The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, July 26, 1933, Image 5

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WEDNESDAY, JULY 26th, 1933 ¢
SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE+wide alley; ide ou geet; Li the est Has uth rees ters xe
rk TATE oe Se 3 ey Sheace along th South side ras N [58 pr ce § , Lit- fhe Southwest side of said Park |easter Township, Lancaster Co. Pa,rast mentioned lot so 12Y degrees Con’
Daylight § 1588, 3058 b, rh (8414) d west, one Seized and n/in elecytion as| Ne aon THAT CERTAIN lot [wood ming 2 gn Sogn SO hoor on Shas Xu pes: 6 eriy os (No, g enous. -
: . M. ht Saving Time by hun / one-tenth property, of Jag B. Dissi ‘ situat : I Yo. She A Suet ogres yy og » lund th 11% li
virtue of 1 tar te : a phe : ssipger and |of-land situated on the S $ | ial | 5 dre Ar rick
several writs of Fieri Facias, [{(114.1) fee to a a corner of Hille i Dissinger, with | side of Hollywood Drive Ty Noo 2 ny | Soren: res of’ I he Bn 8 2 Se dw. iin of ground wil Me b
; y { last side | © , no elling ing No. 920 North Duke
dn W. Zug; to Lilli& D. Dissiger, terre heim Township, Lancaster County,{ Nv" 19, in South-wgst direction | Gertie Buding;” thence by the sante | street
Alias Fieri Facias and Levari Facias [and now @r I
ins, more | Gontaining in front gn North Duke
h (TV - tenant, ; ’
(Ya) de Par; being Lots Nos. 79 and 80 on{184:82 f8et to point, #he south-east '-north 12 degrées west 4.65 ¢

issued out of the Court of Common psouth seven
Pleas, Lancaster County, Pa., and to [Brees west, | one h d
, Pa, , fone, thirty- (0. 5 ~P :
me directed, I will expose to sal Hive and sixfy- ] an y- | osx me ND. 57 the=Plan of Lots of Country Club |cosmer off Lot N i Ww inni
public vendue or er lo by feet to hy Nand (13555) [~ ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or| Heights Extension laid out by erty side] of 1 Zr ee matin, 189 Pe re nes ye fn ly more oF
Ro. i ven ae uly in Coust I a Rainy Shy y 4 Anne, Goh vos of Sound, with a three-story ens Prog Feeorded in the Re- theme along Nort) A oH wie" OF ag erches of land, [vs and iw d westward ~
of Lancair, For th ) ! Y [a R brick lling house erected there- | cO? ws ice at Lancaster. Con-| Wesse Hive Ry ta 3 . “ninety seig mre less to a
scribed real a. ond Se Route perches: thereon are a 13%, Slougsed, in i Borough of Mar. | taining in front on Hollywoo Dre Fast 7 Sire r a Soe 2 pe of 'W i ulema a Test 4 ley.
* (No. 51 st. a County o Penn-! _ feet. ley, the is we, Prey —-— (N : i a nov} > ut
All that LLY, piece of land fo garage and 1 story brick bounded and described as, Ne: 8. ALL WHAT CERTAIN lot 24; the bo Novus: trig + Ne. All that HE i oy Bu r “
with two and one-half story brick [~~ Seized and taken in executi follows: of“Tand situatefl on the “Soathwest ve ‘ajong™ Fast Pn 14 situated in the to nn f Ea oe Du yy, land of
dwelling house (No. 650) thereon, situ- [Property of Benjamin F on ji a Se northeast Side of Holly ood Drive, Manheim | feet ot 25 feet to point peter in the TE Gast Law. We Grogs, west by comman
_ated qn the southeast si y SIU or : . igh Street and running Tewnship, Lancaster County, Pa, |corne erty Lancast : : i as
Sirec, he ea Sle of Wes Vine a” (NO. 54) p Wy Jone pal stredt, twenty-one | being ‘lot Ne 84\ on fy Plan of ne per any Bstay Truss Co | beunded 23 Ase ribed iy lowe: Seized and Joken in execution as
“of Lancaster and County [_ 41) THAT CERTAIN fee e center of a party wall rg Club Height ~ Extension |i ight angles to E : isher’ Bile EB Shifts md U.
and state of Penngylvania tract or. between the’ property herein out by Hiemenz Bros, and ro I North feo oo | Be Sr i ares Rust Shifter
i » 7 : o (No. 83)
thence | perches to a point in the middle of the |~-All that certain lot i
of ground situate
piece of land situated i as i
(Herplield Township.” Bot and property now or late of corded in ‘the Recorder's Office at|in-South side Ellwood Ave;
enry Allispn; thence south along |Lancastgr. Fronting/on said Holly-|Seuth of Ellwood Ave. "Easterly, | kineoln Highway; thence extending fon the north side of East street
SW ectending NM 62:76” feet to a point, the place of palong said highway, north 67% de- |-between “North ir ph North
ST ly 55 ft. | beginning. [grees west 41.88 perches to a point; | ‘Plum streets, in the city #f Lancaster,
wars 2s being ay ig execution as thence by land of B. F. Beiler north | Permsylvania, on whicl is a
- . J 0 > i n) 4 -
Eugene CB property of on, kins enedict, 8% degrees west 35.44 perches to a | two story and mangyrd fof
jas ¥ 343 East
a and described ag’ follows,
Begining at a point on Vest Vine and State of Pennsylvan-|gq; ; wood Dei
of Michael Heghrieh, ow of ase [Eien pounded ond. described | a3 Fine Fnches henge > foot | that wif iy morn
ae ch; t ong West nN : ix inches /t onte-i iti
Vine street, forty to Tc 5 BEGINNING at a Sone on the fix Re ) partition | AH-o § to
~—of land now’ gr late the estate of [South side of a fourteen (14) feet [5 uth, one hund d afl 38 | Hiemens ni
ased: and ex- Lwide alley in the Village of East [fo ay {andre AZ 4 envy two WR i

