ESDAY, JANUARY 4th, 1933 THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER €O., PA. SALE BILLS! rion High inasium in 0,000 ad- Montgom-+ Nights est r physic tg THE BULLETIN MOUNT 1OY, PA. Nothing Advertises a Public Sale Better than an Attractive Sale Bill Qur Posters are Above the Average because we have the facilities— Type, Illus- trations, Machinery and Skilled Mechanics. Low Prices J Pe acidf 0) 0, 0. 0 0 0 00 00000000000 000000 0S eb SSS 0 sults in lef Joe ide de de fof des ee dodo Goris alo fede fear irae feared | getting uj a b My h light country demand, about steady ° , etc. works: PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH draya un net farby gae. y hore ° 1 ’ 8 i{ | effectively, hen my hoot so uff g’shva os are Produce & Live bulk selling 4.00-4.50. Calves are uestions n Wels. . Get : mere nimmy uff em kup gabiivva is steady, top vealers 7.00, few selects your. drg- What ‘Shwilkey Bumblesock ‘Has To ich hob ene in de hond g’numma held higher. Sheep about steady, ° T -TelleVed of Say This Week Gli huts awfonga dunnera un ei- Stock Market choice lambs 6.50-7.00. Hogs steady Driver ests at Jo shloga. Yaw, es wore so doonkel with week’s advance, choice 160-220 i ye ook 1 : Ib. weights 4.00-4.25. regu > -k olla mohl os e _| 1b. ghts ay : a huv ich oy CORRECT MAT ION re __ Receipts: 157 cattle; 28 calves; (From page 1) : = maned ich daid en gonse lot geisht NISHED WE Ce Te FOR 673 hogs. are semipsychological and aimed at saena. Uff ae mohl bin ich um en| BUREAU STEERS ascertaining the applicant's reac- | eck room cooma in en doonkler| THE BULLETIN Good $5.25-6.00 | tion to certain situations that may bush. In der mit fun.dem hov ich : Medium 4.25-5.25 | him as a driver. | en grose .fire g'saena, Now, en| Although supplies of mushrooms | Common 3.25-425| Here are a few of the questions: i soberer mon ware gor net mnaixt,| Were moderate, there was a better HEIFERS _| Which requires greater caution, a J awver ich hob shpunk g’fossed un|demand and the market was also | Choice 5.00-5.75 | curve to the right or to the left? o>. bin der-gaega garidda. Gli hov ich [slightly firmer, according to the Good 4.25-5.00 | why 7 » g’saena os leit um’s fire room don- | Federal State Market News Serv- | Medium 3.50-4.25 Suppose, at reasonable speed, sa. Des wedderlacache hut mich | ice. Pennsylvania whites sold at] Common 2.50-3.50 | left rear tire should blow out. so farblendt os ich net saena hob|40 to 60c with poorer stock lower . Cows In which direction, if any, would kenna wos un ware es is. Endlich | While the New Jersey whites were | Choice 3.25-4.00 your car tend to swerve? ‘Would 7 hov ich g’saena os es weipsleit sin | bringing 50 to 65c per 3-pound bas-| Good 2.50-3.25 | you apply the brakes? Cut off the un de wora holver nockich. Ich bin | ket. tot 5 lightly and igi 170.200 gas? Throw out the clutch? What 4 of course grawd onna garidda so| Sweet potatoes showed a slg ow cutter and cutter 00-1.75 | would be the safest thing to do? MAKE SURE OF ENOUGH READY MONEY NEXT ! oe 2 R lan Es de to Lowi Mi BULLS What would you do if the rear / : ; wore en hecka push grawd far mer [Plies both yesterday and today. L.| Good and choice 00-5.00 | wheels skid sideways under power | CHRISTMAS BY JOINING ONE OR MORE _ De onner nocht io} ich Zoo os un se hen mich Ji So kenna. In|S. No. 1 red and yellow Suck Cutter, common and med 2.75-4.00| on wet or slippery roads? ; OF THE FOLLOWING CLASSES ich awver ‘in mein laive. pe gi ame eck wore ebber g’hucked un de | brought mostly 45 to 55¢ with lew VEALERS If you have to stop when going f/ Ich wore nunner noch em ha gike g’shpeeled. Ich hob g’saena|as high as 60c and poorer stock as| Good and choice 6.25-7.00 | up a hill, what must you guard Shtettle uff bolitix bis- os are harner uff em kup hut, glow low as 35c per 5-8 