The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, August 01, 1934, Image 4

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Thursday, July 26
. ) All Stars—Jewels
{All Stary .......... d012000—4
SPOR S | Jewels as aes vie a 003003 6-12
1 All Stars rhoae
All Stars .............. 4 721 1 1
nw rm | Jewels r hoae
tdewels 121021 .7. 5
By ‘Mikey™ Weaver | Home run—Clinger.
re A A Aree
Team Batting Average
Friday, Juiy 27 YA Stars ..... i civ ei en 319
Flunn—Legion IMs ann 294
22900 01 x—3 Legion .288
Ba 0 FOTO O00 i FIONN oo... cnr en O80
r h;:0. a ................... 0.00 279
ca 3 0219 0 Co. ines 2681
r 0 a e] —-———
han "218 6 4! Team Fielding Average
———— 7... id 932
Thursday, July 26 | Florin... 0, a ai 930
Fire Co.—Maust IMaust =... aia 917
as ives its 070003 x—10|Fire Co. 308
SsaiMaust ............. 3000000—3 Jewels 895
eC rh oa Stars nities 836
Carers ane 10 92111 4 ———- Ee
rh oae Friday, July 27
anny 3 518 3 4 Richland Club—Lincoln
Walked by Funk 4, Childs 7. S. O.
by funk 4, Childs 3.
That Are
Saltedin the Shell
Delightfully licious
Contain r excess salt.
Pa oR po bletided right
in the kernel. i
Tap Rooms are givi
away at a profitable ad
Write or call for prices in lots
of from 5 to 100 lbs. \
eee |
Manufacturing Co,


WE invite you to imspect
hundreds of samples of eur
printed matter te give you an
idea of the kind of work we
turn out in our Job Printing
Department. We know you'll
like the quality.

Phone 41J

Moone’s Emerald Oil Guaranteed to
Stop All Pain and Soreness and
Banish Offensive Odors

In just one minute after an appli-
cation of Emerald Oil you'll get the
surprise of your life. Your tired,
tender, smarting, burning feet will
literally jump for joy.
No fuss, no trouble; you just ap-
ply a few drops of the oil over the
surface of the foot night and morn-
ing, or when occasion requires. Just
a little and rub it in. It’s simply
wonderful the way it ends all foot
misery, while for feet that sweat
and give off an offensive odor,
there’s nothing better in the
Moone’s Emerald Oil is
us guaranteed to end your foot
amma troubles or money back.

on, Electric and Acetylene



Richland Club — 1 run
Lincoln — 0 run
Monday, July 30
Richland Club—Florin
Richland Club .. 10000132—7
Florin ........... 0010121510

