The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, May 23, 1934, Image 2

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    WEDNESDAY, MAY 23rd, 134

MOUNT JOY, PA. / 7 og |
J. E. SCHROLL, i Editor & Propr.
du «



Rr = = Mr. and Mrs. Eli Brubaker, Miss
Subscription Price $1.50 Per Year | Katie Brubaker and Mr. Allen Ober
Six Months ........ 75 Cents spent Saturday afternoon in Lan-
Three Months ..... 40 Cents caster.

3 : ante Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Lenhard visit- A
Single Copies a 3 Cert ed with Rev. and Mrs. Hiram Eshel- 4
Sample Copies ....... F man. of near Milton Grove on Fri- LITTLE AMERICA Ye ANTARCTICA

ed at the post office at Mount day evening.


Joy as second-class mail matter. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Weaver an-
he date of the expiration of your : . “3 cS
ri follows your name on the nounce the birth of a son on Sun
label. We do not send receipts for sub- | day, May 20. a
jption money received. enever ee 4 ts an
aT Feit, py that you are given pro- Mrs. Roy Heisey returned to her
per credit. We credit all subscriptions home in this place on Saturday, af- CAN
the first of each month. : i . : . ; Vcr
"an correspondents must have their ter spending almost two weeks with 5 SINR.
gommunications Wi fis oop! Rot her sister, Mrs. Gibbons and family
later than Monday night. elephone
ter of importance between that time of Elizabethtown.
and 12 o'clock noon Wednesday. Changs Messrs. Norman Grove, Samuel
r advertisements must positively reach 4)
for ‘office OL later than Monday night. Longenecker, A. S. Lenhard, H M. ; '
New advertisements ran Hoover, Martin Mummau, Elam Trail Work!
> S s Tuesday night. Adverus
US ection. Stauffer, John Musser, Roy Garber, a
on application. 4 : di
Subscription lists of the Lester Grove motored to Bow- LITTLE AMERICA, AN1ARC-|dressing. | am becoming as exper

Mount igi, Sas Rion News an ee ers Beach on a fishing trip last TICA, Feb 25: (delayed) (via |as a fireman at diving into m;
with that of the Moun. Joy. Bulletin, Thursday. They report a catch of Mackay Radio) — 'I'rail work! | clothes. The coldest part of the pro
hin Snags that of average weekly. |two hundred and twenty fish. Sounds like a leat from the diary | gram is the delay while I beat m:
=| Mr. and Mrs. Abram Eshelman, of a Boy Scout. Well, so it is. I'wen- | boots against the wall to softel
daughter, Jean and son, James, of ty-five members ot this group left them up. In my spare time—and
EDITORIAL near Milton Grove, and Mr. and on the South Polar ice, got their [have darn little of it—I am buildin;
Mrs. Elmer Hoover, of this place, at first contact with the rugged out-|a desk out of scraps of wood 80
OUR CELEBRATION tended the revival services at Me- doors in the Boy Scout organization | can have more comfort while writ
The local Legion Committee is again chanic Grove, on Sunday evening. back home. Therefore they know [ing these stories for our Club I an El Engineering facts prove
making an effort to have a big Church of the Brethren will hold what it 1s all about. also building another punk, mor it. Experience in bulld-
tion in Mount Joy on Memorial D their semi-annual love feast in the Our first trail work of the season | substantial and a little fancier that ing nearly ten million cars confirms
y 9 | local church next Wednesday and has started. And what an elaborate | the one 1 have been using. it. And the record of over 3,000,000
as in previous years. Thursday, May 30 and 31. enterprise it 18! And what an enor-| Making trail flags has been ar Chevrolet Six owners removes any

