The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 16, 1935, Image 4

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Pursuant to an order of the Orphans
Court, the undersigned Administratrix
as Trustee to sell Real Estate of the
Estate of Sadie Heindel, deceased, will
sell at public salé for the purpose of
distribution, A tragt of land situated in
the township of Wist Hempfield, Coun-
ty of Lancaster, Pa., fronting on the
north side of the Public Road leading
from Oyster Point to Mountville, ad-
joining lands of Edward G. McMullen,
-1 used Electric Wash-
, Ja
ing Machine,
Lester E. Roberts, Phone 2
pay as high as one thousand dollars
cash for old United States Stamps
either on or off of Rummage
through your attic arad your old deeds,
papers, etc. If you ha we any old stamps
of any kind, call or wwrite John Wisler,

Classified Column Not Guilty
(From page one)
about the lights, and the later said he
knew their condition but had instruct-
ed F yberger to proceed toward Lan-
Dr. J. F. Trexler, deputy coroner,
said Mrs. Loraw died instantly after
the crash from an injury to her brain.
Paul Stroh, chief clerk at the Crew

. C. Leinard, Fged Harol » Bla . in Off
AS et. al. Sot i Bah ‘are O f the Bull etin hy Mt. Joy , Pa. Levick Company office near the scene
37 perches of land, bg the same more; MAN W ANT E_D-—For h of the crash, said he assisted Loraw in
or less, on which A4re : [Route of 800 families. Writes today. removing the body of his wife from the
erected a Two Story, %-,~ |[Rawleigh, Dept. PNA Chester, car. He said neither vehicle had lights
Frame DWELLING Pa. jan2-3t burning,
HOUSE, BARN & other ® ? |
out-buildings. FOR rosley Radio Electric, | Walter P. Loraw, husband of the
Sale to be held on the premises on |$8.00; RC Bee Sidon victim, was the first witness called. He
Saturday, February 9, 1935, at two |Atwater Kent Electric Radio, - | said he was enroute with his wife from
o'clock P. M. when terms and, condi- | Lester E. Roberts, Phone 2J. jan.16-1t | his home to the city and was going up
tions will be made known by FOR Horses, extra |the grade just beyond the underpass
CLARA MAY MUSSER, Admrx. good, well broke, any si, age and | when something loomed up ahead of

as trustee to sell the real es- [price carloads. Also stallions. Write | him in the darkness.
tate of Sadie Heindel, dec'd. sr wire G. F. Greber, Fairfield, Iowa. Loraw said he could not avoid erash-
John F. Waser, Auct. jan.2-4t-p ing into the vehicle. He said the con-
Henry H. Koser, Clk. qe
Willis G. Kendig, Atty. jan.16-4t| WASH
——— |Hand or Power, Also
Estate of Annie B. Hershey late of
Manheim Township, deceased. | |
Letters of administration on said es-| WANTED—Small apartment, unfur-
tate having been granted to the under- | nished, perferably first floor, Also mid-
signed, all persons indebted thereto|dle aged woman to care for children.
are requested to make immediate pay-' Apply Alice Heistand, 36 E. Main St,
ment, and those having Slaiins or de-!Mount Joy. jan.16-1t-p
mands against the same, will present| — — 5 :
them without delay for settlement to. FOR RENT-Three Rooms, 2g
the undersigned, residing at R. D. 2 heat and bath on first floor.
Manheim, Pa. | preferred or man and wife. Apply to
{211 North Barbara St., Mt Joy.

crete mixer did not have lights. He
said he suffered a broken left leg, two
broken ribs, a broken jaw and severe
| lacerations.
Three witnesses who passed the truck
and mixer on the highway said neither
vehicle had lights burning.
They were: Miss Bernice Myers, of
town, a school teacher, who said she
passed the truck near Salunga, and
Fred F. Fenstermacher and J. M.
Backenstoe, both of this place, who
passed the two vehicles at the Wood-
side Stock Farm.
The first witness for the defense was
Samuel J. Studenroth, civil engineer,


