The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 11, 1933, Image 5

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    WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11th, 1933
Activities of the
Grade S. Clubs
(From page 1)
Zeller, ‘Miriam Ellis, Frances
man, Jay Gibble,
baum, Catherine
Sewing Club
The Sewing Club, under the guid-
ance of Miss Ethel Moore, has a fas-
cinating work for the young ladies.
Any sewing can be brought and
help will be afforded. These meet-
ings are held weekly. Appended
are those enrolled: Marie Balmer,
Maude Balmer, Izella Brown, Emma
Davis, Ruth Derr, Helen Derr, Ma-
bel Detwiler, Dorothy Edwards, Hel
en’ Eisenberger, Catherine Eisenber-
ger, Hazel Garlin, Vivian Germer,
Jane Habecker, Vera Haines, Edith
Henry, Doris Hickernell, Jeanette
Hipple, Myrtle Husler, Rhoda Kay-
Barbara Fellen- also fix the books, Miss
4 Ruth | is our instructor.
‘Hertzler, Pauline Nissly, Jane Sny- ' every Wednesday in the year.
Library Club
The officers of the Library Club
are: President, Betty Anne Newcom
er; Vice President, Florence Heisey;
Secretary, Mary Louise Longenecker
Asst, Secretary, Winifred Latchford.
It is the duty of these girls to help
the other school children to select
books and to distribute them. They
The members are as follows: Jeane
Brandt, Betty Ann Newcomer, Jape
Withers, Jeannette Potter, = Florence
Heisey, Florence Schneider, Emma
Geibe, Mabel Thomas, Laura June
Miller, Janet Habecker, Anna Mary
Hoffmaster, Florence Hendrix, Mild-
red Hendrix, Winifred Latchford,
Gladys Zerphey, Dorothy "Wagner,
Elsie Touey, Dorothy Schneider and
Mary Louise Longenecker.
Gymnastic Club
The Gymnastic Club learns the
fundamental steps in folks-dancing.
We have meet:
Those included are: President, Eu
gene Crider; vice president, Eugene
Grove; Secretary, Bud Cunningham.
William Baymond, Clayton Hoffman,
By Maude Edwards

Mrs. Anna Hendrix returned home
after spending a week in York Co.
town, was a visitor at Watkins Glen
on Wednesday.
Local Doings
family, of Florin, visited the Flow- |
ers family on Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. James Light, of; i" Hipple, of Mount Joy; Mr. and Mrs
Annville, visited friends here on MI and Mrs. Michael Wagenbach, Allen Hollinger, of Mount Joy;. Mr.
Sunday. of Florin, visited at the home of the | . vz :
y. lattér’s sister, Mrs. ‘Gertrude Groff and Mrs. Morris Bailey and son,
Miss Verna Brandt, of Elizabeth- ister, Mrs. Gertrude "% Glenn, of Mount Joy; J. Nissley
on Sunday.

Mrs. Daniel Musser, of town, and
her sister, Mrs, Nissly Stehman, of
Landisville, entertained at a birth-
day surprise party in honor of their
mother, Mrs. Emma Young Thurs-
day evening,
The following guests were: Mr.
and Mrs. J, Raymond Young and
daughter, Pauline, of Millersville;
Mr. and Mrs. S, F. Smith, of Neffs-
Around Florin!


Mr, and Mrs. James Light, of Ann
Eg IR Arndt ville; Mr. and Mrs, John Meisenber-
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ney, and ger of West Lancaster; Mr. and Mrs pl
Abram Root and daughter, Dolores,
of Mechanicville; Mr. and Mrs. Paul
had Stehman, of Landisville; Mr. Daniel
Mr. Harry B. Wittel, of town, Musser and Harold Musser; Vernon
Passed to The
home, at Elizabethtown,
grocer in Middletown for thirty-five
years, died shortly before noon Sunday
after an illness of four weeks.

