The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, February 21, 1934, Image 3

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1 . jor ive "ie ‘ A . . ‘“ v
| ; bo dma in + Ala ins HT REY PLT Lo a BY TWO A A SRA le NWT SOA Shr wr est tl Me rhe ht
FOR SALE CHEAP—A 6-room house OUR. Rules for Bank
gi hr PUBLIC SALE Cust
cated. Property newly papered and BLN ING ustomers |
painted. Will take $3,000 for a quick of REAL ESTATE and HOUSEHOLD GOODS
sale. See Jno. E. Schroll, Mt. Joy, Pa. | | PRICES are LOWEST The following Rules will be the,
—— — —— means of saving a great deal of time
EE SATURDAY, MARCH 3, 1934 means of saving a great deal of tine
re THE Bl ILLETIN The undersigned will sell at public sale on the pre- them: PULLETS REQUIRE
How to Heal mises along Donegal Springs Road, between the Mount Rule 1-If you have any business .
MOUNT JOY Joy Boro limits and the Cross Roads Church, the fol- with a Bank put it off until 3 o'clock, 1 R0TEIN IN FEED
“ lowing to wit: or if possible a little later, as it looks
who “Nm more business-like to rush in as the |
pe a. kk 7-Room Bungalo Bank + doe Normal Development Should
ght d @ Hie ASEPTINOL 1 Rule 2-Never put stamps on your Be Chief Aim.
mane 3 A EE With asbestos slate roof. Building is 32x42 ft. with checks before you get to the Bank,
aring fi or ECZE MA - all conveniences, hot water system, bath room on first but give the Teller two cents, and Poultrymen cannot make up for &
at Si floor, a complete home with shrubbery, vines. Also ask him to lick it and cancel it for| deficiency in breeding by cutting down
g at- imply anoint the swollen veins Troutanss of sufferers have found grape vines of good varieties. Also a 2 or 3-Car you; the Teller expects to lick all the | the protein In the feed to del iy
and sores with Emerald Oil, and quick relief from the burning, itch- CONCRETE BLOCK GARAGE with Work Shop on we Ag: Toor to eal NOW and then you will want
red in bandage your leg. Use a bandage Ing discomtart of eczema in south. second floor. The lot is 62x200 ft. with private alley stamps, and it is a source of dissap- laying, says Prof. L. C. Norris of the
» by three inches wide and long enough Sean fess fire) Also a 16x20 ft. Chicken House with paper roof, as- ointment to him when people Insist | New York college of agriculture Job Printing done in a hurry.
and a to give the necessary support, wind- it now, for the first time at our phalt shingle siding, double floor, paper lined and will on doing It themselves, and will save Tests a1 Cornell Stuy that putiets B f fi iliti
: the ing it upward from the ankle to the expense. Then buy it from your be sold separate. him buying his lunch. need from 14 to 15 per cent of protein ecause of our facilities we
into knee, the way the blood flows in the =I 3c, SO. 2.471. ats Also at the same time and place the following House- Rule 3—In depositing money, try| In their feed during the period from are in a position to get your
j veins. No more broken veins. No ASC. (oi. FFG. CO hold Goods: 10 ft. extension table, 2 old fashioned ta- to get it up-side down and wrong| to twenty-four weeks of age.
man more ulcers nor open sores. No | ol . . bles, 1 walnut and 1 cherry drop leaf tables, 2 parlor end foremost, so that the Teller may| When less protein was fed, laying was job done promptly and give
ison- more crippling pain. Just follow SI tables, other stands, 2 good couches, 2 bedsteads and have a little exericse in straighten-| delayed for about ten days and the the kind of wualit
)ssib- directions and you are sure to be Sew today for big trial springs, good organ, some old fashioned chairs, six ing it up before counting it. growth of the pullets was retarded. you the kind of quality you
e be- helped. Your druggist won't keep TT an + absolutely free Leen, $e like new; good oak rolling 108 ne Rule 4—It is best not to take your Poultrymen need an early-maturing demand.
your money unless you are. ITI ERO es. wit seven drawers at sides, No. vi e iver Bank Book with int Wot type of pullet of proper size and vi-
nat Typewriter, in good order; Vitale sweeper, four 9x12 a ok with you, but ea an- | 9 li
- - ’ " — ” rugs, some like new; some small rugs, some rag carpet, other time and have it entered. You | fality which lays as large an egg as
ares oil cloth, Dockash Range with water front, a good bak- can thus make two trips to the Bank | that laid by a pullet Which starts to
der— I 0 0 u er Stomach er; some beautiful potted ferns, begonias, dahlia bulbs where one would answer. lay at a later age. Such a pullet is BU LLE i IN
ile of good varieties, Lot of Kitchen Utensils— Set flowered Rule 5-If a check is made pay-| cheapest to grow, because she uses
ans! ° e - dishes, aluminumware, pots, pans, crocks, empty jars, able to your order, be careful not| relatively less food for maintenance
i Agony, Gas and Indigestion baskets, graniteware, good 32-volt heating pad, brass to endorse it before handing it to and more for growing in the non-pro- MOUNT JOY
and bon Relies, Atlas bustoher Himace wil Tooke fop the Teller. but let him return it to| ductive period than does the slower Phone 41J
o rings for different size kettles, . size refrigerator, EE : it: | growing bird. A pullet which reaches
Money Back If One Bottle of Dare’s Mentha Pepsin Doesn’t Do old fashioned quilting frame, rug frame like new, new you and wait while you endorse it;| 8TOW Ny tof tl D 1 three feat
. : : ilting £ this helps to pass the time and is a| #@ Weight of three anc three-fourths
You More Good Than Anything You Ever Used rug frame, combination rug and quilting frame, and a at. fe
. variety of other articles not mentioned. pleasure and relief to the Teller. pound at five months of age and be-
