The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 17, 1934, Image 6

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a ae (a ata re a tara aia BE 1 A ar Starter erates tars at A EA 1S CaaS

ee om mi ma a
You Can Depend
On The Man

Re aaa

Hitt and



= Lan Milk —
LAN Mit a

Runn — The Moon Was Right for One ana Awfully Wrong for the Other!
WHAT Tuspy-|






RE Nn %
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We LW’
“+ % ° £6 1 or R 4 pe gy Vout
: V B [ | SC S 2 OWL LAFFS A Fairy Tale THAT LITTLE CAME” v1 By B. Link
SC *, ,
x] x » |
ae Ls .
Be x By Gloria Warta .
2% 3 The following article was writt Fis JOOS 41D , 4
0 : } : itten YT CAT
uy NINE times out of ten you will find that the § by this young lady, x erie Of ot : IF op aces / {
4 man who advertises is the man who most wil- & the class of 34, Mount Joy High o (OV WES LL GO AFTER
2k : 3 : School for the Hi-Crier, our local \ al ex SUCKERS.
a lingly returns your money if you are not satis- 3 school paper: \ os} Pr 2
Xe fied 2 Terry Lane fairly bounced up CA 5 RY 7 / WONT STAY ON
2% . 4 Third Avenue on her way home. She Hone > / THAT MITT,
ax . . 2 was almost bursting with joy. Had \ DIDNT HOLD
25 He has too much at stake to risk losing your & someone told her she could act 50 MOTH BOT AN %
DC »* . .
5 trade or your confidence. You can depend on & undignified, she wouldn’t have be- LMBR
oo him lieved it. But here she was, feet al-
pe ? 4 most flying.
2% 4 ; Did some one ask why Terry was
2% He is not in business for today or tomorrow 3 0 slated? Why, dort ou.
35 only—but for next year and ten years from next & She had just “landed a job” as office
+ year. He knows the value of good will. X BY secretary to a large law firm. That
Re % was luck, with Christmas only two
Se 3 | k
0% You get better merchandise at a fairer price A WISE OWL weeks away
2% “2 ; Just then Terry, unheeding,
BE than he could ever hope to sell it if he did not roynded a corner and..“kerplunk”..
0% have the larger volume of business that comes & ion AA : Tye sn Sen into as solar Pleas of 3 yg
2% Bl is x at man. The impact unbalance er ]
Be from legitimate advertising and goods that bear We Fope 1 Jeolness we'll see them | 4 + che sprawled unla aviike on ;
5 out the promise of the printed word. 3 the pavement.
0 “Oh, I— ad
; s : : X Little Betty (who had been served Oh, 1 ub, well you sess 1 beg ’
Be Don’t miss the advertisements. This very day &8| with a wing of chicken for dinner) |Your pardon” she said very loudly.
DO 5 0 > . «py TY 7 :
DC they call your attention to values that tomorrow §%| Mother, can’t I have another piece? ony, Torly, Wake up,” coming
x : 2 | This is nothing but hinges. from very far away, broke into her
1 you will be sorry you overlooked. x — senses. Miss Terry Lane, ex-stenog-
5 ; Our idea of an optimist is a man | rapher, was sitting in a heap of bed-
RR AC OOOH who takes a frying pan on a fishing clothes on the floor with her moth-
OOOO trip. er laughing over her. In all of her »
. . twenty-one years, Terry had never > AND WHEN THE SHADES OF NIGHT ’
ot Mow Joy Stee) man = felt more foolish. Imagine a grown- THEY HUNG UP A LANTERN ND
PEE ©©) cd SOR 3 on Shifting gears on | up business woman getting night- Ri - ,
) mares, or morning mares or some- >
. a lollypop, mom.
Far Cheaper Than You Can Build el nine thing, for it really was time to get |verge of collapse. Therefore it fell |heard. Terry had fainted, her sense USE \
A farmer out at Donegal Springs What a dream! to Jeanne to provide for them. While [dulled by the onslaught. She believ- |}, P N
V R E HOME has a horse he calls Napoleon. I| Slipping on her run-down shoes, | she was at it, she picked the most ed, of course, that Jeanne and Allen || ™ ASEPTINOL for 4
E Seka him why and be answered: ‘which took an awful beating carry- | eligible young bachelor in the crowd | were engaged. Now everything was | MPLES »
SCSUse roan 5° TiS CODED ing their owner around, Terry was |and incidentally the richest. black darkness, impenetrable shad- NL A fe A ill fl
