The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, August 03, 1932, Image 4

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Special Open Air Service:
held at “Daddy” Keener's Pl
G. F. Broske, Pastor.
Sunday evening August

Sunday evening, Augus
ject, “What is a Christi:
singing services at 7:30 Sta
the Church of God.
Elizabethtown College.
tion and social period w:
during morning session
noon session. Claude
Harrisburg presided. ev.
Jacobs, of York, gave
address. Memorial
made the address,
annual reunion are: Re
H. Engle, Marietta;
Keiser, Maytown. i
Carpenter, on Thursday.’
Wednesday at Lancaster,’
Mr. and Mrs. Christi
, day
* Lollege.
daughter Louise left Tues
lantic City for several days.

into the Reformed Parsoflage which Decker, p ........q. 2
has recently been remodeled. If 1
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Smith moved | McNorton, cf ...... 0
into the Hollenbaugh home. Metzler, rf ........ 0
Mr. Helen Evans, aughter and Kaylor, ¢ .......... 0
ing the former’s parents,
Frank Kraybill.
Mr. and Mrs. Harr
children Arthur, Anna
ter’s parents, Mr, and
Mr, and Mrs. Henry
children Miriam, Hen
ward, spent Sunday
with Mrs. Kready.
Miss Lola Seachrist

Mrs. C. C. Hicks, Miss
Shireman, Kathryn Eshleman spent
h subject,
“The Bible, a cure for Depression.”
14th, sub-
dard Time.
In case of rain services wil be held in
The sixth reunion of the! Engle fam-
ily was held Thursday, July 28 at the
e registra-
ith the en-
tertainment program durfhg the after
Engle, of
M. A.
e president's
period, Mrs.
Mayme Fortin, of Mount Joy; a read-
ing by Miss Faye Engle, bf Harrisburg.
Rev. C. N. Hostetter, Jr., of Refton,
The new officers for the next
S. G. Engle,
of Philadelphia; Vice president, Daniel
Engle, of Lancaster; Sedretary, Annie |
Maytown; Treagurer,
Hi$torian, Mary
Mrs, Carrie Ferry ad daughter |
Miriam of Lancaster, spefit the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rnls-/
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hickd and grand
will be
by the Church of God, Maytbwn, Rev.
Marian |
and daughter of Palmertony visited Dr.
and Mrs. G. A. Harter over the week-

visited Mrs. Jacob Rigser on Sunday. Greiner was the best bet for the
Mr. and Mrs. Al Davis, Mrs. | losers.
Charles C. Hicks and daughter Louise | Blue Devils r-hio'a e
“= +Miss Kathryn Eshlenfan, Miss Janet | Greiner, 3b ........ 9:2 8 2 1
Smith and James Jackson spent Sun-| Darrenkamp, If .... 1 1 1 0 1
day evening at HersBey Park. J. Sehroll, 1b ...... 1 14.00
Mrs. Cleve Sload§ Lillian Sload, |B. Pennell, cf ...... 01
Philip Sload, Mr. and} Mrs. John Gary | Funk, p ........... go. 1°22 0
Mrs. Josephine Ulrigh and daughter | Eshleman, 2b ...... 0 1.2 00
Louise attended the wedding of Miss| O. Mateer, ¢ ....... 1 1.4000
Marie Yerkes and William Spackes on !Joe Germer, ss ..... 0:1 1.190
Sunday afternoon in fhe chapel of the |A. Schneider, rss .. 0 1 1 0 0
Masonic Homes, Elizgbethtown Brian, rf .. ..... 91000
Miss Anna May Dgpler is spending Barnhart, 2b ......- 00 0-0 0
some time at Lawn, Jthe guest of her —— oo ~~.
grandparents, Mr. apd Mrs. C. S. Leh- Totals tease 31124 5 2
man. ire? Oldsmobile r h o a e
fi H. Klugh, ¢c ......... 3 40 0 0
H, Smith, If ........ 1 30 0 0
; These Teams Split Bennett, ss ........ 1 2 4 4 0
The local Tigers and South Hill split Breneman, 1b ...... 1 1900
a double header on Brown's Athletic | Zimmerman, c¢f .... 1 2 0 0 0
Field 7 to 4 and 3 to 2. The Visitors | Krayhill, % 1.229 170
won the second game. E. Myers, r ss | S01 6 00
C.-Derry, v3 oooh 0 1 3 0 O
wi Parrell, 2b , ....... 1 1.10 1
Bits p 5,0... 2.97.1 9
SHIREMAN’S |, =e: iui 53
Totaly 11°19.27 6 1
B.D. ...... 20010000 0— 3
i 0, ........ 000005 83 x—11
Phone 153R11
A Specialty

