1934 | -—. Hl Cemetary Association will mee! of Mr. Augustus i, highest market price. Tele- phone 20 vi. H. Zercher. Prices and prompt return. Call -Reist . Rheems, Pa. Phone E- town 171RIL. deel ‘WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13th, B= Column Davenport, 3-piece Suite, Large Brass Bed, 1934 A Visitor From The Far West Small Tables, Chairs, Carpet, s. Ap- — ply 74 East Main Street. | (rum page 1) - ty i : FOR SALE—Ford Ho ad ouser [in ‘that ff fimberland. with its Cory Pints by the A 10,000 neni of excellent water Lots. , Martin Cope, ice cold. T; g about snow, he Rima, Pa. 2t FOR SALE—Houser Celery Plants @ 15¢ Mrs. | Frank Walter, Route 2 Moun june Pots new Brooder Stove, Owner can have by. call- ing at this office and paying FOR SALE—A good Frame Dwelling on North Market street, Mount Joy. Will be sold very reasonable and can, give possession any time. For further details see Jne. E. Sehroll, Mt. Joy. june 1- tf FOR SALE Electric’ Refrigerator,’ i Apply Lester Roberts, Mount Joy. .23-tf FRAME DOUBLE HOUSE—in Mt, Joy for sale. ‘All modern conveniences, garages, etc! Qnly $3,000. Property in “first-class condition and will give Poss session almost any time. Jno. E. Schroll Mount Joy. may 23-tf WANTED—Broilers and Poultry of may 16-8t-p NO TICE—The Lot Holders of the Shetter on Monday, 1th, for the purpose of electing a presi dént-caused by the death of Mr. Geyer. may 16~tf FOR SALE—A Brick House with Slate Roof, 8 rooms, all conveniences, Poultry House 12x12, along concrete way, Florin. Apply to Jno. E 11,’ Realtor; Mount Joy: No. 416. CALVES and HIDES—Highest Cash USED PIPE WANTED—Can use sev- Br a one inch iron pipe, must be cheap:~.Phone 41J, Mount Joy. mar.28-tf-p “Photo Finishing by mail to all the U. S. “Av... Your next roll of films develop- od and § Frehsuliy prints 29 cents (coin) Capital City 8 Market St., Harrisburg, Pa. mar. STOVE WOOD sawed in 12 inch d hickory. $6.00 per cord delivered. B GS BAKER, R. D. Manheim, Pa. 1R2. FOR SALE CHEAP-—A 6-room house in Florin, all conveniences, nicely lo- cated. Property newly papered and painted. Will take $3,000 for a quick sale. See Jno. E. Schroll, Mt. Joy, Pa Ae On Blackstone Eiéctric ply hy Mt. DANDY HOME rOR SALE—I am offering that cozy home of Jos. Fun- bar, 2 miles north of Mount Joy, for sale. Six acres of land, 7-room house, enclosed Frenchwporch, heat, light, 2- car garage, chicken and brooder houses, ete. Will sell right and give immediate possession. Jno. E. Schroll, Realtor, Mt. Joy. jan.3-tf EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE Estate of Jacob H. Zeller, late of Mt. Joy, Lancaster Co., Pa., deceased. Letters testamentary on said estate, "Mauing been granted to the under- Saal persons indebted thereto, are reques o make immediate pay- ment and those ying claims or de- mands against same, Will present them without delay for sett to the undersigned, residing on J Main Street, Mount Joy, Pa. FANNIE S. ZELL Executri june 13-6t Wm. C. Rehm, Atty. stated that if there was a depth of £. the night, by 10 Fh. | i dh a it would be all melted. ©. Be 8 He tells us his father was from Kentucky and his mother was from Alat the ttling in Tex- asi clé Tony! born intg a cattle ranching family and was 'an only child. His mother was very desirous of a musical education for Him but he was not interested. When asked . as to his educaiion, he stated he went to Bailey University and front ‘there to Roanoke, Va. While in his Junior year there, he was selec- ted as the one: person to present an oration on “The Claims of America Upon Its Daughters.” This was i so eloquently given it won for him the gold medal, “of which’ he is very proud. . Speaking of .depression, . he claims there is no such thing. This United } States of ours. has -food enough here to feed the world, and there is enough gold and other money “here, only it in circulation yet, but was held by a several of our powers in the financial world. He volunteered that the man who is in the chair at*Washington at present, is the smartesl man ever sat in the chair. He admires - the president's methods of business. ‘He has visited three of the largest cities in the wotld but has done it only by necessity of business trans- actions, as city life does not appeal to him—just give him the wide, open spaces where .