The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 10, 1934, Image 8

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Passed to The
Great Beyond

Help From Ancestors
When in dire straits the Chinese
believe they may expect the souls
of their ancestors to come to their
rescue, but only if the remains have
heen properly buried and kept in-
Miss Eva Ruhl, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Philip Ruhl, Mount Joy, and Ezra
Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Miller,
Bainbridge, were married Thursday
evening, at the home of Rev. Henry
Lutz, near town, who performed the
The couple was attended by Esther
Local Doings
Around Florin



mnt ee ee mee
| (From page one)


| IT OCCURRED IN THAT BUSY (R. D. Smallest Known Animal
| VILLAGE WEST OF HERE Private services were held at the Longenecker, Elizabethtown, and An- The United States National mu-
i a home Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock drow Sion Following coum says that the pizmy shrew
: : : > ng tk , 0 | : 1 wi i
Vrs. Al Pike iz on the sick list iy interment in the Mt. Joy ceme- Boies 8 ir Bossy > De (Mier sorex hoyl wi tat
re Ladies’ Missionary Society will | y days ago they were tendered a kitchen weighs 2H grams, Js Lie
t at the home of Mrs. Gemberling shower at their home in Elizabethtown, |
| Don’t forget the regular weekly 5 Mrs: Mary Shenk and were given a reception at the home :
card parties being held at Kinsey's| Mary Shan h of the bride's parents on Sunday after- Miss Reed Named Justice
Restaurant every Thursday evening. of 256 died at ve NE I | noon. Miss Rule Reed, of Lawn, Lebanon
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Campbell [5° Harry Shank, at Penryn, ————— rye County, held an appointment from
BE | called on Mr. and Mrs. Somudl Tin. of complications. Letters Granted Gov. Gifford Pinchot as Justice of
Be ; demuth at Milton Grove on Sunday She is survived by the following Ida Paul, Philadelphia. and Anna for the township of South
3 3 | evening. children: Harry, Penryn; Albert, Man- Becker, Elizabethtown, executrix’s of | Londonderry in Lebanon County.
ai 3 5 Mrs. Emma Raffensperger attended heim; Charles, a Mary E. Shank, late of Mount Joy
Calman SAN (the shower in honor of Rev. and ER EE Se township. Proper Judgment
hiskey blender for Seagrams, one of Mrs. Jno. R. Waser at Mount Joy on liam Paul, Philadelphia; T3, TTT. Judee thyself with a judement of
the world's largest distillers, whose Monday. ‘evenin Becker, Elizabethtown; Mrs. Ada Nil- v Elo uds ha he
ools are his super-sensitive palate and 4 y evening, 5 Manheim; Mrs, D. Irene Sinniger ou can get all the news of this lo sincerity, and thou wilt judge othe
sense of smell, is the highest-paid Saturday afternoon Elmer Schlegel- !@n, Manheim; > ne "| cality for less than three cents a week ers with a judgment of charity.—

Funeral services were held Sunday

whiskey blender in the world.
Levine hails from Scotland, where he
attained eminence in his profession
milch, of town, accidentally upset his
auto at the culvert west of town. The

through the Bulletin.


at the age of seventeen. He has now ; with interment in the Mount Ober —
become an American citizen, and is damage was slight. coos
producing rye and bourbon blends with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Leedom and Ty. 9
a basic stock of five-year o whiskies . . rece tl Geer
drawn from the largest liquor treasure Doris Leedom attended a birthday t tor
in the world. His strange talent en- surprise in honor of Mrs. Peter | Sauerkraut Supper ®

ables him to foretell the taste and
bouquet of liquors he blends five, ten A sauerkraut supper will be held

Farst at Lawn on Sunday.


and fifteen years ahead. He never Mr. and Mrs. Luke Keefer and [in the basement of the U. B. church MOUNT JOY, PENNA.
frinks a drop white bisnding. daughter, of Millersburg; Mr. and [Saturday evening, October 13th, un-
Es Xe ; Mrs. John Melhorn and children, of |der the auspices of the Ladies’ Aid @
§ The of the 1934
: baseball season will
mark the passing of
the most colorful
player of the game,

The menu is as
Our Motto—*‘Lower Prices, Better Merchandise”

