The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, August 08, 1934, Image 5

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\ se Roof, 8 rooms, all conveniences,
She 4 ST 3 PT A Na Pa tens RAG

} pg

Make Way
For Lazy Days...
Classified Column

WANTED—OId Barn Pigeons. Will
pay 20 cents a pair. Herman S. Hoss-
r, Manheim R. D. 2. aug.8-1t-p
TICE—The Board of Managers of

N sultry summer days, porches
can be eating, sleeping and
living rooms. Is your porch as

i their regular meeting on attractive as it might me—ig it real-
Monday ning, August 13th, at the] I¥ livable 24 hours a day?
First Nation] Bank at Mount Joy, at1
It's a wise idea to make every.
o thing on the porch as water-proof
as possible. Paint, varnish, enamel
and lacquer, of course, are your best
urer and Manager to be elec
election to be held September
serve for the coming year and for
other business as may come. aug.8-
OR RENT—Seven rooms $12.00.
App acob Herman, East Main Street,
Mount Joy: aug.8-1t-p
ised Water-
the river

melons and Cantaloupes
road at Susquehanna Inn b
LOST—A boy's wris! tch. Finder
please return to Mrs. Elm erphey.
and receive reward. aug:
FOR RENT—A Dandy Small Store
Room to be vacated by Turton’s Jewel-
ry Store. Vacant July 1. Apply J. E
Schroll, Mount Joy, Pa. june 27~tf
FOR SALE—A good Frame Dwelling
on North Market street, Mount Joy.
Will be sold very reasonable and can
give possession any time. For further
details see Jno. E. Schroll, Mt. Joy.
june 13-tf
Joy for sale. All modern conveniences,
garages, etc. Only $3,000. Property in
first-class condition and will give pos-
session almost any time. Jno. E. Schroll
Mount Joy. may 23-tf
FOR SALE—A Brick House

allies in the constant war against
weather, See that the furniture, no
matter what its material, ig thor
oughly protected with good quality,
water - resisting paint. Give the
porch as many couches ag space per-
mits—for the charm of a summer
porch is its invitation to complete
Don’t forget that porch floors are
forced to take the hardest kind of
punishment, and should be protect-
ad once a year wit} porch-and-deck
paint. Water - proof fabric covers
will guard your couches. Colortully
painted wood boxes, with lids, make
excellent tables and serve as pillow-
containers in case of a sudden


oultry House 12x12, along concrete
way, Florin. Apply to Jno. E.
1l, Realtor, Mount Joy. No. 416.

CALVES and HIDES—Highest Cash |, .
Prices an¥ prompt return. Call Reist St. and
R. Mummah, Rheems, Pa. Phone E’-| Corner Main & New Haven
town 171R11. decl3-tf
Photo Finishind\by mail to all the U.
. A. Your next roll of films develop-
ed and 8 high qualify prints 29 cents
(coin) Capital City Phd{o Service, 408
Market St., Harrisburg, mar.28-tf| “EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT
STOVE WOOD sawed fh 12 inch| * At 7P. M. at
lengths consists of oak and .
“B00 per cord &. WAGNER'S PARK,
ok R. D. Manheim, Pa. BEVERLY, PA.
1R2! jly-6- uy
Malinda Greiner, late of
july 25-tf

Full line of ‘Fruit if, season, Mellons,
Potatoes, Dry Goods, Butcher with
Fresh Meats, Lot Hogs, 1,600 Chickens,
Old and Broilers, 5,000 Day-gld Chicks,
any day in week. Ducklings."
Estate o
Mount Joy
having been gr
signed, all persons

and those having claim G. K. WA R
against the same, will p july 11=4t
without delay for settleme
Public Sale
Mt. Joy, Pa., Execu
John A. Coyle, Atty.
FOR SALE CHEAP—A 6-room house | On the Premises near Mt. Joy
in Florin, all conveniences, nicely lo- %
pines Wi ke ios ott WEDNESDAY EVENING
August 8th
sale. See Jno. E. Schroll, Mt. Joy, Pa
Carload of T.


