takes 1 2 1 2 Our Annual Dollar Dress Sale DRESSES place at this time. Dress. ....... $2.95 Dresses. ..... $3.95 Dress........ $5.95 Dresses. ..... $6.95 Bach .... 0... PHONE 33 POO ABOUT THE SICK AND AFFLICTED Mrs. Howard Barnhart is ill with the flu. Miss Fanny Mumma, on St., is ill at her home. © Frank Mrs. Amos Garber is ill at her home on Frank Street. Mildred Crowl, of Florin, has been ill for several weeks. Mrs. W. I. Beahm, who has been quite ill the past five weeks, is im- proving. Isaac Breneman, the Back Run butcher, is confined to his home with pleural-pneumonia. Mr. John Engle, on East Main St., was taken to the Lancaster General hospital on Sunday. Mr. Charles Ricksecker, who was convalescing from a serious illness, is again quite ill at his home. Mrs. Charles Eshleman, on West Donegal St., was taken to the Lan- caster General hospital, as a surgi- ‘cal patient. mss AG An Forestville—Work to get under- way soon on rebuilding of Balti- more pike between Jennersville and YT Suit... $3.95 2 Suits. ...... $4.95 1 Suit........ $5.95 2 Suits. ...... $6.95 STEP-INS Received another lot of Step-ins made from remnants of good quality Rayon. Sizes, small, medium and large BE THRIFTWISE ARIE’S P0000 0000000000000000 KNIT SUITS ries aisle ciate ih ---285¢ HATS Your Choice 49Oc¢c BERETS 15¢-29c¢ 49c THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. 0000000000000 ) : OUR JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE OF REMARKABLE VALUES coEs oN WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4th Good, Seasonable Wearables for Women and Misses—Many Less Than Their Original Cost STILL A LOT OF WINTER AHEAD! BUT THESE FASHIONS MUST MAKE WAY FOR SPRING THINGS TO COME. FILL IN NOW WITH THOSE THINGS YOUR WARDROBE NEEDS HATS BABIES’ APPAREL Our Infant Department carries with it an un- usual line of Knit Wear too. 10 “Molly Pitcher” Wash Dresses $1.00 Sizes 141% to 52 “GOLD MARK” Genuine Silk Full Fashioned Hose in Service Weight and Chiffon, pair... GLOVES 79¢c and $1.95 Sale Price Chamois Suede. . . -49¢ Cape Skin. Extra Quality Rayon Bloomers, small, medi- um and are... cc Ree 39c¢ SWEATERS Turtle-neck and Low-neck $1.00 and $1.95 9c 4 $81.19 3) Files $1.19 dees 59¢ Special purchase of Mill Ends in Vests, Bloomers and Union Suits make it possible to offer good underwear at, Local Doings Around Florin (Frean page one) brother, A. D. Garber and family over New Year. i is Prof. S. S. Shearer has returned to Shippensburg State Teachers’ College, after spending the holidays at the home of R. A. Schule, on Wood Street. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wagenbach, of Chocolate Avenue, attended the Heisey-Wolgemuth wedding on Satur- day. The guests numbered 128. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Stehman and children and Mrs. Bertha Andes and daughter Margaret, of Lancaster, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Good. Mr, Leroy Walters of Messiah Bible College, Grantham, Pa., returned yes- terday, after spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Walters. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reheard, of Florin, entertained: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Zerphy and sons, Arthur and Henry; Mr. and Mrs. John Re- is place. heard and son, Robert; Mr. and To Make Good Pies TE Th Arey ic SIS) 7 | ~ Cl va, i T'S a gift, some say. It's luck, say others. It's a good recipe —and a little care, say we. People differ as to what consti- tutes a good soup, a good salad or a good sweet, but they seem to be pretty generally agreed that good pies should have tender, flaky crust that stays crisp, and an interior which melts in your mouth. The Why of Pie Flakiness of crust is the result ~ of alternate layers of flour and it and depends on the amount of : Exing the ke the is Apple Sauce Pie: To make the pastry, put two cups pastry flour and one-half teaspoon sait through a flour sifter into a bowl. Add one cup