ay Shou gg ED Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gibble of near mous mass of transportational | interesting part of our work and wi shadow of doubt about It: The only
celebration u to ar with those h 1d Mastersonville, called “on Mr. and equipment we are using for it. The | now have five thousand of them way to get real economy in a low=
in th + b b se held | ns, Allen Ober last Friday evening. main party, which will go out 300 | They are small reddish-orange pen priced car is to insist on SIX cylin.
2 past J. W. Wolgemuth, local feed and . miles to establish | pants mounted on bamboo poles ders and OVERHEAD valves.
coal dealer, has purchased a new a food and supply | When a sledging party goes out or SIX cylinders—no more!
PRETTY SOFT Studebaker truck from Sipling Bros. base, consists of |the trail these pennants are stuck extra cylinders mean extra cost for
The three Gettle kidnappers have |local dealers. three dog teams |in the snow every half mile or so gas, oil, upkeep and parts. OVER-
plead quilty and were sentenced to| Mrs. E. R. Kraybill spent last Fri- of nine dogs and | so the party will be able to pick ug HEAD valves—nothing eise!—for the is the most
life imprisonment, but just because|day with her father, Mr. Wm. Morn- two men each. Be- | the trail on the way back to the same good reason that airplanes use i by
Gettle testified that they had not in-|ing of Elizabethtown, who is con- hind this there |base. We took aboard thousands 0 them. And speedboats. And racing 1
flicted grievous bodily harm, they will {fined to his bed with a paralytic will be a support- | bamboo poles for this purpose al cars. They get the MOST power out i
be eligible to parole after serving 3% stroke. ! ng party of two| Panama, and now the guide flags of the LEAST gas. That's why over-
years. That sure is soft. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gibble visit- dog teams. And|are all ready for our fifteen dog head valves are the choice of leaders
Indicting that kind of punishment is|ed their daughter, Mrs. David Hess behind this group | teams for which we have put to —and champions.
there will be the gether 50 sledges. There are 56 of CHEVROLET MOTOR CO., Detroit, Mich.
more of a joke than anything else. |and family, of this place on Saturday £ J Oeman
Such men particularly those who ab-| Mr. Aaron Grove called on friends et Ae a
ducted little June Robles, are no bet-|in Lebanon on Sunday afternoon. iii F
ter than murderers and should be| Mr. and Mrs. Paul Martin and ind oho. Youoh coming back to us tomorrow bring
dealt with ac i hide i rar , ay ractors. z
alt with accordingly. children, of Florin, were the Sunday Tiievs three parties will be kept 1 ing a new doctor from New Zealand
Compare Clh.evrulet’s low delivered prices and
tractor i
pariyiua left on the ice at Little Amerios easy G.M.A.C. terms. A General Motors Value
using the two| The good old Bear of Oakland it LLY ENCLOSED KNEE

Sp guests with Mr. and Mrs. Russel ODL; i to take the place of Dr. Shirey
WANTED: MILLIONS OF HOMES |Martin and family of this place. I ie isan best SO ot lu
The gravity of the housing problem | Mr. and Mrs. Teeter, of Martins- tree of ou Sy Adio I stay with us. We have some work
in America can be simply illustrated | burg, are spending a few weeks with vhich has been given os an ilgili eg
Be ow “liheir daughter, Mrs. Norman Myers g : De | the boys have been careless in not
y parison of the number of fam illiam Horlick, one of the chief | ging their colored snow goggles

ilies provided with new residental units and family. iponsors of the [Kxpedition, the|ang have been stricken with tem:


in recent years. Miss Sara Martin visited in the vokker and the Pilar
In 1922, some 370,000 families secured | home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Shear- | am simply up to my eyebrows Show Sunanes There an CABLE-
new homes. In 1925, when the all-time | eT of near this place over the week n the work connected with this i {ow Cases of ne SHOCK-PROOF | BODIZY &
high was reached lose to 500.000 h ne end. oresling ‘has Lg ms {one chap has some badly straine¢ CONTROLLED STEERING FISHER
C ome sting phase of the Expedition. | jgaments from a fall. Otherwise w» BRAKES

