The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 26, 1934, Image 7

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eriff Sale of Real Estate |i) Wide common sey:
Pigeon Roost Settlement
therewt 7; vania, having thereon Wiped Out by Marauders
crete bloclet erected a Wo and one-half (2%2)+ What was known as the Pigeon



on erected a co!







dairy plant. | A story and frame dwelling” Roost settlement in Indiana consisted
(From page 3) Together with the alley| rights apt house, bound and described 3ST of several families that made a little
ce of berputénan: therelo, on in. rection fh DC ey an t on the Soutly] Community In what is now Scott coun-
property of J. Frank Bo A sid Princess enue forty (40 ty, says a writer in the Indianapolis
fo extendin¥in depth of that News. This settlement, founded in


one hun 1809, was separated from any other
a by several miles, and was confined to CHICKS BY SEX IS
i ot/ No~' about a square mile of territory. On BEING INTROD ED
September 8, 1812, it was attacked by ODUC
Princess} a band of about twelve marauders, a
erty off sald to have been Shawnees who, | Japanese ant
on the scouring the locality, going from cabin p Method Winning
to cabin, murdered within an hour Favor in U. S.
perty] twenty-two persons—sixteen of them re
children and five women. Prior to By L. M. Hurd of the New York State Col-
lege of Agriculture.~WNU Service.
Chick buyers in a year or two may
order their one-day old chicks by sex
when they purchase from commercial


48 one and (20 ot wide alley,
n , SI on sai
i andthe South sid st Vine Street, at 89 oy i Sen wi
| chicken house. / the corner of Vine and Rockland Avenue, on the East/b
| Seized and taken in exe€ution in the OBy of Lancaster, Couns Charles D. Greenly -~
property of Sallie H. Shirk and State of Pennsyl=t South by a twenty” (20)
. Shirk, her husband. ~Avania, being wn as No. 128 Easttalley a
(No. 15) ~~ | Vine street, boufilled and described ast of Ray E. Hyber.
All that certain lot of land situated follows, to wit: && “Seized aig "taken in execution as
on the South side of Lake Street, be—t Beginning at #loint in the middle4 property offHerbert F. Phillips, .— | {Is general killing two men were shot
Ween Pearl Street and South Westdof a partition wall§between the prem- 1 poe In the woods. Most of the cabin
Avenue, in Lancaster, Pa., where~tises hereby convey and the premises & (No. 26) + homes were burned. A spirited fight
! n adjoining ime4 All that ain lot or piece the house of William Collings, in

with story stone d






a brick dwelling Arthur M. HB nv Ton i J TR
and Wgwn as No. 838 Lake Street. ~—| mediately on the Jkt, thence extend—t ground, sitiflled on the South sidef=which three Indians were killed, prob- Riclierymeti, A method ef determin Sa ~y
ji. nt on e Streetr+ing Westward aloe said Fast Vine] of West Walut Street, between Col—{-ably prevented a greater slaughter, ag | 8 Sex In chicks, developed to a sci- RE SED OUR WNU.
