THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1935 ST TR e+ uhh Brawn for tn per By Frank Loot Dress AT To THE JONES'S TM, \. THEY'RE So i - \ Swe — bp | = Don'T CARE IF 1AM “THE ON GUY THERE WITHOUT CONE D0 YOU KNOW WHY ---Dear Wifey's Advice Doesnt Aways Prove Out? seweunonw. carson oo. xv. 1372 nr wh ween) for mime N FL A 1] “ee TH + A 3 Sy MAT NITHT— MAKE SURE OF ENOUGH READY MONEY NEXT XY CHRISTMAS BY\JOINING ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLAOWING CLASSES for fifty weeks will receive........ CLASS 25 Members paying 25 ce for fifty weeks will CLASS 50 Members paying 50 cents & week for fifty weeks will feet $ 25.00 $ 50.00 CLASS 100 Members paying $1.00 a week for fifty weeks will CLASS 500 Members paying $5.00 a week for fifty weeks will $ @ The Union National Mt. Joy Bank Mount Joy, Penna. DO NOT FORGET! APPLE and WEBER, Optometrists Don’t Endure Headaches and For Co¥eagtion of Defective Vision. Nervousness. cour Eyes examined, accurate and prompt ser- vice. APPEL and WEBER, Opteanetrists 40-42 N. Queen Street, LANCASTER,"R4 Dr. Neilson W. Pinkerton, Opt. Phone 2-0712 Office Hours 9 to 5 9 120-020-020 0% 0% 020-6505 020-020 620-62 0% 6% 02-02% 02-02% 0% 20% «2 +X Ea} Sood RNa Xa Xa Xe Xa X ag Xa Xa Xa LX a Xa Xa Xa Xa Xa Xa Xa Xa Xa Xa Xa Xgl 9, 9 ® ilies b bo 00 0% 0 0 Xa aX aX xX ® Here's" hat you get in Goodyear’s new Prest-O-Lite Batteries 13-Plate $9.90 9, * QJ & QJ COWR) Ra Xa Xa Xa Xa) 9 blocks in the center. You gef the easy steering ai travel of wider riding -ribs. You get the slow, even wear of. nested non-skid blocks and ribs. You get more rubber in the tread — a average of two pounds more per tire. = afl of which adds up to 43% MORE NON-SKID MILEAGE at no extra cost fo youl 9 9, J RRR °° ye & A dashing young romeo from Sa- ¢ CLARENCE F. GRISSIN Batteries Recharged and Tested 9. said to my wife: “You know, pet, that ® | coffee took my cup away and said: Tha't a nice thing to say about my cocoa!” § | talk because they won't listen to rea- § | son. WRI the its BY A WISE OWL OWL LAFFS At breakfast yesterday morning I looks exactly like tea!” She Most wives like to hear themselves HEALTH TALK TTEN BY DR. THEODORE B The Bureau of Investigation of the U. S. Department of Justice has been able to eliminate many of first- scientific efficiency which places that organization in the forefront of world’s crime-detecting has relied much on contacts to solve must frequently depend on running down the contact case if their forts are to particularly emphasized in the tuber- culosis MacBride-Dexter, Health. For instance, it is not enough to know that the isolated by Robert Kooch in 1882. Neither is it sufficient to that science has developed able diagnostic devices and effective treatment for evident when it is realized that des- pite X-ray, sanatoria, the larly successful regimen of rest, the fresh air and sunlight, specialized treatment malady annually kills 55 people APPEL, SECRETARY OF HEALTH America’s string public enemies by way of contact case. Working with a the agencies, it problem. Health officials also ef- be successful. This is Dr. Edith of the states Secretary situation, tubercle germ was appreciate remark- tuberculosis. This is spectacu- and highly methods, this out STHAT LITT LE CAME” Tnter-nat’l Cartoon Co. B. Link: Pr WHAT'S “THAT, SAM ? {00 WANT “To : KNow (F I'D DRAW 0 A FouR-STRAIGHT You, IM 2? Over the dinner table my wife com- plained: “Before we were married you | swore you would never look at an- of every 100,000 in the United States. And for much of the present power of this disease the contact case is tc blame. other woman.” every meal a certain young lady said to Johnny Charles: “A penny for your thoughts. Johnny answered: thinking of going home. “Just then a voice from the him a dollar, Mary. redo reseed * Na Xa) a * & Getting tired of these frankly speeches I very | to “Why, I was just “Give stairs shouted: It's a bargain! s a bargain Tt Clothes may make the man in some cases, but it’s a cinch they