* dvertises x 5 A8 x RS 5% NINE times out of ten you will find that the <= man who advertises is the man who most wil- 2 lingly returns your money if you are not satis- 50 x3 fied. x He has too much at stake to risk losing your » trade or your confidence. You can depend on him. DOC OO000000C0 5 Dns He is not in business for today or tomorrow only—but for next year and ten years from next He knows the value of good will. OOOO O00 3 year. And APM VY OC You get better merchandise at a fairer price than he could ever hope to sell it if he did not have the larger volume of business that comes from legitimate advertising and goods that bear out the promise of the printed word. DOOOOOOOG DO00O00000 DC 0 8 Ro eo te a SPIN ang Don’t miss the advertisements. This very day they call your attention to values that tomorrow you will be sorry you overlooked. HOOOOOC ANAL 20 BOOOO0OO00 MORE EA R N MONEY A WISE OWL Its pretty tough when a certain chap here fools his kids the way he does. He has a boy who is nearly thirteen, who just learned that the gas meter is not a bank. A young fellow at Florin made the wise crack that he is the idol of the family. He's right, too. I know he has been idle at least four years. Well, really, this particular guy has been out of work so long his tape worm died. Believe you me—every husband has but one wife and the ice man has the pick. Met a chap up at “Chet’s” recently who wanted to be so blamed refined that he ate a banana sideways, think- HEALTH TALK WRITTEN BY DR. THEODORE B APPEL, SECRETARY OF HEALTH Soft living has created a very de- finite tendency, especially among the young people, to slouch and slump. Relaxation, which is overworked in nearly all departments of life, is no- ticeable in this physical aspect. Con- sequently, the many physicians are reporting rounded shoulders and the weak abdominal walls with some- times an association of nervous dis- turbances. Apparently the average person is not sufficiently informed on the detrimental possibilities of the habitually bad posture, states Dr. Theodore B. Appel, Secretary of the Health. Faulty habits of walking, stand- ing, and sitting very easily can dis- turb the normal relation of organs, as well as the proper circulation of the blood. In extreme cases mis- placement or falling of the abdom- inal and pelvic organs, and even of the stomach, can directly result from this type of neglect. Barring an ac- tual disease that interferes with the muscular or bony bodily structures thus preventing the normal support, laziness and indifference are the only reasons for bad posture. The advantage, both physical and mental, derived from a snappy car- diage is well known in military cir- cles. In fact, if one be observant he will note that the majority of to- day’s successful men and women car ry themselves with a measure of dis- tinction. Mental agility, resourceful- ness and stamina somehow just nat- urally carry with them the physical alertness and a soldierly set up. However, after years of poor pos- THAT LITTLE CAME” Inter-nat’l Cartoon Cou NYe— By B. Link | { LL GWE YoU LOSERS A CHANCE AT SOMETHWG DIFFERENT, — HERES THE \DEA ,~ THE FACE ON TH\S CLOCK \S LOOSE AND REVOLVE S,~ \'LL SPIN HE FACE AND WHICHEVER HouR THE SMALL HAND POINTS 10 WHEN \T STOPS \S (HE Lucky NUMBER AND WINS THE POT. 7] PLB A 3\T ON EACH NUMBER, — oN FWE SPINS. Hl 5 R20 B® 8 =D 5 I} 1S > Y NIH om V2 yy, Eb == =a RIES £7) 7 1 = LO 0 7 3 7 7 Ills ZZ), YES, \ WANT A FINE Yo SEE THE HOLD UP i | LETS SEE | (N L fru PUT AND REMEMBER \T'S nanos up | Sha | ony FIVE ALREADY ¢ | “tuceE SPINS « Goon HERE'S MY AND THE Host | NITE | AND NINE | or BET ON ' WOPECKS BETTER TEN OCLOCNR, LL BET ONy| GET A NEITHER — “WO FOUR LEAD PENCIL TEN 1S HIS 3 AND PAPER. | wuewy AND NUMBER, OCLOCK. TONIGHT. 77 v7, \ A 3, Nn) A on x AN AN 0¢ 7 ; = IN 7 ) / 7 al _B \ 4 4 NN = \ N= JUST A HOARDER? Jessie, queen ostrich at the London zoo, died rather suddenly one day, “Bulletin” Advertising Is the Key To Succe THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. WEDNESDAY, MAY 2nd, 1g HITT AND RUNN—A Story Without Words—That Is, Words That the Censor Would Permit to Be Publisi.. sy HITY 3 ro | ATVICETO THE RS RON | LOVELORN 8 2 5 ® You Can Depend ett ; 25: WHAT (§ 5 TE BEST way To REMOVE SUPERFLUOUS 04 HAR. — 2% SALLY SOAPNOO] On The Man Fare, = Wh BE 0% oO %, 58 BS MS 5 Lo ————— S$ — and when they tried to find out |= what had caused poor Jessie’s death TTT You can learn Bookkeeping, Banking, Shorthand and Typewriting at home in half the time, and at one-fifth the cost of attending a business college. You can com- plete the course in bookkeeping or banking, and receive your diploma in two months. You can learn to write over 100 words a minute in shorthand in less than two months, and you can become an expert, rapid typist in six weeks. A small down-payment and