33 — WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30th, 1933 M. KOCH, Quaker State oil expert, who says that It women motorists paid more attention to lubrication oft their cars, it would be possi { sible in numerous cases to save money enough on repair | bills in one season to buy a he new fall wardrobe. Use ot vie Lad good oils he declared, also TENNIS FLASH—Mary Heely, | increases gasoline mileage Se of the six English tennis | because a well lubricated stars, who competed in the | motor requir Whightman Cup matches and (6 Motor dose powen 10 now playing in leading tourneys. ? INTERROGA TOR, Walter Trumbull, noted journalist who as a represen: tative of the Average American Citi zen queries Col. Louis McHenry Howe, the Pres'dent’s Secretary, on national problems affecting the peo- ple’'s weifare, every Sunday night over a nationwide radio network. “Hi ACCUSED accepting bi ibe —“I'll run this city from a po- lice cell if nec- essary,” said Mayor Swoboda of Racine, Wis., whe has been Arne WiLL F. CATON, leading money winner on harness tracks in 1932 and winner of the famous Hamble tonian three-year-old trotting classic with The Marchloness hopes to win $50,000 purse again this year at Goshen, N. Y. August 16, with Calumet Donald. TOMORROW'S HOUSE—Crowds visiting one or the most popular World's Fair exhibits, the Housekeeping Stran Steel Model House, with ex terior walls of vitreous enameled on Toncan enam oling lren and edged with Enduro stainiess Stee! ie full of now Booted Soda dot J The Worlds At Your Door IMMORTALIZED in story and song, the old “corner store” has passed—along with the free potato on the kerosene can, and the customers’ access to the crack- er-box. It was picturesque, but you never quite knew what you would find there. Half the time it was full of people who didn’t know what they wanted. The * Sesto 9, * 9, ($000 900, J * CR) ho? 9%, 9, % & $0 0 000, dodo Proto rds trie Poole 0% Pp? 05% 0 9, * * tooo lo * other half, it was empty. It was more of a club than a 3 store. 3 +0 3 Today, when you enter your grocery store—or any & 3 store—you know what you want, how much you want > 0 of it, and the price you are going to pay. Advertising has rendered you this service. It brings you weekly 4.30.00 > 90 through the columns of The Bulletin, the merchan- oo dising opportunities of this community. In the quiet & of your own home, you are enabled to select every- thing you want to buy! & oe 9, The modern way to be certain of quality and value to read the advertisements. Representing almost every field of opportunity, the advertising coluiins of The Bulletin bring you the fascinating story of the whole world’s market-place! 9 xn *% Seeds Read the advertisements! They are weekly mes- sages of opportunity for you. 0 9 $0. 0 0 0 0 9. 0 9, RANE XE Xd Oot 00 oe Oot 000 CR ofr LOR) Boole ode a defo dodo deter Sree rir rd © The Card Basket (From page 1) Abram Sload Mayrown on Sat- urday. Miss Christine Smith turned | home after a two weeks' vacation with her aunt at Robesonia, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Derr visit- ed relatives and frienas here on Monday. Miss Mary Charle ha return- ed from spending me time at the Century of Progress, Chicago. Mr. and Mrs Joh Weidman and family, of Lanc 1 visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Derr on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Greenawalt, and daughter, Miss Ida, were vis- itors with relatives at Chester on Sunday. Miss Mary Louise Smith return- spending a grandparents at ed home after the home of her Rehrersburg. Misses Helen Schroll, Martha Engle and Hilda Engle spent Tues day evening with Mrs, Vincent Rowenna. Hendrix is spending daughter, Mrs. family at Mackison, at Mrs. Anne a month with her Paul C. Bricker and Clayton, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. and family, of Aldinger htown, vis- William Elizabet ited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fair on Sunday. { Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wachstet- ter, of Reading; Miss Daisy Capp, of Lancaster, visited Mr. and Mrs. Philip Greiner on Sunday. Mr. Dunestroble, Miss Laura Conrad, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Fano, and Mrs. Eslen, of Philadelphia, called on Lester Kover on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Clyde E. Gerber- ich are enjoying a cruise on the Great Lakes aboard the S. S. Oc- torara. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mr. Zittle, of Strasburg, spent Sun day with Mr. Schroll’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schroll. Mrs. Anna Wolf and son, Ashur Millard, of Frankford, Philadel- phia, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Loraw and family. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Snyder and tamily visited the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. Levi Snyder here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. were week end Mrs. Harry Heisler at their mer cottage in York County. Messrs. Ellis Leaman, Ted Weid ler and Arthur Sprecher, all of the local A. & P. Store enjoyed an outing on Thursday at Over- brook, Lititz Pike. Mrs. Ernest Cobaugh and Miss Mary Brinser, of Elizabethtown, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Schroll and Frank Gladfelter guests of Mr. and sum- were the Martin Gerber and Mrs. Amy Peo- ples on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clemont and daughter, Marie, of Lancaster with Mrs. spent Monday here and Mrs. Clemont’s parents, Mr. Darvin Pennell. Lieut. and Mrs. E. V. son, Jack, and daughter, Je Flintstone, Md., guests at the home of Mrs. McClel lan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Har- vey Hawthorne. Mr. and Mrs. McClella san, of Stohler Wm. Thomas and son, Billy; Mr. and Mrs. Morton, Mrs. Claude Husler 931 daughter, Myrtle, were at Hershey | on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Charles, of | Harrisburg, formerly of this place Monday on an extended auto trip California. They will attend the Cen- tury of Progress Exposition also. Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Kre ider and daoghters, and Miss Gladys Kreider, of Conestoga, were the Sunday guests with Mr. Lloyd Kline, on West Donegal St. Mr. and Mrs. Hoke Michael and children, Betty and Freddie; Mr. week at were week end | left | to and Mrs. | THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has Teo Say This Week | | | Der onnr dawg is Barrick g'happened os mich, bechudes, | Mrs. ga-lechert hut. Du waisht der Jeck Bixler, em Billy si brooder, is unser | black-shmidt om Barrick, Well are un | ebbes om Barrick | 1 Annual Events of Local Clans (From page one) ey. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, of Kinderhook; Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, Jr., of Columbia; Grace and John Smith, of Columbia; Mr. and Mrs. Roy der oldt Sammy Sendapetzer hen mit | mon and Surah Ebersole met on annonner g'settled. Es wore en settle- ment fun finf yohr far giles-p’shloga, keddashtreng maucha, sensa dengla, un | so fardt. Der oldt Sammy Sendapetzer | hut en gons blaud gacharged g'hot | ega der Jeck fun hovver for si gowl, garshta far si seilin, hoy, shtrow,]| gr Lobes waetsa, uni so fardt. e hen im Jeck sime black-schmidt | Se g'settled, un we der oldt Sammy | {ni cooma is mit sime booch hut der Jeck grawd g'shicked far der ’Squire Lawbuck. | “Un wos wit mit em sR leCoolN*Moa-eanb .eeala? buck,” frogt der oldt Sammy. “Ei,” sawgt der Jeck. “Ich will dich tsu dinera account schwara maucha.” | “Warroom sull des si?” frogt der oldt Sammy. “Ich hob dich far nix ga-charged os du net greeked husht un du husht in dime laeva mich net der- fore g’schwora.” “Well,” sawgt der Jeck, “Ich hob my rehoh. Ich wore der onner owet in der bade-shtoond un hob dich hare di bakentniss gevva. Du husht dart ad- mit os du en oldter sinder bisht, os du olla dawg socha doosht os du net sed- sht, lusht der deifel dich on der naws ‘Squire Law- eu'e 0s room feera, en oldter shellem bisht. Ich hob ga- denked du wisht ga-watched si, doh hare hov ich der ’squire hara b’shtelt.” “Oh!” sawgt der Sammy, usht en bakentniss in der karrich far wisa we da-meedich os ich bin. Es wore net so shlim we ich es g’'mauched hob.” “Don husht anyhow ga-luga,” sawgt der Jeck. “Bring der ‘squire.” Are (hut ene schwara lussa un se hen g'settled according tsu law. Der Jeck ‘hut mere noachderhond g'sawt are het em oldta Sammy shunt long nim- my gadrowed, wile so en reicher mon we are os n hoonert-yord ga-bade maucha kent un daid usht ae dawler es yohr tsu em porra