Why bother lin dow actors Dares Mentha Pepsin not only Also at garage, lot of articles such as 2 in. used iron Rule 6—If a check payable to your $28 io Joy Is Rhea res to gro Suan
one tablespoonful o is splendid and | quickly relieves stomach distress, but i i i Leggetts all dust: 4 ft ler is drawn on a Bank where you 1e pullet that takes six months. More:
leasant liquid remedy will cause gas, | it als ¢ ) tubb i . pve, wire netting, eggelis al purpose Guster, : ores 8 dre TT rok > BAYS A Or PILI
Dioating, heaviness, heartburn or any TE a a yon chick feeder, fountains, 2 indoor rabbit hutches, 100 are not known, and the Teller asks| Over. he says, the early-maturing pul
Upeet Sondition of the stomach to | end to dizziness, nervousness, head- rabbit feed and water crocks. you to get yourself identified, be sure | lets lay more eggs in a year than the
a nS noid any man or woman ache, enh IN One 1926 Model T Ford Coupe, in good condition and treat this request as an insult, | slow-growing birds. Size of bird, size = a
suffer another hour with indigestion | always caused by chronic stomach Sale to commence at 1 p. m. on Saturday, March 3, and do not fail to get very “mad’| and vigor must be ronsideraq | 0 aden Pain
i es iter hen the rem- A NCS ihe Pepsin is a supremely 1934, when terms will be made known by about it. He will then think you n breeding the flock, along with early
i : ut good remedy that druggists every- C. S. Frank, Auct. N H SMITH are a Judge or a Member of Con- i wi ; ; :
u ere is more to say about this vhe arantee— 3 i rage ANG achz re- | ‘oultrymen should feed : anage :
remarkable remedy—something that | builds ae nis Gig _— J. H. Zeller & Son, Clks. . . gress, and feel ashamed at not re ! the it : . is a mans ji But a wonderful moderna medi-
will interest thousands of despondent | with vim, cat with relish and sleep NO PUBLIC DINNER cognizing such a notable person. ! 0 keep hom develohinz cine which acts upon the conditions
people. soundly. ¢ Rule 7—You can generally save normally, he advises, Do not lower which CAUSE the pain. Take them
time when making a deposit, by the protein content by feeding more regulacly and you should suffer less
- = SEE ri — — Tee SEE counting down your money to the than 50 per cent of scratch grain or and less each month. PERSISTENT
Teller, as you “can nearly always by cutting the protein content on the USE BRINGS PERMANENT RE-
count more speedily and correctly | nash, Indore i Aock ie Yer LIEF. Sold at all good drug stores.
: po * cise, and cull out the small-sized, rap Small size 50¢.
hon be eon vou can make a deposit | idly-maturing pullet that dcvelops a
of $100 and give a check for $50 it | red comb early. LYDIA E. PINKHAM’'S
is a good thing to call frequently at! CHES a
the Bank and ask how your account Much Valuable Feed Is TABLETS
| stands, as it impresses the officers . FOR RELIEF AND P
<| Ste , 4 r xe 7 “A AINL EVE
\ favorably with your business quali- | Blown Away by the Wind OF ID a VENTION
y fications. | Saving poultry feed would seem to AS PAINS
Rule 9—Never keep any record be a penny wise and pound foolish pol
when vour notes fall due; and then ICV. aS usuaily understood. When one
if they are protested, censure the Speaks ef “saving feed” he usually re
\ Bank for not giving you notice. ‘ers to cutting down on the grain and H 0 WwW
3 Rule 10—Always date your check Mash fed the growing chicks or hens, ow ne oman
Q 1 ahead: it is a never-failing sign that With the hope that the birds will be
> A you keep a good balance in Bank; able to pick 1p additional feed around Lost 20 Lbs. of Fat
\ or if you do not wish it generally the yards or in the fields to make up
\ known that you are doing a good | what the owner does not give. . : Lost Her Prominent Hips —
MN business, do not deposit your money There is another method of “saving Double Chin — Sluggishness
untii about the time you expect your feed” that is commonly overlooked, the
\ check will be in. saving of which is much more real. Gained Physical Vigor—
| Rule 11—When you order back a That is. to feed the grain and mash A Shapely Figure
collection, be sure and not give the 0 ua ithe is and Sunset. 3 :
: i 5 it is due, | ’robably none achieves the idea f you're fat—first remove the
wi fg fe oy “hey ut Senet whereby none is wasted. uniess one Co one half teaspoonful of
ar all hi Tlection books feeds only whole grain and scatters Kruschen Salts in a glass of hot
A Sook A Bi sole him with | it on bare ground in such limited Daler In the in 3 weeks
Bil t ti | quantities that it is cleaned up in a ES of Shes aN Dore ow any
: the idea ig your Pano i are minute or two. Feeding dry mash : Notice also that You have gained
so immense that you cannot ke i ov foedeps n energy—your skin is clearer—you
f th | calls for adequate feeders. feel younger in body—Kruschen will
account o em. | In feeding cracked corn, many give any fat person a joyous surprise.
3 A strict observance of the fore-| fy; ors have a considerable portion ota bottle Of Salis
p going rules will make you Jerome, of finely ground corn in the grain as in America (lasts 4 weeks) and the
3 desirable for any Ban » and maxe| y from the mill. Scattered on cost A but If thig first
. 66 you a general favorite with all the| 0 01 this finely ground portion goservs. convince Jou tus EG
. Bank Officers. is largely lost. Dumping the cracked lose fat—your money gladly returned.
errs ee AQ Mn
2 corn and wheat in the mash feeders
4 SOME SAY ITS BETTER; works nicely and saves this finely Swiftest and Best
- OTHERS SAY ITS WORSE | ground corn, since it blends with the
( mash after the coarser portions are RHEUMATIC
: : eaten,
- re sopra this from one of our 6% Another source of wastage in mash
changes: i 2
v s is having it blow away. Whether the
TT In 1890 this writer drew a salary of feeders are inside with the windows PRESCRIPTION