16 feet a incHes, and extending in—Street, twenty-two J feet) feet and] lege Avenue§ind West End Avenuert~the check to the savages enabled the | in Japan, is being widely intro-
depth of t width Southwardly, (3)_inch tol the cor-Tin the City § Lancaster, County rest of the settlement to escape to the duced Into the United States. Party Peas
feet, 4 inched’ ner of sajd East Wi and Rockland] Lancaster ang State of Pennsylvan blockhotsts that stood within a few Federal Department of Agriculture
Bounded jan by! property Streets; / thence along] ia, having erected a thr mit S 1 tacular escapes | are now teaching members of LAY-BOYS and party-girls are
Fred A. ieT atl Anna R. Treier; on- Rockland Stree! difincg of thirty—rstory brick Elling house, No. Slvr 1S. Several spectscys p y ‘depar 4 IV ops eae vena which Vou
5 3 g oult ep : \
4: y + have be orded. The news of the | | ry departments of state universi these familiar peas which you
the North by pect; on the West~ three (33-feet) (7_inches)T West Walnut aforesaid, bound 2 recorded. ties and colleges the methods em- have probably been accus- id IS ADS
by property of M Mb]. and Bertha- inches to a poin ed and descri as follows, to massacres was carried to Charlestown, ployed in Japan. Members of tl tomed to think of as home-bodies. 2
Groff; and on the South Biproperty of further along Said Rocfand Street, a4 Beginning at#% point in the Sout Clark county, and by 2 p. m. the next i 5 ah mbes of e BE Ol A oa a T . h db
Walter Shertz and Charle beaffer, —Tdistance of thirty-five feet to side of said Wst Walnut Street, = day, 200 armed men reached the scene, | | y department at Cornell have al- everv-dav dinner table. bu w urnmsne Y
J Seized and taken in exd@ation as—a point in lide of land Jf@arah Gold= a distance of and 8 inches where only one house remained stand- ready had such Instruction and have are equally hi ad qd 11
property of Edwin C. Lehman berg, thence Northeast distance oft West of the Wdll§ line of the 20 fe ing. They took up the trall of the | fried it out in a practical way with in party guise. Serve ther THIS NEWVSPAPER
notice to Berzey B. Ludwick, ertwenty-five (25 feet) (2 in.) wide public allefas laid out on th savages, but never caught up with much more success on New York in some of these a t SY x TS
tenant. inches to a point, a cornéof land oft City Plan, betw College Avenue them. Two children were carried | farms. at your various Chri
h z
(No. 16) Arthur M. Deen, Sones and West End thence ex. away by the Indians, Ginsey McCoy, Male chicks may be separated from partie §. :
All those two certain tracts or said property of ArthuggM. sehr tending Southwarfly at right angles age three, and a boy, Peter Huffman. the females with SO to 90 per cent ac- Christmas Cand :
of 14hd situate in the said Township of-2 distance of twenty-one feett with the South sifle of West Walnu They were luter rettirned to their peo. | curacy by those trained in the Jap- tops from six ver 008,
roth i five (5 inches) inches to a polit, thence Street aforesaid, ag distance of 9 2 tor p aese me aR or six canned Lo ) re
Easti.ampeter, bounded and described : . ple, but went back to the Indians aft- | anese method. In the future, farmers '
as fadows: North along said property Arthurs feet to a point; extendin IIE i a TI i vey az move cent ir
thereof beginning at a wilg-M. Deen, and through the 1 ddle offWestwardly and plirallel with the! €rWard. In 1903 an appropriation was Aa al San er insides with ix
cher tree, a corner of land. of John the partition wall before menfoned, at-South side of Wes Walnut Stree made by legislature for a monument ; 5 Hcks Yo raise pullets for their cup finely chopped
© Lefewr and Catharine Hartman, thence. distance of thirty-eight (38 fe@) feetys aforesaid, a distanc@of 19 feet to of Bedford limestone, 44 feet high, | living Ross by purchasing only the che-fonrth ¥
% land of Catharine Hartman= ten (10 inches) inches, more oM@ess, te=t point; thence exterfli Nogthward-.- which was dedicated October 1, 1904, | females. This will help to reduce feed mix one-haif bv canned
=r) North fifteen and three-fourths de the place of beginning. “ly and : e South-+ at the spot where the massacre vie- and equipment costs, The males may with one-fourth cup m n
grees@Vest four and sixty-eight hunt Seized and taken in execution asTside of Wes § Street afore—t tims were buried. he sold te these who specialize in pro- nse La may
perches to a stone; thence of Arthur M. Deen. "Said, a dist@hce of ® Aeet to the duction for the broiler market. 1 ip Neo Cn i PASTEUR ED Mai
land north sixty-four degree we (No. 22) | South sig fst@Wainyt Stre i The technique of determining sex in | 0c iho Ln Pol LO Ch CREAM
West Sventeen and forty-eight hun All that ce¥iin lot or piece of land, nding East«T Water Power Was Used in chicks may be learned in two days to celery, then : make WwW F CO LE
to a stone in the mid=Twith the one one-half story stuccer id ny the Sof@h side of sai Mills of Ancient Romans | * week, but a thousand chicks at least it ‘steady. Have the green cas . |
public road leading to Wit=tstone dwelling fuse No. 130 East Viner fest L Blot Street, § Jistenze be Th tits of Wat tli 1a Dasted should be studied to obtain skill and on top to show. Put a small piece ELWOOD MARTIN, tor
ected, situate on the oo 0 a place o =] @ origin (Of water mile speed. of pimiento on the tip of each
Vine Street, between+ SINNINE. In the depths of antiquity, for they are stalk to resemble the flame. Place
and sixty-eight Rockland and S@@ith Lime Streets, nt Bounded on the Nor® ~~ mentioned by Pliny, and are sald to in the center of watercress GAINS 25%. LBS.






