The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, August 21, 1935, Image 4

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PRESENT DAY HOUSEWIVES I love the brilliant sunshine with its reg . . : chopped celery, ham or sweet pickles. PIANO INSTR , by a Dun-| :
JO n t 0 PROUD OF THEIR KITCHENS animating: rays, ur ea rtie st j miire School te with years ex-
; ‘The eerie moonlight in the night calls CLUB S WICHES perience, ach a few more pupils a
5 : 2 b> forth the lover’s praise. + ik: AND Mond ates. per SQ
t : : ur ondays. )
Time Wai, not so very long ago, that I love the hills, I love the vales, I lov 7 Arrange on slices of toasted bread half Marie C. Weaver, 69 E. Main
few of the women folks were very : : a u a ons thin sli f k y ~
re et the rolling plains, slices of cooked bacon. Cover |g 98R. aug.14-2t-p ®
proud of their kitchens. Callers seldom, Ths feds of cotion the fruits. 1 ; with slices of roast chicken, a slice Of | mmm ;
if ever, were invited into the kitchens. Pa 3 golden ? 1 w tomato and a crisp lettuce leaf. These] FOR SALE—Registered Holstein Bull
’ While efforts were made to beautify IR gra € want to congratulate each of must be served d 15 mos. old; the two nearest dams m
ou ou other rooms of the house, it was seldom Combined to make a picture for a|the following for having reached | Soon sas made, 434 and 504 lbs. butte 4 : i
b. ; Al that any great attention in that direc- | Jags Sanat to love, ol another birthday: TONGUE & HAM SANDWICHES is and neg. |. 50,000 WEEKLY BAERSCHICKS
' tion was given to the ‘kitchens. They | oe pra db ove fre Texan, Noble Chop two parts of cold tongue and st. ELIAS. E. GARBER, | Every day of each , all breeds,
i Fro ¢ were workshops, ipure ¢ and * simple His “Howdy, f rare: is So August 23rd | one part of cold ham very fine gi Top geglsises me before you
(From page one) where hours of toil .and drudgery were is "Howgy, inend, my name: #0-| Dorothy Heisey, Mount Joy. R: L a paste and i ik 2 UNTR wi Turkey Poults
Warfel Am N Lovd .W ; i and-So, and yours? i ny ’ paste and season with paprika and a| BEAUTIFUL CO Y 1) and auction
el, mos ewcomer, y + | spent—a place from which’ the home- bt 1 to : Edith Gibbons, West Donegal Street. | suggestion of mustard , if desired. | Very modern in gn every 4
Nolt, ' Martin ‘Musser, Clarence Wile, | makers fled at the earliest opportunity. Puls You ta (oon Els atonce| iss Tekla Bube, North Market St. Spread between -thin slices, of bread. hice! heat and elec- G GNER, oti sary, :
Howard Sr Yon J a Quite in contra with that picture 8 And they never say “Good-by” in August 24 : "| tric, 2 poulizy. houses, 6 Wri . phone Eliza Dethtown W
Bi Mier, Breed Gash tare | Lio Modern slestrlc Ragen of ode Texas when fixing to depart, Mr. Wallace Greider, of Landisville. CORN BEEF SANDWICHES 453. Jno. E. Schroll, Mt. § may-15-4
re with its cheerful decorations and spic | mo wg, Long” and “Hurry back.” It| Mrs. Hocker Barnhart, Chop cold corn beef very fine. Sea- | 58 . Jno. Jov
Weidman, 1 vy Stoner Bt, Brad and span ranges, refrigerators and flows right from the heart. "Mr. Daniel Brubaker. son with mustard and spread between coal - ———— °
ley. LeRo *K D. S. Will Paul other appliances. - So proud are-many I've found that life is sweeter where| Mrs. Walter Eshleman. thin slices of whole wheat bread. ome corner ys 1
Tha h on 1 op D, ak : ul, Faw | housewives of their modern kitchens folks try to’ understand — oe . streets, Mount
Cy ar Brubaker, a that more often then not, in these days, | why I'd rather Live in August 25 Turn useless articles about fe House with all con- | :
T. Greider, C. S. Young, E. M. Wiss- | ects ar entertained at night lunches Y 3 Mrs. John Brandt. Sores 1 | your P*Frame Stable, large lot, Don’t Take Drastic Drugs
ler. John Youtz, Mel Eichelbe g LN than in any other land. e into cash. Advertise them in Price ac- Your Kidneys contain 9 milli
er, John Ioutz, [Melvin ichelberger, | where electric grilles, electric refriger= Hf. ‘Frank Eshi tt of August 26 our classified column posgefSion almost any time. ce | enn pan vuy WALL
William Deyer, Joseph Coope, Jacob ic ‘mi lie 7 ran ol tf | corffing to the times Call or phone | or arastic, irritating drugs oo
ators, electric mixers and other appli L tor. P ke of “The Reist In. | Mrs. Clay Stauffer, of Stauffertown. tf ng drugs. Be TEA
Newcomer, Jacob. Musser. John G. Roe ’ ancaster, Pa., spoke o e Reist In ’ 4 Jno. E. Schroll, Mt. Joy. careful. If functional Kidney or Bladder
Weidl Albe Ss Habeck. ances are all within easy reach saving fluence” in Europe on religious history Ethel Newcomer, East Main Street. Advertise in The Bulletin make ro py from Gotting PLA
Ne H x er, Henry many a step and many a minute as | the people who later became set- Miss Martha Stauffer, East Main St. GENERAL STORE, GAS STATIO! DE ere eer) omer" Soe NIT!
