4 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28th, §1934 developed by the International EE IES SR i Fi 4 © i 3 1 i & i 3: i) 2 ep in him nan in the ars, retired and steam. ling on his >m France, them now t program, portion of ly chosen owns . . . arly well yuette as trated. A one that its wear- share of width at ofter this . (McCall ie McCall 102 years|of experience have touch? Intermctional Horvester thot @ GIPRESSICN iS NO TIME YO MARK TIME N a time of industrial stréss Recent Achievements of two courses are open td a International Harvester Engineering: business organization. It can abandon the field of actioh, crawl into the cyclone cellat, and begin an endless period WAITING. OR—it can to build for an inevitably larger} Suture. i ; : International Harvester, | thie sear hus stn during these recent years of 6-Cylinder Truck Model D-1. reaction, has taken the broader Chassis, $360 f. 0. b. factory. view —a course made easier | perhaps by the perspective / nd experience of its own 102; éirs of history. Some of the § outstanding industrial products Ly : The Model B-3 is another recent Harvester Company since 1929 to the line. It is a 6 cyl- are shown here. These are prod- % iY 2-ton truck available with 6 and 160-inch wheelbases. ucts highly qualified to aid in any private or public program of reconstruction. If your plans call for motor trucks built for today’s exact- ing needs, come in and see what International Harvester Iceman recently announced has to offer you. We are al- aremarldble 2ton value, Model ways at your service. B-4. Chassis, $1045, f.0.b. factory. Shrimps—why ally selected and as airly 1: rze flakes. REALTOR GE LEER A 62-Acre Farm TO BE SOLD AT DEPRESSION PRICE BANK BARN, SILO, GOOD FRAME HOUSE, CON- CRETE BLOCK 2-CAR GARAGE AND BUTCHER HOUSE, BROODER House with Incubator 24x60 feet, many other POULTRY HOUSES, room for 1,000 hens, meadow pasture, running water, spigot water at house and barn, fruit etc. House has all modern conveniences such as light, heat and bath. Here’s a dandy farm to be sold at about half its value several years ago. Good reason for selling. Jno. E. Schroll MOUNT JOY, PA. Attractively Designed SALE BILLS And a Well Advertised Public Sale Mean Larger Crowds and Better Prices —Get Your— SALE POSTERS FREE Advertisement in Our Sales Register With Each Order and SALE CARDS —Printed At— The BULLETIN MOUNT JOY, PENNA. ORDER NOW Friday Fish HEER UP!” people used to to a man who was in he had plenty more £ Today, to the housewife who's in despair because it’s Friday again and all the fish store offers is halibut, the words of comfort are: “Cheer up! —there’s plenty more good fish in If the fish dealer fails her, she goes on to the grocer’s and finds on his shelves enough menu- inspiration for two or even three sea-food dinners a week. Around canned shad roe she can appetizing meal. not curry them? why not serve a crab- tomato omelette? And 1 nlenty more good fish herring, mack- 1, all very care- nourishing their native Two Friday Dishes one of these made it peo- epnerd's Pie: Drain canned peas and { diced carrots, em to two cups of white can of it inte it remains in Pour the com- edients into a buttered x dich, and pile fluffy, well- seasoned potatoes on top. with melted butter and bake in a moderate oven until they are very hot and the potatoes are golden Brush Tuna Fish and Rice with Caper Sauce: Place a large can of tuna in water enough to cover it and thoroughly Remove the fish from the in without breaking it, and place i 12 center of a platter. Mean- a cup round a ring id 0 nd ish.* - Words are very potent things, Used by commoners or kings, Many vavied roles they fll They can serve or slay at will Words can mitigate, inflame, Censure, stimulate, defame; Stab, enchant, exasperate, Shackle, quench, extenuate, Cheer, depress, monoploide; Blight, embellish, desecrate, Challenge, menace, captivate, , Words were made for you and me; Wordless what would mortals be! ss A rns Subscribe for The Bulletin By WILLARD H. ALLEN Former poultry specialist for the New Jersey Experiment Station, New Brunswick, N. J. From the day a chick starts eating feed until it is grown and laying eggs, it will eat twenty pounds of feed and take five months to do it. During these days when money is not plentiful, every effort should be made to supplement the commercial feeds one must buy with equally important home- grown products, There are many such feeds found on the farm; green feeds, milk, sunlight and grains grown on the farm are some of them. The simplest, easiest way to start chicks growing right is by purchasing a bag of commercial chick starter from your local grain dealer or elevator. Feed them in hoppers large enough so that one- third of the chicks can eat at one time. This practice should be con- tinued for at least the first ten weeks. Unless otherwise stated by the manufacturer of the com- mercial chick starter, supplement the starter by feeding a mixture of home-grown grains. A good mixture consists of equal parts cracked corn and wheat. This may be fed three times a day—morn- ing, noon and night. Where this practice is followed, less than ten pounds of starter is needed to grow