PAGE HT 3 * Bast Main Street, MOUNT JOY, PA. 1 So x 2 % HIS IS ~4 COAT WEEK Silk and heavy inner lined NEW SILK DRESSES EVERY WEEK $4.98 ANOTHER SMART GROUP INCLUDING ~~ § { 9 TUNIC STYLES One Group At NEVER WERE BLOUSES So smart and chic $1.00 ana $7 .98 nt Q c = ~ pond Is here in the shade want, priced $1.98 © $3.98 5 STRANGE BUT TRUE sy Ea Wels ( . K. SHELLEY i br G2 | LJ . ~ - ~~ ~ *, Quality Coats with large Fur Collars, 2 : very special > » » » 31 68 8 m. Fairview Orchards, Florin® hp ETC. FOR SALE—In country town, no GIRL SAVED FROM FREEZING Sompetition, Shjoymne good 2 2 good clean stock, nco Service, post- g's BY RED TAM-O'-SHANTER mastership goes with store, possession or Finding a red hat on a snow any time. Very good reason for selling : drift, a Newark, N. J. police- Jno. E. Schroll, Mount Joy, Pa. Phone v7 man investigated and discovered 41J. sep.19-tf 2 mw child buried in the snow ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE TR or Estate of Monroe Kramer late of 3 a — Mount Joy Borough, deceased. ; rr Letters of administration on said es- > ate having been granted to the under- A igned, all persons indebted thereto are Rh 5 equested to make immediate payment = and those having claims or demands eign against the same will present them without delay for settlement to the un- urn’ ie is in ery— dersigned, residing at 99 W. Main St, Ia Mount Joy, Pa: NNA K. FETTER i b it tfc Y money Administratrix ge e er: ed ORY our K. L. Shirk, Atty. nov.7-6t RE some of your rooms always chilly cold? ‘blue coal’ will p keep your entire home warm and and help you save Nories M money besides. It is America’s finest hard cod] — the same fine Estate of Fannie eagst ne 0! t. Pennsylvania hard coal that has given clean, dependable heat for Joy Township, Lancaster County, Pa, more than 50 years — now colored blue for your'protection. deceased. . Call us for ‘blue P and free hentin Hs ie Letters testamentary on said estate 8 : having been granted to the under- ~ signed, all persons indebted thereto Phone Mt. 20 are requested to make immediate pay- ment, and those having claims or de- D4 mands against the same will present E 0 gemu 0S. them without delay for settlement to the undersigned, residing in Mt. Joy R. D. 2, Lancaster County, Pa. FLORIN, PENNA. \ ABRAM H. YOUNG, Executor —— — AN Frank S. Groff, Atty. nov.14-6t THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCAS Classified Column WANTED—Any kind of house work. Call Margaret Brenner, 289 Marietta Street, Mount Joy. nov.14- It- Pp ‘OR SALE—Columbia Echo He ater in firs Apr Mrs. ah Hoffer, Mt. Joy. n aH | QE A -On Ker Road, an 8-Ro0Y with all conven- iences, newly papi lent reason- able. Apply phone 82 Mt. 19M Landisville. nov. 14= Several hundred Tancy Ravid 2. Heisey, open fire place. Apply Bun- ; Tailor Shop, Mt. Joy. nov.14-1t-p| > £ | FOR RENT—6 rooms, bath, all con- | | 1 ¢ sed one year; High Pos- ter Walnut Bed, Bureau, Old Chest, Gas Rang®t Quilts, Set of Silverware, Knives, 12 Forks and 12 Spoons, also Cassimere Shawl. Apply Peter S"®Qru- baker, 312 N. Barbara Street, Mt. Joy nov.14-2t FOR pied by Miss papered throughout, ed and finished. Good reasonable. Apply H. S. Newco! Joy, Penna. NOTICE—I recane chairs and make them look like new. Apply Aggie Wal- ters, 26 David Street, Mt. Joy. nov.7-4t-pd voz OF THANKS—We wish to House formerly occu- Patterson. Newly kindness during the late and sad be- reavement of my wife, Emma. Mr. Martin Horst and children. nov.14-1t-p girl to do house en. Apply work and take care Phone Mount Joy 76J. WOOD FOR SALE—I have a lot “of cord wood sawed stove length which I sell reasonable at all times. John W. Kreider, phone 142R12, Mt. Joy. oct.31-4t-p NOTICE—Hemstitching and Picoting. vin Bigler, 258 West Main St., oct.31-4t-p Mount CUSTOM CID til Saturday noon, from Elmer R. Snyder. sep. Photo S. A. Your nex zd and 8 high quality (coin) Capital City Photo Market St., Harrisburg, Pa. GENERAL STORE, GAS STATION, f films develop- - - “GET READY FOR _. WINTER NOW! Save fgney and worry with the new Pc : improved anti-freeze ®, nh —— ASSIGNEE’S SALE - A of - VALYABLE REAL ESTATE— The unde sale, on the ship, Lancaste leading from brook, about o signed will sell at