WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8th, 1933 THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. Ee : # pr hs 0 [5 ' & FOR YOUR INSPECTION The merchant and manufacturer who advertise, ac- tually are placing their merchandise before you for inspection. They invite your most critical attention and an uncompromising comparison. And their advertisements, so to speak, say to their products: “We have introduced you to the public— now stand on your own merits.” If the manufacturer and merchant did not have con- fidence in their wares, they would hesitate to call at- tention to them. For advertising rigidly tests the maker, the seller and the merchandise. Business so tested, and found not wanting, is pros- perous. FE nn BR 4 4 A 4 2 In the long run, you can depend on the man who ad- vertises, as well as on his product. That is one reason why people have found that it pays to read advertise- ments. It is through advertising that the excellent things of the world are brought to the attention of those who are seeking for the best and most economical way to spend their money. Read the advertisements. They are news. o J Special for This Week {| 2 compete peci or 1S €c A “Complete Radio | isso “Service J We just received a fresh supply of Specials, Ib. ..25¢ All wagk guaranteed - Fresh Peanut Clusters, Ib.....................20¢ Prompt, Service Fresh Almond Clusters, Ib....................35¢ Prices Religonable Light and Dark Coated Almonds, Ib............50¢ Estimates give, free A full supply of Bachman Chocolates cag \ ; George A. Shickley [ Lucky Strike, 15c each \ Camel's, 15c each 2 f or 219 Mt. Joy, St. Old Gold, 15¢ each . MOUNT JOY, PA. 4 Chesterfield, 15c each \ 2 5 C 4 2 Piedmont, hg 4 Not Just Another 20 in Yo Pack Wi - mich sr |g EC" Pill ToDeaden Pain White Rell 10 Cc But a wonderful modern medi- cine which acts upon the conditions which CAUSE the pain. Take them regularly and you should suffer less and less each month. PERSISTENT H. A. D RRENI AMP USE BRINGS PERMANENT RE- LIEF. Sold at all good drug stores. 3 Doors East of Post Office MOUNT Joy, PA. Small size 50/4. LYDIA E. PINKHAW'S TABLETS Store and Dwelling A 2Y, Story Frame House—2l, Story Frame Store Building—Garage—Also Butcher Shop. FOR Rely AND PREVENTION ? PERIODIC PAINS | Radway®’s Pills For CONSTIPATION What They Are: A mild reliable laxative i distress or disturb digestion. ior habit form- harmful drugs. Any person desirous of having a grocery store in a very good community should investigate this proposi- tion. Will sell the above with or without stock as pur- chaser desires. Possession any time. No. 440. Phone 417]. Jno. E. Schroll, restr MOUNT JOY, PENNA. What They Do: Millions of men and women, since 1847, have used them to relieve sick headaches, nervousness, fatigue, loss | 1 aaa Krall’s Meat Market | West Malin St, MOUNT Jov | SRO MOUNT JOY, PA. | CORRECT INFORMATION FUR- sheep 6. STEERS Choice 4.75-5.25 Good 425-475 Medium 3 50-4.25 Common 275-3.50 HEIFERS Choice 4.25-4.75 Good 3.50-4.25 Medium 2.50-3.50 Common 1.75-2.50 COWS Choice 3.00-3.50 Good 2 50-3.00 Common and medium 2.00-2.50 Low Cutter, Cutter 1.00-2.00 BULLS Good and choice 3.75-5.00 Cutter, Common and Med 3.00-375 VEALERS Good and choice 7.50-8.00 Medium 6.75-7.50 Cull and Common 4.50-6.75 FEEDER & STOCKER CATTLE Good and choice 5.00-6.00 Common and medium 3.00-4.00 HOGS Good and choice 475-5.25 Medium and good 3.75-4.25 SHEEP Choice Lambs 6 50-7.00 Yearling Wethers 4.00-5.00 Ewes all weights 1.50-4.00 Produce & Live | Stock Market NISHED WEEKLY BY THE PA. BUREAU OF MARKETS FOR THE BULLETIN Market closing for week. Good quality light weight steers steady, all other classes weaker, A liberal run of all classes of cattle expected for Monday's market. Cows, bulls and heifers steady. Stockers and the feeders fully steady on better kinds, with common and plain kinds weak and hard to move. Calves are steady with extreme top on choice select vealers 7.50-8.00, Hogs slow, are fully 15¢ to 25¢ lower, top on choice West- ern hogs in carload lots around 5.00; choice Westerns in retail lots to the small killers 5.25. Sheep steady. Receipts: Cattle 1088; hogs, 1049; IRONVILLE