The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 21, 1934, Image 4

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ity of Lancaster,
bed real estate
estate which
., the following des
including all sales of re
had been advertised for
12,1934 and which sales we
ed by the Court; said real esta
been described in prior adverti
are as follows:
Clara E. Smith, Esctri p
Smith, Manheim Twp. ER
feniel H. Dosch, P.
obert Eisenberg, 257 S. Ann St. oi
Wayne K. Zartman, Lydia H. Say
man, etc, Elizabeth Twp.
Lydia K. Zartman, Wayne K. Zart-
aradise Twp.

degrees 40 minutes east, 144 feet 2 in- |
ches to a point; thence in a southward- !
ly direction 35 feet 10 inches to a|
point; thence in a westwardly direction
38 feet 7 inches to a point; thence in a |
northwardly direction 105 feet 10 inch- :
es to the middle of said Turnpike road; |
thence along said middle of said Turn- |
pike road eastwardly 76 feet 7 inches |
to the place of beginning.
No. 3. All that certain lot of ground
situate south of the Columbia and
Chestnut Hill Turnpike Road, bound-
ed and described as follows:
Beginning at a point at the intersec-
tion of the land of Frank Shillott Es-
tate and other land formerly of Wil-
liam T. Stewart and wife; thence south
2 degrees 16 minutes east, 210 fefet to a
point; thence south 75 degrees 19 min-
utes west 280.45 feet to a point; thence
north 2 degrees 52 minutes E., 214.73
feet to a point and north 76 degrees 19
minutes east 261.1 feet to the place of
No. 4. All that certain triangular lot
of ground, situate south of the Colum-
bia and Chestnut Hill Turnpike Road,
between Columbia and the Hamlet
known as Norwood, bounded and de-
scribed as follows: :
Beginning at a point at the intersec-
tion of the land of Dr. Houston Mifflin
and lands formerly of William T.
Stewart and wife; thence north 2 de-
grees 52 minutes east, 214.73 feet to a
point; thence south 9 degrees 14 min-
utes east 223.8 feet to a point; thence
eastwardly 25.8 feet to the place of be-
Containing twenty and four-tenths
(20.4) perches of land, neat measure.
The whole being bounded on the
north by the Columbia and Chestnut
Hill Turnpike Road; South by prop-
erty of Albert S. Johns and Dr. Hous-
ton Mifflin; East by property of W.
Oberlin; and West by property of Dr.
Houston Mifflin.
Seized and taken in execution as
property of J. Herbert Fehl
(No. 2)
All that certain lot or piece of land,
with a two-story concrete dwelling
house thereon erected, situated on the
Northwest side of Union Street, be-
tween Filbert and Dorwart Streets, in

Beginning at
west side of Union Street one hundred
and three feet and five inches, more or
less, Southwest from Filbert Street;
thence extending Northwestwardly
along property now or late of Rue
Stewart, fifty-four (54) feet and three
(3) inches, more or less, to property
now or late of Fannie Styer; thence ex-
tending Southwestwardly along said
jand fifteen (15) feet, more or less, to
property now or late of Stella E.
Eisenberger, thence Southeastwardly
along said land fifty-five (55) feet,
more or less, to the Northwest side of
Union Street; thence Northeastward-
ly along said Union Street fifteen (15)
feet, more or less, to the place of be-

Bounded on the Northeast by prop-
erty now or late of Rue Stewart: on the
Northwest by property now or late of |
Fannie Styer; on the Southwest; by |
now or late of Stella E. Eisen- |
rger; and on the Southeast by Union
ized “and taken in execution as
rty of Gilbert R. Thomas and Lil-
in the city of Lancaster,
state aforesaid, being No. 417 Lancas-
ter Avenue.
Avenue sixteen feet and extending in
depth of
hundred and twenty feet to land of
Catharine E. Denlinger.
Zook, on the East by land of Catharine
E. Denlinger and on the west by Lan-
caster Avenue.
pass through the middle of brick par-
tition walls, which are party walls, be-
property of William H. Fisk and Susan
B. Fisk, his wife.
with improvements ;
being a 2} story frame dwelling house
situate at the southwest corner of
Second and Cedar Streets in the boro
of Lititz, in the County of Lancaster
the Broad Street addition to Lititz, and
bounded and described as follows, to
Second and Cedar
thence by the
Southwardly, o
two feet and eightee
public alley; thence
of said Alley Westwardly,
feet and five-
by the East side o
out on said ;
hundred and forty-two feet and eigh-
teen hundredths to Second Street, and
| thence by the South side of Second St.
property of M. Glen Brubaker.
| to the Lancaster and New Holland
Company, on the East by N. Queen

of “Winwick.”