. Miller, H. M. Sweitzer. B H. Stau- compared with the old days when en- Mrs. Hiram Detwiler, North Market ETC. FOR SALE—In country cles Under Eyes, Neuralgia, Acidity,
fier, John T. Charles, David H. Hub- teas lers of our state. 4 ° 3 : Burning, Smarting or Itching, you don:
i LA > Ah a Niss] tertaining company meant much scur- A departure from the usual family Street. j Cl fi d I competition, good pa need 1g take changes. All druggists now
S . . . . Vi
By de gr as NSS | rying around with napery, glassware, | | oi was made by several historic-| JacquieLyn Hendrix, E. Main St. assiiie Co umn Buel clean Boh, Ln ment for these Doctor's poms The
Henry N ae Kid Ter Ma! cutlery, china, etc, all of which result- | "iio which included the Reist August 27 any pies 2 good Ty a dats feated
7 y . T, i Q i 3 3 i i
Jacob N. Charles, Elmer M. Zeiger, ed in lots of work cleaning up Site the chest, to which reference was made in Robert Newcomer, West Donegal St. FOR SALE—1928 Ch Jno. E. Schroll, ok oid bg ro Jr ta
John S. Neff, Amos Hossler Edwin Be ihe x Re Ww ‘th the paper, a walnut saw buck table! Samuel Funk, North Barbara St. Excellent , y 31 New| 41J. i oti Packt. CA ES 2 re oh
Oyer, Clarence Metherell, J. Earl For the ousewife contemp ating € | which is said to have been owned by Mary N. Garber, of Elizabethtown. ,» Mount Joy. aug.21-1t-p . . druggists and the guarantee protects you Soft B:
gradual electrification of her kitchen | : : ; 3 pd Bulletin Advertisers. Mount
Witmer, E Longenecker, Walter |. H Peonowitos departnent Barbara Reist, who married Martin Mrs. Simon Hertzler. FOR SALE—Home-raised ! Weid
Newcomer, Roy -Nissley, E. R. Bom- a Power & Light Company Nissley, who was mother of the family Ray Mumma, South Barbara St. melons and Cantaloupes e river | jd A Poss
berger, H. M. Gantz, Harvey B. Hoss- | Sy ve h in | of Nissleys who recently held a reunion August 28 road at Susque phe thy ; IT,
ler, Arthur H. Heise Samuel G. Erb offers, wit out ¢ ot 61-00 at Elizabethtown. There were also ‘ex- Bac y eS ey Leib, X
: rc » | tion, the services of trained women ui 4 0 number of family crests or Mrs. Isaac Eshleman. 5 Schnei
Emmert Wissler, George Wissler, | who may be consulted for suggestions of atl et othe] MY John Hertzler, Salunga. at Pennel
es Nn Ley ue aon | covering an endless variety of details Swiss Reist. family, although probably Amos Wertz, East Main Street. noF- a Schroll
jamin Hess, Martin Newcomer, Amos | interesting to the home makers. not with the family that settled in Ray Haug, West Main Street. Ae Divit, .
