The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, April 19, 1933, Image 5

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ON FRIDAY, MAY 12th, 1933 W. 36.14 int to the place of-fas follows: J
At 2 o'clock P. M. by virtue of sev- iE po 4 Containing ig front on said Soutly] — Father Wins Car BUYS 5865 ACRES
! eral writs of Fieri Facias, Nise Flere Soraining 2 acres and 76 jorches Duke : Jott Signe . Miss Alta Zug entertained Misses
Facias, Levari Facias and Venditioni| being the same remises which the-| inches, fmoge ess and extending Ar d Fl nw : en te:
Exponas, issued out of the Court of vei Isaac oN conveyed to Fienna in depfl to property oun ori Esther Wolgemuth and Grace Heis
Common Pleas of Lancaster County, | Grove by deed dated December 27, 1926" of Ha , one hundred and] ey on Sunday.
i Pa,, and to me directed, I, will expose | and recorded in Deed Book 1-28-522. = twent t and ten inches, Mr. Joseph Gibble visited his
(From. page 1) brother, Mr. Clayton Gibble, of Mil-
execution agian Easter party at her home in Florin, |, a y 4 :
SHERIFF'S SALES OF REAL ESTATE | Groff and J. G. McBride, S. 57% des | of Lancaster, bounded and describety ocal Doings MASTERSONVILLE Stage Star's GAME COMMISSION

Title recently was taken to 5865
acres of game territory in Lycom-
ing, Cambria and Bedford counties,
the Game Commission announced
today. The 5253 acre tract in Ly-
hree fi
to sale, by public Vendue or outcry in| Seized and taken in execution as pro=| more «
and taken in

Court Room No, 2, in the Court House, perty of Rhares Grove. ~ Seizd ‘ : ton Grove on Sunday. ori n : part
in the ofty. of fol No. 48 ~| prope of Isaac Plothnick = withjon Saturday evening. The decorations Sunday visitors in the home of SINE will be 2 5 o the
lowing described real estate, to wit: [All that lot of land on which is. notice to Fannie Plothnick, in keeping with the Easter sea~ | ny and” Mrs. David Gibble, of this | ate ame Lands No. 75. This
No. 12 | erected block stucco asbestos roof-| tenant. “Ison. A delightful and enjoyable time place, and Mr. and Mrs Myers tract, ow comprises 10419 eS
All those two tracts or parcels ofY house and oil and gas sta No. 54. ~| was had by these members of the class Wenger and children. of "Manheim the headwaters of English, Buckey
i land, situated and being in West Done=~ tion, and five tourist cabins, situat—{ All that certain lot or piece of ground4in attendance: Misses Eleanor Fackler Mr. and Mrs Paul Shelly and and Otter Runs. Deer, bear, grouse,
i gal Township, Lancaster County, Penny oq on, the north gi of the Lincoln-{with brick dwelling thereon, situated Dorothy. Webb,* Julia Brandt” Marian Moon of Fira. Beak vied dM rabbits, and other game is abundant
{ sylvania, bounded and described as fol~ Highway West mefly, the Lan-fon the west side of Shippen Street, be<t vr. AY oh, andt, Marian | children of Lime Rock visite r. The streams furnish excellent fish-
st, L Nissly, Gloria Warta, Messrs, Ray New=- | and Mrs. Abram Shelly on Sunday ing.
ike, East- reets, in : ;
pike; Orange and Sant Jack Toppin, Robert and Jacob Guests in the home of Mr, and
n Street. ~t Lindemuth, Edward Heilig, David Heis- | Mrs. Edwin Gibble on Sunday were
ay e hundred and,| Beginning at a coer of property]tand and Harold Backenstoe. The | Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Stauffer. Mr
in depth four hun=| late of Simon B. Hirsi} n John &| guests were Martha Bernice Nissly, [and Mrs. Abram Wolgemuth, of
feet, more or less.4 Kray, and rupning Nagthward on said Messrs. § Phillips and James Phillips. | this place; Mr. John Shenk and two
rties now or late Shippen Str twentyg feet, more S Phillips, James Phillips, | Orpha and Alma of near
. lows, to wit:
No. 1: Beginning at a post on they vad rua
turnpike road, leading from Elizabetha The lot tains 4
town to Falmouth; thence by the same. i
South seventy-nine and three-fourths.
degrees West, four and two-tenths ’
perches to a post; thence by land, of