a pullet. In other words, the feed cost of growing a pullet is cut in half, A Bird Neighbor THE SNOW BIRD The slate Junco, or as it is more commonly known as the Snowbird, is not one of the birds which come in the spring, but one of the group which come in the fall, stay all win- ter and depart in the spring. This bird is really a native of Northern New York and Canada. That is where it spends its summer and rears its young. The fact is, a bird’s home is always where it builds its nest. As its name implies the Snow Bird is slate colored. The breast and out- er tail feathers being white and it is Windows that admit the ultra-violet rays of sunlight help to develop sturdy birds. When chicks are allowed access to free range over a green grass pastuse, they will eat less feed and grow equally as well. Add to this the practice of feeding skim milk found on many of our farms and an extra saving can be made in the cost of growing a pullet. Many farmers having an abun- dance of skim milk, green range and home-grown grains find it unnecessary to purchase commer- cial feed after the eighth week. These farmers are able to grow their pullets on an outlay of less than fifteen cents. There is one very necessary ingredient to any feeding pro- gram and that is provided by nature, This ingredient is pure sunlight. Chicks ean get this sun- light by running outdoors or by providing eeloglass windows which will let in all the rays of outdoor sunlight. Ordinary glass and soiled cloth curtains bar the part of outdoor The vital part of sunlight is the ultra- violet rays. They have a very important bearing on growth and the prevention of leg weakness. During the first six weeks in a chick’s life it is extremely im- portant that it is exposed to these important rays of sunlight each day. For this reason the success- ful poultrymen throughout the country are equipping their brooder house windows with a material that will admit these valuable rays. Most local hard- ware stores carry such material in stock. often seen about our lawns in com- pany with English Sparrows. The Snow Bunting (another name for the bird) arrives here in October and remains with us until early April when it leaves for its northern home. i The oldest big building in the world is the “Step Pyramid’ in Eg- ypt, which is estimated to be 6,000 years old. A bushel of wheat usually aver- ages 42.6 pounds of flour. er Oregon road workers are believed to have found an Indian burying ground when they uncovered twelve skeletons while excavating. Patronize Bulletin Advertisers Here Are TipsOn How To Imitate Your Pet Hollywood Star 6 ATCH the corners of their WY mouths!” That's the secret of reproducing your favorite star's voice, according to the talented impersonators who stage that “Forty-Five Minutes in Hollywood” show. you hear every Saturday night: at 8 p.m., E.S:T. over the Columbia-WABC network. They reproduce the voices of Clark Gable, Claudette Colbert, Dolores Del Rio, and all the movie great so exactly that the stars’ own relatives are fooled. They preview the high Arlyne Frances, star impersonator of the “Forty-Five Minutes in Hol lywood” radio show, looks as well as talks like beauteous Dolores, Del Rig, (The Spanish beauty in the insert picture is the real Dolores.). Hollywood sets as vividly as thoug the film stars themselves took part, “The facial expression is the key to voice.timbre,” explained Arlyne Frances, star voice doubler, who locks as .well as talks like the beauteous Dolores De 0. “When we have a doubling as ment, we go to all the movies we can find featuring the star. We ay up front and keep our ey: to those muscles of the mouth. usually mumble each a the star makes, trying to imitoto those facial movements. The oniy voice spots.of the most important movies | that's tough to imitate is the one and dramatize inside news from that comes from a ‘dead pan’ face fertilizer—super-phosphate and lime —in its waters. This fertilizer is not locality for less than three centa a week thru the Bulletin. PRVLTRY MUST FEED GEESE GRAIN, ROUGHAGE Birds Demand Right Care to Produce Best Eggs. To obtaln the best hatching results, breeding geese must be fed regularly in the winter. At the same time care must be taken not to overfeed. While good condition is desirable at the be- ginning of the breeding season, poor fertility and poor hatchablility will re- sult if geese are too fat, asserts, a writer in Successful Farming. The principal feeds required by geese are grain and roughage in some form, Of the grains, oats are by far the best for breeding geese because they are not too fattening. Such fat- tening grains as corn, wheat, or bar- ley may be fed in limited quantities, when supplemented with other grains. The geese should be fed all the grain they will elean up in 80 minutes at each feed twice a day during the win- ter. Some form of roughage is necessary) to make up the bulk of the feed. Any kind of vegetables, clover, alfalfa hay, or silage may be used as roughage for breeding geese. If silage is not moldy and does not contain too much corn, it is excellent roughage for geese. If fed properly, geese will begin lay- ing at such a time that the first gos- lings hatched