| 28th, 1934 {i I — hhh lt. 4 ‘Schroll, Realtor, Mount Joy. No. 416. i cated. Property newly papered and painted. Will take $3,000 for a quick sale. See Jno. E. Schroll, Mt. Joy, Pa AR i ng lhe So rl de lh) WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28th, 1934 ORPHANS’ COURT SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue of an Order of phans’ €ourt of Lancaster County, the undersigned will sell at public sale on the premises of Purpart No. 2, situate on the public highway leading from Maytown to Elizabethtown (formerly the May®wn and Elizabethtown Turn- pike) ab@ut one mile North of May- town, the following described real es- tate: Purpart and tract 0. 2. All that certain farm land situate in East Done- , on the public road lead- aytown to Elizabethtown, acres, neat measure, on which there} are erected a two-story brick mandlon house, frame barn, frame tobacé shed, corn crib and other buildings. farm is in a high state of cultivationiand conveniently located and desirablé as a farm operation or for residentiali purposes. Purpart No.i3. Two lots of ground, on which is erected a two-story frame tobacco warehbuse situate in the vil- lage of Maytown, along the public highway formerly the Maytown and Marietta Turnplke Road. ‘ (a) Lot contdining 55 Perches, more or less, fronting 54 feet on said public highway and tending in depth 276 feet to the mid of an alley. (b) Lot containing 60§ perches, more or less, andiextending in front on said public highway 60 feet and ex- tending in depth 276 feet to the middle of an alley. 3 Purpart No. 4. tract of land with a one and one-half story log dwelling Youse, situate on tHe Northeast side of Queen St., in the willage of Maytown. Containing in frofit on Queen street 137 feet, more or fess. and extending along the Lutheran Graveyard 153 feet and 47 feet respectively; and thence along land now or late of William and Albert Clepper, 47 feet and 187 feet respectively. _ Containing one-half an acre, more or ess. Purpart No. 5. Two pieces of land constituting one tract on which there is now erected a brick bungalow, situ- ate on the public highway formerly the Marietta & Maytown Turnpike in the village of Maytown. (a) Lot containing in front on said public highway 52 feet, more or less, and extending in depth 52 feet, more or less. (b) Beginning at &@ post on the North side of an alley between prop- erty now or late of Samuel Lindemuth and lot a; thence North 58 feet 1inch; thence East along property now or late of Millie and Anna Garber, 76 feet to a post; thence South 58 feet and 1 inch to a post; thence West 70 feet 3 in- ches to the place of beginning. No. 6. A lot of ground on which there is erected a one and one-half story frame dwelling house and sum- mer house attached and other out- buildings, situated #n the village of Maytown aforesaid. Containing in front: on a public alley 56 feet and extending in depth North- westwardly 131 feet and to lands now or late of John fA. Thome; thence | Westwardly 46 feet; along the same | lands to a public alley; thence South- ward along said public alley 130 feet to the place of beginnifig. Sale to be held onthe premises Pur- part No. 2 on Saturday, March 17, 1934 at 1:30 o’clock P. M., when conditions will be made known by the undersign- ed. : Prva RISSER, Administratrix, as Trustee in Parti- tion, to sell the real estate of Al Ris- ser, deceased. i Charles S. Frank, Afct. Zimmerman, Myers & Kready, Attys. ALSO ON THURSDAY, MAR. 22nd ’34 On the premises off purpart No. 2 the following personal property will be sold: £ THREE Mare works anywhe good doublé worker Two sets hay ladders, hay tedder, wheelbarrow, 3 shovel harrows, 2-horse wagon (running partfand box), tobac- co planter, plow, 3 ghopping mills, 3 sets tobacco ladderdy new hay