The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, April 26, 1933, Image 1

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Akay pomp Pu
The Mount Joy Bulletin

VOL. XXXII, No. 48

Good Business For You and Good For Business; Repair, Remodel, Restore at T oday’s Low Prices

Children Feted

tended the recital at Trinity Luth- Governor Says
eran church, Lancaster on Sunday
afternoon. ———
one a u The choirs of Covenant United | EXACTLY WHAT IS GOING ON
Brethren, St. Mark’s Lutheran, Ad- AT HARRISBURG AND WHY
i Lumens Trinity ] Lutherern BY OUR CHIEF EXECUTIVE,
TEA PARTY TABLEAUX, story | pany SO TE MET 1 sy neal:
MEETING OF THE CHEERIO ED — voices, presented an excellent pro- In Jhy budget submitted io
CLUB AT DONEGAL SPRINGS | The Society of Farm Women No.| gram. It will be repeated this eve. | Ic General Assembly last January
8 met Saturday afternoon, April ning, Wednesday. there was only ene item that met with
The grounds of Donegal Springs! 22 at the home of Miss Anna Keller| Those from town were: Mr. and | the approval of the farmers of the
Cheerio club was the playland for| The program was as follows: Mrs. David Lutz, Abram Stauffer, General Appropriation Bill as passed
fifty children recently. A story| Song, America, The Beautiful. Miss Geta Dietz, Miss Sue Brandt, |PY the House of Representatives. The
hour was given by Mrs. Theodore | Scripture Reading, Mrs. Walter Miss Marguerite Keller, Lee For. appropriation for every department but
Peterson, Mrs. Simon Landis and | | Hawthorne. ney, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schock, | one was slashed and cut from 15 per
Mrs. Richard Zook. A tea party | Music, Steelton High School| Misses Jegn and Louise Schock, | cent to 37 per cent below the Budget
tableaux was given by Harriet String Quartette. Mrs. Schlegelmilch, Miss Gloria | as part of the plot of the Republican
and Ruth Daggett. Paper, The Various State Flow- Warta, Miss Elizabeth Heilig, Mary | Organization to disrupt every govern-
A nest hunt was held and games| ers, Mrs. Walter Engle. | Elizabeth Nissly, Jacob Lindemuth. |mental service and thus discredit the
were directed by Fannie Ruth, Na-| Music, String Quartette.
omi Fortin, and Fanny Dillinger. | Illustrated lecture on the Con-|
Each child was given an Easter |servation of Wild Flowers by Mrs,
basket. | Randolph Wright, of Norristown.