lands, now or late, of Emma E. Wen-
\ y
(No. 3) Eastwardly thirty-five feet - | i ——
Sheriff Sale of Real Estate _ All that certain tract of land on which | tenths to the ky of bey ave Bok S 7. page 55. jon a line curving to the left with a described as follows, to wit: [ part No. 2; thence along the
To be held is erected a one and one-half story| Containing Sg. i £ Yor ik All that certain lot or piece | radius of 2,750.4 ft, a distance of 410- | Beginning at a stone in the public | South eighty-seven and me-halt oo
0 e concrete bungalow and garage, situ. | hundred and ae y mine o £50 win 2 brick store 54 ft. to the place of beginning, road, leading from the Pinch Road to | grees West, seventeen and one-t, Se
FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 1934 ated on the North side of the Lincoln | of land. 56) ness — ne os, 54 od Purparts Nos. 5, 6, 7 and 8 are all Snyder's Mill, thence by Purpart No | perches to a stone, the place of oh
at 2 o'clock P. M. Highway, in the Township of East| Seized and taken in execution as West side of » Situa on the parts of the same premises which |1 herein, North 3 degrees East, a | ginning.
: Lampeter, Lancaster County, Penna. | property of George Y. Korte and Ruth st side of N. Queen St, between = Margaret A. Wirth’s heirs, by the | distance of 65 perches to a stone; Containing One Hundred Thi
ie Foal vite of Fer | conting on sud Lincoln Highway 1187 | Kore, his wie, + uh Bonn and W, Orange St, in| above rected Doc dated March 3h | hence by. the tomer Noxth 85 foc | six and Three-Tenths porches
1 e Facias Pluries Fiere eet, thence and: 3 : y. 1 “ aroresaid. | , and recorded i ng To ches
Focins Levar] isstied out of | Samuel S. Schaeffer, Jr. 215 ne | All those a) tracts in Geen 2 fone on J Noth U, 3 20, page 34d, Be o% iy Sots Cal 3 poe Te a No. 2. Beginning at
ommon Pleas o ncas- | point, and thence by an all -~ Ul . : iid an inches and ex- | said C. A. B. Zook; : ai - : 2 > by 5 Fo
ter County, ®g., and to me directed, I| wardly 249.85 feet 4 the pr Sonn Cot pth Township Lancaster tending in depth of that width West- | parts, along Hg eR hes hn ron 5 Ne pit Sone, Bence BY ods of H.R
ado By Yer gions d tak | Ding at a stone in the ‘middle of a Sen, the North by propert | ly are Sulsject to such conditions | perches to a ‘stone in the aforesaid two Sd and hr bi
0. a e121 & i i i 3 y : | P | & i 2 i i adi Fy 1 - i 3 3
a e ed and taken in execution as lic road leading from Hunsecker’s Mill | now or late of The Lancaster rust | ey as have Do bes public A fe Pins i 08 ade of the
s a ap’ < s 2 own tha
middle of the same and by lands of
(No. 4) | turnpike; thence along the middle of i
Al that certain lot of land, with a Same, by lands of Martin Ebersole, St, the Sou x Jory ia Seized and taken in execution as|ger and in and along said public | Jonas Snavely, South fifty-two de.
2} story brick dwelling house thereon North sixty-four and one-fourth (611) | West by pro Fox id Ch 1 oe property of Charles A. B. Zook. road, South 62 degrees West, a dis- | grees East, four hundred and sev
erected, No. 334 E. Chestnut Street, degrees West, forty and three-tenths B. Zook properly of sal Rives (No. 13) tance of 9.52 perches to a stone in |enty-seven feet to an iron Dost ha
situated on the South side of said E. (40.3) perches to a stone: thence by "Together with the rivht to th : All that certain tract of land sit. | the said public road, the place of be- | the Western side of the Reading Bh
Chestnut St., between Shippen and lands of W. M. Alexander and Moses of a 4 ft. wide alle re inning » Ye uate in Warwick Township Lancs ginning, Columbia Railroad; thence along th
Plum Streets, in the city of Lancaster, Glick, respectively, North sixteen and Southwest corner of the Hn de > ter County, Pennsylvania, on the| ,Containing 3 acres and 25 perches | Western side of same, North two de
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. three-eighths (163-8) degrees East cribed premises and extending South North side of the State Aid Road | of land. grees East, two hundred feet to 4
ontaining in front on said East twenty-nine and eight-tenths (29.8) | ward across the {and of saidC A B leading from Owl Hill to Millport Seized and taken in execution as |stake, North one-half degree Ty
Chéstput Street, 18 feet and 11 inches Perches to a stone; thence by lands of Zook to a 4 ft. wide alley on the | CORtAININg six and one-half acres, [Property of Sue A. Wisler and Wil- | two hundred and twenty-nine feot
and eMending in depth of that width | Moses Glick and Amos Stoltzfus, re- {land of said CAB a igh nr Bounded on the South, West “and | lis Wisler, her husband mortgagors. [to a stake and North six Aor
140 Joo d 6 inches more or less, to | Pectivaly, Norn seventy-nine (79) de- nite On yo : Zool 3 Py North by lands of H. J Pierson, and (No. 19) West, one hundred and twenty-eight
2 B oe € Common alley. 55 ast, joriy-three and five-tenths{ 7,0k Westward to Market St., with | the East by lands of Michael Hess,| All that certain lot or piece of land | feet to a stake: thence by Purpart Ng
CF ee oo 2 North oy seid Kast! fads Aes > 2 Song) thence by | the right and privilege in common PR Improvements thereon consist | on which is erected a two and one- | 1, North eighty-nine and one-half
10 oct wide coed © Dou Sal Di > of the Estate of An- with others entitled thereto to use| > 2 one and one-half story frame |half story brick dwelling house, | degrees West, two hundred and sey.
eel wide com ener, deceased, South six and dwelling and frame barn, and other | known as No. 251 East Frederick St. enty-three feet to the place of Be.
n alley; on the East

described as follows, to wit:
the said 4 feet wide alley

same South 56 degrees and 42min
On the North by property now or
east and west.