rope, pulleys, chains, double trees, grain and hay forks, 2-horse wligon running set, spring wagons, hay flats, grass mower, roller, grain mill, 2 dylinder threshing machines, threshing machine shakers, 9,000 tobacco lath, p. portable gas- oline engine, lot of tharness, several chests some of them Zinc lined, some large and some small, §ubs, boxes, iron watering trough, barrels, small single lever tobacco case Press, platform scales, cigar press, madld press, cup- board, wash stand, sme furniture, wood stove, and many articles too numerous to mention. Sale to be held at 1:00p. m., on the premises of Purpart No. 2, along the road leading from Mayto to Eliza- bethtown, about one mile {from May- town, on March 22, 1934, when terms and conditions will be madelknown by EMMA Administratrix of Frank, Auct. Landis, Clerk. C.S. D.L. PUBLIC SALE —0f— PERSONAL PROPERTY THURSDAY, MARCH 8th, 1934 rsuant to an order made by the orable Martin E. Musser, Referee ankruptcy, the undersigned will t public sale on the premises oc- by Fred W. Ibach, situated in empfield Township, near «'&Mill about one mile from Sa- lunga th§ following personal property: ‘e Cows, One Pair Mules, ess, Straw, Hay, Ensilage, Tobacco, Tobacco Lath, Grain Drill, Plows, ors, Mowing Ma- Rake, Tobacco agons, Binder, lanter, Corn asoline En- Harrows, chines, Side-deliv Ladders, Hay Flats, Platform Scales, Corn Sheller, Tobacco Planter, gine and other farm imple Sale to be held on Thurs: 8th, 1934 at 1:30 P. M., when ti conditions will be made known undersigned. Trustee in Bankruptcy of F. W. Iba O. P. Bricker, Atty. feb.21~ DANDY HOME FORBALEC] am offering that cozy home of Jos. bar, 2 miles north of Mount Joy, for sale. Six acres of land, 7-room house, enclosed French porch, heat, light, 2- car garage, chicken and brooder houses, etc. Will sell right and give immediate possession. Jno. E. Schroll, Realtor, Mt. Joy. jan.3-tf FOR SALE—A Brick House with Slate Roof, 8 rooms, all conveniences, Poultry House 12x12, along concrete highway, Florin. Apply to Jno. E. FOR SALE CHEAP-—A 6-room house in Florin, all conveniences, nicely lo- the Or- : >, lead horse and | PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL EST ON THURSDAY, M. H 15th, 1934 E. S. Gerberich and H. S. Newcomer, trustees to sell in thet Wm. B. Det- wiler’s Estate, will offeff at public sale the following described§real estate: Property No. 1 All tHat certain tract of land containing 2 acts more or less, adjoining “Old Orphan School,” situ- ate in the Boro of Mo Joy. Bound- ed on the West by propgrties of Frank Germer, Aaron B. Detwi- ler and Norman Kolp,fet al, on the North by property of D& J. S. Kendig; on the East by property of J. Fred Fenstermacher, and onfthe South by North Alley. Property No. 2—All that certain tract of land situated on th@ South side of Detwiler Avenue, confaining 2 acres. Bounded on the Norfh by Detwiler Avenue, on the West by a Public Al- ley; on the South by a Public Alley and on the East by pfoperty of Frank Schroll, (Excepting anf reserving there- from a lot containing 60 feet front sold to Frank Schroll). Property No. 3—AH that certain lot of land situated on North Barbara St., in the boro of Mt. on which is erected a 2} story dBuble frame house, known as Nos. 111-813 North Barbara Street. Containing fin front on North Barbara Street 65 feet and extending in depth 150 feet. Property No. 4— of land situate on the boro of Moun erected a 1} story as No. 126 Manhei ing in front on Ma and extending in Joy, on which is me house, known Street. Contain- t Joy, on whichis uble frame house, Mount Joy Street. on Mt. Joy Street g in depth 180 ft. Property No. 11 that certain lot of land situated off Mount Joy Street, in the boro of Mofint Joy, on which is erected a 2} storyfframe house known