dle of ti
mer thence along said thereon
south elden and one-half degrees+South side of Ea
perches stone and thence by saidTthe city of Pennsylvania; Walnut Street aforesaid;? have been introduced into England by Chick Piling Means Big wreaths on salad plates and serve NTHS
land of Jo Lefever south sixty-four hounded and deSfibed as follows, tor by property, now or late, %f Mrs. H+ the Romans, writes R. Angus Downie with tiny lemon sandwiches. This iN TWO MO
LR. Bowers; I h Loss to the Poultryman i ~
degrees weg seventeen and sixteen wit: 3 ~tR. Bowers; on the South By proper=t yn the Edinburgh Scotsman. Yet they Tyms serves six persons COD LIVER OIL—-Once a
| hundredths to the place of beet Beginning at a pint in the South, now > iz, of J. Fra remained unknown in Scotland prior The piling of chicks frequently ith p ish t—N Treat
ginning. h \ side of East Vine aforesaid, & apan wa a Ves By Fre) ES, nowT to the Twelfth century, and did not | causes heavy losses. This habit is eas with a Partner Punishment—Now a
Containing @ghty-one and five hun=fdistance of forty- (41 feet) ®, Oo. an oe become anythin lik common with chick ing in age iflower en Oa Stop trying to force your children to take nasty-
3 % vii y a 3 3 \ g like common CKs ranging In age Cauliflower and Peas en Cas- 0 A i
. dredths of land and havingrand one and one-hgf (1% inches) ine} Cohn, Sespecrively. : : “| throughout the country for a hundred | from two to four months, but is most serole: Separate one head of tasting; fahy favored cod live ols birds
thereon ereé¢t@d a twg-storied brickrches West of the ¥est Wall of thes 12 4 jake in executi@, aT cears. Before their introduction | disastrous with chicks just at the time cauliffower into flowerlets and chocolate taste—and watch their bodies grow
dwelling housdk frame stable, etc. remises No. 136 Easf@Vine Street, the property of Jac Willis also Rpown- : tas rnp: boil until tender. Drain and I: daily with Yo, athletic strength! .
Pp 9 ns John Willis wheat was ground by bruising in a heat is discontinued, says the Missouri : ndaer rain and lay Merder of Milwaukee says:
The other trfet thereof beginning Northwest corner of # three feet wide? S. hod atin th Farmer. To avoid these losses often in a buttered casserole, keeping “Before my child took
i a stone and exf@nding along land of J~ joint alley laid on priihises of Samuel (No. 27) —.| quern, a method followed in the Bronze live th of . the pieces as unbroken as pos- ; Coco Codskeonlyweighed
E. Baker, mort} thirty-four degrees. Singer; thence extendfig SouthwardlyT Pumglirt No. 1—All that certain lot 25% 2nd depicted upon the rock tombs | toXes Lhe ingenuity of the sible. Make a while sauce of So ibs, New in 19
J , and thirty mindfes’ west-six hundre the said premisd and along grand with the two story andt of predynastic Fgypt. When St I'he danger ceases as soon as the three tablespoons butter, three 70s Fags 10
and ten feet a seventy-six hun= West side of said alley, a brick dwelling and brick} Columba studied under Finnian he chicks take to the roosts. To encour- tablespoons flour, one and three- not been sll since.”