On an 80-foot front lot, house has 8-rooms and bath, slate roof, Ww wv I that the’ sad thinking about the past few months Terry's job was to keep Ailen jows, the rushing of a thousand idl To ue Se Bl SL :
large porch, hot water heat, oil burner, hot and cold cellar, all sho a a will ro no of search for work, her inability to |away from Jeanne as much as pos- | TS, affected Wrea in hot water before paleo
cemented, possession any time. This is one of the best built homes feunions. find a job, and wondering how it | sible. (Not such a hard job, except | Then gradually she was conscious | Sonne d aly 9"
os eh : intmen mediately. e
in Mount Joy. Only reason for selling, but one person in the fam- i ray a gi Ci iow WM 2 gee on Stigkisg an) of the feeling that someone was | i oe ii Dees
Si or a - n Tr - 3 . : .
ily. I will cheerfully show this property. No. 442. © 5 ap PRU one ae Sl y her excellent salary an oay leaning over, talking to her. It was | the day.
© ouse an c y- expensive but Corr a tiful clothes kept Terry at her job. |Allen, saying something about open- |} Buy Aseptinol af\any drug store
- d ® ear ou Shouse pi NO bite of breakfast, and departed for | Terry was accepted heartily and ing her eyes. What was that about|] 30¢, 60c, $1.10 jars)
- m H S J amigo. Io Wo ther of those fatiguing, heart- | without tion by Allen's crowd ? ? ASEPTINOL co.
-R i thin’ 1. could | 20H Lm ’ without question by s crowd, [love? He loved her? That must be a| N . .
Oo ern 00 ouse Shep. hate, Sy Tous breaking pilgrimages. : especially by Allen himself. Of | dream again. “Open your eyes, Terry | eal alam ore, aww fo
On a 60-foot lot, corner, bath, oil burner, slate roof; house recently But there is, madam, the Most of the Bore ye Teer Soups with a young Jad Rast in | dear, talk to me.” But she didn’t open | Free Sample—_send to for
i : i ignity. i y u the house, it was in en’s place to |her eyes, she didn’t talk. She wanted | generous-size, free sampld o
al ultry h fruit, etc. Com wayfarer with dignity I could give utile interviews : ves, ner :
: I paisted and papersd, 2-Car Garage, poulizy house, fruit, © you a few lessons in grammar. time something happened. entertain her to a certain extent. |to hear him say IT again. And he did. | this famous remedy. A
3 and inspect. Walking aimlessly along Fourth | (And that extent of course could be “Terry, I love you, I lov.............. .
£ \ In nearly every case when you| Avenue, Terry suddenly stopped be- stretched.) there, I knew you'd open your eyes!
© exclaim, There ugh 2.5 8 TW rus a shop window, and gazed in- From the time Terry set foot into | Now talk to me. Tell me that you
° ° Realtor © Spain fed 4 Ju is 00% 1 UP Yl side, It was one of those shops | the house until the night of the fash- | love me, too.” And she did. The
’ a where the Four Thousand may buy ion show, Allen had little thought | next day Terry and Allen asked Mrs.
Y, PENNA. ® i very reasonably the discarded finery | for jeanne, who did all in her pow- | Corbett's blessing which she gave
: ’ A little chap came up to me and ih :
e said: Did you hear about the rob- [of the Four Hundred. Here coul il to win him back, to no avail. without the slightest hesitation. Then
- i ht beautiful things, originally | Of course Terry was a guest of |she told All ho T was 1
NZ 0 ©© bery last night. No, I answered. Gee, | bougl ; : u Ty she to en who Terry was anc
PeE@ @@ he said, a garter attempted to hold | expensive, which had been WOT | honor on the night that many debs | why she was there.
up a stocking, but the stocking ran | once or twice and then put aside for | 4g post debs assembled to add col- | isn't oxaotly what 1 planned
dam if new ones. to Mrs. Corbett’s fashion show. : : 4
Terry needed shoes, so why not > f th lothes to be shown fit to heppen, Allen, put it served ts J daseified
The beauty of some of our young id Hore? ost o 2. C0 4 i purpose. At least Jeanne won't get Whi tocsre TRE TS ORS
girls is only skin deep—which means get them ere’ ul what Terry as though they were ma : OF | you. If you love Terry, I am satis- Toe a Nant O03 lo reaver lost
about one inch of powder, two inch-| Having been told wha was weni- her. Although Terry was naturally laca Vou couldnt have picked 2 3 a 1 surprise you