as No. 23 Mount ing in front on feet and extendin The sale of th Estate will be hel erected a 2} story known as Nos. 29-3 Containing in fron 50 feet and exten in depth 180 feet. above named Real in the Garage Room at H S. Newcom@r & Son, Hardware Store at 7:30 P. M., on the day and date mentioned § above. Terms and conditions will b& made known by . S. GERBERICH, H. S. NEWCOMER, Trustees to sell i§ Wm. B. Detwiler Est C. S. Frank, Au B. J. Myers, Jno. A Coyle, Attys. PUBLIC SALE TUESDAY, MARCH 6th, 1934 The undersigned will sell at public sale, on the Barnhart Estate farm, on the Moufit Joy and Donegal Springs road, 2 miles West of Mount Joy, the followingilive stock and implements: 4 Head Horses, 2 Single Line Leaders and 2 Off- side Workers; One Odd Mule, a single line leader NinejHead of Stock Bulls igh from 700 to 900 pounds. ead of Fine Hogs oat; 250 Chickens s, Black Minorcas and Leghorns , two 2-horse wagons, 1 g wagon, 16 ft. hay flats, r, Johnson binder, 7 ft. One Barred Ro@ 4-horse wag with bed; spr 18 ft. hay lad cut; John Deemg mower, Star double row corn plantdt, side delivery rake, disc harrow, 24%discs; corn sheller, ional riding cultiva- tors, one with ho@rs attached; 2 walk- ing cultivators, 9-hoe grain drill, 4-horse spring harrow, spike har- row, Tiger tobacco§planter, two 20 ft. tobacco ladders, Emerson hay loader, bag wagon, No. 106 ®Wiard plow, land roller, manure manure sled, clover seeder, vise, 5 séts harness, clip- ping machine, saw, hay cut- ter, 1-horse rake, hay %edder, wheel- barrow, sprayer, two tokacco presses, grindstone, single, doub and triple trees; }-tree, spreader, lag, cow and halter chains; hay hook, roe and pul- leys, forks, wheelbarrow,} scalding trough, shovels, two Royal chicken feeders with stands, 3 large small chick feeders, 4 milk scorer, 2 Interns Imperial brooder stove and pi er, day bed, copper kettle, meat es, tobacco shears and many oth ticles too numerous to mention. Sale to commence at one o'cloc M., on Tuesday, March 6th, 1934, when terms will be made known by % C. S. BARNHART C. S. Frank, Auct. Zeller & Son, Clks. RE: ASSIGNED ESTATE OF HRISTIAN M. HEILIG AND NA S. HEILIG, HIS WIFE ust Book A-1, Page 58 eral assignm former, in tru creditors, to the All persons in Christian M. Heilig make payment, and tho to present them within from the date hereof, to ber 16th 1933, or be forever from coming in upon the fund J. N. HERSHEY, Assi Florin, Ra. Zimmerman, Myers & Kready, Attys? 50-52 N. Duke St. Lancaster, Pa. feb.214t the said e requested to having claims ix months EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Estate of Susan C. Wolfe, late of Maytown, Lancaster Co., Pa. deceased. Letters testamentary on said estate having been granted to the under=- signed, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make immediate pay- ment, and those having claims or de- mands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement to the undersigned, residing at 117 West Donegal Street, Mount Joy, Pa. SAMUEL ESHLEMAN, Executor M. M. Harnish, Atty. feb.14-6t WOOD sawed in 12 inch oak and hickory. ACOB G. a jly-6-tf $6.00 per cord de ASKER, R. D. Manheim, FOR RENT—A very Desirable Dwelling on Donegal Springs Road. Has light, heat, bath, garage, etc. Im=- mediate possession. See Jno. E. Schroll, THE | Heartiest Congratula- tions From Us We want to congratulate each of the following for having reached another birthday: Sunday, Feb. 18 Elizabeth Benn. Tuesday, Feb. 20 John Metzler, on West Main St. Whyett Gainer, on Marietta Street Jacob Newcomer, Donegal Springs Road. William Lawton, Street. Sr., N. Barbara Wednesday, Feb. 21 Mrs. J. Lehman Swarr, Mt. Joy R2 Mrs. Christ Metzler. Mrs. J. S. Eby, on Marietta St. Thursday, Feb. 22 Mrs. Foster Conner, on Mount Joy Street. Friday, Feb, 