A y - . n ir 1 ¥ / ! : { 3 a i ! { oD 3 NG ’ / ( yo fy 9th, 1938 ~ ‘ PAGE FOUR THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. WEDNESDAY, JULY 19th, | SUNDAY DINNER | | SUGGESTIONS By ANN PAGE | ODAY may I present to you the summer or ready-to-eat branch of the sausage family, This family to- gether with your own cold cooked meats is more than willing and able "5 to help you plan quick and easy meals Adve oo State ¥ oF Crore. for hot days. Cook your roasts on A Tax. oe cool days and be ready for the sure to follow hot ones. In the ready-to-eat On Junel,1933 - average sausage family are the various ham, gasoline tax was A as much beef and tongue bolognas, liverwurst, pi 1 4 of luncheon specialties and the dry as cost oi the fuel itself / sausages, cervelat (with no garlic) and salami (with garlic), Other well- known members of the family are head cheese and blood sausage. Boiled, baked and spiced sliced ham are also economical ready-to-eat meats. Jellies and preserves are delicious with cold plates. Use them and peanut butter for the children’s sandwiches. Peaches and cantaloupes are good, plentiful and reasonable this week as are also green peas. The Quaker Maid Kitchen presents the following menus, Low Cost Dinner Pan-broiled Chopped Steak | | now collects |f a | |'3 faves § ——/ | on each gallon, NN re \ of gasoline / | EY Ny aL TAK ) || forthe Budget | Fron fhe £310 roads | | Catch Current Sing » Prices ge : tt ANS ye for the Industrial | across the continen Prepared Spaghetti Buttered Bees 2 Recovery Act | EVERY YEAR | = Bread and Butter Blanc Mange with Raspberry Preserves Tea or Coffee Mite ; » a1 : "GV ARN Medium Cost Dinner Z KY / AR ESF, B »f ] ! ] | > ¢ as / KF, {J with Cold Chicken Vegetable Salad ¢ OI € 1€ IC € ur ns p- Ee r f A A / GASOLINE Currant Jelly Pickled Beets Revere INN * ER L152 7 4 would £0 s¢ Bread 2nd Butter von AN a ir ir noforisi oating Islar . N Sy ia YY if) $600 000.000 | Coffee (hot or iced) Mite “ . . . ma 2 AUTOMOTIVE oN "(Nk oe 7 n . I} Jal | ; 3 Time and tide wait for no n FREIGHT 1: Ni MN additional Yery Special Dinuer i | / AD a, f 2, Moy : Stuffed Celery Nor are the low prices of today and the turn pays the Nl Moog // : | Boast Beat ood CUNY in of the tide toward higher prices going to ranro = UB 2 Mer | i Peas in Cream sd 74 z ye: Urs ~ XE © omato wait for those who haven’t the vision, cour- enlist / (oa Se ; po | Rolls Butter : 2. Ca 98) SN. oa iC Iced Wat 1 age and foresight to buy when prices are at TAX BILL = fe Na? ETN A | Colton Gia So the lowest ebb in 15 years. Sid ss corgi of Bi tie gr is | Keeping Down the Waistline - - - With Myrtle Miller All BUNDLES prices is more than a mere simile . . . it'sa certainty . . . price tides change as surely as ocean tides. = | : Fi Exercise 1. Prone position, legs extended. o%® Exercise 3. Bi- r=, » Must C bh « Elevate knees. Extend begs to prone posi- 7 cycling. Ex- 4 4 tion. Raise body, bending over towards 0) | 4 LE BR J STRANGE ruling! Yet a ruling that is ad- hered to strictly by every church. The bundles in question are WORRY, CARE. They must be left at the door when you en- ter your Church. And when you come out again, the bundles will be gone! No mat- Fat ter how heavy your burdens, no matter A how long or far you have carried them, they will be lifted from you as you enter. Today's prices on food, clothing, furniture, tend both legs furs, cars and other things are from 40% to 100% lower than they have been in years and lower than they will be before the turn of another season. / vertically in 7 A air. Lower left - : N v leg and raise slowly trying _ - to achieve ro- tary motion as | right leg is lowered. Re - Don’t be caught off your guard when it’s so peat 10 times. i i ise 2. Sitting position. Draw important that your savings be guarded. Exerc gp up left leg close to body. Roll en- tire body sideways to right until =a, right shoulder touches floor. Re-# Sw gain sitting position. Repeat with right leg, rolling to left. Do exer. HE cise 5 times with each leg. io MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Finally a brisk rub- down with double hand- ful of salt and shower bath. Remember that! When things are