man, Elizabeth Twp b : ne.
roper . | three-eigh -3- os ou i i inni
Mary I. Gobrecht, Dennis L. Go. > ow of late of I, C. Eaby; fifty fore es (6 39 degrees’ West, | Westward from the property of said on ; : in the City of Lancaster and State | ginning
brecht, 616 First Street, City late of S. W. Kul I rey ower South eight perches to a stone; and | Cc A. B. Zook to Market St., which eing the same premises which A-|of Pennsylvania, situated on the Containing Three acres and Fifty.
William Eckert, East Hempfi i wey PM : = ghty-six and five-eighths (86- alley also is to be as a common wa- aron H. Shaub and wife, by Deed | Northwest corner of East Frederick | four perches, neat measure.
, Hempfield Twp. Seized and taken im_ execution as| 2-8) degrees West eight and ni dated January 13th, 1933 , . . ; :
P. Sue Brandt, Benjamin F. Brandt property of G E 7 | tenths (8.9) oh ’ nine | {ar “course. ¢ h ry ’ , recorded | Street and North Shippen Street, Being the same premises that Lor.
with notice to Harry W. Brandt d| Rose Sv eorge kL. Shertzer and caning "Den es to the place of be- The South wall of the building He, Office of the Recorder of|and bounded and described as fol- | enz Bretz (single man) by deed bear-
Beatrice Brandt, terre tenants Hii ertzer. \ 8 Sing. Soi Sling twelve = actos erected on this lot is a party wall, } as 2 Sos for She Cony of Lan- | lows, to wit: North ing even date herewith and intended
wick Twp. ? (No. 5) % baginnin a € other | haing on the herein described lot of : ec 200 » Volume 31 Containing in front on the North | for immediate record, granted
J; eginnin i 8 S { ago 3 J y
Mora E- Albright and R. K. Albright, of the perc ody "107 in thewmiddle leading to Hunsecker's Mile ancora | land and } on the lot of pe Bs Tai vB ee Se le eh Be en
Manheim Twp. 9: road leading from _ | the hereinbef 2 C. A. B. Zook adjoining on the South on ery , Wilbur C.]an inches, more or less, and eX- | heirs and assigns.
Howard J. Schwartz, Mary E. Sch ye fo thence along Nes Ie he aos feat fad North Subjest, however to the right and i pete Sens and signs, ; tending in depth of that width North Subject and reserving a fourte
wartz, 2304 W. Walnut Street City. od St John Landis, Public Schou] | grees east, twent: Puig. (190) de- privilege of the owner or owners, | >¢l2éd and taken in execution as|wardly along North Shippen Street | feet wide alley described fully J
Miller G. Book, Quarryville bo a - M. Bard, respectively, Nortfy (29.6) perch y-nine and six-tenths | (hair heirs and assigns, of the ad- | Property of Lida J. Murr and Wil- [68 feet, more or less, to land, now | the Indenture of Henry H. Cass
The following sales roel. [seventy seven and one quarter os Moses aay lone, corner of | ining property on the North to bur C. Murr or late, of Allen B Rhoades. | and wife to Jacob S. Sheaffer, begs
April Term 1934 to wit. 9 ft i and seven tenths perch- | South eighty-one By iin > i Same | hyild against, into and upon the (No. 14) Bounded on the North by said | ins date the first day of April, 18%]
~ 3 a stake on the Northerly side of | deirees West, four 40 ourth (813) | North wall of the herein described All that certain lot of ground with |land, now or late of Allen B. Rhoades | The improvements thereon are
All th No. 1) $id road; thence still along the same, | hundredths 4 9) nd gn ninety-five premises and to insert any girders, | a two story brick dwelling house [on the East by North Shippen St. 2} story Hotel building, 1! story
at certain tract of land, to. Seventy-seven and ne perches to a stone in|: ic and such timber as may be [thereon erected. Situate on the South | aforesaid; on the West by land, now | frame dwelling, small frame barn and
gether with the impr , to- | degrees East. se ve-eighth | @ public road; thence along the same J , un y sid f th ¢ ut, 7 Moore. and
erected, cons ti provements thereon perches to g a and one-tenth | South ‘ten and three-fourths (10%) d » | necessary for adjoining and connect- [Side of e Lancaster and Manheim [or late, of Benjamin F. Myers: on frame shed.
Hots ll any of Tow contiguous | py I) of Sa € In a garden; thence | grees st, twenty-seven 2 Pe ing buildings therewith. Dae, in Fe Township of Manheim, [on the South by East Frederick St. Seized ond taken in execution as
e . = e i 2 ” c - ap : sal tv o
Hempfield Lanta | seventeen degrees Fast, oes; ; South (28.7) perches to the place of | No. 2 AU that certain tract or aie pion, aad, Sut of ai 2 taken in execution as property of gi 0. Herr.
ty, Pennsylvania. hb, 3 - | tenths perches to ; SIX and five- | beginning. % piece of land, with two-story Colon- | heim Pi : Eh cn > ; ii and 0. 23)
scribed as follows: ounded and de- dle of the Lancaster sd wpe ie, id: Containing) sixty-four (64) perches ial dusting garage and other impro- a go, Sontening 2 front on Og i al Ay mo (All that certain iot or piece of land
No. 1. That certai : | pike road; then urn- | neat measure, The improvements | Vements thereon erected, situated on | j leas 2 oneq is Ye situate on the West side of North
with a two story en dwell of land, Jang of same, in hg same by | thereon are a 2} story brick dwelling the Southeast side of the Lancaster or sd and in) gagors. Lime Street, between Walnut ang
thereon, frame stable, and ns a | pres West, eleven and afin dos Rouse, frame summer house and frame god New Holland Turnpike, in Man- | twenty feet to a Syne aul All that Be. mn : ¢ Lemon Streets, in the City of Lan-
uildings adh = | hundredth V y=Six heim Township, being lots Nos. . i 2 ae : at certain lot or piece Ol {caster County and Stat i
Ros ood, other, improvements| a. iLL, an iron pin;| Taken in executln as the 12% Bir ii re I St al i alley. The East and West | ground, situated on the North side of | having erected thereon Ie Noss
gd as Tolle and describ- | North en illlam Neidamyer, | of Jay N. Schroeder ® ern half of lot No. 15 on the olan of oundary lines run through the mid- [George Street beween Coral and one-half story brick dwelling hos a.
Beginning at a poi ti | degrees Sg six and three-fourths (No. 11) lots laid out by said C. A Zook dle of brick party walls between |Ruby Streets, in the City of Lan- known as No. 330 North Sy Soa)