23 B. Earl Swarr, Mt. Joy R2. Oliver “Bustie” Mateer, on Market St. Saturday, Feb. 24 John Dillinger, on N. Barbara St. Dora Kraybill, Florin. Geraldine Groff, on ket St. | Amos Nissley, Rapho twp. ! Sunday, Feb. 25 Fred Leiberher, Jr., on Street. Mrs. Lester Randler. Ivan Nissely, of Garfield School. Monday, Feb. 26 Mrs. Henry Sumpman, on Poplar Street. Mrs. Elwood Martin, bara Street, Miss Ruth Lawton, on North Bar- bara Street. Mr. Lloyd Kline, local Metropoli- tan Insurance Agent. H. F. Hawthorne, Sr., Marietta St. Flsie Marie Shearer, near town. Tuesday, Feb. 27 North North Mar- Marietta on N. Bar- Mrs. Russell Sumpman, on North Barbara Street. H. A. Darrenkamp, local confec- tioner, on East Main Street. Wednesday, Feb. 28 Charles Forry, of Maytown. Mr. Abner Hershey, on New Hav- en Street. Ralph R. Swarr, of Mount Joy R2 Daniel W. Kramer, on North Mar- ket Street. Mrs. Elmira Diffenderfer, Main Street, is 70 years old. Mrs. Carl Shurig, of near Mount- ville. on West Thursday, March 1 Mrs. Elmer Heisey, on New Haven Street. Saturday, March 3 Ulysses Kover, on Marietta St Mrs. Harry Haldeman, Mt. Joy R2 Classified Column Manheim Street, Mt. Joy. feb.28-1t FOR SALE—2 Colts 2 years and a Stallion 4 years. Apply Ferdinand Gundlack, Mount Joy R. 2. feb.28-1t-p FOR SALE—Corn on the ear 60c per T Route 2 Mount Joy. Phone feb.21 APARTMENT FOR RENT—One newly with all conveniences including heat, hot wa- ter, etc. Apply to E. Mi Bomberger, Mount Joy. FOR SALE OR RENT—A 10-acre Truck and Poultry Farm in East Done- gal, good house, electric lights, bank barn, puultry and brooder houses, fruit etc. For further particulars interview Jno. E. Schroll, Mount Joy. feb.14tf PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY Pursuant to an order of the Orphans’ Court of Langaster County, the under- signed adminibtrators of John W. Esh- leman, deceasgd, will sell at public sale on premises §No. 1 situated near the 4 Manheim Pik leading from Elizabeth- Jtown to Manleim, about four miles from Elizabethtéwn, the following real estate and persanal property: No. 1—A fa containing 110 acres 55.7 perches; mdre or less, adjoining lands of Nathan Eshleman, Amos Ris- ser and others, having thereon erected a two and one-half story frame farm- house, containing Yen rooms and bath, attic and cellar, eqhiipped with heat and Delco electric light} system, large bank barn 45 ft. by 90 corn barn, wagon shed, hog sty, two story chicken house, two 10 ft. by 30 ft§ silos and other buildings. No 2—Small farm 20 acres 69.7 perches, more br less, adjoining No. 1, lands of Olive Hite, Amos Ris- ser and others, haviflg thereon erected a two and one-half sory frame dwell- ing house containingjseven rooms, at- tic and cellar, equipp#d with heat, bath and wired for elecfric light, frame bank barn, hog sty, chicken house and other buildings. No. 3—A messuage fand tract of land containing 5 acres 3.8 perches, more or less, having thereon effected a two and one-half story frame} dwelling house containing six room frame stable with hog sty attached, dnd other build- ings. 1 These properties’ are} located in an excellent farming commnjunity, and the land is in a high statejof cultivation. There are about ten acrds of oak, hick- ory and poplar timber good condi- tion to be cut and magketed. All of the properties have neveg-failing wells of water, and there is a @istern on No. 3. About six acres of pasture land on No. 1 and about two acrds of pasture on No. 2, with excellent of wa- ter running through the pasture. Also at the same time angl place will be sold the following proper- ty, to wit: 4 horses, 1 mule, 3 cow, full i lot of farming implements, lot of hay { and straw, fodder by the b e, lot of | corn on the ear, household ¥urniture ealtor, Mount Joy. octd-tf | J 4 utensils. : | Sale to be held on premises No. 1 on P e d 4 a Sash Saturday, March 10, 1934, af 12:00 Tites and Pend "| o'clock noon, when terms and ondi- R. Mummau, Rheems, Pa. town 17IR11. dec Ra ee FOR SALE—One thousand ton Steer | Manure on Hemp Farm. B. S. Stauffer | & Co., Lawn, Pa. Phone 5R3 Manheim feb.14-4t-pd. tions will be made known by ARTHUR W. ES A PAUL W. ESHLEMAN, W. W. ESHLEMAN, | Administrators of J. W. Eshleman, decd H. Edgar Sherts, Atty. 3 feb. 14-4 F. B. Aldinger, Auct. FOR SALE—Bat{ePMpeiggoder, used | one season. Price $20.00. Xpply. 