Reformed church, Thursday evening. x oe x caused by constipation, use
6 The sermon will be delivered by Rev. It is estimated that the poultry in ip RADWAY PILLS
: W. N. Wright, of Columbia. dustry uses almost eight times as much Sof Ute vegetable ta
Ml Simin Bile of the grain yearly as the brewing industry impurities. Your poison eee blond will
eforme unday school entertained | ,;ced in the vear 1017. give you new “Pep.”
the Golden Link society of Zion Re- ey le wi Ad for FREE SAMPLE i
A formed church Marietta, and the Feeding milk to hens is very easy. 208 Centre St., New York City
i young people of Maytown Reformed | as it is given simply as a heverage.
Sunday school at a Valentine party.| No water should be given. but the
Decorations were in keeping with | milk supply should be available at all
T H E S UR PR I S E C A R O F T H E YEAR the season, a program was rendered | times,
and games played. Refreshments
were served to sixty-three guests. Baked. Han Supper

the new Pontiac 2
The other day, in the deepest sincerity, an
owner said to us— “Why doesn’t everybody buy
the new Pontiac?”
Do you know what prompted this question?
This owner had simply learned what we have
known since we this car, namely—
—that if everybody were completely familiar
with the advantages of owning the new Pontiac,
Motors Corporation—the foremost automo-
tive organization in the world—
—that Pontiac is really almost as economical,
both to buy and to operate, as any car you can
name . . . including even those that are designed
primarily for economy
—that not more than three or four stock cars in
America can pass a Pontiac on the road—and
these only on miles and miles of straightaway —

less than $10 a week. My work was
writing copy, doing job printing, set-
ting ads and doing general newspaper
work. Wheat was 75 cents a bushel,
there were 5-cent loaves but we did
our own baking. Our house rent was
$5 a month. Beef cattle sold for 2 cents
on the hoof, hogs at about 3 cents, but
we got the best cuts for 10 cents, and
we had meat twice a day. Wool sold
at the farm at about the same price it
is sold today and you could buy the
best suit in the house for $10.
There were five in our family, and I
felt chesty in the fact that I could af-
ford a bicycle. During those days I
saved enough money to buy a modest |

open, or outside, they need protection
from wind. A surprising amount of
mash can blow out of an open feeder
during a windy day.
Green Feed for Hens
Feeding the laying hens green feed
tends to keep them in good health and
to promote egg production, says the
United States Department of Agricul
ture. Green feeds are one of the best
sources of vitamins for poultry. Man-
gels and turnips provide some suc-
culence, but very little green feed.
When cabbages are available at rea
sonable cost some may be fed, but
good quality alfalfa also shod: be