Richland Club rh oa
Richland Club ........ T1724 1 %
Florin r hoae
Florin, on. ines 1016 2412 3
Home runs—Kunkle, J. Keener,
a a lf
Monday, July 30
All Stars—Maust
All Stars ......... 2000000—2
Maoust ............. 756002 x—20
em meee GD Qe
Tuesday, July 31
Richland Club—Jewels
RB. Club........... 204135 x15
Jewels ............ 0015003-9
| Richland Club Yr hoae
R. Cub ............. 1517.21 8 5
Tewels r hoae
Jewels ©... arian 91818 6 8
Home run—Bigler.
rr A A
Tuesday, July 31
Fire Co.—Legion
Fire Co. .......... p1 000.0025
........... 000300003
Fire Co. rh oae
Fire Co. 5 82414 4
Legion r hoae
3 524 4 3
Home run—Hendrix.
eee Qe
Team Standing
W L Ave
Morin ........ a. 9 2 BIS
Fire Co. es 8 3 .127
Jewels 8.3 J
Maust 7 4 636
Legion... .... a 00 6 5 54
Richland Club ........... 38 231
Sil Stars Loa 110 .090
etl) eee |
The Marietta Ramblers defeated |
Rheems 11 to 5 and Landisville 5 to
Men of the Shires
Wiltshire moonrakers owe their ori-
gin to an astute group of natives who
dumped their smuggled cargoes in a
lake and, when approached by rev-
enue officers, pretended to be raking
for the moon Hampshire hogs get
their name from the county's erstwhile
pre-eminence in producing a superla-
tive brand of bacon. Cambridge cam-
els were likewise nicknamed by rea-
son of Fenland's preference for stilts
to ply its labors, Thus mounted, the
natives looked very much like camels |
when loping about with their burdens,
A yellow belly came to denote a Lin-
colnshire man because of a plague of |
yellow-bellied frogs that once devas- |
tated the county. And Borrowdale |
cuckoos originate from that little
Lakeland village's once lamentable
attempt to build a wall to keep the |
cuckoo within its confines.—7Tit-Bits
Mummified Cats
Archeological excavations in Egypt
have brought to light thousands of |
mummified cats—some elaborately in-
closed in bronze boxes, many of which
were found to be surmounted by a
bronze statue of the cat's Ka, the dou-
ble personality that was thought to
survive after death with the soul. The
mummies were wrapped in yards of
plaited linen ribbons, The heads of
some cat mummies had been incased
in a rough kind of papier-mache, gilt
and covered with linen. The ears were
always carefully pricked up.
The Emerald Isle
Ireland is called the Emerald Isle
because of the bright verdure of its
grass and other vegetation, a condi-
tion due largely to the frequent rains
for which the island is noted. It is
supposed that Dr, William Drennan
(1754-1820) an Irish physician and
poet, was the first to use the name.
In a poem entitled “Erin,” published
in 1795, he speaks of “the men of the |
Emerald Later, in a letter pub-
ished in ! Notes and Queries,
original with
he said nate was
“Contact,” Verb and Noun
The verb “contact,” in the sense in
which fit has rehabilitated, is
transitive and requires an objecta
Therefore, one either contacts a nial
or makes a contact with him. In the
latter contact is a noun.—
Literary Digest.
Most Interesting Island
The world’s most interesting island,
from a sclentific standpoint, is in the
Indian ocean, about 400 miles east of
Madagascar. It is known as Reunion
island, having an area of about 1,000
square miles. I has eels 15 to 20 feet
long. Shells of huge tortoises, 3 feet
long and 18 inches across, have been
found, but these seem to be extinct.
tl ARO
A Boston scientist has reached the
conclusion that the Garden of Eden was
located in Ohio. We would give the
nam of the scientist but we are afraid

the California people would kill him.

A Wyoming Claim
®, by McClure Newspaper Syndicate.
WNU Service

T WAS supper time at the Allen
ranch in Wyoming,
The ranch foreman usually supped
with the family, and he entered the
room through one door just as Mrs.
Allen and her daughter, Judith, sat
down at table.
“My husband has had a telephone
message from Red Spider,” said Mrs.
Allen to the foreman, Rex Thomas,
“and so he had an early supper and
started off—perhaps you saw him?”
“I did see him riding out of the
gate,” admitted Thomas, “just as I
came in from the upper pasture.” He
waved his hand. “Has something come
up at Red Spider?”
“Something to do with business—
that is the worst of being a sheriff—
sometimes I wish Jim would give up
his appointment.”
“lI saw Bob Blake, Miss Judith,”
said Thomas with a humorous twinkle
in his eye.
Judith flushed, and a warm look
came into her lovely brown eyes.
“I suppose he was riding Schuyler's
herd,” she said with assumed indif-
“Riding something—I'll be hanged if
1 entirely understood the situation—
he was going like lightning along the
old Patch trail, but I was in a hurry
and he didn’t seem to see me, so I
didn't bail him. Looked as though he
was trying to get somewhere in a big
Judith said nothing, but she looked
rather worried, and Mrs, Allen carried
on a desultory conversation until the
meal ended. Then, while Mrs. Allen
washed her silver and fine china,
Chang, the Chinese cook, cleared off
the table and Judith went out to the
broad veranda and sat down with a
book. But the girl's eyes were not
on the printed page—they scanned the
distant trail over which a racy black
horse might come skimming—Bob
Blake always came that way!
To Judith Allen, just at this time,
most of the world consisted of Bob
Blake's tall, active figure. Though they
were not engaged, Judith's parents
rather expected the tall cowpuncher to
ask the fatal question any day, and
Sheriff Allen had his answer all ready.
“I like you, Bob—there isn’t another
boy I would rather give my girl to!
But you're nothing except a line rider
for Old Man Schuyler—and you've got
to be more than that if you want our
Judith!" That is what Sheriff Allen
had planned to say when Bob Blake
| came to see him about Judith, but he
| had never told anybody excepting his
| wife, and
she, well-meaning soul if
there ever was one, had confided in
So Judith Allen knew that much,
anyway, and perhaps she was think-
ing that her father might have met
Bob, and they had talked it
men are apt to do
She had not
but she had not
The casual remark of the foreman,
Thomas, had ronsed her thoughts and
made her uneasy.
Later that evening
came home, and with
Blake, of all people.
“1 arrested this fellow,” grinned the
sheriff, “for loitering on the trail com-
ing to the Blue Bottle!”
Bob grinned sheepishly,
winked at Judith.
“He told me,”
breaking the traffic laws by speeding
“Bob’s made a voyage of discovery
during the past week,” said the sher-
iff, ‘and he is inviting the family (you,
out, as
seen Bob for a week,
mentioned it to the
him came