store, a corner of said Fisher's land; | dwelling house, known

~Barbara Schwarz, d : i
tending in depth jof that width eighty- [Tetersburg, and on the East sid tfeet three inches Locust Alley; | Hiemenz by Peed dated December with 2-s 3 then am 5 ces | New
p width eighty : ast side of thence along s alley, east twen- | 247 1928 x J recorded in the Re- rick = Tory Np. 53 a thence bY jk Je South Si Jegree co street. § v
ix inches to property | corder’s ice at Lancaster in |$t;, Lancast Pa A Teen | ginning, ous RO Containing in front oa od d
’ hteen/feet, and extend-
the Lancaster and Manheim Tyen- Lov
_pike, a corner of | test A
orthwest by West of Benjamin F. Eo hence or late/of Morris Nagle; thence Deed Book K, Vol. 29, page 158,| GONTAIN
) |morth twg”hundred and six feet to {granted and conveyed unto Mary S. 24 feet ext
six (86) feet, to’ property now or late
—of Barbara Schwa
~Bourided on the
Tn front’ Green St | Containing 7 fered ahd 10 perch
1 ining 7 ‘acreg a perches. | ing-inm depth of i
ding il” depth that |—Excepting 15g dd] ‘out of the oe ten of ont Lundted
t' 72 feet to prop- [above described fract of 1 five tracts Seized and taken in execution as

Vine on the southwest by prop- |-2l0ng the East side of said Turn- illi kma
- oy nok or late ii the estate ye Bor ee and by lands now or late ta thn wall of Sone i So Bn ibs h Cn
—bara Schwarz, on the south- [© e said Benjamin F. Kauffman, | i wall of the main building; usband, in which deed said erty Max Li . ieces hg. 5s + 5
—east by groperty now or late of Bar- [South five and three-quarters (5 3-4) pone, said wall, north to the are more particularly described.) —Bounded off /No h-cast by Annie TRS percha 3 5 Stoltz- fonant’ nd Jennie A Bekman, terre
_bara Schwarz, gnd on the northeast by [degrees west, eighty (80) feet to 2 eginning. 3 Seized and taken in execution as Lamparter, Ngrth-west by Max us by deed recorded in 2, 159 tenant. 2 Sm tam
Property naw pr late of Michael Heg- pot 3 the concrete walk; thence oy a ikem In Hollerbon 3 | == Jar S. Guthrie and | Lipman, South-west by Henry Nuss | 813 perches conveyed te 0s Job- (NO. 84)
~~erich, ao y lands now or late of the said |y; “ . Al ollenbaugh, | 4 . Lutane. and By Green St. sort by deed rec ip” —4 CE
— Siezed and taken in execution as L.Benjamin F. Kauffman, south eigh- lid Mice a Wickes Billet; | ALL TE (NO. 63) Setzed and ken in execution as | 19% ae ed to Wm D. ol a Ray Jot od
property of Ludwig Holz, with notice L.ty-four and one-quarter (84 1-4) ;de | Shank n } ui HAT thprAlN lot of of Herman 1 Lyon. [or ded proud 1 53 2 2 sor bi vein
—to Laura H. Seitz Executrix of the p-grees E3st, > hiindred and sevén- (NO. 58) a Wes Silay on sie South side of - (NO. 1) 4 / : 2. 5 si te i Son x
Will of Isiah HL. Seitz, deceased and aljd sif-tenfhs)(1765) fegh to | ALL THAT CERTAIN lot gr} West Cpostomt, Street, between Ne.!..Property No. 142 N. Broa St. pif poring to Levi B Mil | Birt Street, bet em “Pearl and
and College Avenue, in|kancaster, Pa., being a 2-story ler=by deed regorded in F, 29, 45. South West End i the
_ individually, terre tenant, iron pin 6f land now or [Biece pt an sitiated on the south- the Cit f L t ( f
nd No. 52 | late of mot 14 east side o ocust Street, between © ancaster Jounty of | brick dwelling inni or ‘ rehes i
_ All that certain iot or piece of land [running fm "ai tne Front and Second Streets, in the Lancaster and State TE Fr Ee eR oi Be de a Do ao erp
—with two and one-half story last sic of said nlf walk; |Borough of Columbia, Lancaster 127 having thereon erected a three |west corner of E. Marion and N.!in-6, 29 480 y oR es on nd described. 83, fob
_brick dwelling house (No. 41) thereon [thence Hy land now or lage of Amos LCo., Pennsylvania, upon which is Story rick dwelling house with two | Bread Streets; Containing in front | 795~ perches conveyed to Wm. D 0 he Ei .
erected a three story brick dwelling story brick back building known as|on-N. Broad St. 24 feet #.3-8 inches | Leaman by deed Dye in K, 29, or. Span bY Ye Tox
No. 668 West Chestnut Street and | and: extending ip’ depth /Westwardly | 208: ‘ for Py 1 b Pearson Es Orage;
—Seized and taken in execution as Cope &r jor
ar; lon