-you can live and breathe and not feel all cramped up. Concerning his recent trip to New York with the Schock family, he says as he left the great metropolis, he waved good bye and said he don’t want to. come there “no more.” The people in the cities are too much in a hurry—they have no time to talk, He claims he never saw so many au- tomobiles in all his life as he did in the great city. Recalling days past and gone, but which always interest the present generation, he says when the cattle were rounded up and ready for the big centre at which 40,000 and 50,000 cattle were herded, it required from April to September till the home site was again reached. When he was 18 years old, he says he was already “blazing trails,” This cattle business he retired from 20 years ago, when the gold prospect got into his blood Farming is only done around Phoe- nix and in that section, while ‘the dis- surrounding his home, and an extensive cattle coun- ’ trict nearby try. Upon our boro, excellent and that than anywhere al City.” He was here “Uncle Tom,” smoker, and the cob either, expressed a in our local it's the that is going that about a In to ownership to 32 claims to stage 20 more is he liked he advised there was an comparison in .the climates he felt at home here more else, except his “Roy- 13 years ago. a continuous not corn interest says tobacco he ever saw this section He is “fellahs back home” all gone. He smokes month. inquiry as to how who is pipe is keen tobacco crop and prettiest in the isn’t raised to tell tobacco pound a mining, he claims and intends claims, which mea- sure 1500x60 ft. wide. When the ore is mined, it is packed on burros, 250 pounds to one burro and carried one mile to trucks which transport it to the railroad 18 miles away. Thence it is taken to El Paso, Texas, 400 miles away, where it is smelted. The reference MOTORCYCLES, BICYCLES [gold is here separated from the sil- 3 S. OUT BOARD MOTORS | ver, lead and other products. Newly Parra ns mined gold is worth $35.00 an ounce, Jems Repairs _. 150 tons of ore to a car load. The WARREN HE OD, INC. |hurros he uses for transportation of 324 East King Stréef, Lancas food, are as faithful as a dog and ids Owen Evenings have more sense than a horse. His Deh fs g june 6-4t food provisions or other necessities he buys by the truckload, at Tu- » scon, Arizona, Public Sale at Mount Joy The father of ‘two children, which 1:25 P. M. STANDARD TIME were raised by his parents after the death of his, parents, they now live FRI AY, JUNE 15, 1934 in cities, and states he hasn't seen HOLST! Direct from - them for 12 years but desires to visit them on his return home. His par- ents have also passed away. A publishing house in the has heard so much concerning wonderful “young” man, they sent a representative to secure data in or- der to publish a book. The hook will East this be entitled “S. “Sim” M. Wills, Unc- le Tom.” To this man, with such a keen foresight and remarkable memory, we wish him many more visits to our boro and hope the “sun shines on him always as it has done in the past.” Everything from Accredited Areas Test Chart with each aninfgl. These animals are carefully cted on the farms upon which were ~ raised, and will be satisfactpry in| =) (¢) any herd. { 2 ‘Free Delivery { We sell promptly at 1:25 P. M [ Standard Time : J J. B. Keller & Bro. Aldinger, Auct. Herr, Clerk THE BULLETIN MOUNT JOY WIGHT | >. HADNT THROWED OUT MY DICTIONARY WHA! | CLEANED HOUSE’, SIGHS CLARA. ID GIVE A FIG