PAGE TWO MT. JOY BULLETIN MOUNT JOY, PA. RHEEMS J. E. SCHROLL Editor & Propr. ' PR1 Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Weaver === lentertained at dinner on Sunday: Subscription Price $1.50 Per Year|nr and Mrs. D. M. Weaver, Mr, Six Months ...... 76 Cents and Mrs, Paul Weaver and family Three Months .... 40 Cents and Mr, and Mrs. John Moseman Single C 3 C and family, Miss Lillie Zeager, of & opies Cents this place, and Mr. Chester Ruhl, Sample Copies +... FREE of Manheim, motored to Safe Har-| 8 == - = bor, on Sunday afternoon. 3 Entered at the post ofce at Mount The following called at the 1% Joy as second-class mall matter. home of . . | The date of the expiration of your Of Mi and Mrs. Jacob E. I'S subscription follows your name on the | Williams and family on Sunday: | ¢% label. We do not send receipts for sub-| yi» Mrs Willis Hirsh, Mr. | scription money received. Whenever : os . : | 6 you remit, see that you are given pro-|ind Mrs .Benj. Miller, Mr. Isaac '$ per credit. We credit all subscriptions | Kettering and sons; Mrs. Sarah at the first of each month. traub at rhiar Av nd ) All correspondents must have thelr Straub and daughter, and Rev, and communications reach this office not | Mrs. 8S. S. Shearer. [ later than Monday. Telephone news Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hoover en-| fmportance between that time and tavriiina ; Ne x nv > o'clock noon Wednesday. Change for ained at dinner on Sunday: advertisements must positively reach| Mr. and Mrs. Walter Detra, of eke this ofiice not later than Monday night. |Qunhury; and Mr. and Mrs. Earl| $ New advertisments Inserted If copy |. ... 0° 1 hier a ie reaches us Tuesday night. Advertising| Kreider and daughters, of Lan-| rates on application. caster. | %* The subscription lists of the Landis- There ve harvest home Ser-| ville Vigil, the Florin News and the| Ther 3 will be on J 1g Mount Joy Star and News were merged | Vices at the Green Tree church on | 8g with that of the Mount Joy Bulletin, | Saturday afternoon, Sept. 2 [3 which makes this paper's circulation Cope’'s corn drying factory has | double that of the paper's or- Ste. PM TUE CMY Ee) 3 weekly. started drying 1933 corn | 6@ = Tee wee orop on Tuesday morning | EDITORIAL Mary Heisey, daugt | and Mrs. Henry Hei: ————— Columbia, spent last tl EDITORIALS her grandmother, Mrs. Susan Hei- EVERY PURCHASE HELPS Sey 3 the rdinar t i Liss J nent last | %* 4€ he ordinary man ge his Mis a spen ast 3 hands enough money buy | Week the Miss Jean % the th he ads and we shall|Carro nea 3 1a road wiring pros- Mrs. Grace Garber spent last | NS Perit) We shall not have to talk |Sund 1 noon ‘with her par- about over production many, [€nis. J ind Mrs. Hassinger, of |%® many years to come It a good time to Not Ru has re- & enough inflation yet to the | turned to the home of her mother, $s things cost what they're worth, |Mrs. Susan Heisey after spending * Every purchase helps business and {ber summer vacation in Washing- | makes work, ton. 3 Mr. Dick Heiser, employer of yA WWaavar non. | 0 ADVERTISING | BEGETS he Ve his ov NS IRIN QR e ates getting a sitior at BUSINESS 0 2 posaon 8 = i wd Steelton. It seems that when sales volume ys J : > fell off of - Mumma, local cattle and fell off on account of the depres-|._ .. } we : . 4 oF : implement dealer, transacted bugs sion, some manufacturing and |. 3 te mercantil Stitt = iness in Elizabethville on Monday | %¢ mercantile institutions affected |e 0 3 sought put blame — — 2 and said the newspapers had de- *%* teriorated in sales-producing abil- MA Y'] OW > ity. That fallacy has been ex- 3 ploded 9 Wise ivertisers have ON- hl Yorn sar have demon M1 D. Sload suffered |*%® strated t the percentage of +} foot sales ld have been muck . i foot, = $s ia have beer muc n small- past wee The oe € he 1ey not persiste ad- vertised fon ir SE ag Columbia on > a So i S. The larg- Columbia and 3 nt ue Bry ons, . aobali- eball game, Mr. Sload * Ss res nd 1 ers of nto ~ ment stor and maker ) auto member of the Maytown | ede mobiles, have been the largest ad- vertisenrs The 20)! o thei 3 iis Ld Sim _ The yosuine hi ear Florence Trone celebrated business has corresponded: to TVs oF a 1gss Da Dohded: 10. 