Willis G. Kendig, Atty. I

— Be and burn buc :
Photo Finishing by mail to all the U.! Price $5.50. Lester E. Roberts. ne wie Takes survey of the highway
S. A. Your next roll of films develop- | 22J. | near the undermass.
Samuel Whittle, Jr., one of the de-
fendants, said his home is in Philadel-
phia and he is plant manager of the
Ready Mixed Concrete Company, Lan-
He said the truck involved in the ac-
cident was rented from the York Con-
crete Company to haul concrete to a
bridge being built by the county over
the Little Chickies creek between Mt.
Joy and Milton Grove.
He said the truck, driven by Fryber-
ger, broke down and after being re-
paired started for Lancaster. He said

ed and 8 high quality prints 29 cents :
(coin) Capital City Photo Service, 408 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE
i 0 Estate of John F. Peifer late of East
Market St., Harrisburg, Pa. mar.28-tf HUTT chain
Letters testamentary on said estate
having been granted to the wunder-
signed, all persons indebted thereto
= are requested to make immediate pay-
RE ARES ment, end Sug dens or gor
THESEFIRES GIVr 3 mr ts of moors
YOU 12 MONTHS the undersigned, residing at Paul M.

Patronize Bulletin Advertisers !


Peifer, Mt. Joy, Pa, or J. Howard Pei-
v fer, Salunga, Pa.
Executors | he saw the truck at the “Posey Patch”
Windolph & Mueller, Attys. near Salunga about 4:30 o'clock and he
dec.12-6t | {14 Fryberger to start for Lancaster

believing that the truck could reach
there before dark.
The acetylene tank of the truck was
dry and he did not know where to get
a new supply for the lights, he stated.
Fryberger and Whittle were both
acquitted of involuntary manslaughter
charges by the jury in a verdict hand-
ed in yesterday, but they were ardered
to pay the costs.
Oldest Male Resident
In Our Borough
| —of a—

On the premises in London-
!derry Township, Dauphin County, Pa.,
along concrete highway (Route 230)
two miles west of Xlizabethtown, a
| Farm of 85 Acres aad 80 Perches
| Adjoining land of Christ Herr, Abram
| Winters, Elmer Shaeffer and Frank
Hertzler. Thereon erected an 3-ROOM
| BRICK DWELLING, 30x36 feet, in-
cluding bath room. Alse@ 2-Story Frame
' Kitchen with laundry attached.
BANK BARN, 3x66 feet; Hog Stable,
| Corn Barn and Garage | attached; Silo
| 10x36 feet, 3 Chicken capaeity
1,000 Chickens, Broodew House with
ET 57

(From page one)
camped near Bainbridge during
hot water brooder system. All build- °
: Pai Civil war. These soldiers, however
| ings electric lighted from power line. EVEL ow Gav. Seovics
4-Acre Apple Orchard. alf A As- baa:
| SE a aK H oC His father, Daniel Schroll, later
paragus. 2 Wells of Water, Excellent
| Meadow with running ter, About 3
| Acres of Ideal Trucking Soil. /
This is a very desirable {property
| with buildings in good condition, and
moved from Bainbridge to near Rich-
field, Juniata Co., where the family
resided for a number of years. Later
Jacob Schroll moved to Lancaster
is located close to town, Ichurches, County, living in one of the late J.
markets and schools. Profi buy- ip Cameron properties, at Donegal
ers will do well to investigate this Springs ,
property. ; ore he vos a, ; Hi
| Sale to commence at 2 do'dock P. M., Here he was engaged in farming
i until forty yearsago when he moved
| when conditions will be made known
| by i
# janl6-1t-p
to Mount Joy. Next he was employ-
ed by the late Jno. E. Longenecker,
who was then extensively engaged in

{ ee eee eee > ber NOEs . Tre
Certified SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE the lum er business, Mer. Schroll
i assisted in razing a number of well
4.40 x 21 to be held known tracts of woodland thruout

| FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 193 at2 P. M. this section namely, Detwiler's woods