point in the center of | » Seven perches to a stone:| All tha Stor i 5 the premises hereby conveyed and |caster, aforesaid having thereon er- ARE : et
the Columbia and Chestnut Hill T' | and South eighty-seven and Shore! that certain twa-story brick |and known as Winwick, and | premises adjoinin the Xn x g : Containing in front on said North
pile Road, at the northeast Ine of lang | fourth degrees West, nine and pi Popa house Joi lot or piece of bounded and described as follows, to West Seized iy Fo Xa ad Seta °N sy Lime Street nineteen feet and three
elonging to Houston Mifflin: tenths perches to a stone: ss situate 0. 144 Middle Street, | wit: On the Northeast and Southwest | 5s {kh : “i ouse, No, eorge reet, a inches, including one-half of a com-
along said Mifflin’s Ra na 19 aes | by the ame. Scott oper aie ai ne Ciiy of Lancaster, Penna. by other property of said C. A. B. 1s the pr Sit Sten B. Long. per 2nd Pande mon alley re ol ein a
grees 52 mi > ~ | degrees i ef ontaining in front on sai i Zook, on the Southeas / Ya and described as follows, to wit: wide betw >
jes #2 minutes east, 174.92 feet to a | Te East, eight and six-tenths | Street twenty feet and gory Middle hg £ 2 ae a by property All that certain lot or piece of Containing in front on the North 2 aa the property hereby
bot; thence north 75 dgrees 48 min- | to a post; thence by land of 2 and | now or late of the Lancaster Country | ]and, whereon is erected : : : i fect and the adjoining property
utes east, 261.4 feet to a port: Hoan | Samuel M. Nolt, North eighty-four (20 ft 3 in!) and extending in depth | Club and on the Northwest by Lan- brick or i a two story side of George Street thirteen feet | fi apathy Espenshade on the North
north 65 degrees 20 minutes east, 146| 2's West, twenty-eight and forty-five of that width one hundred and yo | caster and New Holland Turnpike. 106 N. Plum Sn oe Ne Ti Ben tending i" | and extending in depth of that width
feet to a point at the corner of prop- { hundredths perches to a stone: hens feet and six inches (102 ft. 6 in.) Containing in front on said Turn- | west side of North Pl ite on ; he | depth of that width northwar | Westwardly to property now or late
erty of W. Oberlin; thence north 28 do. | BY the same, North six degreos ae Bounded on the Southeast by said pike 275.22 ft, and extending in re TE: t O um street, be- |enty feet to a twenty feet wide com- | eye” TT Do a
grees 22 minutes west 2725 feet to a | eight and eight-tenths perche: to a Middle Street; on the Northwest by to property now or late of the Pan he i snd East Marion | mon alley. Convers and three inches. more or less
point; thence south 59 degrees 30 min. | Place of beginning, containing three property of Mrs. George Kurtz; on | Bancaster Country Club 350 ft. the tv i Laneash y of Sesser, Coun- Bounded on the south by eorge hounded and described as follows
utes west, 41 feet to a point; thence | and one hundred and forty-two the Southwest by property of A. B.|wldth of the said lot in the rear be- sylvania, Co ar ite 5 Penn- | Street; on the west and east by pro- On the North by property of Eliz.
south 78 degrees 22 minutes west, 32.8 | 2nd sixty-one hundredths perch Meixell, Trustee; and on the North- | ing 27838 ft. Yeo oi omtaining in front onlperty, now or formerly, of Walter |.) “poenchader: on the West b
le San 3. 508 THE Sao ir os 2 Totes. oy |€ast by property of Henry Lawrence.| Nos All Bhat serait: Nee 74s 2 Jo at si C. Zook; and on the nods by a property OW or Ante of ire i oy
30 minutes W., 104.3 ft. toa point in | Story brick dwelling . 21 Seized and taken in executi as ho Ry. coniain Jt or piece jlnirieen ject ian eg inches and [twenty feet wide common alley. D os oe ars, wr
si. ay «2 It point in y dwelling house and frame xecution as {of land, situated at “Winwick,” in | extending in depth of : i i subi c owney; on the South by property
the middle of the Columbia and Chos | barn property of Sam Miller, David Mill- . ; : J CK, In | exiending 1n ept 0 that width Together with and subject to the or oe . I )
est- | hy y = Manheim, T shi se 5 y i Poe te : : of Mary V. Russell, and » Eas
nut Hill Turnpike Road; thense south 40 Seized and taken in execution | or Minnie Lyons, Kate Sobel, Rose be ed Bio a forty one feet five inches. Subject in common with others entitled | “5 woe as a) the East
degrees 8 minutes west, 4055 feet to | Property of John M. Seachrist. "| James Miller, Pearl Kahn, wit: : 8 To rommon alley and party wall | thereto of the said twenty feet wide { “gq taken in executior s
the place of beginning. Samuel Miller, William Miller, Jack serine Rat. : : Hg ts. : common alley extending along the | roberts BE is AE as
No.2 All goal 18 1 : | (No. 6) : Ante) Sarah Se Sait} Beginning at a stone in line of Seized and taken in execution as|rear of the herein conveved premises property o Margaret A W Sigel
on which are ea Is ound don the North cide oF We of land, | yy ius Smith And Myer Smith he ne Ot Brana Country Club; | the property of Clothilda B. Detwiler| Together with and subject to the with notice to H. Alice Ellmaker.
a , and ' s o e North side o estGrant| 7 yo J = , > | thence extending along same South |and Dale L. Detwiler i rit fe itled (No. 24)
one-half story, brick dwelling houses! Street. in the city of I. |of L. R. Melvitsky, deceased aQ oh : l . Detwiler, Defendants, {use in common with entitled . No.
Ly, ses y y of Lancaster, Coun- | : aged. 38 degrees and, 34 minutes West. | with notice Mary Tot ia All that certain messuag te
and other improvements, situate on|ty of Lancaster : z (No. 12) 29.95 f p : yr aE . notice to Mary K. Weaver, the |thcreto of the three feet wide com- el op. ori Or fon
the south side of the Columbia At Veta Bits of Popn- | No 1 All that certain lot or niece Cie a ANE. Tooke A Prowl Tune To, pon alley between the premises Te T his? pe, = ks a of
Chestnut Hill Turnpike R z | stor ck ; : © TP" lof land, having there rected tee EMS 0. numbers 625 and 623 George Sireet ite ~ownsmp of County o
point immediately De Ai Say Dick dwelling house, known as four-story ye bern hi extending along same North 51 de-| All that certain lot or piece of| Tosether v and subject to the | Lancaster and State of Pennsylvania,