John Kauffman injured his index finger of the right hand, while work ing at the Schwarzenbach Huber Co. silk mill. Mrs. Harry Albright is recovering after being seriously ill for several days Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Weaver were visiting at Hanover. Miss Ida Kauffman entertained a number of young friends with a Hallowe'en party in their barn last night. On Saturday evening the C. E. of the Ironville U. B. church held a Hallowe'en party in the Band Hall An interesting program was present- ed. Glenn Staley was awarded a prize for the best dressed and Eph- raim Fornoff and Charles Gingrich for the most comical dressed. On Saturday evening at 7:45 the W. M. A. of the Silver Spring U, B. church will present their annual Thank Offering service. Rev. C. R. Longenecker, of Reading, will be the speaker. The 26th annual Sunday School convention will meet in St. Paul's U. B. church at Mountville on Sun- day, Nov. 12th at 2:00 P. M. when the following program will be pre- sented: Theme: Study to Show Thyself Ap proved. Hymn, congregation. Devotions, Mountville Church of the Brethren. Welcome, Rev. M. S. Fridinger of the U. B. church, Mountville. Music, by the Silver Spring United Brethren Sunday School. ( Address, Challenger of Leadership Training, Rev. W. C. Blatt, pastor | of the Ironville and Silver Spring U. | | County. B. churches. Music, by Kinderhook Evangelical Congregational Sunday School. Address, How to Induce the Young People to Remain for Church Servic- es. Rev. W. N. Brandst, Concordia | Lutheran Church. Music, Trinity Reformed Sunday | School, Mountville. Address, Young People’s Work in the Church, Ruth W. Kauffman, of | Young People’s Division of Lancaster Offering. Address, Study to Show Thyself Approved, Rev. H. F. Rhoad, Otter- bein U. B. church, Lancaster, Pa Music, Girls’ Glee Club. of United | Brethren church, Mountville, Pa. Remarks, Miss Mary Swope, the Secretary of the Lancaster County Sunday School Association. Business: Reading of the minutes; | | Treasurer's Report; Report of the | | nominating committee; Election of | | Officers. Benediction. MAYTOWN Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hartman and | Mr. and Mrs. Abram Singer on Sun- | day. } i on. SY |THE BULLETIN : | ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bard Buller. | is visiting friends in town. The Ladies Aid society of the Re- | formed Church will hold their month- ! lv meeting Thursday evening, No- | ° vember 9th at 7:30 at the home of | ! Miss Emily Shireman. { Mrs. Annie Mackley is visiting | friends in Harrisburg. Rev. and Mrs. Edward Buller and | { | grandson Bobbie of Lancaster, visited | | | { son Bertram of New York City, spent several days with the former's par- | Mrs. Maggie Bishop of Philadelphia, | Mr. and Mrs. Edwood Groff of Lan- | caster, spent Sunday afternoon with | Me and Mrs. James F. Johnstin. | and Mrs. Henry L. Haines and | ar Miriam, Henry and John QUIVERING NERVES By JANE OSBORN When you are just on edge : « « when you can’t stand the children’s ©. by McClure Newspaper Syndicate noise adi’ when everything you do WNU Service is a burden you are irri. AISY DREW turned the corner gable and Blue 44 Lida Pink. where the state highway crossed 8 pound. 98 out : : of 100 women report benefit. Main street in Hinton and drew her It will give you just the extr neat little ear to the curb. Then she 8 you just 2 en. ergy you need. Life will seem worth swung lightly from her seat and Living again. walked rapidly round the car, glanc Don’t a another day withous 5 P E D ing at the tires, As she passed the the help this medicine E * tires on the left she glanced with seem a bottle from your druggist today. ing nonchalance across the street, [It somewhat disconcerted her that the tall young man was looking intently at . EL / ’ NOW and then you will want her when she looked but ol . Job Printing done in a hurry. quickly at him. VEGETABLE COMPOUND Because of our facilities we are in a position to get your She took time enough in starting © T ( » N | job done promptly and give Catching the Bus glance again at the young man who had remained in the region of the cor- ner opposite, She started her car deft- lv, made a quick, sharp turn and then 1 drew up beside him on the opposite Ny you the kind of quality you corner. 