WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29th, 1933 he A.D.S.FELLOWSHIP LA WHICH RECENTLY STAGED A "COMEBACK" AS AN AID IN INTESTINAL DIFFICULTILS, HAS BEEN USED AS A TONIC BY CHINESE AND HINDUS FOR ARS ws THOUSANDS OF YE/ a, On THIS PIECE OF LIMESTONE CALOWDERS ,NEW YORK CITY IS A PRESCRIPTION FOR HYSTERIA, ye PHARMACIST, SPECIALIZES IN SUPPLY- CARVED 3,500 YEARS AGO . ©" ING DRUGS FOR AFRICAN EXPEDITIONS. 1013. Drumeists N.Y. C OR TROPICAL DISEASES, Svnd ic 0.9Waning RESEARCH DIRECTOR, A uy 2 Blunt Noses Make Best Streamlines RA (Above) New Cur- tiss all-metal mo- noplane designed for Army Air Corps. Note the speed ring or shield around the short, blunt nose cuts down the “air-drag.” (Above) Model of auto for 1934 showing aerc-dynamic stream- lining, with short nose and complete weight redistribu- tion. Passengers sit ... between wheels, not over them. (Above) The Navy, too is going in for streamlines and blunt noses in these V-type Submarines, incorperating s:nsational new engineering advances. * * * (Right) Of all fast moving objects stream-lined by Na- ture with the biunt nosed rain-drop design, ci.e of the swiftest is the terrible shark, which is credited with speeds of around 100 miles an hour. For centuries people have natur-|a sharp-nose creates more resis ally thought that sharp-nosed ob-|tance for a moving object than al jects would cleave the air and | most any other shape. A broad water with less resistance than |front, which tapers toward the rear blunt-nosed ones. This seemed so | -—the natural shape of the shark reascnable that until recent years |or the whale—is the one which cre- no one even bothered to experiment ates the least resistance. Nature to ascertain scientifically if the discovered this long ago in her own idea were true. engineering experiments. Man is To the amazement cf the first ex- only now applying the principle to perimenters, it was discovered that his own transportation problems. “What Could I Do?”’ Patricia Ellis, movie actress, like thousands of other persons, finds her- self confronted with tne problem of where to ride her bicycle. She tried #t on the grass and a cop appeared with a ticket. With the entire coun- try again taking up bicycle riding, it would seem special paths should be set off for the cyclists, U Jurors Drawn For 5 Court Scessions (From page 1) Lizzie C. Becker, housekeeper, Col umbia, James J. Columbia. John E. Dick, warehouse, Mount- ville. Irvin Sipling, garage, Rheems. Samuel G. Garman, laborer, Man- heim R 3. Jac. Minnich, carpenter, Maytown Petit Jurors, Jan. 29 McGuiniss, watchman, Stanley M. Moyer, farmer, Man- heim R 4. Harry W. Brandt, farmer, Bain- bridge. Charles Myers, laborer, Columbia. Mary H. Knipe, housewife, Colum- bia. Milton Crumbling, umbia. Paul S. Young, plasterer, Manheim Col- merchant, Albert G. Vogle, machinist, Man- heim R 4. Harry R. Bookman, retired, Col- umbia. George Kimm, Jr., machinist, Man heim. George Seabold, merchant, Man- heim. Milton H. Rider, farmer, Elizabeth- town R 3. Allen H. Herr, laborer, Manheim. Harry W. Heise, farmer, Columbia. Mary Diffenderfer, housewife, Mt. Joy. Alvin Hartman, clerk, Manheim. Ray Brown. clerk, Columbia. William Young, insurance, Mariet- ta. Isaac S. Hollinger, carpenter, of Rheems. Petit Jurors, March 5 Henry Zink, retired, Marietta. Walter Mann, watchman, Columbia Harry Rutherford, weaver, Mariet- ta. Florence McGinniss, housewife, of Columia. Jacob Killian, engineer, Elizabeth- town, Christ Kauffman, farmer, Maytown. John H. Shenk, tobacco dealer, of Manheim. Edw. C. Ziegler, teller, Columbia. THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. PER Blanche Fisher, housekeeper, Col- umbia No. 1. George Waugenbach, farmer, Col- | umbia No. 1. Curtis Smith, clerk, Bainbridge. George E. Brubaker, Mountville, Grand Jurors March 12 painter, of its super-performance. safe driving in congested traffic. tains the finest anti-knock fluid known . . . lead (tetraethyl) . . . formerly used only in premium- ‘hese cold mornings especially you'll appreciate tha plus values of ATLANTIC WHITE FLASH PLUS. For this great motor fuel starts like a flash . . . it has Te tremendous reserve power you want for hills . . . the dependable