; Er ; 03 | No. West rant Street, bounded | du J ahi A FICK me grees an 26 minutes West, 375 ft. to | land with three-story brick store and | vee j 2 Oo 2 bounded and described as follows, to
leading the back way from Norwood | and described as follows, to wit: cantile building and three-story [the middle of the New Holland | apar Tey gs and Mn cominoy with the where and rit:
to Tronville, Botnded ai Bee ee) pn fale oh hii West | Prick building, known as the “Key- Panu: hee af te Nov 2 and occupiers of the premises immediate- we 4 5 point nih ddl
. | Gre ine, 8 dire’ rier fh t pike, il ee § i >reon erected, situate t iv adjoining « the east and res £ peg Bg atl ¢ ont In e middie
3 : ie we Grant Street, twenty-one feet, more or | Stone Building and being Nos. 47| the middle of said Turnpike, North | East side of North Queen er He djo ping on the os t and w st of | if te State Highway: thence br Ln
eginning at a point in the center | less, and extending in depth of that and 49 N. Queen St. and Nos. 48 and | ag jearees and 34 ; PB the said nine inch hollow tile, party, -
li f' said Columbi I p 5 hristic He 38 degrees and 34 minutes East, | tween East Orange and East Chest- | partiti ralls, between ild- | to be conveyed to John E. Adams
ine o olumbia and Chestnut | width, Northward one hundred and |?0 N. Christian St, between Penn |g995 f 5 : partition walls, between the build :
Hill Turnpik 3 th, C ed and | 2 = by BD Sen. 99.95 ft to a point, a corner of land | nut Streets in the City of Lancaster. |ing erecte rly | and Meta Adams, his wife, of which
a p £8 Boag; thence by land of | four feet, more or less, to property Square and E. Orange Sts, in the [now or late of 8S. Kurtz Z0gk and [Pa and 5 oh ing erected on the herein described wie + ome ih te
the estate of L. C. Oberlin s 9! now or late 2) LC f Lancaster, : : Subba 0% 2 a, @ ded an escri as | premises and the ildings erec S rag was a bam, irty-
0! erlin south 29! now or late of B. F. Davis. ity of Lancaster, and bounded and wife; thence extending along the | follows. to wit: a Bg Mh HD va one degrees and forty-five minutes
West, one hundred and eighty-eight
Bounded on the North by property So pee
po or Jae of BF Davis on the East dining on ho Host side of y, utes East, 376.1 ft. to a point inline | late of the Estate of William H. Sny- | "Also together with the right to use feet and six inches to an iron pin;
> Proper now or late of Harriet Si ara LR corner ol | of land of the said Lancaster Country | der, deceased, on the East by North {in common with others entitled | thence by the same, North seventy
Soe gi] a So. BY West Grant i a o nhs Bam B- Club; and thence extending along | Christian Street, on the South by tei the fourteen feet wide com- | degrecs East. ninety-nine feet and 4
Street and on the West by property gi he Oe mg ort ward- | the same South 33 degrees and 18 property of the Estate of Caroline B. Alley to 1b sast of No. 615 | inches to an iron pin; thence by
Dow or Sate of ine estate of Charles T. a me Post Ses of $d North | minutes West, 5.25 ft. to the place of Bice, end om Ho Wot: om 2 2 e east o o 5 vad of Coder Hl Gort ony
Sei LS k i i ir now re % i SS 0 beginning. ; by, North Queen Street. ly and taken in execution as | forty-one degrees East, four hund-
Seized an aken in execution as |’ operLy now or late of Bair and No. 6. All that certain tract or Containing in front on North | nari of Geor > OC. Ha: i red and ninety-seven feet to a sand
property of Lorenz Bretz, defendant, | Witmer: thence extending Eastward- piece of land situated in “Winwick,” | Queen Street 24 ft. 1 inch | property Of, Sreorge = dagen, SC 1 stone: thence J Ic f se S
ly along the same 75 ft. to a point; |; mshi f Manheim afore en cot Je ne more Or [utor of Walter C. Zook, deceased, } thence hy land of George
5 Jim the Township of Manheim ailore- less, and extending in depth of that with notice to John A Marley. own- Demmy, North sixty-two degrees
Llewellyn Shenk and Bessie Shenk,
terre tenant.
inches to a point;
163 ft. and 9
ian St.; thence
the West side of
and 9 inche
of the New Era Printin
and thence Westwardly
same and property now or I
Grant Eicholtz 245 ft.
(No. 7)
All that certain lot or piece of ground
upon which is erected a two story and
attic brick and frame dwelling house,
situate lying and being on the North-
east corner of Walnut and Second St.,
in the borough of Denver, County of
Lancaster and State of Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as foMows, to
On the north by property now or
late of Henrietta Emsing, on the east
by Lot Number 34 on Plan of Lots laid
out by Getz and Miller, on the south
by said Second Street, and on the west
by said Walnut Street. Containing in
front on said Second street, in width or
breadth, one hundred ten feet, and in
depth or length, of equal width or
breadth, fifty feet.
Seized and taken in execution as
the property of Rudolph Yoder and
Thelma M. Yoder, husband and wife,
said street
to the
ing, in, upon and against th
or late of Bair and Witmer
on the North, as recognized
tablished by the agreement
dated Oct. 14, 1852, and
Record Book Z, Vol. 7, page
as reserved in a
Ida, J. Wylie, minor children
art A. Wylie, dec’d., dated
Square and Orange St., in t
of Lancaster aforesaid, and
and described, as per
draft thereof made Sept. 17,
Containing in front on Lancaster
that width Eastward one
Bounded on the north and south by |side of N., Queen St., at
and now or formerly of Walter C.
ner of property now or late
The north and south boundary lines|on a straight line
Seized and taken in execution as
(No. 9)
All that certain lot or piece of ground
thereon erected,
or less, to other property of
Charles A. B. Zook;
or less, to a point; and still a
and thence Southwardly, al
Queen St., 19 ft. and 8 inche
place of beginning.
Together with the use of t
d State of Pennsylvania, designated
n Lot No. 71 on the Recorded Plan of
N. Queen St. aforesaid,
aver and thru the adjoining
on the South to the distance
of 49 ft. in common with al
persons having the right to
outhwest corner of
Streets aforesaid,
West side of Cedar St.
ne hundred and forty-
n hundredths to a
by the North side
tenths to a point; thence
f Lot No. 72, as laid
Northwardly one
Beginning at the s
W. Russel and wife to John
Jan. 5, 1846 and recorded in