HEISE dredths pot at a run; thencedtance of forty-one feet andThack bWiiding thereon erected, known Prulsed wheat with a quern each eve. | 45¢ early roosting, Xoosts should be; . fourths cups milk, one-half ten I
along said xin - gd land of Israel Briseven (7 inches) incheffito a point is=and numered 616 North Duke Street| ning, and at Iona caused his disciples installed at least by the time the spoon salt and a few grains of TY Yuta Si
Landis, North folgy-five degrees and~Jine of property of Hen Steigerwalts—in the ht of Lancaster, Pennart 850 to grind their daily meals. chicks are six weeks old. These pepper Simmer one cup of rich in Vitamin B—-the
twenty minutes et five hundred and7thence extending Ng d described as follows, tet Up to the middle of the Eighteenth | Should be placed in the rear of the canned peas for three or four De awe
seventy-four feet $d fifty-seven hun-=" i i : minutes, and pass through a sieve.
y y=! lalong said premises a dis 4 1 house only a few Inches above the Start children with
dredths to a point d thence by same ty two (22 ft.) feet to a p ot 2 point, a corner of thet century water power was only ap- floor. Add to the white sauce. Pour over Coco Cod today. Af oll
land south thirty-Sgur degrees property of Arthi@ir M. Deent propert: ein described a [ plied to the grinding of oats. The oth- S54 : the cauliflower and cover with drug stores.
A : p 2 - property Sg and prop~- t duct re CAr- The losses from piling are due to buttered cr s. Brown i h
thirty minutes east e hundred and thence extending Northyirdly along<erty now @late, of Peter S. Mc °F Drocefses of pro ROTOR Yo the chicks on the botto f ti il " Nuns. pion ny ot Ve
ninety-one feet and t ty-nine hun—tsaid premises and at righ angles with—thence said North Duke ried on by the labor of human hands. | i “ 2 ID oY TS Sean a ; 00C0 COD
dredths to a point; the along thelthe South side of Leet, thee wal After the harvest was cut the grain smothering or ‘Sweating which saps .
right of way of the Dowgingtown and aforesaid, and through thi 8s to property late of] Was separated by the use of the flail | ote via Some tee) Will Show fhe Cod Liver Oli That Tastes Like Chocolate
Lancaster Railroad south @orty de party, partition wall betwel eceased; thence along{ Im 1710 James Meikle introduced the piling by installing wire frames. For Turkeys
and fifteen minutes West
and thirty-three feet and
hundredths to a point and
seventy-six degrees and
e hundred+ing erected on the here
ety-sevend premises and the buildin
ence south the said premises next
cet, westward throughT chaff, but his invention was opposed | ing the entire length of the north
XL If poorly functioning Kidn
rty-three” same on the West, a distan
ee ivi] 1 side of the house frequently solves the | Farm Show. Blood and feather dress
vision wall of the] by religious farmers, who regarded y Bladder make you suffer from Getting
: ®
5 2 tse of 1 tL e the loose | instance, a frame two feet wide run- Dressed turkeys, both toms and | | d
ght angles with saidt use of fanners to remov hens, will be exhibited at the State e P I neys
aid John Keller, de=t the raising of wind as interfering with | problem. This frame, covered with [ed and full dressed carcasses will * Up Nights. Nervousness. Rheumatic