basket. White} Medium 5.00-6.25 | against when you start? In start- niss un heb mich farsimed. Ich hob yams sold at 40 to 50c for 5-8 bas-| Cull and common 8.00-5.00 | ing, what do you do? CLASS 10F Members paying 10 cents a week for fifty weeks onan iii $5.00 $12.50 $25.00 fp 0 Junie rv 110 2 ek i» $50.00 $100.00 a stm var $250.00 3 with interest added if all payments are made regularly or in advance 2 The Union National Mt. Joy Bank | Mount Joy, Penna. CLASS 25 Members paying 25 cents a week for fifty weeks WHT FeCHIVE. vrs CLASS 50 Members paying 50 cents a week for fifty weeks. will Yeceive.. .. i... snus 2 4 2? eR on ” ’ ol 4 4 > CLASS 200 | Members paying $2.00 a week for fifty weeks will receive. CLASS 500 Members paying $5.00 a week for dec.7-2mos. : CLARENCE SCHOCK: ; EEE UL CA Oh ia a 4 ‘4 TE SAE SR SE Sr x sr ols naixt dart g’wooned un hob de leit ols goot gakent. De leit hen mich aw gakent u nsell is de shult os ich fart gatzooga pin. Ae mon in batickler hov ich ols gaglicha— es wore der Mike Belsinger, unser black-smit. Are hut meim gowl en monich eisa uff g’shloga un olla mohl os ich nuch der shmidt bin sin mer boomerawlish foll warra mit nonner. Well, de nmon hov ich widder awgadruffa om oldto blotz uns naixt os ich g’wist hob hut are mich in sime keller g’hot om sider drinka. Ich hob der Polly far- sprucha g’hot sober hame cooma, awver fom keller sin mer ins wartz hoose un we ich dort ni cooma bin don hov ich olles fargessa waega bolidix un der Polly. Em wardt si fraw wore en oldt madel un mina os ic hols gakarraseered hob eb ich g’hired wore un mer sin gli gr woonedbawr confidential warra. Der wardt hut galocht un “yaw” g’sawd tsu olles, un es arsht os ich g'wist hob hov ich nixt g’wist. De soon wore shunt unner un dreeva wolka sin uff g’shtiga gaega owet. Ich hob g’saena os en g'widder raega uff soomed un ich bin nows un uff em oldta Sammy Sensawetzer si oldet shimmel marr gagroddled woo ich g’lained hob g’hot. Ich hob mich net recht balanca kenna es arsht awer twza mon hen mich druff g’- hova un der onner hut der marr anes ivver de shoonka ni g’hocked mit ma glob board, un woopsh, is es obgonga, naiva on da fensa shtawka nows os der shmoke g’- floga is. Ich hob tzae mile hame g’hot un dorrich en doonkler, weeshter wake Ich bin om blotz farby woo amohl en Yudda peddler dote g’mauched is warra. Ich hob de idea gor net ga- glicha awver ich hob en karicha leedle gapiffa far myshpunk uff holda. Es naixt bin ich om blotz far by woo der Bill Michelrover sich g’henked hut. Es wore en wiser shtae im fens eck g’laega wun ich hob amohl en notion g'hot room on da feese, un en longer schwontz mitera grovvel draw. Uff ma dish in der mit fun da donser wore en mensha kup galaega, en shtrick woo en mon mit g’hekned is warra en blootich messer un end lawd. Wos oll des maned hov ich net wis- sa kenna. Uff ae mohl draid anes fun da weipsleit room un ich hob g’saena os es de oldt Sis Shleggel is woo se g’henked hen far leit fer- hexa. Es wore so farhoftich en hexa donse un der divel hut ga- giked. Bong? Well my hore hen hows g’shtonna os we keshta-eegla, my tzae hen uf annoner gaglebbert un my hartz hut goboomt os ich bong wore se daida es haera. Ich hob de marr om tziggel greeked far room draya. De minnutt os se sich fai- raged hut don, woopsh, wor’s licht ous. Derno hedscht’s awver haera sulla dunnera! Downsend millune glebber mashenna! Se sin ous em doonkla cooma os we eema ous m koshta. De oldt marr hut sich ni g lust far era beshtes. Oh, doo leeve tsu-shtond! Het ich ust uff de Po ly g’harricher! De hexa sin ol naixer un naixter uff cooma. Ic hob der marr tsu shprucha for ic hob g'wist os mer boll onera bre sin un os hexa net ivve ren wasse gaena. Endlich hov ich’s wassd g’saena un de naixst minnutt he de blonka unich oldta marr er feese gaglebbered. Ich wore nuc lavendich, Gud si donk, awver m hore wora mere oll fum kup of senked un ich hob nuch shweffd garucha far a pawr dawg. Es brauch mere nemond nix ma ous-redda waega hexa, un wile ic anyhow en hexa ducter bin sht du des drooka far de benefit fun der cause. Du mawksht nuch unna draw shtata os my terms sin “Finf dawler de hex. Payment in advance. