The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 24, 1934, Image 4

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9 ’

ifi i Lieutenant Governor.
: : f United States Senator. One Person Duly Qualified for the Office on A
One Person Duly lified for the Office ot Vn f Internal Affairs. One Person Duly Qualified for the Office of Rep ET i Awl 1s
One Person Duly Q ed for the Office of ot Superior Court. One Person Duly Qualified for the Office of Re Sl a Tene J
Xie feruon Duly Su a fie Outer “ ay Tu Three Persons Duly Qualified for the Office of Representative
One Person Duly Qualifie®™or the Office of Governor.
isi 1 acts providing for the
i inated under the provisions of the severa
ing i ial li the names of all candidates, nomina
he following is the official list of
in the County of Lancaster at the General
i hy rinted on the official ballot, and to be voted for in the Commonwealth at Large and in the y
PT OL By the sixth day of November, 1934.
Er Er an



- . .
(X) in the square, in the FIRST COLUMN, opposite the name of the party of your choice
a Cross , : h
name of any candidate indicates a vote for that candidate.
To vote for a person whose name is not*
ivi i her vote by marking a cross (X) to the
ing i arty square, may divide his or _vote
i, Sista, fhe 2 ig al i be counted for candidates not individually marked.
@desires to vote.

TAIL preety pele £
gart Garage, 413 North Mary street.

Fourth precinct—~General Cigar Com-
ASSEMBLY pany, NO heust sons Lancaster F
avenue and Frederick s reet.,
ote for one) TRI Fifth precinct—St. Peter's Reformed
) (yi FIRST DIS CT Church Building, College avenue Sale :
(Vote for one (Vote for one) and Buchanan avenue,
i ree Sine ai Leacock Township—At the hotel in
( . 3 k . William A. Schnader, Republican TTT Intercourse, now or late of George
To Vore a Straight Party Ticket dA. Ried Republican i ab Ly —
. . m Davi : : pe . H. Earle DeHaven, ep Leacoock, Upper — At Fire Company
Mark a Cross (X) in this Col n George H Earle, Democratic - een Hall in Leacock.
k- tic - . Lititz Borough:
J Joseph F. Guffey, Democra E. Downey Democratic First ward—Springs Hotel.
Socialist George 2 Second ward—Warwick House.
- al Jesse H. Holmes, Little Britain Township—At Little Bri-
m, Socialist . ree -_— tain High School
r tn
REPUBLICAN Janeen, Manet, . Manheim Township:
Am rohibition Neffsville (Northern District)—At the
: Prohibition Herbert T. 5 p hotel at Neffsville, 5
win i ro : Er Stock Yards (Southern District)—At
Ed J. Fithian, oy the public house of Henry G. Pfa-
Communist fle %
: C unist fist Cush, SECOND DISTRICT Manheim Borough:
i omm pd First ward—Prussian House Main
Harry M. Wicks, and Gramby Streets, ? \ i
| DEMOCRA IC iG yekis Industrial Labor (Vote for three) Second ward — Washington House, % |
. — Market Square.
George W. Ohls, Industrial Labor 1 Third ward—Dutt’'s Restaurant, Rail- X
: epublican road Ave, k
Harry E. Trout, Rep Manor Township:
Indiantown—Store room of HB K
li Brenner, Indiantown,
Cl 4 LIST Norman Wood, Rep

Manor New—At property of H. M.
Kauffman's machine shop.
= Colonial Hotel, in the
village of Millersville,
o ublican West Lancaster District—In building
Edwin R. Spangler, Rep! owned by John H. Shenk on Tin- 1,

(Vote for one)


coln Highway near the corner of
. road leading to Millersville,
mocratic Marietta Borough:
John A. Myers, De First ward—Linden House, northeast Brix
bli sonst Bank and gm. Market streets.
: 4. Republican : Second ward—At the Council Cham-
abli ocratic ber of Central Hallin saiq borough. hogs
M. Harvey Taylor, Republica Harry S. Ziemer, Dem Third ward—At the Marietta Tuer
Nhocratic Martic Township—At the hotel in Raw-
ocratic Thomas Kennedy, : s tic Hnsville,
Thomas A. Logue, Dem EL Harry R. Schneitman, Democra Mountville Borough—At the Fire House.
Se 4 Mount Joy Borough :
: Ne P West ward—At Rohrer's Garage, Main
i Socialist Birch Wilson, sol} and New Haven streets,
COMMUNIST Franz E. Daniel, Socialis a John M. Mohn, Socialist Bast pard—At Restaurant of Robert
— sauffman,
- Mount Joy Township:
apes illi . Alter, iol; pper— 5
Mabel D. Pennock, Prohibition William B ar Ses Frank H. Walters, Socialist 'H