es of rouge, and six coats of paint. (ed, the competent salesgirl brought a striking girl, she outdid herself | 4 wife. Don't let snything in. wp
= —— out several pairs and told their | tonight She was radiant. The envy fluence your choice” “Dent worry, Ain 0m =”
: I certainly have tough luck, com- | prices. “Now these belonged to Mrs | every one there, she was the Mother, Tr following my heart gthis | ¥--
plained one of our Fast Main Street | Morganbilt, and these to Mrs. Van- | perfect embodiment of a dream girl. | fino Terry always was more win. | EEE } in
youths. I'm twenty-one this month) jor mith, and these to Miss Ima As she displayed the model many 2 | jorful than any of these anse |i
ey but I can’t vote. Why, I asked. Be- prj 0» go pointed out as d heart fui ] € y tir 2 he
- cause, there's no election, he ans-| onan po __ | swain sighed and many a dried buds of the social world. Ter- Bat it
seas , ny he cheapest oa tered at sight of her. dl Slike ry is a true patrician, | my a
, ause her smart purse was pretty During the dance whic ollowed, : vith
: . 3 : . No more job-huntin for me, Wf. ir
We have a brand new papa in| thin right now. She sald something | Allen practically monopolized darling. From gi on Tn have a Rt int
town who certainly wins the prize. |to this effect to the salesgirl. ry. Jeanne was furious that a life] Me b Xi f or:
Th i is wif id: Charles| “I beg r pardon, Miss, but I| : letely win | Je-long job taking care of you, ort
e other nite his wife said: a your p ’ » strange girl could so completely Allen.” ory
the baby has the stomach ache. And | couldn't help overhearing you. Would |... party like that. a ised
papa never having had that Dibigm you accept a position from me? a| Alen danced Terry toward the SW... i
face him plore i i well-modulated voice came from |, ..... where they began talking Statue of Man Resembles Many Bui
Secretary o "| somewhere behind Terry, who turn-| ; + the party. “Your mother has The question of who was the sculp- M. standb;
Charles Hendrix wanted to know: ed to see 3 smal, well-appointed wonderful ability to make all her | as A For Private Parties \, Tp
If a burglar should break into the | woman addressing her. parties so successful” “Pui, Ter-f CoV Lu) 5 Bainburgh, Call Ephrata 52M it:
basement, would the coal chute?| “But I haven't any references t0|,.y 4 was really you who made that| 0 “0 (0 SER ARIEL com EE SRE. aid b
And Sonny Ellis promptly replied: | give you, madame, and besides, ¥ party a success. You were marvel- | oo "ot the Doce Tr I, tat:
No, but the kindling wood. know nothing about the conditions| yithout you, everything would | Tait McKenzie, the sculptor, explained Sore iMuscics > hr
— of the position,” answered Terry. have been dull. You really are | that it is not the portrait of any in- Stfl joints, inflammation, £) Word
Joe Detweiler told ne he Slways “I promise you, that if you accept |, ie tonight, Terry.” dividual, but an expression of the Nests Fd a A nly d
leaves his shoes’ In the sun andl. position I shall make it worth| wp 1 be the moon up there | idealisui of youth which gives a fam- posure quickly relieved by (22772: ut ne
when 1 asked why, he said: I wania hile.” Then she named a sal- lk like that. Let's | ily likeness to people of varied lin- be Ro Vind i» 8X —
get tem shinefl, (is 2 shame hesfYour fairly dazzled r Terry that les you talk Tee : | eage. To illustrate the universal trait | focal © gv
such a good barber.) ary which fairly dazzled poo | go in and dance, Allen. It's cold out depicted, it has been shown that a | | comforting warmeh and to sooth muscular
Newspaper Furnishes who of course surrendered. here.” hotograph in an American office is so “ches sud pains, _Pesetsatis; Dover's Blister.
———— : hy | photograph Xf Americs 0 » S SC A TIME TESTED
1% Advert +h exiF: I call my country home Lumbago| Besides her salary, Terry was fit-| ou ot day Allen tock Terry for | muh like the statue that it was ho : S
t ISers nis 3 because it has a creek in the back. |ted out with almost an entire ward- a long spin about the country in his | lieved to be that of the model. An Radway s Ready Relief