1ae thday Thursday, August 25. * size of their mnewsps: s religious- . lad 1s Heir fous rs. Geor Black and Miss 4 ly f« the things they e : : ¢ : ig tN they need. Dieb superintendent of | 8 ¢ 1 al, Pittsburgh, and AN ABUNDANCE their father, John Diebler, of Fal-|%® Everything God made is here in |mouth, spent several days visiting the same abundance that has al-|friends here. NAN Ways characterized His creation. Mr. and Mrs. Harry 3orn and There is an abundance of life and (son, Camden, N. J., visited Mr. |%® the things that support it—food,]and Mrs. I. W. Carpenter on Satur oe clothing and shelter There is an |day. 3 abundance of all the things that Misses Annie and Lizzie Miller, make life worth living — peace,|Rev. and Mrs. G. F. Broske and * quiet, gentleness, love, good deeds, |[son, William, spent Sunday at the gratitude, energy, thrift, compan-|Central Manor campmeeting. be ionship. Now what is lacking from Rev. and Mrs. Luther Straley of 3 the picture? Only the one thing| Athens, New York, are visiting the * which man has created—Money. former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Money, we hear every day, Straley scarce, and tl the comm George St vy. of West Chester oe that has back . |spent the week end with his par When we impe to |e Mr. and Mrs. Charles Straley ** the ciret yn of money or when and Mrs William Mason we have invented a circulating daught p ne Mariet- RR medium to take the place mon- i sor sburgh ey. we will move on as if nothing ith Mr. A had ever happened ind Mrs * “yr OL | o% REMEMBER AN OLD TRUTH [Bla & hare ia 5 we ar curious ++i. | Mrs There is a r¢ curious atti- 3 ude abroad now the kingdom ** £ of the politi- Spe oe the trend of with Mrz 3 the trer of ge of govern- o higher taxes—but additional costs * of by the new oe ian An 1 ie a x ne ax on liquor is a {ALL MILK PERMITS : this + this a ee Bis. At i MUST BE RENEWED | *% states have ratified oe ington and 4 public| The present permits to sell milk in| $ he effect|Pennsylvania expire August 31, the % produce mil-|Gtate Health Department's bureau of | 4g Ina POS milk control today announced. EC S. more SOV"! Five thousand permits to sell milk in | Jo Pennsylvania were granted last year. | $ The milk code requires that applica- 5 : : le in the | ¢% tions of ra renewal were on file in the | Health Department prior to June 1.|¢J¢ Everyone who sells milk, including | 3 I 1 | 9.0 mu n self-producers. must h | yes. A w] .{mits. This includes f | } x S es of y [ %* ag in- | % It s Hs mo oe PCS s ss 101 When in need of Printing, (anything) P kindly remember the Bulletin. %* | 3 : r oo tne J 60 net or I % : ; 5 - 5 * ys w» . oe s bee 3 on * oN vou embers burden community. For the indireet costs of fire are always infiniteiy greater than the direct cos If we oy half a year billion dellars a o> 0 0 ede — 3 9, 004 THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO. PA. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3th, 1353 dab dodo mw wg NOW There A More Opportune Time To Buy Real Estate Than NOW PRICES WERE NEVER LOWER You can buy Property today at practically one-half > 0 COW) 9 reir ido jo 030 of * * 9, > 9, >, + ih 9, * >, o> * 9 a Xa Xa) 0 0. 0 0% 0% 0% * errr 0 Go a> * ol 9, * 0 9, jo age ede 0. 0, 9, * 0. 0. 0. 0, Seg feeds 9, * P03 Goedel: 0. 0, 9. a a * 0, 9 * > 9 + Ca 9 + 00204 * 9 * >. 9 0, 0. 0. 0 * * XX 0. 0 oP * 0 0? 9, + >, * Car 9, * >, 9, ooo * the replacement cost. This is the time for home 9, 0, + 9, > a’ 9. seekers or investors to buy. 9. I can quote prices 7 $0, 0. 0 that will prove this assertion. 02 > ogee od 9, * oe ogo foods oo FER EERE NEN EER ERS] J. E. SCHROLL, REALTOR 11 EAST MAIN STREET 9, 9, MOUNT JOY, PA dots 2, 0 ny SOG Geol | 0040000 POEL IIb ba