i xy mt AR AL a eA PH Ar a oe o wd a we a Ki gh oe Hp # Rd Vi J {8 i, 1935 || WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3rd, 1935 , THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO. PA. PAGE MVE EDERS, . dig) 32 2 Florin Student Picked F JUNIOR CLASS OF M. J. H. S. All day #8 3 ew racts rom TO PRESENT “GIRL SHY” Bt 38 este yo 5 Lg . i ; 2 You Lan Depen : ha Ab Card Basket, 2 2g Sm ot ye io RS Re . Oa ou a or C will present “Girl Shy” in the 3 3% Bla k | Pl : High School auditorium on Thursday 2 oO T M 4 CKmail ot By “Mikey” Weaver PERSONAL MENTION April 25 and 26 at eight i ih — / | THE OOMERS AND ERg | Tickets are being sold "by i hy 2% . C. Go i of AX n e an Re (From page 1) By B. C FORBES AROUND HERE DURING THE | 3 the class and are 2 ties will be : PAST SOCIAL | T° on sale. Seats reserved - LSTEINS 2% 20 will bring any charges { LOCAL BOWLERS WON We are probably going to hear a| ULL BY OUR ber’s Drug Store = Sa Wl J x against the youth. PAIR GAMES LAST WEEK lot about labor unions, about wages, | Te 8p i “+ Wh 24 Tet Confessed, Police Say | sbjut York hors in Soming months. | Little Folks Held Party 4 [0] 24 aken into custod : ew A-B- acts should be, but; Mr. and Mrs, iss} VES 2% RQ | Tuesday, RD Boon ue oll biviing teu journeyed | are not, understood by all. | Lancaster, visited eX Mr. and Mrs. Claude Coller, of 7yrs. old = BQ | admitted sending a letter threatening Hershey last Yeon — wi rls Who profits when labor 1 day. Columbia R D 1, entertained a num- "ERS Ro RQ | Hershey's life and propert 1 won = patie I' ull” i shor Jeaders) wy aim i ber of little folks at their home on 0% Ww 88 | placed $2,000 in small Biles: he | Foes a the alleys there. The scores | LUI & strike and force a concen po, gq "ey a.’ BY Zine end sons, | Monday sfiemoon ‘honor of hic 40 ob ’ ills before 7:30 | follow: of business? Clyde and Robert, spent the [first birthd i 24 BQ 1. m. March 27 at the b 0 The roller arene es 154 gs 35 Sg fences snd sharehold- | Fizabe a Pig friends at Vere enioved by the kiddies which % R$| Officers Toye and Harbold sai Anderson... ided, after outside agitators] aay. Inc ean Goss, Dollie Goss and 12:30 3 XR | 1 20 said when | Anderson ........ 204 226 237 667 | had succeeded in inciting a prolo -y-Mrs, C. CG. Roh Helen Sentz. arc R% : RQ HY searched Eshleman’s room at the [Herr ............. 172 181 ... 353 |ed strike, to wind up the business, (City, visited h Sites) Of Soy yok ree tl 4 en e and BS 88 | school Tuesday they found part of a |M. Good Consternation reigned when i : vi er mother, Mrs, Emma or Ri NB choot of or oy p: of a Good ......... ... 166 210 376 3 on reigned when it sud- Detwiler several days last week Was Trained at Mill ille ows Be : ¥ paper, bearing Eshleman’s Derr ............. 175 155 330 enly dawned on the whole com-| pp. d ey RP. NINE times out of ten you will find that the [monogram which matched the paper dia fhe permanent dlosing oly, es. Hay, Diep and is. Fert F. Kochenaver, who wes “A g 20 | on whi t : i inci | mo, i i i Jer 2180 Who advertises ie the man Who most wil 3 oa ic e extortion note was writ- nid igi It % 9 2 a xia local Aller of id envel- | ith Tr The. pe Ped days a siesed) ay Keiser clock ho? . DC « ” : S n T i i +: lingly returns your money if you are not satis- 8@| or cman got feold feet” on the night (Smith ............ og BB da oll gl | Mr. and Mrs. James Richardson, of | 8rades, is a resident of West York, Be fied 2% ot the Bh, police said, and failed toi ........ Ble owners, Vere to ig visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Ba He has received his training in 3 3 RS keep the rendezvous. If he hed Ling] cee . It was im- Derr near Sentz’s Mill : > e elementary field i i 2 i e had, of-|Lingle ........... 