pick-up you need for And it con- priced gasolines. Fill your tank today, and enjoy To Get New Tags | (From page 1) |RVG-2. It can be obtained without Aaron G. Will, laborer, Landisville charge from any motor club notary Howard W. Buch, molder, heim. Paul R. Hess, clerk, Elizabethtown J. H. Buch, retired, Elizabethtown. H. Wilson Brenner, clerk, Columbia Petit Jurors, March 12 W. O. Chapman, clerk, Elizabeth- town R 4. Reilly Beck, retired, Columbia. Wm. Bailey, retired, Mt. Joy. Harold B. Stormfeltz, laborer, of Manheim. Harry S. Gantz, assessor, Manheim No. 3. Jesse Wilson carpenter, Landisville Emanuel E Schaeffer, laborer, of Manheim No. 2. James Strawbridge, railroader, of Columbia. Geo. W. Dimeler, laborer, Eliza- bethtown No. 1 Harry C. Hoffman, Sr., merchant, Landisville. Calvin Raber, blacksmith of Bain- bridge. Jacob R. Grube, retired, Elizabeth- town. Harry M. Cover, farmer Bainbridge A “YE CRITICS” You with the critical eye— Try watching yourself pass by, Have you done your bit To help mankind; Or censored others With fault to find? Did you give your lift To boost the load? Have you helped a friend O’er a rough road? Do you live just right— Refrain from vice? Does your past record Show up right nice? Unless you're immune From worldly sin, Check up on yourself When you begin. No life is perfect; Though high or low— Don’t judge another Until you know. —Marjorie Catheart Man- | public or justice of the peace. It also | can be had at the bureau in Harris- | burg. ( Need Title Now Assignments of certificate of title on | new cars, with request for 1934 tags, cannot be accepted at this time, the bureau advises. Persons who have | purchased a new car should apply for | {a transfer of their 1933 registration the 1934 plates are valid. plates in order to operate legally until Hundreds of applications for 1934 tags have been returned to the bureau | {with the explanation that those re- | | ceiving them had sold their cars. In many cases the name and address of | the purchaser is given, with the in- | formation that the car was sold some | months ago. | These persons are operating with 1933 license plates on an automobile | for which they hold no certificate of title or transfer of registration, | rector H. Richard Stickel | Such cases are being investigated by the State Highway Patrol with in- structions to make arrests for operat- ing in violation of the State Vehicle Code. The fee for transfer of registration plates is $2. Motorists operating with- out a certificate of title or a transfer of registration are advised to comply with the law at once. QR. TIMELY WORD PUZZLE Those who find amusement in solving puzzles should enjoy this one After you solve it (no, we are not going to give the answer) you can spring it on your family or friends. All we are going to give you is just one little sentence of four little words: “’Tis to love ruin.” Now your job is to make one word out of the letters (all of them) in those four words. Can you do it? No? Well, perhaps if we tell you there are lots of “them” in Cuba right now, that will help you find the so- lution. Di- | said today. | © OOOO OPPO A 62-Acre Farm TO BE SOLD AT DEPRESSION PRICE BANK BARN, SILO, GOOD FRAME HOUSE, CON- CRETE BLOCK 2-CAR GARAGE AND BUTCHER HOUSE, BROODER House with Incubator 24x60 feet, many other POULTRY HOUSES, room for 1,000 hens, meadow pasture, running water, spigot water at house and barn, fruit etc. House has all modern conveniences such as light, heat and bath. Here’s a dandy farm to be sold at about half its value several years ago. Good reason for selling. Jno. E. Schroll REALTOR MOUNT JOY, PA. Far Cheaper Than You Can Build VERY MODERN HOME On an 80-foot front lot, house has 8-rooms and bath, slate roof, large porch, hot water heat, oil burner, hot and cold cellar, all cemented, possession any time. This is one of the best built homes Only reason for selling, but one person in the fam- No. 442. in Mount Joy. ily. I will cheerfully show this property. Modern 7-Room House On a 60-foot lot, corner, bath, oil burner, slate roof; house recently painted and papered. 2-Car Garage, poultry house, fruit, etc. Come and inspect. JNO. E. SCHROLL, Realtor MOUNT JOY, PENNA. 5 An I TT.