Estate of Joseph Weber, late of Mt.
Joy, Lancaster County, Pa., deceased.
Letters testamentary on said estate,
having been granted to the under-
signed, all persons indebted thereto,
are requested to make immediate pay-
ment and those having claims or de-
mands against same, will present them |
without delay for settlement to the
undersigned, residing at 218 West Don-
egal Street, Mount Joy, Pa.
Tested Tioga and
Test Chart with each cow
1500 Baby Chic
Fruit, Merchandise,
Sale at 7 p. m.
A. T. Stein, Atty.
Estate of Harry Lump, late of East
Hempfield Township, Lancaster Coun-
ty, Pa. ;
Letters testamentary on said estate,
having been granted to the under-
signed all persons indebted thereto, are
requested to make immediate payment
and those having claims or demands
against same, will present them with-
out delay for settlement to the under-
signed, residing in Landisville, Pa.
. G. Kendig, Atty.

To All Who Suffer Stomach
Agony, Gas and Indigestion
Money Back If One Bottle of Dare’s Mentha Pepsin Doesn’t Do
You More Good Than Anything You Ever Used.
Dare’s Mentha Pepsin not only
quickly relieves stomach distress, but
it also conquers stubborn indigestion,
dyspepsia and gastritis, and puts an
end to dizziness, nervousness, head-
ache, sleeplessness and despondency
which distressing troubles are nearly
always caused by chronic stomach
Dare's Mentha Pepsin is a supremely
good remedy that druggists every-
where guarantee—a fine tonic that
builds you up and makes you work
with vim, eat with relish and sleep
soundly. ¢

jly 18-6t-p
‘Why bother with slow actors when
one tit of this splendid and
pleasant liquid remedy will cause gas,
bloating, heaviness, heartburn or any
upset condition of the stomach to
speedily vanish,
And why should any man or woman
suffer another hour with Indigestion
or any stomach misery when the rem-
ody that acts almost instantly can be
easily procured?
But there is more to say about this
remarkable remedy—something that
will interest thousands of despondent


“I work all the time and feel strong . . .

You Can Escape
Periodic Upsets
Women who must be on the job every
day need Lydia E. Pinkham’s Tablets.
They not only relieve periodic pain and
discomfort . . . they help to correct the
CAUSE of your trouble. If you take them
regularly . . . and if yours is not a surgical
case should be able to escape
periodic upsets.
Chocolate coated . . . convenient . . . de-
pendable. Sold by all druggists. New small
size—50 cents.

“I am 27 and a textile winder in the mill. I had cramps so
bad that I had to cry many times. I used to stay in bed two
days a month. Lydia E. Pinkham's Tablets helped me wonder- 4
fully. For the first time in my life I do not suffer. I can work all
the time now and feel strong. —Mzrs. Bennie Coates, 1963 Ter- ae
race St., Muskegon, Mich.
A Uterine Tonic and Sedative for Women
Picked From
Card Basket
Local Doings

(From page one)
home in Pikesville, Md. after spend
ing a week here with relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Luke Keefer
Mrs. Mary Stoner, of daughter, Geraldine Louise, of Mil
visited here on Monday.
Harry Weidman, Jr., spent Sunday
at Shamokin with relatives,
Miss Bessie Skeen, of Harrisburg,
is visiting Miss Emma Pennell.
Harold Kulp is attending the Bible
School at Elizabethtown College.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eshleman
spent several days at Mount Gretna.
Mrs. Benj. Haverstick, of Bethle-
hem, wns a Saturday visitor in town.
Mr. and Mrs. John Beamesderfer
visited at Elizabethtown, on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Souder vis-
ited at Elizabethtown Sunday even-
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Weldon enter-
guests at their home on Sun-
Dr. and Mrs. O. L. Mease are va-
cationing at their cottage at Mount
Mrs. Ella C. Smith and daughter,
Janet, were visiting several days at
Mount Gretna.
Misses Nellie and Maude Lawton
were Sunday guests at Harrisburg,
of Mrs. Bretz.
Mr. and Mrs. Graybill Strickler of
Lancaster, were Sunday guests here
among relatives,
Mr. and Mrs. George Heiserman
were at Twin Oaks Park, near Pine
Grove on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Kuhns, of
Lancaster, called at the Webb home
on Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert MacDannald
and family, of Lemoyne, were Mon-
day callers in town.
Mrs. Christ Melhorn.
Mr. and Mrs. George Vogle
grandson, Howard
Mrs. A. G. Walters spent Sunday a
Schuylkill Haven.
ville and Schuylkill Haven.
George Weibley and Mr. and Mrs. L
Roy Forney, Mr. Robert Nissley, Mr.
Beulah Heights on Sunday.
honor of Evelyn Wachstetter,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Wach-
stetter, who celebrated her four-
teenth birthday at her home on Sat-
urday from 4 to 6 P. M. The guests
were Ruth Hamilton, Margaret Klugh
Ethel Buller. Mary Wittle, Edna
Nissly, Catherine Eisenberger, Julia
Brooks, Mary Gemberling, Katherine
Farmer, Gladys Farmer, Frances
Fackler, Jimmy Althouse, Margie
Althouse, Bobby Nissly, Evelyn Fike,
Mary Dupler, Mrs. Clarence Nisssly,

