WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3rd, 1932 THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. 0000000000000 © © : B. BRUBAKER S * © Departthent Store MOUNT JOY, PA. 2 THE BUSY STORE AROUND THE CORNER & ce — © @ @© © qoeans .......... POG Large Can Peaches vere 25¢ Fresh Lititz Pretzles 2: pounds ............ 25¢ Boys get a Cap Free with Ivin’s Cakes and Crackers 1, price this week. every lb. of Stauffer’s Butter rtin’s Bologna, sliced, Thin Crackers .. ....... 25¢ and... 25c¢ ONE CENT SALE Washburn’s Pancake Flour........... .. 14¢ Blue Ribbon Mayonnaise, pint size Boseul Mea 5 00055503, 10¢c New Hand Embroidered Pillow Cases, each... 25¢ Fabric Shoes, Leath for children, 15 price Soles © Assorted Salad and Vege- table Dishes, each... 19¢ Men’s Work Hose, 3 pr. 35¢ Large Cups, each Soll 10c¢ © Soles, pair Men’s Work Shoes, Leathe Strong Stitching, i. 8145 Religious News In Our Churches Kraybill’s Mennonite Church Sunday School 9:00 A. M. Mount Joy Mennonite Church 9:00 A. M. Sunday School. 7:00 P. M. Preaching. Donegal Presbyterian Church Rev. C. B. Segelken, BD. D., Pastor Church School 9:00 o'clock, D. C. ‘Witmer, Superintendent. Presbyterian Church Rev. C. B. Segelken, D, D., Pastor Church School 9:30 o'clock H. S. Newcomer, Superintendent, Trinity Lutheran Church Rev. George A. Kercher, Pastor Bible School 9:30 A. M. Morning Service 10:45 A. M. No evening services during July and August. Reformed Mennonite Church Christian S. Nolt, pastor There will be services in th: Re- formed Mennonite church on West Main Street next Sunday morning at ten o’clock. Church of the Brethren Sunday, August 7 8:30 A. M. Sunday School at Florin, Rheems and Green Tree. 10 A. M. Church services at West Green Tree. Church of God Rev. Paul G. Martin, A. B., Minister Sunday School 9:30. Morning preaching service 10:30. C. E. 7:00. Preaching 7:45 P. M. Mid-week prayer service Wednes- day 7.45. Trinity Evan. Congregational Church Rev. N. S. Hoffman, Pastor Wednesday 7:30 Prayer service. Wednesday, 8:30 Official Board. Sunday School 9:30 A. M. Church 10:30. Catechism 6:45. Church 7:30. St. Luke’s Episcopal Church Rev'd. William S. J. Dumvill, Rector Holy communion and sermon the first Sunday of each month at 10:30 Sunday School at 9:15. Morning prayer and sermon 10:30 Vesper Service 6:30 P. M. Choir rehearsal Wednesday even- ing at 6:30. All who have no church home are invited to come and worship with us. St. Mark’s United Brethren in Christ The Rev. C. E. Rettew, Minister All Services Daylight Saving Time. Sunday Church School 9:30 A. M No morning worship. 1:30 Dr. C. D. Huber Gertna. 3:00 Bishop Batdorf at Mount Gretna. 7:30 Rev. John Ness Gretna. at Mount at Mount The Methodist Episcopal Church “The Church on the Square” Rev 7. Ridgway Petre, B. D., Pastor Sunday, Aug. 7, 1932 9: . M. Sunday School, Dr. E. W. Garber, Superintendent. 10:30 A. M. Morning Worship. Child- ren’s sermon and sermon. Theme: Seeing Face to Face. : There will be no vesper services till September 4. Next Week Wednesday 7:45 P. M. Prayer meeting. Hoffer Clan’s 15th Reunion (From page one) entertainment program at the af- ternoon session, presented a brief history of his branch of the Hoffer Clan. The entertainment program con- ducted in the pavilion in the park here included: Song service, aud- ience; invocation, Rev. Aaron Hof- fer, of Neffsville; address of wel- come, president, Rev. Henry H. Hof fer, of Hershey; music, trombone solo, Cyrus Hoffer, of Harrisburg; reading, Hazel M. Hoffer, of Eliza- bethtown; music, piano duet, Rach- ael Hoffer and Ethel Moore, of Mt. Joy; historical address, Rev. Samu- el Hertzler, of Elizabethtown; vocal duet, Miriam and Naomi Garber, of Elizabethtown; address, Paul A. Kunkel, of Harrisburg; trombone solo, Cloy M. Hoffer, of Mt. Joy; business session; song period; bene- diction. During the business session the officers were reelected for the ensu- ing year and Hoffer Park, in Mid- dletown, was designated as the meeting place of the clan at the next reunion. Reunion Is Held By Keener Clan (From page one) tions, Alpha Earhart and Stanley Earhart. Election of officers resulted as follows: President, John Melhorn; secretary and treasurer, Irene Wol- gemuth; program committee, Gray- bill Bruckhart, John Wolgemuth and Irene Wolgemuth. The next reunion will be held at the home of John Wolgemuth, near Mt. Joy, August 1, 1933. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs John K. Earhart and children, J. Stanley and Ethel Adele; Mr. and Mrs. Graybill Bruckhart and child- ren, Ruth, Paul and Esther; Mr and Mrs. Roy Shelly and children, David, Rufus, Leroy, Miriam, Eliza- beth, Almos, Mildred and Mary; Mr. and Mrs. Almos S. Earhart, Mr. and Mrs. Almos K. Earhart and child- ren, Elwood and Alta Lucille; Mr. and Mrs. Abram Hess and children, Lester, Kenneth and Clair; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Wolgemuth, Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Earhart and daughter, Janet Arlene; Mr. and Mrs. John K. Wolgemuth and children, Lloyd Jean and Thelma; Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hossler and daughter, An- na Grace; Mr. and Mrs. John Mel- horn and daughter, Betty Jane; Vi- ola Keeley, Irene Wolgemuth, Grace Lehman and Harry Hansel. rn en AA AY EVANGELIST VINCENT STEFFAN IN CAMPAIGN IN E. PETERSBURG Last Sunday evening marked the beginning of an Evangslistic Campaign in a large tabernacle tent in East Pe- tersburg with Evangelist Vincent Stef- fan, an the platform. Rev. Steffan is well known to many, in Lancaster city and county, having conducted campaigns in both Lancaster city and Elizabethtown during the past few months. During the present week Rev. Stef- fan will preach chiefly on the second coming of Christ. The Song Leader for the campaign will be Edward Heiser of Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. Services will be held nightly except Monday at 8:00 D. S. T. with the Hap- py Hour for the children at 7:30 and on Sunday afternoon at 2:30 at which time the Grace and Hope Mission Band will render special music. 4th Reunion Of Wagner Family (From page 1) Offering. Address, York. Special “Volunteer” program. In Memory of the Departed. Awarding of prizes. Appointment of committees. Announcements, Singing, “God Be With We Meet Again.” ol The. prizes were won by: The old- est member present, Mrs. Will Kessler, 82 years old, Hanover. The youngest member present, Fred Michael, 2 months, of Han- over. The largest family present, Mr. Jacoh. Wagner and family of 10 from Jefferson, Pa. The person coming the farthest; Mr. Fred Trone, of Huntingdon, Pa. John M. Wagner, of You Till About 225 folks attended the re | union, including representatives from Hanover, Huntingdon, York, Jefferson and Spring Grove and | Baltimore, Md. The folks, locally, who attended were: Mr. and Mrs. Martin Gerber, Mr. Raymond Eby, Mrs. Amy Peo- ples, Mrs. Perry Bates, and daugh- ter, Beatrice; Mr. and Mrs. Quinton Amspacker, Mr. and Mrs. Christ Weidman and daughter, Christine, of town; Mrs. Ernest Cobaugh of Elizabethtown; Mr. and Mrs. John Hershey and daughters, Thelma and Helen, of Landisville. Add 2 Trustees To The College (From page one) will represent the alumni associa- tion. The resolutions of the finance committee of the board were ap- proved at this meeting after being presented by the members, Graybill Minnich, of Lititz; Charles Baker, of East Berlin; Rev. Samuel Hertz- ler, of Elizabethtown; Jacob Z. Herr of Elizabethtown, and Dr. R. W. Schlosser, of Elizabethtown. Dr. Edgar Kiracose, of the Un- iversity, of Virginia, was approved by the board as head of the Educa- tional Department of the school for this year, and will assume his duties here on September 2. A plan for the enlargement of the water line to the local college, pro- posed by the Elizabethtown Water Company, to insure adequate fire protection was considered at this meeting. Prof. Tillman H. Ebersole, super- vising principal of the Elizabeth- town Schools, was selected as sup- ervisor of the