publicd County, Pa., on the road astersonville to Cole] mile west of] provements. There is rgnning water on the farm and in the h8use and barnef premises. A, WHITE FLASH, GASOLINE | Also ATLANTIC = for Winter . CLARENCE W. "HERR | SERVICE STATION Between Mount Joy and Prin Phone 47R . READ THE MOUNT JOY "BULLETIN gn 1 pound box 45¢ ay, 2 box 8 5¢ Sold by Local Dealers at 219 N. Queen Street, LANCASTER; A. a and placer woodlan taining 1 Also, at the same time there will be sold a tract o in Mount Joy Township, ¢ acres and 17 perches. Sale to commence at 2 o’cloc on Saturday, December 8, 1934, and conditions will be JACOB G. HERSHE Assignee of Benj. S. Zug & W Zimmerman, Myers & Kready, Attys nov.14=3 Community Sale AT BEVERLY STATION y Thursday Evening nd lot of POULTRY ad AC GOODS Full line of D Bring your trucks and C Hogs and Poultry PRIVAG] SALE—$165 Electric Sew- | ith Oven, Old | t. | tle, spent several days *| parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abner Hersh- . | daughter, of Mountville, on ON SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1934] along the Back Run road, a farm of ‘emises in Rapho Town-4 Mastersonville, containing 934 acres and 87 es. Improvements] of business near Mount Joy, cows, thereon consist a 2-Story turkeys, geese, ducks, apples : e ank y he wc 2 House, Bank b Tc bacco Shedvf | erchandise, ete, by C. S. Frank & 1in Rapho township, 1 MAYTOWN . | Evangelical Picked From | Card Basket PEDNSONAL MENTION ABOUT THE COMERS AND GOERS AROUND HERE DURING THE PAST WEEK BY OUR SOCIAL HEPORTERS Mrs. Irvin Smith visited at Palmy- ra on Friday. Mr. Sam Conner visited with his brother, John Conner on Monday. Lieut. E. V. McClellan is visiting with his family here over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Strickler were | . guests at Harrisburg of | week end | relatives. Harold Kuhn, of the guest of Reuben on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Bates and fam ily, of near Nissly’s Mill, visited at the home of Harvey Spangler on Sunday. Lancaster, was Shellenberger dren. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Tyndall enjoyed a turkey dinner at Perry County last week. Rev. and Mrs. Beahm of Greencas- with their pson and wife, Prof. and Mrs. W. I Beahm, on Marietta Street. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Shurig and chil- dren, of Mountville, were Monday guests at the home of Mrs. Shurig’s sister, Mrs. Harvey Spangler. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Shank, of than’ the many neighbors for their Elizabethtown, and Mr. and Mrs. P. Y. Brandt, of near Rheems, enjoyed a motor trip in York county on Sun- day. Miss Kate Koppenhaver and Miss Harriet Rettew, of Landisville are spending some time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Risser, New- town. Lois Shoemaker, who has been spending some time at the home of her grandparents, Rev. and Mrs. O. L. Mease, has returned to her home at Penbrook. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred McNall and two children, Eugene and Marion of Elizabethtown, visited Mrs. McNall’s ey, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Fogie and their Sunday were entertained in the home of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fogie, at Newtown. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Foreman, daughter, Ruth, and son, Harrison, of near Old Line, visited at the home of Mrs. Foreman’s parents, near Elizabethtown, on Sunday. Miss Sara B. Hershey, who is at present studying in Philadelphia, spent the week end with her folks at Florin. Sara was the guest of Dr, and Mrs. E. W. Newcomer and son, Nelson, to dinner Sunday evening J. Nelson Newcomer, son of Dr. and Mrs. E. W. Newcomer, spent the week end at home. Nelson at pres- ent is in fourth year study of Veter- inary Medicine at U. of P., accom- panied by colleagues, Messrs. Chas. Frank and Benjamin Rohrer, both local boys, Sophomore and Freshman respectively. Sale Register If you want a notice of your sale in- serted in this register weekly from now until day of sale. ABSOLUTELY FREE, send or phone us your sale date and when you are ready, let us print your bills. That’s the cheapest adver- tising you can