183 ... ... 183 [pressed upon them that s Mill, on Saturday. y at - Millersville Be 2 fires ie he probably would have |Billott ............ ... 179 225 404 | befall many families; that, in aay My. and Mrs. Paul Alexander and | State Teachers College RS He has too much at stake to risk losing your Toge io msiody asm, as both SM 170 177 164 511 | 0% a : Gives Jess Huon Of het: Yous = peut Jr. wm AE were iding near | Ulrich ........... ers, butchers, - am bi is as 2 RG trade or your confidence. You can depend on &&|the tree that evening. In hiding near | U'ric 191 194 109 BB | oe. Sen Sunday. genie: SE ee By bi ie 8 nm RE) meme eur of being capture | Totals Loco soi oo at 712 | any of ove who hud choyed hel Dr. attended the | aber advising 7 Missouri ty of im from going near the tree Mount Joy-York tati ho insti n- [convention of the Eastern Osteo Nouri BO : : 38 when he drove past th Mount J tatives who instigated the walkout thic Asso. i ~ Osteopa- Sorrels, 3: He is not in business for today or tomorrow a |ights after the 27th the oe i Weaver > It i = > ans in plesdingwith toh and 3st yey I +: 1 » the police said he | Weaver .......... is I e of - : “Will be RS only—but for next year and ten years from next 0 fol] hem daring Se Ui 10 Colimii, fon tire 200 10 us Sul Bul. aihough, varions “eon- Ms Boriha A Biwi, of Greens x Note Was Pri OT... i 8... cessions were offered, it was too, spent several Blorses, £8 year. He knows the value of good will. dR | Suspicion was ki d Mateer ........... 204 202 216 ot late; the owners and management home of her son, Dr. 2 Samer Kae Do hs BR} oman by several factors Na 2 Good 19 218 153 50) dist we of organ ion Donegal Head, , Some 5 You get better merchandise at a fairer price § i said. The letter trang Derr. 193 212 179 581 | ro sufficient Suh Gl Wi Ne. Sed Sl Claude Reigel and oung 02 or XQ | Hershey was printed by h : fet ili aughter. imma, spent Sunday at “buyers i than he could ever hope to sell it if he did not @&!iect which police say Gi Totals ou cn... 979 999 920 2898 | stability, profit Newtown with Mrs. Reigel's parents | mules, Be have the larger volume of business that comes 3): died during two and a half years he tA mu oT the water 41 he Tb : es, RK . . ; 2 s a student at college. + i i 8 T runs dry.” . S aker, of enbrook, oy Be from legitimate advertising and goods that bear & The envelope he the threat Misisenhelier Gea 1 178 172 519 Moa were every wage-earner in| Spent the past week at the U. ig ) RG b : : at- Myers ........... erica to joi i parsonage ith h Ww ring. p out the RQ ening letter was st yers ... 188 186 192 568 1: join a union and to place ge Wi er grand ts, ing Re promise of the printed word. 8% ' burg, March 25 a oa Sive 0... 175 245 ,.. nis the dictation Rev. and Mrs. O. L. Mease. © FARMS RX B® opportunity to mail a Efmist ....... a leader or leaders, wages could/ Mrs. N. S. Hoff be ’ : : y to mail a letter from that vane. | 010 ... 192 194 386 t intai i i offman, of Plymouth Prove. 2 Don’t miss the advertisements. This very day @& city on that date, police said. They i: Jone rie 135 ... 