85 Cents
Pain—Agony Starts to
Leave in 24 Hours

Just ask for Allenru—Within 24
hours after you start to take this
safe vet powerful medicine excess
uric acid and other circulating
poisons start to leave your body.
In 48 hours pain, agony and swell-
ing are usually gone—The Allenru
prescription is guaranteed—if one
bottle doesn’t do as stated—money

5 home. No one stepped on the gas then : pa
almost everybody would want it J dro da Vs his tin Lizsle into supplied. Alfalfa is valuable, not
. —tha ont aall a a yf the and rammed a or his tin Lizzie In S of tta-protel ;
that Pontiac is real y the Surprise car C a farmer’s hayrack and expected the So of | con WE HA V E
Suppose, briefly,
facts as these—
that everybody knew such
—that Pontiac is really a big car, with a wheel-
base of 117 inches, and a Fisher body that is
most generously roomy—
—that Pontiac has a big, smooth, powerful
year, with far more specific things to recom-
mend it than any other car at its price—
—and, finally, that Pontiac is ore of the two
most beautiful cars in the world . . . absolutely
~egardless of cost!
* * *
farm as an offset for damage. We
stayed at home all through the week
and on Sunday afternoon took a walk |
down the railroad track. We had nev- |
er tasted of the bitter or sweet of |
modern fare. We more than broke |
even, and we were happy. There is a
change now. Some say it’s better and |
some say it’s worse. |

tent, as formerly believed, but be
cause alfalfa leaves are rich in min
erals and vitamins, which are lacking
in the mash ration, Alfalfa leaf meal
is a good substitute for fresh green

North Carolina farm families con

Krall's Meat Maket

straight eight engine—really the equal, in every Yes—if everybody actually knew these things sumed 8.330.000 chickens in 1932 and | weet Main St. MOUNT Joy
way. of the very finest bower plants— knew them, that is, as. we know them—we MAYTOWN | sold 5,010,000. ’
y y Pp p | PL
believe that just about everybody would want jn : : Sh
—that Pontiac has “Knee-Action” wheels as a new Pontiac. Min Bods tort. sm lds 10 the emt of + nts bre Sore uscies — 7]
. 1 S $ ation, oes not improve the 1 ro
developed by General Motors, which are far If we're right in this ass tion ou want a days at Lancaster with friends. tritive value of a good ration. Stiff joints, inflammation,
different from the independent springing 2 SSN h f Miss Anna Albright spent several vis rr
devices offered on other cars in the fold Pontiac—for youve read the facts here, for days at Marietta, the _ guest of Mr. The fact that a hen’s egg Is com posure quickly relieved by x
yourself. and Mrs. Robert McKain. | posed of two-thirds water indicates the 90 vars: to a |
—that Pontiac has big, smooth, powerful
Bendix mechanical brakes—unexcelled by any
brakes for safety and ease of action—
—that Pontiac is a product of the General
Are we right?
Then come in. We will be delighted to prove
to you the full truth of every single statement
made in this message.

Brandt of
Mr. and Mrs. Bayard
Lancaster visited Mr. and
James F. Johnstin on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Newton, of
Haddon Heights, N. J. are visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Eli L. Hoffman.
Lenten services will be held at the
importance of having a supply of clean
water before the hiddies at all times.
* * *
Furnish the hens with nests about
a foot wide and two to three feet deep,
filled with shavings. The nests should
he darkened.

The Ladies’ Aid and the Missionary
local circulation, to give
comforting warmth and to sooth muscular
aches and pains. Penetrates; Doesn't Blister.
Radway’s Ready Relief

ror Fatigue

ht be fiat Society of the Evangelical Congrege-
You're wrong; it's he laughs best | tional ¢ ii Zod a baked ham
Where Tones dads, | supper on Thursday, March first, from
5 to 9 P. M., at the home of Mrs. Irvin
DE=-> Fen

120 S. Market Street, ELIZABETHTOWN, PA.
You can get all the news of this Se i Sets fr the Supper will BROWNSTOWN, PA
waek thru the Bulletin eee tle Tues., Thurs., Sun. 8 to 11 P. M.
ee Qe.
Stimulate your business by advertis-
ing in the Bulletin.
For Private Parties
Call Ephrata 52M
You can get ak the news of this
locality for less than three cents a
week thru the Bulletin.

sai : - Neh 3
ma rm