PAGE EIGHT THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1935 OO 2 I — kK Store founded by the late Samuel F. Frev. Jan. 2, 1872. For 63 years this % T Oo R E Closing Out Entire toe store is known all through this vicin- ity for their fair dealings. Always Oo P E M : striving to do betler- . ,.. . always EVERY : maintaining a high standard of mer- RB E K N MN I xd chandise. To even think of this type i of Furniture to be found in Sales is 9 cumstances we find it necessary to EVENING dispose of the entire stock . . . Our 3 9 é 9 Joss will be your good fortune. ite unfair, but under existing cir- XJ Quantities Are Limited Values Exactly As Advertised Every Article To Be Sold The entire stock of Living Room, Bed Room and Dining Room Suites, Secretaries, Desks, Odd Pieces of Furniture, Rugs, Beds, Mattresses, / Springs, Carpets . . . every odd piece regardless of what itis . . . TO BE SOLD AT A DRASTIC REDUCTION. Note carefully there is " N only a limited quantity of each item. Make a careful inspection of your home, jot down the things you need and be among the first to attend ‘this sale. Every item is a real money-saving bargain. The Price means nothing, until you see the values to which these drastic reductions are applied, then you'll realize it is time to buy furniture during this great Closing Out Sale. The Only Sale in the history of this old Firmly Estab- lished Store. oe : Velvet Axminster Rugs 1 ~ YY Fine quality Axminster Rugs. * Beautiful Velvet $1094 Assortment of patterns—Pro- % 74 RUGS . . only sis duct of some of the famous up rug mills—Real Bargains.. .9x12 Children’s Toys All To Be Sold At Half Price ” _- 24 o IN block or all over patterns Felt Base Rugs > Smif". 8574 | Stands 94e Floor Lights . $1.44, Breakfast Sets $9.94 Table Lights . $1.44 Ixicchen : oe 1 8 Child's Cribs . $2.94 i 329,54 Clothes Trees $1.49 osside Chairs - $4.44 Living Room Suites 20000COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOO00Y Couches . . $3.94 Window, Shades - 44c¢ @ Four Exquisite Bedroom Pieces in Butt Walnut. A suite of beauty that will be permanent . . . the work of skilled craftsmen. Large bureau, full size panel bed, roomy 34 chest and attractive vanity. Now being closed out as low as........ Other Suites in Mahogany or Maple at Real Close Out Prices Twin Studio with inner- ® spring construction. Can oa Lounge Chairs be used for a double bed or : | Choice of covers. Big comfortable chairs, well made and beautifully $ 44 ’ two single beds. Neatly up- mmm mm mmm | tailored. Sale Price— holstered, with 3 pillows— OAK $1994 BUFFETS Parl Tabl i arlor Tables $234 | childrens . « $344 metal beds either or double bed size. for only— Book Cases $1644 | A real close-out ! | | Bissel’'s Carpet Throw Rugs . $145 {Sweepers $294 SE a Bl HS FEF ease cel) 3 is DP Table Lamps Child's Cribs Office Chairs Cedar Chests Breakfast Sets Office Desks Two or Three Piece Suites in Beautiful High Grade Cov- Secretaries Sewing Cabinets Hall Carpet erings . . . Remarkable at our low Close Out Prices . % 74 Gov. Desks Willow Rockers Phonographs . See the many attractive suites in coverings of Mirrors Bridge Lamps Boys’ Sleds Frieze, Tapestry or Mohair. lol Bed Springs Furniture Polish Ferneries 3 Piece Suites for only Sect. Book Cases Kitehen Sinks Pictures FREYS’ FURNITURE STORE Matte Occasional Chairs utmost comfort and lon Samuel L. & Samuel P. Frey or ay Len Real Chairs at Real Close % 6 4 Out Prices—Only a limited unit covered with thick quantity at.............. layers of felt. A Mattress worth almost double our 105 W. MARKET ST., MAR ETTA, PA, | froin 5 | ama SOR i { Y } : 3 BE No — 3 Cu. ho Ww vy — 3