Mount Joy, and Mr. and Mrs. Christ
Melhorn, of this place were Sunday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Miller Wol-
Misses Esther Garber, Elsie Lefev-
Society. Price 25c.
follows: Sauerkraut with pork or
frankfurters, mashed potatoes, apple
sauce, bread, butter, and coffee, Al-
so pies, cakes, and ice cream for sale

toes are dancing their to fawie in
the current Broadway hit, “Life Be-
gins At 8:40,” smartly clad for fall in
a casual leather Jacket, tweed skirt
and Selby arch-preserver shoes, which

Jello (ll flavors) Sc Libby’sRosedale Peaches


: Babe Ruth, left, who feature two shades of leather in a A >
. next year will prob- smartly modified high-throated, close- re and Mrs. Lynn Gutshall were |Supper will be served from 5 until 9
-ably be manager of fitting comb. ticn. Miss Dunbar says y i ppe
the New York I eo ar toe Ire among the Gerberich-Payne Shoe |gclock. Everybody welcome. Come Large Can 1 Sc
£ Ears. of Lem She ied Soll aking aut Company’s office force who were en- | and bring a friend. Maxwell
* a million policy, J 1E
het Showing correct shoes.” tertained by rr, ard Mis Bethe
..... high, wide and hand- med Tyndall at their cottage in Moun Becker Farm Withdrawn House ’
Some. ar coats Gretna. At abid of $4000 fora Rapho town- Cope S Evapor ated Corn

ship farm of 93 acres was refused when |
offered for sale on the premises mid-
way on the road leading from Master-
sonville to Elstonville, by Harvey G.
Coffee pound 25c¢
Evolution of the Fourth
Letter of the Alphabet

The 1etter D has occupied fourth
te: : . i Becker.
position in the alphabet from earliest RA
times, and in the modern English P id Of H bi d P
alphabet it retains the same place it Injured In Collision : riae umpIr eas
had in the Phenician, Greek, and Lat- H. B. Mumma, forty-six, Landisville, o5
i in, which represent the early stages | was slightly injured when his automo- Extra Fancy 2 cans C
- of alphabetic history. The Phenician | bile collided witha gasoline truck,on :
THE CONFIDENT LOOKING gentle- daleth is represented by the Greek |the Harrisburg pike, near the Lancas- No more at this price
| A och Benny: head man delta, observes a writer in the Chicago |ter fair grounds.
| to a poll of newspaper radio edi- Tribune. see lf busses
S. to be starred in a ; : :
id iy be Jenico Ea The sound which the letter D com- Marriage Licenses CARNATION
Starting, October 14. Mary hLiving- monly represents in English is the | Daniel Geltmacher, Jr., Rapho town-
3 stone, Don Bestor and his orchestra, : yy
Pm Land Frankie. Parker, Benny's pot volced dental stop, corresponding to |ship, and Esther Eitnier, Brunnerville.
Ra IN ins ine AW Srooner, Will serve as folis for Jack's the unvoiced T. It is interesting, how- Ezra E. Miller, Conoy township, and Crushed Sweet orn
On the air 7:00 p.m., E.S.T,., %
and Middle
for listeners in the East
West, Benny's antics will be rebroad
WEIGH: Born tipping the scales
at 14 pounds and 105 ounces this
ever, that in English the letter does [Eva S. Ruhl, Elizabethtown.
not represent a true dental stop, be-
2 Ib box Soda Crackers

3 cans 285c¢
youngster shows fair promise of S Nhe Coat at Ds Pate
& cast to reac 2 Q a 499 ic
being’ a_ professional strong man, IH gast . # cause it is pronounced by placing the LAX THE BLADDER 24c

tongue against the gums instead of
against the front upper teeth. The
pronunciation of the letter in English
thus differs from the French and Ger-
man pronunciation, In phonetic termi-

Use Juniper Oil, Buchu Leaves, Etc.
If you are bothered getting up nights,
burning, leg pains, backache, make this
25¢ test. Flush out the excess acids and
Friday with her parents, Dr. and
Mrs. A. F. Snyder.
Mr. B. B. Gebhart, of Renovo, ac-
Picked From Lux Toilet Soap 3 cakes 19¢
i h f Hy- Eh Dr
Card Basket |v so: fon friday 6 Sunday | 1th Ensllsh provunciation of fic matier that cause Get | | Fells Naptha Soap 2 cakes Oc
Spe ae d 1d Is called an alveolar. juniper oil, extract buchu leaves, etc. .
at the home of the former's daugh=! 1a many languages the letter devel {lis procs ables calles BURCETS, fa With The Real Naptha Odor

ter, Mrs. Edwards and family.