tthe City of Lancaste
front on the |on said North Ehip
The Cambria county tract con-
sisting of 450 acres will form a part °
of State Game Lands No. 79 in the
Blacklick township of that county.
This will bring the total area of
State Game Lands No. 79 to 1416


which this is a part, North ten degrees, ; he West, of-] less, and e of that] : . .
Wo Len] dir Eo, fumes MRL, on, 0, Vt) ie ma and Me re] Mary Ble Stoney snd Frey Prank | Milo, Gover, Mr Katie 7g, and wre.
perches to a piel; Yim oll ow or formerly of Oliver H. Shenk or less, sow or late of An< Miss Dora Stauffer spent the A tract of 162 acres in Bedford
Martin Winters, Ni ~three and] "7," East, and the Lincoln High=}drew M. Fran : 4 INDIAN SONGS USE week end’ with her sister. Mrs. Nor- county will bring State Game Lands
on te So. in execution as. e south by property of WORDS OF CHINESE ah Breneman of Rok Run a No ar as jay en ED 2 total
5 r. S. Cres. S ands lie sou
property of Mary A. Blodgett and John A. Kr: on the west by property. ——— anc rs alter Brubaker HARLES E. HOLM, A of Lovibars Gop no ous, fe

tenths perches; thence byfland now or
uth ten and |

one-fourth degrees Easf, thirty-seven] late of An M. Frantz, and on the4 = New evidence that the American In- | and daughters, Ruth and Blanche;
and one-tenth perchegfio she piece ob Lesher) 50 i _north'by property now or late of Sam~4 giang were originally a Mongolian | Mr. and Mrs, Noah Greiner and just bury “township, This js excellent
\ Smog One SCT of AR ; uel Burns. race. which migrated to North Amer- | Sons, -Lester, Robert, Junior and| automobile in the ether contest con- turkey and other small game. terri
y J All that: certain lot.or piece ‘off : i i 1 3 y :
No. 2. Begipning at a post on the| lat) hi ea I DT dwell-J Sng sagen = i a ica from Asia has been traced in fu- | Clyde. and Miss Kathryn Hostetter, > Singin an, the, aso ig game of So acres :
i esaid; thence by the! ing house (No. 242) thereon erected Be Pe £ 2 ry “Wright de.] neral chants and other music of sur- | of this place; Mr. and Mrs. Ira I A CS Le dos (LE (has Seen mantaned on his tract
? . q., Executor o ate right, de=, Gibble. and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. me s a featured player e cur: since 1927.
same, Routh and situated on the South ‘side of East? geased and Owen P. Bricker, Esq. terre| viving Indian tribes by Dr. Marius , t Broadway success, ‘Dangerous eee etl eee
h tpased, . keer Esq Barbeau of the Canadian national | EEmmert Gibble and sons, Ray and er."

fou st, four and two-|King Street, between Lime and tenant.
tenths pe: st; thence by lot] Shippen Streets, in the City of Lams J museum at Ottawa. Says Dr. BE. RE. | Jay, of Beverly; Mr. and Mrs. A. Toll of 16°
pp § . x : :
Number wil sn degrees caster aforesaid, bounded and des4 ! All that certain lot of ground with] Free, In his Wedk's Science (New Garman of Mastersonville, were EXAMINATION FOR Sixteen intoxicated pedestrians
( : bios Bg es th = wh Lo geribed as follows, to wit: =| the two-story brick dwelling house York): Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. TRANSPORTATION RATE have been killed in motor vehicle
thence North eighty-three an =} Bounded on the north by East thereon erected, situate On the West] “Doctor Barbeau believes that the | Hiram Gibble of near Elizabeth- accidents in the first two months of