erected, situated on the east side of jKauffmgn, north seven and one-
Spencer Avenue, between Ellwood and | quarter] (7 1-4) degrpés East, eigh- | Md stere property and known as i
__Eim Avenues in Colonial Park, Lancas- [ty (80) feet to an fon pin on the Nos, 134 and 156 Locust Street. other 102- feet, the width in the rear be- form
_ter Township Lancaster County, Penn- |.south dide of the foresaid fourteen | CONTAINING in front on said BEGINNING at a point on the | im 24 feet 3 5-8 / property of Harry C. Smeltz We ly oF Nr
__sylvania, and bounded and described féet wide dlley; thence along Street, thirty-twp (32) feet A of West Chestnut Street,| Botnded on thé North by proper- — Qo. 79 Boi oy/ a ten feet common
_as follows, to wit: the south side f the aforesaid four- Land extending Ne stwardly in & Northwest corner of property [ty~formerly of George U. Best, on |All that certain tract of land with rv A oF one 50 by Fist
—_. Bounded on the north by Lot No. 26, [teen ({4) f; wide alley, north {depth one hund e and / ninety-four Dew or late of Henry Snyder, | the=South{_by property formerly of 2% story stucco dwellings 2 green CONT I ¥ ——— attr
__on «the Plan of Colonial Park (on file |eighty-fou and one-quarter (84 | 4194) feety mfre or lesp, to Alley 1, te ce extending southwardly along | Adam Pontz;y“on the South by pro- {Amuses, boiler house and barn and a FANN 1s frbnt__om said
| whieh extends #ffito thd said Sécond » said premises and at right amg-|perty formerly of Charles S. Min- other improvements thereon erected and i ronnie (25) Jeet
, xte - i © al


__in the Recorder’s Office of s#id Coun- |-1-4) degrees West, one hundred and i
—ty) on the east by the fourteen (14) | seventy-eight and eighty-eight one- |Street, upo which sell Alley? I the les with West Chestnut Street a[nich-and on the East by North situate in the township of Manhei ith: s
"feet wide common alley hereinafter [hundredths (178.81) feet to es | said lotrof {ground corftaing 5 front distance of 61 feet 2 1-2 inches to | Broad Street aforesaid. | eounty Poin rg id ory SS Ave
{thirty-three and seven-tefiths (33.7) Sicther corner of said |pre-| Seized and taken in execution as |sylvania, bounded and described as fol- i) bo we Toney Now of
mises; thence extending Eggtwdrdly | property of Willis E. Edwards. lows, to wit: Ther OY premise:
lo » same ‘mises c illial
mentioned, on the south by part of Lot [place of beginning. { 3 :
_No. 2 said Plan now or/late of Ben- | = CONTAINING Fifty-two and Feet (described gogorgdifip b w gust Jeng the $aid Srv J disf
neville Derr, and on the west by Spen- [-Thirty-four one-hundreths (52.34) =vey: made thereof hy Samue right > §aid premises ay distance - (NO. 72) Beginning at a point th «— N i i
~cer Avenue, aforesaid. 7 perches of land neat measure, | em the 12th day of January, 1870.) of foot fo a | nt; thenge eytend- tot of land with 2.1-2 story hip a ow Ron Nauman ad wife by eis deel}
Containing in front on said Spencer [- The improvements thereon are al” BOUNDHD 6h the northeast by MZ southwestwa ly and roofed dwelling, E. side Rose Ave, Pike, a corner of land of Louis De- day of Apel A of ro
__Avenue twenty-five (25 feet and ex- |-2 1-2 story brick house and frame | Property nd or late of Theodore Sa premises a /distange f 58 feet|E~of Lancaster and Lititz Turnpike |.Adfi and Marie DeAlfi; thence alongin | Dee i pril, 1920, and recorded in
[Brban; on the Southeast by the 9 1-4 inch@s more jor less fo the | Manheim Township, 'Lancaster Co., | the said New Holland Pike, north Deed Book i Volume 2¢, Page 333
| Ps ; 7 “2 | y od 2
Pa~ being Northern half lot No. 14 | forty-four (44) degrees and thirty (30) | 5 A a ee aa ae
—tending on depth of that width east- [-barn. 5, Nort Fy :
__wardly onelhundred “and forty (140) [~ Seized and taken in execution as Alley I; on the southwest Nerthoast Jide oF Brera Tone
__feet to the fourteen #(14) feet wide [property of Daniel G Kauffma v property now or late of Allen thence exue g /northwestwardly | on_plan of lots by Alfred Schneebeli minutes eas 2 - Sei i i
common allgy hereingfter mentioned. a 3 Richard’s Estate, and on the North- gene side of 'Mariet- | BEGINNING point on East side fea ee edie C255) fort Sore] and taken a execution as
The south line said lot passes |” NO. 55 ss west ‘by Locust Street aforesaid. | ta enya a distdnce of 10 feet to | Rose~Ave. corner property fdrmer- | toa corner of land of Manheim Town- property. of Bunjette 5. Miller.
through the fiddle #f the nine (9) inch - ALL THAT CERTAIN strip of |__-8eized and taken in execution as a~point, - al cornef of property now |ly-—of Alfred thence _ship School District and thence along : (NO, 85)
Jand lying and being in the rear of | property of Homer S. Apple. orate of! Chayles M. Green; thence | along E. side Rose Ave. 8.734 of [ same north thirty-nine (39) (ose Brick. dwelling house lknown as
5 ry BEE, Pk ig 2 -nine (J Ss No. 438 East Ros
| extending | noftheastwardly along | degree West, 36 1-4’ feet to @ point | West, one hundred ninety-five and se. 353 Bast Ross forrest, as

