boo. PAGE EIGHT Classified Column | PUBLIC SALE—Saturday, June 3rd, | in Fgjrland, 2 and 1-2 miles southeast | of Marthe, real estate and personal | property by“ the Executors of Benjamin Ginder, dec’d. may24-2t Sm THANKS FROM THE FIREMEN Théyplay called “He Jedding’’ held underthe auspices p Fire Contpany No. 1, li d Friday ni shisdn the High Scl li | torium was a grangd success, both finan= | cially and entertainmgly. We wish to thank everyone who ‘@ssisted in any way, in helping the cause 1t Friendship Fire CO! No 1 LOST—Small Pocket Book with ten | dollar bill and forty cents in change Finder please return to this office. Re- ward 1t-pd. | — Day at our Florin and Mount Joy. C . Frank & Bro. 1t FOR RENT—HOUSE and ‘GARAGE, 107 West Main Street, Mount Joy. C. N. Mumma. + may24-1tp NQTICE—The Annual Meeting of the lotholders of the Henry Eberle Cemetery “Association will be held on Thursday Eveming, June 1st, at eight o'clock D.S.T., at the office of the Sec- retary. By order of the President. Jac. H. Zeller, Secretary. may 24-2t WORK WANTED — Girl 13 yrs. old wants work in private home during the Summer months. Apply 213 bi Main St., Mt. Joy. 1t-pd JOY HALL Is Now Availa- Services, Lectures, En- MountdJoy. = = = = -— Assorted color Canna Bulbs. Mrs: aac mn North Barbara Street. may-17-1t JOR SALE Sever Tor alfa hay, first cutting Apply Henry F. Garber. Phone 919R4, Mount Joy, Pa. may-17-1t-p FOR SALE—Black and Tan Rat Ter- rier Pups cheap. Apply Joseph K. Gish. Phone 30R5 Mount Joy may-17-1t-p FOR SALE—Player Piano, Victrola with 160 Records, Walnut Dining Room Suite, Bed Room Furniture, Brass Bed and Coil Bed Spring, Tables, 60 gallon Gasoline Tank. Arthur Brown, N. Jacob Street, Mt. Joy. may-17-1t-p FOR SALE—Tobacco Plants by the bed. Select yours early. Cope’s Evaporating Corn Co., M. H. Cope, Rheems, Pa. may-17-1t WANTED—Girl to do General House- work, family of four. Apply P. O. Box 22, Mount Joy, Pa. may-17-1t We buy Poultry and Eggs at the highest market prices. See us before selling your surplus. Phone 207M Mt. Joy. E. H. Zercher. may-10-4t.p FISH POOLS HYACINTHS, FISH 0. K's. Fish Farm. FOR RENT—A House with all con- veniences; garage, etc. 115 South Mar- ket street, Mt. Joy. Inquire W. R. Heilig, 117 South Market Street. ‘STOVE WOOD sawed in 12 inch lengths. consists of oak and hickory $6.00 per uid delivered. —JACOB eC. BAKKE: .~Manheim, Pa. Phone . jly-6-tf u are hereby notified that the Court will\gettle and adjust my account as As- signee, and pass upon the objections filed tothe claims of John E., Garber and Alice Hiestand, in the Estate of Al- len F. Brubaker, an insolvent, and make distribution afgong the creditors of said Estate, and that's , meeting for that pur- pose will be the Court House, in the City of Landaster, on Friday, June 16th, 1933, at 11%C o'clock A. M. Daylight Saving Time, when and where you may be heard, if desire. DAVID 4. LANDIS, % Assignee of Allen F. Brubaker. W. C. Rehm, Attorney May 20, 1933. may 24-3t EXECUTORS’ NOTICE Estate of Mary Cramer, late of Mt. Joy, Lancaster County, Pa.. deceased. Letters testamentary on said estate having been granted to the under- signed, all persens indebted thereto are requested to make immediate pay- ment, and those having claims or de- mands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement to the undersigned, residing at Mount Joy, Penna. RALPH J. CRAMER, HENRY G. CARPENTER, Executors | Zimmerman, Myers & Kready, Attys. may-10-6t EXECUTRIX’S NOTICE Estate of Jacob N. Breneman, late of Rapho township, deceased. Letters testamentary on said estate having been granted to the under- signed, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement to the undersigned, residing in Rapho Town- ship, near Mount Joy boro. ELIZABETH M. BRENEMAN, may-10-6t Executrix ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate of Fannie E. Nissley late of Mount Joy Borough, deceased. Letters of administration on said es- tate having been granted to the under- signed, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement to the undersigned. GABRIEL E. NISSLEY, 1806 Green Street, Harrisburg, Pa. Administrator apr.12-6t John A. Coyle, Atty. FOR SALE CHEAP—A 6-room house in Florin, all conveniences, nicely lo- cated. Property newly papered and painted. Will take $3,000 for a quick sale. See Jno. E. Schroll, Mt. Pa, Pa. TO LOTS OF GROUND each onting jos on Main Set For, h a 214-Story Frame House pan ideal ek om and priced to por wssion price. List No. 439. Jno. I, Mount Joy. mar.15-tf 8 rooms, all 12x12, along Apply to SALE Potted Geraniums, . Pore] ennials other plants for Memor ial | {SPORTS - we By “Mikey” Weaver \ | STANDING OF TEAMS First Half Ww L Pct Fire Co. 8 0 1 G. Brown's Sor . oa 0 1 | Blue Devils cerry o 0 1.000 | Drytown ‘ 1 1 .500 =| Oldsmobile ....... 1 1 500 | Florin Foundry ... 1 1 .500 Fu 0 SRE 1 2 333 Richland Club .... 0 2 .000 { Flying Clouds .... 0 2 .000 Chicklets 0 3 000 i A —————— HIGH NET TEAM DEFEATS MAYTOWN Mount Joy High School easily defeated Maytown High in a tennis match on the local courts. Only the doubles were closely contested with both going three sets. The final score was 5 to 1. Singles Fellenbaum, of M. J., defeated Shank, M, 6-1, 6-1; Schroll, of M J defeated Engle, of M 6-1, 6-1; Ger- mer, M J, defeated Tressler, M, 6-1 6-4: Hiestand, of M J, defeated Hoffman, M, 6-0,6-0. Doubles Lindemuth and Smith, M J, lost to Tressler and Engle, of M, 3-6, 4-6; Brown and Crider, M J defeat- ed Shank and Hoffman of M 2-6 6-0 and 6-3. I ——— Mount Joy 6; Lancaster 0 For the second time Mount Joy defeated Lancaster High School in a tennis match which was played at Lancaster by the score of 6 to 0 Singles Fellenbaum of M J defeated Sol- omon of L 6-1, 7-5; Schroll of M J defeated Haller of L 6-2, 6-2; Ger- mer of M J defeated Allison of L 6-0. 6-1; Heistand of M J defeated Williams of L 6-2, 6-1. Doubles Fellenbaum and Schroll. of M J defeated Solomon and Haller of L 6-2, 6-3; Brown and Crider of M J defeated Allison and Williams of L 8-6, 6-4, 6-1. cell enn Mount Joy Hi Defeats Manheim On Wednesday the local high school tennis team journeyed to Manheim to score an easy victory over the tennis team of that place. The final score was 5-1, Smith of the local team, being the only player to lose after three sets. Singles Fellenbaum of M J defeated Hos- tetter, of M 5-7, 6-0, 6-4; Schroll of M J defeated Nissley of M 6-4, 6-0 Germer of M J defeated Saylor of M 6-0, 6-2; Smith of M J lost to Kready of M 6-8, 6-1, 5-7. Doubles Schroll and Germer of Mount Joy defeated Nissly and Hostetter of M 4-6, 6-2, and 6-0; Brown and Crider of M J defeated "Blank ‘and Edwards of M 6-2, 6-3. meet ER —— Mount Joy 5; Middletown 1 Mount Joy High School easily de- feated Middletown High School in a tennis match on Saturday morn- ing on the local courts. The results Singles Fellenbaum, M J defeated Lau- man, M 7-5,6-4; Schroll of M J de- feated Rehrer, M 6-0,7-5; Germer, M J defeated Botts, of M 6-0,6-1; Hiestand, M J defeated Steen, of M 6-0, 6-2. Doubles Germer and Hiestand, of M J lost to Lauman and.Rehrer of M, 6-8, 5-7: Smith and Lindemuth of M J defeated Botts and Steen of M 7-5 and 8-6. A fn Fire Co.—Chicklets The Fire Company defeated the Chicklets 13 to 5 Tuesday. evening. The hitting of Myers was a feature He had four safeties, two of which were homers. Score: Fire Co. 25001014 x—13 Chicklets 010100003—5 G B S—Tigers Geo. Brown’s Sons won a good game from the Tigers last evening by a 6 to 1 score. The Tigers had but three hits. Score: Tigers... 