gevva ware awenich tsu geitsich far gons arlich si. | Un sawr, der Jeck is ken doomkup, far ich glawb selver net os der deifel en mon feel room feered oony are gebt eme ga-lagenheit | ‘Heartiest Congratula- | tions From Us | | We want to congratulate each of the following for having reached another birthday: Sunday, om Auyust 27 { Robert Newcomer, on W. Done- | gal Street. { : . ' 3 | Samuel Funk, on North Barbara Street. | Mrs. Simon Hertzler. Mary N. Garber, Elizabethtown. Monday, August 28 Isaac Eshleman, on Street. Mrs. North | Barbara un in kertza wardt os du| “sell wore | The following were present Mr| and Mrs. Eli Ebersole and Geta Dietz; Mr. and Mrs. ! Baker and daughters, Mrs. Wilbur Beahm, Misses Evelyn and Doro- thy Baker, all of Mount Joy; Mrs. Mildred Osmun and daughter, Jean, of Philadelphia; Mrs. Nor- man Diem, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Diem, and daughters; Mrs. Minnie Young, and son, Gerald, of Lan- caster: Mr. and Mrs. Born and three sons, of Lancaster; Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ebersole, of Bareville Mr. and Mrs. Ross Albright, two daughters and two sons; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beam and son, Lester | of Talmadge; Mr. and Mrs. Chas Hucord, Talmadge; Mr. and Mrs. | John Ebersole and son, Clyde, of Ephrata; Mr. anl Mrs. Weinhold and daughters Erla, Esther, and Floy, of Ephrata; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Groff and sons, Paul | Bar] and Leon, of Lititz; Mr. and | Mrs. Panl Albright and daughter, Shirley, of Ephrata: Mr and Mrs. Martin Albright and two 3obby and Ray Donald, of Eden; Mr. and Mrs. Willis Hackman, and son, Ray, of Denver; Miss Ruth Martin, of John Martin, of sons, Murriel. Passed to The Great Beyond (From page 1) etta, Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, D. S. T., and interment was made in the Marietta cemetery. B. Frank Buller B. Frank Buller, sixty, formerly of Chester | | | Denver; Mr. and Mrs. | beer is now legal, Marietta Theatre Maytown, died at his home, 439 South | Shippen street, Lancaster, on Sunday | at 9 p. m., of complications, after an He was a resi- forty-five illness of three years. dent of Lancaster for over years and was a member of the Inter- national Typographical Union, Lancas- | ter, having been employed in the com- | posing room of the Intelligencer Jour- nal. Besides his widow, Annie Houseal Buller, he is survived by one son, B. Frank Buller, Jr, at home and a brother, Bard Buller, of Maytown. Services were held at the home this afternoon at 2 p. m., with burial in the Maytown Union cemetery. Mrs. Isabelle H. Reinhold Mrs. Isabella Hoover Reinhold, eighty-three, widow of Edwin L. Rein- | od dR SER ra, TE IO PAGE FIVE SPORTS wr By “Mikey” Weaver Oldsmobile G. B. Sons vs Chicklets vs “Where's the | asked. | “He's out | ness,” the “Legal business!” | tomer, thing you told me yesterday, and later | I saw STANDING OF TEAMS Second Half Tuesday Brubaker's 4; Oldsmobile 0. Drytown 7 Lincoln 6. rs A MIs cs mine. SCHEDULE Wednesday (Postponed Games) G. Brown's Sons vs Drytown. 3rubaker’'s vs Maust. Thursday G. B. Sons Richland Club. Florin vs Maust. Friday Blue Devils vs Tigers. vs Drytown. Tuesday Florin, Richland Club. rn AA Ms JUST IN FUN boss?” clerk replied. irritably. “That's the isn’t it?” Smith and son, Donald, of Golum-| Ww. L. Pct. bia; Mr. William Smith and child-| Brubaker’ 9 1 1.000 ren, William Jr., Carl, Melvin and | Blue Devils 8 2 .800 Benjamin; Glor Markley, all ot | Flori 7 2 A717 Kinderhook; Mrs. White and son, Brown's S 6 600 Martin of Washington Boro; Irene |Drytown 5 5 .500 and Anna Mae Smith, of Kinder- ncoln 5 6 453 hook; Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Mum-|Maust 3 6 333 ma, and Mrs. Horner ind hild-| Oldsmobile : 7 .300 | ren, of Columbia; Beatrice Ross, | Richland Club 2 7 222 of Kinderhook; Martha, Paul, Ja-|Chicklet 1 9 100 Heisey, of Nissley’s Mill; Mr, | We John Oberholtzer and SCORES daughter, Naomi. Thursday Ebersole Clan | G. ‘Brown's. Some. tL: The. decors a late Stoel. G Brow 1's Son 11 Brubak- st 6: Blue 6 Sunday at the home of Mr. and | Mau Bile Devs bg Mrs, Martin Shearer, near Rheems | 19. Si 6 The day was spent in a general 11 R ad cb 8 get-together meeting, amply pro- Monday | vided basket lunches