—cement block partition wall, which isa | ph Hi :
_party wall, { between the dwelling on (Hos, 207s a Past King Su in (No. 59) id i
~the Lot herein described and the dwel- fe or od ate os Pe ei Doserigiion of propertyof Barbara L. a ot a poi geo Bi Jhon along We i 8 Bos > (195.5) feet to an iron pin; |'Streets: Containing ih front/on East
i s 53 | Denlinger. Nemore NG 0 a point, an {late-of ISaac R. Herr, South : _and thence further along same and by Street, 22 feet) teri
corner of sAjd premises; thence ex- | egree East, 163 feet to a 12 feet | Jand. of Henry Heller and Jghn Bryan, rg A 220501, wn fending

—ling on the Ipt afljoining on the south. [7 b ed 1’ described follows |
ee promises fo Qescrived wre ie va, boany ed and described as follows| aj that certain lot or piece of land tending northwardly along the said | 1 thé 1
western port o °. on the [40 wit: ; | situate in West Lampet T hip, fin t 3 he s | wide .édommon alley; nce along vr :
aforesaid plan, L- BEGINNING at the Southwest a 3 Ley pe oY re 9 Ten premises and through the middle of | West side alley, Nort 3-4ths of g Foie gir depress aii fort feet fide puoi us
—The above described lot is subject to A thereof at a point a corner sylvania, bounded and described as a inch brick party partition wall | degree East, 36 1-4 feet to a point, | and five-te ths (169.5) feet and north ok Strecy- fF 4
the ET retorcation. Mal is 10 of properties No. 15 North Shippen en whween the building erected on | a~eorner of lan #dlate of Alfred two (2) grees and fifteen (15) 30 Soupded on the East by-froperty
say: There shall be no house construct- -Street and No. 305 and 307 East| Tp oiling at a point in the public the- herein described premises and; Zehmecheli; thapfce along same, N. | mimutes west, fifty-oné (51) feet to an rmerly of A."G. Hoover, and on
-King Street, at the distance of One | ood leading from Lampeter tg Willow the building erected on the premis- | 89-14 deg. West, 163 feet to be- [iver oF : the » aléng land of Joh: ge Pest by property formerly of
g ah es—mext adjoining the same on the | winning, 2 FT OD Eve (15) yo Cr er,
Mg { an, se -hve e- | —Seized and taken in execution as
) minutes east, tWo of Earl K. Stone and El-
ed on the lot herein described costing
Lhundred and thirty-five (135) 4. be 3 A
Street; thence extending by land now West a further distance of 72 feet Seized~ and taken .in execution as | grees and fifteen
eight-hundredths | Stone.
less t t housand dollars (82,-
e han two thousan ollars (82,-) Lien (10) inches North of the North Ing AR
gr.latd of Sue R. Houser, glorth seven- » less g int 1 |
4 more or less to a point in the south | property of Charles E. Hocking and | hundred six 3

_-000.00); no building shall be erected Se of King Street and seventy-one
— within thirty (30) fet of the east line [51 © ing Street and seventy- ty=nine (79) degreps easy, one hundred |
)) 18 ” : (i shes Las mn ) easy, one hu 4 | idee Tho Bae ir RE ; nt
—of Spencer Kui ho frame houses or TL) Jest ine Boe Wo of | ond seventy-twol (1724 feet, six (6) arash 3 Seats “his wife. | 4206.08) feef to iron pin in a public |__ (NO. 86
solid board fefices shall pe permitted, CONTAINING i {Opel 2 Frat! | inches, moe ordess td land now or'hate he south fey 8 We wart ly along (No. 73) i | read, known the Butter Road; and |__ [ot with 2-story 4 % dwell
and no liquor ‘sold jor mahufactured on JT TY oor in front or ig of Frank Go; thénce by same | =o Somsn side © ih Bet Two lots of lamd east side North | thence along in said road by land now [4 2 No <1 be oy TIC dwelling
“sad lot. No block or ows of houses [Northward sever. (7) feet six (9) ning and (9%) de- |r istance of 20 feet 7 1-2 inches t0 {Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. | qrformerly of John Landis and John house No. 52 Pam St, Lancaster,
—-shall be permittgd. This shall not, “ches and extending of that width es east one fourteen the place of Begining. i | No. 1. Lot -of land east side North north fourteen (14) degrees and ria, Déunded 2 veut.
however, prohibit t erection of [in length or depth, the South line EE nop or less to land now o | Seize { aj taken in execution as|Queen strept, Lancaster, Pa, Con: (45) minutes gion erg Swarthafer, on Nort) -east
~ houses built in pairs, The building re- hereof along the rear of 00 te of E el Cassel; thence by the property of Elizabeth F. Bitner and | in front on North Queen street hundred (200) feet to an iron pin, and |; cb 2 on Southeast by Al-
striction of thirty (30)f feet is imposed 1-311 East King Street and the North |" 0 = 4 (79) degrees | SHMUEL K. Bitner, her husband. | 34 feet in depth of that | fourteen (14) degrees and forty- jee- C. Duffy, and on gouthswest by
[line thereof along premises known on" "8 dred seventy-two (172) | “ALL THAT Cor aI Tot | width eastwardly 130 feet to a 10 feet | five (45) minutes west ne handred or 14 fo vido formpn st
ALL / JERTAT! ot orig: allevi > : NINtx 1ro) n/ Palm St.
) wide- alley; Bounded on north by gfty-four and twenty-five hundredths | 7o~ foet and extendihg in | depth of
—en said lot in codformity with a certain NO, ety | Street] .
_agreement dated March 1, 1913 and re- Wits NOy 10 | OUWEEL | feet, six (6) inches, more or less, to a | 22 5
corded in Record Book N, Volume 21, Aifty-six (56) feet six (6) inches 10 eint te the oad: theres ex iB xe of ground situate,on the north |property Bow or late of E. | (15425) feet, morth twelve (12) de) an 1
— Page 69. 8 certain four 4) feet wide alley {tending in and along the said road | 248 of Lake Street between Coral | soutlr by Philip Lebzelter’s te, on | grees and fifteen (15) minutes west, Prat rid Sox A west Baroy, at
~— Together with the right for said Ma- extending Grant Al- | perth nine and three-fourths (9%) de- gad Ruby Divesis in the City of | east-by sald alley, gnd on west by N. { forty=one and sixty-seven hundredths ght prgles, wit . F alm St. 97 feet
—bel F. Holland, her heirs and assigns, ey ve ; 4 | Brees west, one hundred and Iourteen | oresaid, having thereon | Queen | 43-67) feet to an iron pin; and thence bo hole bel. wide common alley,
wit the free un | (114) feet to the place of beginning. | fasted J oy brick (Spelling No-—2. iLot of land east side/ North | Jgaving the said road and by land now Saiz apd, taken R a
ouse S INO. Bb: BD Dy ancaster, 5 erty o son K. sey
4 DO S50 1 pe Queen street, Lancaster Pa. Con- |.grformerly of Enos I. Heller, south prope Dorsey, ot wife. an