Newcomer, Paul Newcomer, Harry H. Mrs. Jno. E. Schroll. AND th Eshlem
Miller, Harry S. Gantz, Harry B. Ober- Pennsylvania. A SRF Bish
holtzer, Albert B. Nisley, H. O ° The meeting was brought to a close August 29 A 1S 10D
Kfaenheiser, Paul Facer, RE. F. Wag- | he th ei1st by the audience singing “Blest Be The| Winifred Latchford. La Smith,
ner, Stanley Witman B: Frark As- Tie That Binds,” and th -benedictiof| Charles Siller. 96 p=
ton, Henry E. Shank, Milton Strickler, ° pronounced by Henry F. Garber. Sept. 2nd Wednesday Aug 28 Tos
Mark S Nott Rov 'W. Breckbill The following were present: Mrs. : : : ’ . 4 Coates
; ; y ; r ‘ a . David S. Flory, Elizabethtown, : oa W. Brc
Dalvin Malehorn, R. B. Nolt, Amos CUN101 UN [can N. Adair, Norman P. Adair, WANTED—Young man t Vyill 22 my farm one nile northeast v4 Fil
Mr. and Mrs. Hayden Bomberger, Mr. y g n to wor to the public x iloron
L. Bowers, Harvey Foreman, John dairy farm. Must be pac Huffne)
Musser, Elmer Musser, John Cassat and Mrs. Jacob R. Carper, Anna, El- R E C I P E S Experi i ;
y ] , 2 perien e reference. C Stuber,
Harry Kreider, Howard Peifer; Milt a u Y a len and Lizzie Carper; Mr. and Mrs. J. o. 1 Mount Joy, Pa
Casse 1 ' . I, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Clay. Tried and T . oy; =a, Fomo,
Cassel, Oscar Newcomer, Lonla Zur- R. Cassel, ! ¢ Tue aug.14-2t-p Ziegler
ini Reuben Shearer, Kenneth Hen- Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Conrad, Mrs. Amos w 2
oy; John Hamilton, Irvin Deal Wil. Eby, Rhoda Eby, Mr. and Mrs. David CHOICE BUILDIN are
bik Kzuffmen, Rayhord Kaufman (From page one) Eby, Anna Mae, Mildred, Ruth and PICNIC SANDWICHES oad, corner lot Hig
Elmer Nowiorner. Levi Neweotfior. Garber of Mount Joy, who also was in | Vivian Eby; Mr. and Mrs. Edgar En-| About the most popular part of the Apply to Elmer Minleer
John. Neusietier. Davie charge of a ladies’ chorus which ren- | dors, H. Frank Eshleman, Mr. and Mrs. | picnic lunch is the sandwich. Every- Pa. ily-31-tf Bolder,
Norman Baar Clarence Ge | dered several selections. i | John J. Forgarty and family; Mr. and | one seems to like them. Here are sev- TR . Enirel
3 e Gantz, Ralph : > 7 3 i Photo Finishing by mail to all the Reardo
Gantz. Hirani Aungst ‘Hiram B Th devotional service was in charge ! Mrs. Edwin Funk, Edwin, Eva and |eral sandwich fillings you may like to Your next roll of =
Sirickler. Horas Wager Ir * | of Henry F. Garber of Mount Joy. Henry Funk; Mrs. Harry B. Gall, Mr. | use. ed and 8 high qualit
The ladies who ‘agisted in 2 The Reist family has become scat- | and Mrs. Henry Garber, Catharine, (coin) Capita oto Service, 408 Total
ihe the 1 x ge tered over the United States and some | Lois and Robert Garber; Mr. and Mrs. Marke; sburg, Pa. mar.28-tf Conley
the lunch, were: ; of the members had be lost ahd | Jacob R. Garber, Pearl M. Garber, M SARDING & 106 Moun)
Mrs. Hiram B. Strickler, Miss Ella ha tome 293. apg | Jacob Hear. ox. arber, se Mash the a con of - HOME FOR SALE—
: e hunted up by H Kray- | and Mrs. Wallace B. Greider, Carolyn | .. of sar . A very Two
Witmer. Mrs. O were hunted up by Henry Reist Kray~ | and Mrs allace reider, Carolyn : : : “
. Mrs. Oscar Newcomer. Mrs. |, . - : : wl hei dines to a paste and mix with an equal | Substantial well built and m TIOGA, J base |
Sar Hershey. Mrs. EE. M . Mulzer bill, Professor of Agricultural Chemis- | Greider, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Grove, dantity of heard. bolled :
Mrs Howard Warfel Mes Wa try at Purdue University, who present- | and family; Alice, A. H., Esther, Jacob a y S d ar thi hn go They are shd of feed and ready to do our Lancaster Schroll
Aungst Miss | Mare ? Shs ror gl ed an interesting resume of his workin i R. and Mrs. John B. Hershey; D. L. white. br ad. préagiion {in sees. uy county rs good; consisting of fresh and close 1, SF
Ruth Mrs. All K lle “USS | an article, “Hunting up relatives in In- | Hess, Mr. & Mrs. C. R. Hostetter, Janet Dress springerggand backward cows. 5, S.