157 = 65c. Also potatoes $1.00 | per bushel. E BAKER, | b.21- Bp Mrs. Roy Kaylor and daughter Lomein conan rb A oy Basket (From page one) Mrs. Joseph Bundel. Miss Florence Landis, of near Lancaster, visited at the home of her sister, Mrs. Norman Sprecher, over the week end. Mrs. Amy Peoples is visiting at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Co- baugh, at Elizabethtown. — : Mr. and Mrs. Musser Widman were at the home of the latter’: parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Strickler, near Wrightsville over the week end Mr. and Mrs Warren Miller and) daughter, Julia, of Elizabethtown, | visited at the home of Mrs. Miller's parents, Mr, and Mrs, C. Boyce, on Sunday. Mr. Miles Arnold returned to his home in Reinbeck, Iowa, after spend ing a month with his mother, Mrs. Matilda Arnold, and his sister, Mrs. J. L. Milligan, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Loraw and son, Joseph, of Elizabethtown, were the Sunday guests with the former’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Loraw, on] Donegal Springs Road. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Shonk and two daughters, Mary and Julia, of Wash- ington, D. C, spent from Thursday till Sunday with their parents, Mr.’ and Mrs. Eli Bentzel and Mr. and Mrs. David Shonk. Messrs. H. N. Nissly, Norman Sprecher, Elam Bomberger, Carl | Krall and Jos. T. M. Breneman at- tended the Penna. State Bankers’! Convention held in the Penn Harris Hotel, Harrisburg, on Thursday. | Mr. and Mrs. Allen Bates, Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Bates, Jr.; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Risser, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wiker were entertained! on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Ginder, at Masterson- | ville. Mr. and Mrs, Leroy Bates and fam ily were entertained to a birthday dinner on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mumma at Lo- cust Grove. The event was in hon- or of the birthday of Mrs. Leroy Bates, which she will celebrate on March 1st. | RHEEMS Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Groff, of this place and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Keener of near this place wre among the group of Mennonites who accompanied Mr. and Mrs. John Moseman, Jr. and Mrs. Elam Stauffer to New York city, from! where they sailed for Africa on Thurs- day morning. Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Hollinger and sons Junior Earl, Paul Eugene and Harold and daughter Anna Ruth from Elizabethtown, spent Sunday with Mrs. Annie Enterline. Mr. Isaac Kettering of Donegal and Miss Florence Keller of near Lititz, were married at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Hiram Eshleman of near Milton Grove on Wednesday evening, Feb. 21. | Miss Jean Weaver, daughter of Mr. ! and Mrs. W. W. Weaver has returned | to his home on Sunday after spending | a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Noah { Hurst of near Neffsville. | | Mr. and Mrs. Eli Brubaker enter- | tained as guests on Sunday, Rev. and | Mrs. Phares Forney and daughters Dorothy and Nancy, Rev. and Mrs. H. | E. Kaylor and daughter Minnie, Mr. | Melva. | Miss Anna Williams from Lancaster, | spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Williams and family of Donegal. Miss Mary Miller from Mechanics- returned to her home Friday af- | ter spending a week with Mr.and Mrs. | Russel Martin and family. Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Reinhold, Mrs. Ida Brubaker and Mrs. Annie Enter- line attended the funeral services of Mr. John Gibble which was held at the Church of the Brethren in Eliza- bethtown on Monday afternoon. | The Ladies’ Aid Society of the local church will meet in their sewing room at the church Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Elam Stauffer and daughters Jean and Helen were Sun- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Reinhold and family. mre Qn PHONE CO. OFFICERS, DIRECTORS AND EMPLOYES FETED Thirty-six officers, directors and em- ployes of the Columbia Telephone company, representing exchanges in Columbia, Marietta, Mount Joy and Elizabethtown, entertained at a ban- quet at the Brunswick Farms. Harvey A. Oberdorf, general manager presid- ing as toastmaster, Mrs. A. D Smith, of Philadelphia, a director, was guest of honor. Those attending were: Charles E. Taylor secretary and treasurer; Gladys Broome, Leda Jacobs, Marion Rost, Helen Schlotthauer, M. Ruth Smith, Kathryn Eckman, Catherine Heaps, Nellie Leitheiser, Ella Mack, Mary Null, Margaret Reitzel, Anna Wagner, Clark Berrier, Paul Bransby, J. F. Browne, C. Robert Donley, John Led- dy, Thomas McCarthy, Harry Roberts, William Worley, all of Columbia; Howards Hanlon, Mrs. Carrie Evans, Mary Evans, Elsie Evans, Marietta; Alvin Showalter, Margaret Dearbeck, Elizabeth Brubaker, Mary Diffenderfer, Carrie Ney, Beatrice Pennypacker, Mt. | Joy; Esther Campbell, Ruth Miles, Vir- ginia Milbee, Elizabethtown. re nett Columbia Has Oldest Over three hundred members of Odd | Fellows lodges in this district attend- | ed the meeting at Elizabethtown, ! Thursday night. Sixteen lodges were represented in- | cluding Susquehanna Lodge, No. 80, of | Columbia which is the oldest in the | history of the Odd Fellows organiza- tion. | Miss Laura B. McCune, daughter of Mrs. Emma McCune, of Ironville, and | John H. Kugle, son of Mr. and Mrs. | Horace Kugle, of Marietta, were united in marriage Wednesday afternoon at, the parsonage of the Church of Godat Middletown. i McLane, of Mechanicsburg, OUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. Passed to The Great Beyond (Continued from page 1) born in West Donegal township. He is survived by his wife, Amelia Metz roth, and three daughter: Mrs. Liz- zie Warner, of Pikesville, Pa; Dora, wife of A. E. Shetter, and Mrs. Ber- tha Kraybill, both of Florin. Services will be held at 1:30 o'- clock Wednesday afternoon at the home with further services at Florin Church of the Brethren at 2 o’clock. Interment will be tomorrow in the Florin cemetery. Jacob S. Kob, 52, died at the Lan- caster General Hospital. Miss Mary! Mr. Forney, successor to D. Roy Kob and Leo Kob, Elizabethtown are| Moose, is holing the last week of sister and brother. final price cuts of the remaining Mrs. Catherine Baker Mrs. Catherine Baker, eighty-seven formerly of Elizabethtown, died on Wednesday at the home of her son, Aaron J. Hoffer, near Clifton. Horace J. Alwein Horace J. Alwein, seventy-five. died Saturday at Elizabethtown, of cerebral apoplexy. Was Buried Here Andrew D. Yingst, Ephrata, and was buried in the Mount cemetery. Mrs. Henry B. Gibble Mrs. Amanda S. Gibble, sixty-three, wife of Henry B. Gibble, of Union Square, died suddenly at her home fol- lowing a heart attack. She was a mem- ber of the Brethren in Christ church. Her parents were the late Joseph and Elizabeth Snyder Greiner. Besides her husband she is survived by these chil- dren: Elizabeth, at home; Harry, of Manheim, R. D. 3; John, at