— +40 use, in common with : use, right, liberty ond
—Derr, his heirs and assigns, the four- pcomm Tn i 2 elo (- The improvements thereon are a 2! .
s € og ; , gid J a 2d ag fo 3 ie
—teen (14) feet wide alley crossing Lots rey mE four (4) S05 tory brick dwelling house and frame Jonnied and described 2 follows, | 2 g ifl front on oth QUeen street | seventy-six (76) degrees and fifty-four | INO. 87)
ee Rives 0 | garage. in front on the 34 jot salen gt, depth g that (54) minutes west, one hundred seven- purparts of land. 1. Lot with
th- egstwardly eet to a eet ty.nine and seventeen-hundredths | 9 1 o tory frame dwelling and 1-
Nos. 27 and 28 on the aforesaid Plan ry Grant. Street @t all times hereaf- |
_and part of which alley is along the p10 Lrahb Sires 2 nes "| _Seized and taken in execution as wy .
ter forever, in common with others | co merty of Frank K. Denlinger, Bar- | aig Steely itn | wide ally. Boupded on north by prop- (179.17) feet to an iron pin; thence | nu frame garage, situated on
: . ches | arty of Edwapd Jordan-Kiel Co, Inc.| north ten (10) degrees and eighteen | walt cide Girard Awe, Manor Twp.
rear of eastern end of the premises vine tee use
tie us bara L. Denlinger and Harry L. Den-
I y L. 5 2 candi in|
(Ht. 1 and/ extemding in| "ruth py property now or late | (8) minutes west, one hundred five | [oo ctor County, Ba., being known

