THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. HAS IT It’s a safe refrigerang outstanding feature Grunow alone bas. It g teesnotonlysafetybut smooth and econo operation of your G not only for a few mo Jor years into the futur vy x Q » RA C. S. Ld T. B. Tested C BABY CHICKS, MERCH THE BULLETIN MOUNT JOY Krall’'s Mea West Main St, MO WE HAVE QUALITY ATS prescription Swiftest and Best RHEUMATIC PRESCRIPTION 85 Cents Pain—Agony Starts to Leave in 24 Hours Just ask for Allenru—Within 24 hours after you start to take this safe yet powerful! medicine excess uric acid and other circulating poisons start to leave your body. In 48 hours pain, agony and swell- ing are usually gone—The Allenru is guaranteed—if one bottle doesn’t do as stated—money R. U. TRIMBLE ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. ORDER YOUR W & DOOR SCREENS Classified Column WANTED—Broilers and Poultry of all kinds at highest market price. Tele- phone 207M Mount Joy. E. H. Zercher. may 16-8t-p WANTED—Woman for general house work, Apply 105 W. Main St., Mt. Joy. may 16-1t-p greetic man to ark in milk at had Farmers’ Dairy Company. may YOTATORS FOR SALE—At One NO TICE—The Lot Holders of the mp Hill Cemetery Association will e home of Mr. Augustus “for ‘the purpose of ele PD by the death of Mr. Geyer. may 16-tf FOR _RENT—Furnished rooms. Alice eet, Mt. Joy. WOOD FOR SALE—I have a lot of cord wood sawed stove length which I sell reasonable at all times. John W. Kreider, phone 142R12, Mt. Joy. may.2-4t-p FOR RENT—A T7-room Bungalow, all conveniences, along the Donegal Boro Limits and Cross Roads home. Inquire Norman H. ST Mt, Joy R. 1 apr.d- -tf FOR SALE—A Brick House with Slate Roof, 8 rooms, all conveniences, Poultry House 12x12, along concrete highway, Florin. Apply to Jno. E. Schroll, Realtor, Mount Joy. No. 416. FOR SALE CHEAP—A 6-room house in Florin, all conveniences, nicely lo- cated. Property newly papered and painted. Will take $3,000 for a quick sale. See Jno. E. Schroll, Mt. Joy, Pa CALVES and HIDES—Highest Cash 6 Reist R. Mumma, a town 171R11. decl3-tf FOR SALE OR RENT-—A Nine Acre SUPER-SAFE REFRIGERATOR Farm, good buildings and land. Ins Terr 3 pply to Mrs. Lizzie Stoll, Mt apr.3-tf USED PIPE WANTED—Can use sev- eral hundred feet of good used one inch iron pipe, must be cheap. Phone 41J, Mount Joy. mar.28-tf-p Photo Finishing by mail to all the U. wr rin ps Sa on roll of films develop- 4 ts (coin) Capital City Photo Service, Market St., Harrisburg, Pa. mar.28-tf STOVE WOOD sawed in 12 inch iis consists of oak and 2 , delivered JACOB 3 ihc es y=0-tf SEALED PROPOSALS TO FURNISH; ANTHRACITE COAL Sealed proposals will be received by the residence of the undersigned, Man | contract to furnish An- thracite eal f@r the School District of] , to be delivered dur sylvania. The trade name of th the mine. “9 The price shall delivery and sha following houses 3 lows: Egg coal to be dé Lincoln 12 ton, Spo Newtown 10 ton, Ga Square 10 ton, Maste Hosslers 12 ton, Elm Tri coal and the name of bd include the cost of’ he delivered to the] d amounts as fol ered as follows] ing Hill 15 tony d 10 ton, Union nville 10 torf; 12 ton, total] 91 ton. A Stove coal to be deliver as Chiques 4 ton, McKinley 6 YW, Mount Vernon 4 ton, Midway 4 4 ton, Sunnyside 6 ton, Fairvijik 4 tony Pleasant Place 5 ton, Chestnu§@Grove’| 4 ton, total 41 ton. “1 Bituminous Egg to Masterson 1041 ton. “1 The right to reject any or all bil is reserved. J may 16-2t J. W. MOYER, Sécy. ‘bids will be received by the S District of East Donegal Town- ship the transportation of school by bus for the school term of the following routes: No. 1 B. F. Hiestand Sons of- fice to ion School House to May- town by Way of Phares Wolgemuth’s mill, distgnce 6.9; thence to Rowenna and backs Maytown by way of Reich's Church, distance 5.5 miles. Approxi- mately uplis to be accommodated in each b#gsload. Route (Alternate) B. F. Hies- tand Sons Wice to Union School House to Maytowriy way of the Iron bridge road and Wolgemuth’s mill, distance 8 miles; thence to Rowenna and back to town by way of Reich's 3; Church, distan@® 5.5 miles. Approxi- mately 58 pupild to be accommodated on each bus | Route No. 2 rin to Maytown by way of Donegaklf distance 4.9 miles; thence to Donegal bridge and back to Maytown distance 5 miles; thence to West #¥arietta and back to Maytown, distange® 4 miles. Approxi- mately 50 pupil be accommodated on each bus load.