4.95 i / ———— - near town, in which colored camp-
— | By firtue of several writs of Fieri meetings were very popular; the
Facigond Pav Fas issued out of | late Peter Nissley woods along the
the Court of Common Pleas, Lancaster Donegal road, and others.
4.50 x 20 Corn 1, Pay grat Pe Sram I will | when M. A. Rollman started the
% 20 pe = un Shera 3 ae Or Rollman Manufacturing Co. here Mr.
| Courf House, in the City of Lancaster, Schroll was one of his first employes
Pa, the following described real es- and later when Mr. Rollman organ-
= |tate, fo wit: ized the New Standard Hardware
4.75 x 19 (No. 1) Works he was again in his employ
All that certain two story frime and
| stucdo dwelling and lot of ground, sit-
{uated on the east side of North Market
Stregt, No. 123 in said Borough of Eliz-
labethtown, Lancaster County and State
lof Pgnnsylvania, bounded and describ-
led as follows, to wit:
| Fronting on sid North Market
, Street sixty feet and exteradingin depth
jof that width southeastw=zard one hun-
|dred and ninety-cight feet to Centre

until he retired from strenuous
tivities some years ago.
When his health permits, and it is
usually good, he spends his time as
caretaker at “The Springs” at the
southeastern boro limits.
Mr. Schroll is at present the oldest
male resident in town. Unfortunately
he has been indisposed since the day
preceding his birthday.

{ Alley.
| Bdunded on the northawest by said
‘No Market Street, on the Northeast
'by property of Mrs. Sara Kramer, on
ithe §outheast by said Centre Alley,
Ig 4 —————
jand pn the southwest byr property of
3 R. Overfield estate. (From page 1)
Seized and taken in execution as | for the said post office building to the
contributors until such time as they
shall each and all have been fully re-
imbursed without interest. After the
building and pole shall become the
property of Mount Joy Boro.
Dec. 9, 1884, at the call of the Burg-
ess, a special meeting of Boro Council
was held in the office of George H. De-
Long. Those present were the Burgess
and Councilmen Royer, Risser, Det-
wiler, Brubaker and Himmelspark
The following
sented read, adopted and appears on
i propérty of Kathryn S. Demy and Al-
n'y Demy.
Don't take chances
on “shoddy” Tires
I'he most expensive tiré you
can buy is the ‘‘cheap tire”
{ 0.
Alli that certain lot of I2and on which
|is erdcted a two story brick dwelling
{housg, being No. 706 Poplar Street,
situate on the southeast side of Poplar
| Street, between Laurel Street and
| Love {Lane, in the city anand county of
that looks good, but Ars Lancdster, and state of Pennsylvania.
out fast. Theserugged Com- | Containing in front on said Poplar
mander Tires are certified |Streef 16 feet, 9 inches, rnore or less,
|: ing in depth of that width
by Goodrich and what’s |and éxtending in depth of that wi
s 8 1 feet, mx less.
more, they are fully g | southgastwardly 95 feet ore or less resolution was pro-
anteed for a period of 12 erty dow or late of Julius Hoffman; on
ar- 2 on the northeast by prop-
months. (Business use 6 the s ig i i or ste the minutes of the above date:
hs of Christian J. Dochat; orn e south—
Bont 2) d 4 | west y property now or late of Nich- RESOLUTIONS
ay Safe and put a set bn {olas Stapf and on the northwest by Supplementary to a preamble and
resolution passed the first day of De-
cember A. D. one thousand eight hun-
dred and eighty-four, granting the
privilege and sufficient ground for the
your car now.
{ Poplaf Street. :
| The} northeast line of the herein de—
scribefl premises passes through the

middl¢ of a 3 feet wide alley and the
9 2 Say Tl hie purpose of erecting a suitable building
\ | premides adjoining on the mortheast. on the southwest corner of the Borough
|” Bei the same premises which | Lot to be used as a Post Office build-
Julius{ Hoffman by his <leed dated | ing and for the erection of a signal
(Marchi 31, 1921 and recoxded in the | service Pole, etc.

Recording of Deeds in
Lancaster County in Deed
, Vol. 24, Page 471, granted and
Sufficient money was subscribed,
building erected and occupied by the
postoffice ever since.
It was improved and enlarged from
time to time and now it will be used
for other purposes.
—— Ee
Mrs. Daisy Rensei who has been
visiting Mrs. Fred Leiberher return-
ed to her home at York.
Miss Ora M. Brenner of Elizabeth-
town, was married to Fred W. Hol-
bein, of Manor township.

