PAGE FOUR Catch Current THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. This Hotel in New York Attracts Royalty from Countries Overseas with its list of titled nol Salad Gladstone Religious News In Churches NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL THE CHURCHES IN MOUNT JOY AND THE ENTIRE SURROUNDING COMMUNITY. All the church news In rtnis column is published gratis and we solicit the news of your church, Ask your pastor or someone to mail or bring this news to this office every Tuesday afternoon. Trinity Lutheran Church Rev. George A. Kercher, Pastor Sunday School 9:30 A. M. Morning service 10:45 A, M. No evening services and August, Donegal Presbyterian Church Rev. C. B. Segelken, D. D., Pastor Church school at 9:30. D. C. Wit- mer, superintendent. Prayer meeting Wednesday 8:00. SZ m HE C. E. Society at 10:30. ns * a8 Gustave Toft, Evening worship and sermon 7:30 = SE) Prices The Gladstone Hotel, New York | &'host at the Gladstone — Macedonia A, M. E. Church : VER since its opening ten years | known in Europe as well as Amer- The Church of “Welcome” Before The Tide Turns ago, the Gladstone, on [ast ica. Much of the unique coloring Rev. Claude H. Wilson, Pastor 52nd Street, New York. has had and decoration of the Gladstone 10:00 A. M. Sunday School. | rovalty registered among its guests, carries out Mr. Tott's ideas. One 11:00 A. M. Morning worship, | Af, one time there were eleven ithe Persian 12:00 M. General class meeting. pes : . ” yarons, counts, countesses and even | where dishes are served that are Time and tide wait for no man. | > A Dae a New York triumphs of the culinary art. season at this exclusive hotel. | Recently, because of the discov- Church of God Nor are the low prices of today and the turn | When the Gladstone was opened. cry that tuned pineapple has more Rev. Paul G. Martin, A. B., Minister . . . . an average of $2.50 as spen know itritive val n : . of the tide toward higher prices going to | ae we ah, Daylight Saving Time wait for those who haven’t the vision, cour- mains as the record high mark of usually refreshing, Mr. Tott has Sunday School 9:30 A. M. ' : | the industry. found great demand for it. One of Preaching 10:30 A. M. age and foresight to buy when prices are at The Gladstone Register 1 e most popular dishes is a salad C.E 7:00P. M. the lowest ebb in 15 years. like a “Who's Who of the Woil named after the hotel, Preaching 7:45 P. Me | | And this changing of the tide as applied to prices is more than a mere simile . . . it'sa certainty . . . price tides change as surely as ocean tides. and lower than they will be before the turn of another season. Don’t be caught off your guard when it’s so important that your savings be guarded. Tue BULLETIN MOUNT JOY, PENNA. For This Locality’s Complete News Service mous polo players and men diplomatic circles. At one time was the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frederic A. Delano, uncle and aunt of President Roosevelt and from which family he derived his middle name Host at the Gladstone is Gustave Place one slice of canned pine- apple on a firm lettuce top with three balls of cream cheese. Gare. nish with maraschino cherries -and lemon dressing. | This easily prepared salad is.s tempting one in warm weather es- Salt Used in Many Household Tasks SAT) DISCOLORATION ON THE INSIDE OF A COFFEE POT IS QUICKLY REMOVED BY RUBBING WITH A LITLE SALT FISH IS MORE DELICIOUS WHEN SOAKED FOR A FEW MINUTES BEFORE COOKING IN A STRONG SOLUTION OF SALT. \ MN ~/ BOILED GREEN VEGETABLES KEEP THEIR COLOR BETTER IF A UTILE SALT IE ADDED TO THE WATER IN WHICH THEY ARE BOILED — COOK IN St. Mark's United Brethren In Christ Rev. 0. L. Mease, S. T. D., Pastor Sunday School 9:30 A. M. Morning worship 10:30 A. M. Evening worship at 7:30. Presbyterian Church Rev. C. B. Segelken, D. D., Pastor Church School 9:30 o'clock H. S. Newcomer, superintendent. Morning worship and 10:30 A. M. The sacrament of the Lord’s Sup- per will be administered at this ser- vice. Preparatory service evening July 12, at 7:30. sermon at Wednesday St. Luke's Episcopal Church Rev'd. William S. J. Dumvill, Rector Holy communion and sermon the first Sunday of each month at 10:30 Sunday School at 9:15. Morning prayer and sermon 10:30 Evening Prayer 7 :30 P. M. Choir rehearsal Wednesday