01000000 0-1 GBS i... Shoot at. Maytown Mr. John Keener. will hold: a regis- tered shoot on Daddy’s Play Grounds, at Maytown next Tuesday, Memorial Day. There will be a 100-target race in the afternoon. In the evening the Susquehanna Mountaineer Jug Band will entertain from 8 to 12. rms AA sn, Preserve Quality Eggs Spring is the time to preserve for use the following winter. If fine quality eggs ‘are properly preserv ed they can be used for cul- inary purposes satisfactorily 6 to 10 months later. Clean, infertile eggs are most satisfactory for pre- serving. eee CR meee Grow Good Garden Successful gardening depends largely upon taking advantage of opportunities to plant when condi- tions are favorable and to take care of the garden as the needs occur. ego Train Young Trees Proper shaping of the young ap- ple tree is done by pruning and de budding. In performing the opera- tions the grower should have a de- finite picture in mind of what the future tree will be. Have Lawn Right Size The lawn is the foreground of the home grounds picture. It should be Jarge gh to give® Jetvacy and im » large that mow- | | ; leaves his wife, Margaret and these hildren: Mrs. Margaret Tanner, | My rtle and Gordon, all of Bain-| a brother, Isaac Geistwite | ur grandchildren, He was a ! + of Bainbri ge Lodge 0. U.i A. . Private funeral services were | 000 | held Saturday from the St. Luke’s i 000 | Luthera hurch in charge of the pastor, Rev. Kirby Yingst. Burial in Bainbridge cemetery. THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. Passed to The Great Beyond (From page 1) Aaron Booser Aaron Booser, seventy-one, died at his home, at Elizabethtown, on Thursday evening of a complica- tion of diseases. He is survived by his wife, Barbara; a daughter, Ed- na C. Booser, at home; a brother, Grant, of Wayne; and three sisters, Mrs. A. P. Longenecker, Harrisburg Mrs. Edward Hershey, of Hershey; and Mrs. Oliver Bishop, of Oberlin. Services were held Monday af- ternoon in the Elizabethtown Brethren in Christ church. Inter- ment in the Cross Roads cemetery. Ephraim R. Snyder Ephraim R. Snyder, seventy-one of Manheim, died Monday of complica- tions after four days’ illness. He was a member of the Brethren in Christ Church. Surviving him are his wife, who was Lizzie A. Wenger; two children, Her- man, of Harrisburg, and Mrs. Harvey Frey, of Manheim and a brother, Philip of Mount Joy. The funeral will be held Thursday at 9:30 a. m. from the home, with further services at 10 a. m. at the Man- heim Brethren in Christ church. Burial will be in the Mastersonville cemetery. Jacob W. Shiers Jacob W. Shiers, sixty-five, of Flor- in, died of a heart attack on Monday. He was a member of the Florin United Brethren church, of the A. O. K. of M. C., Elizabethtown, of the Senior Order of American Mechanics of this boro, and was a director of the Camp Hill Cemetery at Florin. He is survived by his wife, who was Silina P. Klugh, and a sister, Miss Mary W. Shiers, of Florin, Funeral services will be held Thursday at the home at 1:30 p. m. E. S. T., with further services at 2 p. m. at the Florin U. B. church. Burial will be made in the Camp Hill cemetery, Florin. Mrs. Ion E. Terry Mrs. Sarah Savine Terry, sixty- six, wife of Ion E. Terry, of May- town, and former resident of Lan- caster, died at 11 P. M. Thursday at St. Joseph’s hospital of compli- cation of diseases. She was a mem- ber of the Maytown Reformed church and the Ladies’ Aid society. Besides her husband, two children, Ion E. Jr., of Marietta; and Ed- ward Terry, of this city, survive. These brothers and sisters also sur vive: Andrew J. Troyer, of Phila- delphia; Edward K. Troyer, Wm. J. Troyer and Mrs. Mary Dinkel- berg of Lancaster. Services were held Monday after- noon at the home and the interment was made in Maytown cemetery. John J. Gainor John J. Gainor, seventy-three of Marietta R. D. 1, died on Monday in the Lancaster General hospital, after six weeks’ illness of complications, He was born at Colemanville, Lancaster