® in to Maytown by Route No. 3 FH way of Donegal, adistance 4,9 miles; thence to Walk’s and back to Maytown, miles; thence to West Marietta andigback to Maytown, fl Approximately 35 distance 4 miles. pupils to be accombgdated on each hus load. ; Route No. 3 (Alggrnate) Florin to Maytown by way ofp negal, distance 4.9 miles: thence to corner and back to Maytown, dgstance 4.8 miles; thence to Mt. Pleasamschool house and back to Maytown, dggance 3 miles, Approximately 35 pum modated on each bus Route No. 4 Union fchool House to Florin, distance 1.3 mifd Approximate~ ly 12 pupils to be ad on each bus load. i Route No. 5 Intersed Church road with the bethtown Highway to™ tance 1.7 miles; thence ant schoal house and bag distance 7.8 miles. A pupils to be accommo bus load. i Route No. 5 (Alternate intersection of Bossler’s with the Elizabethtown- way to Maytown, distan to Maytown, ximately 13 d on each Approximately 8 pupils ti accom- modated on each bus loa! Route No. 5 (Alternate) Mount Pleasant to Maytown, Approximately 13 pupils to | grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin 4 phia, Friday and Saturday. modated on each bus load. Seal bids will also be recei Picked From Card Basket PERSONAL MENTION ABOUT THE OOMERS AND GOERS AROUND HERE DURING THE PAST WEEK BY OUR SOCIAL REPORTERS Miss Ethel Smith is spending the summer at Asbury Park, N. J. Mr. Owen Greenawalt, of Harris- urg, was a Tuesday visitor in town. Mr. and Mrs. Abram Koser of Hershey, visited relatives and friends here on Tuesday. Mrs. Fred Leiberher and Dotty Rensel returned home after spending several days at York. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Becker, on Marietta St., entertained guests at their home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Herr, of Pal- myra, were Sunday callers with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hilt. Mr. Milton Ebessole, of Lititz call- ed on his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ebersole, on Friday. Mrs. E. V. McClellan and daughter are spending some time in Oaklyn, N. J.,, with Mr. George Eckert and family. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hilt and daughter, Arlene, visited Mr. and Mrs. Witmer Kauffman at Lititz on Sunday. Mr. John Greiner, of Philadelphia, visited at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Greiner, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wiker en- tertained guests at their home on Sunday from Washington, D. C, and Lancaster. Miss Mae Milligan and Robert Moyer, of Newport, Perry County, were the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Milligan. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heipler, of near Risser’s Mill, entertained guests from Mount Joy, East Petersburg, and Rapho township on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ryan and family, and Mrs. Ida Souers, York, were callers on Sunday at the Barn- hart home on Mount Joy Street. Miss Dorothy Schneider, of Lan- caster, spent Friday and Saturday as the guest of Mr. and * Mrs. Jay Barnhart, on Donegal Springs St. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sears and Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Erb and son, David, of Harrisburg, were week end visit- ors with Mrs. Howard Arntz and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cobaugh and son, of Elizabethtown, were the vis- itors on Sunday at the home of her Gerber. Mr. and Mrs. John Groff and two children, May and Chester, of Sal- unga, were callers on Saturday at the Harvey Ebersole home, on New Haven Street. Miss Anna Engle, furloughed mis- sionary from Africa, and a daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Eli Engle, is spend ing about a month's time in the West and including California. Dr. and Mrs. R. D. Smedley at- tended the annual meeting of the Pennsylvania Osteopathic Association held at the Adelphia Hotel, Philadel- Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Geib and two daughters, Anna and Emma, and Mrs. Lizzie Wintermyer, were en- tertained as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kolp, of Rapho township on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Becker and Ardella Ginder; Mr. and Mrs. John Becker and daughter, Mary, were entertained on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Metzler on West Main Street. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Ginder, of Mastersonville; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Risser, of Quinton; Miss Helen Ran- sing, of Lancaster, were the Sunday guests in the Harvey Hawthorne home, Marietta St. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gibbons, Sr and daughter, Edith, were Sunday guests in the families of their son and daughter, Mr. Clarence Gibbons and Mrs. Cyrus Sherabone, at Eliz- abethtown on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bear, of Lan- caster; Mr. and Mrs. John Heisey, of Annville; Mr. and Mrs. Mark Base- hore and daughter, Nancy, of Eliza- bethtown, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Heisey on Sunday. Mrs. Eli Ebersole, Mrs. H. N. Niss- ly, Mrs. B. F. Greenawalt, Mrs. N. Harmon, Misses Anna Mae Eby and revised schedule as follows: Route Noid Mount Pleasant School to Maytowitiy way of West Marietta distance 3.9 niles; thence to West Mar- ietta and baW¥ to Maytown, distance 4 miles. Approg@nately 56 pupils to be accommodated Wa each bus load. Route No. 2 com Phares Wolge- muth’s mill to G@ion School House; thence to by way of Wolge- muth’s mill 5.3 miles; thence to Rowenna and bj to Maytown by way of Reich's ch®ch, distance 5.5 miles. Approximate 56 pupils to be accommodated in bus load. Route No. 2 (Alte e) Phares Wol- gemuth’s mill to Uni School House thence to Maytown Sy way of Iron bridge road and Phagks Wolgemuth’s i i alee to Rowenna and back to Maytown way of Reich’s church, distance 5.5 es. Approxi- mately 56 pupils to be aggommodated in each bus load. w Route No. 3 Florin t# Maytown by way of Donegal, distafige 4.9 miles; thence to Walk’s corne&®and back to Maytown, distance 4.8 mis. mately 35 pupils to be & in each bus load. | Route No. 4 Florin to #8 way of Donegal, distancgh4. thence to Donegal bridge $a Maytown direct, distance 5 proximately 50 ‘pupils to be dated in each bus load. Bidders will please note § Laws of Pennsylvania proof glass in all busses not tion prior to January 1, 1934.1 Any further information may upon applying to the unde Bids must be in the possession undersigned by 7:00 P. M, E Standard Time, Thursday, May 24 The School Board reserves the to reject any es 21 bids. may 9-2t a 1, Mt. Jo Local Doings Around Florin (From page one) and Mrs. Katie Winters of Manheim were Sunday guests of Mrs. Harry Stoll. Misses Mary Elizabeth and Martha Bernice Nissly attended the Scholastic Press Conference at Lehigh University on Saturday. Mr. Victor Haldeman of Collingswood, N. J., and Mr. George Stoll of Harris- burg, were guests of Mrs. Ella Halde- man on Friday. Quarterly Conference was held at the United Brethren Church here on Tuesday evening. Rev. Enck of Har- risburg was the speaker. Messrs. John and Richard Funk and lady friends and Miss Miriam Funk all of Cleona, spent Mother's Day with Rev. and Mrs. J. D. Funk. Mrs. Christ Kinsey was the winner of a fine ham, at the American Legion Auxiliary Card Party, held at the Legion Home, Mount Joy on Monday evening. The Lot Holders of the Camp Hill Cemetery Association will meet at the home of Mr. A. Shetter on Tuesday, June 5th for the purpose of filling the office of president. Mr. Christ Malehorn and son John, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wolgemuth, Mary Myers and Pheobe Sentz attended Love Feast Services on Saturday and Sun- day at Lykens Valley. Sale Register If you want a notice of your sale in- serted in this register weekly from now until day of sale. ABSOLUTELY FREE, send or phone us your sale date and when you are ready, let us print your bills. That’s the cheapest adver- tising you can get. Wednesday Evening, May 16th—At their place of business near Mount Joy, cows, bulls, shoats, baby chicks, fruit, potatoes, merchandise, etc. by C. S. Frank & Bro. Friday, May 18—At our stock yards, Mount Joy, 40 head of Western Penna. cows, Holsteins and Guernseys, by J. B. Keller & Bro. Sale 1:25 P. M. Standard Time. Wednesday Evening, May 23rd—At their place of business near Mount Joy, cows, bulls, shoats, baby chicks, fruit, potatoes, merchandise, etc. by C. S. Frank & Bro. Thursday, May 31—At the garage of H. S. Newcomer & Son, rear of their hardware store, Mount Joy, a large lot of real estate by E. S. Ger- berich and H. S. Newcomer, trustees to sell in the Wm. B. Detwiler Es- tate. Frank, auct.’ See advertise- ment. —— — Will Plant Fish Approximately 70,000 pike and yel- low perch, brought here from the State Fish Hatchery at Torresdale, were planted in county streams last week. Ruth Brubaker, are attending the Missionary Convention at Harrisburg Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Mr. Amos Bricker, of near Eby's Church; Mr. Norman Bricker, of Steelton; Mr. Norman Becker, Mrs. Amanda Good, Clayton and Katie Good; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Berk- man and children were entertained on Sunday near Eby’s church at the home of Irvin Bricker. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weidman and family; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Strick- ler and son; Mr. and Mrs. Simon Hertzler and son; Mr. and Mrs. Dan Erb and family; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eby, Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Nissly and son, Raymond; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stayer were Sunday callers on the David Eby family. Mary Elizabeth Nissley, Martha Bernice Nissly, Louise Schock, Har- ry Walters, and Gerald Arntz repre- sented the Hi-Crier at the first an- nual Inter-Siholastic Press Confer- ence for Pennsylvania and New Jer- sey, at Lehigh University on Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. Nitrauer and Robert Nolt also attended the conference. Rev. and Mrs Eli Engle, Mr. and Mrs. Avery Engle and children, Lois and Alton; Mrs. Christ Melhorn and son, John: Mr. and Mrs. Miller Wol- gemuth, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wol- gemuth, Miss Mary Myers and Miss Phoebe Sentz were among those from this locality who attended the Love Feast held on Saturday and Sunday at Lykens Valley Mr. Jerome Brubaker, Nettie Gin- der, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Messick, Harry Brubaker, Stanley Brubaker, Rev. John Brubaker, Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Snavely and family, Wilbur Brubaker, all of near town; Miriam Brubaker, of Middletown; Rev. F. Kready and family, of Neflsville; Rev. Wenger of Mastersonville, mo- tored to Washington, D. C., and also other points of interest recently. Mr. and Mrs. Samnel Wolgemuth, of Manheim; Mr. and Mrs. John Shiers and daughter, Fannie, of Un- ion Square; Mr. and Mrs. darry Brubaker, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Messick and son, Richard of Eby’s Church; Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Beck- er and children, Rhoda and Clarence of Fast Petersburg, were the guests on Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ebersole on New Hav- en Street. Mr. and Mrs. Enos Weidman and children, John, Vera and Clarence; Mr. and Mrs. John Snavely and children. Rachel and Raymond, of Manheim; Mr. and Mrs. Noah Lan- dis and son, Elvin, of Oregon; Mr. and Mrs. David Newcomer and son, Junior, of Elizabethtown, were en- tertained on Sunday at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Newcomer on West Main St. In the J afternoon they enjoyed a trip to the beautiful Italian i at Harris- burg. Religious News In Churches NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL THE CHURCHS IN MOUNT JOY AND THE ENTIRE SURROUNDING COMMUNITY All the church news in this column is published gratis and we solicit the news of your church. Ask your pastor or someone to mail or bring this news to this office every Tuesday afternoon. Kraybill’s Mennonite Church 8:30 Sunday School. Mt. Joy Mennonite Church 9:00 A. M. Sunday School. 7:00 P. M. Young People’s meeting Donegal Presbyterian Church Rev. C. B. Segelken, D. D., Pastor Church School 9:30. D. C. Wit-|" mer, superintendent. Trinity Evan. Congregational Church Rev. John Waser, Pastor Sunday School 9:30 A. M. Morning worship 10:30 A. M. Union services in the U. B. church in the evening. St. Luke’s Episcopal Church Holy communion and sermon the first Sunday of each month at 10:30 Sunday School at 9:15. Morning prayer and sermon 10:30 Evening Prayer 7 :30 P. M. Choir rehearsal Wednesday even- ing at 6:30. Presbyterian Church Rev. C. B. Segelken, D. D., Pastor Church School 9:30 A. M. H. 8. Newcomer, superintendent, Morning worship and sermon at 10:30 o'clock. Union service in the evening at 7:30 in the United Brethren church. Trinity Lutheran Church Rev. George A. Kercher, Pastor Whitsunday services. Bible School 9:30 A. M. Morning service and holy com- munion 10:30 A. M. There will be no evening service on account of the joint service in the United Brethren church. Church of God Rev. G. F. Broske, Minister Sunday School 9:30. Preaching 10:30. 6:45 C. E. Union service inthe United Breth- ren church in the evening. Prayer service Wed. 7:45 P. M. Everybody welcome. The Methodist Episcopal Church Rev. Harold C. Koch, A. M;; S. T. B. Wednesday evening, the mid-week worship 7:30. Sunday Church School 3:30 A. M. Morning Worship Service at 10:30 A. M. Senior Epworth League 6:30 P. M Union service in the U. B. church in the evening. Florin United Brethren in Christ Church Rev. J. W. Funk, Pastor Sunday School at 9:30. Morning worship 10:30. C. E. services in the evening. Evening worship and sermon 7:15. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:30 . St. Mark’s United Brethren in Christ Rev. O. L. Mease, S. T. D., Pastor Sunday School at 9:00 Morning worship at 10:15 A. M Baccalaureate service at 7:30 P. M. Rev. Broske, pastor of the Church of God, will preach the baccalaureate sermon, and the choir and organist of the Church of God, will have charge of the music. Meeting for prayer and the Bible study on Wednesday at 7:30. Bible Lectures The Mount Joy School of the Bi- ble will meet this Friday night, May 18th, in the Mount Joy Hall, at 7:30 P. M., when the weekly Bible lec- tures will be delivered by Rev. Geo. W. Hallman, pastor of the First TU. B. church, Harrisburg, Pa. This Friday night session will be divided into two periods of one-half hour each. The first period the Rev. Hallman will teach the weekly Sun- day School lesson followed by the second lecture on the book of Ro- mans. These studies are proving very helpful to all those attending. Everybody welcome. Bring your Bible. Clinic For Crip- pled Children (From page one) Registration may be made by parents or other interested persons, and it is not necessary to bring the child at the time of registration. This Clinic is primarily for Children under eighteen years of age, and no person either child or adult will be given a registration card without pre- senting a letter of recommendation from their family Physician, on the day of registration. The Crippled. Children Committee relies on the interest and aid of Phy- sicians and members of civic and ser- vice clubs to make this work a real value to the physically handicapped. However, the purpose of this work is to bring these opportunities to those who are financially unable to secure them for themselves. The work is financed by the Community Chest by your contribution and mine, and our budget is limited, therefore, we request of you to refer only such cases as you feel are financially entitled to service rendered in a free Clinic. Oliver Moyer, Mrs. Armin She Mary Weidman, Mrs. Harry G Martha Gibble, Dorothy Kauffman, Glenn Grunenberger, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shelly, Bellerma Spangler, Mrs. M. Ewdards, Mrs. Harvey Spangler, James Spangler, Dorothy Edwards, Pauline Edwards, Mrs. Francis Weid=- man, Mrs. Joseph Weidman, Mrs. H. H Berntheizel, Annie Gibble, Ruth Foreman. Mother’s Day Was Observed (From page one) ¢ Members of the various so- cieties are to visit their sister organ- The individual purchase of Farm Society pins was men#io Vocal duet by Mrs. accompanied by Mrs. Gibble on the , by Mrs. Dohner; Vo- Gibble; Reading, dy, by Mrs. Edwards; Accordion solo Lord's Prayer, The next regular > of Mrs. Francis S. Weid- man in the afternoon of the Saturday in June, réunion of the rison Foreman, Richard Boyer, Dainty refreshments were served the hostess. friends pupils, will be enjoyed in in the evening. ladies displayed various work ; them during the past year. included: Mrs. J. L. Keiser, Mrs. rs. M. H. Kauffman, Grace rs. Albert Shank, Em- , Vera Shank, Esther . Abram Wolgemuth, H. W. Longenecker Joseph Foreman, Shank, Milton Kauffman, Mrs. Shearer, Harry Gibble, "Loyd Kauff- man, Roy Shelly, i RLS GLEN BRE Phone 88R13 7 o'clock. Don’t’ Always bargains for some one. Public Sale at Mount Joy 1:25 P. M. STANDARD TIME FRIDAY, MAY 18, 40 HEAD WESTERN PENNA. Cows Cows HOLSTEIN and GUERNSEYS Direct from the farms on which they any of these sales. FRESH, SPRINGING & BACKWARD Six Are Registered Holsteins A Few Stock BULLS Everything from Accredited Areas. Test Chart with each animal. 60 day notes with the discount paid by the maker will be accepted by securing undersigned before Free Delivery We sell promptly at 1:25 P. M. Standard Time J. B. Keller & Bro. Aldinger, Auct. Zeller, Clerk 1 OL 0 Moose Theatre| == ELIZABETHTOWN |7and 9 P. M. TOR - mn “COME ON MARINES A Paramount Picture Wi Roscoe Karns, Toby Win A Special Added Attraction JOE PENNER in “GANGWAY” “THE LAST R Monday, May 21 Heather Angel mn “MURDER IN TRINIDAD” Wednesday, May, 23rd Frederic March m “DEATH TAKES A HOLIDAY” MC Fri.,, Sat., May 18th, 19th Jimmie Durante in “PALOOKA™ Tuesday, May 22 Sally Eilers in % MADE HER BED” May 24th 1 OO PALMYRA rivileges, in fact, the and in addition, there is good music a excellent entertainment You have all the is yours,