CLERK (PASSENGER) 1933, the division of safety, Depart-
late of Dr. Grant Br Street, between Lemon and James- S cisti ic M i Mrs. Frank rei
a 3 clear resemblances to existing music r. and rs. ran Sweigart —m— ment of Revenue, reports. Sevent
south by Church St’ Streets, in the City a unty of Lan~t ; (hina but little or no resemblance | and children, Mamie, Frank, George "The United States .Civil Service| others in the saree wondition ony
fourth degrees East, four and gino Street, on the East by prop- ey ip il : elias Foi
tenth perches to a post; thence by loty erty now o side of, and num oO Quee! music of many of these chants shows
Number Nine, degrees West, | Weaver, on t

thirty-seven and seven-tenths perches, . : | i x
to the place of beginning. Containing, apa ” Ye 3 3 by Bow. op Ci aa bounded Jehd a sp to European music or to native musie i Laster visited Mr. and Mrs. | Commission will accept applications | injured. Intoxicated drivers were
one acre of land, more or less. Containing iff front on said East. Containing in front on Queen} iN other parts of the world. In some Sweigart on Sunday. until Aprii 25 for the position of [involved in 184 accidents in the
The improvements thereon are a 2-y King Street, twenty (20) feet and_ street, sixteen feet and eighfifiches and4 American Indian songs actual words Miss Esther Shelly of this place; transportation rate clerk (passeng-|same period. Five were fatal and
story frame dwelling house win ten and one quagter (10 1-4) inches] extending in depth of that4vidth West-} and phrases are said to have been ie Benjamin Greider, 3 of Landis-|er) to fill a vacancy in the Bureau | 179 non-fatal.
kitchen attached, frame garage and 2y 4 extending iM depth along thes wardly, on dred and’ gighteen feet} identified as of Chinese origin and ville; Miss Carolyn Brubaker and|,¢ Supplies and Account-, Navy De- —— Eee.
frame chicken houses. ; Y eastern line ther&f, one hundred- more or Ms land or late of} with meanings in Chinese dialects, al- [ Mr. Nissley Jrubaker, of East partment, Washington, D. C. . ;
Seized and taken in execution Wy and five} (105) feeé§ and along the’ Adam -} though the Indians have forgotten the | Petersburg, motored to Washington The suliry is $2 000 4 vear: less 642 Accidents
property of Marry M. Guttschall an 4 western line thereo one hundred, Boungde e North by land now-| meanings of these words and merely | D. C., on Saturday. a deduction not to exceed 15 per | The division of safety, Depart-
Sadie Guttschall. | ment of Revenue, reports 642 out of
No. 25 anc ree and one half, of the Trust Company, late o, | repeat them as traditional parts of Misses Ruth Gibble and Grace | cent as a measure of ecoromy, and & 3 :
All that certain lot of ground sit<l] { 12 to Church Street, the haat ie me Rost by Nort [ the chants. Anthropologists agree of Manheim and vicinity; 5 reliremont of 5 3103 orl tate drivers in accidents in Penn-
uated on the west side of Souths wid d Church Street being~ Qusen rae a 4 Prope A that chants and similar music related | Alda Ginder and Martha Greiner | cont sylvania in the first two months of
twe (28) feet. of Emma B. Klugh; pnd on the Westd “ot wirehip, burial, magic, and | and Messrs. Elmer Ginder, Emerson Applicants must have had at the year. Twenty-seven of these
Broad Street, between Fourth ands T
Fifth Streets, in the Jorough ofy ¢
Lititz, County of Lancaster and
ate of Adam M.+
e right to the
sith the right, libert yw by property now oy
of using and enjoying. K ugh.

so on, often persist for many centuries | Meashey, Daniel Haldeman and|least three vears of experience in operators were in fatal accidents,
almost unchanged, long after the orig- | Webb Ginder motored to Washing- | positions in which the duties per- 359 in accidents in which non-fatal
a : nb forever i with the owners Together witl d : injuries wer SHO 4 orp &
State of Pennsylvania, bounded and coco he premises immed— of the two fee and six inches wide inal meanings of both words and mu- ton, D.C, on Sunday. formed required them to become mimes were reported, and 256 in
Gombe os ow I hu 0 On iately adjoining on the west thew common My adjoining on the South4- sic have been forgotten. Doctor Bar. 1 Bi Mastorsonyille school will | ti roughly conversant with various | - ein oly Ye
‘hich is erectec 2 1-2 story bric ii hs, So i srs entitle inds » resemblances Chi- | close fo is ter Hine Ol €S were damaged.
which is erected a 3 two and one-half feet wide joint ales with others entitled thereto. b beau finds the resemblances to Chi S r this term on Friday, April pascenger rates, passenger tariffs, | agec