An independent fight by C. C. Hicks
to retain his post of Justice of the
Peace in East Donegal township was
seen in the filing of preemption papers
establishing the “Regular” party in that
The papers filed at the Prothono-
tary’s office, specified that the signers
have the right to nominate for the, of -
fice of Justice of the Peace. The sign-
ers are John H. Keener, Maytown;
Curvin H. Martin, East Donegal; Eli
Billett, Rowenna; H. M. Zieger, East
Donegal and Anna G. Hicks, Maytown.
Mr. Hicks was defeated for both the
| Republican and Democratic nomina-
tions in the primary election. ’
A Cs.
Great Beyond


John G. Brinser, 84, died at his |
of a com-
ication of diseases,

Daniel W. Huntzberger
Daniel W. Huntzberger, sixty-two,

Born at Bainbridge on November 30, |
a slight accident last Saurday even-
ing. About one mile west of Florin |
his car skidded on the wet highway |
Miss Verna Fair was a visitor
with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cumens
at Manheim on Sunday.
Dr. and Mes. H.C. Kendig ama In order fo avoid an acadent he
family s ayes
SY Joon Sunday at Salungs ed his car to upset. He was not!
with the former's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Zook and family, of |
Sporting Hill, visited Mr, and Mrs.
hurt but his car was damaged. He |
immediately went to Lancaster and |
the State|
Young, of Mount Joy.
| Refreshments were served at 11 o'-
News In General
A number of gifts were received.

the home of his son, Alvin, at Kin-
derhook, shortly before noon Monday.
Mrs. David Huntzberger, Bainbridge.
Mount Joy's Annual Communit
1871, he was the son of the late Mr. and | y
is e500 0. Ve a Nl | Exhibit will be held next week, Oct.
[19, 20 and 21.
Samuel R. Kise
Samuel B. Kise, eighty-four, died at Thivsday & Friday Nights
Mt. Joy's Big Laugh Show
% “The

lor, Sara Kramer, Bernice Metzler, |, Bennett, Robert Eshelman, | Frank Felker. on Sunday reported the accident to He was a former resident of Safe Har-
Arlene Neff, Catherine Ney, June Winfield Hendrix, David Garber, R.| Mr and Mrs. Arthur Hendrix ang (Police F B F 1k (bor. Besides the son with whom he Wedding of Ima Mann”
Prefer, Dolores Penner, Bertha Rahn Pennell, Wayne Kretzing, Robert | nr and Mrs. James Neal motored| Mr. D. Roy Moose, local merchant, or usy oO S resided he leaves the ' following chil All'Male Cast
Jane Rice, Mary Rohrer, June Nissly, Jack Germer, Robert Bailey, [to New York state Sunday who recently purchased the Brack- dren: Mrs. H. P. Fri dof N Laughs, Sereams, Roars
Smeltzer, Mary Louise Smith, Chris Arthur Kraybill, Ray Wittle, Jacob Mr. and Mis Boy Boo od ties bill residence, has improved the ex- | en: hi «Je frien yo orristown; “Added Attraction”
tine Smith, Mary J. Spangler, Ma- Shirk, Donald Piefer, Harlem Myers |gsons Elwood "Clyde and Robert, | terior considerably with beautiful INTERESTING HAPPENINGS FROM EC Weaver, Syracuse, N. Y, “The Wedding of the Dolls”
bel Sprout, Ida Sprout, Elsie Stark, Wilbur Hawthorne, Robert Hertzler, spent Sunday. in Dy County. ’ | shrubbery. | ALL OVER THE COUNTRY FOR | 2nd Mrs. Arthur Urban and Leo Kise, Cast of 125 People
Jean Weaver, Betty Young, Thelma William Workman, Stanley Young, Mr. Clinton Campbell of Wavne! The Colummia High School had THE BENEFIT OF THOSE WHC | ©! Canton, Ohio. High School Auditorium
Zink and Ruth Wagner. Frank Walters, Roy Mateer, Arthur was a guest at the home of tho their Harvest Home celebration at| HAVE LITTLE TIME TO READ 8:15 p.
John Henry Shenk
John Henry Shenk, seventy, died of
complications, at the home of Misses

