rr TE y Tal Waly TT WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1st, 1932 PAGE EIGHT THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. Classified Lie Parties | " FOR | S AL} ALE 1 ) White Leghorn ne Cal 1 On Hallowe'en Economical Republican ‘Continue Sound. Pullets, B. Hos Joy i — SATE. Round Exte : " 1 : (Frem page one) ing Room Tanai; sy of Rh 3 H $ . o ® C also a S AS a I Wks ize WN > 4 t t 7 Priced ris | Sy \ ousekeepin g In Lancaster ounty TH SALE An EF Heatro a used Shrek Tasked arty aN - waad Gillums. Nm RE NES Lancaster County has ® = di A —————— nn y a A war 4 3a T ’ + FOR SA 1 ai long je a pu vark ot Re Vote for These Small : A vhich was en. publican m Our lfore- ; . Bu ver fathers and now we, are Re- Republican Candidates Be Sto publicans. November 7th tele We have seen the princi- Judge lus no ywnshi partment, Brown, ( , Her- govern efficiently amd eco- pancasiep J Awl Jac Dore. J re nomically the great eaunty Resor ys heels » our Joy P I Rich- . DR. W. (x LES SS of Lancaster, We mut be Holtwoed Tr house on V oS Joy. Rent on ply to Mrs 1 Howard Ave., Lancaster FOR RENT: Dwelling on Has light, heat mediate poss Realtor, Moun FOR SALE- 50-acre sure the Republican Party, on its record down thru the vears and on the calibre of its candidates, will get the support it so richly deserves from the electorate on No- vember 7. Prison Keeper WALTER N. FOUST Lancaster Mrs. Walters Was Hostess ire H Desirable Road. Directors of the Poor LEVI M. MARTIN East Earl EVERETT E. BRUBAKER East Lampeter acadam road. Rum \ing water, | (um large and big bank bein t wer and other buil Tease. Katie B.| appropirat Gruber, Route 2, Mount Joy, Pare - WOOD FOR SALE—I have a lot of |. eord wood sawed stove length which I sell reasonable at all times. John W.| Kreider, Telephone 142R12 Mt. Joy sep.13-2m-p| M CIDER—Making daily un-| We are confident the test- ed principles of the Repub- lican Party will again be up- held in Lancaster County. Prison Inspectors JAMES M. PAXSON Little Britain FRED B. SMITH Bainbridge Jury Commissioner MRS. BERTHA D. WILLIS Lancaster pads A : JUDGE OLIVER S. SCHAEFFER - term as Judge of the Court of Common ch he was appointed by Gover (Candidate for Assemblyman HARRY E. TROUT seeks election to a full t Pleas f Lafcaster county, t to w Y Pinchot last ¥ear. He was formerly an attorney and County Solicitor Manheim Me lengths $6.00 per cord delivered. BAKER, R. D. Manheim, Pa. Phone 1K2. jly-6-tf | FOR SALE—A ‘Brick House with/| Slate Roof, 8 rooms, all conveniences, Poultry House 12x12, along concrete highway, Florin. Apply to Jno. E Schroll, Realtor, Mount Joy. No 416. PU BLIC SALE Auxiliary Entertains : —of— & VALUABLE REAL ESTATE { 1 pursuance to an Order of the Or- | M¢ ns’ Court of Lancaster County, the rsigned will at sale on FRI- | decor iti DAY, NOVEMBER 17th, 1933, at R40) w P. following real estate: nir The TWO-STORY . FRAME! ref: DWELLING situated on the ppropri ie Fate Fast side of South Market" he Borough of Mt. | Mite Society's Party ents were later | | served to about-35 guests, ! Street in th Joy. i Cohtaining iff: front on said South | Market Street 30 feet 1112 inches, more | er less, and extending in depth of that | ~vidth 76 feet 8 inches, more or less. i i mani This property, formezly the residence | hos were shown. Priges ‘were of Paul H. Bruckhart, has all modern] _ conveniences and offers an excellent spportunity to anyone desiting a home. | HARRY E. TROUT was chosen by Republican Coun- Sale to be held at the Bulletin