TQ KNOW WHAT | PEOPLE ARE aN ABOUT, FROM TUE FAMOUS RADIO PROGRAM | | | { THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. ee LITTLE AMERICA, AN'TARCTI CA, June 4 (via Mackay Radio) -—And what do you think we are up to now? Archery, no less! We are not actually shooting ar rows around yet but we are going to. Last night Commander Noville announced that,. If we have any time at all to play after the sun comes back next August, we are geing to have an archery contest. ~ Our dog sled men and Edgar Cox, our carpenter,are making a complete outfit of bows and arrows and, arch- ery being one of the most difficult and scientific of sports, it appeals hugely to this particular crowd. | thought there might be a pecu- fiar problem con- nected with our archery activities but thecrowd tast night quickly solved it. It oc- curred to me that if anybody shot at a target and missed it, the ar Richard B. Black, row would travel of Grand Forks, along under the N. D., Surveyor snow and never be found. 1 mentioned this and it was decided to hang a couple of big pieces of heavy canvas in back of the targets and thus make the ar- rows drop gently onto the snow. So watch out for details of the tour- nament of the South Pole Archery League three or four months from now. We have lots of other tourna- ments. Half our members are bridge fiends and long and loud are the arguments and “post mortems” after our evening games of ‘“‘con- tract.” We brought down with us 48 sets of the fascinating and tan- talizing number puzzle, “Imp,” and, in addition to the time spent indi- vidually working out the various combinations, we are going to have some regular contests for prizes. Some of the scientists have become very expert. Backgammon 1s an- other of our favorite pastimes in the evening. We also nave movies frequently and do a lot of reading The scientists practically never qui! working, night or day. And the wa they can concentrate on deep pro! lems of astronomy, or some of weighty subject, in a room 1. men talking about baseball, 1 atres, movies and a million ot! topics 18 wonderful. Most of ou : an Tee LIGHTS AND GAMES! : 80 we shall have to spend at least another winter on the ice—maybe two or three. Gosh, what a thought! and we are definitely indoors for the next three months—oprisoners of the storms and darkness—except in the tew calm hours when we can take short, torchlighted walks or ski trips for novelty and exercise. The various groups are tremend ously busy making definite plans for the flights, tractor sledge journeys and other explora’ tions and scientific quests next spring (autumn with you). plans will be published here during the winter night—and then they'll all be changed. Such tz life among explorers! members joined, by all means do now, no cost or obligation. card and our big map of Antarctica will be sent you if you'll send. your name and address and a loose three cent stamp to Arthur President, and Exploration Club, Hotel Lexing- ton, 48th Street and Lexington \ { and study on the scores of things necessary for us to know down here. These studies have a somewhat greater value with us now than our work did when we were in-school or college. The knowledge of some little fact of climate, or trick of the ice, may save our lives some day. You should hear some of the dis- cussions that take place. They are all beld in loud voices and range from deep and sensible philosophy on life to ridiculous theories about gardening, golf, and keeping tropi- cal fish or stamps. Speaking of stamps, some of the people who sent covers down here last year should be receiving them back about now, properly cancelled, and our own first letters should be ar- riving. About a third of the mail we brought with us or which ar- rived on the Bear of Oakland, went back on her in February and should be reaching its destination at this time. The rest will come out with us next