dwelling house .and 2 story concrete
block garage. Y
Beginning at point on the west]
Being the same premises which nese music especially marked among | 21st. Miss Dorothy Seiders is rules of the Interstate Commerce
Charles S. Bechler by deed dated the Athabaska tribes of the Pacific mary teacher and Mr. Amos P. Commission, et: . at lear two years
1, 1924, granted and conveyed tof Northwest; so much so that he sus- | Geib teaches the secondary grades. Nebr
Lley and the drain running through
the same into the common and pub
lic sewer, the said grantee herein,s of which must have involved the

side of : afore- : A : hs ra oe Br .
i] io ether Tire and assigns, ot all times» Le Bey in execution asf Depts Hess of i, Seger Ir Geib have distribution of passenger revenues
feet south of Hourth Street; PAVing one-half of all joint repairs property of Stephen L. Sweeney. "| recent immigrants from Asia, per aps | both been assigned as teachers for|between carriers on through traffic e eatre
by south side of land now or late ofl 0 said alley ‘and all repairs or re-4 No. 56 | at the time of Ghenghis Khan"—Lit- | the same school for the next term and the determination of prover [fl The
Flam Risser westwardly two hun- of Said joint drain. ~All those two certain tracts of land} Digest. which will open in the fall. cednctions on account of land-grant x ine 3
dred and four ‘feet, more or less, to’ ead oN akan Io A%- situated in East Donegal townships] All the Sunday School officers |laws. Applications wil not be ac- ounty
the middle of What yo formerly ‘oi | En ostigan Reilly... Lancaster County and State of Penn=T TURN UNUSED R’YS AH of District No. [cepted fromthe persons who fail to LUMBIA, PA.
known as Pine Alley; thence in a Piss a = sylvania, bounded and described as fol-t ve 8 0 1e Lancaster County Sunday |show the require 2 es %
line cne hundred and ninety-sevens All that certain got or piece of. oe viz: ~ INTO MOTOR ROADS School Association are asked to oN ih required two years of ex \

: oi land situate on thefNorth side ofa a : Ls anion. are Wedne ay and Thursda
- 5 oo > d 0 r KE + rr : . .
foot 2h WEE i Second Street bet gn Crystal and a hy i my Can old railway tracks, no longer foot 3, we iid E. 0, gi Full information may be obtained ApriN19th and 20th y
1 the east side ofd Coral Streets, in the;City of Lan= poate and Tract No. 2 hereinafter deo] required for their original purpose, be The any gyonmg an #30 | from Alex C. Groom, Secretary of
GC caster and State jof Pennsylvaniay scribed, thence by the same and land} made useful once more? Lae Durpose 0 1 ne meeting is to | the United States Civil Service
eve fei to cn which is erect a two story ,f william Warner, North eighty-eight] This is a question which railway Benge a program for the last Board of Examiners, at the post STREET"
the north side ofJ brick dwelling houSty No. 509 Sec* degrees fifteen minutes West, twenty={ .n-ineers often ask: and as old branch Saturday in May. office or customhouse in this city.
* BG Tule aos lu th front Ny sid ~ nine and Perce 10 ay close down owing to lack of tral Sr re iL he 2 ii 56g at —_————
4 3 sald Sec« stake; thence by land about to be con=- a nev Salts . chool, Mount Joy twp.,
lus piu ond Street twenty-twe,_ feet; and veyed to Christian Lease, North two- fic it becomop 2 very practical one, on Saturday evening, April ks, SALE REGISTER Warn Baxter
extending in dapth northward of” degrees fifteen minutes East, ninety- An answer to it has been found in

lands of
point; thence by
other land“of Was
eastwardly two hu
feet, more on less,

