The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 13, 1935, Image 7

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h, 1935 i oem cama
es 0 =
6, 1937 : SHERIFF SALES late of Daniel Hauenstein. or less to Elm Avenue; thence East- corded in Deed Book F. 27 page 254 ( south of ‘the southwest cof
Men Prefer Kit h F iB front on said Frank | ward along the same 25 feet to the | containi I perches and a tract | Fifth Street and Alley J, and ex=
: i I ree eet and extending in| place of beginning conve illiam J. Steller April | tending in a southwardly direction
1 Cc €1s uture ouse Shows | — of — of that width 164 feet, and| 2. Al that certain lot of ground | 14, 1927 and recorded fn Deed Book along the west line of South Fifth¢
ii RE L EST I No. 2 wp a 33-37 Frank Street.| with two and one-half story brick |N. 28 page 38l containing 39.27 Streat, in width in front, eighteen
YR ‘ A 0. 2. / at certain lot or piece | dwelling house ther erected. | perches and one-half (18}) feet and exten-
THE Ten Thousand Visitors to N : ATE : : lot or piece | dwelling house thereon erected, PCH ES: PL gi else :
X OF ow American Home in Rockefeller Center Jang situated on the Fast side of | situate on the North side of Elm he improvements thereon are a ding in depth in a westwardly di-
STATE Applaud Time-Saving Devi To be held elta Street between Main Strect| Avenue extended in Lancaster] 2} story stone dwelling house, stone | rection, uniform in width and par-
g Devices i and Cherr ; i is rr ig be wi i
THE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1935 | of erry Alley in the Borough | Township, known as No. 1197 Elm |and frame bank barn, frame pig| allel with Alley J, eighty (80) feet,
NO- | ’ Eh of Mount Joy, County of Lancaster | Avenue. pen, corn barn, garage and milk Bounded: North by property of
a ord At 2:00 O'clock P. M. and State of Pennsylvania,on which| Beginning at a point feet two | house. Joseph S. Roth and Annie Link
cy, un- i : 5 is erected 2 story frame dwelling, | inches more or I st of the| Seized and taken in execution as Roth; south by property now or
Sta. § . garage andother buildings and] Northwestern intercectios 1. | property of Casper L. Arehart and | late of the Estate of Wendall Ran-
t By virtue of ral wri dais : gs and rthwestern intersection of 1) p + Arehart and 2 Lal ag
¢ Pas ey ee tla of en and described as follows, | and President Avenues! Arehart. Re ve i South Fifth Street;
¢ 1as, A aclas & o- rit: Jorthward a | 5 and West by property of Frederic
5,031.40 3 } vari Facias issued of the Court of | On the North by pr Northw rd at angle NO. 17 W. He wy ¥ perty of Frederick
6.17 i } | Common Pleas Lancastaer C Y, Property vow ong Avene through i certain lot or piece of} "ar ah ol
Po no - 3% qty late of Henry G. Carpenter and Al- | partition wall | reon this prop i oR the. Fast’ ide of Seized and taken in execution as
Sante 3 cof ob roar will ex- lta H. Carpenter, on the South by|ty and the property of George oan Strest: betw en Ha- | Property of Christian M. Swarr and
26. 5 pose to sale by public vendue or] Cherry Alley, on the East by prop- | Schaeffer, Jr., adjoining on the Ea | plreet, between 2 | Florence M. Swarr, his wife
0,102.87 i outcry in Court Room No. 2, at the | erty now or late of the estate of | 112 feet '8 Fhe ar ih to hy Pus, om the city fd Sion
i 3 Court House in the City of Lancas- Christiana Nissly, deceased, and on | property now or Tote of John C. 4 ty 3 fr Which es D. F. SHUMAN,
8,700.60 or 8 the following described real | the West by Delta Street. Hager Estate; thence Westward | h { No "5; is oct.23-3t Sheriff