practice teaching de- partment of the college. Ira Herr, of Elizabethtown, was appointed as athletic coach succeeding Coach Kenneth Mateer. ee tl rere Another Fish Story Roy Reppert, while fishing in the Chiques Creek, caught a chub. Roy cut the chub in half and used part of it for bait and was successful in hooking a large eel and a .nineteen inch spreckled trout weighing al- most two pounds. —r ete. Catches 9-pound Bass Bert Kline, of Columbia, caught a large mouth black bass weighing 9 pounds, after a two hour battle, in the Susquehanna river, near the borough. The fish measured 29 inches, according to Kline. 8 | Tue CARD IBASKET By rs Eas Mei. Edna: Winer spout the week end at the seashore. Miss Myrtle Grissinger of Lancaster, spent Sunday at her home here. Mr. Tony Parrell was a several days’ visitor at Wildwood, N. J. Mr, and Mrs. John Hays visited Mr. and Mrs. Levi Snyder on Sunday. Mr, Harry Gebhard of Hummels- town, visited relatives her on Sunday. Gladys Snyder, of Hazelton, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. L. Shear- er. Robert Frye, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Frye, is spending his vacation at Lititz. Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Stehman have returned from a trip to Los Angel- es, Calif. Mr, John Pennypacker visited his daughter and family at Elizabethtown, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Lindemuth and family visited at Elizabethtown on Sunday. Mrs. Jacob Brubaker, of Enola, visited Mr. and Mrs. Martin Gerber ori Monday. Mrs. Lydia McCompsey of Lancaster spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Schroll. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Zink and fam- ily on Mount Joy street, spent Sunday at Hershey Park, Mrs. Jacob Gruber of Elm Tree, visited the H. H. Zerphy family on Saturday evening, The Sunday Schools at Manheim will hold their annual union picnic Thursday, Aug. 11, Mrs. Katie Christ of Lititz, en- joyed a week's visit with her sister, Mrs, H, H. Zerphy. Mrs. Charles Light, of Lancaster, was a recent guest of her sister, Mrs. Jacob R. Zeller. Miss Mae Zeller is spending a week’s vacation at Lemoyne with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Eby. Velma, Arlene and Junior Horst are spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Wertman. Mr. Henry Reist, of Schnectady, N. Y., attended the funeral of his brother, Mr. Eli Reist on Saturday. Mrs. Carolyn Stoll, of Chicago, Ill, is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. A. F. Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. J. Willis Freed attend- ed the Freed reunion held at Forest Park, Hanover, Pa., on Sunday. Jane and Betty Withers are spending two weeks’ vacation with their grandparents, at Palmyra. Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy and son, John, Jr., returned after spend- ing a week at Wildwood, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Wertman and Beota Horst spent Sunday with the latter’s parents at Sporting Hill. Mrs. Emma Trautvetter, of town, and Mrs. Sue Holwager, of Oyster Point, were at Hershey on Thurs- day. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Spangler and family of Back Run, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Miller and family on Sun- day. Mrs, H, G, Walters, Mrs H. B. Arntz and son Robert were guests of Mr. and “Mrs. Chas. Johnson at Lancaster, Sun- day. Mrs. Annie McGirl and Mrs. Em- ma Trautvetter were at Columbia on Sunday, visiting the former's sister. Clyde Ulrich, Lancaster and Laura Minnich, Columbia, were hurt when their car upset near the Lancaster Airport. Mrs. Annie Hendrix, who has been spending about seven weeks at New Jersey, returned home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Sides were Sun- day guests at Elizabethtown, with their daughter, Mrs. Robert Heigel and family. Mrs, Alice Longenecker and daugh- ter Miss Kathryn were Wednesday guests of the Schock family at Mount Gretna. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burkhart of Perth Amboy, N. J., spent from Wed- nesday to Sunday here with relatives and friends, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shurig and fam- ily of Ironville, spent Friday with Mrs. Shurig’s sister, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Spangler. Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Clinger and Jay Barnhart of town, Miss Lovice Shri- ner of Lancaster, enjoyed the week- end at Hollaway Beach. Mrs. Daniel Gohn and son, Daniel Jr., of Columbia, were Sunday vis- tors at the home of Mrs. Annie Barnhart, on David St. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schock anc family, who have been spending the summer at Mount Gretna, returned to their home here on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. David Laskewitz and son spent Sunday at Philadel- phia with the former’s parents, Mr; and Mrs. Harry Laskewitz. Mrs. James Shoop and daughter, Mrs. Iva Campbell, spent Sunday with the former's daughter, Mrs. Elmer Barnes and family at Lancaster. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stoner and chil- dren spent the week end at Camp Shand in Lebanon county, where their son Bobby is spending two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Funk of town, accompanied their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Funk, of Harrisburg, on Sunday to visit relatives at East Ber- lin. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Fenstermacher and son Junior, Mrs. Lizzie Fenster- macher, Mrs, George Brown and Mrs. Shickley spent a week at Wildwood, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Miller, Mrs. Oscar Herr and daughter Erma Mae, Miss Annie Snyder and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Snyder of town, Miss Lottie Snyder of Lititz, were entertained on A | at the Twin Oaks swimming pool. - Friday evening at the home of Levi Snyder and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kaylor, Miss Dorothy Kaylor and Bernice Geist- weit spent Sunday at Chamber Hill with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bower- man, Mr, and Mrs, Isaac Eshleman, Mr, and Mrs. John Young, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Greenawlt were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. Henry Breneman at Florin, Mr, and Mrs, Christian Snyder and daughter Miss Lottie of Lititz and Miss Annie Snyder of town were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs, Levi Snyder. Mr, and Mrs. John Booth and family Misses Jane and Mary Habecker and Mr, R. Fellenbaum and family are spending some time at Stone Harber, New Jersey. The Misses Dorothy Bowerman, of Chamber Hill, and Muirel White of Harrisburg, are spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kay- lor and family. r Misses Elsie Hoffer, Pearl Myers and Verna Brandt, Messrs. Robert Hostetter, David Lutz and Merle Hoffer attended a splash party on Wednesday at Hershey. Mr. and Mrs. Christ Young and son, Herbert, of Florin; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Young, Sr., were Sun- day evening callers of Christ Heist- and and family, near Manheim. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Frey and Mr. Jacob Frey, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kling, Mrs. Eliza Kling, Charles Kling all from Lititz, spent Sunday with Paul Frey and family on Delta street. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kaylor, Miss Dorothy Kaylor, Bernice Geistweit, Mr. Amos Kaylor, Irwin and Bruce Myers attended the Kaylor reunion at Hoffer’'s Park, Middletown, on Saturday. Mrs. Ida Goodwin, Mrs. Zelpha Holman and daughter, Jessie Frances Holman, of Washington, D. C., were guests from Friday till Monday of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Benzel on New Haven Street. Mrs. J. G. Eicherly and son, Gene Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Eshleman and son, James; Mrs. Wilbur I. Beahm motored to Greensburg on Sunday, where they visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Beahm. Mr. and Mrs, Miles Backenstone, Miss Lillian Backenstoe, H. G. Wal- ters, Joseph Moore, H. B. Arntz and son Gerald, John Moore and Warren Heisey spent Sunday at Camp Shand with Harold Backenstoe and’ Harry Walters. Jr. Mr. and Mrs, Isaac Eshleman, of Mt. Joy, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bender of Salunga, Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Cassett of Sporting Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith of Chestnut Hill, were Satur- day evening guests of Benjamin Ben- der and family at Landisville. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Zerphy of Sharp’s Corner, Mr, and Mrs. Walter Zerphy, Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Zerphy and sons of Stauffertown, Henry Kay- lor, Mrs. Katie Christ of Lititz, Mr. Harvey Zerphy were entertained on Sunday at the home of H. H. Zerphy. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bentzel and son, Robert; Mrs. Frank Hersh- ey, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Bentzel, of town; Mrs. Ida Goodwin, Mrs. Zel- pha Holman and daughter, Jessica Frances Holman, of Washington, D. C., visited at Hershey and Mt. Gretna on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Kramer and daughter, Margaret; Mr. and Mrs. James Piersol and two sons, Charles and James; Mrs. Alex Kramer, all of town; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Swisher and daughter, Doris, of Lewistown; Mrs. David Strayer and children, Gwynn, Buddy and Billy of Lancaster, enjoyed a motor trip to Halloway Beach on Sunday. Heartiest Congratulations From The Bulletin Jis riding behind the Mr. and MrQ Roy J. Fissell and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. P. Hess and daughters, Dotty and June, were entergained at cards at the home of Mr.§and Mrs, C. 8S. Hoover and famil on Saturday eveni Mrs. Mary Rost who has been visiting at the ho of her mother, Mrs. Mary Gorret} Broad street, left for Chicago whdre Mr. Rosto is stationed at the presgnt time, Mr. and Mrs. Harty Hoffman and childern, Jean and returned home after spending $veral days at the home of Mrs. Hoffjnan’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kinard, §t Birdsboro. Miss Mary Caroline§ Greider, the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Wallace Greider, of Main street§ is spending two weeks at Camp at Spruce Creek. Misses Ruth and A daughters of Mr. and Long, the after spending several with friends in Ohio Western Pennsylvania. Miss Ruth Hoffman several days at Ocean Jersey. Earl Mumma and hi§ brother, Samuel, spent Sunday at § Caledonia park, Franklin county. spending ity, New Mr. and Mrs. Henry ser and Florence Minnich are enjdying sev- eral weeks at Atlantic y, New Jersey. Mrs. Mabel Bickel, of oad St., and son, Joseph, are spending ten days at Coatesville, at the home of her sister-in-law, Mrs. H. Bigkel. 100 Won Prizes At Auto Picnic (From page one) commissioner of motor vehicles and director of the Statewide safety cam- paign now getting under way, appeal- ed to the motorists of Lancaster coun- ty to co-operate in this drive. “Death steering wheel on the highways of Pennsylvania,” he said, “and if we don’t take radical steps to curb this monster I fear the consequences within the next few years. Eynon outlined briefly the States plan for a safety move that is to be carried into every community through local committees. He told of the ap- pointment of S., Edward Gable, presi- dent of the Lancaster Club as chair- man of the executive committee of the campaign inaugurated by Govern- or Pinchot and commended the Lan- castrian for the part he is playing in attempting to cut the toll of street and highway accident, Russell E, Singer, of Washington, D. C., secretary of the American Auto- mobile Association, commended the Lancaster Club for the position it has attained in National motoring circles. The Lancaster Club, he said, is the largest A. A. A. unit in Pennsylvania and the ninth largest among the near- ly 1,000 clubs throughout the United States. He lauded