Boyd, Warren Funk, Elwood Mateer [the Cedar Tree Inn, one fourth mile |
Claude Schneider, Eugene Wagner,
Edward Brown.
Shoop family over the week end : “|
Mr. and Mrs. Dick and family vis- | West of here on Monday evening, in |
tod Me. Me . “mdr (honor of their Harvest Home Ex-
ited Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hendrix |
Current Events Club
The Current Events Club has the
Reserved at Garbex's
Mount Joy’s Annual Community
Exhibit will be held next week, Oct.









discussion of newspaper and maga- . diti hich ‘is now beine held at
zine articles, the happenings of the It it sponsored by C. Casper Krei- and family near Lititz on Sunday. Dee on waen Js emg 119, 20 and 21. Elizabeth and Susan Witmer, 372 Done-
day, ete Appended is enrollment: | der. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Zink were | Columbia. : . | Sonny Goodling, school boy at Mari- | gal Springs road. He is survived by
y Pp : ‘os . { Mr. and Mrs, John B. Hershey, y 8 : y
Robert Arntz, Roy Collins, Berwood Glee Clubs visitors at the home of Mr. Jno. | who "spent their vacation here, re- | ©tta, was bitten by a dog while on his| one sister, Mrs. Eli Ebersole, Bain-
Gare Le Penk is Yoo The Glee Clubs at Grade School on yey. 4 /turned to New York City. (way home from school. | bridge, R. D. :
(ome ich g is Hid oh for 1a | have had splendid turnouts, espec- fa i; Var : iy t jin | Mr. and Mrs. John Roth visited! Six new 80-foot steel fire towers will | The funeral was held Saturday at tate ca e
ee i Se : oi iq Sr yially in the feminine sex, donating a yo 1 ah Bg oe oy Mrs. Roth's parents, Mr, and Mrs. be erected in Penna. next year. That [1:30 p.m. from the home, with further
Wl Janta pe ra Ww. og {we have a wonderful supply of the A oe iM ah Arey Hobbes | Charles Webb at Mount Joy Sunday. will be 128 in the state. | Services at 2p. m. in the Mount Joy The Show Place of Lancaster
go pf ny Sty gon, songsters in the fair realm. Mr. a a ee Wr oi Mr. | The Ladies’ Missionary Society of Mrs. C. V. Kinsey, of Florin, won|Mennonite church. Burial in the Mt. County
as eS al by Lester Bucher ter Bucher has charge of the Glee Mm oe oe a ren [the Florin U. B. church will meet at the door prize at a public card party at { Tunnel cemetery at Elizabethtown. :
is sponsored by > | Club work in the Junior High. Bx rd roe Ed Smith od their | the home of Mrs. Sallie Flowers at Marietta last Tuesday night. COLUMBIA, PA.
Junior Orchestra f : Yr hp Eds ro ar. | Mount Joy tonight at 7:30 P. M 200 depositors of the closed Exchange | Mrs. George Bush
: hel GIRLS’ GLEE CLUB daughter, of Columbia, visited Mr. | : : ‘ it oe :
The Junior orchestra is under the | Ee WW pi , | Miss Helen May Skean visited in Bank at Marietta. are making an earn-| Mrs. George Bush, 77, a resident Wed d Thursd
: : os : . shor Members are: Frances Bowmn and Mrs, Charles Webb on Sunday SUE DIS ednesflay an ursday
supervision of Mr. Lester Bucher y Members = are; Tances Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Rice and Lancaster over the week end. est effort toward reorganization. tof Philadelphia until four years ago, Octobét 11th and 12th
and its members are: Robert Arntz, | Jean Brandt, Catherine Breneman, a 3 oy eT oo foes na Mrs. Cora Bermett, of Altoona was! wos deer a budk 2nd dos. were seen |and who has been living at the home I
Robert Bailey, Edward Brown, Mir- | Louella College, Emma Davis, Helen arid on Qo. |the guest of her parents, Mr. and swimming from the island, below Co-|of Miss Annie Blensinger. on East Kay ¥rancis and
: : w Sherk, Jr, at Stauffertown on Sun- | a g ’ \ :
iam Ellis, Mary Edith Gilbert, Flor- Derr, Ruth Derr, Dorothy Edwards, ee i | Mrs. George Geyer on Sunday funibla, to the York Counte shore, | Main Street, died Monday morning, Edward G. Robinson