as Cameron: NE al Sov, Ameen. | P M ° : ] saving ever recommended to a Pennsyl-
The children present were: ‘Karl | THE FINANCIAL REPORT resent I usica Legisiature, It represented
Eddie Guss, Shirley Ann Heisey, OF MEMORIAL DAY ASSO. | $2 ents fn he cost of ea
Anna Martha Strickler, Arlene T AVE ever been attempted in any stale,
Weidman, Eleanor, Mary and Dicky As Memorial Day is again draw- 4 Sos EXCELLENT PROGRAM Bet the House Appropriations Com-
Stoner, Helen Seiber, Sara Fellen- ing near, our citizens will be inter- MR "HAROLD SHA AR : WAS mitiee was not satisfied wih it, except
baum, Sonny Dick Zook, John Ris- ested in knowing the condition of PRESENTED IN THE ’ H 4) as to one item. ;
ser, Ralph Bradley, Jay Geib, Ro-| the Citizens’ Memorial Day Asso- AUDITORIUM LAST EVENING { That one item approved was the $1,- |
bert and Ralph Kaylor, Roy Bixler, | ciation treasury at this time. Ap- > eh “YEA 863,783.00 recommendation for the
Janet Beshler, Betty Jane McKin- pended is the report: Ea Pa .. | General Assembly’s own expenses for
ney, Martin Forney, Bobby and Bal. on hand April 16, 1932 $363.67 “°° Sas rade chools | (Turn to page 8.)
Dorothy Baker, Ruth Wolf, Ruth Int. rec’d on invested funds 15.89 Ds % , Splendid ios Tt
gid. Harriet Ralph Miller, Le eter 0% Satur cage Food Sale Saturday
Florence and Hilda Durschler, Ra-| Total .................. $370.50] So Shaal,| The Mount‘ Joy Branch of the
chael Garber, Norman Garber, Jr, Pd. Washington Bi-Cen- Com 266.24 | sie es thr J Needle Work Guild of America will
Geraldine Klejn, Joyce Fryberger, Sho Bliss: Be ora Tiole. hold a Food Sale in the Brubaker
Helen, Mary, and Jacob Peterson, Bal. on hand Apr. 11, 1933 $113 32! Mey id ’ The rg Wor Pr FE property on East Main Street, on
Mary Feltz, Laddie Shope, Jimmie I ee, A: | Fi Suh SE 0 Mic Ye] Saturday, Aor 20. at 9:30 A. M,
and Billie Exdslow, Mary Derr, Pat MEETINGS be oT Rupnt J Yi P| Home made cakes, ples, chicken
sy Landis, Dorothy Kaley, Dorath The God’s Helpers class of the | oreo ndman. Brahms: Swine. Soup, potato chips, potato sal-
and Jane Roland, Elma and Eliza. United Brethren Sunday School | cn ar A Sra i Swing: ad, will be on sale,
beth R. Shellenberger, Esther, | will meet with Miss Almeda Stauf-| ns A Sion -
Pauline and Vivian Hershey, Mary| fer on Thursday evening, May 4th. ture). I Pipst a ing
Goh Ga The Ladies’ Aid Society wi ill v Miss Fackler. Nene In General |
ostessas and friends were: meet at the home of Mrs, Maust, To a Honey Bee, Newton; On Tip
Anna Keller, Mrs. J. S.|'on East Main St., Tuesday, May 2 0 Chant: Tt i Little Fiddle ro |
J. Peterson, Anna, Ruth, Elizabeth The Sisterhood Bible Class willl; = “He Avs ay F B 5c F 1k
and Vivian iby, Selma Broska, Bea| eet with Mrs. Christ Herr, ona. . ae open) Vout ov th or usy
trice Garber, Esther and Ruth Nolt poplar St, Thursday, May 4th. A + art to oie Saerter.
a i 2 2 } is 'S © - YE { 3) : 100 is si
De A Hea La ogod attendance is desired. | va INTERESTING HAPPENINGS FROM
Elsie Sweitzer, Kathryn,| Store Stock Sold CONOY TWP. SCHOOLS ALL OVER THE COUNTRY FOR
Helen and Dot Mummau, Dorothy| hile the Bulletin was being PRESENT MUSICALE | THE BENEFIT OF THOSE WHO
Baker, Dorothy Webb, Elizabeth printed last Wednesday, the entire rere | HAVE LITTLE TIME TO READ
Shope, Mrs. J. Lewis, Iris Fridy,| stock and fixtures of Boyd R.| The spring musicale given by the | sme
Dora Kraybill, Mrs. Robert Forney, | Jishop, Sr., bankrupt, was sold at | high school and grade schools of | Daylight Saving Time. will be
Mrs. J. Fridy, Mrs. Kaley, Mrs. | public "<ale. The shoe stock brought |Conoy township was heard by a | adopted at Lancaster on April 30.
Harold Endslow, Mary and 400.00. i large audience Tuesday evening in| Strasburg volunteer firemen will
beth Strickler, Alta Bixler, Fanny| Mr Jishop will open a shoe re- the high school auditorium. Some of | organize a fire company in that
Dillinger and Naomi Fortin. pair shop in this same location in [the schools were in costumes with town.
TY te the very near future. colored lights, giving a pleasing A Shannon-for-Governor move-
You Are Invited eet ree touch. Prof. Clarence McHose of | ment was started at Columbia on
To inspect the residence of David Creditors Out of Luck Lancaster, is musical director The | Monday nite.
M. Stauffer on Donegal Springs| Martin E. Musser, the referee in |stage of the auditorium was de- Some fruit and flowers thruout
Road. When? Read the ad of| bankruptcy, has notified the credi- corated with plants and spring | this section were damaged by the
John W. Greiner, architect, on an-|itors of Oliver H. Shenk, extensive flowers. frost Sunday night. :
other page. Lancaster realtor, that the receipts Mrs. Wilbur I. Beahm was taken
from Shenk’s holdings are $8,064.00 ® to the Lancaster General hospital
Said receipts are wholly consumed Local Doings en Monday afternoon. ;
Passed to The in the payment of costs, fees and : Several of ou ma nay
: priority claims and that there will ° Round Top: oF £0 were burnec
G ibe no dividend for general creditors Around Florin i Sas i =
reat Beyond Marietta St. colhrated thelr 28th
Is Upto the People wedding anniversary Sunday.
BR The Sunday Sports bill, up for| NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST AS T} sore arrested. at Cole
econsideration, was passed and| IT OCCURRED IN THAT BUSY Tee men Were arrestee at
MANY OF OUR BEST KNOWN |leconsi ET t signed umbia Monday caught transporting
PEOPLE HAVE PASSED TO THAT yesterday Govertior Pincho Wi VILLAGE WEST OF HERE. two large containers of whiskey on
GREAT BEYOND WITHIN THE 't Now the matter on 3 8 aso i,
people, Any ‘community 2 wom Mr. Arthur Nye motored to Wash- Adams, 30, of Reamstown,
Sunday sports can vote on the mat-
ter at the regular election next No-
Florin Property Sold
| Last week Mr. O. K. Snyder sold
[the property of the late Lizzie W al-
Jacob N. Breneman, sixty-five, | ters at Florin, Mount Joy township,
died at his home in Rapho township [at private sale and on private
at Stauffertown, on Friday morning | terms. Tt was purchased by George
following a heart attack. He had |S and Edith J. Vogle, who took im-
been ill for some time. He is sur-| mediate possession. Mr M. H
vived by his wife, Elizabeth; a|Gemberling is the present tenant.
son, Daniel F., of Manheim R D 2;
Annie H. Stehman, 69, wife of
Jacob J. Stehman, died at the Ore-
ville Mennonite Home Monday.