__herein described. mn BEING compoBed of three strips |
Said premises are conveyed subject [= HHS Co ped tater BID linger é
aA reniy- 94) Lof land: One thereof being the same | depth of “that width northwardly | : SL Jp as xt . Fak sis :
=o fhe of 8 25 [which Charles H. Snyder by his] (No. 60) dem 5 feet and six inches (66 ft. [Leni Bison east by sid Eis (308) feet to an ronpin mm a public | 2 "1 ts Nos. 101 and 102 West Lan-
_.inch terra cotta sewer exten ing on or tonto re Joie EB All that certain lot of ground with! to a.fen feet (10 ft.) wide alley and on west by North | road; thence along in the said road, | Containing together in frong
10 southwest across the andf recorded in the office for | the two story and mansard roof brick common alley in the rear. ? | Queer, Street. , | South seventy-five (75) degrees west, | Lo ‘West side Girard feet
Robe gorse of the pp a it [the Recording Bf Deeds in and for dwelling house thereon erected | Spized and taken in execution as) THE “improvements thefeon are 2 2 | gmehunuired nincty-one and fivetegths- | 0" in dept of phat
of fis dwslling on he lot Lancaster Courity in Deed Book L, ated lying and being on the east side property of David W. Huss and story ‘brick factory building. | (3915) feet to an iron pin; thence Along | “Westwardly, 11546 to 15
_ described. Vol 22 Page A423 oranted unto Ida | of South Ann street in the city of Lan- ' Carrie J. Huss Rusband. andy wite. | an dtaken in execution as | amd now or formegly of Miller ouck, | Zoet wide alley: ys Y 7
~_Svized and taken in execution as ne x ifs of Philip C. Sny- | caster, end numbered] NO 6h | property of Umbrella Handle and Sup- | south one (1) degdree/east, eight hun- | __p 404 on" North by «7 15 feet
_property of Mabel F. Holland. > BET y 3 ba 25% South Ann street and more fully | pot of ground with 8: story brick | PY Company by Edward Jordon, pres- | dred fourteen (814) feet to a point, a | 0 alley; "on Edat Wo Girard Ake.
: os ep f land |- And the gid Ida L. C. Snyder be- | bounded and described as follows: | house, No. 815° East or 7 st | corner of land of A. B. Zarker; and Lop 40 'Wect hy said 15 feet\ wide
~All that certain lot or piece of and |." " seized, departed this | —Beginning at a point sixteen (16) feet | ange St, Lancaster, Pa (No. 74) . | thence along the ggme, north eighty-1 nu on &outh by Wt No. 103
Hg So ereof seized, I | ange St, Lancaster, . Lot of land north side of East Chest- | pine (89) degrees(/east, one hundred Ys 1 on So oy Jot No.
: diddle of a | No. 2. Twy Iots West side Girard
tee Ave, Mangr Township, Lancaster
situated in the village of East Peters- % of Deuphi h je ~ ancaste
A ! ot about the Gilt day of De. [#orth of Dauphin sivest on the east| in front on E. Or-| rot with oO ick dwelling | 20,
ho in i Toynshin Of Bat HEN ober. A. D. 1910, a widow (her |side of said South Ann street; thence | St. 16 feet and extending in [ht suse, a 2 Sosy, rice ava cighty (180) feet to the Sadie of
hv Eo Bei bounded and de- [husband having predeceased her), | north, slong jhe Soot foe o depth of that width Nefthwardly,| prc cter Pa | ’ pigs roel 04 ons OE €bunty, Pa. lots Nos. 103 and 104
ut ? i. intestate ing to survive her as|S0u n street sixteen eet 10% feet 6 ingfes, more or less, to | sou J id os + | BB id- road, so ane 2 > east, | or Lancaster. Contain-
—scribed as follows, to wit: d te 190% saving I three children | mere or less to a point thence eastward , 14 feet wide inn fey; the | Fremt on said t Chestnut street, | ope hundred fifty (150) feet to a point | Dh on West
— Beginning at a point in the east side |= y. 3 24 E | through the middle of 3 comm ley or et h | feet 3 inches; more gr less, extend- | inthe middle of the same; and thence | ll on, de
Iloyd H. Snyder, Warren ol g 1 he ws 2d East line of lot aoe |mgin depth northwardly 91 feet 4 in- | g land of Adam Hornig South Girard Ave. 40 fett and extending
| or-passage way 0 - | midd ick ~ party” w tween a ? 2 I | aloh 8 yo that wkdith Westward 115
middle brick - party | ches; more br less, to a/5 feet wide qjghty-nine (83) degrees west, onej g, na ore ae oily OF
_ of the present concrete walk and the iz hates H. Shyder
Northern boundary line of a twelve : | dte-of a nine inch party wall and be- premises and dwelling on] €
; # common alley. | hundred eighty nine (189) feet to land [57 00 "yo 15t No. 102, above de
: ton : ~And Wa . Snyder, single, by
—(12) feet wide private alley; thence in Warren E. Snyder, Ye Rl Doren and premises Hn
: Ts] id phis Deed of enture d Octo-| property here 4 dd past, West Jimie of lot passes thru Th EY i
am along es mo on [yr 17, 1939 anf yrocafied in the | 3p nr OL oh Dauphin tial ary wall over Said SY | eas cleat by property bd Ed i ee Be TEER DO Ly
I igh- [Office for (the Rgcordmg 0 eeds | P a C WILE briek party wall over said alley Alia | ; : is 1. 8omth by Lot No. 105 and on Wes
__laté of Henry S. Dombach, South eig Cod for | street one hundred forty-six (146) f@t potween herein dwelling and dwell. | Wil lam Baydery north > Seid cast; (9) oe RF Soe by-said 15 feet ide alley
| oR g s DeAlfi and Ma-}| “g.i,04 and taken in executi
| rie-DeAlfi; and thence along said land, ry a Clair B. Diffenbaugh. >

County in

: “half (84%) degrees | X
na pehalf” ak) degress Ln nd 05 Ot PR, 6 tothe west sie of 3 fourteen (08) ingen weet | Cit srt
_redths (368) perches to an fron pin at granted and conyeved all his estate | IF oy © Som ine By an Bounded on East by B. B. Mastin] nd token in execution 2s (89) degrees east,
> int along Martin es land; pright, title and interest | unto the | southward along the west side ol said | Cg ~West property now or late John pr vof James A. Theros. Ri 2 Yas tock 1 wire I (No. 88) :
wd Dore land now or laté of Martin Charles H. Snyder in fee. | ally sixteen (16) feet more or less to a’ Ny Hetrick, North by common alley | (No. 15 | eighty-five (8) se eo DS |__Lot of land with 3-gtory brick dwel-
i rth seven and jne-quarter |- And Lloyd H/ Snyder pnd Wise gov LB vg ke { and South by 5 Orange St. ti brick dwelling house, No. | rn Te pont veg Ey img house S07: 611 Magison gureet,
deghees East, eight nd twenty- [his wife, by their Deed or pe on | recht amd propert ein described Seized. and oe 4 nig 10n 431616 Third street, Lafcaster, Pa, to- oat: eighty-seven (87) feet te a point Leneaster, ‘Pa :
two one-Hundredths (8.22§ perches to pure dated October 14, 1915, and re-| ad property escri property of W. Scott Harsh. | gether with lot of Jind whereon same |; re Ete Hizhway formerly New Containing front on ngrth side East
: .orded in the Office for the Record- | amd through the middle of a nine inch | (NO. 66) IT ar ail : in-the State Highway Iormerly Medisen: street, 15 and 8
30 you sen fo Side 01s porled So i ood for Lancaster | brick wall one h ed forty-six (146) | ALI the certain lot or piece fide Holland Pike, being the place of be- [lo 10 and extegdisig Ji depth of that
le g the ‘southerh side of the [County in Deed Book 1, Vol. 22, | feet torsaid Soullf Ann street and Ld land located on the North side of | tering depth of that width 90 feet i) and taken in execution as width, riorthwapdly 81 minufes
id fourtech (14) feet wide public al- | page 472, granted and conveyed all place of 2. [Prangley Avenue, between Pearl | = oe 20 feet common | pp ang 1a PS Hor ROC as | on berth by O/H. Shenk;
ie North hty-four afid one-quarter | hic estate, right, title and interest,| Sub; the rights and agree- | gereet and West End Avenue In the (0° Bounded a rh Iv Third property of Harvey ornig. on east ‘by D. H. Wenger; on west by
< (S54) degre west t and ninety- the said Charles H. Snyder in Rene Ss fe a a i City of Ere Soy oy Lan- | cet east bf land Parke Panning | —Adl that c Sig of land situated {EH Amegt and on south bd East Madi-
/ 2 \ to | fee. PB 3a ar S| caster and State oI ennsylvania, | ’ : lov 2 : that certain job OF Mang ST 9 Lson-street.
bone i 192) perches ro | -ONE OTHER THEREOF being Gi : He way privileges any on. -which is rected a wp-story | Se Soot ig Dy end on [rie west Side of No De tore | Seized snd taken in _exeustion us
- le, RC : 3 h same remisez which | to all the res o ontained "rick dwelling house ‘known fas INO. A > - did . tween Last anc 3 L088 SUS. of Arthur Bouder
__Southern bolandary ing oF, ibe Sig par off une Dre: by. ber | m-deeds of previous owners as SL Re Avepds; bounded and Sed nd 8 execution as | inthe city of Lancagter, coginty of Lan- | pert) A: a
9, | buildings kind and character and lines. [ jogeribed as follows: Rropeny 9 (Ne 6 21D) | easter and state of Pe vania, hav- —¥ot of land ih Pequea Township,
No, 76) img thereon erected a two stely man- Ly... ster County, Begin