home; Joseph, Manheim, and Isaac, at home; also nine grandchildren, a sister, Mrs. Hiram Wenger, Lebanon; and two brothers, John Greiner, Manheim, R. D. 3 and Henry Greiner, Elizabeth- town, R. D. 3. Services were held at the home Sat- urday afternoon at Mastersonville Brethren in Christ church. Interment in the adjoining cemetery. died Joy Mrs. Harry G. Fahnestock Mrs. Martha S. Fahnestock, forty- nine, wife of Rev. Henry G. Fahne- stock, of the East Fairview Church of the Brethren, died at St. Joseph's hos- pital following an operation. She had been a patient for the past week. Mrs. Fahnestock, who resided near Sporting Hill, Rapho township, is sur- vived by her husband, her grand- mother, Mrs. Marie Stauffer, of Mas- tersonville; her mother Mrs. Mary S. Heistand, of Elizabethtown; eight chil- dren: Miriam, wife of Samuel Shearer, of Mastersonville; Roy, of Hershey; Paul, Harold, Robert, James, Mark and Harry Jr., at home; and these brothers and sisters: Miss Ella Hiestand, Eliza- bethtown: Stauffer, Lime Rock; Ho- mer, Kissel Hill and Mary, wife of Willis Enterline, Elizabethtown. Private services were held Sunday afternoon in the East Fairview church. Burial in the adjoining cemetery, | Mrs. Elizabeth Martin and Mrs. Mary | Dohner, both of Palmyra. Services were held on Monday af- ternoon in the Elizabethtown Church |= of the Brethren, with interment in the Chickies cemetery. Mrs. Albert M. Harman Mrs. Ida J. Harman,®seventy-six, wife of Albert M. Harman, died at her home, midway between Oyster*Roint and Salunga, at 10:50 A. M. Frida complications after an illness of six days. She was born December 19, 1857, the daughter of the late George W. and Christiana McLane. She was a mem- ber of the Centerville U. B. church. She is survived by her husband and the following children: Lizzie M. wife of Penrose S. Bard, of Manheim; Elsie M. wife of Willis B. Kreider, of Mel- lingers, Lincoln Highway East, Margie C., wife of Lloyd A. Kauffman of Ironville; and Alva, at home. Also the following brothers and sisters: Abram Cumber- land county: George W. McLane, of Cumberland county; Mrs. Ella Bason, of Highspire; and Mary F., wife of Al- fred Lewis, of York. Seven grand- children and 8 great grandchildren al- So survive. Services were held at the home, Monday afternoon with further ser- vices in the Centerville U. B. church. Local Doings Around Florin (From page one) town, and Mr.. and Mrs. John Brandt and children, of Elizabethtown, were Sunday guests of Mr. Roy Schroll and family near Rohrerstown, Sun- day. Don't forget the public, card party at Restaurant tomorrow evening, March 1st The public is cordially invited to attend. Miss Dora Kraybill, teacher of the Grandview School, will hold a spell- ing ‘bee on Thursday evening, March 1st, at 7:30 P. M. Fine prizes to each class. Moose, is holding the last week of Read the ad on another page. Jake Olweiler, employed at the Gerberich-Payne Shoe Factory, has suddenly taken ill and is off duty at the factory. et LOCAL MINISTERIAL ASSO. MET MONDAY AFTERNOON The Mount Joy pastors met at the home of Rev. N. S. Hoffman, Mon- day afternoon at 2:00 o’clock. Rev. Geo. A. Kercher read a very interesting paper on the History of the Lutheran Church in Mount Joy. Election of officers was held. The following were elected to office and will serve during the ensuing year. President, Dr. O. L. Mease. V. President, Rev. N. S. Hoffman. Secretary and treasurer, Rev. G. F. Broske. The next meeting will be held the last Monday of April ————n- MAYTOWN Donald Arntz, second mate of the oil tanker, J. U. Pew, is visiting his aunt, Miss Sue Drabenstadt. Lenten services will be held Thursday evening, March 1, in the Reformed, Church. Services will be held by Rev. S. H. Chubb, minister of the Grace Evangelical = tional