3% demand. “I'm afraid you've just missed your detore p your orde bus,” she said. “There isn't another elsew . see us. for half an hour. I'm going out that | Stone. ]so manufac ay i an easily overtake the bus way and I can easily overtake the bu urers of ¢ Blocks BULI ETIN that you've just missed, if you like.” | | . S sills and Lintels. MOUNT JOY The young man doffed his hat and ; was usual among the young men of J N. 3 : ‘ 2 Daisy's acquaintance. stepped forward . Stauffer & Bro. Phone 41J bowed with more of a flourish then and assured Daisy that it was abso- > lutely essential for him to get the bus} MOUNT JOY, PA. > > and that he would be grateful to her | — if she would take him to a point along hE ess Wan | How One Woman “My name is Schuyler Wentw orth.” Lost 20 Lbs. of Fat said the young man. “I am a stranger about here—I'd come out to look over a bit of property—which T find Is lo- cated in—in—at the other end of the bus line.” . . ‘ ‘Barnbury,” supplied Daisy. “Well, Gained Physical Vigo A Shapely Figure. that's a half hour by motor—must be Lost Her Prominent Hips — Double Chin — Sluggishness more than an hour by bus. I'm quite If you're fat—first remove the sure we can catch up with the bus, if case; - 3 ’ : : $ " ake one half teaspoonful of you don’t mind a little speed. Brien Suits in oo hove of hot ’ “Not in the least,” assured the water in the morning—in 3 weeks young man. get on the scales and note how many J oR Win : te pounds of fat have vanished. I'hey started at breakneck speed, Notice also that you have gained but as they went on, getting fruit for in sn ig ow eel younger in body—Kruschen will conversation out of the objects they give any fat person a joyous surprise. passed on the road, Daisy found her Get a bottle of Kruschen Salts self slowing down. Of course, there from any leading druggist anywhere H 5 Da : in America (lasts 4 weeks) and the 1 wasn't the slightest chance that she cost is but litle, ¥ this first bottle “THANKS, HARRY, rn be would catch a bus. because the last doesn't gonvince you this is the ready about eight. Youknow, asiest, SAFEST and surest wa YS hk bus had gene nearly an hour ago and Na oe phe Lt Way» I was beginning to think you it was within five minutes’ time of the didn’t like me becaus& you next when she kidnaped the good-look y - — never came around aftef our ing stranger at the corner. It had I 11 Tell You Pree telephone was taken out. Now heen a rather bold thing to do, Daisy I understand. You coulfin’t admitted ind not the sort of th ng How to Heal get in touch with me. el! that her sisters would have consid 5 ' I'm glad we have a teleph 3 ered even decent. As a general thing, ain Daisy agreed with them—it wasn’t safe to pick up strange young men and take them driving along the coun- d €gs Columbia Telephone 0. try highway to Barnbury—but the 1 voung man sitting beside her in her 22 North Third Street car was decidedly prepossessing, and . . y if he by any chance was a desperate sarap shah Re swollen veins COLUMBIA, PA. and dangerous character Daisy felt S00 Somes Fu) marsld ll au font In an oe Sar it fhe i three inches wide and long enough . ler own hands she had every advan-| yo give the necessary support, wind- Swiftest and Best tage over him ing it upward from the ankle to the 3arnbury was in sight-—and the bus knee, the way the blood flows in the had not been overtaken. It was a veins. No more broken veins. No little settlement of some eight or| more ulcers nor open sores. No nine houses, two gas-filling stations,| more crippling pain. Just follow a little store and the remains of an | directions and you are sure to be IPTION y helped. i ! old wooden church. The young man Your druggist won't keep had indicated that he had business in your money unless you are. Barnbury. Obviously there wis Dot | —ee———————————— 85 Cents much business to be done there. EXPERT “Here we are,” Daisy told him. It Pain—Agony Starts to was a desperately bold thing to do, WATCH and CLOCK Leave iv 24 Hous but she told him that if his business wasn't