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded.” Of course, du farshtaest de refundng bisniss. so AI ein Subscribe for The Bulletin kets and at 65¢ for bushels. Bushel hampers of New Jersey sweet po- tatoes sold at 75 to 90c for No. 1s and at 40 to 50c for mediums. White potatoes held steady. Most U. S. No. 1 stock brought 90c to $1.15 per 100 pound sack while a few exceptional lots were as high as $1.25 and poorer stock was as low as 75c. No. 1 redskin potatoes brought 85 to 40c per 5-8 basket. Apples showed little change in price with bushels selling mostly at 75¢ to $1.10 for U. S. No. 1s altho a few fine quality Staymans and Delicious were higher and poor and small of all varieties were lower. Kieffer pears were quoted at 25 to 35¢c per 5-8 basket while cranber- ries ranged from $1.50 to $2.50 per quarter barrel box according to the quality. Celery was firm with wired or tied bunches bringing mostly 5 to Oc while a few were higher an beef steers and classes. Beef sf] 25¢ lower, bet bullocks showi for week 5.75, bulk of sales steady. She std steady to weak] 4.00-4.75, mediu butcher cows 7 FEEDER & STOCKER CATTLE Good and choice 4.75-6.00 Common and medium 2.50-4,75 HOGS Good and choice 3.50-4.00 Medium and good 3.00-3.75 SHEEP Choice Lambs 6.50-7.00 Choice Lambs 6.00-6.50 Yearling Wethers 4.50-5.50 Ewes 1.00-3.00 Historical Events Sunday, Jan. 1 Paul Revere, patriot, 1735. New Year’s Day. Monday, Jan. 2 General Jas. Wolfe was 1727. U. S. flag first raised 1776. Tuesday, Jan. 3 was born born in W. H. (Fingy) Conners was born 1857. Battle of Princeton 1777. Wednesday, Jan. 4 Carter Glass, statesman, was born 1858. Utah becomes state 1896. Thursday, Jan. 5 Z. Pike, Pike’s Peak, was born in 1779. Capt. John Smith was captured 1608. Friday, Jan. 6 Tom Mix, actor, was born 1880. Epiphany. Saturday, Jan. 7 Millard Fillmore, president, was 1800. year 1933. Quarryville “equipped barber shop e Rhoag When is your driving speed, re- gardless of miles per hour, dang- erous ? Even though you have the rj of way at an intersection, what sponsibility is placed upon you? In general, how would you defil reckless driving? mrs al Qi Brie. DRY ROADS DO NOT GUARANTEE SAFETY It is encessary to drive carefully when road conditions are good and the weather is clcar as when re- verse conditions prevail, the Gover~ nor’'s Committee on the Street and Highway Safety advises motorists. An analysis of accidents occurr- ing in the first eleven months of the year made by the Division of Safety, the Department of Revenue shows 28,167 occurring on dry roads and 28,949 when weather conditions were clear. This is 75.9 percent. \ and 78.06 per cent of all the acci- ¥ dents reported. Included in the accidents occurr- ing during clear weather were 1285 fatal accidents and 19,179 acci- dents in which at least one person was non-fatally injured. The fig- ures represent 80 an 79 per cent. respectively of the total accidents in which persons were killed and injured. Safe driving conditions tend to make drivers the conclusion arrived Governor's Committee. Take time to be safe and take time to be careful under all conditions, is the suggestion it offers motorists. ment A ees: often careless, is at by the Hanover—aA. Na. Md., torshig Stremmel, ; of assumed otel Hanover. yn—~Charles K. § st telephone acrous the At- c 1927. ser ces Philadelphia — Philadelphia Elee ic Co. planning to expend $10,- $30,000 for new construction in the, rr Li oF 4 over lease yy pi asd