ro i = yne 2 J ssting kerose
structures were built. The ten-year ne minute | am issuing kerosene | are in good shape.
average from 1921-30 was 361,000 units IRON 'TLLE o the dog drivers for cooking; the |
1ext 1 am passing out gasoline and | The Bear will take out the last
each year. In 1933, new home con-
struction dropped to less than 30,000. il for the tractors and the planes ! mail we can send for almost a yea*
y | SO you can imagine that everyones
Making the problem still more severe Lo a I = I'he amounts consumed are simpl
5 fhe fact that during depression de- Ws nd Yes RN Lo .normous. On this trail trip we are | in every odd moment available, le
preciation and obsolescence of existing Mrs. Harvey Musser, and Andrew ising a thousand gallons of Tydol Yasha OF as a ey H S N E W C O M E R & S O N
homes were more than normally great. |prusser: Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland for the tractors alone and | the folks at home. 1 have made ®
Thousands of houses literally went to |Rettew motored to Berwyn, Penna. 00 gallons for the planes. quite an exploration of Little
pieces, due to lack of upkeep. PE : Both groups will take sufficient America on ay own hook and next
The result is that a heavy percentage On Satardoy evening we Loyal ood for 40 days. The supporting week hi tel] you some of the ip MOUNT JOY, PENNA.
of our people live in sub-standard|gons' Bible Class will hold a festival teresting tained found.
dwellings. Doubling up, with several|,, the Band lawn They will have he trip together. The supporting| The radio continues to tell me . i ——— - —
Jamilies occupying one home, is com- | special music for the evening. ary will Re oy 100 Bailes, put | what a wonderful success our clu® :
monplace. It was recently estimated rs. Pz .. Mrs. P.P.Dat- own a cache ot food, oll, gasoline | is proving, with hundreds of new
BE oo poy, | rs. Paul re ol Dat- | 4 other necessities and return to [members every day and member PR A A a a ae a Se a ae aa
ner. And population shifts have gone | John Fox, Mrs. George Fornoff. Mrs. Jittle America. The main party will | ship cards and maps going out by oe
on, depression or no depression, creat- | Joseph Berntheizel, and Mrs. Engle ontinue and lay down a base 300 | the thousands. Seems to me all ol
ing tremendous home shortages in Forrey attended the Woman's Mis- Way ai] thew walk back America must have joined by this
ome! Some walk time. If you and your friends

arty and the main party will start

Loader ed

various localities. sions lon
A Sf Berit $0 ii Juels. 8 | haven't come in yet now is u swell dt #
: i : Att rica are {singly | There i
ALL SIDES SHOULD BE FAIR being made at the Twin Oaks swim- ond. We are quite NS toro ox HUE Taare a 50 SO yarn > by T °°
During the last few months there has | ming pool. The pool will be opened ept that I still hate to get up in Sin | i poy oe e or - >
been growing criticism, from many this week for the season. te morning. We'll be entirely ay | St oe ha Be 3 a oe
huarters, of various governmental ac-| Ironville UBSS passed a res- led in another two weeks for our | President. Little Amarien Avi rs 3
tivities—particularly those which are olution, thanking C. W. Knipe for a ong vear away from civilization Lk 7 Peploration on b Hot he “
of an experimental nature, and are corner stone presented to the church fv sleeping DAZ is. warm as tons! vi ji G1 rainy a2 0 40 ih oe oe
without legislative precedent. And, in and to D. K. Lockard for the use of mt getting out of it and into wv Aver New Very v rd Ener oo >
return, the defenders of experiments |a cement mixer, while the church is old clothing at 20 degrees bein rd nia Tu : our cor 3
have naturally been more zealous and [being remodeled. oro. with My bolls oun ithe Sous will x % ®
Sesser Grr : oe L)
moming makes for hurried some ath. wf) he sant yOUQ
aggressive in bringing their beliefs and
arguments before the public. DO YOU KNOW THAT

A grave responsibility rests on both There are around 47,000,000 cases oe
these groups—those who defend and |of malaria in the world each year 3
those who criticize. The American gov- | and sufferers shell out $12,500,000 * *
ernment is attempting to do a greatand | annually for quinine alone. *
ing—to bring more happiness,| President Ward B. Whitlock, of the oe &
opportunity, more useful leisure | United States Building and Loan oh
average man. There is no place | League says 60 per cent of the home
ticism and denunciation which is|owners in this country hold their
partisan and selfish, and repre- | property debt free.
an effort of those who are politic-| There are more than 1,280,000
out” to get Siemsgives back “in.” Lhorses in France, according to a re- a dl
ere is no place for enthusiastic {cent horse census.
b which is likewise based on par-| The Forest Service has grown ho (OPERATORS FEE
tisan ggrounds, and represents misguid- 20,000,000 young black locust seed- 7 [PARTS TAXZZZ
ed loyalty to a political group. lings this season for use in erosion 1 TT.
There is unquestionably fear on the | control work in Mississippi. / ‘ TAX
part of many citizens that in conduct-| In August imports into the United i PEE
ing its experiments, the government is | States totaled $155,000,000 worth, Y
losing sight of certain American funda- | while our exports reached only $131,
mentals—that it is endangering the ex- | 000,000.
istance of economic and social individ-| There were more than 35,000,000
90% o%%
9, 9.
0 9