Price Very Reason
Battery Service
Official Inspection Station
Chevrolet Repairing




Abram | W
Mr. and Mrs. Elwood { Hayman and | J.
daughter Mary of Unionville, Chester |
County, visited Mr. and Mrs. Isaac |
Miss Laura Shireman of Lancaster, | Beamy, ss .........
spent Friday and Saturday with her
sister Miss Marian Shireman.
| Divit, 3b
| Royer, cf
| Gruber, r ss
| Archer, If
My. and Mrs, Isaac Carpenter at- |
tended the Engle reunionion Thurs-
which was held at Elizabethtown
| Clark, 3b
y for At-| Weidman, ss ....... 2
Prof. and Mrs. Mervin Brandt moved wy. Shaffer, r ss .... 1
r. and Mrs. |
Dupler and F C
ay and Anna E’town
spent Sunday at Lawn,!with the lat-|
s. C. S. Leh-

By “Mikey” Weaver
E'town-—Flying Clouds
E'town defeated the Flying
Clouds 15 to 9 in the first and 14-11
in the second. Score: .
Flying Clouds th 0. 3 @
Kaylor, ¢ ........, +1 251.00
R. Kramer, 2b ..... 0-3'5 "2 "2
Bob Divit, 8b ...... CO 058 0 3
Rover, ¢f 11 60 2
B Rice, rf... sons 1.1 0 Q 0
Troutwine, 1b ...... I" 1.800
W. Bates, p ....... 1 12 3S 60
Siller, 1 1.4 8 2
Hostetter, ss ...... 1:1 2290
M. Heisey, r ss 21 23 21
Totals: 912271110
E'town rh o a e
P. Shaffer, 3b....... 2 2062.8
L. Martin, Ib ...... 2 21000
J. Weidman, ss .... 2 1 2 2 3
A. Dillinger, 2b .... 2 4 5 1 1
« Shaffer, 258 .... 2.1 4 0 1
t B, Decker, p ....... 2 32 2 1
| C. Shebrean, If ..... 024200
Nye, of 1:2 0.0 1
C. 1 0.0 00
B. Kaylor, ¢ "1 0.2 0
Totals 151927 9 10
| Flying C 000711000—9
Second Game
| Flying Clouds r
| Kaylor, ¢ ..n....... 1
C. Kramer, 2b ..... i
“sais iene 1
Troutwine, 1b ..... 3
Stes 2
E. Rice, rf .........
A. Bates, p cc...
Totals .......... 11
E’town r
Martin, 1b
Dillinger, 2b 1
coococomormoop ul
Blue Devils vs Oldsmobile
The Oldsmobiles won their first
. Haines and’ game in the second half by defeat-
and John Ed- | ing the Blue Devils by a score of 11
t Millersville
to 3.
“Hen” Klugh led the attack for
f Shrewsbury, | the winners with 4 hits while Bruce
Tigers vs Fire Co.
The Tigers defeated the Fire Co.
in an interesting game by a score
of 6 to 3.
The Fire Company was first to
score but the lead was short lived
as the Tigers came back and scored
3 runs in the seventh and 3 in the
eighth inning and as a result won 6
to 3.
Tigers r ho ae
Secvears, ¢ ....... 1 1 8 0 0
Frank, ef .......... ¥ 2.000
Wilson, rf ......... 1.100
Ramsey, 3b ........ fT 4 1 13
Childs,.p 000
Way, 1b: ........... 1.2 600
Smith, 2b ....... 0 0 3 1 0
Cramer, x ss ...... 02.1 3 0
Waltz, If .......:.. 00 100
Johnson, r ss ...... 0 0.3 0 1
Totals ........... 611.27 5 2
Fire Co. vr» ho ae
Rob. Mateer, 3b .... 0 0 1 1 0
John Germer, x If .. 0 1 1 0 0
J. Keener, 2b ...... I 1 4 3.90
Schock, 1b 2:210 0 0
Groff, ss. ........... 090 4.2 90
P.Schroll, f ......0: 1 1 00
Jd. Kush, ¢c 01.10 3%
H. Derr, xp ....... 0 2 0 19
W. Mateer, cf ...... 02 0 00
E. Mateer, r ss ..... 0.0.2 00
Totals .........;. 31024 7 1
Fire Co 00020001 0-3
Tigers ..... 0000003 3 x—6
—— een:
Oldsmobile vs G-P
The Oldsmobiles won their second
game by defeating the strong Ger-
berich-Payne team by a score of 4
to 2.
The Oldsmobiles took the lead in
the fourth inning and hell it thru-
out the game.
Gerberich-Payne > h og ate
Bigler, x if _...... 0.0.0 0 0
Balt, XD 6.2.0 1.0
Ray Myers, 3b ..... 1 12 31