bladder laxative. After four days if

ops an aspirate dh, and this aspirate
PERSONAL MENTION ABOUT Mrs. John Eberle and Mr. and Mrs | then represents a voiced spirant, such |not satisfied any druggist will return
THE OOMERS AND GOERS | Witmer Eberle and son, Jack, attend- | ag the initial sound in the words there [your 25c. E. W. Garber, Druggist. MEN S HEAYV Y DRY GO 0D S

ed the Home Coming Day service at
Double Sole Work Shoes

PAST WEEK BY OUR SOCIAL |the Trinity Lutheran church, one Another interesting fact in connec- L. E. ROBERTS
REPORTERS mile south of Colebrook, on Sunday. | tion with the letter D is that in pro- NOTARY PUBLIC Heather Tweeds vd39¢
. nouncing it there Is little difference salizi Auto Titles, Li @ X
Mrs. Henry Herr, of Lancaster, Watch Special Announcement innext' between the mouth position for D and Specia On on Licenses : All Leather $2.95 :
was the guest of Mrs. John Eberle | week's issue by Tyndall's. for L. The latter is pronounced by Marietiz St. and Crepenese
the past week. Placing the tongue against the gums | ao "Main & New Haven
Neat Prints yd 59c¢
in exactly the position for D but the
breath is allowed to escape past one

When in need of Printing, (anything)
kindly remember the Bulletin.
Miss Helen Snyder of the Presby-
terian Hospital, Philadelphia, spent

or both sides of the tongue. Because
«SNAPSHOT CUIL En | Fae | Dress and Sport Oxfords | Fall Colors Seersucker
By between the letters $2.95 vd 39¢
Poker and USE THE
ps hinder Bd oa Shi ew BLANKETS Cotton & Wool Mixed $2.29 to $3.95
ineapple EY the lays of Lauts XL, whose valet
AWAIL is the land of pi A pn ne ing 1 4 3 h COMFORTERS Full*Size $3.45 and $3.95
apple and poker players. 2g; Oh is hands ny wey of wash:
was there that good K ing them. SH

£ Q Has
Kalakaua learned to deal the de
with voyagers who cg
shores. And like
Hawaii is proud of
bigger and better—I!
and poker bids. W
When in need of Printing, (anything)
kindly remember the Bulletin.




raised his bid when play i
he an opponent who held an Acetylene . .
uo he was tactfully rem WwW E L D I N G 4 meres] Mgmnt of aly
four aces beat four But
Raed hig al hand. R. U. TRIMBLE R $20 to $600
But, e, “Five kings beat ELIZABETHTO ky
four aces.” AB WN, PA. .
We don’t know whether y Prices subject to change
get better card decks in H rd without notice
but we do know you can get 1
ter pineapple. So at your next Made by the World’s Largest Radio
poker party, serve 1e better Manufacturers
pineapple dishes. Hse are sev-
eral for your consider : SOLD BY
At what is the girl point.
Ing? ...Why?... What of
it? A good picture, but un-
interesting because it tells
no story and fails to explain
Itself. There is no question, however, about the snapshot of the hunter, If
tells a complete story. Its composition is successful,

They're All Tested
Shrimp and Pineapple Enirece:
Peel eight uniform red tomatoes,
cut a slice from the ton and scoop
out the centers. Dust inside and
chill. Meanwhile marinate the
Lester E. Roberts
Telephone 22J
283 W. Marietta St. MT. JOY, PA.