and openly

said Bob, “that I was
| too, mother—I'll drive you in the buck

board) to t with him at nine
o'clock tomorrow morning. 1 guess
we'll be back in time for supper!”
30b Blake remained that night at
the Blue Bottle ranch and the next
morning they started forth—Bob and
Judith riding their horses, and the
| sheriff driving two rangy colts in the
| shafts of the buckboard in which his
wife was snugly placed.
The rode for many miles across the
prairie, then up inte the broken hills
where they never met a soul, and then
at last they rounded a wooded hillock,
crossed a brawling stream, and Bob
told them to stop.
It was noon and the sun shone down
through one broken space in the thick
tree tops, and fell into the bed of the
stream where It was overhung by thick
mosses and long, tangled roots.
“Please come here a moment, all of
you,” said Bob rather gravely.
They stood and watched him ex-
pectantly. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Allen, of
course you know that I love Judith,”
he said flushing beneath his bronze,
“and now I am going to ask you for
your daughter. Of course, I am just
hoping that Judith likes me well
enough to—" he paused and stared
rapturously at the girl who had
stepped forward and slipped her slim
hand in his large brown one, clinging
| to it firmly, ‘‘there, I guess that that
proves she does like me a whole lot,”
he went on choking a little, “and
though you folks all think I am just
a line rider, T am telling you I am a
whole lot more than that! I am am
bitious myself, and so, if you'll just
glance down there where the sun is
shining right through the water onto
the prettiest bit of gold deposit-—well,
I've been taking it out for weeks
and believe me lama happy man! I've
got a claim here, and my bank account
at Cheyenne
is more than ten thousand
and {f don’t
heads mo
yes, sir yon
your Just a
I want to kiss Judith here-—and
we'll have come lunch
tA eee
Adjust Dairy Herd
Adjustment of the dairy herd during
the summer and fall to the prospective
feed supply will aid greatly in reduc-
ing milk production costs during the
ee Eee
Policeman—Miss you were doing 60
She—Oh, isn’t that splendid! I only
learned to drive yesterday—Hyde Re-