church of Columbia. on PAGE FIVER Executive Committee Meets The American Legion Auxiliarg Executive Committee will meet om Monday, March 5th, at the home of Mrs. Mary Kuhns, Special Bus Service Favorite Thea MON. & TUES, M 5th & 6th LIONEL BARRYMORE ALICE BRADY in SHOULD LADIES BEHA State Theatre The Show Place of Lancaster . County } COLUMBIA, PA. Friday and Saturday March 2nd and 3rd “CONVENTION CITY” A First Natibnal Hilarious Hit Joan Blondéll, Dick Powell Patricia Ellis Invited to Gavel Party The American Legion Auxiliary is | invited to Gavel Party at New Hol- | land, on Wednesday, March 7th at eight o'clock. All members wishing to attend | will please notify Mrs. Luella Eshle-! man, not later than Monday. sisters: Harry and Frank, Lancaster; David, Reading; Samuel, Florin; Eman- | uel, York; Ella, wife of Elmer Weaver, | Florin; Elizabeth, wife of Benjamin | Brown, Lancaster; and Minnie, wife of Harvey Frank, York; also nine grand- children and one great-grandchild. | Services were held at the home Tuesday afternoon with interment in Greenwood cemetery. With Fay Wray, Nils A Edward Noah Beery \ D1 0 “KING FOR A NIGHT” “SLEEPERS EAST” WED. MARCH 7th Heather Angel “ORIENT EXPRESS” 1110 31 1 John M. Gibble a - i reese. John M. Gibble, seventy-seven, of a Matinee M Th tr Svenings Elizabethtown, died at his home of Saturdavs pneumonia. He was a trustee of the |W aa y €a € 2 Shows Elizabethtown College for the past Holidays twenty-one years, and a Deacon in the u 2 MM. ELIZABETHTOWN 7and 9 P. M. { Church of the Brethren for the past a i twenty years. He and his wife re-|® i, cently celebrated their fifty-fifth wed- |m THURS. MARCH 1st FRL. SAT.. MARCH 2, 3 ding anniversary. As a member of the a , building committee of the Elizabeth-|= George O’Brién,’ Warner Baxter town College, he was the instigator of a . Ny : the building of the Gibble Science Hall |® in Sy In a at the College, which was named in |g “FRONTIER MARSHALL” 4. “AS HUSBANDS GO” n honor of his family. = ae = Besides his wife, Annie K. Eshleman |= = 3 TRS “ . = Gibble, he is survived by these broth- |® MON., MARCH 5th QUES., MARCH 6th ers and sisters: Henry, Elstonville;|m Chester Morris Wynne Gibson Abram, Mt. Hope; William, Sporting a . , : Hill; Mrs. Barbara Shelly, Manheim; In Ww In = THURS., MARGH 8th Rob’t in KY “ABOVE THE CLOUDS” Iii No FIRE Resi. 179R4 I I i Burial in the adjoining cemetery. Phares R. Young Phares R. Young, seventy-three, of Lancaster, died of a complication of diseases. He was born near Florin, a son of the late Emanuel and Mary Young. He was a member of Otter= bein U. B. church, Otsego Tribe No. 59, Order of Red Men, of town; Brother- | hood of America, and Cove Lodge, No. 301, Knights of Pythias/ € Mt. Joy. He was a millwright employed at the Wohlsen planing mill for twenty-three years. He has been a resident of Lan- caster for forty-five years. He is survived by his wife who was | Anna M. Lindeman before marriage | and these children; Ira C., Philadelphia: | Clyde L., Lancaster; Bessie M., wife of | Roy C. Stephens, Caln; Edna E., wife of Lewis B. Falk, Lancaster; Mabel F., | wife of Llewellyn H. Bowman, Dey- > 94 | 9 9, Xa Xa X 4, | 9, 9 {a> / ho? ¥% popular this season, 9, ho? ¥% | | oo over the eye and sit demurely head. * (a Thawed DIGGING INCONVENIENCE Phone 20R6 R. U. TRIMBLE ELIZABETHTOWN, PA, | Bs 3p GD Godot edie rr ood tor Goods x3 "a SPRING HATS You'd expect to pay more™or such splen- did quality and workmanship. "a, The jaunty youthful feather is RS In all sizes, colors and styles that dip loW, back on the OL OL ni azen Water Lines SAFELY QUICKLY ECONOMICALLY HAZ A RD “. Anywhere Awmytime ——— oe & : % & * 9 Xa ogre 9, 9 bo? ¥% < T & G HAT WORI 38 W. Orange Street LANCASTER, PA mour, Conn.; also these brothers and of dade ade alee i