of thirt roperty late offs


; inutes west fifty-four fee and four~eight (38) feet and one (Rfinch) inch-veased, and thelbroperty hereby de=T* i be entered A
i | A f an s d the dispensation of Providence, and it | Wire netting, is* sloped up so that the en . Pains, Stiffness, Burning, Smarting,
ret othe pics TT to a point in the Soni! J feet and five in"T"oniy came gradually into general use. | back edge is about ten inches above a ® Licking, er Acidity Sine Evsrantesd
Containing eight acres o » Vine Street aforesaid, alon| ontinuing along thet parley was ground by bruising In a | the MBF As the chicks erowd toward Use Evergreen Trees C —Must fix you up or money
having thereon erected e kilns; ing Eastwardly along the : back. Only Tos at
58 of eighty-eight dest mortar or “knocking stone,” until | the corners they are elevated off the Irish juniper, arborvitae, pine, red
o story frame dwelling Bouse and ine Street, a distance i Ate ih :
2 Iw v East Vine i Jo minutes, One 1750, when these humble, crude, | Soor. This discourages piling, and if | cedar, spruce, or any other evergreen




| other improvements. ~ ‘one (21 feet) feet nine (9 feet and ten inches : :
Bo taken in exefution as og 2 & a A the pMce of eh io and wasteful methods were replaced | the frames are provided with a couple | suitable for transportation in tubs| You can get all the news of this lo-
property of David K. with- Together with anff subject twenty—j- by mills for grinding barley. of 1%-inch strips. they will serve 88 | can be used for outside decoration |cality for less than three cents a week
notice to David K. Hartman, Clarence”j, common with jie ownel 1c our feet and one-half in-~4 roosts. during the holidays. through ths Bulletin.
H, Hartman, Harry H. Hartman of the pfemises to property, not or late, of said ji EE
Ruth M. Hartman, terre tenantse— the herein copfeyed on the-peter S, McTague; thence alongt No Envelopes With Letters Rati for Growi Flock | = ITY ci i =
(No. 17) ~~ “East, of the sfid-tlmee feels fide com="the same eastward tw hundred andf™ Prior to 1845, although postage ation for Lrowing loc
All that certain lot of ground alley lah fly feet and tw inches to the stamps tad been ander discussion for A practical ration for the growing
a 2 story brick dwelling house extend South—ylace of beginning. several years in this country, thelr [ flock of youngsters must he of a kind
situated on the North side of East Ross” wardly from the South sid of East pyurpart No. 2—All {Rt certain twod use on. letters was not practical on | to supply materials for growths, bone
Street between North Christian and-Vine Street aforesaid along gee East-*story brick dwelling, Js a two SOTY™ one 0% the many and varying | structure and for reproduction. Such
North Duke Streets in the City 6% oy boundary line of the hé con“Thrick back building attighed, and lott postal rates then in effect. The old | 2 ration contains plenty of digestible

or piece of ground the
§ fo belonging
to the cituate No. 338 West CHE
Street-p rates were a relic of Colonial times, ats and carbohydrates, pro
~+ and were hased on two factors, dis- | the right quality, enough minerals,
8: oF
Lancaster, County and State aforesaid eyed premises.