Jacob N. Breneman

and a brother, Amos of Millersville | Card Party Tuesday
Services were held Monday af-| «Next Tuesday evening, May 2,
ternoon at Mount Pleasant church. |peginning at 8:15, a card party
Interment was made in the adjoin-| i) be held at the American Le-
ing cemetery. [ gion Home under the auspices of
St. Mary’s Chapel. Bridge, 500 and
John H. White pinochle will be played and a door
John H. White, fifty-three, of: prize given away. The admission
Manheim, died of complications. | is 35 cents.
He was employed for many years in NYA
the Hershey foundry at Manheim. A Deserving Pair
He was a son of the late John H. Judge B. C. Atlee and Arthur P.|
and Babrara Habecker White, and |Mylin, county superintendent of
was a member of St. Paul's Refor- | schools, are among the seven men
med church. who will be awarded honorary doc-
Surviving him are his wife, the|tor’s degrees at the 1933 com-
former Sarah Hammer; two sons, | mencement exercises of Franklin
Milton, Clay township, and Frank, |and Marshall college, June 1.
Lancaster; five grandchildren, and Te §- Wy
these brothers and sisters: Henry, Selling the Shoe Stock
Speedwell; Clayton, Quentin; Adam, The entire shoe stock, 2500 pairs
Penryn; Horace, Lebanon; Mrs. | at the store of Boyd Bishop, on W.
Clayton Kover, Fairland, and Mrs. | Main street, will be disposed of in
Ellis Rettew, Brickerville. ten days starting Thursday. For
The funeral was held this after-| details read the spacious ad on
(Turn to page 5) page 8.

West Hempfield School Board
Will Retain Married Teachers
The West Hempfield township
school board at a meeting at the
home of Secretary Jacob Shellen-
berger with President John A. Fox

Another meeting will be held on
Saturday, May 6, at which time the
teachers contracts for 1933-34 will
be renewed and salaries fized. The
Board plans a 10 percent reduction

Grade Schools

ington to see the cherry Blossoms.
Messrs. Jacob Hershey and Ephraim
Hershey are spending a few days in
The property of the late Lizzie Wal-
. and Edith J. Vogle.
ra and Mrs. A. D. Garber and Mr.
and Mrs. George Mumper spent the
week end at Camp Ream, Perry Co.
Misses Alberta and Maude Buller are
enjoying a three weeks’ vacation. They
are enployed at the State Hospital at
The Mite Society of the Evangelical
Congregational Church of Mount Joy |
held a meeting at the home of Mrs
Emma Raffensperger
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller and son
Christian and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mil-
ler, Jr., were guests of Norman Eber-
sole and family on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Crowl and
family and Mrs. Emma Raffensperger
called on John Fissel near Neffsville
and George Fissel at Lancaster on Sun-
at their home near Ronks.
Mrs. Emma Raffensperger celebrated
her eightieth birthday yesterday. Her
many friends extended greetings and
she was the recipient of a large birth-
day cake. Mrs. Raffensperger is en-
joying good health and is very active.