lard, chopping it inte the flour with a sharp knife. Then add ice-water—just ercugh to hold the flour and lard to- gether—very slowly, mixing all the time lightly with your hand. Roll the paste into a Inmp. Cover it with cheesecloth and place iy refrigerator over night. The ne day roll out and bake immediate! in a hot oven. For the filling, mix the con tents of a No. 2 wn cf apple sauce, two tahlespoors melted but- ter, one teaspoon lem~r jiu'ce and pe-fourth teaspoon allspice. Fill previo: ced pastry with mi inkle cheese Lo AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF REAL SPECIALTY SHOPPE % “ar & Mrs. Harry Reheard and sons, Har ry and Paul; Eyelyn and Mary Reheard. Mr. Albert Fike met with a painful accident when an axe he was using glanced off cutting his left foot, which required six stitches, Dr. D, C. Stoner attended him, Mr. and Mrs, Christian V, Kinsey spent the Christmas and New Year’s holidays in the south, visiting at Nor- folk, Va., one week and several days at Elizabeth City, North Carolina. Miss Sue Brandt entertained to a Turkey dinner at her home on Choco- late Avenue, on Saturday evening. These gueses were present: Mr. and Mrs, A. G. Walters and son Leroy Wal- ters, Mr. and Mrs, Earl Walters and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Good, Mr. and Mrs, John Gingrich and Mrs. Lizzie Gingrich. A birthday party was held in honor of Mr. James Hockenberry, Saturday evening at his home. Refreshments were served to about forty people. Mr. Hockenberry received a number of useful gifts among which was a large birthday cake, beautifully decorated and having on candles for as many years as he was old. The guests in- cluded: Mr, and Mrs. Merle Gutshall and children, Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Spangler, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kaufi- man and daughter Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Horst and children, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hench and children, Mary Bates, Miriam Guhl, Robert Nissly, John Parsons, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pennell, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Gutshall and son and Mr, and Mrs. James Hock- enberry and children Betty, Helen and James. Heartiest Congratulations From The Bulletin We want to congratulate each of the following for having reached another birthday: inations hay Patrol will’ ations for motor enses on Mon- and Monday, Wilson C. Price, ne Patrol stated y patrolmen will duty on the two only. each. .. ‘15¢ GOSSARD CORSETS Are reduced for this sale VALUES. East Main Street Council Cuts Salaries, Wages (From page 1) the Street, Finance and Light commit- tees. Geo. Shatz’s Report Pumping Engineer Shatz reported having pumped 6,960,000 gallons of water in 198 hours by motor power during December. The Chief’s Report Mr. Ray Myers, Chief of the Fire Company, reported four calls during the month and apparatus okey. Board of Health Secretary M. M. Leib reported hav- ing quarantined four cases of Chicken- pox and two Whooping Cough during the month. Officer Zerphey Special Officer Elmer Zerphey made the following monthly report: Traffic arrests, 2; Non-support, 1; Passing Bad Check, 1; Assault and Battery, 1; Va- grancy, 1; Incorrigable, 1; Night Lodgers, 2217. Following is his report for the year: Traffic Arrests, 64; Parking, 69; Bad Checks, 11; Larceny, 3; Assault and Battery, 1; Incorrigable, 1; Drunk and Disorderly, 3; Drunken Driver, 2; Va- grancy, 3; Non-support, 9; Gambling, 2; Assault and Battery by automobile, 1; Serious Charge, 1; Board Bill, 1; Feloneous Entry, 1; Raids, 3; Night Lodgers, 1255. Treasurer's Report Mr, H. N. Nissly reported balances in the various accounts as follows: Boro, 715.37; Water, $1,577.88; Bond, $904.07; Interest, $76.00; New Bond, $1,160.00. Collections Good It was reported that there is only| $1,695 boro tax outstanding of the 1932 | duplicate and a trifle over $800 of