Kebruary—if we come out. Every night there is a long loud discusston—entirely futile—on the probable date when the good old flagship, Jacab Ruppert, will come steaming back to take us home. Will the ice pack be too thick and tough for her to get through? It But it’s a possibility. Our outdoor work is all over now trips, dog These Our club 1s still growing. now! It you 22,000 haven't with Membership Local Doings Around Florin (From page one) Clarence Musser, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Strickler, Mr. and Mrs. A... B. Walters, Leray Walters. and = Miss Mamie Snavely. Mr. and Mrs. Miller Wolgeruth (and family, Mr. anl Mrs. Martin Wol gemuth, Mr. Mrs. Harold Wolge- muth, Ezra Wolgemuth and family spent Sunday at Hershey Park. . Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rehrer and children, Mr. and Mrs. John Easton and Mr. and Mrs. A. Peris' and chil- dren, of Pen Yan. N. Y, ‘spent Supe day at Hershey Park. * While driving thru on Monday, one of thé highway workmen’ threw a shovel of dirt thru the. windshield on a Moon coupe driven by Mr. John Easton, breaking the windshield. Mr. Easton received several cuts from the glass. Messrs. Lynn Gutshall, Amer Krei- der, Charles Staley and son, Ben- jamin, A. D. Garber and Paul Diff- enderfer were fishing at Deal's Is- land, Maryland, on Saturday. The Children’s Day program which was rendered in the Florin United Brethren Church on Sunday, was well attended, and a very interesting program, consisting of recitations, dialogues, song and music was very well rendered. The 5th Annual Home-Coming Ser- vices will be held at Eby's U. B. Church on Sunday, June 17th. Rev. I. W. Funk, of the Florin, U. B. Church will have charge of the ser- vices, while Rev. HL M. Miller, of Iona, former pastor of the local charge will deliver the address. Spe- cial song services and music will be rendered. = A detailed account = may be read on another page of this issue Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wagenbach and Rev. and Mrs. John D. Brubaker were among Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ober, near Risser’s Mill. Local Deeds Are Recorded (From page 1) gal twp., two story frame tobacco warehouse ‘and one and one-half story frame dwelling and other build ings in Maytown, E. Donegal twp. for $875. E S Harrisburg, and Mount Joy, the Gerberich, Harry S. Newcomer, trustees for benefit of First National Bank and Trust Co.,, Mount Joy, and Union National Bank, Mount Joy, estate of judgment creditors of B.A Detwiler, dwdlling smal} deceased, Florin, two story in Mount © Joy, and tracts of land for $410 Abele Jr. | Little America Aviation | Ave daytimes are occupied with school nue, New York City, N. Y The Card Basket | (From page 1) Mr. and Mrs. Frank and | Brosey hart of Hanover and their daughter, Entertained at Dinner © Mr. and Mrs. George Gruber and Mr. and Mrs. Paris Gruber entertained at dinner on Sunday the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Christian and Mrs. George Zeller and children, Catharine and James, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Gillums, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gillums, Miss Violet Gillums and Clar- ence Gruber all of town, Mrs. Samuel Baker of Naumanstown, Miss Sarah Baker, of Florin, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brinser, Mr. and Mrs. John Brinser, Miss Mary Brinser, and Mr. Tillman Burkholder, all of Elizabeth- town. The afternoon was spent in play- ing tennis and pony riding. When in need of Printing, (anything) kindly remember the Bulletin. Jece f salt e ke Mrs. Lizzie Aston, of near Back Run | pion : 4) id a Lac Poni spent Sunday visiting Mrs Clayton, | Americans will offer another a ciga of near Lititz. . | rette. Actually in the past nations Mr. and Mrs. Carl Roth and their | fought wars for the possession of daughter, Romaine, and Miss Gert- | sources of common