S. Hottenstein's ware-

is illiam R. Powell, Communist
INDUSTRIAL Lata i Wits 8. tow)
house on the Manheim road.
aL Lower—At Old
Town Hall in the vil-
WE of Florin
4 Te Milton Grove—A t
Alvin W. Keiper, Socialist — village of Milton Grove.
New Hollang Borough—At the
Building, North Railroad Ave.
Paradise Township——A t Elam Girvin's
residence (formerly known as the
Black Horse.)
Penn Township:
South Penn—At the house of D, R.
So en Ehrhart,
Junection—At the

Charles W. Kane, Industrial Labor William H. Thomas, Industrial Labor
LABOR min 1

the hotel in the


hotel at







OU the Unionville Hotel,
Dt by John A. Hoke,
: Pequea -—At Gen, Mdse Store
ee ’ 4 . Mdse. §
: NGRESS at West W illow.
] tor one tin's Warehouse in Smithville.
(Vote tor otis) (Vote fo = A Quarryville—Ip 0. U AM Hall, in the
gfe foroney Is an Dida borough of Quarryville,
pla Rapho Townshi
: Republi Newtown—At E. H, Myers’ Store.
Frade or, Republican \ Pp a. Le Snorting Hill—At the Sporting Hill
Ln : Jj rem otel.
LT J. Roland Kinzer, : Strickler’ —Premises of Emi Eaby.
: Prohibition nion Square—At the hotel] at Union
Chester H. Rhodes, Democratic Lo , Sauare.
Ae el Sg Ee SNC Sadsbury Township—A t the Old Red
= a : Lion Hotel, owned by §. p, Miller.
: Se Domoctatic Sa is ury Township:
S t Charles T. Carpenter, 2 ~ At William Lauder's
ans bi i Sees val TE , cooper shap,
ry i Gap- "At the Bellevue House, at Gap
ahs Lo . Socialist Spring Garden—At the Spring Gar-
Palmer, Prohibition will W. Halligan, Soc den School House.
rt > White FHorse—at the White Horge
Died 5 Hotel, hy J. Pp. Seldomridge.
Strasburg orough:
Frank otek. Yadustrial Labor First ward—Property of J. M. Ha
Kn 2 gans, in saiq borough, urday
ank Second ward—At the residence of J. eondit
iH Ross Hildebra nd. .
on hird ward—at the Swan Hotel
Stra sburg Towngh iD—At Charles R Walte:
Book's tobacco shed, near Strasburg Jno. 1
Terre Hill Rorongh—At Tore HI Fire oe
Hall, . RES
Wara ick Township:
the hotel at Brunner-
hn nerville,
Delivery, 213 W. Orange St Sixth Wm fegler, 459 Warwick, Fast—At the Hip School
3 shiffer's Hotel. Conestoga ehivery, 212 x New Holland Ave. Building in Rothsville
- 7 rell—At Amos B. Shiffer's Sec Ward: ce sevont] yar : "ashing rh :
2 ’ ve! : : Murre ar Ae Property of Chester|S cond recinet—J. (i. Forney Real Es- | se venth WwW Ard: Yvan We 1 |W Borough: ; :
Third ward——At public house Q D ume re, East—At Isaac Groff's house I lion a y. in Wakefield F os. Pros ¢, 39 North Duke Street. a Sg Fh n and Loc streets t rar TAt Wertr's Hotel, in
Thir ‘ A awrence St. He) Sasi Is A. ey, 4 ate CC, od. Nori v's : Churth, Shippe VT 1, sald borough,
war 240 Lawren es rove. y As erred racine ony’'s Hall, ui i Bw bk Hotel, ough
The Court of Quarter Sessions and Thomas So Kevstone Truck in Mechani 2.4 RN house. Hempfield, as the Bast Petersburg Second precinct id Antlity "Ann St Second precinet—Se You, Na fi roles, Lower Ward—A A. G. Kise's store in
Commi sioners of Lancaster County ore a Co., Engine House 27 Denver ida No 1, village of East pas Mu ion street, 4 northeast corner of kh said borough.
