ae PAGE SIX TD I si a i WGN i pi da ay THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23rd, 1935. 122,716 Trucks Commercial vehicle operators find State Highway Patrolmen on the job regularly, enforcing the laws regu- lating these types of vehicles. Over a period of eleven months, patrolmen checked the loads of 122,717 trucks; the measurements of 61,338 trucks and 3429 buses and the extent to which 3405 foreign trucks conformed with the Pennsylvania laws. et —— THIEVES GET 267 AUTOS, POLICE 255 Pennsylvania's State and municipal authorities were at only a slight dis- advantage during December in their constant campaign against automo- bile thieves. While residents of the Common- wealth reported the theft of 267 cars during the month, authorities an- nounced the recovery of 255, includ- ing 166 which were stolen during December. Up at Northfield, Minn., a golfer hit a ball which struck and killed a wild duck. J. W. IODIZED line of Feeds for Chickens are giving wonderful results —_—— J. W. Oodizéd Starting Mash J. Growing Mash J. W. Iodized Laying Mash Please give this line of feeds a trial and be convinced that these feeds are among the best and the prices arg very reasonable. Warehouse & Coal Yard J. W. WOLGEMUTH Phone Elizabethtown, 175 Warehouse & Coal Yard | JOIN at the First National Bank and. Trust Company SM HERE'S HOW TO JOIN Simply select the amount you desire to deposit weekly, bring it to the bank, make your fibst deposit, then deposit this amount the first of each week as per table below. THE CLUB RUNS 50 WEEKS Join One or More of the Following Classes $ 10 Club 5.00 $ 25 Club ly E2050 $ 50 Club Pays..............\........§ 25.00 $1.00 Club 50.00 $ 200 Club Pays.................\.....$100.00 $3.00 Club Pays...................\....$150.00 $ 4.00 Club Pays.................... \..$200.00 $ 5.00 Club $10.00 Club Pays......... $500.00 Our Club Offers an Easy Plan to Provide Money for ahy Purpose YOU CAN JOIN NOW FIRST NATIONAL BANK & TRUST COMPANY RHEEMS, PA. The Christmas Savings Club 8 | for $9.75; does he gain or lose on the DO YOU KNOW WHY - - - Company Isn't Any Trouble? By Fishes IF SHE SAW THESE Two SPECKS OF DUST SHED INTERNATIONAL CARTOON CON. v. § SHEL. TELL THE WHOLE \F 10ONY HAVE THINGS CLEAN ; \TS NIKE TO Vz Sey Yo Excuse VT ONE s TO EXCV TO work THE WAN THE HOUSE LOOKS OH.NO- A WISE OWL While attending the Automobile Show homes to buy ‘em. We learned at the show that an auto manufacturer has just completed a mil- | lion dollars proving ground to give his car the acid test in staying power and endurance...... It seems to us a much simpler method would be to let a friend take it over the week-end. Looking at the new Pontiac we heard a lady say to her husband: “Darling, we must get a new car.” “What?” shouted her husband. “When I'm still paying installments on the car I ex- changed for the car I sold in part pay- | ment of the car I've got now!” Women and money are alike, if you don’t keep them busy they lose inter- est. An old Tom Cat on Railroad alley, | surveyed himself in the family water bucket and said: “One ear gone, one eye closed, thirteen gashes, part of the lower jaw missing, and nothing left of the whiskers but stumps. What a glorious old time I must have had last night. The engineer couldn't blow his whistle but he didn’t give a toot. A man from Marietta tried to pro- cure a job on the Lancaster police force. He passed the physical tests but the written examination gave him a little trouble, On one question: “A man buys an article for $12.25 and sells it transaction?” After pondering over the question the Marietta gentleman final- ly answered: “He gaines on the cents, but loses on the dollars.” The only time it pays a woman to be long-winded is when she’s blowing out the candles on her birthday cake. When ask what was worse then a in Philadelphia last week Icame to the | conclusion, that when better cars are | made, people will still mortgage their | HEALTH TALK WRITTEN BY DR. THEODORE APPEL, SECRETARY OF HEALTH B “In spite of the fact that America is highly conscious of personal, sanitary standards, millions of homes in the United States do not even have bath- tubs. This ‘Believe It or Not’ fact is is all the more surprising when one considers the appeals to cleanliness that have appeared for a score or more years in the advertising spreads of magazines and papers, and latterly have been heard over the radio. And while this bathtubless fact in itself does not necessarily prove that Americans are not sufficiently conscious of the great value of cleanly habits and of the habitual use of