dark- i th. By doing them conscien- d the hill ahead Keeping the waistline slim and BY EMILY BANKS tee est, and you are weary, an e hill ahea TE — - i tiously every morning, your figure i S tha Ne es Bibi Worcester Sali Iigtimia 1 oor 3s slim looks too steep, and you feel that you can- * 4 J : and physically you 11 feel “in 1 2 Myrtle Miller, formerly a : 2 not take another step, remember your or This Localit S Com lete News ervice by Miss jegfeld Follies and | the pink of good health. y P featured dapcer With ile Zieges Be sure to follow the exercises with a brisk rub- Church. dancing star of many Broadway successes. i ictured above are not difficult | down with your favorite table salt and & refreshing Il tin Ne boi habit upon arising, just } shower in order to obtain the utmost of exhilarating, e u as important as washing your face or brushing your | tonie value, Leave Worry an Read Care at Home Your Church offers you strength, rest, courage. Let your Church help you. Come Let you Church help you. Come often. Come in sorrow, but come, too, in joy. For though the Church can make your sorrow less bitter it can also make your joy more sweet. Come to Church next Sunday and leave WORRY and CARE at the deor q COME TO CHURCH SUNDAY Chick Fullis, first ma- jor league player to SAINT MARY'S CHAPEL als 00 hiss, Riso DONEGAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH tional -League batting. CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN TRADES HORSES FOR AIR. PLANE RIDE—Jean Barnes, bronzed Montana cowgirl ar- rived in Chicago after a six- # ty-eight day horseback ride from Butte to the World's “Can’t Afford It” MAROONED 24 hours Fair. With the verdict, “It y ® on this jetty, 10 men, was a great trip—but never ! 9? trapped by storm, again” she traded her horse a 1 ® were rescued by Coast for an airplane ticket back Guardsmen at 8an- home over United Air Lines dusky, Ohio, and covered the same dis- 4 ¢ tance in 12 hours that had required more than two months by horse. KRAYBILL’'S MENNONITE CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH | MT. JOY MENNONITE CHURCH ST. LUKE'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH CHURCH OF- GOD TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH FLORIN UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH TRINITY EVANGELICAL CONGREGA- TIONAL CHURCH HE use of that phase does not suggest the inability to buy so much as the de- sire to practice rigid economy . . . to save . . . to deny yourself needed and necessary commodities. ST. MARK’S U. B. CHURCH But Man, oh Man, and you, too Madam, how better and more effectively can you practice economy and thrift than to buy when prices are at their lowest ebb in years? How more certainly can you insure economy than to replace worn or out-of-date furniture than when new is selling for one-third of A. M. ANDREWS, New . York capitalist, makes what it sold for 15 years ago? Or to stock hrest Lo. mine inl up on food products when they are 40% less fustsy with new light | . . . evice ca than at any time since the war? Or clothing ektrolite, Flameless, | PROGRESS 30 CENTURIES AGO is seen at the Century of | Progress Exposition in Chicago— The authentic reproduction of the | marvelous Temple of Solomon, created by Dr. John W. Kelchner | : : wickless and without of N 35 ye | when $53 today will buy you what you paid rts, Vightor Ph MRS. HELEN WILLS MOODY Y = AN ig J a > | $100 for in 19127 intense heat when Winning Ble of her matches at orite for Fair visitors of every merely exposed to air. Imbledon, faith and creed. | What you really cannot afford to do is not buy because you cannot afford to miss to- day’s low levels . . . prices that are an ac- tual boon to reduced incomes . . . to the practiee of sensible, far-sighted economy. Toe BULLETIN MOUNT JOY, PENNA. a Sa SL THE COOLEST PLACE AT CHICAGO'S WORLD'S FAIR—The new and magnificent Pabst Ca- sino, girting a lagoon over which delightfuily cool breezes from' Lake Michigan are wafted to the patruns of the Casino’s al fresco terrace as they sit and drink Pabst Biue Ribbon Beer and listen to the sparkling tunes of the “Old Maestro,” Ben Bernie and all of his lads. po