Scouts Class Met
The Scouts Sunday School class
of the United Brethren church, and
taught by W. H. Bentzel, held a
meeting last Tuesday evening in
the Sunday school room. The class
taught by Harry Kuhns, attended
this meeting. The boys were enter-
tained with an illustrated lecture,
The Life of the Apostle Paul. The
class was then treated by the
ee eet Eee
Elected a Pastor
Rev. Arthur Knoebel, a student in
the Reformed Theological Seminary,
Lancaster, was elected pastor of the
Zion Reformed church, Marietta, and
the Reformed church, Maytown, at a
meeting of officials of the two congre-
gations held in Marietta last night.
Rev. Knoebel succeeds the late Rev.
Harry Miller who died several months

presiding, decided to retain three|although the reduction in salary
married teachers now on the staff.| will not be definite until after the
Previously the board voted to can-| Legislature decides on the new
cel contracts of married teachers. | School Code.
Notices which were sent to that ef- Other members at the meeting
fect have been recalled in line with | were: Eli Nolt, treasurer; Ephraim
the rescinding action at the meet-| Bard, vice president, and Charles
ing. 4 Berrier.
ween wi ig Ww WD i. "
- ya pt
A number of our local people at-
rs was sold at private sale to George |
What Penna's
My budget recommended reductions
in the cost of government totaling $60,-
000,000. This was the largest proposed

fell from a third story building to
the ground. No bones were broken
As an aid to the farmers and
producers to reach the larger mar-
kets the Railway Express agency is
putting in effect on May 15th, 1933,
avery special rate per case on eggs
to New York and Philadelphia.
The new rate will be 25 cents
per case for shipment to Philadel-
phia or New York City.
For further information it will
pay you to consult our express
agent, Geo. Althouse.
Food Sale at Booth's
The Otterbein Guild and W. M.
A. of the United Brethren church
will hold a Food Sale on Saturday,
May 6th, at Jno. Booth’s store, on
East Main St. Pies, cakes, potato
salad, jelly, baked beans, candy,
etc, will be sold.

Receivers For
J.N. Brandt Inc.
Claiming that liabilities exceed
assets to one, receivers for the
J. N. Brandt, Inc., real estate firm,
of Marietta, were asked in a bill
filed by officers of the Deposit Mu-
tual Fire Insurance Company of
Later Thursday when officers of
the J. N. Brandt, Inc., joined in the
petition, Judge Benjamin C. Atlee
immediately appointed Henry B.
Gibbel, Lititz, and Guy C. Eaby, of

Lancaster twp. as temporary re-
ceivers of the concern.
Judge Atlee also fixed April 28 at
10 A. M. as the date for a hearing
of stockholders and creditors at the
court house. He also approved a
$1,000 bond filed by the receivers.

The firm was organized by the
late J. N. Bran ft, M: arietta banker,
who committe licide recently and
who served as president of the J.

time of
the two
N. Brandt, Inc., until the
his death. He held 498 of the
shares of the concern while
remaining shares were held, one
each, by M. M. Truitt, vice presi-
dent and treasurer, and R. Wismon,
Assets of the concern are fixed at
$10,000 as compared with liabilities
of approximately $100,000. The
Deposit Mutual Fire Insurance (o.,
of Marietta, is a creditor to the
sum of $13,000, according to the

Prize Winners
At Card Party
party was given
r by Bertha Z.

and he will recover.
Not willing to accept a wage cut |
E. B. Burkhart, supervisor, of the |

sewer system at Elizabethtown, re-
signed very suddenly.
A crippled dqe, its left hind leg |
having been broken by a load of
buckshot, was found at Peach Bot- |
tom. The animal was later shot by |
a game warden,

Abandon Effort
Taxpayers of Mount Joy township, ¢
a second meeting at the Milton Gr
school house Thursday evening, aban-
doned efforts to reduce the road tax |
rate from 7 to 4 mills, after it was
learned that it would cost about $100 to
petition the court for a change in the |
rate and issue new tax notices.