didn’t make Johnny Weissmuller. A Florin lady went to our local rail- road station and said to the agent: “I want a ticket to New York, please.” The ticket agent asked: “Do you wish to go by Buffalo? “Certainly not!” She indignantly replied.” By train if you please!” Exercise will kill germs. But the trouble is to get the darned things to exercise. ty der. Sunday night a girl asked “Miky”| Unquestionably tuberculosis fight Weaver: “Are you a printer?” And|has narrowed down. The open fight- Firpy answered: “Yes, how do you like my type?” But the enemy’s resources in the mt ——— form of concealed or unsuspected A man had an eye that was always is a dangerously challenging bothering him. The eye his wife kept |situation. The solution lies in an on him. intelligently informed and conscien- re tiously acting public. In only that A tramp knocked at the door of a|Way will the contact case lose it fs Barbara street home. The lady of the house answered and the tramp said: “Lady, I'm starving to death.” The woman, tired of being continuously annoyed by tramps exclaimed: “Here's an ax. Go around to the backyard and take a few chops.” And then there was the detective who worked on a part-time job. He shadowed a midget’s husband. A bald headed man on the barber chair asked: “You're sure this is good hair tonic?” And Joe Detweiler ans- wered: “Absolutely. I know a man who removed the cork from the bot- tle with his teeth. The next morning he had a mostache.” Another good modern version is: “If the shoe fits, put it on your husband's charge account. lunga had his girl out riding in his new car. He ask: “Are you all right?” “Quite, dear,” she answered. “Cushions comfortable?” “Quite, darling,” his sweetie answered again “Not being jolted? “he continued, “Oh, no, sweet- heart,” she again answered. “Not bo Phone 192 MOUNT JOY, PA. bo cramped?” he persisted: “No, lambkin, o she impatiently replied. “Then, for feb. . goodness sake, change seats with me!” desde exclaimed. 00 92 90 600 0s 0 00 0 oP 0. %0 0016240 004% 6% 0% 6% 4% 2 4% 0030 030030030030 400 400 420-030 43030 400 T0430 LHI SAIC SI 000 CLARENCE SCHOCK MOUNT JOY, PA. © - SK According to radio artists who de- pend on a fickle public, it's Air Today and Gone Tomorrow. A husband accompanied his wife to the doctors. Finally the doctor re- marked: “I am very sorry to have to tell you that your wife’s mind is com- pletely gone.” The husband, very After all, she’s been giving me a piece of it every day for fifteen years!” Have you heard of the ventriloquist who threw his voice in the ash can when he got married?——That, to my mind, is giving up all hope. L UMBER-COA Sometimes the real offender is dif- ficult to ases. |ceal important data fearing { agined |tirely unaware pursued with persistence. Frequently, painstaking investiga- tion will be required. But like | Federal agents—the doctor, the nurse and the members of family must all pull together to ge their man, or may be. Naturally, the quest will be deter- mined upon conditions. cian is first called in, he will doubt- less home until proved by science to be free from infection. the public health nurse will be put on the trail to ferret out the offen- ing is removing the obvious carrier. present ability to slay. harshly, said: “Well, I'm not surprised. | suddenly called out: “Is there a wo- \ ALWAYS CONSUL MN ATTORNEY FIRST AND SQUEEZE MY Now Nou {Nd PREFERENCE To LEFY EAR HOW MANY A SHorT PAR, - Bou To BooT: CARDS Do wHY, SURE ! SOMETIMES Yoo WOULDN'T “You, \ DONT © : Bie {| wow ABouT ALL THAT THAT HAVE ee | locate. As, for example, | a1 1 “hl 7 . | Sle That was only 2 | was the recent instance of a grand, ! : [father who for years had worried | Advice ‘abotit women: If. dh looks | 210P€ with a chronic cough. While | Fo Limited Time : dees ; 1 C : : C not obviously tuberculosis, he had] young she is old; if she looks old she |: yw Wh : 13s We ill Clean And i he K h {infected two of his grandchildrer is young; if she looks back, follow her. betore he Was ruil 16 éover. | A G ; 7 sareful questionins | A arm Sunday morning about three A. M. Even the most carciy. o of the patient will not always lead | For the discovery of the unsuspected | Frequently persons will con- | an im- | Again, others are en- | of the real source. clue must be stigma. follows that every the the involved woman, as the case If a physi- suspect every person in the In which case 2S) others must not himself expect pardon.” . MARCH S5—First Shakespearean play presented in U. S,, 1750. BANK =r 7,