county, a son of the late John Jacob and Matilda Gainor. He is survived by his wife who was Louisa A. Shett, and four children, Jay S., West Fairview, Cumberland county; Matilda, wife of Daniel H. Derr, Mount Joy, R. D. 1; Fayette, wife of J. Harvey Shuman, Marietta R. D. 1, and Maris I, Lititz, R. D. 4. He was a member of Reich’s Evan- gelical Congregational church for the past forty-one years. He was also af- filiated with Washington Camp No. 639, P. O. S. of A.,, Harrisburg. Brief funeral services will be held from the home at 1:30 p. m. Thursday, with further services at 2 p. m in Reich’s ‘E. C. church. Burial will be in the East Donegal cemetery. Wedding Bells Ring Locally (From page 1) Lancaster, by the pastor, Rev. E. F. Yoder. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Eshelman, of Lancaster, and Mrs. Emma Eshel- man, of town. After an extended wedding trip to the New England states, the couple will reside here. Schroll—Zittle The marriage of Miss Maude W. Zittle, daughter of Christian Zittle of Strasburg, to Robert F. Schroll, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schroll of this place, was solemnized on Saturday morning in the parsonage of the Presbyterian church, Stras- burg. The ceremony was perform- ed by the pastor, the Rev. Henry W. Miller. : Immediately after the ceremony a reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Pontz, of Strasburg, with members of the im mediate families as guests. Upon their return from a trip through the South, Mr. and Mrs. Schroll will reside in Strasburg. —— eee Prepare Potato Sprayer Growers who take advantage of a rainy day now to check over the potato sprayer will have ample time to make repairs and replacements. Records show that early applica- tions of spray are important in ef- ficient control of enemies of the Breneman’s Announce Their Annual Porch and Out-door Furniture Sale “Right In Time For Memorial Day WEDNESDAY, MAY 24th, 1983 With any glider sell in a 206 South Market © During This Sale Special Low Prices are Offered on all Gliders, Porch Sets, Rockers hn, and Porch Rugs , GLIDERS Many in the new “Dupont” rainproof cloth As a Special Feature of the Sale, we will give Absolutely Free ing for more than $12.00 A $5 Waterproof Glider Cover Other Gliders for as little as $7.95 full size Street Grass Porch Rugs 47/,x7% at 95¢ Also a full line of the “Kimlork” Fibre Rugs 6x9 at $1.39 We Also Feature the “OLD HICKORY” Line of PORCH Chairs and Rockers See our No Chinese Grass Furniture BRENEMAN’S Inc. © ELIZABETHTOWN, PA 0000000000000 0000000008 Large ‘ssortment of Maple Porch Rockers Either painted or'matural Starting at $ 2 +9 S For The Better Grades N\ | % ©0000 Loe Marble Tournament (From page 1) ers and 1 chamois and leather mar- ble bag and companion to keep the supply when not in use. To the winner of the Tth and the 8th grade—A prize exactly as was awarded the other winner. Another incentive for greater laurels was that much cherished pin This pin, about as large as a quar- ter of a dollar, white in color has an inscription in blue “I am in the Marble Contest.” This is awarded all those reaching the third round and is pinned on the schedule chart opposite each boy’s or girl’s name who have reached the required round. Appended are winners of the first round: David Garber bye; Billy McLaugh lin beat Sherk; Ray Wittle beat Clarence Bard; Elmer Witmer bye; William Workman beat Harold Wagner; harles Zink bye; Eugene Grove bye; Bernard Gaul beat Rob-| ert Pennell; Eugene Wagner beat Jack McClellan; Robert Stoner beat Ragner Halgreen; .Berwood Corll bye; Eugene Citider bye; Horace Wertz defeated Clarence Wilson; Charles Pennell bye; Franklin Zink defeated Joseph Touey; ‘Albert Pei- fer bye; Jack Germer bye; Robert Snyder defeated Arthur Rahn; Ray Pennell bye; Clyde Miller defeated Kenneth Gainef; Miriam Bennett