OMMIss . follow- and Chemic: 0., HK carl Towns : Vb ‘acant lot of Fire Company, N¢ , Thire arc roa ke St Chester streets. And I, said Sher fF, d | ive
® signated the fo I. 4th St ; New Holland District—Vacant L of raterst ; ' S. of A. Hall, 40 8. Duke es weinet—— Property, 92 st SE do further give
have fixed and design . N. 4th St, Vif th Ward Hotel, Nev li Petersburg. wtel, in the vil- EO 8. Third preeinet perty, notice that every YETSOn, exeeptin
SY al Election a vard—At Fifth Isaac R. Kachel. i i Landisville—A{ the hotel, fourth Ward: : treet ph? ti ace, Who shan Ln
: es in the Sever 3 Fifth ward : A y \ hote the vil- andisville— BE Fourth ~~ W Serve ve Andrew street. hp : i Justices’ of the Pene >» Who sh; a
ing plac County for holding 126 S. Fifth Ln of BE. H. Bur- Martindale—At the h tel in lage of Landisville. vy Walk’'s ho- | First precinct—Store room, 114 outh Fourth precinct -Bsto 1 erpetua Log Ae oe TA a 0 shall : hold
Districts of the 3 Sixth ward—At garage lage of Martindale. Rohrerstown-—At Harry in on Queen Street 91 I. O. O. F, 25 Chester street, ARI any or profit 2
the election: h—At the Lancas- "ger, 36 N. Tth St. house of Amos | Earl, East: ict—Premises of Win tel, in the village of Rohrerstown. Second precinct—Central Garage, 42 Fifth precint CO. Hoar Gara ed States, a ernment of he on
: : 3 gh—A ie Li ai ard-—At warehous Terre Hill West: : 8. Prince street 124 South Lime street. pr) Borate, or Tr
Adamstown Borough Seventh ward 2d Ave Merre 5 Hempfield, voperty of John . n south of 624 Sou y¥ or Incorpor: ted distric 5
ouse. 73¢ Ave ba je 3 12. 3 ville District - Property . nie “ard N. FE. Cor. Ann & BE issi flared district, Whether a
ter County Hous Akron Patton, 739 Ridge A Ziegler Hotel, field S. Kur ‘ire H 3 No. 1, Mountville Fifth Ward ; : Sixth proecinct-—N. I. Cor. officer 2 ‘wise,
Jorough—At the Hotel Akron. vi jard-—At Chas. Zi Blue Ball—At the Fire House I Meister to re property of Anna sh ae asement of St. Mark's os 3 jeer or otherwise, a
Akron Borough—A mn Hotel. Eighth wi Tit ue yd ¢ Ball Meister. right & Rod- First prec Ra Stre Iind Ave, basemer Rrdinate officer or ag J i
yer i reorgetown ‘ive Points Np the village of Blue Ball, : Vorthwestern--At Albrigh ugh Chestnut Street. Church J RET oe Bl ETRY
Bart Township—At at Five Susquehanna Fire in hotel in Terre Hil Northwes I. Klugh, 30 TRitoes Church atheran Church. employed under tj Legisla-
oe fownship: vee tics rard-—At Susq 0 an- Terre Hill-—At the hote v's Store, yy Cs - Sec recinet Unitarian fred in ard: 4 ive Di
ic lon District Hotel at pow- rs “Engine House; 73 Msn ar West: Hotel No At property of 1, 15. Kauff er i and Pine i Ww i Wo Stumpf's Hotel, 464 of Noi thon iene
a Suita i Glas “Eariville—At Brownstown Ho eh ; : Third precinct—General Tire ne., . Streets. : Be or por the United 3 tates, or
Mr reek District-—Hotel at Five Cont Se owns Restaurant of nati the Central Store in Sie Spring At the hotel inthe vil- Pid Phill po oi Marietta Ave, Buon at ~Thomas Goodbart, Ny a 7 district and
