelphia; a sister survived by his wife, Annie, and Jack¥Benny, Ted Healy | was very muchi ve. BUT the | me id pany. . { Ruth
fo! information. een Teilhy of Phil 4 L these children, Mrs. Ruth Cover, Ha Merkel object of his affé@ions said he Complete details are on the entry ; ¥ Manhe
EE itlhwain, o iladel- AVE | anti i A
OTING M: ATC H Kes Esosushads : i Columbia; Martin B., Charles B, & in | wasn romantic ough. What blank. If you have not received yours p 0 Harr
i sid Evpenshnde, Mt, John B. Chester B. Myra, Mrs «ITS THE AIR” to do! What toffido!! Here's ; just cail in person at the nearest office 1 Ss bridge.
alii Elizabeth Shultz nnd Mrs. John SO what he did. He gnshed down of the Cempany and you will be given A, £5}
services will be held I aiid Bertin ADDER ATTRACTION to ota Er = by
N rl irom 1 home 1:30 o'clock | LE gate ie x Wash “rene LESTER R( ERTS FP ) A ra
a |and at 2 P. M. in the Mt. Joy U. B, ©f Washington Boro; also asis- and bought her a%new 1936 EVERY BOY AND GIRL WHO Elizabe
i at WE. Tunnel Gone Ye Annie Gibson, Asbury Atwater Kent Compact Set. | SUBMITS A FULLY COMPLETED : 5 John
Pa. lizabethtown. Mr. Butzer | and ‘wo brothers, code Now she listens to Bidz Crosby ||| PICTURE WINS A SPECIAL ENTRY & 8 ®) etta N
sass died just six weeks ago. i ington Boro; and Franklin, MONDAY, Ng ad y frien: PRIZE. BE SURE AND GET YOURS T= RQ
Ca £4 i boro. ; —ONE ley te going fo hig marie WHEN YOU BRING IN YOUR EN- i
Bainbridge St., Elizabethtowh, 3 { Private services will be held at “Lucky” Every N hj day at 9p. | soon and hope that s i { 7! : ds > =
maori aps Victori i 18 | the home of his son on Thursday i0 LIVE TUBKEYS friend will give them age luxe AG
RE HOUSE FOR ‘SALE a Pon He [ewe afternoon. Interment in the Was i At The Mon. Nov. 3 | Atwater Kent metal tu x
10 wants a I k Scho aughter o iram N. and Vera ; i is i b . 99 ty TW le for a wedding S| |
: gton Boro cemetery. pmber 2: RE b 80 wedding presen =
for Strickler, of Mow Jor. B+ Sion Boo ¢ 3 Laurel & Hal | LESTER ROBERTS Pennsylvania Power & Light Con
ul shade D. 2, died at the home of her par- 7 TEN Ri LIFE” In Their Latest Fulfjlent | /
dam rad. ents Fridav morni of “'= 40 MEN GIVEN JOBS Picture | Telephone 22J »
tk cals nis & mornmg, o nonia | I yr | xy + W
fof 2 go sale ee eal Tea en Vi ON WIDENING HIGHWAY {| “BONNIE || 25 E. Main St. MT. JOY, PA.
Moun C 1c several aays iness sides i EEO {
— he Y Y Es : eG iv 3 | | wt ~ ERT rst | The
EXECU TOR'S NOTICE a X 1€ 5 surly ed by 2 Forty men have been given em- =: - ere —— oe pr \ person;
tate of Amos R. Garber late of | 10.” and a sister, Ly-| ployment on widening and clean- {| Sota dood S020 430430430480 420620 420430430480 4004304300 aS e800 a8 430 XIX X lle, 1
3. | | Goede 1
Tote Joy Borough, deceased. dia; also her grandparents, Hiram | {ing the Falmouth-Elizabethtown | ag ye yy ’ y ik 2000 oe :
iors testament: $

y on said es-|B. Strickler, Salunga; and Mrs. i road. Starting Thursday, October
ydia G. Herr, of this city. 24, under the present WPA pro-



A D. B. BRUBAKER’S Department Store 2:
