‘heirs gnd assigns.
Togdther with the right to use in
with the owner and occupiers
of the! premises on the northeast and
id 3 feet wide common alley.
Seiz¢d and taken in execution as
of Charles Bernhardt mor-
Barbara Bernhardt, zeal owrer
Phone and e tenant.
Jan2- Sheriff



Looks as though our Mt. Joy High
School basket ball team is going
places in the league. Last nite they
went into a tie for second place by
walloping Manheim very easily 41-19
Our J-Vees also won 19-13.
The scores:
Manheim B H. S. Field Foul Tis
Re Younz, 'F ............ 4 0 8
P ............. 2 0 4
Shonk, C ............... 0 oO ©
GQ. Young, G ............ 3 0 2
Stark, GG ,....... 0.0 0 0 0
Shreiner, G ............ 2 l1 5
Totals ................ 9 19
Mount Joy H. S. Field Foul Tis
Schneider, F ........... 2 0 2
Brown, FP ............... 0 0 0
Hostetter, F ............ 9 0 18
Walters, C 5 0 10
Buller, @ ............... 5 in
ink, GQ: ,. .... 00 0 9 0
Totals. 20 1 4
Score by periods:
Manheim B. H. S. 2 6 8 3-19
Mount Joy H. S. .... 14 10 7 10-41
Referee, John Borger; scorekeeper,
Witmer; timekeeper, Hollobaugh; the
time of periods, 8 minutes.
Manheim J-Vees Field Foul Tis
Wissler, © ............. 2 1 5
Hahn, ¥ ................ 0 0 0
Hesy FP .. ....... 2 0 4
Myers, B'- ............... 0 0 0
Hamaker, C ............. 1 1 3
Mann, C ............... 0 0 0
Harvinlon, G ............ 0 1 1
Parhart, G .............. 0 0 0
Roller, G ..............C 0 0 0
Totals ............... 5 3 BB
Mt. Joy J-Vees Field Foul Tis
Zink, ® .... .. ... 1 0 2
Gorberich. F ,...........'.0 0 0
Lindemuth, PF ........... 2 0 4
Garli, B .. .... 1 0 2
Schroll C ........... .. 1 9 2
Dillinger: @ 0 1 1
Heilig, G . 3 2 8
Totals sree TS 3 19
Score by periods:
Manheim J-Vees ....... 1570-13
Mt. Joy J-Vees ...... .. 4942-19
Referee, Shiffer; scorekeeper, Wit-
mer; timekeeper, Hollobaugh; time
of periods, 8 minutes.
— ea

On Friday evening Mount Joy Hi
finished in a triple tie for the second
place in the league standing by de-
feating Elizabethtown High 38-33.
Our J-Vees also won a very close
contest from the E'town J-Vees 25-22
The scores:
E'town H. S. Field Foul Tis
Totals. ............... 12 9 33
Mt. Joy H. S. Field Foul Tis
Totals .......... 0. 2.10 38
Referee, Sherman Hill; scorekeep-
er, Musser; timekeeper, Robinson;
tme of periods, 8 minutes; two ex-
tra 3 minute periods.

E'town J-V’s Field Foul TIs
Totals on... 00. 7 S$ 2
Mt. Joy J-Vees Field Foul Tis
Totals 5... 8 9 25
Referee, Hill; scorekeeper, Musser;
timekeeper, Robinson; time of per-+
‘ods, 8 minutes.
a —
Teams Ww L Pe
Lititz. ....;.. 8 0 1.000
Msnor Twp. 6 2 750
Mount Joy ...... 6 2 750
Manheim Twp. ...... 5 3 .625
Ephrata stevia 4 3 571
Columbia ........... 4 3 :571
West Lampeter ...... 3 5 375
Elizabethtown ....... 2 6 .250
Manheim Boro ...... 1 7 125
Quarryville ..... .... 0 8 000