: : - ear, diana.” | Louise Hostetter, Mr. & Mrs. H. N. Hos- drix, E
Warren Reist of Williamsville, N. Y,, ' tetter, Ella and Katharine; Mr. & Mrs. CHEESE & NUT SANDWICHES ers and A Few Stock Bulls
D P Zi : | . | a descendant of John Reist who was Levi Hostetter, Mr. & Mrs. H. M. Huff- Cut slices of whole wheat bread, THE C
I. . : leg Cl born in Lancaster County about 1800, | nagle, Dorothy and Henry Johnson, Speed hem yi ¥ Sean cheese and . B. test chart furnished with each animal sold.
“When the peach trees were in bloom,” | Mrs. E. R. Keeny, Elmer Kraybill, Mr. | chopped nuts wit utter added, and
yw - and moved in the early part of the | and Mrs. Harry C. Landis and family; | Season well. SO M E SH Oo ATS I
Ca. (From page one) century to Western na read a | Mr. and Mrs. Kreider Light, Ethel Mar- From 50 to 100 lbs. bal hs
was a charter member of Casiphia | paper on their early 11 - | ion, Sylvia Mae and Warren Richard RAISIN & PEANUT BUTTER Don't fail to attend this i
Lodge No. 551, F. and A.M, of Mount | ty. He quoted from Homer in “The | Light; Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Mase, Mat- SANDWICH 9 gen is gals for they will be sold. was
Joy and was past master of the lodge. | Race of Man.” - tie and Catharine Mase; Mr. and Mrs. | “pags } cup raising through the meat FOR CASH BE
Dr. Ziegler ‘was a member of the | Like leaves on trees the race of man | Marvin Mase, Clarence, Dorothy, Ear-| chopper. Add } cup peanut butter and Sale to start at one o'clock p. m. Come early and Colum}
executive committee of the Donegal is found; ; nest, Esther, Gladys, J. Harold and May | ryh to a smooth paste. Spread between THE BULLETIN pick your cow. Shultz
Society and attended the annual | NOW green in youth, now withering to | Mase; June McGeehan, Mr. and Mrs. | slices of whole wheat bread. Simon Groff, Auct. Basher,
meetings regularly until confined by thegrommdy _* | Monroe Metzler, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben : . MOUNT JOY, PA. walter Herr, ck. L. R. MUMMAU Hillard
illness. The Donegal society was one Another race the following spring | Miller, Lester, Reuben Jr. and Walter CHICKEN SANDWICHES Sch
of his favorite organizations and he supplies; i Miller; Mrs. Alfred W. Moyer, Jr., Eli Chop cold ‘boiled ‘chicken and moist > a
ft much time. H lder | They fall successive; and sudgesive |B. Mumma, Mr. and Mrs. Albert R.| “°F Tis Re
gave it much time. He was an elder Ye Risslev. Ham drone, Viainia, Alice) it with salad dressing. Chicken Hart'an
in the Donegal Presbyterian church. | : Iss ’ 2 gma, > sandwiches may be varied by adding Preston
He was educated in the schools of | 5° generations in their course decay, G., Christian L., Alvin and Catherine ‘be
Mount Joy and was graduated at La- So flourish these when those are pass- | Nissley; Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Nissley, . ne
; ed.” | Janet & Marian Nissley; Mr. and Mrs. | Clara R., Eva R., M. R., and Fanny M. ou dare enh tled to dd
fayette college in 1871 with the de-
gree of A. B, later receiving an MLA.
degree. He took an engineering
course at Miami University and was
graduated in 1874 with the C. E. de-
During the next few years he was
engaged in engineering work and
helped to locate the route for the
Queen and Crescent railroad, from |. 4 the date 1790 pair tet Me. og i
ue e de painted on the out- | Reist, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Reist, Harry
Cincinnati to New Orleans. The en- !side in front. W. Reist, Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Reist, 1:25 P. M. SHARP S. T.
gineering corps lacked a physician The well known banker and historian | Fitzgerald Reist, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Public Sale at Mount
and Dr. Ziegler, being the son of a
physician, was called upon to help
men injured during work.