bye; Junior Hess defeated William Shatz; Elwood Mateer bye; Ray- mond Keller bye; Leroy Hess beat Hubert Rice; Jay Snyder bye; Rob- ert Hoffman defeated Charles Latchford; Richard Dillinger de- feated Harold Fellenbaum; Warren Snyder bye; Robert Hertzler bye; Lee Ellis defeated Martin Brown; Howard Brown bye; Frank Walter defeated Winfield Zerphy; Edwin Hollister defeated Ray Haug; Win- field Hendrix bye; William Brown defeated Harold Bender; James Hostetter bye; William Way de- feated James Roberts; Hazel Gar- lin bye; Stanley Young bye; Asher Witmer defeated Gerald Sheetz; James Shatz defeated Chester En- gle; Arthur Zerphy bye; Clayton Hoffman bye; John Roth bye; Thos. Jrown bye; Robert Bentzel defeat- ed Clarence Roth; George Schneid- er bye; Mae Beamenderfer bye; J. Bennett bye; Robert Germer bye; Elias Lindemuth bye; Clyde Fen- stermacher defeated Charles Zink; Edward Brown bye; Mack Shupp defeated John Brenneman. I The winners of the second round in this contest were: David Garber beat Billy McLaughlin, Ray Wittle beat Walter Schroll, Chas. Zink beat Jerry Kendig, Bernard Gaul beat Eugene Grove, Robert Stoner beat Eugene Wagner, Eugene Crider beat Horace Wertz, Charles Pen- nell beat Franklin Zink, Albert Pei- fer beat James Workman, Jack Ger mer beat Robert Snyder, Raymond Pennell beat Clyde Miller, Junior Hess beat Miriam Bennett, Elwood Mateer beat James Eshleman, Leroy Hess t Raymond Keller, Richard Dillinger beat Warren Schneider, we 9. * D. B. CO * COR) >, La + hoo 00 0 Po. dnd edo BRUBAKER Department 9 jo 0! Poe RS ¢ & 2 9. 9. 0, goals 308 ® Store aa 9 Cae’ Egg Preservative, quart.. 0 XX 060% Ideal Cocoa in lb. tins. .. 0 0 9. ho ¥% 8-0z. Jar Mayonnaise. . .. 9, £2 00% oo e630 6300304 O04 Kraft Cheese in 4 lb. packs.\ 3 Posts Bran Flake An 2 for 15¢ 2 N CAKE SPECIAL * 30%: cuir iin i 2 Bottles 25¢ Ginger Snaps, 1b... .......... 9¢ Seid in 19 c Large can Peaches, Halves or Sliced, can... Phillip’s Mixed Vegetables. . .. . ) Spring Time Assorted, 1b... A tasty marshmallow cake Cocoanut Bars. ..... Assorted Afternoon Teas, Ib. 14c¢ Seeders 9, 15¢ + Ibs. 25¢ * Cee ¢ -15¢ 3 cans 25¢ * Seitenende Brn ded COW) 0 9, 23 : Covers, Fan Belts, Radiator, Hose and Wiring, Mends Shoes, Builds'the heel and fixes the toe. SO-LO dries over night and saves you repair bills. Price.. x Se 2 5 c 4 Phillip’s Tomato Soup..... ....... Neary i 5cans 25¢ ¥ Phillip’s Vegetable Soup, can... . 6c % Candy Kisses, all flavors, separately wiapped Ih. tas 14c¢ g 2 Wilbur Buddies, Bb... ..... ....... Nn, 0c 2 %® . k $ Cemetery Vases for Memorial Day. kh Ni 5, 25 & 50c¢ 3 4 SO-LO repairs anything of Leather, Rubber or Cloth, such as, Auto Tops, Leather 2 200% fo 9 00% Von tex Cloth Hats, light as a feather > oN -95¢ oo oe Children’s Dresses, sizes 2 to 14 years. = 46%, J * EE: 75¢ COR IK RK) $00 048 00 000, COR) Pw Ladies’ Dresses, all new styles and colors. == Men’s Gray Work Shirts, fullcut ........ eae ate fois foefeades de em toe : 3 = S EERIE 9 * 1% Howard Brown beat Bruce Brown, Frank Walters beat Edwin Hollister | William Way beat James Hostetter Asher Witmer beat Stanley Young, James Shatz beat Arthur Zerphy, Clayton Hoffman beat John “Roth, Thomas Brown beat Robert Bentzel Mahlon Snyder beat George Snyder Mae Beamenderfer beat Gerald Sheetz, Robert Germer . beat Jack Bennett, Elias Lindemuth beat C. Fenstermacher, Edwin Brown beat Mack Shupp. The Semi-finals of the marble tournament will be played on Thurs day at 5 P. M. and the finals will be played off on Friday evening at 5 P. M. The games will be held on the grade school grounds if the weather permits. Gr When in need of Printing, (anything) kindly remember the Bulletin. \ A Winfield Hendrix beat Wm. Brown | | a "oT. Hertzler beat Elis; week thru the Bulletin. GRADUATION GIFTS, CAMERAS and Prescription SERVICE Call 4W MOUNT JOY, ‘PENNSVINANIA [LMS { J