The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 06, 1933, Image 2

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T. .
Rev. A. L. B. Martin, of Balti-
Jd. E. 8
SHALL Editor & Propr. more, formerly of the Hillsdale
— | county section was welcomed in
Subscription Price $1.50 Per Year!:he Geyer United Brethren church of
Six Months ...... 76 Cents on Sunday morning when Rev, *
. . x |
rt 0 1 3 1! y
Three Months .... 40 Cents Martin joined the Sunday School bs
gervices and delivered the message |
Single Coples .... 3 Cents Members of the Young Ladies’ |
Sample Copies ...... FREE Bible class of the Sunday School | 8
rendered song selections, A spec- $
Entered at the post omce at offering was lifted for the pur-
Joy as second-class mall matter. a Aevelovwine tl I vB
The date of the expiration of your pose ol d veloping the budget sys-
subscription follows your name on the tem 0 IIS required standing. Rev.
abel. We do not send Yeceipts, for sub- | Martin is a brother to Prof. J. B |
i / received. /henever . ' ' .
scription money received Martin. of Middletown. and'S. B.)
you remit, see that you are given pro- | )
per credit We credit all subscriptions | Martin of near the church,
Ou oO oF.
ot ooo

at the first of each month. The erat ; aa
All correspondents must have their The numeration of children { i
comm: ations reach this office not school age taken by George Ww. 3
later than Monday. Telephone nowy i] Walton, of this place, assessor for 9
fmportance between that time an | d lp re}
o'clock noon Wednesday. Change for Conoy township is as follows: |g
advertisements must positively reach (Steven Hill, 35 pupils, Mrs. Chris- |
this office not later than Monday night. (ina (Gish: Ebersole 30 pupils $ 3
New advertisments inserted If copy. Rl oh ’ 1 up "| ole
reaches us Tuesday night. Advertising Miss Bertha Landis, teacher; Wick | 3 3
rates on application. ¢ the’ Landl ersham, 75 pupils, Mrs Davida 2 P
The subscription lists of the Landis- hart te wird
ville Vigil, the Florin News and the Libhart and Miss Dorothy Smith, er
Mount Joy Star and News were merged teachers; Falmouth, 21 pupils, oe p
the Mount Joy Bulletin, [are transported to grade schools at 3 3
with that of , ArT
which makes this paper's i400; Billmyer, 24, Miss El-
about double that of the paper's or-
dinary weekly.
2 9%%%
vira Reccio, teacher.

mm - ed Bainbridge, 108 pupils; Miss | he oe
EDITORIAL Miss Verna F. Peck and Miss Na-|$ S$
omi Demy, teachers i the high |%® >
school; seventh and ei grades,
FALLING BEHIND George Houseal; 8 ndary, Mrs. | o% . &
Will there be a Farm Show, Com- | Helen Harne ntermediate, Miss & oo
munity Exhibit or call it what you Josephine Beschler; primary, Miss 3 3
All i 1 ' thi Ruth Kurtz > "wr
will, in Mount Joy this Fall? 3 3
The onlv change in the teachinz
We have been asked this question hi BE er.” a hinz oe
many times and to date have been un- WBE Te dg hilton Hi DS oe
able to answer authentically. leorge Houseal, of M 0, W130 $
4 3 : succeeded Mr. Paunell, her, of >
Manheim, Ephrata, Columbia and] __ i of : id The
: seventh and ei ides. a
other surrounding towns are going : 5 a; t Jas
ahaz with their shows ar we Si Bai recto 2 OL i=
ahead with their she Ws end We sin. eph K. Shoop, Abram Engle, Har-
cerely hope Mount Joy will not fall be- |; nm. Pink, Nathan Kendig and [og
hind. Wilbur Mohr; I. Scott Smith, of |e
It isn't too late. Let's get together, | Bainbridge, is secretary for the &
hold a show, get people to town and |board.
show them just what we can do. We George W. Walton, registrar,
feel certain everybody will greatly] will sit at the polling place in the
benefit thereby. Bainbridge firehouse today, Sep-
tember 6, from 9 A. M. until 7:.0
A TIME OF OPPORTUNITY P. M. for those to register who
have moved into the district since
The present is a time of very fine : i
: iit t last census was take no
jpportunity. Business is reviving, and the last census was taken ie order
to be eligible to vote at the coming
ho? 9%,
9 2
he? %