even- ing at 6:30. All who have no church home are JULY WEDNESDAY, 12th, 1933 during July | All BUNDLES Must Be ices i i ber of the Ritz-Carlton pecially, and should be welcome Prayer meeting on Wednesday Today's prises on food, clothing, furniture, or ty and | in any home. evening at 8:00. : . ; furs, cars and other things are from 40% to A The time for services is Daylight e t at t e 100% lower than they have been in years . . aving Time. DOOR... STRANGE ruling! Yet a ruling that is ad- hered to strictly by every church. The bundles in question are WORRY, CARE. They must be left at the door when you en- ter your Church. And when you come out again, the bundles will be gone! No mat- ter how heavy your burdens, no matter how long or far you have carried them, they will be lifted from you as you enter. Remember that! When things are dark- est, and you are weary, and the hill ahead looks too steep, and you feel that you can- not take another step, remember your Po UNCOVERED KETTLE nie Se no Jun) Lome #18 Church. Read The Bulle tin i i ’ Methodist Episcopal i Leave Worry and Have You, The “Can’t Afford It” oO CRACKED EGGS CAN BE BOILED WITHOUT THE CONTENTS OO0ZING OUT IF A TEASPOONFUL OF SALT IS ADDED TO THE WATER. CREAM WHIPS VERY RAPIDLY WHEN A PINCH OF SALT IS ADDED TO THE CREAM BEFORE WHIPPING. The experienced housewife who delights in her knowledge of do- mestic science knows that some of the inexpensive common in- gredients in the kitchen cup- board have a variety of uses—a household secret which should be imparted to the bride of a few months who is intent on saving household money to start a sav- ings account. Pure table salt, for example, says Emily Banks, of the Wor- cester Salt Institute, is helpfully employed for many other things besides seasoning food. Its use, in fact, extends right to the bath- room medicine chest where it is handy for use in gargling and taking stimulating salt baths. Some of its more ingenious uses in and around the kitchen are pictured above. Is Office Work More Fatiguing Than the Stage Work? “Not When You Take Salt Baths,” Says Dana Hughes OES the average office girl who daily takes eight hours ot dictation from a “The Church on the Square” Rev. W. Ridgway Petre, B. D., Pastor Sunday, July 16, 1933 9:30 A. M. Sunday School, Dr. E. W. Garber, Superintendent. 10:30 A. M. Morning worship. Children’s Sermon and sermon. Theme: Parade Ground Soldiers. 7:00 Vesper service. Next Week Wednesday, 7:30 Prayer Meeting Come, worship at Mount Joy's livest church. MAYTOWN Mrs. Annie Mackley left for New Castle, where she will be the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Alon Shewman Mr. Isaac Carpenter attended the funeral of his cousin, Mrs. Ella Hickman at Kennett Square on Sat- urday. Dr. and Mrs. John R Shetter, of Philadelphia, spent Friday in town visiting friends. Care at Home Your Church offers you strength, rest, courage. Let your Church help you. Come Let you Church help you. Come often. Come in sorrow, but come, too, in joy. For though the Church can make your sorrow less bitter it can also make your joy more sweet. Come to Church next Sunday and leave WORRY and CARE at the door. COME TO CHURCH SUNDAY SAINT MARY'S CHAPEL DONEGAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN boss who is frequently grouchy, work harder Master Henry Haines returned KRAYBILL’S MENNONITE CHURCH than the theatrical girl? home after spending a week at = “Don’t you believe it!” says Miss Dana Millersville with his grandmother, PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Hughes, stage and screen star who declares that not only 1s the work ot the theatrical J star before the camera or footlights more Mrs. Elizabeth Kready. Miss Miriam Haines left Sunday for Millersville where she will visit MT. JOY MENNONITE CHURCH ST. LUKE'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH it? exacting but the average show girl can give her grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth H a b an office girl cards and spades anytime in Kready. HURCH 1 . saduratice, i . : . Mr. and Mrs. Christ Hostetter C C OF GOD _ “Not only is theatrical work more fatigu- and daughter, Janet Louise, of Pal- TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH ing” declares Miss Hughes, “But the aver merton, are visiting Dr. and