thence Northeastwardly 6 ft. and 73
thence E:
inches to North Christ-
Ss to property now or late
Together with the right of build-
brick gable wall of the building now
John Wind and William Carpenter,
deed from Peter
Weber and wife to Ella E. Wylie and
1881, and recorded in Record Book R
side of N. Queen St., between Penn
I. Carpenter, C. E, as follows, to wit
Beginning at a point on the
side of a four feet wide alley, a cor-
F. Widmyer and the Estate of Dr. J.
W. Kinard, dec'd.; thence extending
said property and property now or
late of Reilly Bros. and Raub, 255 ft.
thence Eastwardly, along same and
property of the late Elizabeth Thom-
as, dec’d., 121 ft. and 7 inches, more
the same, Southwardly, 22 ft.
same Eastwardly, 134 feet, more
less, to the West side of N. Queen St
s to the
wide alley running from the fronton
of said alley; with the right and pri-
vilege to build over said alley against
into and uopn the wall of the build-
ing on the adjoining lot on the South
as said alley and building rights and
privileges were granted by Abraham
his heirs and assigns, by Deed dated
e South
ft. to a corner of
of Stu-
Dec. 21, point in said Turnpike;
lot No. 15 on the aforesaid
of Chas.
Holland Turn-
ft. to a point in the
Lancaster and New
pike thence along the middle
same North 33 degrees and 18 min-
ft. to the place of beginning.
No. 8. All those two certain lots
or pieces of land, situated in “Win-
wick” aforesaid, being composed of
lots Nos. 27 and 29 on the aforesaid
revised plan, and together bounded
and described as follows, to wit:
Beginning at a point on the South-
west side of a certain roadway now
or late of Howard J. Eshleman and
H. Roy Eshleman, and in line of land
now or late of the Lancaster Coun-
try Club; thence by land of said
Lancaster Country Club, South 28
degrees and 26 minutes West, 273.57
ft, to a point in line of lot No. 26 on
the aforesa’d plan, now or late of
Earl W. Diffenbaugh and wife; then-
ce along the Northeast line of said
lot No. 26, North 57 degrees and 13
~inutrs West, 37567 ft. to the mid-
dle of the aforesaid Lancaster and
New Holland Turnpike; thence along
the middle of same North 28 degrees
and 26 minutes East, 97 ft., more or
less; thence crossing a stone on the
Southeast side of said Turnpike at
the cormer of the aforesaid roadway
the said
long the
ong N.
he 4 ft.
or depth
1 other
the use