H. Hipple, cf 41
Good, . , 0-22.85 2.3
Rich Myers, r 85 ... 0 0 4 0 0
Laskewitz,"x' rf, 2b ..1 1.1 QQ 0
W. Hendrix, 1b .... 0.1.8 0 2
Halhlaih, 88 OO 1 2 5 2
Fogle, € © 1 300
Art. Myers, v# 1.0 0 0 0
Totals ........... 2112711 9
Oldsmobile 2h 0a e
H. Klugh, ¢ .,..... 0 1 2 0.31
Rraybill, 8h ....... 6 1 0 0
Bennett, ss ........ 1 0 1 $1
3reneman, 1b ...... 1 6 6 00
Zimmerman, ¢f .... 0 0 4 0 0
H. Smith, If ...:... 1 +8 0:0
Dest, rf... 0.0. 0-0 1-00
E, Myers, rss ..L...0 2 5 00
Blisy8tr ... 0.0000 0 I Bway
Al Myers, p'....... 1-22 249
Totaly oo a0 4 827 TV8
Oldsmobile 0002000114
G: Pw... 0000001102
Ss >OHHrrIN>Ynp- i
Blue Devils vs Eshleman Bros.
Eshleman Bros. defeated the Blue
Devils in a well played game by a
score of 9 to 0.
The Blue Devils could get but 4
hits with Greiner collecting 3 of
them and A. Schneider, the other.
“Bob” Schneider grabbed hitting
honors for the winners with 5 hits
out of 5 times at bat.
B.D r h o ae
Greiner, x 8b ...... 0 3 54. 0
Darrenkamp, If .... 0 0 4 0 0
J. Schroll, 1b -...... 0 05.0.0
B, Pennell, ¢f ..... . 0 02 3.1
Barnhart, x 2b ..... 0 0 100
Fank, p ........... 0:0 0 0 0
O. Mateer, xc ..... 0 0 6 0 0
Joe Germer, ss ..... 00:0 31 1
A. Schneider, rss .. 0 1 4 0 @
Brian, vf .......... 0-001 1
Totals. ........... 0 427 9 8
Eshleman B. r h o'ae
G. Schneider, ¢ ..... 2.1100
R. Schneider,-3b .,.. 2 5 0 3 1
Divit, ss -.......... 2 4 8 2 0
Beamesderfer, rss . 0 1 1 0 0
Garber, If ......... 1 2-3 0%
Metzler, p ......... 9 1 0 1-0
Roy Mateer, cf ..... 0 1:3 0 §
S.: Hendrix, 1b ..... 0 011 0 0
Charles, . 2b. 1 24190
Diffenderfer, rf .... 1 2 1 0 0
Totals 91927 71%
E. Bros. 2000420019
B. Devils ...
Gerberich-Payne-Fire Co.
The 10 runs the Gerberich-Payne
scored in the first inning was
enough to beat the Fire Co. but
they collected 9 mere in the next 8
innings and won easily by a score
of 19 to 5.
Nitrauer took batting
the winners with 4 hits.
honors for
Fire Co. * h o ae
John Germer, If .... 1 1 2 0 0