Later he went to Panama, where
he expected to secure a new engine-
ering project, but when he discov-
ered that the work would not start
for a year, he returned to Lancaster
county and decided to’ study medicine
at the Medical School of the Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania, thinking that
he might be called upon to render
medical aid in Panama.
The Panama expedition did not ma-
“An old chest” was the subject of an
interesting paper by Mrs. Henry G.
Reist of Schenectady, N. Y. This is
one of the painted chests formerly
made in Lancaster and adjoining coun-
ties, which have become noted for their
and some of which
are on exhibition at the Metropolitan
Art Museum in New York City. This
chest has the name of Christian Reist
artistic qualities,
of Mount Joy, Harry N. Nissly, wrote
an amusing, historical paper on some
foibles of members of the Reist family.
In absence of the writer this was ably
vresented by Miss Anna Mae Eby of
Mount Joy.
Mr. William R. Pruner of Norwalk,
Ohio, gave a talk which was enjoyed
by the whole audience, about his
srandfather Peter Reist. who emigrated
from Lebanon County to Ohio about
0 years ago. Peter Reist brought up a
large family of boys and one daughter.
The daughter married a college presi-
Clayton Nissly, Mrs. Frances B. Nissly,
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Pruner, Mr.
and Mrs. Abram S. Reist, Mr. and Mrs.
Alvin J. Reist, Henry E,, Donald & Ar-
thur Harold Reist; Mr. and Mrs. Au-
gustus H. Reist, Benjamin G. & Clara F.
Reist, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Reist, Mrs.
Eli Reist, Elmer A. Reist, Eugene N.
Reist, Robert E. Reist, John H. Reist,
Frank I. Reist, Mr. and Mrs. Gideon
R. Reist, Ruth Reist, Mr. and Mrs. L
L. Reist, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Reist, An-
na Mae Reist, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin W.
Reist, Albert, David, Rebecca and Ros~
ana Reist; Mr .and Mrs. Isaac S. Reist,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Clarence Reist, James
L. Reist, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Reist,
Anna, Patricia Ann, John B., John F.
Reist; Mr. & Mrs. John H. Reist, John &
Marion Reist, Mr. and Mrs. John S.
Reist, Mr. and Mrs. John K. Reist,
Joseph H. Reist, Dr. and Mrs. Harold
J. Reist, Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Reist,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry N. Reist, Josy and
Royer; Alvin N. and Amanda Rutt, Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel S. Shenk, Helen Ship-
per, H. R. and Rosa Snavely, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Earl Witmer, Abram, Howard
and Reba Witmer; Grace Troutwine,
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Witmer, Mr. and
Mrs. John Wittel, Mr. and Mrs. Henry

when you buy a low-priced car

terialize and he returned to Mount | dent, and the boys scattered over the | Jean and Parker Reist, Mrs. Katharine
Joy, upon completion of his course | United States and Europe. A favorite | H. Reist. Esther and Florence Reist,
son, “Uncle Bennie,” in his business | Mr. L. R. Reist, Laura Reist, Mr. and =
at the University medical school i
1880 and practiced with his father.
From that time on he practiced medi-
cine in Lancaster county. Shortly be- | was frequently mistaken for that noted | Reist; Marie Leah G. Reist. Martha
fore he went to the Masonic Homes. | person and was followed on the streets | Reist, Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Reist, Jr.; rn Pom accu Fed areas, Test chart DEALER ADVERTISEMENT
he became associated with Dr. Theo- | by crowds in consequence. Another | Mr. and Mrs. Miles Reist, Arlene and by the undersiilod on 2 ol Ps
dore B. Appel, of Lancaster, and prac- | son Jacob went to Honolulu and be- | Lucile and Pearl Reist, Mr. and Mrs. W, | they are rais 1 ; o S
ticed in his office while the latter | came a secretary to the last king of the | A. Reist, Nadine Reist, W. A. Reist. Jr, Afternoon, Aug. 23 LIAN 7 you get them only in bis
was serving as Pennsylvania secre- Hawaiian Islands. Mr. and Mrs. Warren D. Reist, Virginia 5P. M.S. T. boy | — md .. 4 pi
tary of health, Another group of Reists settled in | Reist, Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Reist, Wil- Free Delivery A ; Inst
Member of Fraternitics the neighborhood of Schaefferstown, liam S. Reist, Mr. and Mrs. Abner Ris- C i V RO L k T feat
D 7 lor: ‘held the dis- Lebanon County. Irving Reist, Eliza- | ser, Allen K., William K. and John K. B Keller & Bro tion
fhipn 9 Sng > Ob "WO | ants of this branch and a member of a | Kathryn Jane, Mary Elizabeth, Arlene of 1» tre marke: for Fat and Bo. Th fi tiet
gellsge fraternities. Af family of teachers, and was able to give | and J. Norman Reist: Mr. and Mrs. hogs and Nir, Cows e most inely lanced low- priced car ever built wo
Lafayette he was a charter membs
of Sigma Chi and at Miami a char-
made frequent trips to Europe and due
to his resemblance to president Wilson
an interesting account of their history.