Mrs. Vivian Brenner and sons, | Miss Mary Bates, and Mrs. Ralph
William and Edward, spent past two | Nentwig.
weeks at Mount Gretna. ee
Mrs. Fanny Hostetter of Eliza-
bethtown, visited at the Martin Ger-
ber home on Thursday.
Mr. J. Nelson Newcomer spent
the week end with some folks in
Philadelphia and Trenton.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Frey and two
sons, Robert and Charles, visited at
New York City on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Shelly, of
Philadelphia, are the guests of Miss
Mazie Shelly. East Main St.
Mrs. Warren Heisey, accompanied
by her relatives, was a visitor to

The Sheriff has advertised for sale
the 99 acre farm of Chas. W. Coller,
farmer, of near Sentz’s Mill, along
Marietta and Lancaster pike.
Yesterday Coller applied for a tem-
porary injunction restraining the Sher-
iff from disposing of his real estate and
personal property.
Coller claims his farm is worth
$17,000 and is subject to a $9,000 mort-

the World's Fair last week. gage.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Strickler and
family spent the week end camping | Edwards, two daughters, Dorothy
at Beulah Heights, Elizabethtown. and Pauline; Peggy Ellis visited at
Mrs. B. F. Greenawalt, who was | Elizabethtown on Sunday.
attending campmeeting at Mount Messrs. Russell Sumpman, Sr., and
son, Russell, Jr., Martin Brown and
Arthur Myers played with the Shaw-
nee band of Columbia on Saturday
for the silk workers’ union.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arnold and
children, Ruth and Neil of Cleveland
Ohio, spent several days here with
the family of J. L. Milligan and Mrs.
Lebanon, returned to her home.
Mr. Harry Thomas, Mrs. Ruth Mc
Laughlin, Mr. and Mrs. George Sill-
er were recently at Atlantic City.
Mrs. Rosie Herchelroth, of Au-
burn, Pa, was a Sunday caller at
the home of Mrs. John Barnhart.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Grissinger
and son, Bernerd, enjoyed a vaca- | Matilda Arnold.
tion at Mt. Gretna at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Alois Heilig, of
Miss Ethel Newcomer and Mr. El- | Washington, D. C., were entertained
wood Evanston, of Christiana, Pa. | list week at the home of the form-
spent last week at Wildwood, N. J. er’s parents, Dr. and Mrs. Wm. R.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cobaugh and | Heilig, on South Market St.
son, of Elizabethtown, visited at the Mr. and Mrs. Eli Hostetter, child-
Martin Gerber home on Thursday. ren, James and Mary and Miss Elsie
Doris Siller is spending the week | Hoffer were Sunday guests at Camp
with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and | Chiquetan, where Robert Hostetter
Mrs. Walter Shaeffer at Elizabeth- | has been teaching this summer.
town, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Geib and two
Mrs. Anna Hendrix and Mrs. Fan- | daughters, Anna and Emma; Mrs
ny Runk left on Tuesday for Mount | Lizzie Wintermyer were visitors on
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Kulp, of near Newtown.
Gretna where they will spend ten
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Barrick and Mrs. Elizabeth Mumma, who has
daughter, Kathryn, and Stoey Bar- | been making her home for some
rick motored to Shippensburg on |time at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Jacob Geltmacher, on E. Done-
Sunday. ack
gal St, is now visiting her daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Garth Snyder will
Around Florin
Misses Maude, Alverta, Pearl, and
Marian Buller, Ray Miller, Maytown
autoed to Atlantic City on Monday.
lersburg, were the guests of Mr. and
Gephart spent
Sunday near Unionville, Chester Co.
with Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Wood and
Mrs. Lizzie Gingrich and Mr. and
They were ac-
companied home by Sue Brandt who
was spending the past week at Potts-
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wolgemuth
and Mr. and Mrs. Miller Wolgemuth
spent Sunday at Franklin and Per-
ry counties visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Hench, former residents of this place
Mr. and Mrs. Omar Kreider, Mr.
and Mrs. Enos Wachstetter, Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Baltozer, Mrs. Elizabeth
and Henry Myers, all of
town, attended the campmeeting at
A birthday party was given in the
|Passed to The
Great Beyond
(Continued trom page 1)