being No. 31 East Ross Street. ~~" And together with and subjé
















. Containing in front on gerd Bast Ross so in common with the owl's the city of Lanfuster, oe 8 1 ki , Lia
renty-ope feet @nd gx inches. occupiers of the premises next djoin= Containing in front ofg/baid West tance and the number of sheets of | some ballast” or indigestible material
shot at Lo) or less ad) ih depth the herein conveyed OB=Chestnut Stree feet andT paper a letter contained. Six cents was and a supply of the highly Important
ond, Is Worthwardly niflety feet 07 hc West, of the party, partitfgh wa extending in depth of at width the rate for a single-sheet letter for | Vitamins. Some of the necessary ele
dearer "a ten fet Nide foriten af i 3 between the erected: i) the” southwakd one 9) twenty=T a distance not exceeding 30 miles; 10 | ments in such a ration are: yellow
ed. 2 Boun on yng _.ANOr y he conveye premises 3 g eight feet\and gk inches 4 propert r cents up to 80 miles; 1215 cents, 150 | corn, wheat middlings, raw bone (cal-
common, y7 on the Eat by land building erected on said premisg next, or formerly, of Philipgertig esl miles; 18% cents, 400 miles, and for | cium phosphate) grit (calcium car
NEE are #4 James J, Bibener, on the South by”, same on the West. tate. B+ distances vor 400 the rate was 25 | bonate) milk and salt (only a small
in black I East Ross and on the West by. Seized and taken in as— Bounded on the north by gid West" a ot a © ES on 8 25 | Atlus
scenes land of John chlott . |property of Arthur M. Deen.™ —" Chestnut street, on the east ¥ prop] Ces: ox Sn Wo She ie a : >
t part i The East and S| boundary lines a (No. 23) : —lerty of C. C. Engle, on theWWest by took double these rates, three sheets - ree
or) run through the ddle of nine All ®t certain lot or piece OF property of H. A. Long, andgon the treble and so on. Separating Chicks
party walls betwe the premises ~~ on the Southeast by property now or fornifly, okt In order to secure the minimum rate Wich ction) > Yt Be
J lone hereby conveyed and Wyose adjoinin@” i oi J@leph Street, between Laurel philip Fertig estate. A a Iotior was written ‘on one side of | 193 SHON © 28
ays and. £5 on the East and West ref y. =TStreet ang, Fairview Avenue, in ther Sized gnd taken in _executidn ast g sheet of paper, the sheet folded to | orn Pu wis in the flock of baby
3 winter Seized and taken in cution of Mpcaster, County of #8 Constantine X. Mantis |, ail ide _ | chicks depends upon the facilities
City i Prop letter size with the correspondence in
property of George Ww. ane and St#e of Pennsylvania, wheres-peter 2 J 2 rt available, but as a general rule the
hat will Alice S. Ierley, mortgagors wit otice—°" 2 rect a two story brick dwell=T side and the outside blank to receive | = 0 Stated 44 S600. 0%
trai ? on 1s e 5 No. 28) tt} ddress. The folded letter was | ~~ > S10 he. seb: =x ns
min W. Snyder executor he bered 730 St. Jos=+ (NC : he address. sic 18 m0 SW GUAR
hay is, BO Ww. or. deceased ahd™"8 Rouse by. iy an! All that lot with a two-story sealed at the post office after the clerk the Be s 15 : 20 oy 4 oe 1 > anaes
aking a Benjani W Snyder, terre tenant. “- gol i ae dé =brick dwell sol had checked the contents. Prepared te re Row oer, 4 He we 162 of
e “sto iS TOLOWS, st.brick back {gilding attached thereto or and the cockerels fully feathered be
x {fox 18) a Containing ¢ gnt on the i d pe West side of North envelopes were considered an extrs fore they are moved, Cockerels make
Op Sef» All that certain lot or piece of land: St. Jose street, “twenty (20-situated on os sheet of paper and as such subject to
ou have ith the two-story brick dwellin side of St. Jose] Tess and extgnding~Market Streeffgbetween West Fred-t I Which for | & much more rapid growth than pul 66 9 99
e a fold- Nn (No 240) thereon, situated o a Pont wi Southeaspvardly—erick yee) ang West New Sires) ia icione] posiage er “mail | lets and as a result, if the birds are an i or i
"3 derick stre: AIR 0 of 178-the City of 3 id not separated, the hopper and floor
15 ah 4 > ae S00 of A Shippen Ser bude ay wi ig Ue and numbered off said City House matter before the rates came to be atc DE pos 8 apne AN Soe
3 Wa ter City, Pa fe oT Ie — Plan No. 626 Noid Market Street. —~| based on weight. chicks more susceptible to disease and ®
Le OF the yi; A front on said Fred poet the Wortheast and” Beginning at on the West AD As J : ?