Keener, 2b. ........ i 2 3 4 1
J. Amdt, ie nL 00 1: 2:0 090
Schoek, 1b ......... 0 110 0 90
Groff, ss. .....0... 5 0-9 3 31 5
LL, Mumma, p ....:.. 0 1:1 10
W. Mateer, cf ...... 02% 3 0 1
B. Schroll, »f ...... 00 2 01
E. Mateer, vr ss...... 1 "17 ©
Rob Mateer, 3b .... 1 1 0 4 0
Totals: .......n... 51127 10. 8
G. P. * h oa e
Bigler, If .......... 321.03
Bap, po. 3:3 010
Nitrauer, r ss ...... rT 4.2 2 9
H.: Hipple, cf ....... 22 1 0-0
Good, 2b. 2 2 5 2 3
Halbleib, ss ....... 82 4 8
W. Hendrix, 1b .... 3 2 8 0 0
Rich Myers, rf ..... $8 0 00
Witmer, 3b ........ 1 1 4 51
Fogle, e ..........:. 0 1 2-0 0
Laskewitz, rf ...... 0.0 0 0 0
Totals: .......... 1922 27 18 5
G.P ..... 100102240 0-19
Fire Co 200030000—5
Umpires, J. Hendrix, Dillinger, C
Tigers vs Eshleman Bros.
In a free hitting and scoring
game Eshleman Bros. defeated the
Tigers by a score of 19 to 9 on
Monday evening.
Shires, ¢
Ramsey, 3b
Waltz, If
Cramer, ss ........
Smith, 2b... ...
Johnson, r ss
Secvears, c
Eshleman Bros.
G. Schneider, ¢ ....
R. Schneider, 3b ...
Divit, 35... ..
Beamesderfer, r ss .
Garber, if ........;
Metzler, p .........
S. Hendrix, 1b .....
Diffenderfer, cf
Roy Mateer, rf .....
Charles, 2b
CHI Ow So | =o = DODO OWT
Totals .......... 191827 9
Eshleman . 23020471 x—19
Umpires, Hendrix, Dillinger, C
A) ie.
Eshleman Bros. Defeat Shimmels
Two of the best games of the
season were played on Saturday af-
ternoon when Eshleman Bros. de-
feated the Shimmel A. C. of Har-
risburg, a double header by the
scores of 5 to 4 and 4 to 8, the last
game going 11 innings.
In the first game Eshleman Bros.
went scoreless for seven innings but
in the eighth they scored 5 runs af-
ter the Shimmel A. C. had scored 3
in the eighth.
With the score standing 4 to 1
and bases loaded. Garber hit 3 bag-
ger cleaning the bases and a mo-
ment later scored the winning run
when Metzler hit to the pitcher who
fumbled it.
In the second game with 1 out
and a man on second and third,