soap, in particular, it | does serve to emphasize the adage that ‘Cleanliness is next to Godliness’,” states Dr. Theodore B. Appel, Secre- tary of Health. “Together with its ordinary cleans- ing properties pure soap has a definite germicidal value. The action of soap | as a cleanser has been very clearly explained by a well known skin spec- ialist in these words: ‘As as a cleanser, I soap suspension has two properties: | (1) it removes oil, grease and other in- I soluble liquids by forming an emulsion with them and (ii- it also removes | | minute solid particles of dirt by taking the dirt into suspension. Thus it has |an emulsifying power and a capacity for adsorption of fine particles. The | former property is based on the fact |that the emulsion of a colloidal sus- {pension (soap) with an immiscible “THAT LITTLE GAME"— NELL, FRIENDS — 'M WINNER AGAIN. / SEEMS THATS ALL | DO HERE LATELY. You GENTLE BY Gosn THAT MAKES ME MAD. : MEN WiLL THINK THATS ALL | CoME FoR. - GOIN’ Yo QuiT Pay’ ? ra DIDNY WANT THERES No 7, je SL Rak LAW IN THIS 22 HM-M M - THE You'VE GOT Nov To / THING Thar ENOUGH JACK NEED fu isp 00YA US To \S A BATE Quit WITH AN oH Joan, Lk NDERTAKE YOU DIDNT COME HERE T. K ALL mY Booz Emit VID You? You TANK |liquid is a stable condition. Conse- | kuently, soap suspension when rubbed [on oily or greasy goods, emulsifies the | grease, converts it into droplets, sur- {rounded b soap solution and separated | from the cloth, and so permits it to be | washed off. After the soap has emul- | sified the oil it then adsorbs the par- {ticles of dirt which are then set free. | ‘According to Gardiner, the effects lof soap on the skin are due chiefly to the alkali, for when an alkaline solu- 'tion such as that of soap comes into | contact with the skin, there is induced 'an excessive secretion of the acid se- bum and sweat and a keratolytic effect on the protective epithelium.’ “As to soap’s germicidal power this same authority among other things states, ‘To a certain degree soaps are germicidal. Their germicidal action varies with different organisms. The germicidal activity is greatly enhanced by raising the temperature; this activi- ty is further supplemented by any sterilizing effect brought about by the mechanical removal of bacteria.’ “However, the meat in the scient- ists’s article is contained in the follow- ing statement: ‘Soaps are potent fac- tors in preventing the spread of disease not only on account of their germicidal no antiseptic can replace cleanliness. ! It is the best disinfectant for every- |g day life, to be supplemented, when the | far se fart shoffa. occasion arises, by appropriate drugs | ler is en deeb un is tsu fowl tsu shoffa. (surgical antiseptics) under the care | Ich bin en tzeiga os are tsu fowl is tsu PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has Te Say This Week Ich hob dere in mime ledshta brief g'shrivva waega unseram nia nuchber, der Sam Kivler. awver de orma-pflager sin hardt draw far se lose wara wile se bong sin os se action on the common organisms with | uffs town shipcooma. Du waisht de the exception noted but also because | Beevil sawgt, “De orma missa mere by Mer hen ene nuch, i uns hovva,” un dohare will net usht nich ebber es blame uff da oxla hovva Se sawga der Kiv- giraffe with a sore throat one of our brilliant young Freshman answered: “A centipede with corns. MOUNT JOY, PA. dec.12-tf * of physicians.’ “Tt is thus seen that pure soap is not only a toilet and sanitary necessity but is actually a preventive against a num- Saturday night “Firpy” Weaver's girl told him: “The man I marry must | be tall and handsome.” And Firpy re- | torted: “Gimme a chance, I'm still | growing...... Oh, you handsome thing. What with liquor so cheap, cider must be hard to sell. You Can Escape Periodic Upsets Women who must be on the job every day need Lydia E. Pinkham’s Tablets: They not only relieve periodic pain and discomfort . . . they help to correct the CAUSE of your trouble. If you take them regularly . . . and if yours is not a surgical case should be able to escape periodic upsets. Chocolate coated . . . convenient . . . de- pendable. Sold by all druggists. New small size—50 cents. Well, it’s a comfort to know that the horses we bet on are polite, anyway they always step aside to let the other nags pass them. I was talking to a West Main Street man when I remarked: “So you got rid of the radio in your car?” “Yes,” he replied, “I couldn't listen to a broad- cast in front of me and from the rear seat at the same time.” There are poor people in the Shanty town of a near by city who live in such delapidated shacks that every time it rains, they have to go out and get in their sedans. “] am 27 and a textile winder in the mill. I had cramps so bad that I had to cry many times. I used to stay in bed two days a month. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Tablets helped me wonder- fully. For the first time in my life I do not suffer. I can work all the time now and feel Bennie Coates, 1963 Tere race St., Muskegon, Mich. LYDIA E. PINKHAM’S TABLETS A Uterine Tonic and Sedative for Women “Aha!” exclaimed a Florin man while standing in the middle of Main Street, “see a pin and pick it up, and all the day you'll have good luck, “and as he bent over to pick it up, his hat fell in the mud, his glasses, dropped from his nose and smashed on the street, burst three suspender buttons and tore the buttonhole out of the neckband of his shirt. CLARENCE SCHQCK MOUNT JOY, PA. ‘ A certain gentleman who lives not far from town, was attending a show (?) at Philadelphia last week when he remarked to his friends: “Isn’t it fun- ny that most of the men in the first rows are bald? “No,” answered his friend, “because most of ’em bought their tickets from a “scalper.” No. this certain gentleman wasn’t sitting in the first row——He had a “box seat.” GIVE’ d i EE IO ER We understand there is a car in this country for every 4.3 persons. The .3 person is probably what was left of drheone who got into the rumble seat. A WISE OWL ( ber of infections that attack man on the skin surface. However, to get the best service from this essential sani- tary factor one must use pure soap wisely, thoroughly and often.” “THE WORLD'S ALL RIGHT” “The World's All Right” and the Legion Auxiliary Unit No. 185 is out to prove it! Jan. 24th and 25th. are the dates set for the elaborate Com- munity Show to be staged in the High School Auditorium. At special meetings held Monday afternoon at the home of the President, Mrs. John Longenecker, and Monday evening, at the home of Mrs. George Brown, plans for the production were dis- cussed and a cast of prominent local people was selected. This modern musical comedy with its scene laid in a radio broadcasting studio, promises to be a brilliant successor to the list of local shows already staged here, and the usual ready response to Auxiliary enter- tainments has already been felt in the contacts made thus far. The all- local cast will number about one hundred fifty and will provide a variety of entertainment including singing and dancing specialties, pan- tomime, comedy, and pageant fea- tures. Colorful costumes and special lighting effects will assist in making this a truly different home talent show! Ea Auto Recovery Eighty-nine motor vehicles, valued at $30,038 were recovered by state highway patrolmen last November. Over a period of 11 months, the Pa- trol recovered 802 vehicles valued at $280,417, along with 381 other artic les which owners valued at $12,410. to Sign in a hotel—If you want a bell- boy wring a towel. | shoffa, un waega em shtala hov ich | nix tsu sawga, awver es sin mere shunt | dri hinkel aweck cooma sidder os se | doh woona ich hob de feddera fun ma | shiffer-schtanicha hinkel in eram hin- era hofe g'saena. Se sawga aw are het si bae cb g’shussa greeked ivver em hinkel shtaela. De nuchbera sin der onner dawg tzomma cooma far blans shloga far ene loosa wara. Dle hen ene “white-cappa” wella un onera ene dorra un feddera. Endlich bin ich uff g'shtonna un hob ena g’sawt os de weldt ware we en mowver, un de leit sin de shtae. Yader shtaee hut si blotz in der mowver, derno mauchts nix ous we grum un shep os are is. Now der Kivler is en grummer shtae, awver are hut si blotz, un wile are en deeb is un tsu fowl tsu shoffa daid ich suggesta mere daids ene ’lecta tsu office—cong- ress, senate, odder so gor bresident. Der Billy Bixler hut arlawbt are daid gor net ni gae far sel. Are ware der- for far usht de reicha tsu so offica electa, derno breichta se sich net reich shtaela, Ich hob si point admit, un derno is der Mike Blotner uff ga-joo- mpt un hut g’sawt won mere en pre- mium do wedda uff deep un fowlenser, don wed are farshtonna hovva os home talent der foretzook het ivver room- laefer, un so wide os si reputation con- cerned ware daid are se grawd fer- hondla far congress. Endlich is don de meeting room ga-draid tsura rech- ta bolidix meeting. Yaderer hut con- fessed os are goot do kent oony shoffa un kent aw si sheer shtaela wons mohl on der grose hawfa gingt. Se hen der Sam Kivler gons fargessa un yaders huts armsht si wella. Endlich hov ich g’'sawt ich het ols g’'mained ich ware der