Columbus, New Mexico, Pr? 1916. =n 10—Damian of Vienna invents =, the accordion, 1829, a Confederate States — a adopt their constitution, 1861. QWNU EE a There is no better way to boost yous business than by local newspaper ad- vertising. 6—President Roosevelt orders all of our banks closed, 1933. reason he didn’t shoot the bear he sa 4 last winter, was because he didn’t like the expression on it’s face for his rug. After an accident in Columbia last Saturday, a doctor who was rendering first aid at the scene of the accident, man here with old-fashioned ideas?” This quite astonished the people in the crowd and they ask: “Why?” “Be- cause,” said the doctor, “I need a pet- ticoat to make some bandages.” And now my good readers, until next Wednesday, don’t forget to bea George At the sale Thursday: evening George Mumper from Florin told me the only Washington. He never told a lie. A WISE OWL Cc West Main St., Mt. Jo With Another Garment At Price Crushed Building Before PEN order elsewhere J.N. Stauffer & Bro Stone see us. Also“wanufacturers of CONCRETEMBLOCKS SILLS and LINJELS Ng MOUNT JOY, PA. MOUNT JOY Phone 213J2 Telephone 22J 283 W. Marietta St. MT. JOY, P W. F. COBLE ELWOOD MARTIN, Distributor DON W. GORR Swiss Watches and Mount Joy, Pa. WEAK AND SKINNY MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN Saved by new Vitamins of Cod Liver Oil in tasteless tablets. Pounds of firm healthy flesh instead of bare scraggy bones! New vigor, vim and energy instead of tired listlessness! Steady, quiet nerves! That is what thousands of people are getting through scientists’ latest discovery—the Vitamins of Cod Liver Oil concentrated in little sugar coated tablets without any of its horrid, fishy taste or smell, McCoy's Cod Liver Oil Tablets, they're called! “Cod Liver Oil in Tablets”, and they simply work wonders. A little boy of 8, seri ously sick, got well and gained 1034 lbs. in just one month. A girl of thirteen after the same disease, gained 8 lbs. the first week and 2 1bs. each week after. A young mother who could not eat or sleep after baby came got all her health back and gained 10 lbs. in less than a month. You simply must try McCoy's at once. Remember if you don’t gain at least 3 lbs. of firm healthy flesh in a month get your money back. Demand and get McCoy’s—the original and genuine Cod Liver Oil Tablets —approved by Good Housekeeping Institute. Refuse all substitutes— insist on the original McCoy’s— wows there are none better, YOUR SHOES? Reasonable THE BULLETIN 'that causes scanty flow, Juniper oil, Buc tle green | bladder laxative. | pleased go back and get yo your regular sleep and feel © .” E. W. Garber, Druggist. DON'T GET UP NIGHTS MAKE THIS 25¢ TEST e Juniper oil, Buchu leaves, ete., out excess acids and waste rid of bladder irritation king up, frequent desire, and backache. Get wleaves, etc., in lit- Bukets, the s if not . Get tablets ca In fou John D. Killheffer Telephone, Manheim 11J i "MY SALE WAS A REAL KNOCKOUT * ye EY IN HIS ADE. by THIS KEWSPAPER COULD NOT DO HER WHEN every thing you at- tempt is a burden —when you are nervous and irri- table—at your j wit’s end—tr this medicine. It may be just what i you need for extra energy. Mrs. Charles L. Cadmus of Trenton, New Jersey, says, “After doing just a little work I had to lie down. My mother-in-law recom- mended the Vegetable Compound. I can see a wonderful change now.” VEGETABLE COMPOUND MOUNT JOY Stimulate your business by ad- vertising in The Bulletin. 000060000000060060EEEEEOEOOBOG CPO mn © OOO A