The Gunning Season Opens

contents of one 53;-ounce can of
shrimps and one-half cup of chop-

ped celery in French dressing beginner as he goes over a fresh | position is simply a pleasing ar
Shel Sombie wiih one cup atch of prints: of the Songs of a pie
> “Boy, lookut that! Got that string | ture, an arrangement that puts th¢
SPple aha = Ee if trout swell. But say—Bill's head | emphasis on the most interesting ELEVENTH MONTHLY
them together and f at s out of the picture! Now how did | feature. ®
cases. T s eigh "son manage to do a crazy thing like| A little care in using your view
Pineapple Inests: = Drain hat?” finder will, almost invariably, give
thoroughly the slices from one Na. The answer is very simple, The|You a well-composed picture. For BLE CONFERENCE
2.can of pineapple,
slice in condensed
both sides are well cov
coat heavily with moist cocoanut
Place on a greased pan and brown
in a moderate oven. This serves
eight persons.
and dip each
kK so th
red. Then


J STEN in on any snapshooting
d taking the picture failed to use
e view-finder when he made the
fot. He probably saw that the string
i fish was in view, but he quite
jverlooked the fact that the proudly
frinning Bill was neatly decapitated.
be boiled down to this: A good com
your eye will reject an arrangement
that is confusing or displeasing; it
will warn you that somebody’s head
is going to be lopped off; it will re.
veal whether or not the finished pic.
ture will tell a story—the story you
had in mind when you unlimbered
Pineapple and Cream Cheese Most modern cameras have two
Salad: Dissolve one package of finds of view-finders. First, of|the camera.
lemon gelatin in one cup of boil jourse, is the familiar reflecting] For “telling a story” is.the essence

ing water and add one ta

vinegar. Mash one inn | & proverb, “One pict is wor
ha 20 om above. Properly shaded, it will | P € picture is worth ten : : WwW
on pki Ai wil. ive you an accurate idea of what [thousand words.” But the proverb At this office now. € have them in
i mix until smooth, applies only to good pictures. Pastor, W. S. HO | I EL
Then add one and one-half cups
of crushed pineapple and chill.
When beginning to set, add one-
fourth cup of chopped nuts and
pour into individual molds. Serve
on lettuce with creamy mayon- gngular openings. What you see, the
naise. This serves six persons.® pmera will get. vivid story-telling pictures. In our Wed., Oct. 10, 7:30 P. M., “Christ the First and the Last”
: I With either or both of these find- | Sha@pshooting we have no such :
ws there is really little reason for | Weighty considerations. We have Thursday, Oct. 11, 7:30 P. M.—“Facts About Sin, Judg-
Gives $500 Bail
Paris Kopp, 20, of Mastersonville,
was given a hearing on the serious
charges preferred by Oliver Funk of
town, in behalf of his daughter,
Margaret, 20, before Squire H. B.
Wittle, Florin, and held in $500 bail
for Lancaster Co. court.

You can get all the news of this
week thru the Bulletin.

of a good picture. The Chinese have

joss; kind into which you peer
jach shot includes. Then there is
he “direct” view-finder, mounted on
he top or side of the camera. In
j8ing it you hold the camera at eye-
evel and sight through two rec-
ailing to get what you want in a
cture. Of course, there are limits,
lefined by the size and shape of the
Ilm and the capacity of the lens.
fou have to select the most inter-
sting bits of a scene and concen-
rate on them. 4
When an artist does this, he “com-
1086s” his picture, Many volumes
Wve been written on the subject.of
womposition, but the whole idea may |

Many a professional photographer
spends hours studying the “view-
finder” of his camera before he
makes a single shot. His success in
business depends on his presenting
only ourselves and a few friends to
pleace. But we can increase that
pleasure vastly, by pausing, just be.
fore we click the shutter, to check
up our picture in the view-finder, If
it’s what we want—fire away! And,
when the finished pictures come
back, we shall certainly not bee
grudge those few seconds of cone
centration on the view-finder.


Opposite First National Bank, Mount Joy
OCTOBER 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14, 1934

Of Detroit, Mich., Bible Teacher, Editor, Evangelist

Tuesday, Oct. 9, 7:30 P. M.—*“Peace Through Christ.”

ment and Righteousness Everyone Ought to Know.’
Friday, Oct. 12, 7:30 P. M.—“What Authority did Christ
Bestow on the Apostles when he gave Them Author-
ity to Remit and Retain Sin.”
Saturday, Oct. 13, 7:30 P, M.—*“Christ the Resurrection
and the Life.”
Sunday, Oct. 14, 2:30 P. M.—“The End of All Things.”


November 1st. Get Your

stock printed on Muslin or Card Board

A on pail a a