Mr. Lehman Keener has purchased
the J. C. Smith property on private
Mrs. Mabel Grosh Hoover, of Eliza-
bethtown, called on friends of this
place on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wittle visited with
Mrs. Lizzie Wolgemuth of Mount Joy
on Monday afternoon.
Mrs. Annie Enterline spent Tuesday
with Dr. and Mrs. Dorsey Butter-
baugh of Elizabethtown.
The local fire company extinguished
a blaze at the P. R. R. bridge just west
of this place early, Tuesday morning.
Mr. W. L. Heisey, of Pittsburgh, a
former resident of this place, visited
among friends of this place on Sat-
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Bard and Messrs.
Robert Kready and Ray Heisey at-
tended the inaugural ceremonies at
Harrisburg on Tuesday.
Funeral services for Mr. William
Smith of this place were held at Mil-
ler's undertaker parlors in Elizabeth-
town on Tuesday afternoon. Burial was
made in the Oberlin cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. Enos Floyd and daugh-
ters Ruth entertained at a birthday
party in honor of Jane Floyd's fourth
birthday anniversary on Saturday, Jan-
uary 12. Those present were: Cath-
arine Stevens, Helen Stevens, Eliza-
beth Werner, Miriam Werner, Jane
Leedom, Jean Sipling, Janice Weaver,
Jean Weaver, Janet Earhart, Doris
Murphy, Jean Myers, Emma Zeager
and Paul Werner.
eet) CEs er.
Adjudications Filed
These balances remain for distri-
bution in the following local cases:

Al Risser, late of East Donegal
township, balance of administration
account, $4,192.55; balance of trustee
account $50.07,
Harry K. Mellinger, late of East
Donegal towfiship, balance of admin-
istration account, $4,192.55; balance
of trustee account $50.07:
Harry K. Mellinger. late of East
Donegal township, balance Mary M.
Mellinger account, $1,916.67; balance
Mervin Y. Mellinger account, $1,-
Benjamin D. Hatfield, late of Mt.
Joy boro, $4,873.79. }

‘Picked From
Card Basket

Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Eby, Sr., and
son, Benjamin, visited relatives at
Elizabethtown on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. David Newcomer and
son, of Elizabethtown, called at the
Lindemuth home on Sunday.
Miss Martha Roland, of Elizabeth-
town, spent Sunday with her broth-
er, John Roland, and family.
Mr. and Mrs, Willis Freed attend-
ed the funeral on Monday of Mrs.
Freed’s sister, near Abbottstown.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Spangler and
family were entertained at the home
of Omar Fair, near Lititz, recently.
Mrs. Abner Hershey called on her
daughter, Mrs. Alfred MecNall, and
family at Elizabethtown on Sunday.
Mr. Joseph Kaiser and son, Chas.,
of Lancsater, were the guests of
Reuben Shellenberger, on Thursday.
Mrs. Annie Barnhart returned to
her home here after spending the
week at the home of her son, Mervin
near Middletown.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Spangler and
family, of Back Run, visited at the
John Shelly home near Masterson-
ville, on Sunday.
Miss Anna May Risser, of near
Erisman’s Church, spent the week
end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D.
Shonk, on W. Donegal Street.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Foreman, of
near Union Square, were
guests at the home of the former's
mother, Mrs. Fanny Foreman, of
Mrs. Paul Risser and daughter,
Pauline, of near Erisman’s Church;
Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Eshleman, of
near Mount Joy, visited at the home
of David Shonk, on W. Donegal St.
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Brandt, Mrs.
Mildred Brandt and son, Eugene, of
town; Mr. Thomas McElligott, of
Lancaster, were entertained on Sun
day at the home of their son, Harry
Brandt, at Hershey.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hynecker and
son, Irvin, of Bossler’'s Church; Mr.
and Mrs. Clayton Tyson and three
daughters, Minerva, Martha and Em-
ma, of near Milton Grove, were the
{ Sunday guests at the home of Mrs.