ence Heisey, Warren Kuhn, Elsie Miriam Ellis, Dora Gantz, a “Mr and Mrs. Andrew Felker and| Mr. and Mrs. Luke Keifer, of Mil eee of a heart attack. She the wid- % in
Mae Longenecker, Betty Ann New- Garlin, Emma Weibe, Jane Habecker Sh RD. Ex) v i lersburg, were guests of her parents |ow of the late George P. R “ an, rss
= ? Mr. and Mrs. Herbert VY on - | LTE B, 5 PQ TR ! a reorg wig J J Vv. 1
comer, Clarence N ner, Robert Florence Heisey, Ruth Hertzler, Dip i eer ™ da Mr, and Mrs. Christ Malehorn on MEMBERSHIP WEEK Ea Co. athe 1 LOVE A WOMAN
Nissly, Raymond Per I, Jeannette Hickernell, 3 Jeannette aia EE no 3 oy Sunday. i OF NEEDLEWORK GUILD She is sw by ther, Mr. . TE
Potter, Mary Belle Russell Rhoda Kaylor Winifred Prof. i Me Staver. of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Easton visited J ) { Uriah Sto of fferstown: Friday am Saturday
Sumpman, James Clyde M: y Lou € Longenecke r, Lau Milleraville. visited’ Ge pars his brother, Mr. David Easton at The local branch of the Needlework 1 niece, Mrs ! and af Qctober 13th and 14th
Zink, Elwood Zink. Miller, Betty Ann Newcomer, Paul- Foi re TY Niels Ephrata on Sunday. Guild of America held a directors‘ | nephew. Mui St both | a
A I I >
lents, Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Nissly on y a i ee at a A Zasu Pitts and
- |Sundav Mr. Benj. Staley received a very meeting Thursday evening at the home | of town. Se Q ill
I" Ve nd Mrs. Ernest Cobaugh. of | beautiful fernery as a door prize at' gf » president, Mrs. O. G. Lc ——————— Shim § umimervi e
\ mii Seiad | the American Legion Auxiliary card it which time plans were formu. Ce ns
bethtown, visited with relative : Ira Kersey ‘ x x 5 ’
| m Sunday : d at the Legion Home or lated for various Fall activities. First Ira Kersey, twentv-sis HER FIRST MATE”
| ly evening. of which is the National Membership id cudde lc with g
Bellerma : 5 m W 2 P| town, died suddenls :
G30 I Howard Rehrer spent 1" Sth to 15th inclusive Fon oe Toran Una Markel and
1 Brose av al with friends os tion in West Lancs:
riend motored ie y a ie] ot Mastioim, hs The local branch has extended the ling, after a brief Henry Armetta
3 bor on Sunday. * coi of Tie ist : Mrs, time from Octobebr 8th to the Sls M- | vived by his parents TT mms
ows Tir wd Raf 1 perger, on Tuesday clusive. During this time a special ef- | Kersey, a brother, George Monday and Tuesday
Elmer Zerphy spent several days at ftallensp ’ eu nt fort will be made to get new members | 4... ationed. in. Pay October 15th and 16th
jos : oR The Ushers League of the Mount Army stationed in Panama, an Jerober 1o an
§ Wash D. C., vitnessing th Jou will meet at the lfor our local branch. : jsters, Susan. Marv. P 1 3 Georce Arliss in
Worle les there 9 home of Mr. Howard Rehrer here More than one million members of ther, all at home. i Bt zh ®
| Mr an Mrs. Cyrus Haldeman n Thursday evening, this national organization secured t Services were held at the home ir VOLTAIRE With
gu Spas of Soe Tied oo Mr ind Mrs. Henry Wittle enter- | membership last year by donating two Elizabethtown, thi urial ir Doris Kenyen
and Mrs. Christ alters, 5 er, I} rs brs Bla h >
ec. cr Ce tained Rev. and Mrs. Ira Funk, Mr |new garments or two pieces of house- the Mount Tunnel cemetery Margaret Lindsay
iain i Po EB. Leaman Mrs. B. D. Kichl and Mr. and | hold linen or the equivalent in money —— ! high dia;
fi Sill tons. Seni Sun. | Mrs. Charles Neiss, of Lancaster on to be used for charitable pt It Samuel it Bonner SRR ENE —
e an ucts of Mr od Ellis | Sunday. : is planned to double the membe rship Simi BR Dond, ve: died at 1 " SEE a
Les 2 er Delta ‘Stre Miss Sara B. Hershey visited at| this year. 3 4 Case ad ai