said Lancaster Country Club, South
38 degrees and 34 minutes West, 325
land now or late
New Holland Turnpike; thence along
middle of said Turnpike, N 34 de-
grees and 38 minutes E., 325 ft. to a
thence by
land now or late of Otto J. Lautz as
12 on said plan conveyed to S. Kurtz
Zook; thence along the same North
56 degrees and 42 minutes West, 375
of the
of the
Tappany, Florence Shaub, Richard
Shaub, Elvin Shaub, real Qwners.
(No. 17) \
one-half story brick
dwelling house, numbered No. 430
Beaver street. Containing in front
on the West side of Beaver Street,
sixteen feet, one inch, more or less,
a two and

to Theodore Valavanis, Terre Ten-

from the Pinch Road to Snyder's Mill
stone; thence by lands, now or late,
; of Nathaniel Moyer, North 17 degrees
and 45 minutes West, a distance of
112 perches to a limestone; thence
North 71 degrees and 15 minutes
East, a distance of 20.1 perches to a
limestone and thence South 87 de- {at
grees and 30 minutes East, a dis-|2:
tance of 30.4 perches to a limestone;
thence by lands. now or late, of the
perches to a stone; and thence South
3 degrees and 5 minutes West, a dis-
tance of 64.6 perches to a limestone
in the midlde of the said public road
leading from the Pinch Road to Sny
der’s Mill, the place of beginning.
side of the
corner of land of Mrs. Anna M. Esh-
htween the herein and hereby granted
premises and those of the said Ben-
jamin G. Lintner,
along said alle
tion Hotel property, situated in the |
village of Junction, in
State of Pennsylvania, bounded and
described as follows, to wit:
Purpart No. 1. Beginning at a stone
North sixteen and one-half degree
East, five and five-tenths rh
two and one-tenth perches to a stone
thence along
eighty-five and
East, fifteen hundred and forty feet
said, being composed of lots Nos. 2, | width stwardly 245 ft, more or ,
istwardly [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and the southwestern less, Ry West side of North S (No. 21) to a point; thence by land of Jacob
half of lot No. 8 on the plan of Win | Christian Street. All that certain lot or piece of | K. Keller, North forty-five and one-
along wick aforesaid, as revised in Sept. Seized ant, taken in execution as ground situate on the South side of half degrees West, one hundred and
34 feet 1926, and together bounded and des- | property of % Clarence Shaub and Columbia Avenue in the Township | thirteen feet to a sand stone; thence
cribed as follows, to wit: Florence Shaub, surviving executors | of Lancaster, County of Lancaster by the same North thirty-four and
g Company;| Beginning at a point in line of land | of the last willy and testament of and State of Pennsylvania, having | one-quarter degrees West, three
along the {now or late of the Lancaster Country | William Shaub deceased, Mortgagor | thereon erected a 2-story and man- | hundred and seventy-nine feet and
ate of E.|Club, a corner of land now or late | and Harry Shaub, Lillian Beck, An- sard roof brick dwelling house known | six inches to a sand stone in the
place of [of Otto J. Lautz, and extending [na Herzog, Clarence Shaub, William as No. 950 Columbia Avenue bound- | aforesaid State Highway; thence
thence along land now or late of | Shaub, Catherine Schuler, Edith | ed and described as follows, to wit: | along in said State Highway, South
sixty-eight degrees West, fifteen hun
dred and one feet and ten inches to
the place of Beginning.
Beginning at a point on the South
Columbia Turnpike a
situated | of said Lancaster Country Club and All that certain lot or plece of astwar 1 Containing twenty-two acres, nine-
and es- | being lot No. 1 on said plan; thence land, situate on the West Pipe of De ead rea ty-one ol Re perches of
between | along land now or late of the Lan- | Beaver street, between Andrew %and | or less to a corner of land of Ben- (land, less the following tracts which
T, | caster Country Club, North 51 de- | Hazel Streets, in the city of Landas- jamin G. Lintner, thence by the [Emma R. Adams and Morris L.
recorded in | grees and 26 minutes West, 375 ft. | ter, County of Lancaster and State same in Ed Southerly direction thru | Adams granted and conveyed unto
523 and |to the middle of the Lancaster and [of Pennsylvania, on which is erected | the middle of the division wall be- | the following parties:
To Jacob H, Shenk, Tract No. 1 by
their Deed dated May 28th A D 1928
and recorded in the Recorder's Office
of Lancaster County, in Deed Book
F, Vol. 29, Page 209.