armst mon om Barrick, un ich daid heit hondla mit anich fun ena un duch het ich in mime laeva net orum-mood far de leit room ga-peddled. En mon os net uff si ageny bisniss ocht gevva con set net froga far uff onera eary ocht gevva. Se hen oll admit os ich de woreheit schwetza daid, un hen mich g'frogt eb ich de nomination wet far Congress. “Nosser,” hov ich g’sawt. “Ich bin a- mohl g'luffa far sell ompt un dere het oll g'luga tsu mere we dere farsh- prucha het far mich vota except der Billy Bixler. Ich will net widder lawfa un nuch en linger ous eme maucha” Es wore en center-shuss un hut def karls shrowva maucha os we rowva in ma nesht won mer en pitchfockel on se haebt. Es hut se oll ga-dishtered os we der oldt Sammy Sendapetzer. En familia fun fuftzae kinner uffs town- ship nemma suggest mere daida en collection uff nemma far era fare bat- zawla nuch Rooslond. Ich hob der Billy Bixler appoint far der hoot room nemma. We are om oldta Sammy far- by is hut are si kup g'noked os won’s en oldter bakonter friend ware, awver hut yo nix ni. We der hoot room coo- ma is wora sivva cent un en ‘hussa- knup drin. Ains wore en finf ‘tent Manheim—19 W. Steigeh Street Mon., Wed., Thurs., 8 to 6'P. M. Evenings, Tues, Fri. and Sat. Telephone, Manheim 11J jan.9-if shtick un sell hut en Irisher peddler ri g'schmissa os g’suffa wore. De meeting is derno uff gabrucha un de sivva cent sin mere ous em sin g’folla bis meer ons Hullerhecka cooma sin don hut der Billy mer der wink gevva. Mere sin uff g’shtepped on der baar un derno hut are g'frogt far sivva cent waert “Keffer-bree” mit tswae shtrow-holma drin. Husht du in dime laeva tswae dors- hticke kelver saena dicky millich ous ame kivvel sowfa? Dart hetsht’s sae- na kenna. Ich hob en longer tzook, awver der Billy hut de awga tzoo g'laiked we en asel won are blarra will un bis ich recht reddy wore hut my sucker shunt wind g'fonga. eee. SUNDAY DINNER | that causes wakin scanty flow, burning Juniper oil, Buchu lea tle green tablets called bladder laxative. pleased go back and get your your regular sleep and feel “full of pep.” THIS 25¢ TEST In four E. W. Garber, Druggist. Getting Up Nights r oil, Buchu leaves, etc, cess acids and waste f bladder irritation p, frequent desire, d backache. Get etc., in lit- ukets, the if not Get MY SALE WAS A SUGGESTIONS By ANN PAGE Eos are somewhat cheaper due to slightly increased product . Butter too, is a bit less en the recent high prices greatly cur- tailed buying. Meats continue to rise in price, particularly pork and hind- quarter cuts of beef and lamb. Veal is reasonable and forequarter cuts of beef and lamb also. Ducklings are attractively priced and fowl, roasting and frying chick- ens have changed little in cost. Grapefruit, navel oranges, and apples are the chief fresh fruits avail. able and all are moderately priced. Potatoes, cabbage, kale, va ri ous greens and root vegetables are with- in the reach of modest budgets. Cu- ban grown tomatoes are in the bar. gain class. Here are three menus at different price levels made up from seagonable oods: Low Cost Dinner Pan-Fried Beef Liver with Oni Mashed Potatoes Cole Sew Bread and Butter Chocolate Pudding Tea or Coffee Milk Medium Cost Dinner Roast Lamb Browned Potatoes Caulifiower in Cream Bread and Butter Cottage Pudding Lemon Sauce Tea or Coffee Milk Very Special Dinner Cream of Celery Sou; i Roast Duckling ? Apple and Pr une Mashed Sweet Po Juice tatoes Spinach Tomato Salad Rolls and Butter Lemon Snow Cust M ard Sa Coffee ile ues N ILK ELWOOD MARTIN, Distributh 132 USED OUR WNU REE IN HIS ADS Furnished by THIS NEWSPAPER GAINS 25; LBS. IN TWO MONTHS COD LIVER OIL—Once a Punishment—Now a Treat \ Stop trying to force your children to take nasty- tasti ks flavored cod liver oils. Give them Coco —the cod liver oil with a delicious chocolate taste—and watch their ies daily with vigorous, athletic strength! Merder of Milwaukee says: “Before my child took Coco Codsheonlyweighed 80 Ibs, Now, in Iwo 1 months’ time, she weighs 4 105% Ibs. and she not been sil since.” § Other cod liver oils have only Vitamins A and D, but Coco Cod is also rich in Vitamin B—the appetite and growth promoting vitamin. Start your children with Coco Cod today. At ail drug stores. 0060 COD The God Liver O Tt TstsLike Grell Help Kidneys ® & If poorly functioning Kidneys and Doctor's Cystex Bladder make you suffer from Getting Up Nights, Nervousness, Rheumatic Pains, Stiffness, Burning, Smarting. or Acidity try the guaranteed 's Prescription Cystex(Siss-tex) —Must fix you up or money back, Only 76f at druggists. J ( i SERS ae ¢ yl oe EE TSH ® ®