A Mrs Tools Ge ib and Mr | York Haven over the week end. I'he pure hase of several million new in He Ww 2 °
oi Woe. onl Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Crowl and garments or pieces of linen will ma- He tt Th tr
\ gad wy of We ly ns Mrs. Emma Raffensperger visited { terially aid in the National Recovery i © arie a €a €
dMmols ge gap d [ S ots af Hr. ond Hos, Poti Mrs. Sarah Fissel at Columbia on |p 00a, fore a MARIETTA, PA,
guests or Mr, ana Mrs Aniel BA . 3 1 £ : :
mer | Sunday Cd 4 ; These new nents distributed to | Norr Salu Special Bus Service to Your
. { ; J Ti » and lady frienc 1 1 RIOT ie a:
That we are able to sell at J and Mes Omer Fair and MF Chuck Wi | hospitals, needy homes and ch be Hill; San Theatre!
| alle n /1itle at 1. . : . D :
a e a laughter, Bettie, of near Erisman’s|called on J. A. institutions through the 800 branches | P¢ 1 a 5 . @
2 Jy be Sidr with Mr. and |pPhia on Sunday. | will do much to lift the morale and | two brothers, . S FRI & SAR, OCT. 13th & 14th
h Old Price of | Mrs Samuel Fair, at Hummels-| Mr and Mrs, Augustus Shetter | restore the hope of these who i Benjamin, Landi BING CROSBY
i e 1 (Mrs. San ir, land Mr. and Mrs. Park Shetter were | Festa] he have of oR Re Mire Mary Hovey, JACK OAKIE
BR lows, d Mrs. John Roth and fam- | Saturday visitors to Lancaster. : iL : ma ARG town: Mis Lavin : of RICHARD ARLEN
. | Mr and Mos, John Both and fom VISIOTS, 10 oof] the lust few vom i, ee | OX ROAD, CO-EDS
3 ily of Florin; Mr. and Mrs. Charles| °° 1 latter’s| Clothes may not make the man, but and Mrs. Susan Snyder, | COLLEGEHUMOR
® {Shenk and family, south of town, Middletown, called on fre fay ¢ »w garment boosts the| MI" Joy; and twelve grandchildren NT SATAY
: % I ted Mr. and rs Chas Webb on | brother and family Friday evening. |certainly a new garment boosts the Service: were held =. the howe
EN [ra 1" ’ | spirit 2 il pol Da 3 Saturday afternoon and in Salunga SPECIALL MIDN SHOW
% 7. . { It is hoped those who haven't con- |, i ; rE : SUNDAY, OCT.15 at 12.01 A. M.
a ne ; sty Met | . i Mennonite church. Interment in Sa- 4
New Price will be $24.75 Mr. and Mis, Ca Sa ay oe Mite Surle tine of ! tributed will become members this year Mennonile cemetery MON. & TUES. OCT. & 17
RY children, of Mountville; My. and Mrs| pe regular monthly meet? 2 {na help the work in this community. ———— GREAT INTERNATIONAL,
% |Harvey Spangler and son, James, of|the Mite Society of the Methodist ——————— y t all tn this MUSICAL HIT! *
Wy | isi Hershey on ras he evening in ou can get a e@ news of MINT TIC ;
9 3 J Ts ae bps "church. It | DEPARTMENT POINTS OUT 5 week thru the Bulletin. BE MINE TONIGH
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Eby and|yag their Fall rally meeting. After G
BRENEMAN S, Inc. children, Anna and Donald; Mr. [the regular business, a short pro- : ; ; : Patronize Bulletin Advertisers
| Reuben Shearer and daughter, Mary gram was rendered including a play Stealing farm property is a Serious A Sp A A 5 ns
206 S. Market St., Elizabethtown [ae ao ue J. ar] Wo = I entitled The Mite Soolsty Ten pase in Roi al 1 3 LOTR
i children, eba, ram an oward; ames were en playe 8 = | maximum é J
[Mr and Mrs. Elam Shearer and |freshments served to about 25 mem- | tence of three years, the Pennsylvania :
{ children, Mary Jean, Witmer and bers and friends. Department of Agriculture officials = M Th Evenings
| Anna Ruth; Mr. and Mrs. Harry point out. 00se eatre 2 Sh
o a —1 Landis and children, Margie, Psther | egister “The laws are clear and specific in ows
gaa Tr jand Theda; Mr. Phares Bomberger, | Sale R dealing with this type of lawlessness ELIZABETHTOWN
bo To wa | 3 7and 9 P. M.
| visited Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Witme: and all farmers should report cases of ‘