2,783.93 estate: N af taining in front on Delta along same 25 fect 4} inches more | Qu pial = 3
0. 1 treet 73 feet and in depth 77 feet or less; thence Southwar and soutl a
: L d eet. ) } € >» Southward and at m Soutl Wh Ge a Ni h
4,485.04 « All that certain lot of ground, No. Seized and taken in execution as | right angles to Elm Avenue 113 { more a y et 1g ts?
304.97 5, situated on the north side of West | property of P. Franck Schock. 6 inches more or less to Elm THIS 25¢ BLAD LAXATIVE
838.81 Donegal Street, in the Borough of nue; thence Eastward along samc y indred and FRE
oF Mount Joy, County of Lancaster NO. 8 feet to the place of beginning. fo { jon’s © ery, | exo I : rites and
7,878.51 and State of Pennsylvania, on which All that certain tract or parcel of Seized and taken in ¢ n asi i on the north by pre No fe, venus
is erected a two and one-half story land in Drumore Township, Lan-} the property of John Shank also] of Eckman, on the “east by | oil, ei 1 lit to tablets
brick dwelling house with slate roof caster County, in the State of Penn- | known as John L. Shank Kath- | Zi on the t his 1 Buke th ladder laxative,
1,159.35 and a one-story brick attachment | ninety-seven | ryn M. Shank. by v of Mary I. Met NY eo fhe similar to cast
,159.35 with slate roof, bounded and de- (97) acres and one hundred and } on the West by S. Queen Stre Ide ae acting
scribed as follows to wit: nineteen (119) perches, more or NO. 12 seized and in execution af it de b yo
1,242.43 Above, view of New American Beginning at a stake on the north | less, bounded and described as fol- All that certain lot of ground, property of Daisy M. Detterline andi r days if not pleased any druggist
Home at ‘Wantagh, L. I, with side of West Donegal Street; thence lows: J with a Two story brick ing | Howard W. Detterline, her hus- Drogsite Your Be. BE. W. GARBER
floor plan similar to that of along the north side of the same Beginning at a stone a corner of | house thereon erected, No band. a
6,404.10 Future House. south 88 degrees west, 53 feet to a lands. now or late of Rebecca] in Street, in Lancaster C NT 1Q in The Ballet:
404, vn ri a ( rect, ancas ity, NO. '18 Advertise in The Bulletin
7 stake; thence north 2 degrees west, right and James M. Hopkins, | sylvania. All that cortain lot or piece of
1,429.80 3 96 feet to a stake on the south side thence by lands now or late of the Containing in front on sai levin | and PE oT er th le lore
420. of an alley 14 feet wide; thence | said James M. Hopkins, North thir-| Street, Sixteen and one i tos and Mant etm i]
along the south side of the same, | ty-two degrees West, eighty perch- | (including the one-half of a two and, Man ia T on hic Lar a 3
south 76 degrees east, 55 feet to a | es to a post, thence continuing by | one-half fect wide Common Alley) [1s Padndvivania tn]
stake; thence by property now or | said land North four and one-fourth | and extending in depth of that width | is erect twos tore beck duel]
late of Annie H. Nissly, south two degrees West, sixty-seven and nine | Eastward, Ox i and forty hei a Yul et 124
degrees east, 75 feet to the place of tenths perches to a post; thence by | five feet, to a wide Com- | Mani Turnpike. nie
beginning, lands now or late of Phite Gabble, | mon Alley. Together with and sub-| [ront oh the South 3
Seized and taken in execution as | North seventy-two degrees East, | ject to such w ] | alley righ ide hein Tumpike 1803
property of John E. Garber. ninety-seven and three tenths per- | set forth in the prior deeds for said | feet and 1 Yous Candy
No. 2 ches to a post; thence by said lands | property. 1at width |
rE now or late of Hopkins South thir-| Seized and taken ¢ a 14 fect)