Ada Hernley on Donegal Springs
Mr. and Mrs. William Derr, of
Newville, Cumberland Co.; Mr. Earl
Derr and daughter, Betty; Mr. and
Mrs. James Keener and Walter Derr
were entertained to dinner at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Derr
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Enos Weidman and
children, Vera and John, of Rheems;
Mr. and Mrs. David Newcomer and
son, David, Jr., of Elizabethtown; Mr
and Mrs. John Snavely and children,
Rachel and Raymond, of near Fair-
view Church; Miss Ethel Miller, of
near Florin, were entertained Sunday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
W. Newcomer, on W. Main St.
Rev. R. Paul Miller and wife of
Berne, Ind, called last Saturday to
see Mrs. Susan I. Maust and daugh-
ter, of town.
Rev. Miller it will be recalled spent
two weeks in town last winter hold-
ing a Bible Conference of two weeks.
He is now conducting a three weeks
Evangelistic Campaign at the First
Brethren Church of Philadelphia, the
home church of the Maust family.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Kauffman held
a party for their daughter Ida. The
evening was enjoyed by playing games
and serving them with refreshments.
The following were present: Misses
Miriam Heagy, Janet Kauffman, Janet
Fornoff, Charlotte Fornoff, Grace Mel-
linger, Maude Fornoff, Violet Moore,
Mae Wagner, Frances and Carolyn
Mummau, Mack Messing, Marshall
Albright, Richard Mellinger, Elwood
and Chester Weaver, Donald Staley,
Leon Fornoff, Mr. and Mrs. Dallas
Harsh, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Fox and
John Kauffman.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Berntheizel,
entertained the following families to a
supper on Saturday evening: Mr. and
Mrs. George Campbell, Mr. and Mrs.
John Fox, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Kauff-
man, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kauffman.
Donald Staley is on the sick list.
On Saturday evening the Silver
Spring United Brethren Sunday school
classes will hold a Spelling Bee in the
school house. The classes are prepar-
ing a number of plays.
On Sunday morning the Ironville
United Brethren Sunday school will
hold a Booster Day. The program will
be in charge of the young people.
They will teach all of the Sunday
school classes. The goal has been set
for 250 to be present. Prof. Frank
Hege, principal of the Columbia High
school will address the school. ~—
On Sunday afternoon the school di-
rectors of West Hempfield township
held their monthly meeting in the Sa-
lunga school house.

At the regular meeting of the Ba-
by Clinic held at the Legion Home
on Tuesday afternoon there were 23
children, 18 mothers.
The local clinic now has an enroll-
ment of seven hundred fifty-five
Two new registrations were: Laura
Reinhart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John Reinhart, 207 Mt. Joy Street.
town, and Mildred Mae Rohrer, the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Galer
Rohrer, 159 Manheim Street, town.
The clinic was in charge of Miss
Ethel Kersey, R. N. and Mrs. O. G.
Longenecker was hostess.
On Tuesday, February 5th will be
the next clinic meeting atthe Legion
Passed to The
Great Beyond

‘(From page 1)
Harrisburg, and Mrs. Fred I. Klein,
Funeral services were held Monday
at the home with interment in Mount
Tunnel cemetery.
Mrs. Cyrus Nester
Mrs. Cyrus Nester, sister of Mrs
J. Willis Freed, died Friday at her
home in New Oxford. Funeral serv-
ices were held on Monday, with
burial in the Mt. Olive cemetery at

Kenneth Rider
Kenneth Victor Rider, eight-months-
old son of Henry and Mary Herr Rid-
er, of 203 West Donegal street, died in
St. Joseph’s hospital of a complication
of diseases. Besides his parents, he is
survived by four sisters: Anna Mary,
Geraldine Irene, Betty Jane and Louise
Fay, all at home. Services were held
parents and later in the United Breth-
ren church, at Florin, with interment
in the Florin cemetery.

Mrs William Minnich
Mrs. Mary E. Minnich, forty-nine,
wife of William Minnich, of Bainbridge
R. D,, died at the Lancaster General
hospital of appendicitis. Besides her
husband she is survived by the follow=

ing sons: Scott M., Dean C., Guy B,
{ and George Carroll Minnich, all at
| home; a brother, Harry J. Briner,
Blain, and a sister, Mrs. Grover Mil-
ler, of Newville. Services were held on
Sunday morning in the Falmouth
United Brethren church, with inter-
ment in the Blain cemetery.
Mrs. Annie Sheaffer
Mrs. Annie Sheaffer, eighty-one,
formerly of Newville, died at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Jacob Shank,
Elizabethtown, of a complication of
diseases. Besides the daughter with
whom she resided she is survived by
the following children: Mrs. William
| Way and Mrs. Emanuel Shreiner, both
of Lancaster; Mrs. Charles
{| New Jersey; William Sheaffer, Eliza-
| bethtown; eighteen grandchildren,
| thirteen great grandchildren; one sister
Mrs. Sara Seitz, Lebanon, R. D., and a
brother, Jacob Zerphey, of Elizabeth-
town. Private services were held on
Saturday afternoon, with interment in
the Crossroads cemetery.