- | No. 162, O. U. A. M. and Mount Joy
Lodge No. 228, Foresters of America.
He is survived by
Mrs. Clarence Gainer, Manheim, and
Mrs. Lester Randler and Mrs. James
Markley, both of this boro.
5 Funeral services were held from the
late home at 1:30 this afternoon and
further services in the Church of God,
at 2 p. m. Burial was made in Eberle’s

Mrs. Jacob Wunderlich
Services for Mrs. Jacob Wunder-
lich, 67, of Manheim, who died on
t | Thursday, were held at St. Paul's
Reformed church, Manheim. Inter-
ment was in Schaefferstown ceme-

Mrs. Uriah J. Ray
Susie C., 50, wife of Uriah J. Ray,
died at Oyster Point, West Hempfield
township Monday afternoon. Mrs.
. | Samuel Weaver, of town, and Mrs.
Wilson Detwiler, of Oyster Point are
sisters. The funeral will be held at
. | Silver Springs Thursday afternoon.

Clinton Shatto
Clinton Shatto, aged 52 years, a for-
mer resident of this place, died this
morning at the Lancaster Hospital, of
a complication of diseases. Deceased
is survived by a brother Frank, of
this place and a sister, Clara Shatto, of
Funeral services will be held from
the Sheetz Funeral Home on Friday
afternoon at 2 o'clock with burial in
the Henry Eberle cemetery.

Mrs. Mary S. Fass
Mrs. Mary S. Fass, ninety-one, wid-
ow of David Fass, died at the County
hospital of age infirmities. She was
born in Rapho township and resided in
Manheim the greater part of her life,
She was a member of Evangelical Con-
gregational church. One daughter sur-
vives, Mrs. Fred S. Borkey of Kutz-
town. Services were held Friday morn-
ing at the Beck funeral parlors, Man-
heim and later at the Evangelical Con-
gregational church. Interment in the
Manheim cemetery.

Jacob Hoffman
Jacob Hoffman, 62, of Maytown,
died at the St. Joseph's hospital of
pneumonia after a brief illness. He
was a member of the Maytown Lu-
theran church and of the O. U. A. M
of Maytown. He is survived by his
wife, Mary; three daughters, Mrs.
Helen Dietz, Maytown; Mrs. Joseph
Shank, Marietta. and Helen Hoffman,
Wilmington, Del, also six grandchil-
dren and these brothers and sisters:
William and George Hoffman, Eliza-
bethtown; and Mrs. Nellie Banks, of
Services will be held at the home
three daughters,
A large barn on the farm of Jacob
Habecker, near Newtown, was burned
with a loss of $20,000 when struck by
lightning during the electrical storm
which swept over Lancaster county
Friday afternoon. 2
Five hundred bushels of wheat, 75
tons of hay, 50 tons of straw, 125
chickens and all the farm implements
were burned. A corn barn, tobacco
Sinclair Refining [Shed and poultry house also were
Water Renters
Must Pay or Else
i (From page 1)
for street oiling. They were:
Lake Asphalt Petroleum
per gal. F. O. B. Mt. Joy.
Texas Co., .0696,
Atlantic Refining Co., 0696, less 29%.
Headley Asphalt