Diffenderfer hit over second base to
send in the winning run.
Eshleman Bros. will play a team
Recreation Field.
Local Doings In
Local Mortuary
coy Laure | pd Around Florin Record for a Week
Shimmel A. C. +: h 0 & @;
Weibley, r ss ...3,. 2 32.1 0
Clough, if 1 8&1 1 0
Morrell, ........ 0 1 2.3 {
Resch, 1b 0 2 8 0 Of
BIE © iu 91300
Baxter, bp 5. oO 2 1.1 ol
Lencioni, 3b ....... 0 0 52. 1
Schaef, 2b ......... 0.0 5 1 3
Strailey, cf I 10 1.0
Frazer, rf 1:0 00
Totals. i vive von 4 1324'10 2
Mt. Joy r h_ o ae
G. Schneider, ¢ .....1:8.:6 0 0
R. Schneider, 3b: ..:. 2.
Divi, 88. coc rn 1.1 2..3:10
Beam, rss... ..... 1 2.2.00
Garber, 18 1 3 1:00
Metzler, p OC 0.0.20
T Boy Mauafeer, of .... 0 0 1.1 0
Qharles, 2b ......s: 0 0.10.3
S. Hendrix, 1b ..... OO 11000
N. Mateer, rf ...... 0.2 1:00
Wotals' ........... 5132713 1
Shimmel 00010003044
MJ ....... 0008000005 x—b
Second Game
Shimmel A. C. rh o ae
Weibley, r ss ...... 1:2 3 00
Clough, If ......... 1 3 200
Morrell, ss ........ 06 1.4 1)
Resch, Ib .......... 0116 1 0
Miller, c .......... 0 0 2.0 1
Baxter. p 0. 0 0 0 4-1
Lencioni, 8b ....... 0 1 2:3 .3
Schael, 2b ........ 0 06 1 2 0
Strajley, ss, ef ..... 1-3 1 3 4
Frazer, »f-......... 0.0 2 0 0
McMullen, cf ...... 00-100
Totals .........;; 3103117 6
Eshleman Bros. r h oa e
G. Schneider, ¢ ..... oO 1 5 0 0
R. Schneider, 3b ... 1 0 1 5 121
Divit, ss 16 260
Beamesderfer, r ss . 2 1 6 0 0
Garber, If ......... 0 2 2 00
Metzler, p ........ 0:1 136
Diffenderfer, ef .... 0 1 1.0 ¢
Charles, 2h........, 0 0 3 10
S.. Hendrix, 1b ...., 0 112 1 0
N. Mateer, rf ...... 0-0 000
Totals... 4° 7:33.16 1
E. Bros. .2000000000 1—4
x—1 out when winning run scored
Umpires, Hen‘lrix, Ellis. Dillinger
— eer:
Grey Iron and Drytown Split
The Grey Iron and Drytown split
a double header last evening. Dry-
town won the first by a score of
12 to 8.
The Grey Iron won the second 8
to 3.
Mount Joy street defeated the
Tigers in a double header last eve-
Wednesday, August 3
Blue Devils vs Fire Co.
Eshleman Bros. vs Oldsmobile.
Friday, August 5
Oldsmobile vs Tigers.
Gerberich-Payne vs Blue Devils.
Monday, Aug. 8
Gerberich - Payne vs Eshleman
Tigers vs Blue Devils.
— 0) Ce
Standing of Teams
Second Half
Oldsmobile ....... 2 0 1.000
Gerberich-Payne . 2 1 667
Eshleman B, ..... 2 1 667
Bre. Co... ..... 5% 1 2 .333
Pigevs: 1 2 .333
,. i 0 2 .000
The Fats and Leans will again
cross bats on the Recreation Field
on Thursday evening to decide the
winner of the three game series, as
each team was victorious, so this
will be the deciding game. Pros
ceeds for the Welfare.
—— Eee
The Professional men have chall-
enged the Industrial Men in a Soft
Ball game on the Recreation Field
on Tuesday evening, August 9th.
Proceeds for the benefit of the Wel-
Diamond Dust
Clarence Schock’s men have also or-
ganized a baseball team,
The Loyal Sons Class of the United
Brethren Sunday School have organ-
ized a baseball team, They will prac-
tice on Thursday evening at 6:30 P, M.
at the Recreati