get. Every Thursday Evening, at Wag- ner’s Park, Beverly, regular weekly community sale of stock, chicks, mer- chandise, furniture, meats, etc. by G K. Wagner. Friday, Nov. 16—On the premises about 2} miles north of Mount Joy, 15 acres with frame house, bank barn, ettc. by Philip Snyder. Alding- er, auct. Saturday, Nov. 24—At their place Bro. Aldinger & Vogle, aucts. Saturday, Dec. 8—On the premises one-half mile from Mastersonville, a farm of 98 acres with improvements by Jacob G. Hershey, assignee of Benj. S. Zug, tand wife. See advertisement. The Ladies’ Aid Soole Society of the Re- formed church will hold its monthly meeting, Thursday evening, at the home of Mrs. Joseph Hollenbaugh. Mr. and Mrs. John Newton, of Had don Heights, N. J., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Eli L. Hoffman. Mr. and Mrs. J. Shue, of Spring Grove, spent the week end with Mr and Mrs. Herman Shue. Meetings The Dorcas Society of the United Brethren church will meet Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Joseph Habecker on Delta Street. The Ushers’ League of the United Brethren church held a very inter- esting meeting on Thursday evening in the church. Rev. John Waser, of Congregational church, addressed the men. There were 23 present. | | | | - dor As is Will Be Guest Soloist Miss Dorothy Schock, of this place will be the guest soloist at the Ad- vent Lutheran Church, Lancaster on Sunday, Nov. 18th, at the choral presentation of “The Song of Thanks- giving.” Mr. Harold Shaar, a former music director of our public schools, will direct the cantata. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Zink and chil- | ©00000000000009 | Patronize Bulletin Advertisers | \ CO., PA. 0000! OOOO B. BRUBAKER DEPT. STORE is just around the corner—stock up at these prices. Faney Dressed Hardwater Stand-by our CHICKENS and DUCKS Every Thursday, Friday Crackers and Saturday Give us your order for Thanksgiving 12 1b. sack Cc 2 Ibs. 25¢ \ Under Sanitary ur choice 3 No. 2 cans for 25¢ Post Toasties POE Refrigeration cs Red Rige Tomatoes 3 cans 2 pks 13c Martin’s Olympia\Peas for Sausage.. 27g [J Green Bedgs 25¢ Aunt Jemima Pudding. . Ib. 20¢ Crushed Co . Ji & Pancake : 4 Boiled Ham Pretzel Sticks. ............ 2 Ibs. 25¢ Flour 3 1b. 13¢ Serapple. . Ib. 13¢ Cheese (Rich and, Creamy)... .. .1b. 19¢ 10c pk Good Year Glove Rubbers Ladies’, Men’s and Children’s in stock It pays to buy the best \66x80 Bed Blankets, part $2.89 wool Children’s Union Suits, Waist Buttons Men’s Heavy Work Shoes 79c¢ $2.95 Boys’ Oxfords $1.95, $2.95 Children’s Oxfords 95¢, $1 75 Ladies’ 3-eyelet Dress Oxfords Girls’ Sn wool, no gie Suits, part eeves, knee length 79c¢ % Men’s Heavy Ribbed Union $1.00 Suits, each \ \ $1.95 \ Girls’ Heavy Ribbed ‘or Fleeced Union Suits) long Knitted Sport Gloves for Ladies and Children 75 and 95¢ leg, extra special, suit, 45¢ % 5 SPECIA ee Men’s Heavy Denim Overalls triple stitch, double knee PT- $ 2 ~~~" GOOD NEWS! Qotn our \PHILCO | SHEISTMAS / 7 ERE is an unusual copertunyy to own a marvelous new 1935 PHILCO on the easiest of terms! Pay only a small amount each week from now until Christmas. At that tin new PHILCO will be delivered, and carried on EASY PAYMENTS! 1¢ your the balance Only 30¢ A wei win deliver this PHILCO to your home for Christmas m i powerful Baby Grand tunes-in oreign stations in n to your favorite Americ an programs. Auto- matic Volume Control, Electro -Dynamic Speaker, Tone Control, PHILCO High- Efficiency Tubes, ete. Cal binet of se- lected woods with hand-rubbed finish. . i ee Only 7 8¢ A WEEK will delivi this PHILCO “or Christmas! Ss beautiful Lowboy ti gives you pro- ms from stations throughout the world! P H I L C 0 45L $59.95 1 eatures Automatic Volume Cortevol, Electro- Dynamic Speaker, Tone Control, PHILCO Join our Christmas Club now! This offer is for a limited time only! Club members will receive the max- High-Efficiency Tubes, etc. Graceful cabinet of choice Walnut with hand-rubbed finish! Ask imum trade-in allowance for their present radios. Hurry! to see and hear this amazing value! LESTER E. ROBERTS Telephone 22] 283 W. Marietta St., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14th, 1934 MOUNT JOY, PA. > A — A nn no od pl