ges were held at the home | gram, the project will continue un- |
Ris Monday morning at 9:30 o'- |i] a fund of $8.000 is exhausted. {3
clock and at Salunga Mennonite | Six-foot dirt shoulders will be 8! &
n ic them = ANTIQUE SALE made on both sides of the macad- | Wed Thus. Nov MOUNT JOY, PENNA. [ \ 1
at ‘Mount Joy EB The undersicned will offer at|am road including a little excava-! . Sey « he 4
_ JOHN G. ublic sale the following antiques: |tion work and the replacing of the | Joan Crawford
M. M. Harnish, Atty N FRIDAY NOVEMBER 22 ! BS
oct. 30. on 5 Sty, Ex Nh DAY, NV 22nd | storm sewers several feet in back Brian Aherne A 3
ret. 30- ixecutor 4 12 JOCK . . ays >
- mess iain ORithe rood rom Mavicun | 2 their former positions. | Cm : ler’s Fresh C Oo FE F BE BE 9 2 1b Box x
ADMINISTR ATOR’ S NOTICE to tNg Marietta and Mount Joy pike, ye “l LIVE MY LIFE” c 1 ¢ °
Estate of Fannie B. Garber late of | on er farm, about| When in need of Printing. (any- | ee *%°* Co Meal > os inv “i Soda Crackers C oe WILLI
Mount Joy } : Roasted the week you buy il 3
ia tors of 8 Mar dona Pa. | thing) kindly remember the Bulletin oe als ‘ ie YOK Ey os AFT
S Of ¢ > in excellent condition,
on said estate hav a good piece; Two Old °* H 5 d 1 oo HAR
to the unde pn fine condition; One |B DX omestea . le le & PRO
debted it Cupboard filled with Tere | £ Lanc. Large Can
some very old num- Matinee The. Evenings 5 ib Brubaker’ cial f %s* Har
DS yo : : ubaker’s Special P5¢ 3 or arc
Soe A al furdays Moose eatre 2 Shows | 8 Dried Co ¢ 5 Sauer Kraut ¢ 2 48 7
erous Other “old and 9 7. M B * &, f «© place,
dersiznod, Re Oo Ta bg “Saturday : os Cafe Supreme 2%e 3 in
Borough. Rolled-top Desk (ELIZABETHTOWN, -8-9:30 P. : & -
eral Firing Sets at Why Buy a Can? $
Administrator Ahm jen: Old Quilt 2 Pretzel Sticks ¥§ 2 yo Pink i o Both
1 3 yf
N g Atty ov.6-6t upboard, Vy Q > me v . . d
i a by Atty, pros; Fri, Sat. November, 22-23 § tT 2 Pounds A Tin Contains No Vitamins Can . ge
3 By BOI oe
Lamps, Oil o Tibbet oe Ey
T Ww Ll i
AN ORDINANCE locks, Re- Lgwrenee Tiobet J : ne
> AN ; Set i E not as:
x + o i boi i * Joy Pa
in 90 :
3 i oe named
ON 1. 3 Tuesday, November 26 a oh Fresh Dre ed | i > both. si
the Bo Monday, November 253 oat : a Ib. C i 2 The
of Moun Nino Martini | 3%
Pa. and \ifRis condition; In Cary Grant in 3 5 an - of ot
authority d pieces of old di in E'S TO ROMANCE” oo : 3 hear
Borough ad Ware SE > “TAS MTPOST? $ I" ; 3 ry can oe
adopt a : Nar WALLACE FREC LAST OUTPOST * Every Day Until Thanksgi Vill : ran € auce C | oo 5
The President of Gilbert, of Lebanon, Auct. & Clerk, : November 28 5 * & , : 5
thority of motio - Wednesday, November 27 5 * @
the Roroug h Cour : - oe
tract dated Aug d a Il o S Paul Muni BURNS 1 & A
purchase by th in : in" : eo RI Friday
vertical hyd: 8 “DR. SOCRATES” |“HERE COMES 4 Men's Ribbed > Pi
speed 1ncre = : < ores f
trifugal pump fro Te BR £ 5 URION SUITS c UNION SUITS by % Myers,
ompany oi rg — = — . rsa oe Beota
of $2,240.00 the 1 Hi = TR Long Sleeves and Legs & bare.
structed in ¢ TRY ry yg rE TE
fications | tT on Mrs. J
and to be * & Sl
water st oo
Sop! © $
SECTION 2. Th ’ oe
eons 1 By oath 3 MENS WOOL WORK HOSE an] Be % :
id n ers wd to make % 3:
the payments therefor and do : Nor W 5 oo
other acts required by the said con- 10% Wool 1 C 40 % 0 Wool 25¢ 3 T
—Very modern in every way, seven 3 \ KN ea 1 > ! es C
rooms, enclosed French porch, heat Just Received a Shipmy & SHADES c c C 4 helc
and electric, 2- -car garage, 2 poss =} 3 oo core
houses, § acres land, ome woodland | IMPORTED BIRR: % QUAKER FELT or SERVICE BOND 4 T
. . J. . . 90 .
Schroll, Mount Joy. Phone 41J. Including Choppers, Rollers : oo in
Fol, Music Box Singers : & Floor Newtex Ru $
TO BE SOLD—A nice home corn- iam > C - id wi 1 c oo
er Marietta and Lumber streets, Mt . . 2 : $ 75 o> 1
Joy, 7-room Frame Jone with all H. S. Newcomer x So Te 5% ovVerings 9x12 ° 4 | T
conveniences, Frame Stable, large A
Jot, possession almost any time. INC. «© Including Installing Ideal for Bed Room or re Room oe Seg
Price according to the res, Call MOUNT JOY, PA TS & : byt
. r 13-
or phone Jno. E. Schroll, Mt. Joy nov.13-2t deeded teats 003003003030 430 4% 20 alee dreds ec
J a SL A