Lizzie § Collins of Lancaster,
spent a few days last week with Mrs.
Anna Eshleman.
Miss Bernice Breymeyer of Buffalo.
dig this week.
Master Jack Kener of Philadelphia,
spent a day and with Bennie
Kendig, Chester James Kit-
ner and Donald Mc
near Henry Eby’s,
time and wanted to

ey all had a good
tay longer.
im Eby, Mr. and
Mrs, Frank Eby and . John Miller
all of Lititz, called the former's
brother, Samuel on Saturday.
Owing to Landisville} camp Sunday
School will again be if the Salunga
M. E. church at 8:30 andard time,
with no preaching servi there for
the day.
ley by burning on Monday,
Mrs. Kerner of
Mrs. E. P. Kendig at their
the Landisville Camp Gro
Miss Minnie Eshleman wi
employees of the Lancaster
Co., enjoyed an outing at
Beach, on Saturday. A ride i
plane was one of the things
Mrs. Dalvin Malehorn and dagghter
Marie visited the former's aunt,\Mrs.
Jacob Geyer who is quite ill at\her
home in Elizabethtown.

(From page one)
daughter, Mildred, of Rheems; Mr.
and Mrs, Henry Becker and daugh-
ter, Phyllis, of Mount Joy; Mr. and
Mrs, Samuel Lindemuth and daugh-
ter, Miriam, of near Mount Joy; Mun |
David Lehman, Mrs. Mary Douple

The funeral of Mrs, Kettering was
held on Sunday afternoon at the home
and daughter, Louisa, and Mr. Sen-' and interment was made in Fairview
senig, all of Neffsville; Rev. and
Mrs. Henry Hess, Clarence Douple,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Greenawalt and
sons, Ralph and Carl; Charles and
Samuel Becker and Edna Strickler.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Hershey
and son, Bobbie, visited with the
former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. N.
E. Hershey.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Y. Kline, Sr.,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Strickler, of
Elizabethtown; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Y. Kline, Jr, Mrs. Anna Smith,
Miss Kathryn Kline and Mr. Carl
Rudy enjoyed an outing in the
country on Sunday.
The Crusaders’ Class, of the Unit-
ed Brethren Church held their
monthly meeting at the home of
Lucille Braun. The meeting was
presided over by the president, Miss
Elizabeth Stehman., New officers
were elected as follows: President,
Ida Mae Eisenberger; vice presi-
dent, Lucille Braun; secretary,
Fiances Fackler; Librarian, Esther
Buller. A short program was ren-
dered. Pencil and paper games were
played. A swimming party was
planned for the afternosn of Satur-
day, 6, at Hostetter« swim-
ming hole. Miss Kraybill, the
will chaperone. The meet-
ing was then adjourned.
Miss Sara B. Hershey and cousin
Miss Mary Erb, of Middletown,
were shopping at Harrisburg on
Ee ———

Probably the largest small mouth
bass ever caught in this vicinity was
landed from the river at the mouth of
Chickies creek Thursday evening by
John Rollman, Marietta street. The
fish weighed seven pounds exactly.
Not in years has a bass anywhere
near his size been caught around here.
Some five pound bass have been
caught but they were few. Four
pounds is considered extra large. Last
week an angler landed one weighing
six pounds and four ounces from the
Yellow Breeches creek in Cumberland
county. Fish Commissioner O. M.
Diebler said of that one that it prob-
ably was the largest fish of its species
ever caught in Pennsylvania,
The fish caught by Mr. Rollman was
almost twenty-five inches long. It
was 17 inches in circumference at the
thickest part of the body. Its mouth
was so large that the closed fist could
be put down its throat without any
trouble and its tongue was as big as a
Mr. Rollman caught the bass on a
plug. In describing the battle it put
up he related how it jumped clear of
the water seven times in an effort to
shake out the hook. Using a five
ounce split bamboo casting rod with
light tackle it took forty minutes to
land it. Shortly before landing the
seven pounder Mr. Rollman alse
caught one weighing four pounds. The
large one he intends having mounted.
Loren Somers, also of town, was fish-
ing with Mr. Rollman at the time and
he too was quite fortunate as he land-
ed a 22% inch pickerel.
Landis is spending a week
brother, Marvin Landis
and fanpily, at Elizabethtown.
Mr. 4nd Mrs. Elmer Hoffines en+
tertained Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith
and daughter, Dorothy, of Bain-
bridge, ofp Wednesday.
Mildred Hoffines entertained the
teacher an§ members of her Sunday
School clasy on Friday evening.
The following attended the Per
ry Co. reunfpn at Cassel’s Park on
Saturday: Mr. Dervin Shumaker
and family; Porothy Sipling, Mary
Gutshall, and YMabel Gutshall.