Mr. Gable for what he is doing for motorists of the coun- ty, state and nation. Other speakers at the meeting were Frank E, Bellantyne, general manager of the Automobile Club of Philadel- phia. Frank B. Bosch, president of Motor Club of Harrisburg and Grant Seidel, of Reading Mr. Gable presid- ed. Winners of the picnic prizes can obtain them at the offices of the Club, 10 and 12 South Prince street. The list follows. $5 Gold Pieces F. B. Snyder, Manheim R. D. 3. H. K. Bortzfield, Mt. Joy. H. E. Bradley, Manheim R. D. 4. $2.50 Gold Pieces We want to congratulate each of the following for having reached another birthdav: | B. F. Sheaffer, Elizabethtown. I. E. Johnson, Manheim. $1.00 Bills G. S. Enslow, Mount Joy. Irvin G. Sweigart, Manheim R. D. 3. I. N. Fridy, Mount Joy. . Chester D. Rehrer, Elizabeth- Talk It Ov OU are invited to bank. They ar¢ ment. They are authc have at their fingertip) Equally important, the ness. You will find ¥ with awn-- © IRONVILLE Miss Lucy Smith of Philadelphia, is the’ guest of her sister, Mrs, Harris- on Nolt. 3 Miss Elizabeth Fornoff is |attending the Penna Sumday School Association camp at Sprucgé Creek, Huntington county, Penna., ifor two weeks. Mr. and Mr. Patis Garber spent sev- eral days at Atlantic City, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Mohler of Spring City, Penna. were the guests of Mrs. Frank McCue. Mr. and Mrs. Willidm Marman and Miss Louise Dunlap of ‘Baltimore, Md., are the guests of Mr, apd Mrs. Leroy Mellinger, A A number of the wom cal farm association and attended the county farm Black Barren Springs, on of the lo- Missionary Society will ho monthly meeting in the IronW B. church. sive a concert afternoon and ev es , | ent. H. C. Reinhold, East Petersburg. William Morgenthal, Bainbridge. Chas. M. Lichty, Columbia R. D. 1. Charles Adair, Manheim. A. A. A. Official Tour Books Ray Myers, Mount Joy. F. F. Frank, Marietta R. D, 1. Anna M, Landis, Rheems. Eli Billett, Rowenna, Paris Demmy, Elizabethtown. Elam M. Hollinger, Elizabethtown. R. H. Good, Elizabethtown. Vere D. Garman, Mastersonville. Samuel C, Shenk, Columbia R. D. 1 Ervin G. Nissley, Manheim. Lehman Zeager, Elizabethtown R. 4. Mrs. Chas, Butzer, Manheim. Irvin G. Myer, Elizabethtown. Elmer S. Shenberger, Manheim R. 2, George R, Funk, Marietta. rr A Gp SALE REGISTER Saturday, Aug. 13—On the prem- ises of the late Jno. N. Musser, one mile west of Silver Spring, in West Hempfield Twp., the entire lot of household goods by C. J. Musser, executor. Frank, auct. Ree Barber Licenses The State Department of Instruction announces that to date 23,600 Pennsylvania barbers have been licensed under the Act of 1931 which became effective January 1 of this year. More than 1400 ap- prentices have been registered and more than 13,000 shop permits is- sued Renewals will be due Janu- ary 1, 1933. Public proce, f the pool will be used to pay a de t the band has at pres- will preach at 10:30 A Rev. J. Smo Silver Spring on Sunda M. EST and at Ironville at DST. at Spring Grove | The 8h Place of Lancaster County COLUMBIA, PA. Wednesd & Thursday d and 4th bo Aug. Greta in “AS YOU DESIRE ME” Friday & Sat Aug. 5th and Will Reopen on &r About AUG. 15th Under The Most Modern Improsements WATCH THIS PAPER F GALA REOPENING DATE PRIVATE SALE AT OUR STOCKYARDS, MT. JOY, PA, BEGINNING FRIDAY, AUG. 5, 1932 Continuing until sold 20Bedford&CrawfordCo. FRESH Cows and Springers GUERNSEYS and HOLSTEINS JERSEYS and BRINDLES 2 Choice Registered JERSEY COWS This will be a good lot of cows. Test chart furnished with every cow and bull. Free delivery Ji B. Keller & i, I TOMOLO relieves ATHLETE'S FOOT Do you have itching feet? Is the skin%of your soles dry and cracked? BOMOLO the amazing new ointmelat BRINGS RELIEF by getting ay, the root of the trouble, A E. W. GARBER MT. JOY, PA. Money back if not satisfied. Bro. aug.3-1t STONE Before placing your order elsewh see us. Crushed Stone. Also manufac turers of Concer Blocks, Sills and Lintels. . : J. N. Stauffer & Bre exe MOUNT Joy, PA.