FRIDAY and SATURDAY. OCTOBER 13th and 14th
Janet Gaynor, Warner Baxter
Special Matinee Friday 4 PaM. 10¢ and 25¢

oe Sunday. Friday. Oct. 13—At their stock | marauding to the proper local or State
riday, 2 s ie Sia enn a
[ ine Nissly, Jeanette Potter, Edna yards in Mount Joy, 45 head of Police officials immediately” they ad
| Rahn, Jane Rice, Dorothy Schneider | Crawford and Erie County cows by | vised. orn Stealing Ast orcas the
i Emma Skipper, Christine Smith, | 7. B. Keller & Bro. : The Farm £ tealing Act provi es that | 5
{ Mary Smith, Elsie Touey, Janc With | Friday, Oct. 20—On the premises person ‘who steals ‘any kind of |B
i ers, Betty Young, Catherine Zeller. |at the Boro limits, on the road to Beoperty growing so: being
, T the Mount Joy cemetery, Commun- |on the land of another every such per- |g
é i BOYS Qi ore y Tw sale, of cows, fruit, etc. by C.|son so offending shall, upon conviction
! Robert Arntz, Robert Bailey, Jack {S. Frank & Bro. Sale at 7:00 P. M. ! thereof, be guilty of larceny and be sen | &

Stanley | horse. Boulanger was for a time { Clyde Eshleman, Arthur Coon. W. A.
| Nitrauer, Dr. Wm. Workman, Mrs. Roy |®
minister of war, A
Wittle, William Workman,
Young and James Zeller
5 n
Bedbugs. Ants, For Adults Only

HO us 17 OB. Son Roy Soins, Gants TW | tenced to pay a fine not exceeding $500 |
man, arren ng, 2 Bena and to undergo imprisonment by sepa- |B : :
i 1 Dad Gamer, Jock Lg LL Yan on ues rate or solitary confinement at labor |g MONDAY and TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16th and 17th
IT ar awthorne, ur | apoleon { . =a oy VV ra hi 5 oN
I or Winfield Hendrix Clay- | en Nr on forse back” was not exceeding three years. 'm W ILL ROGERS IN DR. BULL
ton Hoffman, Arthur Kraybill, War-| to Gen. George Ernest Boul List lm
ren Kuhn, Elwood Mateer, Roy Ma-! anger. a I'rench soldier and politician «ast Nights Meeting IE Zo Nias w 18 Lr 3. eras
Flies. Mosquitoes, teer, Albert Peifer, Donald Peifer!| who lived from 1837 to 1SH1. A vet The NRA committee met last even- |B Wednesday, October 18th i Thursday, O¥gher 19th
Raymond Pennell, Claude Schneider | eran of the Franco-German and other | ing m the Council Chamber with the |m “WHAT PRICE TWO FEATURES
Moths, Roaches, Jay Snyder, Russel Sumpman, Eu-| wars, he sought popularity by appear | following members present: Thos. J. B. = INNOCENCE” i “RUSTY RIDE ALGNE”
gene Wagner, Marshall Webb, Jay! ing in public mounted on a black | Brown, J. Willis Freed, J. G. Reerer, 18 All Star Cast and EN »
trols. i 3 rst. “iin oa’ y plaved to the radical- | he Mrs. Cl ve. Newc ay | EB =
Fleas Gnats. ete. The Patrols—meaning those boys | and “jingo” who playec | B. Sheetz, Mrs. arence Newcomer, |® mr a. GA
8 and girls whom we meet with the| jg of the gallery, he was later sub- William Tyndall ond Lester Robasts | Um EEE 1