uddy ( 8 onestog: Kreider. ar hdl oom $ River Brine : Loran hss 1¢ eeinet— also ¢ | ember of Congress a_of
i Wey & :ider, Cones Farmers : 9 are or Spring. Tio or GX ves I ’ Ingress an
— At Churchtown hes: AL a € tal ry 1 merle: At property of Joseph 1 age ot Siva > ih School Build- Big ard) Sunday School Rooms : ne Ma pop ar is M. Milley Gay. he Stags Legislature, apa of the Se-
Caernarve OW ns Conoy Township: _ Co. 3uilding in| Eden To 1 x sin irs : Shurch, N. W. cor. Third precinct iat “street [lect or Genmoy Council of 4 city
Clay Township— Bainbridge. asonic Hall in| Elizabetl tay Hose Com-| Lampeter, West, eter Square. hfe Wi >. sonth and Prangley svenae. hureh, | district. iy Taw a ing
LAK “lav {Sti Pir the Masoni ship Steam Engine and i he village of Lampeter Sque recinet-—J, DD. Sullivan, South i Church, ris SY "of froin
RE oy ay : Tis Christiana—At ship Ste: 2 in the villag 1 ond prec inct—J, X ih ourth recinet—Evangelic: 3 or exer a 4% . :
cone East—At hg Hl. Haters J said harongh. pany. h--Building of Aaron C. Weid-| Lancaster Towns ig No. 1,000 Virginia t corner Linte nd SN IS arin Pose 3 nd Seconda gras 476 oftion on ny wi A ma Ma J
Reamstown, Pa. Donegal, East: Saad woperty of | Elizabeth--Building he 1st Dist. at Garage No ' Third precinet-—st norew's ithe precinet—Charles Kirchner, Ptr or Clerk hot ection: hi
oh West: th hotel in the vil- Coen School House—At property man in Drickervills, Ave. t School on South West ed 8. 8. Building, "aw aa Lime i street, : Tutt Commons iY bond Ph sting Wel
Schoeneck—At the hote i Alvin Staley Nia I, in the Wphrata Borough obs Legior 2nd Dist. at Schoot « S. 8. Building, at Ne # Sixth precinct-——Ascension sutheran } ¥ I2¢ or AE No eh. oo
Schoenck. Rotel. Tn. the vil. NEO ot the Band Hall, } Second ward—At American Legion End Ave. Paint "Shop streets. M Calvary Church SE Nd and Dorwart streots. A500 SL hod J oy Dich
— y hotel t “village of Maytowr 6X, Se 3rd Dist t Joe Roe Bk > fourth precinet—Mt ‘alvary h War for i ion, 0
Blainsport—At the ? village of he corner of Market a t Vernon House. oN SI Fourth iV y and = Clay | Ninth Ward: va i voted for at gu lection, except that
lage of Blainaport At the hotel in the| Springville the oor in the village Third ward Mount Hotel. at iia Pe southwest corner Plum anc First predinct—Bertz w of an claction hs
Colerain Township od ane ‘ Fourth 1 = : 4th 1 uh he arag Stee: to Burkey (iar Lemon and anh : Yio D
er of rk ood, of orin. Rutt's School House | Ephrata lyon. House ange Loh rift 1 precin Josey Second precinct--11, C, Haefner's Ho- A
Columbia Boroughs Vigilant Fire Co., | Donegal Yona ii Pn Pp Lincoln Hotel, in the Lipcasir On : Se 1 New Mallang Avenue
: g i 4 in sai ns . he ms £
Pe “House, BX 2nd ¥% Co. En Deore At property 5 LT ip oan of Lineoln :
rd-——At Col. Fire oe sind 3rown, in the village o ONL !
Second ward—At mst Street rown; int
DOU " 226 Locust §S .
gine House,

Ww bh r S ¢ TTUMAN, Sheriff
: is October 3, 1934 day of October, A. D.
i ave he eunto € ) d h t i Wi
In testimony hereof, | aAUSe € eal oO e ecretary’ s t b mh d th
@=) To The Sheriff, County of Lancaster, Lancaster, Pa.