ce REE-| er : . | robe under Mrs. J. Porter Carbett’s car. They stopped at a wayside inn, American mother seeing the statue
Lind Goose Sit bade J 1 He | Grins (Fs hi was he be 5° 1 “Sim etre he 1 | inc ion oC un” | | =O ron Fatigue
oar a ote am music factress’ sii Glow pa fireplace Terry told Ae os 2s ow it he declares to be 3 Me RADWAY PILLS
Where is that music coming from? on fe Wo) Ge li : of would soon be leaving them. (She) "roemblance to his lost A the vegetable laxative, to EB
George answered: Oh, that’s a cord (latial home of the ancient ine meant to find a permanent position | (“64 ic rrom other countries have sii yoru imutinl wat of
from the tires. Corbetts, in their liveried car, Mus. somewhere.) Allen seemed Very | geen a likeness to lost relatives. sive you ed for? FREE MPLE
| Porter outlined her plan to Terry. depressed by this news. He had 5 Ca Sa rod = sale Eo E
I am going mad. I met her again| 14 seemed that Mrs. Corbett was thought that Terry would never | % . 208 Centre St., New York City n
today but couldn’t speak to her. She entertaining quite lavishly during), = "0 go away. Suddenly, he knew | The Word Turkey oil
must know how id heat yeas for the holiday season. She was having that he loved Terry! That was why The root Word rl Q U 1V E Rr I N G n
her. We were made for each other. . : power” or “to arrive at maturity,” a
But it can never be done, for she is several parties, a tea, Socks) he he felt so hopeless when she spoke 5 found in many from the N E |
a a Stutz roadster and I am broke. ings and finally a grand ball. one lof leaving! C'aneasus to China, The term “Turki” R V E S S
i - of the parties as a means of enter- He lived in a dream for two days. | wus used to designate those tribes 5 A b
- ; And this week our dumb Dora|iainment, there was to be a fashion The ball brought the climax. speaking the Turkic languages. Chi- hen you are just on edge see r
CLA RENCE SCHO (C] wants to know if they esl football | 4 © Socialities of the younger Everything seemed to be going sas) history Seeofes ee a x Tr the hilary ‘
: ' igskin game because there are so nnequins, Terry : All tribes as existing from Con] ges you do
MOUNT JOY, PA. ire en set were to be manneq smoothly until Terry = Sh | wards. They united and became in-| iS @ burden... when you are irri.
7 among them. : 5 danced past a doorway which con- dependent about 550 A. D. The spell- table and blue . . . try Lydia E. Pink-
el H lies the body Terry was to be introduced 5s ihe cealed Jeanne. Suddenly her anger ing “Turkey” is merely a corruption ham’s Vegetable Compound. 98 out
pi Sassafras Wrought daughter of an old friend of Mrs. seized her; she threw convention to| ,¢ wpurki” The fowl known as the | of 100 women report benefit.
The train traveled faster Corbett, and would be shown every | ye four winds and rushed up to| turkey was so called because it was | x will sve JOR Just the extra en-
Than Sassafras thought. courtesy befitting her position = Allen. She pushed Terry away and Rough have SVs trom bri 4 ho ogee . will seem worth
: i i i ! - urkey, ug v8 C : .
: i tai i a il doh pe proceeded tell Allen (and very into Europe from America in 1530.— | Don’t endure another day withous
A woman’s mind is as uncertain| here was the hitch. As €ITY | body who wanted to hear) what she | the help this medicine can give. Geg
as a grapfruit’s squirt. soon discovered, the idea 103 all this thought’ of a man who msde Tove 2 | a bottle from your druggist today,
was to prevent Mrs, Corbett’s son, a girl, proposed to her, and then de- Tt p— 3 1
A recent note in = Scotch A= Allen from falling into a trap set by | 4.4 her for the first new girl who Barber Haven't I shaved you | 2 L i
read: Me and MS ee es dollar | scheming, Jeanne Arbuthnot. Jeanne| .long. Then she denounced before? 2 » I
Er Near East Relief. came from good stoc:# but the family Terry as a cheat, a little hussy and | Victim: “No, Igot the scar in France.” ; 8
Fach fo; the A WISE OWL had lost heavily, and was on the| ‘elt put only part of it was|Exchange, VEGETABLE COMPOYNT | |