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Fi marian Wo 0

‘Above, a corner of tk. living room of Future §
House, New American Home in Horticultural
[Hall on the 11th floor of the RCA Building in
{Rockefeller Center, New York City. At right,
the kitchen of Future House showing electric
range, metal-topped cabinets, electric dish:
washer, sink and refrigerator.
E By Alice Woods comment, on the practicality of the
i: black rubber floor.
RT: 4 Tad a Women delightin the living room
EN like the kitchen of Future | with its cork floor; sunken ceiling
House even better than do the | light, Amodec "divisible sofa and
‘women, according to a check-up on flexwood-finished fireplace.
Visitors to the New American Home I estinanon
tn . Horti raya dy S008 e ai nditioning uni
3 all, Rockefeller | which supplies heat in winter and
renter, New York City. cool air in summer. Next comes
“Of the ten thousand men and |the Arcode bathroom with its pre-
women from all parts of the United | fabricated units of tub and shower,
States, France and England, who |and clothes hamper, sink, mirror,
Bo inspected the low-priced house | towel racks, and medi¢ine chest.

#n its first ten days of exhibition, | Women give third place to. the large
ore men than women vote first | closets in the master’s bedroom, and
| ace to the kitchen with its elee- | fourth place to the bathroom.
rio range, dishwasher, monel metal Men pay no particular attention
mnks, and refrigerator They {to the nursery with its toy closet
examine the electrical gadgets, in-{and furniture in gay red, yellow,
as to the cost of operation and land blue. Women like it.

Fall Invasion

EASON nai ar If a tablespoon of molasses is
OPENED : 7 added to filling when making pump-
kin pies, pies will bake a rich,
golden brown.
If a carrot is cut off about two
inches below the top and this piece
placed in water in a short time
you will have a lovely ferny growth,
* * *
When making cornmeal mush, if
dry cornmeal is mixed thoroughly
with a little cold water before hot
water is added, mush will not be
* ®
A teaspoon of vinegar added to
a cup of evaporated or sweet milk
will turn them into sour milk, It
{is well to know this when a recipe
calls for sour milk and you have
none in the house.
Associated Newspapers.—WNU Service.
——— DGC

thing) kindly remember the Bulletin

Turn useless articles about your
home into cash. Advertise them in
our classified column.
Stimulate your business by adver-
tising in the Bulletin.

When in need of Printing. (any-

Pointing out that automobile manufacturers are putting every possible safety device into their cars, speakers
at the 24th annual Safety Congress in Louisville stressed the necessity for sane driving in cutting down the
accident rate. These four: safety leaders have been examining a 1936 Buick that demonstrates twenty-three
safety features built into the car. Left to right they are W. 8. Knudsen, executive vice-president of General
Motors, John E. Long, retiring president of the National Safety Council, Governor Harold G. Hoffman of New
Jersey, and W. H. Cameron, managing director of the Council.: This car will be displayed in New Yori at the
General ‘Motors Hall of Safety Exhibit in the Waldorf-Astoria during the National Automobile Show.


ow — =~

All that certain part of a lot of
sround situated in the village of
‘lorin, East Donegal Township,
ancaster County, Pennsylvania,
ipon which is erected the western
alf of a two and one-half story
rame, double house. Containing in
ront on the North side of Wood
btreet 26.25 feet and extending in
lepth of that width 130 feet to a
ourteen feet wide alley.
Said premises are more particu-
wrly described in mortgage dated
ecember 1, 1924, given by Paul G.
radley to the Union National Mt.
oy Bank and recorded in the Re-
order’s office at Lancaster, Pa. in
Tortgage Book No. 257, Page 312.
Seized and taken in execution as
roperty of Paul G. Bradley.
No. 3
All that certain parcel of land on
‘hich is erected a four story with
asement brick manufacturing
uilding situated at the corner of
ast Grant and Jefferson Streets in
he City of Lancaster, Pennsylvan-
Beginning at a point, the North-
ast corner of East Grant Street and
efferson street; thence extending
n a Northerly direction along Jef-
erson Street, 105 feet 1} inches to a
boint; thence in an Easterly direc-
on by land of the Jefferson Realty
orporation 64 feet 6 inches to a
int in line of land of Lucy C. B.
ps: thence in a Southerly direction
along land of Lucy C. B. Nes, 104
feet 9 inches to East Grant Street;
thence in a Westerly direction
along East Grant Street 64 feet
3 inches, to the place of beginning.
Together with the right to the free
and uninterrupted use and enjoy-
ment of a right of way of the width
of 6 feet 6 inches over the property
now or late of the Jefferson Realty
Corporation immediately adjoining
said premises on the North and ex-
tending from Jefferson Street of the
width of 6 feet 6 inches Eastward a
distance of 64 feet 6 inches to the
Eastern boundary of said property.
Seized and taken in execution as
the property of Helm Candy Com-
pany, E. E. Helm, R. D. Helm.
No. 4
All that certain lot of land situ-
ated on the Northwest side of St.
Joseph Street, Lancaster, Penna,
whereon is erected a frame dwell-
ing house, 729 St. Joseph Street.
Containing in front on St. Joseph
Street, 79 feet, and extending in
depth of that width Northwestward-
ly, 103 feet,
Bounded on the Northeast by
property of Albert Hecker; on the
Southwest by property of Ida Ga-
ble; and on the Northwest by prop-
erty of E. P. Mellinger et al.
Seized and taken in execution as
property of Henry J. Flear.
No. 5
All that certain lot or piece of
ground, with improvements erected
thereon being a stucco and frame
bungalow and Stucco Garage situ-
ated on the South side of West High
Street, in the Borough of Manheim,
in the County and State aforesaid.
Bounded and described as fol-
lows, to wit: Being bounded on the
North by West High Street, on the
East by lot of N. S. Shelly, on the
South by a twenty (20) feet wide
public alley (opened by N. B. Lea-
man, to and for the public use for-
ever), and on the West by South
Fulton Street.
Beginning at a point on the East
side of South Fulton treet and
West High Street; thence extending
Eastward along the building line of
said West High Street sixty-five
(65) feet to the middle of the party
line of N. S. Shelly, and extending
of that width in depth, Southward
along said Fulton Street one hun-
dred and fifty (150) feet to the
aforesaid public alley.
Seized and taken in execution as
property of Nathan S. Shelly.
No. 7
No. 1. All that certain lot of land
situate on the North side of Frank
Street in the Borough of Mt. Joy,
ounty of Lancaster and State of
Penna., having thereon erected a 2%
story frame dwelling house, and
frame auto shed, and bounded and
described as follows, to wit:
On the North by property now or
late of Estate of W. B. Detwiler, on
the South by Frank Street afore-
said, on the East by property now
or late of the estate of Philip Frank
and on the West by property now or