What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has To
Say This Week

Es doot met gons fun hartza
tsu meentiona desmohl os my gooter
freind, der Johnny Honnaberger, or-
ick in droovel is ollaweil. Si fraw is
g'shtarva em ledshta Somshdawg, un
de leicht wore em Moondawg, un
shier oll de leit doh om Barrick hen
gatend. Se wore gronk yusht a paw
dawg. Der Porra Mohler hut de
leicht breddich gadoo, un der Sam
Schnitzler wore der foresinger un
es fetsht leedly os se g'sunga hen
wore, won ich net letz bin os
Ollo menscho missa shtarva,
Un olla uxa fressa hoy.
Ich bin nee sure ep des de ex-
acta wordta sin, awver es wore any
how ebbes waega hoy, derwake we
der porra es ous gevva hut.
Awer wos ich sawga will is des—
os se anes fun da beshta un shmart-
shta wiveer wore om gonsa barricky
far se wore olsfart bissy, un hut ga-
nunk geed fardeened mit hardt shof
fa os se de gons familia enaered
hut. Se hut de wesh arawet g'shoffed
far sivva odder ocht familia. Shier
olla morga hut se ols wesh g'som-
meled un hut se dahame gawesha,
un sella walk hut se aw goot aucht
gevva kenna uff de kinner un oll de
house arawet shoffa derby. Der
Johnny hut mer uftmohls g'sawt os
se olla wuch ols fun dri bis fier daw
ler fardeened hut. Awver era dote is
now hardt uc der Johnny. Ich hob
geshter owvet mit eme gschwetzed
un are hut mere gsawt are wist
now net woss tsu do wile are ne-
mond het fer ene un si familia tsu
enara, un wos eme bong is is os are
now nuch gor selver shoffa muss un
geld fardeena. Ich hobe eme gsawt
are set broveera de kinner nows tsu
do unner fremme leit far ees sin
yusht dri—de Sally, shunt fartzae
yohr oldt un shmart ganunk far era
laeva tsu fardeena un der Billy is
elf fohr oldt un con aw sich selver
elfa, un de Kitty is aw shunt hine
yohr oldt, u n wile se so ee fines
maidly is hut’s leit ganunk os willis
sin se tsu nemma un se uff tzeega,
Yaw, hut der Johnny gsawt, awver
we is es mit mere selver Om end
muss ich now selver ons shoffa gae,
anyhow ganunk far my kusht un
glaider fardeena. Un are hut aw g'-'
hint os won es mere aw so happena
daid os de Polly shtarava daid don
ware es aw ordlich hardt uff mich.
Sell is aw so, won ich es aw selver
sawga -muss.
Es hut wiver blendy ivverall, un
mere con dri wiver greega eb ae
maud, awer selly os shmardt ganunk
sin ame si laeva fardeena, der waeg
we em Johnny si fraw gadoo hut un
we de Polly doot far mich, sin ord-
lich rore heitzadawgs. Ich -any
how net huffa os es mere gait weem
Johnny, anyhow net bis ich un deer
Billy Bixler unser bully A No. 1
National Bank in gong hen.
De Betz Grill hut awver ebbes g-
sawt os mich net suit. So hut mer
anyhow der Bill Bifiemoyer gsawt
Se hut gsawt os de aurem dote fraw
now feel besser ob is os se wore,
wile se de gons tzeit seller fowl-len-
ser, der Johnny Honnaberger, enara
hut missa, usht exactly we de Polly
seller farsuffa Gottlieb Bonnastiel
enared. Un now geb ich aw notice os
es arsht mohl os ich widder in de
shtodt gae roof ich aw beim lawyeer
un do en sasherashey rows nemma
un do le Betz reshta lussa beim
shreef un muss se es broofa os ich
en farsuffner loadle bin. Ich cons
broofa mit em Hullerheck os sell en
leek is, wile ich tsu sawga nee nix
shtarickers drink os kefferbree ous
der schwartz buddle, mitout ich bin
in coombany odrer by mer selver.
Elizabeth Fornoff and Ruth Kauff-
man are attending the Penna. State
Sabbath School Association camp at
Spring Creek, Penna. This being their
fifth year and they both will gradu-
ate this year and each will receive a
diploma from the State Association.
Messrs. Charles Gingrich, Ephraim
Fornoff, Misses Louella Peters and
Jane Kauffman, were visiting at Ber-
wyn, over the week end.
Last week when the heavy storm
passed over the village three boys from
Columbia almost drowned when they
went into a culvert under the Iron-
ville pike to get away from the rain
The culvert filled with water and Paul
Peters heard their cry and rescued the
On Saturday the Lutheran Sunday
School will hold their annual picnic at
the Sylvan Retreat school yard.
On Thursday evening the Ironville
Woman's Missionary Society will en-
tertain the Mountville Woman’s Mis-
sionary society in the Ironville United
Brethren church at 7.00 P. M. Stand-
ard time.
Rev. W. C. Blatt, pastor of the Sil-
ver Spring circuit, consisting of the
Ironville, Centerville, Silver Spring
churches will leave on Wednesday for
a two weeks’ vacation.
A number of women from the vil-
lage members of the Farm Women So-
ciety were at the county picnic at
Paradise Lancaster county on Satur-