1/25th joming Ae: Bounded on cm oe—gide of said Northiarket Street, onet cannibalism
fever it est 5k Ae of fap Southwest by other prigerty now hes hundred seventeengfeet two inches Grow More Peas me °
yin depth of that) width Por 5 a qo Burger; ofthe North= undred seven 1
are rg. fi to a 10 féet wide'a% © of the Newt A substantial increase in yield was Colored Minorecas
7 f x —] wor by SE i Wplar street-Street 28 North obtained in a Forest rte exten- Originally ira to nil early E h h d
nd does property off ; ~~fpoint being in : EW Te linn cas Cor ter ts oe use of that ase does not suggest
see got 4 South b (aforesaid. ia line—~inch party wall of the Psion demonstration when the plant- | Writers, Minorcas were seen in a vari 3 P 88
Con at id 10 feof, wide ic alley, on the The i TL of Be brick—premises and” NOTH | 01g Gate: of garden ‘peas was advance] °F Of colors times the the inability to buy so much as the de-
the dia- West by property of "Mary E. tog between the he de Market Buss! gn th Along tet 8 12 dave or erred 25 ine Jens sire to practice rigid economy . . . to save
1 1 . RR ™ est side OI sal 0 € © t hy 9 " have been developed. ue Minoreas
too fast and on fhe Nort by Fredericle] J hed 2nd 156, previ Taira a RL 2 paint ad to have been produced by . . . to deny yourself needed and necessary
der 106 Bie pi taken in exec joining on a ss and enj@yed-the of the by grantedtty (120) feet (4) inches to af crossing the black hens with heavy commodities.
y. The | property of Frederick K. Galebach gal Ey ht forever hereafter.Ǥ ~ | premises and premise oining omrtpoint on the West side of Nevint spdalusian roosters, There is no men-
condi- Nora B. Galebach with notice to Get? 2 pa y d taken in execution asthe South; hence thence alg said Nevin Street i, in poultry books of buff Minorcas But Man, ch Man, and yeu, too Madam, how
phragm Fred Nagle, terre tenant. “a Bai 53 b P. Coover. ——|along same ninety-eight fg}, more offSouthwardly ongghundred thirty-eightt except as above men- be ffectivel i
iB ¥ age, « | propertgjgol Jacob = less, to a point; thence th alongT(138) feet, thre and three-fourths+ Sah tter and more effectively can you practice
® leh 4 {Ne 49) = (No. 24) wae i late of hn Eibele (3 h Ry : { tioned, the tendency being to keep . .
pening kil that certain lot or piece of land} 4 ao : now or ‘ale of M ibelrt (33) inches to tif place of =~ To CL Ded types, which economy and thrift than to buy when prices
peed at % which is erected a three storiedt All thigh certain lot or piece _of twenty-one feet to a point; nce Easty Bounded on by cle to t gniz Li bb i ?
i i I Silat on the Io alon, roperty now or lateW now or late o bo e asedyt” appear to s.
: hy dwelling house, numbered 216;T ground, ed the North side-along p rt 0 lat A. Ba late of bh W d du” appear to meet all demand are at their lowest e in years
ve fe hate n the Northwest side of Ches=T of East Ens Avenue, in the City of~Hambright, in a line paralle West on the East by, Street,” on thet ir . .