salt. Peopla who rude Mr. Alvin Rutt] _.. ney ment can. do without and Gwendolyn Neff. were at Mt. | salt, because they obtain salt from Gretna on Sunday. ! the blood of the animals they eat. Dorothy and. Betty: Brubaker, of | saat contains considerable quantities Lancaster visited at the home of | ,¢ goqium chloride, as do also salt-wa- their grandparents, Mr; and Mrs. ter fish, but the fruits and vegetables, Irvin here on Sunday. | and particularly tine flours, contain Miss Jeanne Brandt Has gone to| yapy little salt New Holland where she will make | 2 her home with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. P. Frank Schock, | The Word “Sicker” daughters, Louise and Jean: and their | As the comparative of sick, the word guest, Mr. Sim (Uncle Tom) M. Wills | sicker has ann use in Kuglish of Elgin. Arizona, motored to New | gy eech since 14340. It is to be found York City on Sunday to visit Mr. | vecorded in Lovelich's Grail, 1. 1., folio and Mrs. Whittemore | 187. At that time it was spelled syk- Mrs. Charles Foreman and, two | ger. A century later we find, in Graf- daughters, Ora and Naomi, of Read- | o's Chronicles, issued in 1568, Vol. ing: Miss Florence Price and her | 11, p. 493, the following: “In this brother, Paul, of Mohnton, were the | King Henry waxed sicker Sunday guests of Mrs. M. Edwards | and sick Shikespeare in his play and Mr. Walter Derr Richard II (1591), se iL OF, Mr, and Mrs. Cyrus Sherabone, | made usge of the Sick,” sicker, Mr. and Mrs. Gibbons, of lizabeth- | and sickest are ti forms of town, and Miss Maude Gibbons| (ne positive, com and super friend, of Palmyra were the Sunday | lative of sicl I wt guests of Mr. and Mrs. | Gibbons. | T Mr. A. L. Clay motored here from Useful as “Yardstick" Norfolk. Va, Sunday and yesterday,| The constellation of Orion, In addi accompanied by Miss Mary E. New- | tion to contail the finest gaseous pher and Mrs. /S. B. Bernhart they | nebula, two of the most remarkable left by auto for Mr. Clay's summer | stars and a host of iuteresting double, home. at Camp Rich, near Milton, Vt. | triple and multiple stars, furnishes us where they will spend the summer ! with a most convenient measure for Mr. and Mrs. Martin Gerber en- | estimating angular distances in the tertained a few guests at their home | heavens in the form of its strikingly on New Haven Street. Sunday, in- | beautiful and conspicuous belt, which cluding. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ear- | 1s very close to 3 degrees In extent, Mrs. Reuben Slothauer, of Abbotts- | town and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Sheaf- fer of Hanover A re etl A - Gillums, Mr. | and Mrs, | | | | Aborigines Crave Salt Among savage tribes which Wve mainly on vegetables, salt {§ consid ered m 18 we consider sugar, ( dren s sticks of salt as our c¢ dren suck sweets. Savages carry small Elephant Has No Upper Lip | The elephant has no upper ip, since hy the trunk. In the the young elephant ft is replaced pre-natal state possesses a well-defined upper Hy. This gradually disappears with the develop ment of the trunk until in the grown elephant there of it to be found is no trace Birthday Party State Theatre “The. Show Place of Lancaster County” COLUMBIA, PENNA Wednesday and Thursday June 13 and 14 Jean Parker, Tom Brown in “TWO ALONE” RK. O Radio Picture with Zasu Pitts, Arthur Byron Free for the Ladies! Every Thursday Night “Princess Flamingo” Glassware Friday and Saturday June 15th and 16th Patricia Ellis, Hal LeRoy m = “HAROLD BEEN” The World's Most Fatnous Lovers Comes to Life on the Screen! Monday and Tugsday June 18th and 19th Katharine Hepburn In her newest R. K. O. Picture “SPITFIRE” % with \ Robert Young and Ralph Bellamy with us. and his the | Wallace Zerphey, of Mr. Mrs. Elmer Zerphey, celebrated eleventh birthday anniversary at home of his grandmother. Mrs. Dodenhoeft, with a party fo friends