News- | ¢ a 23 Dy Okie paper Office, Mount Joy, Friday, | C! y Committeemen as the party's November 17, 1933, 7:30 P. when | :andidate for the vacancy in the terms and is will be made | represer jeneral Assembly. He is a pub- i isher, residing in Manheim. Xnown by MRS. BERTHA WILLIS has the support of tHe Republican H. S. NEWCOMER, Trustee for the heirs of Pawl Hj persor Bruckhart, deceased. a . . | H : Sor gon ig | . A Special Election DR. W. GILES HESS party for Jury Commisgioner. Her ; ee pe | O ¢ h - o to fill the vacancy in the Gen- is the Republican candidate for ele cl nt wil make her Whe seconc 8 , ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE In gat Cc rin ™ al ATEN od by the Recorder of Deeds. He is a practic- . man to hold the office inslancas- WALTER N. FOUST te of Annie H. Rohrer, late of T - death of Thomas J. Brown. of ing physician in Holtwood and, if ter county who seeks re-election as Prison- Mount Joy Borough, Pa, d ' N 7 1b 16th Mount Joy, will be held at the elected, will head one of the major Ye Keeper in Lancaster county. He is 3 0) en er , Court House departments for four a World War veteran and is experi- Letters of administration on said es-! same time as the general Elec- C : fete having been granted to the un-| tion, November 7. vears. enced in his present office through ga pejeors indebted there : (From page n : Members of ie serving four two-year terms. payment, and those having claims or ionger, hes ii ns Cony Compas eT in frosts an piercing winds wll the secon egisiative istrict, T . + gefusnds the sme, will preset | C5 eh ub of Lancaster County Has the Lowest Tax of Any County in Pennsylvania! the undersined, residing in Mt. Joy,| If we are to make good President county outside Lancaster city r . Pa. 3 ie “| Roosevelt's promise that “this winter sslosied Harry E. Trout as the Vote to Keep it Down! candidate. Zimmerman, Myers & Kready, Attys. | won't be like the last” welfare agen- i a HARRY CHARLES | cies must ork hovder and extend Each voler in the county. You have Sas the Democratic-Coali- Lancaster County has benefitted great- represeitation in the General Assembly sep. 27-61 Administrator | their scope of activity. outside the city, will receive tionists boost the assessments in Lancas- ly by its Republican representation in solidly Republican. ee | ee NR A. Fas out maby oe a separate ballot when he ter city from $30,000,000 to $109,000,000 in Harrisburg, Lancaster County is reco- Turn dowm the Democratic-Coalition- ESTATE OF WM. D. CHANDLER, | ge NA. A, N23 DU J ¥ Do eight years-an increase of more than gnized there as one of the Republican ists in 1933 asyou did in 1923, and 1925 DECEASED sons to work and taken many famil- or she enters the voting 3% times strongholds of Pennsylvani d treated oan In E! Veli —_ ; place and will cast it at the 3%: times. Cl ongholds of Pennsylvania, and treate and again in 5 To the heirs, legatees, creditors andj ies irom the elfare Lst—but no same {ime as the Geperal Don't let them do the same thing in accordingly. Be sure Good Housekeeping in the con- Wher persons interested in the Estate | I human agency can stay the hand of Election ballet. Lancaster County—unless, of course, you Don't lose that valuable position in the duct of Lancaster County’s affairs under heise D. Chandler, late of the] fate—and into many lives this win- iB be decid t want to pay 3%: times as much taxes. affairs of the state. Keep our county Republican policies continues. ugh of Mount Joy, Lancaster | ter, sickness, disaster, and death Mr Trout w elec 2 5 = Ne vlvania, deceased. | will stalk serve until January, 1935, which No is hereby given that E. Pearl! ? ) or is the balance of Mr. Brown's Present employment will not take V OO E R E P U B i 1 A N X Chan r a ndler h, ex- a 3 term. I C 3 of sid Cn EE ai a] care of obligations accumulated dur- te their pet to the Orphans Court of | ing the lean years, nor will it lay up SR — Lance caster Cos, askng for authority | an immediate surplus for the rainy and an from said Court to sell to] day. § Elam M. Boffkerger at private sale for! Welfare work must go on—The the payment afi debts, for the sum of | Needlework Guild of America is the - forty-six hundted dollars ($4,600.00), one agency—the one charity that ) { | fe ds BeBe ter Britt ded Per of West A De] [oie SU shuren Ah Eo i Jol Borough. Lan as- | ih am ty for help- Ted erected frame 0 diy ing those less fortunate than them- * Loe and other bh contrib tie f 3 i XN / ed ce aie For Justice of the Peace $4. Hager’'s—Headquarters For 516 lin 3 TY if ® Seuthwardly EAST DONEGAL TOWNSHIP 3 C \ S . l d M . may be- | 1 » 3 Camp durgical and Maternity 7 Street. If no n exception T Lay xe 2 tions | ber ving to some di- are made to Dy giving %i be cohed © ur local bran ; éé 99 ® [age i petition on 5 f wearing apparel are Lo i 33. is always a demand | ® ® | : es r z oct.18-3t M. M. HARNISH, Attorney | underwear, nightwear, | | %* 5 \ C O R bo, E - A $y i 2 + 3 & eee 5 \ + 4 es. Hass, sheets, | FLORIN, PENNA. 9. COMMUNITY SALE |: 3 ”e 3 0 & In distribution of the gar- % P ¢ le. A. 3 5 | m s and both sex are tak- \ Z By Br Bager’s are authorized agents—with graduate fitters—for Camp F idhey Evening NOY, 3| on a vars bom infants 3s Your Vote and Inflyence Respectfully fT ic maternity garments. We carry at all times a com- ses re . 3! LD ; : near OF | Let every Director. and Member Solicited & Pern ON plete stogk. We suggest that you consult your physician first { give thelr garments this year wit! a i \ i - . COWS, FRUIT { care and thought. Perhaps there is S \ rer I: and then come to us; you will receive expert and courteous at- | some particular child or family you B® aa: 1 i 3 i i isti iv : MERCH ANDISE. ETC! would like to help. Make your.wish $ ALD & tention. Fach model is designed for a distinctive function and 2 known by marking your — — — _— - x il Ge a particular purpdse—each offers absolute correctness of de- Sale at SM. accordingly and report same to your AE AS Septal & odo te 7 PY director. The will dyer Bi NEW sults A treatment thats mew and 3: Li} sign, rigid support, lightness, durability and attractive appear- = see that th in erent—yet effective in any form of \ tH ¢ : C. S. FRANK & BRO. Re pgm ERE t's DISEERENT piles—that's the secret of this new & \ ance. “ HAGER'S Third > = If you are not a member, why not type of pile relief. This vitally dif- é \ Floor join now and help our local Branch t's the ific ans- ferent vd of Heating piles by fomen- 9 - in doing their part in this great f Jon, py This is oo 4 5 work for good. wer for the re of a 3 TE treating pile HENRYG. CARPENTER | , _ proper uve | PILES fe So THE HAGER S E per lighting s for adequate rn 0 e, No pain. INSURANCE N UNT JOY PA lights, absence of glare, good distribu- PILE-O-D die simple home re. Be st | Ble Js Your 3 Je 2531 West King Street LAN PENNA. pha ere lly con | oF eoirading ples Tbk to th PILE, Gres : x “jor ing piles to th PILE- The J dere fsa xl a , Pa. LY he a { § a BE . A 5 Bs w f Va i Fa |