Dead of Indenture dated April


— fourteen (14) feet Ze 2
Eastern boun y i of the Lancas- ; date ) , Kind and character and Hines bed as. fc |
ke Road, said (4014, and recorded fn the OTC 707) in execution as| BEGINNING atca poinj betgfeen biog fo eted 3 ne Boy man
Caton b n > eas comer of Recording of Deeds in and for | property of Robert Eisenberg. | thre a— hereihdescribed pr mised and Al Jat conga ot a of | gard roafed, brick, dwelling house |p >
“pent ce walk Cw a Ro Al (Fa i Neo—841 Prangley Ye Fouad wh ! e fWo. story eric wel- z No 808 Neotth Duke Street. Ar 2 corner Vidow Hesg land;
oh. 2 : | Al that certain lot of land situated North thraugh-_the Middle fof the img house, numbered 744, the e- Con ing infroht on the west side | yore along Widow Hess lapd, north
2 3 A rected situated on south side Wal- | of North Dyke street eighteen feet | 100, east 202-10 perches to a
—the present ceme€ walk along said bd t : :
7) as de }-Voi. 21, Page 70, granted and con-
~ a ge sions Te Re i he said s H. Sny- |e the north corner of State stree and i : x he
Jo 5 a unto the said Charles H. Sny-| 9% ; ; brie partition wall between the — lo th | a uke i
—of the said eS on of Sad x He ag fee. | West Clay street in the city of cas- | pouse- hereby granted a No. 841 nut Street, in the city of caster, gmd extending in depth of that width in rT Wi
=, = ; = ot i gp Tey on Se p= pt i ae asses, gross Prang} Avenue seve -five feet, COMMS > ag ang Xi fs Pern- one hundred and {pfrteen feet to a ten rw street tao Herrville, thence along
I os hundredths (8.23) being the same premises which Jor [io 2nd h oi gn Ng prick thence West and parallel with said of t pacon use west | feet om, id North road. north 39% degrees west,
t .23) 1 sing v eed of ing hofise ’kngwn as tate | r Av rteen feet, |” A 3 4 Bound on the east by said North | 348.10 perches . y ues =
single, by her D 7 { Prangley Av ni eons en. 1€8L | Comtaining iff front on saifl Bast Wal- | Dike street; on the north by property pos © 2 gs n the p1 is

_twenty-three one
thenee south and hrough the mid- io. : Y broad
: : net” street] nineteen fegt and ome inch, now or late #f A Snyder; on the south Le Mylin, Ju, thegce along same, south
> inni Con- | rema Snyder, si
perches to the place of beginning. Lo dated November 22 1917 Ek : thr a a]
Lipp e northwest | gie- nderground alley nd o
: of a 2lleY | rp. or Jess—and-extending’in depth | by property now or late of Milton | 253% Jogrees westy 13 84/100 perches fto
of land of Elizabeth Goss;