This request for a change in the tax |
rate came after the auditors fixed the |
rate, sent out all the notices and the |
supervisors made their reports to the |
Department at He
At the first meeting last Monday
evening, it had been agreed that the
supervisors should bear no expense if a
change were made. Thursday evening
it was found that only 30 of the 120
(Turn to page 5)
New Funeral Home
The new Sheetz Funeral Home at 330
N. Duke street, Lancaster, will be open
for inspection Friday and Saturday.
Mr. Lawrence Zeiders moved to that
city and will be in charge. For details
see add on another page
Keller's Public Sale
On Friday, April 28, J. b. Keller
& Bro. will sell 1 carload of Union
and Lycoming County cows. Sale
starts at 1:25 sharp. Read their ad
on another page.

for more than seventy-five guests.
The home was decorated for the
{ occasion. Y 1 guests
were parti Mount
Joy, Baint Stras-
burg, Washing 1: well
as May town.
The winner vere: At ridge,
Henry S. Rich, Sr., Mabel W. Reis-
| ner, Rebecca Grove, Mrs. Henry S.
| Rich, J. Lew Frey, Mrs. John
Pe and John Orth; At 500: Mrs.
| Mrs Clvde Mrs. W
To Reduce Tax TN bs once B
0 “CHIP IN” AND RAISE $100 SO | ean
AS TO PETITION THE COURT FOR | Membership dues of the Lancas-
7 aureau were cut
cte sw board ef direc-
avi er, Mt. Joy; Dr.
F. A. Achey, 42 South Prince St;
D. M Landis, Lancaster R D 7; H
| S. Nolt, Silver Spring; William P.
| Bucher, of Quarryville; Harry R.
{ Metzler, Paradise; J. C. Brubaker,
| Lititz; P. M. Habecker, Quarryville
and Mrs. Harrison S. Nolt, Silver
ome in Maytown

Tuller, A E. Peters,
Pu A

annual meeting held
woman were

tl A Mn

Accept Tobacco
of Money

On Sunday Mr.
Ream, on East Main
and Mrs, Ec
ter halves”
New Germantown, Perry Co.
had a jolly good time and
enjoyed the occasion.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Ream, Mr. and Mrs.
ber, Mr. and Mrs. Qecrge Mumper, |
Mr. and Mrs. Jno. hroll and Mr
and Mrs. James 3 ach
NG eee
J I ¢ Newt ‘harged
th larcenv, was arrested by Con-
stable Pecley, and furnished bail
a ing before Justice of the

Ste igerwalt.
Prosecution was
brought by

Frank Fletcher, Manheim R D 2,
who accuses Fogie of stealing four
turkeys. The turkeys, two hens
gobblers, were stolen last
» Day and were said to
located last week when
of the family passed Fo-
n an automobile.
in hree other members
ly identified the turkeys
‘ogie’s premises as the
He was given a earing and
LV il for court.
er eel

producers in the Farm Show building
at Harrisburg on Thursday afternoon
and evening, April 27 starting at 1 P
M. Every local milk producer should
be there.
least in the evening.
Mrs. Kendig
The Dorcas Society met
Mrs. Harry Kendig on Thursday
evening. A delightful social even-
ing was spent after which de {ey
refreshments were served to:
0. L, Mease, Mrs. Alvin Ti
Miss Hilda Stoner, Mrs. Norman
Sprecher, Mrs. Frank Musser, Mrs. |
Clara Harnish, Mrs. Martin
ler, Mrs. Roy Zink, Mrs.
Mrs. John Booth and

J. Schroll,
a —
Bankrutey Petitions
A voluntary
cy has been filed
inson in the U. S. District Court at
Bob at one time conducted
store here.

ret eee
rar Fahs, of
ned of his

£30 He
dogs in
0 townsh of the county have
recently bee n prosecuted for failure
to secure ti 33 licenses.
a ——
ne 19s


Masonic Homes Will Share
The Masonic Homes at Elizabeth-
0 il] are in the distributio
f am Todd Sno 5, weal-
hy eccentric, who died in Califor-
ia in 1930. His estate amounts to
etl iis
Deeds To Be Recorded
Amos R. Ebersole and wife to
Walter L. Yeager, tract in Conox
ownship, for $4,000.
William Martin I
vife to William G. Hoffman,
¢ rm in East onegal to
—————r eee
Sacred Music
of Grantham
Program of
The Male Che