on Thursday evening. following were present: Mr. and Mrs Otto Dodenhoeft, Carl Meullen, Ger- trude Dodenhoeft, Martha Doden- hoeft, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Roth. Mrs Elmer Zerphey, Clyde Metzler, Hel- en, Charles and Irvin Zink, Gwen- dolyn Neff. Romaine ace Zerphey. son The Otto | his | | Roth ard Wall- i i { Phone SW C OAL | Elizabethtowh, h Heartiest Congratula- tions From Us We want to congratulate each of the, following for having reached another birthday: t Saturday, June 9 Mrs. IL K. Hinkle, East Main St. 4 Sunday, June 17 Geo. Wi Lehman, Donegal Springs Road. { i A Week of Service A week of service, from June 17 to 24, ha§ been plahned by the Ironville United Brethren congregation for the rededication of the church which has undergone extensive repairs. arietta Theatre MARIETTA, PA. special Bus Service Is Your Favorite Theatre SPECIAL SHOWING! 3 DAYS! MONDAY, TUES. WEDNESDAY JUNE 18th, 19th, 20th RADIO JOINS THE SCREEN IN GIGANTIC MERGER OF STARS AND ENTERTAINMENT! 20 MILLION SWEETHEARTS Warner Bros.’ Funniest and Fastest Musical with DICK POWELL: GINGER. ROGERS 4 MILLS BROS. « TED FIORITO & BAND serted in this register weekly fromn until day of sale. ; FREE, send or phone us your sale and when you are ready, let us your. bills... ‘That's. the cheapesi-adveny tising you can get. a Friday, June ‘15—At" ‘hele stock in Mount Joy, 42 head of Penna. cows and a few stock bulls {by J. B. Keller & Bro. Aldinger, ue See advertisement. PAGE : Sale Register If you want a notice of your sale in= yards : Advertige in The Bulletin Back Again AT THE THEATRE IN THE WOODS Mt. Gretna, Pa. A, E. SCOTT’S GRETNA PLAYERS Open Their, 8th Season Monday igi’ June (8th David BN Ss Laugh Hit “It's a Wise Child” Curtain Rises 8:00 P. M. Standard Time 9:00 P. M. D. S. Time ALL SEATS 50c¢ OO OT TTL 1 A BTR Moose Theatre ELIZABETHTOWN Evenings 2 Shows 7and 9 P. ML ~. ADULTS; Monday, Yure 18th Walter Huston W. | to Joseph B.| frame | two | in “KEEP EM ROLLING” Spencer Tracy in 1 OL SUMMER PRICES NOW CHILDREN, 10c MATINEE & NIGHT WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, JUNE 13th and 14th Spencer Tracy in “NOW I'LL TELL” FRIDAY and SATU RD AY, JUNE 15th and 16th Lanny Ross in “MELODY IN SPRING” WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, JUNE 20th and 21st, “LOOKING FOR TROUBLE” ; 110 OO TY) nl JL Tuesday, June 19th Lillian Gish in “HIS DOUBLE LIFE” OO THE LAST ECHOES OF TRIMMER’S Great Remodeling Sale This salé\will end Saturday Night, June 16th 1,000 yards lace 500 Pair Children’\Stockings........... pair, 4g Large lot dishes and Hay dware Caan, cach 4g : Baby Caps............ MW io cach g@ | Large lot Children’s Underyear........ cach 3g & gg I 500 vards Toweling, assortedigualities........ vard 7g 500 yards Unbleached Sheeting, .......... vard, 10¢ 300 vards Dress Prints, assorted patterns. ...yard 13¢ XXX Sugar........ ai .® packs 13¢c | Fresh Roll Butter... . ov veers ib, 28¢ | Palmolive Soap... ... oan teaver. oo cake, gg { [ce Cream, assorted flavors Rockwood Cocoa. West Main Street i ow Coal Prices Still Remain The Same We are still booking oRders for coal at our original low spring prices. There may be an advance in prices in the near future. orders now and be sure to get your coal at the lowest prices son. We can give you Coal delivered from our yard or trucked direct from the mines, and remember, we handle only the best of PENNSYLVANIA ANTHRACITE whether shipped over the Railroads or Trucked. may be as good, but none are better.” If in need of Coal please get in touch R YG, HARRY LEEDOM. Mount Joy, Pa. assorted). ..... cov. hie vy Royal Jello, assorted flavors. ............%;. Molly Plicher Flour....... «i. ch. 12 1b. sack, 41e Trimmer’s Busy5c& 10cto $1 Store nm oo J EER REE ERE ard, ic .pack, 5c Ii le quart 25¢ Ib. box 19¢ MOUNT JOY, PA. '® GC .O AR RRC Better place your for this sea- “Others CO ANE