O00 9%

than they will be this fall. With ad- Mrs. Harry Davis and daug!
people are buying more freely. It is Yortiol oe
TE . election.
necessary for family and business wel- sel ted : i
Sly 0 ¥ ana pusihess wel After visiting relatives in Lan- & 9
fare for people to buy now, because| . .. . oo. tv and at Philadelphia : 3
prices are steadily rising caster oi unty and al 11¢ | oe bo
TT . {John Dibeler and Miss Fanny Dib- :
The people should be shown by ad-{_.1or have returned to the horie of | %*
vertising that prices are now lower | fjarry Dibeler. this place.


vanced prices on raw materials and la- | Shirley, of Cleveland, are visiting 3
bor make substantial advances in the|the former's mother, Mrs. Effie **
prices of goods inevitable withina very | Floyd. T
short time. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gephart a &
By advertising, they can be shown|and daughter, Helen, of this plice a &
that if they buy now, they get the ad-|and Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Shellenber 3
of present prices, which can-| eT: of Oakland Mills, Juniata Co. *
not last. have returned from a visit to Free |
port, IL. oo 4
How President Roosevelt's Recovery SHRINKAGE OF KEGS 3
Program will work out we do not pre- CUTS BEER CONTENT
tend to say. What may be confidently we 3
ele 204
Pre-prohibition kegs and barrels
have been causing Pennsylvania brew-
ers considerable trouble and reports
have reached the bureau of standards
weights and ‘measures in the Pennsyl-
vania Department of Internal Affairs
that some purchasers of the 3.2 bever-
age have been given short measure.
said is that the powers granted the
President will not be inadvisedly used.
Along with the extraordinary powers
vested in the President went a pro-
portionate responsibility. The qualities
exhibited by Mr. Roosevelt in the brief
four months really epic incumbency of
NEVER Was There A More
90 9,
the Presidential office are a courage, a .
confidence, a buoyancy of decision, a A barrel of beer should contain 31 » ®
mastery of events, that almost instantly gallons and a half barrel should carry
15% gallons, Various keg types should ime O >
transformed our national psychology.
Emergency is not the word for the
present moment. This is a crisis. It
demands a major operation. The sur-
geon is ready. The country has faith
in his skill and resolution. It has no
sympathies with the outcries of those
contain proportionate amounts. Re-
ports reached Secretary of Internal Af-
fairs Philip H. Dewey that some barrels
and kegs, all of the wooden variety,
were one and two gallons short. He
instructed inspectors to make inquiries
as when complaints on shortages in
Buy Real Estate Than NOW
who insist that the President and his
party will “ruin the country.” Thatis other commodities are received. *%
always the alarm of perjudiced few. Inspections showed that during the |
The great thing is that America is|long years of prohibition the wooden | ¢% oo
kegs dried out to such an extent that on
moving out of the depression.
Co-operation and patience are the
before they could be put into use again
the hoops had to be drawn up. The
result was reduction of the cubical
The Blue Eagle has claws. That is the| Brewers themselves are now realiz-
intimation in recent utterances of Ad- |ing the space reduction in the wooden
ministrator Johnson, aggressive head | containers and many of them are
of national recovery drive. Businesses |stamping the kegs to show the exact
which display the blue eagle insignia | amount of beer they contain. Others
without having signed agreements are have turned to metal kegs. Inspectors
in for trouble. So are businesses which | of weights and measures believe thata
fail to keep to the intent, written and [State of normalcy will soon exist in the
implied, of the code. So, according to matter of correct beer measure.
General Johnson, is anyone withdraw- believethat a stateof 1dAtCodstaik
Grow Raspberry Plants
Farmers who have raspberry
4 620-6
0. 0 0,
2 0 0305 erie de ede
0. 0 0. 0
ing the blue eagle from his place of