ninety-eight feet
a point on a line of the
the back buildings of
Mortgagors and Real Owners.
(No. 8) Vol. 11, page 521. aforesaid, South 51 degrees and 26 | and extending in depth of that width i ; in a block on said Col To Jacob K. Keller, Tract No. 2
a] that Larlain fof of groung, with ot Sa i lot or Discs minutes East, 375 ft. to the place of | Westward ry feet more or iii Ene this is one | by their Deed dated March 26th A
ge Story ries (we ling house ub, Ja) og eon erected a | beginning. ; less. The South wall of said pro- | thence deflecting but stillin a South- | D. 1930, and recorded in the Record-
thereon erected, situate on the East|four-story brick store building (No. No. 7. All that certain tract or | perty being a party wall. Together lv di i d by th id Lint- | ers Office of Lancaster County, in
side of Lancaster Avenue, between |52) fronting on N. Queen St., and a | piece of land, situated in “Winwick” | with the alley rights. Seized and ie i ir Y uly py io Deed Book D Vol 30, Page 60.
West Lemon and West James Streets, we brick warehouse fronting | aforesaid, being composed of lots Nos. taken in execution as the property I an og igh To E. E Getz “Tract No 3 by
County and |on Market St. situated on the West |13 14 and the Southwestern half of | of A. Kitsis, with notice | wide common alley, thence Wes their Deed dated Feb, 28th, A D.
1930, and recorded in the Recorder's
nineteen feet, more
be plan, and Jogather bounded and des- { nant, present owner. or less, to a pollat on the line of land | Office of Lancaster County, in Deed
gy as follows, to wit: (No. 18) of said Anna ' Eshleman, and | Book G. Vol. 30, Page 388.
1918, by to pot in Ine of No. 1. All that certain lot or piece | thence by the same Northward one To John E. Adams and Meta Ad-
yb and ho op nie o J e ancaster of ground, with the buildings and | hundred and eighty-five feet, more | 20S. his wife, Tract No. 4, by their
West | South 33 gnee Rone said land | improvements thereon erected, situ- | or less, to the Beginning. Deed dated April 1, 1931, and record
To Neo i 2 lk and 18 minutes ! ated in the Township of Rapho, Co. Seized and taken if, execution as ed in the Recorder’s Office of Lan-
est, 125 ft. to a corner of lot No. | of Lancaster and State of Pennsyl- |property of Clara M. “Boynton and | faster County, in Deed Book O, Vol
30, Page 171.
vania, bounded and described as fol- | Emerson Boynton and Fmerson Bov-
lows to wit: The improvements there |nton, Admr, ec. t. a. of% Clara M To Cedar Hill Cemetery Company,
on are a 2-story Stucco dwelling | Boynton deceased, Mortgagors and | Tract No. 5, by their Deed dated
house and frame garage. Emerson Boynton, Dan “Boynton, | 92¥ of A. D. 1932, and to be record-
Beginning at a limestone in the |Lewis Boynton, Charles ‘Boynton ed in the Recorder's Office of Lan-
middle of the public road, leading [real owners. caster County, in Deed Book Vol.
(No. 22) Page.
the city of Lancaster aforesaid, and | tween the dwelling erected on the|,nd 10 inches to the East side of : ; %
known as No. 313 Union Sirect and | here granted premises and the axket Sts thence. North slong (56 | okie af se Sarma Toms. het | Sh of lands, now” or Tae of | All tha certain msuage or Vgne- |, The improvements thereon are a
ite Ci ed LE rig eg WE south re- East side of said Market St. 42 ft. |by other land of said C. A. B., Zook, Wenger, thence along said road South pieces of ped ne ass Ar and frame mh we og Ot
“B at a point on the north- Oe aid 3 inches, more or Joss fo Proper= (being Purpart No. 4 herein, South | 58 degrees and 15 minutes West, a | four acres and iH BY chicken house. Jone
po Sp y. ty of the late George W. Hull, dec'd. | 56 degrees and 42 minutes East, 375 | distance of 25 perches to a lime- | tenths perches, Wind on Tre Seized and ‘taken in execution as
property of Edna R. Adams and Mor-
Tis L. Adams, her husband.
(No. 25)
All that certain lot of land situate
on the South side of Second Street (a-
Iso sgmetimes known as Edgewood
Avenue) between Rider and South
West End Avenue, Lancaster Town-
ship, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
Containigg in front on the South side
the Township
Penn, County of Lancaster and
the corner of land of Purpart No.
thence by lands of H. R. Snavely,
said Aaron A. Witmyer, S. 3 degrees | stone, North seventeen and of Se 3 i
: ) one- cond “Street nineteen feet and
Ho Nig 5 #2 forces id pelt Soiree East, one and nine- | Seven and inches, and extend-
§ ; : tent 7 to « i i i bi
30 minutes West, a distance of 17.5 Pe a ei AAD Tah Sew ard
ly one Ge fourteen feet to
a fourteen feet e common -alley.
The improvements thereon consist of
a two story brick dwalling house, being,
the Eastern half of & double house |
known as No. 932 Sechpd Street.
Being the same which Wal-


now or late of
deceased, North
one-fourth degrees
t, twelve and fifty-five hundredth
ob S. Hershey,
ill, perches to a stone on the edge of the
Containing 18 acres of land, neat Reading and Columbia Railroad; for 2 Zonk and wife, by Reed dated
measure. thence along said railroad South | March 20th, 1924, recorded in“the office
No. 2. All that certain lot or piece | eleven and one-half degrees Rast, | Of the Recorder of Deeds in anthfor the
of ground, situated in the Township
of Rapho, County of Lancaster and
State of Pennsylvania aforesaid with
the buildings and imnrovements
thereon erected, and bounded and

two and one-tenth perches to a stonn
South ten degrees East,
eight degrees E., five and 5-10 ner-
ches to a stone and corner of Pur-

i county of Lancaster in Deed
Volume 26, at Page 370, granted
conveyed unto George C. Cain,
heirs and assigns.
Seized and taken in execution as
to page five)
two and |
-half perches to a stone and S.

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