the monarchists, attacking |
The High School Band will be in the
sidized by
parliament and favoring militarism, a
weakened parliamentary system and
a stronger executive. His opponents | i. A They?
called his proposals dictatorship and | at Are ey? :
His method of attacking | Mr Earl Snyder, on Detwiler Ave-
the parliamentary system was to put { nye, is exhibiting something very rare
himself forward as a candidate for | which resembles fruit. They look like
deputy in various parts of the coun- | pears, quinces and many other things,
white “Sam Brown Belts” and badg-
es—guide the lives of our boys and
our girls across the highways, con-
stantly keeping watch that their
charges keep within the white lines.
Captain—Eugene Crider.
1st Lieut.—Cletus Kaylor.
Before leaving the factory, every batch of Sinclair P. D.
must kill 1,000 flies under conditions more severe
than those in your own home; Only strong, healthy flies
from the Sinclair “fly farm” are used in these tests.
Agent Sinclair Refining Company (Inc.)—
| parade as will also the Boy Scouts.
Moose Hall248 Locust St., Columbia
THURSDAY; OCT. 12th, 1933

2nd Lieut.—Robert Bailey. ; tan five a 3 ; Py
T Tir try at the same time. After one of |are the size of a hen’s egg and grow ke ; .
1-Vivie GL Gg these elections, he was | on flowering crab trees on the lawn at THE GRAND FINATE TO COLUMBIA'S
7 CS ._ | but he fled the country to escape trial | Lis home. J rH x x
Jean Weaver, Jack Germer, Frans bt 50 N90 Yue Ne It HARVEST HOME CPREBRATION
® ® , Be Dont P Page ue The term is commonly applted to | np ung Mrs Frank Markley and SQUARE DANCES, SCHOTTISCHE, POLKA
‘SQUAD Derr, Arthur| dictators who court the favor of the [roi “of iit; visited on Thursday FOX TROTS, WALTZES. HOMSTUFF
ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. Kraybill, Ruth Hertzler, Lewis Win-| Mob iu order to rule Set evening with Mr. and Mrs. Frank .
: Wilt; sn called the “Man on Horse es had . .
ters, Jeannette Potter, Wiliam Con | Be ne alr: pe Sols oa ane Music by the Triangle Entertainers Orchestra
ningham, Florence Schneider, Chat | in the sense of a ruthless leader to | = : With Frank Madden (Renowned Figure Caer)
t It At Bennett, Jeanette Hipple, Haro | trample the people In order ; : EY
c -- Snyder. Hs owe. cols . : Good Beer—Fun Galore—One Big Night
SQUAD III—Betty Young, Will-; his own ends Mount Joy's Annual Community gn 3 oe :
Sv Exhibit will be held next week, Oct. ADMISSION 25¢ Plenty of Parking Spa
East Main Street

iam Baymond, Claude Schneider, . ;
Betty Derr, Berwcod Corrl, Cather-| Subscribe for The Bulletin =
. Jine Breneman, Leo Frank Mary J. Stimulate your business by advertis- |
MOUNT JOY, PA. {Seat Winfield Hendrix ing in the Bulletin.
3 8 / } —
= a EEL v : Ys worl wy i a} ~
19, 20 and 21.
Patronize Bulletin Advertisers
Dancing 8 to 12 P. M.