"taining thirty-one and thirty-two one- ; i: the Office for the]
undredths (31.32) perches. gand Tecordeq In the Dues Sof , hol ¢ a : :
A with the right and privilege [Recording of Deeds in od for Lan- $e of Sa ig sien | qm the middle the brick Sa ofthat width, southwargly, ninety- | Rohrer; #hd on the West by said ten |
_%o use the aforesaid twelve (12) feet | caster County 1 Deed Boo YL cr i Tec 2 the ir 20 | HOT! wall fen the house ore Y | seven feet - / fo aot ane on alley 3 -a-post - C
ranted and conveyec granted ‘and the Sou oN, i TYE gast line of did lot passing) ec: = exetotion a8 by lend of ed Elida Som
Prangley Avenue, Seventy-five feet |. oo 1 “ine middle of the brick party | property of Ge, io s and lang of M, Pion,
on the South side [23 Page 33,
unto the said Charle feet Migs ey.
—wide private alley ibed mises. s H Snyder in
_of the herein descrl pre Ba. | e Drefiives which Pe- 4 Tin es
i fe. { . pre to-the North side of said Prangley 8 3
— And also all that certain lot of pel Seized and taken in execution as terki Le and wife, by deed dated | Avenue, thence East along the said aur Fu deseribed | (No. 81) perche: to a stofie in line of land of
Merch 31, 1926 and recorded in the| North side of said Prangley Ave- premises and the dwelling adjoining | All that certain lot or piece of ground | Milton F. Weaver; thence by same
Nort 3 the east, - situated on the northeast side of Persh- | gonth 64 degrees east, 16 65-100 perches
of land situated in the village of East roy of C. H. Snyder
Ed 3 Ey Reeorder’s Office at Lancaster, Pa, in i . to th lace of
nue, fourteen feet, to ue p Bounded on the east by property, | img Avenue, formerly Freiberg street, |


_ Petersburg aforesaid, and bounded and uP
described as follows: to wit: - NO. 56 - rs Oppose 2 lan 3 Ho
il inni i in at the | AT CERTAIN lot of Deed M, Vol. 27, page 26 |peginning. ; by ;
Ee ho te aller now JL ANAT j= erected’ a two- grand med Shi unto Harry B.| Seized and taken in execution as BO ae, Sr. So On the Chester, and Green streets, in | Comtatning 3 acres and 124% perches
Se of Henry S. Dombach, and a story frame dwelling 4nd frame or: 2 fs theese, his wife. | property of Ellwood W. Groff, de-| four" ant west openly, 30% or | the city of Lancaster, Pa, having
~—or land ; late of Haydn |warage situate on the fwest side of and taken in execution as|fepdant- with notice to Gustave yg 7 up bo Fact Walnut street on | thereon erected a two and one-half provements iereon are #8 235
Zz dl ns ad now or late of Roush Spruce Street #h the Borough £01 rty of Harry B. Gross and Emma |Taska and Savilla J. Taska, present ig ¥ Nast nut street afore- | story residence, known as No 513t=tory frame BN
. 1 7 1 1 Of o 1 Lhe rn ed nd : ka, I ed : : :
LE by the north side of Lof Lititz, L3ncaster "County, Penn- (NOC. 62) owners and Sane Some and hon in exooution Av a cers ov Ah pros Ronin
: rd rh 11 in in fron n . 5 - . be : —— A 3 i 5 = 3 Ex I 53. ntaming in front on thesnor theas sized and ken In. as
"2 twelve (12) feet wide alley to be | sylvania and} gang I Ne. 1. ALL THAT CERTAIN lot| of land with 2 1-2 stery brick Pr Geb YW Xue and Ger- | side of Pershing Avenue, fifteen (15) {property of Herman A. Nelson 2%
$ h Sr 2 'of-land situated on the Southeast|gwelling house No. 524 a St trade ; he, his wit. : (15) of Soman A
) v | (No. 98)

S, 4—#All that certain brick dwelling house

~Aoned eastward to the west side now p<aid

k gatage and lot

si . : S
yeight feet SIX por of Park Road and Hollywood AT That tai i 1
A AT that certain piece or parce
| and br
Tv iate of Amos Kauffman’s opty: La d git let io
th ighty-fi and one-fourth {an :. and extending nh... in a
eighty-four 3 \ +08 Dpwe in Manheim Lan- a
one hundred and |.of parallel lines © oor County, Ho” Ros 2 at
f on the west side of Race Ave.,
s. between Columbia and” Wheatland
v Avenues in the townshib of Lancaster
aforesaid and knows as No. 20 Race

1) degrees east, that z he :
“fourteen and one-tenth (114.1) feet to |awestwardly a distance of one hund- 7540 Nos 757and 76 on Plan a na x fending 2
_an dron pin at the west side of proper- jyed and thirty-five feet mere. or Jess laid out bt Hiemenz Bros. a 1547 feet to a
on the Fast by said South as ‘Country Club Heights Seized and taken in execution as

int in the middle [ow o
Begining at a

—ty now or late of Ames =n | Bounded ly Boge
themce by land now or late of said }-Spruce Street, on the North by Pro- Exgension, a copy of said Plan be- Schelli ¥
A Kauffman. rth sev d one- ; of Bessie Leinbach, on the ; i ic >- | property of Parke Schelling. sublic roa i New. . =e a rT m : :
fourth (114) degrees ces east, one hundred Wes by property of Paul S. Stark JI Tecorucd on Tien Display Rack": (NO. 68) re on le Ie i oe oth i-Avenue. Contdinfg in front on said
and thirty-five (1335) feet to an iron pin land on the South by other property Tar. BIO ag it as duel) f land with 2-storv brick of said ‘north 8473 > oe ty Arg oe pe] - Rr a a : :
3 © 3 y i gide | 5 i house and concrete block i el 4 : 2 3st by Pershing Avenue, Ey hy at wi westward
zt the south side of a sixteen (16) feet | of James M. Goldthwait, and known of Hollywood Drive 105 ft. and on gE hod east 13652 feet to a corner of [southeast by lands of ries H H i i 7
ly 5 : Se I awed Ave. Pree - A er southeast 1 s of Charles H. Hos- | right angles with said Race Avenue 172
108; ’ et-of Harry McLaughlin; hence by the - znd others, (Turn to
La : page 8)