Mrs. Susan Faus
Mrs. Susan F. Faus, seventy-four,
widow of Elias H. Faus, died at her
home in Rapho township, Friday night
of complications, after an illness of
some time. She was a daughter of the
late Theopelis and Susan Arndt, and
was a member of the Mennonite church
of the Risser district.
She is survived by two sons, Allen
A. Schaeffer, Manheim, R. D. 2; and
Elias, Faus, at home; and the follow-

Shoe Co., Elizabethtown. P
the address shown below.
Shoes of this well known
they are made to sell for
39 West High Street

Youth Wins
Corn Contest
(From page one)
contest were as follows: Charles Kauf-
fman, Manheim, second; Frederick
Brubaker, Ephrata, third; Samuel Hei-
sey, Sheridan, fourth; Albert Metzler,
Paradise, fifth; Robert Eshleman, Flor-
in, sixth; Edgar Findley, Quarryville,
seventh; Thomas Supplee, Narvon,
eighth; Paul Brubaker, Mount Joy,
ninth; and Abram Brubaker, Ephrata,
Ira F. Thomas, baseball scout for
Connie Mack, was the principal speak-
er at the banquet. Other speakers in-
cluded: James F. Keim, assistant state
club leader; Adam Z. Moore, president

on Friday afternoon at the home of the |
Boyer, of |

can now be purchased at
GIRLS’ SHOES 31,08 $2.00 and $2.15
12% to 3
8% to 12
2 to 8
AAA to D Widths
These are outstanding values
with cheaply made shoes. AJ] Goodyear Welt
for some of the best stores in the country. Yow can buy
these shoes in most cases f
Phone Mt. Joy 220
of the Chamber of Commerce; and
Ammon H. Bucher, president of the
Lancaster County Agricultural Exten-
sion Association.
Some of the best ears of corn on dis-
play will go to the State Farm Show at
Harrisburg this month.
The banquet program included the
following features: Xylophone duets
by the Mower Brothers; piano solos,
Esther and Floy Myers; recitations,
Samuel Heisey; string duet, Lloyd
| Ranck, Henry and Albert Metzler; and
| essay, Marjorie Brubaker, John Truxal
{led the group singing.
ri. h\inro
Engagement Announced
| Mr. and Mrs. John H. Spangler, of
[924 Guilford St, Lebanon, formerly
[of 30 N. Jacob St., this boro, an-
{nounce the engagement of theig
| daughter, Ethel, to Harvey D. Mateer
| son of Mrs. Sadie Mateer, of 144 N.
| Market St.
| The announcement was made on
||Sunday at a dinner which was held
|at the home of her parents. No date
(has been set for the wedding.
ling brothers and sisters: Abram Arndt,
| Elizabethtown, R. D. 1; Ephraim Arndt,
| Florin; Mrs. Hannah Rineer, Manheim,
{R. D. 2; and Sadie, wife of Elmer Gise,
Services were held from the home
Tuesday with further services in the
Mennonite church here. Burial in the
Florin cemetery.

Mrs. Fannie E. Sauder
Mrs. Fannie E. Sauder, eighty, wid-
ow of Jacob Sauder, and daughter of
the late Peter and Elizabeth Witmer,
died Monday night of a heart attack at
the home of her daughter, Mrs. Daniel
Ober, Rapho township. She was a
member of St. John’s Lutheran church,
Maytown. These children survive:
Clayton W., of town; Harvey W., East
Donegal township; May W., wife of
Albert Horner, of Mount Joy R. D. 2;
and Minnie W., wife of Daniel Ober, of
Manheim R. D. 3; also six grandchild-
ren and one great grandchild.
Private services will be held Thurs-
day afternoon at 1:15 o'clock at the
home of Mrs. Horner near Green Tree;
| followed by public services at 2 o’clock
| at St. John’s Lutheran church, May-~
[town. Interment will be in the Eberly
! cemetery, here.
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