going to take very long she, Just ask for Allenru—Within 24 would wait and carry him back to R E Ps AJR I R I N G A hours after you start to take this Hinton, assuming of course that he | safe yet powerful medicine excess wanted to go to Hinton. But the i uric acid and other circulating %. poisons start to leave your body. young man did not even get out of 3 the car He looked at her contritely Ty 1% hours pain agony and Swell. are « The A and explained that as a matter of fact | hes a y Allears ascription if { : : | is guaranteed one he had no business whatever in Barn- [ 3 y r J % bottle doesn't do as stated—mo bury I'o his surprise the girl at the 48 West Main Ltreet LY bs : Rey wheel showed no sign of resent 9 ee She: J ) . n i 2 o ent e nt. | ohone 21% MOUNT Joy® A | % 1e ( ve DACK L n D “a } we b o Hinton in silence | mar.30stf | % ally embarrassing. | Se EE - “I take it for granted that you want | HOW ARE YOUR SHOES? | to zo back ro Hinton,” said Daisy, with | DON'T WAIT QO LONG an arch little smile. “Perhaps you | BRING THE " Nx have friends there “Not nies I might count you Mn C11 Y SHOE a friend,” said Schuyler. “The fact is | I had ; 34 ord of Sites ee REPAIRING CO. never Barnbury in my life until this morn- ing. 1 was motoring from New York | to Ohio and this morning I found my- { self in Hinton with some slight engine | trouble which I could not attend to. | | left my car in a garage and started | nr for a stroll. That was when 1 saw you | Pips esi: - —you apparently thought you had a) me "THE BULLETIN Really. | didnt” wid Dalsy J only stopped my car because I thou al 3 you looked—well, a little different MOUNT JOY 1 A from the men we meet here.” ! \ REPAIRING “And you don't exactly hate me be- | UNUSUAL | cause | let you think 1 was trying to get the bus?’ said Schuyler. “Oh, | knew you weren't trying to | Th and get the bus. Only at the time [ couldn't wi Watches think of any better excuse to talk to | 1§ ma rist Watches you." To a be) VALU LUES Repaired ahead of her long enough to look at | | him with a little pout of annoyance. | “And 1 suppose you'll start right on | 1932 Pontiac “Custom 4-door Prompt Sedyice and your way as sopn 8s we get back to| Sedan ...... ah as nea ..$565.00 Prices Reasdpable Hinton? { 1931 Pontiac 6 Ww W. ton coupe “Not if you'll tet me stay—and-—i l % Sh 7% if, Il tet me stay and—and | with truck eeu . 3 “ DON W. GORRECHT a tle hett : “ 1 get a little hetter acquainted. As a | 1931 Pontiac C ustogp {-door Se- matter of fact the isn't anything a 1 1 here isn't anything the | dan ....... epee KYE 5.004. MOUNT JOY, PA. matter with my car. 1 Just left it | 193) Chevrolet Sporlj Coupe. ... 335.00 | there. | had seen you earlier in the soni 1930 Pontiac 2-door Sed: an . 295.00 | CY 1929 Buick Standard Coupe..... 185.00 MILK, CREAM and day as | came into Hinton, and I made ip wy mind that 1 wasn’t going to 1929 Buick 2-d Sedh 265.00 2 leave the place until I knew you bet 3 Duick becqn 265.00 | i ter. | think it was a ease of or | 1929 Whippet 4-door Sefjan 135.00 | Chocolate Milk | 1929 Whippet 2-door 25 With Quality You Can Taste 't tell you how glad | am that | 1929 Buick Sport Roadstég BEST PRICES ON ICE vou feel that way about it,” said Daisy | 1928 Buick 2-door ‘r hate awf > f an. { 245.0 x 9 Ta hate awfully to feel that was | 1697 Oakland 4-door Seder)... 14500 Hallgren 8 RR 3927 Pontiac 2-door Sedan. 1... 85.00 - ; Sil ix Modern Dairy i 1927 Jordan 4-door Sedan first sig “wy : spent Sunday at Millersville with Mrs. | 1926 Packard 4-door 135.00 | 269 Marietta Street Phone 101M Kready. i 1926 Hudson 4-door Sedan 1. 65.00% MOUNT JOY, PA. Miss Laura Shireman of Lancaster, 1926 Chrysler 2-door Sedan ys 95.00 MLK & CREAM AT CODE PRICES spent Friday and Saturday with her! 1930 Chevrolet 1%-ton truck 275.00 | sister Miss Mariam Shireman. | Stake Body, 4 sec] 275.00 | ee i Eledtig_and Acetylene You can get all the news of this | WwW E LBl N G locality for less than three cents a week thru the Bulletin. 'Hassinger & Riss r R. U. TRIMBLE I I - ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. When in need of Printing, lisp). Elizabethtown, Pa. | kindly remember the Bulletin PHONE 23