easy monthly terms will get you started immediately. Complete satisfaction and a good position guaranteed, or your tuition will be re- funded in full. Send ten cents in coin or stamps for complete descriptive literature of the courses in which you are interested. Do it today. AMERICAN CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL 1850 Downing St., Denver, Colo. Covers the ENTIRE United States A 62-Acre Farm TO BE SOLD AT DEPRESSION PRICE BANK BARN, SILO, GOOD FRAME HOUSE, CON- CRETE BLOCK 2-CAR GARAGE AND BUTCHER HOUSE, BROODER House with Incubator 24x60 feet, many other POULTRY HOUSES, room for 1,000 hens, meadow pasture, running water, spigot water at house and barn, fruit etc. House has all modern conveniences such as light, heat and bath. Here’s a dandy farm to be sold at about half its value several years ago. Good reason for selling. Jno. E. Schroll REALTOR MOUNT JOY, PA. Far Cheaper Than You Can Build i i an Ah ing # was ear of corn ture, it is a real problem to correct it Mental attitude will play a large part in remedying the situation, as indeed has been the case in devel- oping wrong carriage in the first in- stance. This will be no mean hurdle to overcome. A very definite amount of concentration will be necessary if results are to be permanently ach- ieved. Those who are young or middle aged could with much profit join a gymnasium class and thus receive the benefits of instruction in exer- cises recommended for the strength- ening of the abdominal muscles and for restoring the organs to normal position. The family physician should be consulted in this connection and barring gymnasium facilities car ad- vise on setting up and muscle cor- recting home exercises. But the point to be emphasized is {that academic information on the subject and disciplining the mind to spply such knowledge are two very different matters and the latter de- mands a real and prolonged effort. Good posture is a physical, social and business asset. But its real value lies in the physical and men- Now I know why Danny Moore, down at Drytown, don’t play the ac- cordion any more—he says it pinches him. I just heard of a section in which there are no cemeteries—the dead walk around. The other day a fellow who's feet re- semble box cars, went to the Lincoln Shoe Repair for a shine. Joe said: “Close the door, I've got a day's work here.” Edgar Hagenberger told me he went to a certain store and just because they didn’t have the change for a half dol- lar after he bought a tie, he was com- pelled to take nine more. In front of the postoffice Saturday night. One High School girl to another. “Did you take a bath?” “Why, was there one missing?” I asked Clyde Eshleman if he files his nails and he replied: “No, I throw them away.” tal reactions to the subject who ach- ieves it. In short, from all the angles A fellow here went to an auto grave- | n,,st decidedly it does not pay to be yard and bought a car and on his way | slouch. home he said he had to put it into sec- EE EE ond to cross the trolley tracks. Officer: Here, man, I have caught you stealing an auto. I fear the only way they will ever| Thief: It was standing in front of catch that man Dillinger is if a pig this cemetery and I thought the squeals. owner was dead. A fellow on East Main street said he| Patronize Bulletin Advertisers was born in a hospital. A dumb bell asked him if he was sick and he said: “No, I just wanted to be near my mother.” it was a penny. With a black expres- sion he explained: “Keep the paper for me while I run back to Sunday School and get my dime out of the collection box.” He had made the wrong de- posit. Up at the Peris Mfg. Co. at Florin Monday a man was shell shocked. He fell over a bag of peanuts. a es The three quickest means of spread- ing news: telephone, telegraph, tell-a- woman. A preacher on looking up from the sermon he was reading was horrified to see his young son in the gallery pelt- ing the congregation below with chest- nuts. Before he could get out a word of reproof, his young hopeful cried out: “You ‘tend to your preachin,’ dad- dy; I'll keep ’em awake.” Here's a tip. Don’t buy, thermome- ters now. They will be LOWER next winter. John Miller says he’s too tender | hearted to be an electrician he could I was at a party last night and it was | never kil-o-watt. one of these ritzy ones where you have | | VERY MODERN HOME On an 80-foot front lot, house has 8-rooms and bath, slate roof, large porch, hot water heat, oil burner, hot and cold cellar, all cemented, possession any time. This is one of the best built homes in Mount Joy. Only reason for selling, but one person in the fam- ily. I will cheerfully show this property. No. 442. Modern 7-Room House On a 60-foot lot, corner, bath, oil burner, slate roof; house recently painted and papered. 