ert) Aree
Thursday, August 23rd
Sunnyside School reunion of
teachers, pupils and patrons.

In Summer
AUERKRAUT has a very def-
e place in summer meals

>tetically and decoratively.
Perhaps yu think of kraut in the
same breath with frankfurters,
corned beef, and heavy foods.
Then take another breath—a long
one—for the lighter kraut dishes
comprise a long | and they are
delicious with summer-time

Besides sparkling, iced
sauerkraut and iced-
kraut used as a garnish for such
cold cuts as tongue, chicken and
roast, beef, serve, also, in summer
some of the following delicious
sauerkraut dishes which are color-
ful and cooling.

For Your Good Health
Jellied Sauerkraut Relish: Soft-
en two tablespoons of gelatin in
four tablespoons cold water, then
dissolve in two cups of boiling
water. Add one-fourth cup of
lemon juice and cool. Add the
contents of one No. 2 can of
sauerkraut, one-fourth cup of
grated raw carrot and one-fourth
cup of chopped green pepper.
Season with salt and pepper, if
necessary. Pour into individual
molds and chill until set. Un-
mold and serve as a garmish to
cold meats, or on crisp lettuce
with mayonnaise as a salad. This
serves eight.
These Are Easy to Make
Sauerkraut and Carrot Salad:
Mix one cup of canned sauerkraut
with one cup of grated raw car-
rot and one cup of creamy may-
onnaise, Arrange on lettuce hearts
and garnish with walnut halves.
Corned Beef and Sauerkraut:
Put alternate layers from two No.
2 cans of sauerkraut and one 12-
ounce can of corned beef, broken
into large pieces in a baking dish.
Bake in a moderate--375 degree-
oven for about fifteen minutes.
This serves six persons.*

Wild Celery Names
Wild celery to the duck hunter, eel
grass for the fisherman and Valis
neria for the aquarist and scientist—
it's all the same weed, but often one
class of men does not know it by the
other names, says the director of the
Institute for Research, at
Detroit. It is one of the best aerat-
ers of water, it grows fast and multi-
plies easily by means of runners. New
plants sprout up just as new straw-
berry plants. The flower of Valis
peria is a three-cornered green one
which makes its way to the surface
by means of a slender stem that spir-
als up like a corkscrew. The flower Is

“When Alex Morrison said physical condition means
the difference between championship golf and Just
golf, he hit the truth right square in the middle.
~-gnd the condition of your motor depends upon its
power diet.
Geo. Lamparter’s Sons
One gallon of Harness Oil Givén for each dead horse
and cattle. We pay all telephone e¢alls.
Phone Lancaster 32014
Have You, The
“Can’t Afford It”
T= use of that phase does not suggest
the inability to buy so much as the de-
sire to practice rigid economy . . . to save
. + . to deny yourself needed and necessary
But Man, oh Man, and you, too Madam, how
better and more effectively can you practice
economy and thrift than to buy when prices
are at their lowest ebb in years?
How more certainly can you insure economy
than to replace worn or out-of-date furniture
than when new is selling for one-third of
what it sold for 15 years ago? Or to stock
up on food products when they are 40% less
than at any time since the war? Or clothing
when $53 today will buy you what you paid
$100 for in 19127?
What you really cannot afford to do is not
buy because you cannot afford to miss to-
day’s low levels . . . prices that are an ac-
tual boon to reduced incomes . . . to the
practice of sensible, far-sighted economy.
Dead Animals Removed




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