Co., .0696
Co., .0696. burned when a high wind spread the
Standard Oil Co., of New Jersey, flames. Mount Joy and Marietta fire= »
men laid a hose line to Chickies Creek
nearby to secure water to battle the
flames. The barn was 110 feet by 60
feet and was fully covered by insur
Standard Oil Co. of New York, .0704.
The Atlantic Refining Co. being the
lowest, they were given the order.
Burgess Keener reported the collec. | ance.
tion of $5 during July. Also that the
alley in the rear of Henry Sumpman’s Saturday, August 11
home needs repairs, Also the gutter at| Bru
er reunion at the Midway
Church of the Brethren near Leba-
Hossler and Hassler reunion ag
Long Park, near Lancaster.
the S. S. Kraybill property needs at-
tention. This was ordered concreted.
Complaints about the water at the
Warfel Estate property on West Main
street were reported.
Also about the low trees at the Epis-
copal church.
Pumping Engineer Shatz reported
having pumped 6,510,000 gallons in 147
hours by motor and 1,820,000 in 182
hours by water power, a total of 8330,-
000 for the month.
Mr. Myers, of Friendship Fire Co.,
asked what the charges would be for
holding open air movies in town for
the benefit of the company. This was
referred to the Burgess.
Officer Zerphey reported 8 traffic
arrests, 5 parking arrests, fire works
ordinance 2, pharmacy license 1. He
traveled 1,050 miles last month and
recommended painting white lines on
Main street at all the important inter-
The report of the treasurer showed
these balances: Boro, $4,372.28; Water
$979.97; Interest $630; New Bond, $60.
An ordinance establishing lines,
grades, drainage structures, etc on
Manheim street was presented and
passed first reading.
Secretary Bailey was instructed to
notify the following property owners
to repair the pavements of West Done-
gal street: Mrs. Harry Way, George
Cunningham, Penna. R. R. Co., and
Mrs. W. B. Detwiler.
The secretary was instructed to noti-
fy all delinquent water renters that
unless their tax was paid within 30
days the water would be shut off.
Bills were paid to the amount of
$479.40 and Council adjourned.
Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Reinhold enter-
tained at dinner on Sunday: Mr. and
Mrs. Isaac Stauffer, daughter Dora and
son Graybill, Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Breneman and daughter Betty, Mr. and
Mrs. Ezra Souders, Mrs. Ida Gibble
and daughters Edith and Mrs. Ella


Screen’s foremost nutty lovers to be
seen at the Marietta Theatre this
Friday and Saturday.
Advértise in The Bulletin
Marietta Theatre
A. PA.
Special Bus Service to Your
Faverite Theatre!
FRL & SAT. AUG. 10th & 11th



SUN. AUG. 12 at 12:04 A. M

Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock and
interment will be in Maytown Union
Miss Amanda Longenecker
Miss Amanda Longenecker, seventy-
two, died at the home of her sister,
Mrs. B. G. Stauffer,
ville, of degeneration of the nerves.
She was a daughter of the late Abram
in Lititz many years until four months |,
ago when she went to live with her
sister, Mrs. Stauffer. She was a mem-
ber of the Church of the Brethren. C
She is survived by the following |,
brothers and sisters: Mrs. Lizzie Wis-
sler, Lititz; Monroe Longenecker, Den- c
at the home of Mrs. Stauffer and later | ;