Street; thence by the west side of 2 ! : : ante The Red Rose boys will furnish the
ot) ) © that same width sixty feet to” eight and eight-tenths perches to and the United States, where experts are music for th oni
Seid Jest oral fv] ground of John ¥. Simpson. - Sr pin in the public road leading advocating that obsolescent railway 36 If you want a notice of your sale Friday and\Saturday
Ss 8. Third Seized and taki in execution ase from the Maytown-Elizabethtown Stated tracks should be converted into roads inserted in this register weekly April 21st d 22nd -
teen Thousand Two Hundred and property of S. L. Carpenter Shirky Road to the public road leading front} for heavy motor traffic. They say that HIS I 'ORIC A | from now until day of sale. ABSO- Sylvia Sid d
Sixty Square Feet of land. with notice to Annie M. Cross, tem the-Donegal Springs road to Elizabeth~+ the cost of transforming an old railway LUTELY FREE, send or phone us y n an
Seizédl and taken in execution as] '® tenant. No. 52 town; thence still by same lands, Nosy line into a modern road would be less your sale date and whem you are George ft
Properly of Isabel Snavely, All fal Goren vat of land iy a rig fo a} than a third that of constructing an en- Sindav. ready, let us print your bills. That's ny
is 13 mo ; S ow highway. The state would Sunday, Apri
rial Ham, Sal ar with a frame acca sew bungalgw sake henge by and 0 Sumuel S Fels new Witwer, The sue would | Sumer, ALS, (the chespent advertising von can go “PICK UP
4 situated on the no side o Kraybill, Sou irty-nine de, re oy an : ay, 29—0n - NT
our Ses ane New Holland pike, and known as thirty minutes East, forty-three and{ from the railway eptipagtes % quite Palm Sundog nr mises at 372 Donegal Springs Hoad By Vina Delmar St
2 Ir as od oh on New Holland Heights, in East three-tenths perches to a stone, Northt a substantial figure and still show a a ATT BY Ap as born. 1868 Mount Joy, personal property by
Wi Lampeter Twp., Lancaster Co., Pas eighty-two degrees forty-five minutesq profit. 180. ATI, actol, Was D Gabriel E. Nissley, Adm., of Fanny Monday and Tuesdpy
Randall E. Snavely, Laura E. Snav- 3 : 3 The v ides ourse, de 1st issue N. Y. Tribune 1841 rs
=| Containing in fronton ‘the said East, forty-two and one-tenth perches The value of the idea, of course, de- St iss N. XY. une . E. Nissly, dec'd. ;
ely, Beryl E. Snavely, terre tenants. 2 g@ the public road leading pends on whether or not new roads Tuesday, April 11 5 CLE April 24th and 25t
No. 30 + New Holland Turnpike 55 feet more’ to a stake i ) ;
or less, and extending in depth 225 from the Do gal Springs road to Eliz=t gre needed. If and where they are the Queen Anne war ends 1713. MORAL Joan Blondell and

All the undivided one-fifth interest’ . ; : said rob A a
i feet. The r end is 50 feet ins abethtown; th in the middle of said ccheme has possibilities. — Answers Judge Chas. E. Hughes was born Vas re Tha .
Grove, one of the heirs of) width, bo aA the-gouth by thes road by landsko e estate of J. Dp yoni 1862. When sine are hard—no trade in Chester Morris
’ ul De = ’ i

said New JHolland Turnpike, on thet Cameron, decedged, outh seventeent = Wednesday, April 12
west by lands mow or late of Walter degrees West,
Kreider, on-the north by other lands ©I1€
’ : in
and seventy-4 No 58 Henry Glav, statesman. was born Don’t get discouraged and go down,
s to a staked Ay] that certain lot of land situated] iy ney Clay, stotesman, wes be But struggle still——no murmur utter “BLONDIE JOHNSON”
egrees Westie 41 Northwest side pf Howard Aves : A few more kicks may bring the
All that certain small tract of land
together with a two-story frame dwell
ing and other buildipgs thereon erect-