179 364 Le 4 certain Messing, ane week visitor at the red they call your attention to values that tomorrow Sa the writer had addressed BY 2115 25 008 What poi? Brrr ew is Xs. ji : 3 oy 1 uring t tt puis 0! money an op 1 ’ . neg: pril 9 Be you will be sorry you overlooked. ®QY name, Isaac, i Wee a Tolls prs Jo bis os oot Rim ior any Teng of time. _— £2 Jus HY ee aad : 24 P8 people close to the dealer. The offi TTT yy Yi amount of wages earned °C Cv Of near Philadelphia, were othe 830000000000 BS said Hershey wasa friend of the Eshle- | OUR LOCAL JUNIOR TEAM TON Ye | week end guests of the former's par- 3 man youth and they believed he had OPENS SEASON SATURDAY | tempiing 0 ‘50 hovers tha mo mas. | Miss Catherine. Spittler, of Chan —— DOOOOOOOOOOVOOOOO aided him financially bong oi BB : at, no mat- iss Catherine Spittler, of Cham- ictatorial the demand i i The state police said Eshleman had | The baseball game between the labor leaders, would simply Sn Se ig sending several weeks | been a student for the last eight weeks | Mount Joy Juniors and the Marietta | TUPt and be compelled to throw ev- pp or rother and wife, Mr. and at the Bible school. Hustlers was postponed on Sunday. ery worker and executive idle. ay, Spidey on New Haven St. Ls assem The dat has. been set for. this | nse ch scons penis th children, Dorothy. Geraldine. Jean. | { Mon. Tues., April Sth § 9th Y, PA. 3 t Cc 5 122,716 T unday on the Mt. Joy diamond. hinge Meeting their ’ 2 gan 0 i 7 28 For This Locality’s Complete News $..vice | commercior mmr riers gna | Me. Del Dressler wishes fo an | income even" Henry ste and Thelma, of Bhewus visis- Leo Carrillo ¢ operators —not even enry areville wi rs. Matrti i 1 ste Yighwey Patrolmen on the job ee da te Joy Juniors xa Ford could long continue to operate Ebersole, on Saturday. Louise Fazenda ’ | \ ? regularly, enforcing the laws regu- : aturday - | under such circumstances. Mrs. Eli Bentzel i isiti i pose Read— he Bul etin lating these types of vehicles. as freon, Apt 6, when they meet the v $3 2s her daughter, Mrs, Alvin Shenk i THE WINNING IX 2:30 / & period of eleven months, patrolmen og ystery hogs, contenders ja oh i ! Have leaned from per- family at Washington, D. C,, for sev- Wed. Thurs., April 10- checked the loads of 192.717 tracks: e ncaster City-County League. experience that we cannot £0 weeks. She pl ’ : oy the measurement f 61,3 ’ Mgr. Dressler has arranged a game on paying out more than we take in. Rodeh plans 10 IN aio: Shirley Temple and 3429 b Bl or 338 trucks | with the Reading American Legion | Employers are in exactly the same mer Rodeheaver. the great sacred Lionell Barrymore oh h 34 i and the extent to | juniors, This game will be played ! Position, (Singer, Mille there in ) 8 whic! 05, foreign trucks conformed 8 : ' You cannot pour milk out of an! Mrs. Frank Young and four child- 4 r S with the Pennsylvania laws. MN Sr. ey. A ly Lode, nor can you extract a ren, Thelma, Betty, Frank, Jr. nd THE LITTLE COLONE ae unt Joy | quart from a pint measure. | Herbert, left on Saturda i > ; : : ’ y mornin, DATS a Some has also been booked with Before cash can be put into wage by automobile for St. Petersburg, ig 1 imore Oriole Juniors in June | envelopes, it must first be drawn in They plan to stay their i ods A a by the Wage-paver. | y plan to stay their indefinitely. a Meeting of Soft Ball Candidat Industry's income is governed na Newcomer. and’ nephew ot. Mv. 24! [ r Stoves 3 There will be a Tosti pg he by Ps workers ouipul Fr aan on ew Me arietta ki 2 * * |Fra oung, accompani Mrs. Theatre. Marietta Pa. KINDS ® Fro Bouse Sunday, April 7, at 2 These elementary truths should be! Young on the trip, and will remain Bus to your f an Sr pM. or Soft Ball playing. Meet- | grasped by the most illiterate immi- With the Young family. Mr. Young o Your favorite Theatre Kitchen 3 ing called by President Showalter. grant, to say nothing of educated is a patient in an army hospital at WED. & THURS. APRIL 3 & 4 Nursery A te ® going t thi [St. Petersburg, for the past three Retughed by