QUIVERING | NERVES | When you are just on edge « « when you can’t stand the children’s noise ... when everything you do is a burden . .. when you are irri- able and blue . . . try Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound. 98 out of 100 women report benefit, It will give you just the extra en- ergy you need. Life will seem worth living again. Don’t endure another day without the help this medicine can give. Get a bottle from your druggist today. Ltn & VEGETABLE COMPOUND STONE placing your order elsewhere, see us. Crushed Stone. Also manufac turers of Concrete Blocks, Sills and Lintels. J. N. Stauffer & Bro. MOUNT JOY, PA. Before How One Woman Lost 20 Lbs. of Fat Lost Her Prominent Hips — Double Chin — Sluggishness Gained Physical Vigor— A Shapely Figure. If you're fat—first the cause! Take one half teaspoonful of Kruschen Salts in a glass of hot water in the morning—in 3 weeks get on the scales and note how many pounds of fat have vanished. Notice also that you have gained in energy-—your skin is clearer—you feel younger in body—Kruschen will give any fat person a joyous surprise. Get a bottle of Kruschen Salts from any leading druggist anywhere in America (lasts 4 weeks) and the cost is but little. If this first bottle doesn’t convince you this is the easiest, SAFEST and surest way to lose fat—your money gladly returned. remove PERFECT! WE invite you to inspect hundreds of samples of our printed matter to give you an idea of the kind of work we turn out in our Job Printing Department. We know you'll like the quality, BULLETIN MOUNT JOY Phone 41J I'll Tell You Free How to Heal Bad Legs Simply anoint the swollen veins and sores with Emerald Oil, and bandage your leg. Use a bandage three inches wide and long enough to give the necessary support, wind- ing it upward from the ankle to the knee, the way the blood flows in the veins. No more broken veins. No more ulcers nor open sores. No more crippling pain. Just follow directions and you are sure to be helped. Your druggist won’t keep your money unless you are. EXPERT WATCH and CLOCK REPAIRING JOHN H. MILLER 48 West Main Street Phone 211J MOUNT JOY, PA mar.30-tf HOW ARE YOUR SHOES? DON'T WAIT TOO LONG BRING THEM IN CITY SHOE REPAIRING CO. re lL - THE BULLETIN MOUNT JOY Does Anybody Want A Going Business? If You Do, Here It Is SODA FOUNTAIN CONFECTIONERY ICE CREAM TOBACCO & CIGARS ENTIRE EQUIPMENT of a dandy little place of business in one of Lancas- ter County’s leading boros, along its main street, near center of town. Posses- sion at any time, but please don’t bother unless you can finance. Building not included but can be leased as desired. Jno. E. Schroll Phone 41J MT. JOY OUR. PRINTING PRICES are LOWEST THE BULLETIN MOUNT JOY Swiftest and Best RHEUMATIC PRESCRIPTION 85 Cents Pain—Agony Starts to Leave in 24 Hours Just ask for Allenru—Within 24 hours after you start to take this safe yet powerful medicine excess uric acid and other circulating poisons start to leave your body. In 48 hours pain, agony and swell ing are usually gone—The Allenru prescription is guaranteed—if one bottle doesn’t do as stated—money back. “0, Geel Grandma's Walking Downstairs Write for FREE, funy 24-pa; book, “History of RHEUMATISM,"” he chapter discussing germs of rheumatism, to WELDONA CORPORATION Desk 7, Atlantic City, N. J. Q0000000000CO0000000000000 J. WILLIS FREED Accounting, Auditing Systematizing Income and Corporation Tax Reports 19 W. Main St., 12 S. Duke St. MOUNT JOY LANCASTER mar.1-tf Electric and Acetylene WELDING R. U. TRIMBLE ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. FENRY G.CARPENTEE INSURANCE ~ MOUNT JOY PA. &ery Kind of Insurance except itfe anywhere in Pennsylvania. YOU can shave your face BUT you can’t shave the back of your neck A well man is admired W. F. CONRAD 30 W. Main St. MT. JOY, PA. ONLY $3,750 A SIDE—That’s all I ask for a Dandy Double House, with Double Garage. House has modern heat, baths, light, gas, stc., and is nicely located on Delta 3t., Mt. Joy. It's a good investment See Jno. E. Schrell, Mt. Joy, jan7-tf NEW HOUSE CHEAP—I have 1 6-room House along the trolley at Flerin that I want to sell before April 1st. Has all conveniences and will sell for only $3,650 for a quick sale. This is No. 371 in my list Jno. E. Schroll, Realtor, Mt. Joy. THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA WEDNESDAY, APRIL SLE w- = Ta AN OLD WHEESE wW TWS Doctons SCRIPTON- | CANT REA BY We were talking about dogs the other day when I asked a man if his dog was affectionate. He re- plied: “I'll say he is. I've sold him three times and each time he comes back to me.” That's the kind the crooked dog dealers should sell. They could keep | on selling the same dog time and again. A lady in town asked her neigh- bor if their baby boy takes after its father and she replied: He certain- ly does. When we took his bottle | away from him he tried to creep down the cellar steps.” Sixty Groff thinks that George Washington must have had a won- derful memory. He says, “every place you go you see monuments erected to his memory.” A certain store was holding a bargain sale and a woman from Florin stopped to look things over. The only specially cheap thing she saw was three husbands waiting around for their wives. George Mumper, at Florin, who injured his back while trying to lift a large container of road patching preparation, is off duty but believe me he is making the best of his time. He invented an attachment for mouse traps that will catch flies, wasps, ete. I would suggest you get it patented, George Just heard of a man here who spent $50 for a pair of rubbers once He had two men massage him. A lady on West Main Street told her mother that a certain young man sent her some flowers and wanted to call. The mother, (who must have been jilted in a love affair once, maybe twice) said: “Don’t speak of a cer- tain young man. None of them are certain until you’ve got ’em.” Mother ought to know. “Hey, Bill!” “What is it?” man. “The doctor's that needs fixin’. Diagnose the case as flatulency of the perimeter and charge him $5. asked the garage out here with a tire 9 Several days ago a chap came to this office, asked for a dollar and said he wanted it bad. We accommodated him with a counterfeit dollar. A darkey came into a doctor’s office with his face all battered up and bloody. “Were you in an ac- cident 2” asked the man of medicine hit wasn’t no accident, “Tt was done naturally got “No, sah; sah,” said the patient. on purpose. Ah jes beat up, sah.” “Why don’t you stay out of such bad company?” asked the doctor. “Ah cain’t afford to git er di- vorce, Doctah,” replied the victim. that it is well off your radio goeth before discovered to try to show company. Pride T've never before static. only ever heard of one case a lunatic escaped from an didn’t try to catch with the war- I've in which asylum and they him. He ran away den’s wife. A man and his wife missed the bus for Lancaster Saturday. While standing at the corner of Main and Market she said: “If you hadn’t been so blamed slow, we wouldn't have missed it.” He replied: “Yes, ’en if you had not hurried me so, we would not! have to wait so long for the next] one.” It’s a real pleasure for ote) to tuck their children in bed, if they can wait up until the children | get home. Trouble seldom comes to those | with plenty of hard work to do. i Mrs. Oscar Breneman had an un | pleasant experience Saturday. While RNATIONAL CARTOON CO, NY - OWL LAFFS Be Kind To Animals| Anniversary Societies, individuals, groups, junior organizations—all who have an interest in animals, their welfare and proper treatment—should take part in “Be Kind To Animals Week.” This is one week in the year when the friend of the animal can stand up and be counted. The society that concerns itself directly with animal welfare is the pivot for activity all over the coun- try during this week, and in Col- umbia, we have one who has been outstanding for her interest in the welfare of these friends of man, Mrs. Harriet Heineman, an officer in the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Lancaster County. Mrs. Heineman broadcasts ad- dersses over stations WEEU and WKJC, during the week, as she did last year. Who of us would wish to be de- prived of his memory of animal friends? To many, such memories are a heritage, indeed, as with them associated some of the dearest scenes and most blessed experiences of childhood. Who is more to be envied than the happy, carefree boy romping with his faithful dog, or the little tot as she fondles her gentle kitten! Charming as children are, their lives are not quite com- plete without the companionship ot affectionate animals. None need be ashamed to admit his love for his animal friends. What a glorious company he is in! Daniel Webster, showing his cows to a friend who visited him, said he would rather be there with them than in the Senate—that he found it better company! Going back to the first century, A. D., we find the Greek historian, Plutarch, saying “A good man will take care of his horses and dogs, not only while they are young, but when old and past service—Were it only to learn benevolence to hu- man kind, we should be merciful to other creatures. For my own part, I would not sell even an old ox that had labored for me.” General Grant was so fond of horses, that when he became presi- dent, he surrounded himself with are no less than a hundred of them. General Sheridan rode a brave steed, called “Black Horse,” thru all his famous raids and battles which he refused to part with, but cared for tenderly till the horse died many years after the war. The poet Byron found his firmest friend in his Newfoundland Dog, on whose monument he nad inscribed: ‘To mark a friend’s remains these stones arise— [ never knew but one, and here he lies.” General Lee’s fondness for ani- mals included cats and dogs as well as horses, but his favorite was “Traveller,” seldom free from the saddle during the last year of fight- ing, for whom the great Confeder- ate leader held an intense affection. Robert Burns, who wrote so many poems treating with unsurpassed sympathy of animals, thought so much of his horse “Maggie” that he addressed a New Year's greeting to her. If we could only see how far reaching in its influence upon hu- man character and the very life of the nation this humane movement that pleads for kindness, com- passion, justice toward all that lives, we should honor it with a nobler regard and a more generous support. rrr AD - Bolted the Bow-Wow Hot-dog sandwiches were provided by the rector at a party given to the old women of his parish. The donor noticed one of his guests removing the sausage and leaving the bread. ing herself observed, the old lady said: “Ay, rector, I've etten the dog, but can't manage the kennel.”—Boston Transcript. is, Economic Paradox “Are you in favor of government ownership?” “No,” answered Cactus Joe. “But what's this here government of Crim- son Gulch goin’ to do with all this property left on its hands for unpaid tovoe?” Music Shop Resembles Piano One Los Angeles music store is housed in quarters which have been constructed to resemble a huge piano. Magic Lantern in 1252 A magic lantern is known to have been invented and used by an English friar in 12352, One Bul b May Do Trick The day is ‘ast when entire houses may be lig ted by a single elec | trie bulb A Pisin coming home from the store she lost several “music rolls.” Gertie says she'll bet that never happens | again. It’s an old yet a true saying that a piano is a mute until you touch the keys. So is intelligence. A WISE OWL [“THAT LITTLE GAME"— o——MAKES ‘EM ALL HAPPY . | - ey Se 7 8% 7 ~