ty-eight and one-half degrees East, | the property of Anni
thirty-six perches to a post; thence | and Harry C. Stehman,
continuing by said lands South band.
nineteen and one-half degrees East, | ~
fifty and eight-tenths perches to a 0.1
poplar tree; thence continuing by
said lands South seven and one-

ution as


n F
wrdian ad | §

All that certain lot
with a two and a hal


| *
| %
fourth degrees East, forty-six and dwelling hoy se, a large iB > rl Ri :
five-tenths perches to an old stump; | 246€ and other improvem au ; yu Cal 8
£ e S jo : 2 4 i: ( and Anna 1 y : bt
thence by lands now or late of Al- | or in the West Ward ol | Mon Spece mino children of Youn, shusiness is; often
Xe sr a + anid | the Borough of Mount Joy, in the | Ly NS Va oH a li ; 4 J ]
exander Stephenson and the said | oun Vin hen F. Spece, ased real judged by the kind of printed hi


ancaster and
County of
Rebecca Wright, South sixty-five

Pennsylvania, bounded and describ- | matter you send through the

and one-fourth degrees West, nine- | :
ty-five and five-tenths perches to a | ed as follows, to wit: Po NO, 19 ee
stump; thence by lands now or late | Fronting 100 feet more or less, on No. 1. Al ha i ‘mails, We're experts in Job Pf
| \ Cty sev } dwell

» South side of West


of said Rebecca Wright, South for- | un eS oT sy I;
r - » 1 3 { 1 2 07 1 Bem
ty-three degrees West, five and one- | id extending in dey : 1 erected, Nos. 125, 427, |B you
p : + thw y { ‘ 4 iho
half perches to the place of begin- width Southwardly 20¢ fe te 3, on the : ;
| le treet

ning Henry Street.
Seized and taken in execution as| Bounded on y
property of Clare D. Wilson, and | Main Street; on, the East by
William O. Donell, Mortgagor and | Haven Street; on the Sc
the and erate prices,

real owners. | Henry Street and on the West
NO. 9 ) proverty now or late of Willi v
All that certain lot with two story | De nd: Laken int BU LILLETI N i
brick and frame dwelling house | He ii) hh oF =
thereon erected, known as No. 1191 | Property of anos MOUNT JOY 3
Maple Avenue, situated in Lancas- NO. 14 theast- 4
ter Township. All that certain lot or jf 10 feet Phone 41J ¥
Beginning at a point on the North | ground situated on the West feet I
. ot bet c orth J

side of Maple Avenue, North 84 de- |
grees:80 minutes West 364 feet from | qe East Fr Y
the Northwest intersection of South | get. in the City - of Lancaster, | Avenue aforesaid;
President and Maple Avenues, | ing il ) t- | westward along tl
thence at right angles to Maple
Avenue aforesaid 165 feet, more or
less, to the South side of a twenty
(20) feet wide common alley; thence
along said alley North 84 degrees
30 minutes West 25 feet to a point;
thence Southward at right angles to |
Maple Avenue through the middle
of a partition wall bztween this
property and the property adjoining |
on the West, 165 feet, more or less, |
to the North side of Maple Avenue |
extended; and thence South along
same 25 feet to the place of beginn-
Seized and taken in execution as
the property of Wilmot C. Wiseman,
also known as Wilmot C. Weiseman ni
and Marian A. Wiseman, also known |
as Marian A. Weiseman.
¢ Crushed @
Building i e
rey Before placing your order elsewhere
: see us. Also manufacturers of