popular demand y, ati S oing on a is months. ize winner of every ; Feds IRONVILLE amen, Ro Press Roose! Major award of 1934! ew and - week all over the land a 20 Tore . fi Forks, Me. and Woe Rar) Rettew of Iron- | without any the oo Sale Register 4 ag Cty i ville moved to Silver Springs ring dail p 3 c rs 5 i Cheese the past week. : prings Ying “While age) BS hilo If you want a notice of gale § a NIGHT i J The Ironville Male Chorus sang sev- | could adjust themselves to such 2 igerted in thi i Ey 4 oN : in : eral selections in the Reformed Church | 12%: the indisputable fact is that the |, in this Jegister weekly from sow AGNER of Mountville on Sunday evening country would be strewn with busi- until day of sale. ABSOLUTELY Mr. and Mrs De gp Doss wreckage and with appalling FREE, send or phone us your sale date Every Red Lion voce i Ty OL | unemployment. (and when you are ready, let us print oof Nr Ls e prop A 2 pont wack, even 2 still short-! your bills. That's the cheapest adver 97-9t- e Bar ronville. | er week, oubtless wi come in| tisi p Mr. Frank Reamer, proprietor of the time, as science and invention bring Ising You van get. Ironville Hotel, has moved to Columbia | about more labor-saving machinery | : 2 9 FRIES : Joy at his son. will take over the and methods and as the application | : Friday, eed 19—Afternoon and Romance! business later in the week. of electric power is mu tiplied. big annual Community sale Hu The Women’s Missionary Society of | But neither America nor any oth- by C. S. Frank & Bro. Aldinger & 5 0 E T v he Tronville U. EB. Church will hold er Nation is yet ready for such a de-|Vogle, aucts. : " . . 3 ————— Ieee. i 1935 their monthly meeting at the church Bree * kx : 8 0 4 R ia on Tuesday evening at 7:30 p. m. A rigid 30-hour work week in fac-| Firms Registered > wir NA. On Sunday noon a chimney fire was | tory shop, mine and on farm would | ohn H. Struthers, Landisville to do CHESTER MORRIS NS discovered at the home of Mr. and"Mrs. | limit the amount of life's necessaries) as General Products in the sale VIRGINIA uce Raymond McCune which was quickly | 7c ¢om orts and luxuries produced; Of cosmetics, tonics, facial creams and BILLIE BUSKE : ; : | therefore, the ar t railable for | beauty parlor pr 5 i M-G-M’ extinguished by a bucket brigade. | ? on Ry aD uty parlor products, with office at A MGM's Seta Mrs. Bair, of Columbia, gave several use by on ould Je Jmited | Room 622 Woolworth building, Lancas- tein Wh 4 readings in the Ironville U. B. Sunday | tions about the value of plowing un- | tee ———— Big Special Midnighg Show Schoo) on Sunday morning, Sutin the | der destroying growing | No In se in Gas T AN i AM special missionary program which was | cotton, reducing the birth rate of | crease In Gas Tax "Sc " REEL 8 & 9 in charge of the Missionary Superin- i food animals, genuine and lasting | Because twenty-six Republicans Biz Amat Sh = tendent, Mrs. Taylor Weaver. | prosperity and abundance never) and two Democrats voted “NO”, Night £9 0 Bock! The Chestnut Hill ‘baseballs {eam ’ Come, never can come, Never will | against sixteen Democrats and one a out Ne e started their spring training on Sun- come from Searcy, Republican, the Senate defeated the Into The Manager at Ofgge! day afternoon, but due to inclement * Tn the final “analysis, a Nation Proposed in gas tax of 5c by —CASH PRIZES— & weather the workout was soon called | cannot have prosperous rte ote. =7 % YS wr Te team playing sev- | less it has prosperous business. MARKETS LP , eral exhibition games during the next | opmental fimo M/ S WARD \J two weekends. tpi New Method Used ; . = t chart Bhi pee Bios logy Sos fe Log Colored lights are used in a new Eins April 3rd, 1935 = oug ons’ class of the Ironville U. B. Church | of dli gs, pe BAL Wei co nv c s where both had 100% attendance for the i a at Sande Butter, per pound ............., 34c A month of March and captured the at- tent of the egg is more easily Soot Lords per pound ................ 