Mrs. E use of that phase does not suggest ae stage girl takes considerable exercise G. A. Harter FLORIN UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH as pl, iss Dana 3 1 to buy 30 tucli as the. de: 5 0 hs Miss M. Ethel Culp left Friday the inability y Miss Hughes, of evening, draw half a tab. of for Lawton, Iowa, where she will METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH sire to practice rigid economy . . . to save herself is a fen- | warm or hot water. Pour into the spend some time with Mr. and Mrs. TRINITY EVANGELICAL CONGREGA- . . . to deny yourself needed and necessary cer and venhiS | water one carton of Worcester salt, Wray Wilson. player of note, | Mrs. Charles G. Hicks and child- TIONAL CHURCH commodities. But Man, oh Man, and you, too Madam, how better and more effectively can you practice economy and thrift than to buy when prices are at their lowest ebb in years? : i leaving enough salt in the carton to in; aqdilon 10 the miscles and foot oc o engaging Ing, to the bath, Before stepping many oiler out: | out of the tub thoroughly rinse the door Sports, The grains of salt from the body. You'll hes a conc] be delighted with the sound sleep ne that follows and the invigorated S and youthful feeling next morning.” ren, Louise and George, spent the week end at Marietta with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Rettew Miss Eleanor Bullock, of Chester, is visiting Miss Harriet Rannels. Mrs. Jennie Fryberger and Wm Roath spent Wednesday at Colum- How more certainly can you insure economy means oe Salis It you have a shower in your bia than to replace worn or out-of-date furniture ocean mito the the process of taking a Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Smith en- . 1 £ third of dell salt bath 1s greatly simplitiea. tertained Mr. and Mrs. Goetz on than when new is selling for one-third o os al Voy Dampen the body. Then take hand- Saturday what it sold for 15 years ago? Or to stock Teer fab ais 0} so and rub the body thor- Miss Lila Snavely, of Lancaster, 5 ou v s 5 risi ] up on food products when they are 40% less after exerose oF J ile the skin ts still rosy visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry B : b « : _ from the friction, turn on the Haines on Wednesday. than at any time since the war? Or clothing a hard day’s when $53 today will buy you what you paid $100 for in 19127 shower and rinse every particle of salt away. As far back as Bible days people O° knew the value of salt baths. There work at the of- fice, and you have a dance e Mrs. Elizabeth Kready, Miss Mar tha Kready and Stehman Kready of Millersville, spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Henry L. Haines . gagement for z A en 3 1 What you really cannot afford to do is not 1s an nseription on one of the pub. The Ladies’ Aid Society of the t afford to miss to- lic baths amid the present ruins of teformed church will hold their buy because you canno ho: r ° Pompeii which states that salt monthly meeting at the home of day’s low leyels . + » prices that are an ac- tual boon to reduced incomes . . . to the practice of sensible, far-sighted economy. Tue BULLETIN | baths could be had. And that was nearly 2,000 years ago. The modern housewife too, bene- fits by salt baths because they are So refreshing. They give relief from fatizue and “that run down feelin zs” Market Clean Eggs | Provide Clean Seed Soiled, badly stained and tinted eggs | Cockle can be pulled out of an Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Risser, Thurs- day evening, July 138th at 7:3! Holy communion will be held in Reformed church Sunday morning, July 16 at 10:30 A. M. et eee Mr, and Mrs. Earl Mitchel and two sons of Carland, Mich., who are visit- ing in this vicinity, left for their home ST. MARK’S U. B. CHURCH today and will be accompanied by Rev. Harry Brubaker of Donegal Springs should not be packed with clean chalk- | acre or two of wheat to provide the white eggs. It also is a mistake to use | clean seed for the next seeding. MOUNT JOY, PENNA. soiled flats anywhere in the case =} Where the cockle is too plentiful to |Road. Rev. Brubaker will conduct these will soil the eggs and will re- | pull out, a trade should be arranged | campmeetings at Gladwin and Moores- sult in a lower price. for new seed. town, Mich. _-