with her
Mrs. Lewis \ Saraceni and son,
Raphael, andy daughters, Mary,
Theresa and Frances; Mrs. Sara-
rene and daught®r, of New York,
spent the week \end with Dervin
Shumaker and faNily. Mrs. Sara-
lent and daughter, \Mary, are spend-
ing the week here.
Mary Gutshall her
Helen, at Lititz on nday.
Mr. Harry Gutshall\and wife and
David Hockenberry called on Ed-
ward Gutshall and fam\ly on Sun-
Emil Shumaker is spending the
week at New York as the guest of
Lewis Saraceni.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey\ Souders
called on Raymond and
family on Sunday evening.
Wilbur Landis and Christian For-
ry, Jr., spent Sunday at Lurdy Cav-
erns at Virginia which they &njoyed
very much.
Leon Allenman was taken t§ the
hospital at Lancaster on Su day
with an attack of appendicitis. e
operation was performed on Mon ay
lO Eee.
Save Young Pines
Insect pests attack trees as well
as farm crops. Watch the tops of
small white pines. If the needles
begin to wilt on last year’s growth,
doubtless the white pine weevil is
present. Control measures should
be practiced. Your county agent
will gladly furnish tais informa-
Wednesday, Aug. 3rd
Eges, per dozen .......... 15c¢-17¢
Butter, per pound ........... . 18¢
Lard, per poune ............. Te
Wheat, per bushel ....... vise. D2
Corn, per bushel ...... raves . 40c
| cemetery.
Mrs. Milton Sheaffer
Mrs. Dorothy Mae Sheaffer, 30;
wife of Milton Sheaffer, of Lancas-
ter, formerly of Manheim, died at
St. Joseph’s hospital on Friday
morning after an illness of three

Eli G. Reist
Eli G. Reist, seventy-seven, of
Longenecker’s road, a director of the
Union National Bank of Mount Joy
and treasurer of the Eastern Menno-
nite Board of Missions and Charities,
died at his home Thursday morning
of a complication of diseases.
He was born March 9, 1955, son of
the late Henry B. and Catherine Gar-
ber Reist, and is a member of the
Mennonite church.
He is survived by his wife, who
was Fianna B. Nissley before marriage
and the following children: Clarence,
of near Mt. Joy; Mabel, wife of Chris-
tian L, Nissley, Mt. Joy; Anna, wife
of Harry Weaver of Witmer; Mary,
wife of Wallace Greider, Landisville;
Henry, of State College; Eugene, of
Ephrata R. D. 1 and Alvin, of Mount
Joy R.D. 1,
Fourteen grandchildren and the fol-
lowing brothers and sisters also sur-
vive: Mary, wife of Samuel S. Kray-
bill, of Mt. Joy; Henry of Schnectady,
N. Y.; Emma, wife of Henry Hostet-
ter, near Mt. Joy and Mrs, Annie Eby
of Mount Joy. .
Brief services were held from the
home Saturday afternoon with further
services at the Mount Joy Mennonite
church. Interment was made in Kray-
bill's cemetery in East Donegal.
William G. Zeamer
William G. Zeamer, a well known
resident of West Hempfield township,
died suddenly at his home in Kinder-
hook, Monday evening. Death was
caused by a heart attack suffered upon
his return home from Lancaster Mon-
day afternoon where he attended the
funeral of his uncle, Aaron Zeamer.
He was in his sixty-fourth year.
He was a son of the late Mr. and
Mrs. Solomon Zeamer and lived his
entire life at Kinderhook. Upon his
father’s death he took over the man-
agement of his farm and was actively
engaged in that line of work until his
at one time owned the largest and
finest pack of fox hounds in this sec-
tion of the country and was a well
known figure at fox chases in Lancas-
ter, York and Chester counties. He
was also somewhat of an athlete in his
younger days and was at one time the
mainstay of the Old Olympics football
team of Columbia, which was in those
days the finest football team in Penn-
sylvania for more than two score years,
He was a member of Susquehanna
Aerie, Eagles, Columbia,
He is survived by six children: Eliz-
abeth Atkins, Endicott, N. Y.; Howard
A., Aaron A., Mae A., Woodrow A.,
and Helen A. Zeamer, all at home.
Funeral services will be held from the
home Thursday afternoon with services
in Kinderhook E. C. church, in charge
of Rev. Geo. H. Raker, pastor at two
o'clock. Burial will be in the Silver
Spring cemetery.