2-Car Garage, poultry house, fruit, etc. Come and inspect. JNO. E. SCHROLL, Realtor MOUNT JOY, PENNA. { | PPPOE © @ © © © © © © © © © © to present your card and be an-| Sunday night Joe Detweiler’s girl nounced. Well, just as I was going in a| said: “Oh Joe, I adore that funny lit- gentleman with his family said to the|tle step of yours. Where did you pick butler: “Please announce Mr. and Mrs. | it up? Joe said: “Funny nothing, my ollar and daughters.” The butler suspenders are busted. went into the hostess and in a loud] pn voice called: “Three bucks.” Two girls from Mount Joy street — were out on a double date Saturday At a newly married couple’s home night. Sunday morning they met and on Monday night the husband was|were discussing their date when the seated at the supper table when he one said: “Gee, but that date last night said to his wife: “Darling, these buns|was fresh.” “Why didn’t you slap his are only half done.” And his wife re- | face?” Her girl friend asked. “I did,” plied: “I know it, dear. That's as far |she replied,” and take my advice, nev- as I got baking them by radio when an |er slap a guy when he’s chewing to- S.0.S. came in. | bacco.” TITS | Just then the percolator fell over and| A young mother went into Tyndall's strained it's coffee. | drug store and asked for some ster- i eee ilized ink for her baby. “Annie” finally A lady from out at the Back Run was | learned that it was Stearate of Zinc riding on a street car at Lancaster and | and not sterilized ink that the mother was approaching her destination. She | wanted. went up to the Conductor and said: | “Which end do I get off at?” The con- | A man from Newtown tried to shave ductor answered: “Makes no difference | himself with a razor his wife had used Ma’'m both ends stop.” to sharpen a pencil and after cutting A his neck numerous times he called to A small boy went down to the Cut his wife: “Bring me a glass of water I Rate to buy the Sunday paper. Laying want to see if my throat leaks.” his money on the counter he discovered | A WISE OWL ) Ey pT { { | pomp C—O they found she had not been sticking to a strictly usual ostrich diet. Her stomach was found to be rather hard and lumpy, a condition which was readily explained when it was open- ed, for there Jessie had concealed: Three handkerchiefs, pair of gloves, four pennies, a half-crown, 13 nails, a lead pencil, five screws, two stap- les, six washers, four yards of string and three buttons. Of course, this may not have brought on Jessie's death, but no doubt it had something to do with it. BX C. S. Frank & Bro. Sale Don’t forget the Community Sale tonight at 7 P. M., near town, of T. B. tested cows, also shoats, chicks, merchandise and fruitby C. S. Frank & Bro. I’ll Tell You Free How to Heal Simply anoint the swollen veins and sores with Emerald Oil, and bandage your leg. Use a bandage three inches wide and long enough to give the necessary support, wind- ing it upward from the ankle to the knee, the way the blood flows in the veins. No more broken veins. No more ulcers nor open sores. No more crippling pain. Just follow directions and you are sure to be helped. 9 Your druggist won't keep vour money unless you are. Not Just Another Pill To Deaden Pain But a wonderful modern medi- eine which acts upon the conditions which CAUSE the pain. Take them regularly and you should suffer less and less each month. PERSISTENT USE BRINGS PERMANENT RE- LIEF. Sold at all good drug stores. Small size 50¢. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S TABLETS FOR RELIEF AND PREVENTION OF PERIODIC PAINS How One Woman Lost 20 Lbs. of Fat Lost Her Prominent Hips — Double Chin — Sluggishness Gained Physical Vigor— A Shapely Figure. If you're fat—first cause! _Take one half teaspoonful of Kruschen Salts in a glass of hot water in the morning—in 3 weeks get on the scales and note how many pounds of fat have vanished. Notice also that you have gained in energy—your skin is clearer—you feel younger in body—Kruschen will give any fat person a joyous surprise. Get a bottle of Kruschen Salts from any leading druggist anywhere in America (lasts 4 weeks) and the cost is but little. If this first bottle doesn’t convince you this is the easiest, SAFEST and surest way to lose fat—your money gladly returned. remove the Who Wants A Bad Legs | Jno.E.Schroll | Compare this with anything you've seen or heard of in 3 90 cheap real estate. & 2 | x1 o 3 Bargain? a 09 S000 + 9 a oF e304 + oo + oo 0% 40 Acre Farm Bank Barn Stone House 3 Springs, 1 Well Tract Woodland Running Water On State Road Electric Current Hangs 5a Tobacco All Taxes $48 Year All Southern Exposure For Trucking and Fruit | 1 Mile to Market Price Only $3,000 % Can Remain at 4% | Possession Any Time | 0-05 * 9 * 9 0 alas * Poo 0 0% % (a> * Poo 9 6% % COR) ho? 9% % 9, he? 90.0% o% 0. 0 0 ho? 0,0 0,04, 9, 009% * 9, * Oo 9 foiled 9, * J lo? odes] Mount Joy, Penna.