leave Thursday for Ohio where they | Mrs. Clayton Spahr, at Landisville.
will visit among their relatives and Mr. Cloy Hoffer, Mr. and Mrs. C
friends. : R. Charles; A. B. Hoffer, Misses
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Haldeman | Anna and Rachel Hoffer, Betty
and Gern Haldeman attended the | Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hoffman
Kendig reunion at Hoffer Park on |and children, Robert and Phyllis, at-
Sunday. tended the Hoffer’s reunion at Mid-
Mr. and Mrs. David Snyder and
Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Espenshade
visited friends at Elizabethtown on
Mr. I. W. Landis, Mr. Philip Brady
two daughters and grandson of Phil-
Sunday. adelphia, spent Sunday with the for-
Mr. and Mrs. John Booth, and |mer’s cousin, Mrs. Chas. Webb and
family attended the Dissinger reun- family, on S. Barbara St. They also
ion at Kauffman’s Park, Manheim on | toured Gettyburg, being accompan-
ied by the Webb family.
Messrs. Robert Moore, and Wood-
row Shearer, of Columbus Junction,
Iowa, spent several days here at the
Shearer home on East Main St., en-
route to New York City. The latter
the son of Bernerd Shearer, the
Mr. Jacob Childs, of Lancaster,
visited here on Sunday at the home
of his son, James Childs, on Mount
Joy Street.
Mrs. Alvin Bigler, Mrs. Katherine
Felker and daughter, Ethel, attended
the Kauffman reunion at Kauffman [scribe at their home town.
Park, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Latchford,
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Strickler vis- | daughter, Winifred, and sen, Chas,
ited on Sunday at the home of the |Jr.: Mrs. Wm. Ellis and daughter,
latter's parents, Mr.and Mrs. Green- | Mary, motored to Perry county
awalt, at Harrisburg. Sunday to visit at the home of wal.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Alexander and |ter Latchford and Thomas Campbell
two children visited at Lancaster at | relatives of Charles Latchford.
the home of the latter’s mother, Mrs Mr Mrs. Harry Boyce and
Elizabeth Way on Sunday. children, of near Philadelphia; Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. George Groff and [and Mrs. Warren Miller and daugh-
daughter, Geraldine; Mr. Edgar Hag- |ter. Julia, of Elizabethtown,
enberger and Mrs. Anna Fetter were | the Saturday and Sunday guests o
near Pine Grove on Sunday. Mr. nd Mrs. Clifford Boyce on East
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shank and Donegal Street.
family, of near town, called at the Mrs. Howard Arntz and sons, Ger-
home of Mrs. Shank’s parents, Mr. [ald and Robert; Mr. and Mrs. H. G
and Mrs. Chas. Webb on Sunday. Walters and children, Harry and
Miss Gladys Bolen, of Brooklyn, | Barbara Anne, of this place, and
N. Y.,, was a guest in the home of | Miss Dorothy Felker of Middletown,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Eshleman, on |attended a birthday dinner of Mr.
West Donegal St., the past week and Mis. Charles Johnson, at Lan-
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Givens, and caster, on Sunday. 5 1
daughter, Margaret, and friend, of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Fair i
Reading, visited on Sunday at the | family, of Hummelstown; Mr. and
home of Mrs. Givens’ sister, Mrs. C.| Mrs. Omar Fair and daughter, Bet-
Webb. tie. of near Petersburg; Mr. and
Miss Helen Snyder has returned | Mrs. Elmer Good and family, near
to the Presbyterian hospital at Phil- | Middletown. spent Sunday at the
adelphia after spending her vacation {home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fair,
with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. F. | car Salunga.
Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. William Way and
Mr. and Mts. Elmer Randler and family; Mr. and Mrs. Warren (recs
daughter, Margaret; Mr. and Mrs. |, walt and family; Mr. and Mrs. D.
Charles Brooks and son, Wilbur, | peifer and family; Mr. and Mrs. Jac.
Geltmacher and family; Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Mumma and family en-
joyed an outing at Twin Oaks Park,
near Pine Grove, on Sunday.
were entertained on Sunday at the
Harvey Sumpman home.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Baergen and
two sons, Peter and Adolph; Mrs. M.

at the Lititz Church of the Brethren ————— $ --..—___... | A Columbia Picture With
with interment in Longenecker’s ceme- | Ajyin Rutt, Miss Gertrude Doden- | Lois Wil ion, Frankie Darro
tery. hoeft and Mrs Helen Zerphey | Ji ny Butler,
Dewey Destroyed Spanish
Fleet Without Losing Man

near Masterson- | Mrs. John Zeager attended Stoverdale |
camp meeting on Sunday afternoon.
and Elizabeth Longenecker and lived daughter Katie
Creek church on Saturday.
ver; Mrs. Fannie Cassel, Manheim; park this Saturday
John, Levi and Amos Longenecker, of | Stevens
Lititz, and Barbara, wife of Rev. B. G. evening.
Services were held Friday afternoon (implement dealer
spent Saturday at the
Convention at Black Barren Park.
family and Mrs. Helen Zerphey and

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hoover and Mr.
Harry Hoover visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Keller, of Richland, on
Sunday afternoon.
The members of the local church as-
sembled in their quarterly council at |
the church on Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. John Landvater and |
MON. & TUES, AUG. 18 & 1f
- re

Brubaker and
attended the Gibble |
reunion which was held at the Middle
Mr. and Mrs. Eli
State Theatre
“The Show Place of Lancaster
3 County”
Miss Ada Kraybill of Mount Joy,
called on Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Kraybill
mn Tuesday morning.
The local Red Rose Boys orchestra |
ire scheduled to play at Sheafferstown
evening and at!
on Sunday afternoon and |

Wednesday and Thursday
August 8th and 9th
THe Screen’s Mightiest
Stirring Triumph!