IMMORTALIZED in story and song, the old “corner
store” has passed—aiong with the free potato on the
O00 0,00
lism, that it i keni the f d- | telephones i > wor m an.
BE ah it Is weaken mala the world on Jan. 1 kerosene can, and the customers’ access to the crack- *
we are nearing the shoals of fascism, Four states can be se frc th - i 3
and a bureaucratic dictatorship. That ie ot SS ns li tora he er box. It was picturesque, but you never quite knew &
is the issue that must be widely dis-|the “Sky Ride” at the World's Fair. what you would find there. Half the time it was full &
cussed, by both the friends and en-| Sheep like tobacco and it is said
emies of the new order. It should be|to be good for them (when mixed
discussed frankly, fairly and authorita- | with salt.)
tively, and all sides should be heard. The reason Japan wanted to ‘con-
Neither dogmatic praise nor partisan trol’ Manchuria is that it is the most
criticism does service to a government, | favored agricultural spot in the Far
an administration, or to the public. | East.
Honest differences of opinion, honestly | Last year tigers in India killed 1,-
argued and thrashed out, are of im-]033 men while men there killed 1,068
mense benefit. tigers.
of people who didn’t know what they wanted. The
other half, it was empty. It was more of a club than a
9. 90
Today, when you enter your grocery store—or any
store—you know what you want, how much you want
of it, and the price you are going to pay. Advertising
has rendered you this service. It brings you weekly
through the columns of The Bulletin, the merchan-
dising opportunities of this community. In the quiet

crt wen sere A

In a recent address, vice-president C.| Approximately 70,000 pike and yel-
0. Moser of the American Cotton Co- !low perch, brought here from the State
operative Association said that there |Fish Hatchery at Torresdale, were
are four things that must be done if | planted in county streams last week.
we are to rehabilitate the farmer’s buy- rr

9, 9,
eile ied


ing power. They are: There i bett to boost
1 Raiae the all commodity price n- ee a 0 Dv TERE Ee of your own home, you are enabled to select every- *
X evel require 0 S aim e ici .
existing debt structure and buying NO te D> thing you want to buy! ke
power needed to absorb the products &
and gervices of other groups. BE a ee & The modern way to be certain of quality and value >

Adjust supply to demand, by | in agriculture in the last few years.
stimulating foreign and domestic buy- | The day of “just farming” is definitely
on the one hand and reducing pro- | over—matters which once seemed far
is to read the advertisements. Representing almost
every field of opportunity, the advertising columns of
on The Other. bes away from the farmer now dictate o
the protection ween | sound agricultural practices. Tariffs, 3 3 1 3
rau! hy i 2 The Bulletin bring you the fascinating story of the 3
dustry oe
Increase farmer bargaining power |all vitally affect the American produc- ’
barguinind power (on y produ whole world’s market-place!
further development of farmer| The major co-operatives are now
and controlled co-operatives. seeking to bring home to the farmer
Moser is known as one of the | himself—as well as to the public—what
“authorities on the farm prob- | must be done if agricultural prosperity
his opinions have carried | is to be achieved. That is a great work
weight when government farm |-—and none more definitely affects the
n has been considered. What | future national welfare. Farm buying oy wikis 3
is worth listening to. And |power is the backbone of all buying News item: “The United States Senate voted 46 to 29 to continue the
i ints he emphasizes in- | power—and we can’t have genuine re- wdditional Federal gasoline tax of 1c per gallon, and other federal
great has been the change "covery so long as it lags behind. taxes costing highway users more than $250,000,000, for another year.”
9 9,
Read the advertisements! They are weekly mes-
sages of opportunity for you.
ho? %

Oe o¥%

