THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15th, 1933: YUNT JOY. PENNSYLVANIA Courteous Service Prompt Delivery Call 4W Friday and Saturday oT PRICES 25¢ Kotex, Special 3 for... 99% 50c Pint Rubbing Alcohol. ..29¢ 40c Full Sized Jar, “Famous Morn- ing Dew Vanishing Cream” WLI 29¢ 50c Aspirin Tablets 100s... 50c 5 gr. Cascara Tablets .29¢ %$1.00 Cream of Nujol....... 87c Ne Laxative Bromo Quinine 21¢ 50c “Swat Shaving Cream 29c¢ 25¢ Vicks xX while they last i. 10c 25¢ First Aid Family Liniment \ 30¢ Jar Cold Cream....... 15¢c Fenamints.............. 19¢ Hit 19¢ 46c 1b. Cocoanut Nut Crunch Candy, 1b.......... 2... 27c 25¢ Maust Chap Lotion. ..19¢ GENUINE JIG-SAW PUZZLES Rent or Sale at the “LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN” Holland's Waterways Holland is a water land and the way to see Holland Is to go about by water, not by trains as so many hur ried tourists do, says a traveler, It 18 ideal travel to get on one of their many canal boats and leisurely sur vey from the deck the passing ware honses and docked ocean liners and then when away from the eity, the lush and watery fields of green, canal fretted villages, every now and then passing boats loaded with vegetables and hay, for hoats are the market carts of the Dutch, Keeping the Promise Mrs. Brigzs had been attacked by a dog while out with her husband. To her disgust, Mr. Briggs had immedi- ately taken to his heels, leaving his wife to her fate. “You're a coward!” she told him when she had made her escape. “Fancy leaving me to be bitten like that! Why didn’t you grab its col lar?™ “Well, dear,” pleaded Mr. Briggs, “when we got married we agreed nev- er to keep anything back from each other, didn't we?” Danger From Parrots Parrot fever or psittacosis is an acute infectious disease with symp- toms resembling those of typhoid and pneumonia. It has been known to medicine since 1879 and there have been several epidemics traced to the importation of sick members of the parrot family from tropical countries. The disease is transmitted from par- rots, love-birds. ete., to human beings handling them and is considered espe- cially dangerous to old persons. Classified Column LOST—Large Brown Padded Blank- et. Return to Elwood Martin, Mount Joy, Pa. feb.15-1t-p We desire to thank our friends for their kindness, words, sympathy and floral offerings in our late bereave= ment, Mrs. Yost and father. feb.15-1tp FOR RENT—Six-room house with IN YOUR ADVERTISING ~ DRESS UP YOUR ADS// th our modern WNL. CUT: COPY SERVICE This Newspap er Furnishes 116 Advertisers this exfFa fewice PREE| bath. Apply 201 Bast Main Street, Mt. Joy, Pa. “feb:1b-tf WANTED—Maternity and practical nursing. Write Mrs. Carl Schatz, R. 2 Mount Joy. jan.25- it-p RADIO SERVICE—Day and night including Sunday. Apply-T. F. Mc- Elroy, Florin. Phone Mt. Joy-No. 9051J. nov.2-tf STOVE WOOD sawed in 12 inch lengths consists of oak and hickory. $6.00 per cord delivered.—JACOB G. BAKER, R. D. Manheim, Pa, Phone {R2. fly-6-tf ONLY $3,750 A SIDE—That’s dl I ask for a Dandy Double douse, with Double Garage. House has modern heat, baths, light, gas, ste., and is nicely located on Delte St., Mt. Joy. It’s a good investment See Jno. E. Sehrnll, Mt. Joy, jan7-tf FOR SALE -A Brick House with Slate Roof, 8 rooms, all convenien- es, Poultry House 12x12, along roncrete highway, Florin. Apply to ino. E. Schroll, Realtor, Mount Joy. No.- 4186. janl4-ti FOR SALE CHEAP—A 6-room house in Florin, all conveniences, nicely lo- cated. Property newly papered and painted. Will take $3,000 for a quick sale. See Jno. E. Schroll, Mt. Joy, Pa. dec. 28- tf CHEAP HOUSE AT FLORIN— Have a Double House along Main St., 5 and 6 rooms, one side ha: heat, both have water and electric ‘wo car garage. Rents show 10 ner cent. investment. Price only $3,200. Jno. E, Schroll, Mount Joy. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Estate. of Elizabeth Sheaffer, late of Mount Joy Borough, Lancaster Coun- ty, Pa., deeeased. PATTERNS Booth’s MOUNT JOY, PA. CENTS EACH 1 Styles are smarter than ever this year. See our new coun- ter catalogue for a full selection of these new styles. No. 1073 This girlish jumper dress is so popular that it is called a tegulation dress, and every miss should have one. Materials are low in price and more beautiful than ever. \ All patterns guaran- teed perfect in fit and style, easy to make. Quality \ Merchandis AR Letters testamentary on said estate having been granted to the under- signed, all persens indebted thereto are requested to make immediate pay- ment, and those hawing claims or de- mands against the same, will present them without delay forssettlement to the undersigned, residing W_Elizabeth- town, R. D. 2, Pa. HARVEY D. SHEARLER, Exedygtor Wm Rehm, Atty. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Estate of Sallie W. Kautz, late of Mt. Joy, Pa., deceased. Letters of administration cta on said | estate having been granted to the un- * | dersigned, all persons indebted thereto 4 | are requested to make immediate pay- ® | ment, and those having claims or de- ® | mands against the same, will present 2 | them without delay for settlement to the undersigned, residing at Mount | Joy, Pa. EMMA PENNELL, { Administratrix, cta feb.1-6t Willis G. Kendig, Atty. | ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE | Estate of Minnie M. Hauer, late of | the boro of Mount Joy, deceased. 2 | Letters of administration on said es- | | tate having been granted to the under- {signed, all persons indebted thereto Q | are requested to make immediate pay- x | ment and those having claims or de- | ® | mands against the same will present | * | them without delay for settlement to town, Pa. HERMAN E. HAUER, Administrator Zimmerman, Myers & Kready, Attys. jan.18-6t If at any time you need anything in WOOD WORK such as Hay or Tobacco Ladders Wagon Beds or Repairs Tongues, Manure Sleds Truck Beds, Etc. I will make it to order of well seasoned wood at very moderate prices. J. G. BAKER R. D. MANHEIM, PA. feb-15-4t | Phone Stimulate your business by advertis- i ing in the feb.15-8t | a | | | | the undersigned, residing in Hummels- | The various buildings, The painting reproduced above shows what Temple University, in Philadelphia, would look like if all of its twenty scattered building units remarkable were assembled on one campus. It gives a vivid comception of the university’s arranged according to key number, are as follows: 1. Oak Lane School, at Oak Lane. 2. Women's Dormitories. 3. Seminar Rooms. 4. High 8. Mitten Memorial Hall, student School. recreation sentre. Country Day 6. College Hall, 7. Administration Offices, Teachers College. 8. Carnell Hall. 9. Conwell Hall, main adminis- tration building. 10. Temple Stadium. 15. Adhletie Field. 18. Athletie Clubhouse, 138. School of Medicine. 14. Temple University Hospital. in recent years. 16. Nurses’ Home Annexes. 17. School of Music. 18. Administration Offices, Schools of Dentistry, Pharmacy and Chiropody. 15. Nurses’ Homes. 19. School of Chiropody. 20. Professional 3choo'~- February Clearance Sale Fri., Feh. 17 to Sat., March 4, inclusive We are listing just a few of the many remarkable values we are offering during our Annual February Sale Starting Friday. FRE Wh . will give a FINE BROOM to a limited number of Customers, with each ™ purchase of 50c or “more—One to a customer—FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17th Very Good Shippensburg WORK PANTS 89 BROADCLOTH SHIRTS White — 49-50 Colors Shirts and Shorts Can’t Be Beat 18 Garment WORK SHIRTS. Made by Home Special 4. 2 for 85¢ MEN’S S U RT'S $9.95-$1 2.95$14.95-$15.95 OUR ENTIRE STOCK REDUCED All Alteration Charged for During Sale N A BOYS’ Sheepskin Coats LEATHERETTE 3195 HEAVY DENIM OVERALLS O° PAJAMAS Outing—Muslin Boys’ Blouses 48 Boys’ Overcoats $3.95 $5.95 VALUES TO $15 DRESS SOX \ c Pair 1S® IMPORTANT — Because of the issuing -of our sales circular x the February 16th issue of STORE NEWS will be omitted . ESHLEMAN BRO “ON MOUNT JOY’S BUSIEST SQUARE” \ . \ EN \ ECGS CCITT We Want : Every Family To Call At 3 's Ph: | Garber’s Pharmacy | 91 East Main Street, MOUNT JOY, PA. : NJ For a free trial bottle of HICK’S. CAPUDINE For all aches Nervousness, Neuralgia, \Grippe and Headaches Trial Size Absolutly Free! ~SOO00000000000000 + Feed Mixing Service of the best in dients which we sell at prices that are in line with We are ph to mix your poultry mashes. We carry a full line the times. N We also have = cust that have given very satisfactory results, which we giv Try our started White good results. ur customers for the asking. Xn Chicks. They have given very ces Day old chick $6.50 per hun ed, $60.00 per thousand Started chick 2%c per week added Four week old pullets 32¢ Six week old pullets 40c. } Not\Blood Tested These chicks and pullets are bred, hatched and" tarted right here on our own premises. P. E. WOLGEMU Phone 916R6 DOOOG Aria NN aA TO = Ot ns