ed a two and one-half
Containing in 1iront
si of Reservoir St

theastw feet, more
: A iia Li to the property of the Schlotz- TRI CTA DD
or la of ! 3 | A ;
comer i | hauer Baking Company. ld "AUFFER& i] «
ker n as ot
1 d


South West End Avenue, between
Sixth Street and Manor Avenue, in
the Township of Lancaster, County |
of Lancaster, Pa, having thereon { LER ee? Tune i 28
erected a two-story brick dwelling 1 ‘
house, No. 619 South West End |
Avenue aforesaid, and other im-|Y
provements, and bounded and de- |
scribed as follows, to wit:
Beginning at a point in the East
side of South West End Avenue
aforesaid, at a distance of 560 feet, |
more or less, North of the North-
east corner of said South West End
Avenue and. Manor Avenue afore-
said, and at the Northwest corner
of property now or late of Anna H.| cas
f I
NO. 10 |! d a1 ‘rp rn v3 ;
All that certain lot or piece of | wo N s The Time To Have Your
ground, situated on the East side of lit D A 1

a pice dwelling adie on the JR Uf,






Hess, thence extending Northward- y. 1 I h J I
ly along the East side of said South 1 c
West End Avenue, a distance of 24 vi 1 f
feet, more or less, to a point, at the I 0 ( 5
Southwest corner of property now 117 E x7
or late of John Kieffer; thence ex- \v
tending Eastwardly along the said] 1 xz
premises, a distance of One H
dred and six (106) feet and 3 inch- |
es, more or less, to a point in the
west side of an 18 feet wide com- 6( t
mon alley; thence extending South on ®
wardly along the West side of the nd
said common alley, a distance of 19 n the| §7 1 q [5
feet, more or less, to a point, at the k ( wh §¢ A ¥ a
Northeast corner of said premises, > im “iA 4 Ry LEE
now or late of the said Anna H G rect > 2
Hess; thence extend Vestwardly Mh A BE : S Queen West Main Si. Mi. Jou
along the said premises, a distance in ve ( ) 1 J Ul
of 106 feet and 3 inches, more or iy 1 ey TRE A WA EC A
less, to a point in the East side of hs rid n depth of that width West- TIRYG. WORN OU T.
South West End Avenue aforesaid, i ol | ward ¢ -cight (88 et four (4) EE rl
the place of beginning. | aes to property now or late of tH fi n bi Be 0 BN
Seized and taken in execution as . { et ; ail : | i EX NA ae | Bg
property of John C. Lingle and 0 zed and taken in execution Se EJ 3 man
Grace B. Lingle, his wife. y 3ain HH
I | OL nis :
~ NO. 1 | ; js drag
1. All that certain lot on the, f ) Cai SE wou
i i 1 1i J i “a. i PCOLI=
North side of Elm Avenue immedi- | We I Ou
ately west of the lot with dwelling 1 Tu 1a
thereon erected known as No. 1197 Now. « a he rd

SE E. Pinkham’s Tab-
Eo lets relieve peri
| : odic pains and dis-
comfort. Small size only 25 cents.
Mrs. Dorsie Williams of Danville,

Elm Avenue in Lancaster Twp. i
Beginning at a point 480 feet 2 |
inches more or less west of the
Northwest intersection of Elm and

1 + b
President Avenues; thence North-|j hre I
ward at right angles to Elm Avenue : J Leaman ctively North {llinois, says, “I had no ambition
along purpart No. 2 113 feet 6 inch- | 83 rees Ea 65 1 1 and was terribly nervous. Your Tab
es more or less to property now or | {l yf het \ lets helped my periods and built me
late of the John C. Hag Estate; | 1g 96 ac and 63 perch- 2 | up.” Try them next month.
thence Westward along same 25 ft. | es. Sd Co Rr
more or less to a point; thence | Excepting and 1 i 9 1 Co
Southward and at right angles to | of land conveyed to J. Warren
Elm Avenue 114 feet 5 inches more | Greiner November 21, 1924 and re-|