Mr. Reist Mumma, local cattle and |
transacted business
n Franklin county on Tuesday.

Old Fiddlers Frahk Morgan

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Metzler and |



George Dewey was born at Mont |” visite
pelier, Vt.; graduated from the Naval in A the Conow ingo | Friday and Saturday
academy in 1838, and commissioned Ww. G. Diffenderier, Casper Krider August 10th and 11th
10 api, 1951, During a and Carryl Stauffer, teachers in the “WHERE SINNERS
evi war he Served oh 0s . Sy Ah local High School accompanied by Mrs. MEET”
frigate Mississippi in the gulf 35 2 Stauffer left Augast 1st. for a tour of | R. K. 0. Radio jcture, with
the gunboat Agaw am in the nore £ the West to include the World's Fair | Clive Brook. Bi ie Burke,
ate 2 agen past at Chicago. They expect to be gone | Diana Wyn$ard
3 AR Orr by Farragut, | about three weeks. Reginald Owen
capiure of New Onl a yonaldson- | Miss Bessie May Gorety of Altoona ADDED ATTRACTION
the helo Bona ro and Anna May Rohrer of Lancaster, | Lillian Roth i
Yiia dates nn la returned home after spending some “STORY CONFERENCE”
or a ln time with their aunt Mrs. W. T. Dif- A Vitaphone Broadway Brevity
and on the outbrezk ,of the Spanish ud ol Paw Monday and Too ds
peri Ju wos vanes liams of Philadelphia, spent Tuesday August 13th and 14t \
2! Rig visiting W. T. Diffenderfer and family. Ann Harding, John Boles
PI ni ve eat Cpr in R. K. 0. Radio Picture
May gh ds Dew 8 Samoyed ie There is no better way to boost your > “LIFE OF )
Rn hn BR tal injury | business than by local newspaper ad- VERGIE WINTERS”
to any of his vessels, The Spanish | vertising. !
navy yard at Cavite then fell into | ————— a EE
his hands. When the news of his vic = REE Eee. DJG JEAN) HOLL
tory reached the United States he was -
promoted to rear-admiral and thanked» . Matinee
by congress. He remained in Manila . t M Th tr enings
bay, blockading the port and vicinity nw i 00se ea € 2 Shows
until the arrival of American troops; Holidays
then, in co-operation with General |® TBM ELIZABETHTOWN 7and § P. M.
Merritt, he captured the city and |m yo
adjacent fortifications. He retained Ww “ig
command of naval forees in Philip- = 7 ma 5 RQ % SIE
pine waters until 1899, during which |® WEDNESDAY and THU RSDAY, AUGUST Sth and 9th
time he served as a member of the |W ‘Margaret Sullivan in
first Philippine commission (1809). In |g wer Xd 3 2 ‘
March, i he was made admiral a LITTLENMAN W HAT NOW »
of the navy, the highest rank held -
by any American naval officer. On |B FRIDAY and SATURDAY, AUGUST 10th and 11th
his arrival in the United States he = Shirley Temple in “BABY TAKE A BOW?”
was received with great honor, both = . BN
at New York and at Washington. a
From March 29, 1900, to the time of |M Monday, August 13th n
his death, January 16, 1917, he was |m Jack Haley
president of the general board of the = : % in
navy. = “HERE COME THE
-_—Y—— GROOM”
Street Dedication at E’town w
Plans are completed for the street |g Wednesday, August 15th
dedication at Elizabethtown Satur- Irene. Dunne TWO FEATURES
j day. A gigantic parade at 2:30 will Richax > Dix
be the feature. Following this willbe | ® iu
speaking. At 5:30 the State Highway = “STING AREE”
Patrol stunt team will give a motor- a
ii jl

cycle demonstration.