the | 1931 duplicate. This, considering pres- ent conditions, is very good. Upon motion $904 was transferred from the Bond to the Boro account and ! bills to the amount of $732.67 were then paid. An Executive Session Council then held an executive ses- sion at which time wages of boro em- DA Y / Sale Price WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4th, Coats | Including Sizes 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 20, 40, & 44 Formerly $10.75 to $29.50 *1.95—°10.00 were $1.95 Sale Price 2 Scotch Plaid Scarf Sets that SHOPPE OPEN EVENI MOUNT DANSETTES AND CHEMIS In pure Dye Silk that were $1.95 and $2 Sale Price........... --$1.19 and $s JOY, PA , BRUBAKER’S DEPT. STORE $e Os 0 p06 90 3 * LJ % NORTH MARKET STREET MOUNT JOY, PA. ¥. ae WILL MAIL FORMS FOR DRIVERS JAN. 2 The bureau of motor vehicles, Department of Revenue, anncunced today that operator’s renewal cards for 1933 will be mailed on January 2 to operator’s holding a 1932 li- cense. Operators who have changed the address during the year and have not notified the bureau of the change should do so now. This will assure prompt delivery of renewal ployes was discussed. Special Officer | Zerphey’s salary which is $1,260.00 and the salary of Supervisor Henry Smeltz- | er, which is $1,400 per annum, was re- | duced ten percent. Laborers’ wages | were reduced from 40 to 35 cents per! hour. All these reductions go into ef- fect Feb. 1st, a ad Addison—Newly remodeled and enlarged First National Bank of Addison, formally opened. ——- Er Turn useless articles about your home into cash. Advertise them in our classified column. tf AE AAG Sellersville—Post office . site be- ing secured here. applications. Change of address no- tification must be made on Depart- ment Form RV-M-18. The form may be secured from the bureau at Harrisburg or from any automobile club, notary public or justice of the peace. There is no fee for either the form or for changing the ad- dress. Like motor vehicle renewal reg- istration applications for 1933, op- erator’s renewal applications also have been made smaller. This has reduced the cost to the State con- siderably. In the past the opera- tor’s application was 9% inches long. Those for 1933 are 8 1-4 inch- es long. The width remains at four inches. The operator’s card carried on the person has been reduced from 2 1-2 inches in length to 2 1-8 inches, with the width staying at four inches. Overweight Trucks State highway patrolmen made 156 arrests in November for opera- tion of over-weight trucks. Thirteen arrests weer made for operation of trucks in excess of the legal length and width, and 116 truck operators were arrested for speeding. In the same period sixteen bus operators were arrested for speed- Classified Column FOR SALE CHEAP—A 6-room house in Florin, all conveniences, nicely lo- cated. Property newly papered and painted. Will take $3,000 for a quick sale. See Jno. E. Schroll, Mt. Joy, Pa. dec.28-tf FOR RENT—Ten-room house located at 50 West Donegal Street, Mount Joy, rent $20.00. Phone Mary Gochnauer, 23987 Lancaster. dec.14-4t FOR SALE—New and used Sin Sewing Machines from $10.00 up. Cc and see them. Jno. S. Brinser, 108 Poplar Street, Elizabethtown. Ph 164R3. Jan4-3 RADIO SERVICE—Day and night including SE Apply T. F. Mo- Eizo: Florin.! Phone Mt, STOVE WO(D sawed in 12 inch lengths consists of oak and hickory. $6.00 per cord delivered. —JACOB G. BAKER, R. D Manheim, Pa. Phone LR2. Ye jly-6-tf ONLY $3,768 A SIDE—That’s all I k for| a Dandy Double House, with Dotble Garage. House has modern heat, baths, t, gas, otc., and is nicely located on Delta St., Mt. Joy. It's a good investment. See Jno. E. Schwll, Mt. Joy, jan7-t¢ NEW HOUSE \CHEAP—I have 3 8-room House aling the trolley as Tlerin that I wantl to sell before April 1st. Has all \onveniences and vill sell for only $3650 for a quick ale. is Na. &1 in my list ‘no. E. Schroll. Rellter. Mt. Joy | EA deen! OY od bd 9 Hh amd Za 0 tai en evi eel