Ann Reist Baird, who formerly lived
Mrs. Linn L. Reist, Arthur L., Linn L.
Jr., Luella Ruth, Luman and Maribel
Nissley Rohrer, Alvin Mark Rohrer,

You are entitled to all of the


trolled Brakes. See and drive the Master De
ter member of Alpha Delta Phi. He |. i xr ic AR
fir member Al) adr he In this 208 Who 13, sens fog ss Tra d I f G ch Sil rt ate. pictured here when you buy gar selling inthe ~~ Luxe Ch 1
7 ab arritiae ries gt 1 alryung, rea, - ! uxe
both fraternities during his lifetime. since 1926, sent greetings from her dis- € n or 00 ve own lowest price range. And the Master DeLuxe leary by actual test how
Only a few men in the country have
two fraternities.
held membership in : : ; we = .
sin, Miss Maribel Reist of Lancaster . m on :
He uas a member and former pres- PH For at Peaks 9 wos i read. brings you all of them! is the only car of enjoyment. Do this and you will ;
ident of the Lancaster City and “Life in Texas” was written by H. U 5 E D its price with a Solid 1 Turret-Top Fisher agree that the Master De Luxe is exactly what
Medical i] held Frank Reist, who has Seed here aor Body—the smartest safest built. The only 1ts owners say it is—the most finely balanced
embersnip in e edical Society | the past fifteen years. is father, John . : + as i .
of Pennsylvania and the American |B, Reist of near Lititz. Pa., 93 years Ti RE carofits price thatg the famous gliding Knee- Joe priced car ever built. Visit your nearest
Medical Association. of age, was the oldest person present at Action Ride. The car of its price with Blue. evrolet dealer and drive this car—today!
He was a member and former pres-
Dr. Jacob L. and Harriet Ziegler and
was the last surviving member of his
family. He was a nephew of the late
Judge D. W. Patterson, one-time
president judge of the Lancaster
county courts.
He was one of the few remaining
tant post, which were read by her cou-
the reunion. He speaks of Texas as the
land of sunshine, and a paradise for
those who love the outdoor life the
whole year through."He bids adieu with
the words of the poem “My Texas.”
“I'd rather live in Texas than in any
other land,
There is no spot on earth so favored by

Of course these tires have
many miles in them yet,
think won’t last lon
Goodrich Ti
some good

gh to wear out a set of new
e in and let us fix you up with
Unusual values. :
used = but they have
have an old car that you

Chevrolet is the only car igifts price range that
Flame Valve-in-
End Constructi
Engine— Stabilized Front.
—and Weatherproof Cable-Con.-
much these features mean in terms of added
Compare Chevrolet's low delivered pri
Ppricesand easy G.M.A.
terms. A General Motors Vor

persons who heard Lincoln speak. Ac- ny Sods pane, Py vu 5 | ;
cording to reminiscences which he was there 1 learned at God is 3
wrote and which are now owned by good from Nature's open book, ® E » & A R B E R S N WC : 3
C. E Martin, of the Lititz pike, he | That love is everywhere, in every- ® E N : | =
heard the great war president de- thing, if we but look. TIRES, BATTERIES, GAS AND OIL 4 |
liver a short address, when his train, | I love ie sir 1 love the soil, I love the 208 Main Street Phone 5J (Incorporated) { |
on which he was riding to Washing- mellow breeze. -
ton for his inaugural, stopped at |I love the busy droning of the bees Mount Joy, Penna. MOUNT JOY, PENN A, 1 <
Mount Joy, in 1861. among the trees, § ‘may-29-tf "a a 1 L
a & z N em one
aban: ~ 5
| 1
p> f { { {