business. an : ahd &
The flood of signed agreements con- patches thal are free from disense 3
o} Pay ea : may grow their own plants for
tinues. Even though there must be a 3 ee 3 and :
good deal of readjustment before cer- i non id Mi jong Wo 1%
1 i . x over cart DE se to -
tain businesses will be able to make th an ala : Tins prop 5
vinles work. either under e € el ae Si os. 1 ol
Nas ak oo pa 2 Ihe ji th ing the ground can be covered % %*
oiue eagle or in a rade code, there 1s | with soil and induced to take the oe
almost nous sentiment in favor of| root. Next spring these plants 3s ou can bu °
Admir i procedure, with prom-| can be cut loost from the parent * 1 10]0] 1 Vy O a at racti %
ises to do everything possible p. ine about 8 to 10 inches from 6g y one- a %
The Alexander Hamilton Institute, in| eround. | & 2
a ent bulletin, offers the int —————— Eee Is 3
possibility that greatest STREAMS ATTRACT |" th o » *
Ee ent CoS >
. € time 1I0r nome
> 9,

block in the 1

be excessive t
ws a-fishing.
glers are tak-|
Izaak Walton,
h Fish Commission.
1ly are they entering in-
cording to the
ing the ab
how patriotic
cannot raise wages and i
ating costs without sufficient additional |!
{ope of the gov-
seekers or investors to buy. I can quote prices
is, he

ncrease oper-
type of recre-

$008 05
astica but some of
landed in Pennsyl-
vear may be credited to
revenue coming in,

ernment is that increased revenue will

that will prove this assertion.
immediately follow the blanket code’s
. he Ff YC
operation. the fair sex
A. F. of L. is conducting one of the Iz Lomi Sor ins
: : : ER arden
greatest organization drives in its his- : nd 1 pres 5 of of
Torys many : amsport, reports a definite in-|
ory; many employers are attempting
to stick with the open shop or com-|, nine anglers thi
J ine anglers this
any union plan. Strikes : oe 1 i : :
p: yg ; 0 Lp n trikes and lockouts Lovaisock is a favorite stream in
if they spread, will be a tremendous! {pat yf the State and it
ow t SUCCESS * 2 Gc 4 AER
bow to NRA success: official pleas to exceptional game
to co-operate have been made by M Browning of
the government.

ho? ¥%
a r dea

boo Be 20.4202 «20 +0 o%0
0, 0
Jo deed
0 9 0

33 i {
in number of icense issued |
y' |
0. 0
0. 0


it's on, Mrs. .
WHAT SHAKESPEARE SAID a 0-inch brown & >
The man that th rs TEER, 3 t+
The mar hat hath n music in] tre { pounds 10 oune- 3 $
himself, { os hile: fiching in the
: | y, while fishing in the 3 4
Nor is not moved with concord of|same pole, she landed a 19-inch |¥%® ® ® &
sweet sound, small-mouth black bass $ 9 $
Is fit for treason, stratagem, and asing popularity of artifii- 3
spoils; { cial particularly the flies and 11 E T %
And his affections dark as rebus | spinne in fishing for game fish, | %® IN STREET
Let no such man be trusted.—Mer | may be a factor in trend toward |&e Ve NT JO Y | A
chant of Venice, Act 5, Scene'angling by fair Waltonians, offi- o> 9 .
i cials believe. & *
mt Ap AI cm QE ee
Patro: vi 0, 9. 9. 9 Rs 9. 9. 0. 9 “, 000 0 0 0
nize Bulletin Advertisers Patronize Bulletin Advertisers Qo ade ede adr deals dr Xa) SH 030030050430 050 e350 eGo 3 3 Sree 190.620-620-6%-4%- 62.4%. 4% 4% 20.20 of 20.4% 6.80 4300.05. -
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