ed, situated in M Joy t hip; of Ethel N. Hackenberger, and on* 20 : fh er : rn Thursday, April 13 i
$0 CS ie aa) the east by lands now or late of thirty-three and Rhirty bree hund,, in Lancaster City, P§., on which is” Thos. J iia y pe lent, was | atic butter. Author Unknown
3 ihed Hoga. ‘Milton Brooks »~ redths perc #in said roads | ted a two} story § brick dwelling 108. Jellerson, president, as cn
or) ed as fo ows; 5 Wh NRA Ar taken in ekecition ag thence i same lands4y © OT Co dwn asf No. 66 Howard born 1743. Gn ee ————————————————E A —— ie
eginning fat ¢ 3 i : ti 5 Nort forty-five - 4 Edict of Nantis signed by Henry
stone on thg W. gide of the Yaancaster) property of Austin C. Grube and’
. ol S SN
Elizabethtown and Middletown turn= Rundredths perches to a5 feet, 8 infhes, a extefding in] Friday, April 14
Frances V. Grube, with notice to” and Agee, Los Foot . Aves] IV in 1598. MARIETTA THEATRE

i road; th > al W. sid John L. Hamaker, assigne $s ters = :
Said road, by Tand of JG: McBride, Ny re tenant, oman ee ene] depth of tha width Necstwardly] Horace Bushnell, theologian, was \_NEW LOW ADMISSION PRICES!
32 degrees; W. 11.85 point to a post; No. 53 Mra x 3 Re 1101 feet to of A. B. | born 2. \. 1
thence by land pow of Emma Reedy| All that certain lot or piece perches to thet ™g pect to Boundary lines, wall and} G04 Friday, (AGAIN LOWERED) Daily—Adults 25¢, Children 15¢
iE : J .. place o Pinning ich . iy ae . . 3
N. 58% degrees; 83.02 point to a. ground on which is erected a two Containing fifty-@wo acres and seven- alley rights. in a9 Saturday, April 15 (Inclyding Saturday Nights and Holidays)
post; thence by land of Herman Groz| story brick dwelling house, No. 4427 ( "7 7° Lo 2% Met oe hundredthst Seized and taken in Wechter and] Steamer Titanic wrecked 1912. Matinees—Ryery Saturday and Holidays at 2:15 P. M.
mall, S. 47Y degrees E. 11.46 point te. situated on the southwest side of~ ie of land ih, measure property of William R. ce / Rear Admiral Irwin was born in Adults 15¢, Children 10c
a stone; thence by land of Leander! South Duke Street, in the said city_t a re Mary E. Wechter. Le 29
2 J The second there@§f beginning at a No. 59 1832.
EE Ry stake at the of the road All that certain lot or piece of Sunday, April 16 WEDNESDAY & HURSDAY, APRIL 19th & 20th
leading from to the road}, nd whereon is about to be erected] Charles Chaplin, actor, was born FRERERIC MARCH
leading from DenegaliBprings to for 2 two and one-half story brick] 1889. CLAUDETTE COLBERT
merly the Maytown pike; thence along dwelling house situate on thed Raster
the said lest mentioned road by op, side of a forfy fest40) wide Monday, April 17 “T'O-NIGH{ 1S OURS”
i hn r :
of the Spangler Estate, South sixty de- (runnig into the City] Virginie 1961.
1 1 z blic roac
grees six minutes West, seven ‘est angl running” da a
fifty-two hundredths chains to a staketMill Road gout Be NA a 3 Pm, Sr, financier, wes FRIDAY and SATURDAY} APRIL 21st and 22nd
into the go

is NE ST pe Re tos the in ancaster4 Tuesday, April 18 SPECIAL SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2:15 P. M., 10c and 15¢
nineidegrees twenty-nine minutes WesttTownship,/ id hy Booker Washington, educator was EDMOND LOWE WINNE GIBSON
one and one hundredths chains to a} Contawfing ig front on gi roac A , po 3%
stake: thence by land of William War~fsixty feet (60§ and . extedding In gan Froncized earthquake 1906 THE DEVIL IS DRIVING
ner, North twenty-two degrees forty~fdepth of that gvidth from tRe middie San a is ea De J06.
id i ‘tyv-ei 5 said road # north ninetpen and ednesday, April 1¢ -
ii? te ed oy STD SB) Press (19 58) east, 4 Constance Talmadge, actress, was MONDAY and TUESDAY, APRIL 24th and 25th
stong in line of tract No. 1 herein de— four and fiifty-ape feetq born 1900. : Family night on every Tuesday night when ail children
scribed; thence along the same and byt (451) wforejor less to lands now or Battle of Lexington 1775. accompanied by their parents are admitted free!
lands of the J. D. Cameron Estate;flate of John F. Frank. ¥ Ti Thursday, April 20 HELEN HAYES RAMON NAVARROI
South eighty-eight degrees East, tenf* Bounded on ‘the north by Jani Bacon’s Rebellion 1676. ve ’ E
and thirty-two and one-half hundredthstnow or_Jate of John F. Frank; on Harold Lloyd, actor, was born in SON—DA UGHTER 5