will have good pasture. To encourage egg production add a good laying mash to the regular feed a month or more before it is desired to have the geese begin laying. This mash should be mixed with skim milk or buttermilk and fed with the rough- age In the morning. While grit and oyster shell may be supplied at all times to advantage, It is especially necessary that these materials be kept before the geese during the breeding season. Red Mites Troublesome; Disinfectant Given O. K. Of all the many varieties of vermin that infest fowl, red mites are the most troublesome. One of the very best disinfectants recommended by the Dominion poultry division, to use against mites {s made as follows: Dissolve one pound and a half of concentrated lye in as small a quan- tity of water as possible. (It will be necessary to do this two or three hours before the lye is required, as it should be cold when used.) Put three quarts of raw linseed oll Into a five-gallon stone crock and pour in the lye very slowly, stirring meanwhile. Keep on stirring until a smooth liquid soap is produced, then gradually add two gal- lons of crude carbolic acid or com mercial creosol, stirring constantly un- til the resulting fluld Is a dark brown. Jse two or three tablespoonfuls of the mixture to a gallon of water. The dis- infectant may be applied with a hand spray pump, or, if such is not avail- able, a brush will do, but in either case the fluid should be used liberally after the house and roosts have been thoroughly cleaned out, flooding every crack and crevice.—Montreal Herald. Homemade Chicken Hook One of the handiest tools is a chick en hook made by the man of the house. This contraption is patterned after a sheep crook, and is used in similar fashion. It consists of a 42-inch-length of broomstick to which a piece of heavy smooth wire about 8 inches long has been fastened by wiring and clinched. About 6 Inches from the business end the wire is bent and shaped by hand to form a crook of a size to catch and hold a chicken's leg. This hook pulls out of shape during - bladder laxative, also containing Buchu leaves, etc. Worlg on the bladder simi- lar to castor oil oR the bowels. Get a 25c box from any ‘drug store, After four days if not relie nights” go back and get your money. ba this flushing and you get yoy regular sleep. Guaranteed by E. W. Druggist. G.CARPENTER = MOUNT JOY PA. lund of Insurance ex SCHAUM’S A PROWNSTOWN, Tues., Thurs,, Sun. 8 to 1 For Private Parties Call Ephrata 52M AA SE How Are YOUR SHOES? Don’t Wait Too Long pring Them To Lincoln Shoe Repair 21 E. Main Street, MT. JOY QUIVERING NERVES When you are just on edge ; s « when you can’t stand the children’s noise ...when everything you do is a burden .:. when you are irri. table and blue . . . try Lydia E. Pink« ham’s Vegetable Compound. 98 ous of 100 women report benefit. It will give you just the extra en ergy you need. Life will seem worth living again. Don’t endure another day withous the help this medicine can give. Ges a bottle from your druggist today: VEGETABLE COMPOUND Bite; LONE Before plac g your order elsewhere manufacturers of the struggling of caught birds, but may J N St uff & B be quickly reshaped with the fingers ° a er ro. after each catch. This enables the chicken catcher to work very quickly MOUNT JOY, PA. and with very little fright among the remainder of flock. Poultry Jottings At six weeks the aby chick 1s gen- erally full feathered’ Ad ¢ <5 In poultry, the dark meat contains twice as much iron as the light meat. * * Eggs exported from Finland to Brit DON Ww . GORR ain In a recent week weighed 13 tons. - - . Always allow a pound, or a pound Swiss Watches and Small. Wrist Watches MOUNT JOY, PA. and a half, when selecting birds alive to get the correct dressed weight. . » . All food hoppers should be com: | pletely emptied at least once a month to remove any moldy or musty feed, as this is very injurious to fowls of any age, XI Iai LG Jor ECZEMA » - HOBLANDS of sufferers have found quick relief from the burning, itch Ing discomfort of eczema in sooth ing, healing Aseptinol ointment. . - | The leading states in poultry pro duction are Towa, Missouri, California, | and Texas, in that order. California. | Towa, Missouri, Pennsylvania, and | Ohio lead In the value of eggs sold. | - . > Canada is a land which has the | unique distinction of producing real | wild geese that do not consent to being | domesticated. NM * ® | Chicks that are once diseased or in- | fested with parasites are never as profitable as those that are kept healthy and vigorous. . . . Doctors prescribe it regularly. Try it now, for the first time at our expense, Then buy it from your druggist—30c, 60c and $1.10 jars. ASEPTINOL MFG. CO. BALTIMORE, MD, Send today for big triad, package... absolutely free' a] W ARE YOUR SHOES? Ten pounds of dried skim milk in every 100 pounds of laving mash pro- vides the right amount of vitamin GQ needed in the production of eggs that hatch, nr I wr in Scientists hope to promote game fish in Lake Weber, Wis., by putting intended for the fish but for ma- rine plants upon which the fish feed I Em You can get al the news of this met mses Advertise in The Bulletin