Messiah Bible C re will render a
program of Sacred Music Eliza-
bethtown College on Thu eve-
ning, May 11th, at 7:45 o'clock.
Street, enter-
tained the members and their “bet-
of the Camp Ream hunt
ing and fishing club at a sumptuous
turkey dinner at the camp west of
On Saturday two members of the
breakfast for all present, ten to be |
Mr. |
will be a mass meeting of milk
If not in the afternoon, at |
D. C. Witmer |
President of the local Milk Producers’ |
with |
Strick. |
Harry |
petition in bankrupt- |
before Judge Dick |
Phlladelphia by Bob Torchin, Eliz-!
abethtown tailor. Liabilities are |
listed at $1,220 and assets at $201.
a branch


Everybody is well aware of the fact
that the farmer has “been up against
it” for some time. The least we can
do for him, practically now, would cer-
tainly be appreciated.
Practically none of last year’s tobac-
co crops thruout this section have been

camp were angling for speckled |.
: : sold and as a re: armer i i
beauties in the mountain streams out cash t wi the § er is with~
thereabouts and caught enough for © pay his numerous annual
The business men at Elizabethtown
{ have adopted the barter system, which
A.D. Gar- | In our estimation is a good one and
should be encouraged in all
growing communities,
{ Here's the gist of the plan as pub-
lished in the last issue of the Elizabeth-
town Chronicle:
Under the plan—farmers swap their
debts for their tobacco.
Operation of the system was put in
_ (Turn to Page 4)
A i —— eee,

The King’s
: Daughters
Brethren Sunday
th School class met
on Thursday evening at the home
of the Misses Engle, on West Don-
egal Street.
A short program was followed by
interesting games and a prize was
won by Miss Verna Brandt.
Delicious refreshments were serv-
ed to: Miss Mae Maust, teacher:
Clara Aston, Elsie Hoffer, Evelyn
Baker, Verna Brandt, Mary Ellen
Stoner, Alice Marie Nissly, Kath-
ryn Warfel, Sallie Flowers, Hilda
and Martha Engle.
A Mean Trick
Some rascal borke a lot of the
branches full of bloom off several
magnolia trees in the Laurel Hill
cemetery at Columbia and threw
them about on the ground. If the
authorities find out who could be
so mean, it will be too bad.

| Marriage Licenses
| Edwin L. Leber, W. Donegal twp
jand Ruth G. Kline, Florin.
Walter B. Gibbons, Mount Joy,

and Sarah E. Leed, Mount Joy.
It Looks Like
Daylight Saving

| APRIL 30

Nearly all the industries in town

ave already decided to adopt day-
light saving time, effective at mid-
night, Sunday, April 30.
On Fast Time
These local industries have de-
| cided:
George Brown's Sons, Grey Iron
Casting Co., LeBlanc Company,
New Standard Corporation, Gerber-
ich-Payne Shoe Factory.
The S will not decide
intil the latter part of this week.
The Roll Iman Manufacturing Com-
ny, Schock Independent Oil Com-
and Claren Schock, coal
ber will not change Monday
ay decide in t ar future.
3Jachman C te Company
tL as yel dec :
I Bulletin will ny of
the ther business pla in town
: with the ms

Lad Fell From Hay Loft

I'here was a toll increase of $2500
ove ia bridge for the
fi t

A Constable’s Sale
Last week all the personal property
of Mr. Frank Glatfelter, local baker,
was levied upon on a landlord's war-
rant for rent due. On Monday A. S.

Friendsh ip Fire
Response Pr

Plummer and R. W. Wagner made an
appraisement and Constable Elmer
Zerphey, of town, has advertised a
Constable’s sale to be held on the That our fire company is “on the
premises, corner Walnut and Marietta | job” was proven in two instances
streets, next Monday, May 1, at 2 P.| within the past week when they
M. prevented what could easily have
been destructive fires.
Mr. Walter Kuhn, son of Mr. Roof on Fire
Harry Kuhn, on South Market St., The supposition is that a spark
and Miss Dorothy Conrad, of Man-|set fire to the roof of the frame |
heim, were united in wedlock at|stable in the rear of the Myers
Lebanon last Saturday by Rev. H.| property, next to H. E. Garber’s
S. Kieffer, formerly pastor of the|tire shop, on East Main Street on
United Brethren church here. Friday noon. The firemen extin-
Co's. Prompt
events Two Fires

guished the blaze. The damage was
Our firemen were called out Mon-
day noon to extinguish a fire at the
{ home of George Germer, on East
Main street. An overheated stove-
| pipe set fire to the partition and
the prompt response and quick ac-
tion of the firemen prevented a de-
structive fire. The flames were con-
fined to the partition and were ex-
tinguished before much damage
| was effected.