| chains to a stake in the road leadingfthe east by lands now or late of 1894.


| to Elizabethtown; thence in said roadq Christian Yeager and Martha SA Frid Apri
| by land of the J. D. Cameron Estaterf Potts, on the south by said forty Josh a hy was borm\ :
PRESTIGE! { South nine degrees es feet (40) wide public ros a ay IST 1S, st, was SE —————————————— — Te
West, one and seventy-two hundredthstwest by property now or late ol An-~i. 2 a IN EEE
| chains to the place of beginning. “Tna C. Frank. 5 Battle San Jacinto 1836. = ER RR ny =
| Containing three acres and one Bind Seized and taken .in ig as] Wd April 22 ’ OE er B
{dred and eighteen and twenty-three property of Charles F. Frank. - | Ada Rehan, actress, was born in|® \, Matinee 3 \E
3 hundredths perches of land, neat mea~t 5 No. 60 ~T 1860. Saturday Evenings =»
YOUR. business is often 1 : : we PS 2 Show, =
Supe: All that certain lot or piece of War with Spain 1898. and _ 2 Shows
judged by the kind of printed The improvements thereon are a with the three story brick i = HONdays 00s€ eatre 7and 9 P. M. =
story frame dwelling house, framed house and garage thereom N . : B 2 PNM Children 15¢ =
matter you send through the barn with tobacco shed attachedte acted, situated on the Lo 3 109 Scotus childrenNoc | ELIZABETHTOWN Adults 30¢ =
SI > and frame garage. “4 corner of North Franklin and East n Monday evening the Columbia |® Adults 25
mails. We're experts in Job Seized and taken in execution as] or ; ity ; . ,
Madison Streets, in the city of Lan-4 Bowlers defeated a local team by
Are Schadt andq | , <t foresaidil 76 bins h inc Allevs
Print and can assure you property of Thomas EK | caster, County and ate aforesalds?] 76 pins, on the Lincoln Alleys. Lon ARE 3 TER
. y Esther H. Schadt. 1 being No. 324 North Franklin St. of the visitors, received all honors |= Friday, April 2 o Show A LA
that you'll get quality at mod- No 57 4 Containing in front en said North with high single 224 and high triple |B AUTO!
sale pits All that certain two-story brick housed py anklin seventeen feet and 546. The score: © =
Rie pps and lot of land thereto belonging six" inchesy/gnd fextendipg in} deptir] njgine joy 1st 2nd 2rd Tis|m Saturday, April 22 Monday, April 24th
{rusted DON Ihe that width jwestwardly Seventy! p .. 151 169 1ul 5111= The Mystery of The
| South Marshall and Chester Streets in nine feetfafid six inches. Bats D i pil Joan Blondell in
| the City of %Langaster, an vi Hoard on the~porth Spy’ East Bah Twi ve 18 Is 182 52 - WAX MUSEUM ; ,
BULLETIN ang No RE og South Mar I Madison Strat) on) the East byfl Tove 105 031% All in Gorgeous Technicolor OADWAY BAD
eo Street, on ed W. | re aims ce eo. | rs i . 3
Containing in n, anid NOTIN Be oo ow oo) 208 163 151 5ozfig vith Lionel Atwill, Fay Wrey
MOUNT JOY 4 Marshall Street sh fst and nine late of t Cron Brey Copy J. Mateer ..... 1'8 149 162 2 :
inches &nd extending §n depth of that Zn £ = Wedn! ay, April 26th
The Southern line of = T d April 25th
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