16¢c WED. & THURS. AP - tendance banner in the Senior Depart- : eat, per bushel .............. 95¢ = 'RS., APRIL 10 & 1M tee. Miri: avs olag ! Janet Gaynor & 3 mem, Mw uss Hoagy's class, hav- +16_Marietta Reserves ......... oR PER BEE i : g rag % ance, | +34 Columb “ONE 1 » captured the attendance banner in the | Sr aan Zl When in need of Printing, (anything) ‘ONE MORE SPRING Primary Department. | *55—Bauman’s Big Five, me A birthday dinner was served on | « ) PA. ot Bro Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs €1-Bauran's: Die Vive iii." . . > | *30—Col i i I. 11 | THERE is no way to compare the Ford V-8 any other car John Montgomery in honor of Mr. John a eh vy Sa re because there is no other car like it. 3 Monigomay, Bip Se sary. | *77—Sample’s Specials . M 2 Shows A 0 esent: Tigers ............ Th enings The Ford enables you to step up into the fine-c#ijclass in per- and Mrs, William Montgomery and | = © i i. oose eatre 7 — SP M formance, beauty, comfort and . children Charles, Bard and Dorothy; | safety. But there is steppin scl j { 778, Total Saturda ub in wil That is k y % ! PpPIng Priscilla Dugan, Lester Shoof and (* Home Games) a ELIZABETHTOWN 6-8.9:30 Ya ® P price. at is kept down by Ford low-profit palicies and James Dugan all of Columbia, Mr.| 7qhe individual scoring by the |S ne = - unique manufacturing methods. These are as differentiigs the Harry Lewis, Sr. of Carlisle, and Mr. | members of the team was as follows: a vice . S car itself. 1. and Mrs. David Mummaw of Ironville. Games Fields Fouls Tis |® Fri. Sat., April 5th & 6th = . Coach Weaver's Ironville A C bas- = I . . i Eph. Fornoff 20.7 21 171 |g hi 5 i t takes eight cylinders to give the modern performance 3 i i) EE 1! jor Sey 2 83. BE Sey une ‘KS J ul season of its career, winning fF 14 = i reads need these days. The Ford is powered by a V-8 — the finest type of} games and losing just 7 games. The | Boy an 14 = 3 m4 | 2 WHEN A MAN'S 5 n ” s eight-cylinder engine. You have to pay more than $2000 for that ™ team, also. won the last eight con- |, Fornoff 16 20 8 65m LITTLE COLONEL . Polis 1 in any other car. a secutive games by large scores. The | Don. Staley 3 923 8 54 B | ¥ : SE the games ying the 'M. Albright 5 12 4 28 . MOND APRIL 8th w ; Wh 934-1 eason are as follows: M. Helfrich 8 11 1 27 . ys FORD MOTOR COMPANY bk Ironville Opponents | A McCune 5 nim Gertrude Michael, “MENACE” 920R Bi *18—Bauman’s Big Five ......... 17 ¢ oo Ey : |Ell. Weaver .. 9 10 0 20 27-2t p GL 16—Bauman’s Big Five ......... 17 |N. Smith 3 8 3 19 a : ; bh 21—Marietta Reserves ........... 41 H Boll Bra 1 4 3 9 x Tuesday, April 9th a day, April 10th i Warriors ............... 3 | A. Albright 3 3 in 8m Mary Carlisle RaMgh Bellamy ~ | GARBER'S GARAGE Elie |i if mod ia Junior High ...... 3iG. B 1 3 0 62 “ ’ 93 I in 0 4 *27—Marietta Reserves ........... 28 |R De 1 2 0 4 I GIRL O'MY DREAMS GIGOLRETE” ; *46—Columbia Unknowns ........ 36a a SALES FORD SERVICE 2 Votoms. Berrios a: vis 2. 2... 4 THURSDAY, APRIL 11th h i : A. Musser . 2 0 1 1 > —Two Features Y, P. 4 ELIZABETHTOWN, “an 40—Columbia Army Club ....... 42 | Derstler 1 0 1 1 “ “ Sse 2 PENNA. 23 St. Joe Reserves ........... 55 | ur AGAINST THE LAW” and “LUCKY TEXAN" *35 Marietta Reserves ........... 81 motal Nn 37 BV TM RR — fa =