Is po he between Lime and Rockland Lancaster, Ufign which the es New Street puiending then South by propfrty] WA ormerlyet” Prod icing Quality Eggs How more certainly can you insure economy
0 have | B+ id ci brick middle of the party wall of the Estate g Meri inzler, de>{ roauc 28 -of-date furniture
quality Se A I ao wil a two-story brickTthe premises hereby granted and” ceased; and by property] rc Kegs are such a highly perishable than to replace won rt % date i d of
fifte d ten inches and back building, ifge same premises adjoining on the or forgfierly, @ the Estate off": 4 product that they should be sold than when new is selling for one-third o
to eut Sie) X f bered 617 East #@nd Avenye. 3 sever feet Bie fachyy 0 Jagoh en, PECASE hat ma oF three times each week to a what it sold for 15 years ago? Or to stock
ve and Se iy. Br gst jor ogi ? rear ( Beoj-dealer who is equipped to handle such up on food products when they are 40% less
erence. five feet, more Og) nue, A te 5 rd i * The efforts of producers to . :
v3 that" d and taken in execution ginning at“ he South side :
g Jour Bounded > to; & i of inch ee 1 gy of Ida Carpenter. of West Fulton Streets laid out ind~retain the orlginal quality of eggs will than at any time sinCe the war? Or clothing
L quite erly nov or aie iN -wide common 8 _ (No. 29) «# "| the City Plan, but not $i opened, two be unless they market their when $53 today will buy you what you paid
h your and on Ba. J. Brickner™[ Bounded. on = No. 1 %all that certain log hundred six (206) (6) inches" to some one who is equally $100 for in 19127
Bow line betwé h the here=fthree (3) wide erected a two-story of the Southeast er of Elm ‘costed In establishing an outlet
D Ya 5 ed premises and the East by prope a one-story frame build—+Street and said West K@ fon Street vo Ligh quality eggs. Dealers who What you really cannot afford to do is net
to, He on the Northeast gin thetof Paris CT. Hipple; on § on the West sidetthence Eastwardly forty@three ( 3H". quality egys are interested .
you dle of a nine inch party wa property now or late of 4 i in the City of three (3) fo A at the! having their eggs rench consumers buy because you cannot afford to miss to-
tle ng jointly to the respective “9 ~Crudden, snd on he Se i. of Pennsylvani er od 32 nan Jet 9 Be Puta, fhe host possiiie condition day’s low levels . . . prices that are an ac-
i i ir Med 0 nue. e Weste! i i :
a > of Re Seid Dremises (2d gn property passing 5 pom on Hie Ves id private alley, Southwigdly one” alll 4) Ailey tual boon to reduced incomes . . . to the
assi 1 bh i 5 i jo . . . .
Me eized and taken in 4 the middle of anine (9) inci North of therhundred six (106) feet to § point, al Compete for Tite practice of sensible, far-sighted economy.
)B Seize 1 all between thé corner of another ten wide . Lia
: y of Joseph John Ehemann: common party w be} wd Rr Chestnut | vate alley: thence along Bf Nort! County farmers’ horseshoe pitching
- (No. 20) — mises hereby a Ww i e —rthence extending Vestwardly byt ide of said other ten (10) widefcontest winners will meet at the
, that cariainios = piece of groundfmises on fhe - Vest enn BP propety, How or ford Ely, of fH Xe private alley, Westwardly Farm Show in Har-
Jeol on the Vest Sie o 1 jamin T. Unkle, spate of (43) feet, three (3) inches to next month to decide the
f between Green Street property of Benjamin T. $2 one hundred twenty 0) feet fous =r by now or late, championship. The present state
il . :
1 Avenue, in the City of Lan<Tand Cecelia M. Unkle. 4) inches to a point; the
A )a, bounded and described asf (No. 25) BR land, now or form
sto wit: 1 All that certain tract or piece Of-fitate of Jacob Weh, decd
ning in front on the West sidetground, situatedy on the South side of~hundred thirty-seven (137)
fifty feet (50 fT Princess. Aveflue, between Rose~(7) inches to a point; thence eX
th of that width Avenue anjl’ Ca Road “on | along property of ti
ninety-one feet (91 plan of kndl as Rosemont 1Ingfate of Jacob Weh, one hundred
garet Ziegler, Northwardly, at®8righf] hampion, who cannot compete this
angles to said other ten (10) fe DON
; :
private alley, one hundred six i 1064" will act as judge.
feet to the place of Beginning.
Seized and taken in eéxecutiy
| property of Emma R. Swain and :
ma Swain. remember the Bulletin.