Tire prices slashed 20%
bought on tax free Firestohe
our history, will be continued
AUG. 6th.
safety, mileage, speed and endu
such unbelievably low prices.
prices—while they last.

death. He was a fox enthusiast, and

pllowance for your old tires. We over-
High Speed tires and tubes.
must move them at once and\are putting on the greatest sale in
This is positively the greatest opportunity you have ever had
to equip your car with the tires thathhold all world records for
the patented construction features of GUN
Sale ends Saturday night. You may never
Don’t delay.
equip your. car with these champion tires at

typing a
48 Old Market street, Mt, Joy. au?


2 have choice eating and
at all times.
NO eel]
cooking Apples
Also Fresh Killed Dr
Phone or write JOHN MELH!
Joy, Rpone 63M.
gasoline station
in Salunga. Must be
ed and financially able
proposition, Apply P, O, Box


eliable man to operate
dle the

very modern room 17x48 with entire
glass front, warehouse 17x20, ample
basement room, heat furnished. Im-
mediate possession. Located in heart
of business district. Apply to Jno. E,
days, of a complication of He Schroll, Phone 41J Mt. Joy. jly-27-tf
id i f the en
am disposing of the en-
Hames, Stock
, at Reduced
ind that we

tire stock of
very satisfactory manner, .
Salunga, Pa. jly-27-

Trust Company is called in ac-
with the by-laws of this
to convene in the office of
Company, Monday,
, from 10 to 11 o'clock
dard time, for the
and confirming the
Directors in the
ent to consoli-
orin Trust
act of the Board
execution of an agr
date the assets of th
Company with the
Bank, Mount Joy, Pa.
And for the transaction of s
business that may come befor
stockholders at this special ees 3
- 3
Re: Petition for the Dissolution of
eris Manufacturing Company,
ook No. 30, Page 353.
is hereby given that the Peris


Court of Common Pleas
ounty on June 4th 1932,
ecree of Dissolution,
has fixed August
‘clock A. M. for
ion for Dissolu-
tion, when and where
terested can attend if
expedient, and show cause
granting of the prayer of sai
jly-20-3t Attorneys for petitio
ALED PROPOSALS will be re-
at the residence of the under-
Manheim R. F. D, No. 4, until
‘clock noon, Eastern Standard
August 6, 1932, for contract
h anthracite coal for the
istrict of the Township of
Rapho, be delivered during the
month of August, 1932.
This shall be good hard coal to be
furnished f the anthracite mines
in the State %f Pennsylvania and the
! bidder shall Re the trade name of

the coal and the name of the mine.
The price shall Include the cost of de-
livery and delivered to the
following houses §nd amounts as fol-
Egg coal to be ddlivered as follows:
Lincoln. 4 tons,
Sporting Hill, 4 to
Garfield, 6 tons.
Newtown, 12 tons.
Union Square, 8 tons
Chiques, 4 tons,
Fairview, 4 tons, \
Stove coal to be deliver&d as follows:
McKinley, 8 tons.
Mt. Vernon, 6 tons.
Midway, 6 tons.
Chestnut Grove, 6 tons,
Backrun, 5 tons.
Sunnyside, 5 tons,
The right to reject any and a


Secretary Rapho Twp. School Board.
. |is reserved.


rance, ©

in today and
Rese sacrifice

Joy, Pa.

| [i HU Td
1 E01 O00
Repair Work.
refreshment stand,
E10 TL