being enjoy- Blue Devils 6: G. B. Sons 2 ed during the dinner hour. Maust 3: Chicklets 2. a customer attending to legal busi- exclaimed the cus- same him in a restaurant drinking beer.” “Well,” replied the clerk, “drinking MARIETTA, PA. Special Bus Service to Your Favorite Theatre! FRI. & SAT. SEPT. 1 & 2 Sat. Matinee at 2:15 10c & 15¢ Edw. G. Robinson m THE LITTLE GIANT MON. & TUES. SEPT. 4 & 5 Special Labor Day‘ Matinee At 2:15 10c & Isc Charles Bickford Richard Arlen Mary Brian SONG of the EAGLE State Theatre The Show Place of Lancaster County COLUMBIA, PA. Wednesday and Thursday August 30th and 31st David Allewood and Miss Ruth| Amos Wertz, on East Main St. hold, died at her home, Clay street, | ‘“ vy Amspacker were Sunday visitors! Ray Haug, West Main Street. Marietta, Thursday night of a com- BELOW THE SEA with Mr. and Mrs. Quinton Ams-| Mrs. Jno. E. Schroll, East Main [lication of diseases. She was a daugh- | With upderse ca scenes in packer on West Donegal bid ; al ter of the late John and Anna Hoover | Technicolor Featuring Mr. and Mrs. Omer an in Tuesday, Amgust 29 Becker, of Chickies. The following Fay Wray, Ralph Bellamy deughter, Betty; Verna Yun an | Fy Latchford, South Baf-| children survive: Edwin B, Marietta; | air f near Erisman’s Siva = Ch 3? : Bh Foye og 0 deman, ol f | a i Sill r. West Main S#eet Mrs Am 2 a ne: Fa Friday aud Saturday / hi 3 alrite} malts kh hil PL I R., wife of Charles S. Wisner of Se- Boys Groin), Mis A Se] Wednesday, August 30 Be Fon I. A home; Jessie R September 13 and 2nd novo; Mrs. M. Edwards anc te Newer Was ir i a “ 0! Dou Dorothy and Pauline, | Dorothy Newcomer, West Main |yife of M, Milnor Rupp. Philadelphia; MIDNIGHT CLUB” ear Nir. ahd Mrs. Har treet. Albert C., at home; and Paul B., of A Paramount Picture With of Mount Joy; Mr. and I | Mrs. Mildred Myers, West Main ; G i vey Spangler, Bellerma and ne res Fy Pittsburgh. Also five grandchildren eorge Raft, Clive Brook my Spangler, Richard Bover, Bar- [PU Frank Clemont and a brother, Fre t H. Becker, Helen Vinson bara Brosey, all of Back Run, | rd M: a me Downingtown. She a member of Alison Skipworth - were at He i y on Sunday. 2 St. John’s Episcopal Mz a : rr Mr. Vernon Hixon and | Hs 3 yr. Paghst 2 : + Services were he the Week of Sept. 4th Sans, Odes SS 2 an ao | eS 8 = Jonega’ | Monday afternoon ck, National Paramount Week and Mrs. yhn uggins «¢ WO pou GE 2 | Rev arles E. Be au ffi daughters, Dolores and May; Mr. | Mrs. W 4 1 Landis- | en e Ma Monday and Tuesday and Mr and Mrs. | 3 is = . tore. HER BODYGUARD Leslie 3 rar oh 9 eet — Featuring Elda, ot et o A % 1, Ken Spade, f Friday. September 1 S (i V Say, =O a Edmund Lowe Loos he Jam toberts po rea t ove with me Wynne Gibson Mi Spade, of Saturday, Sept. 2 NN d 1 John Na- Geib — - = oe or Elizab own. visited Mr.] I ua HEE AE EEE 3 SE Wiss = | - TOLER MSTORICAL [FY on : Mill on Sunday. 1 - { Saturdays | M Th Evenings | and 00 ire 2 Shows = DID YOU KNOW? 'm Holidays | s€ €a e nd 9 P. ML = word “bicycle” was firs Sunday, August 27 2%P. M. “st dard ® | - Standar nt 64 8 ( CG Dawes, statesman. | = Standard | ELIZABETHTOWN Time n the S n in 1865. = Time | = ane spl Battle of Long Island 1776 # : =z 1at | Monday, August 28 | { . a {oaths rohan SW] oot, | Thursday, August 31st | Fri. Sat, Sept. 1st & 2nd = d 45 vn 17 . DOUBLE FEATURE | “EAGLE and HAWK” P ~ ‘ - | 1 : n was discos 58. | = “Circus QO» en Murder” with 2 Tuesday, August 29 =. and Tf ~C . Fredric March = Dr. O. W. Holmes, autl | 8 tie i Cary Grant = br “WHIRLWIND” y ; = Carole Lombard = Wednesday, August 30 'm M d | Julian A. Weir, arti W onday, September 4th | = SED = yy De Tuesday, Sept. 5th og MATINEE 2 P. M. { Willia P oll Fist Irshoption. a $880 : illiam Pow I act 1890.8 Wheeler & Woolsey | in is Thursday. August 31 = in “PRIVATE | Emper Yoshie inal wae ‘ - »» = lire coin Japan, Wasim “SO THIS IN AFRICA DETECTIVE 62” = Friday, Se pte mber 1 Wed ; homes ge Rex Beach, author, was born in |® nesday, Sept. 6th Thursday, Sept. 7th We now s| 1877 'm Lionel Barrymore TWO FEATURES 1 25 states Japanese earthquake in 1923 | m in “TRICK FOR TRICK” Sixty-five in Saturday, September 2 = “SWEEPINGS” and America have pol- Hiram Johnson, Senator was . “DYNAMITE RANCH” = icies. born 19 : ; = born 1866. LEE EE EERE EE EG I { | A ,V 2